The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 05, 1871, Image 1

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tcesdit varum, D)X i. 13171.
Facts for G-imbteri.
It is the Mlstrthi nf the YVmnr-rntu
rre to criticise und trnmlde nf the
financial finite? nf the Ntitionnt Ail-iniu'.-dVation.
tn reply In these critic
and pf'imhlif, the AlHnny Evening
Jonrnnt pertinently nbservp :
''1 The U'-piililii-iin pnrtv Im re
duced laves within (hp tfif fivo vir
t the nn. .itnt of 827.32;
tH U. it hft thrown nfl tates whi h
w nl. have produced n quarter of bil
Unn nf revenue n vear. or two mid n
half' times as much ns is now annually
paid n the puldic deht,
"2. Tim Kepitlilicaii pnrtv hn re
duced tlic current running' expendi
ture of tlit Government, apart from
tlmse stated amount which prow flllt
of thp wur; tut that while fli- v reach
cd the sum of 173.520 371 77 for the
ye.-ir endim' .Ton.- 30. 1S(8. they only
affrpjrati'il $!)..6-l8..V.I2 30 for year
en'linjr June 30, 1871.
"3. It tims appear conclusively that
the reduction of the Niitloiiiil ltlt i-i
Dot riff ted hy heavy taxation, hut in
f Iite of n large decrease of taxes. It is
pfl'eeted ly a vigorous retrenchment of
expenditure ntnl by flnnest service.
And it further appears tlmt tuts Ad
niiirstrntinn, instead of 'not doing any
more than the previous one,' is doine;
infiititplv tnore. It is paying nnn h
more of the deht on a much smaller
rate nf taxation. If the same rates
were prevailing now its tinder John,
fnn'n ndministriuinh, Prf stdciit Grunt
would pay three hundred and fifty
million of the deht u year, instead of
a hundred millions."
Death of an old P. inter.
A Teteran printer, John S. Greene,
died at Itnli nnpolis, Indiana, n few
days ago. lie was in the eighty eighth
year of his agp, and was pmhulilv " l he
oldest printer in the country. At the
nueof ten years he was brought to the
United States imin Donegal,' Ireland,
hy his parents, who located in Lan
caster, Pennsylvania, He remained
there, serving his apprenticeship in
printing business until tho breaking
mil of t he war of 1812, when he enlisted
in the Pennsylvania militia, mid serv
I'd until the cessation i,f! i ! . ' s.
He thei; went to Philadelphia, Inn re.
tuained there only a sh irt time, go
ing 'thence west to Vinei'iines, and
finally retracing his steps to Pittsburgh.
There he remained until 1834, when
lie. again went West, to Indianapolis,
and there worked nt his trade until
1838. He then purchased a farm, a
few miles from Indianapolis, an, I there
fpeut his summers, working in the w u
ter ut his trade in town. In 18-17 Jie
withdrew from active life altogether,
nud ever after lived on his farm. Re
cently hi healtn rapidly failed, the
result of old aire, and his death occur
red on the 1 T t It, at the ieidctice of
relatives in Indianapolis. He leaves
no family, never having been married.
In accordance with his oft repeated
request, his remains were takeu to
Pittsburg und interred.
We clip the following items from
the Clarion Democrat :
A hoy went into the mill, near Ship
eiJle, a few days ago, ami stole Mr.
Ilium's gold watch, w hich was hang
ing up.: At latest accounts the watch
hud not heeu recovered.
We have neglected heretofore to no
tice the fact, that another brass baud
has been organized in town, and under
the leadership nf Mr. A. Bonnet, the
new musicians will soon be ready fir
-engagement. Already, they play sev
em I pieces quite well.
Joseph Cochran, I"q ,nf Brnokville,
ilittd oil Monday of lat week, lie
f rmerly resided in Limestone town
ship, this county, and was a highly s
t -Blued citizen. Lnit; a Justice of the
Peace, and ruling elder in the Presby
terian church, lie was well ami lavn'r
alily known throughout this section of
country. Though well advanced !n
years, his death came rather unexpect
edly. Uiit lii consistent Chris:iun life
gave evidence f his preparation for
the life everlasting.
The house of Il unilti n CorUett, in
Clarion township, with nearly all its
contents, was burned, on Monday even
ing lust. The lire caught, in some
manner, in a room and ws so fur ad
vaacej when discovered, that little
properU could ne aived, 'Mm house
was rather oJd, and not vi-ry valuable,
but Mr. C. uud lamily siirt'er great .i.-
from having all their household p
seivgions Inn in n, cspceiully at this sea
now of ibe year. It is reported there
was Do hindrance.
Paxgkioc3 Ghkenbacjh. Peter
son's Couutertcit Detector says that
w ithin a week past a number' of c
ceedingly dangerous couutei leits have
madd llicir appejraure. How large
the number may be cannot le known,
for the counterfeit is so nearly faultless
tha'. it is with the utmost diliii.-ullv
that it can be distinguished from the
genuine. 1'hn spurious liiil is a twen
ty d ill. ir greenback. The only weak
point in the execution sce...s to he the
central figure, whuh Is a little too
coar.-cly done. When presented in a
p.uJiuue, however, ibis riguru is not
seen in rapid counting, it being hid
den by the htnd or tlieovei Iviug bills.
'I he other poi tts'iif the bill ure so ex
cellent as to stand the test of the
triT!igest light. . We are told that tw..
or three banks have been deceived bv
ihd bids. There has n il b en a more
ding, rim cuuuU'i ;lil put jlluul. LjuU
Mit for tboro
' Tlie Kric Dispatch lias the follow
lug brief hut interesting sketch of a
"Voting America" oil man "Mr,
John II. Gaily is the acknowledged
lead r nf operators at Parker's Land
ing, although he in young in years. In
appearance he" is biit a loy yet. About
three years ago he nought a" half inter,
eft in "The Island" at Parker's Land
ine for the oum of $10,000, paying
8100, all the money I e was possessed
of at the time, to bind the bargain.
He managed to borrow $0,000, and
paid for his property." One well was
producing forty barrels daily when he
made the purchase, and afterwards
steadily increased .i seventy barrels,
and up to the present lime has netted
Mr. Gaily $1 oO.OOO. He now controls
one hundred nod seven wells, and his
income is $18,000 a month. Fortune
favors him in nearly every instance.
When Jim. II. Gaily buys a piece of
'wild cat' territory and commence to
put down a test well, other operators
rush on immediately, and secure a
lease bef re his "big veil' is struck.
Although this young man is traveling I
on the highway to prim-ely fortune, he
doesn't put on airs. The casual ob
server cannot select him from among a
group of the most modest and plain
young men of the town."
"Wearpag'tin en lied upon (orcpord
the death of one nf the earl v !etlleis of
our township. Mr. Jons G. Ki:nt
woltTH passed from earth wav, nti the
evening of the 2t)lh iust , nrter a Mil
gering illurs", of cancer. Mr. M. wat
burn in Germany, in . I).. 180 ) emi
grated to Lancas:?' couniy, Pa. in his
Uih year. About the year A. I).. 1824
or 25, he, came to the neie-hborhood of
Fry burg, and married Mary CY'E.
Mahble. lie then rem ived to Stsrk
cminty, Ohio, where he remained about
two years, and. then returned to this
township, and lias resided w ithin its
bounds ever since. Mr. S.wasa man ol
great energy, nud enterprise. He wu
at dilleretit I imes engaged in the iron
business, smelting ore, boating metal,
and in the lunilier trade.- lie planned
an I laid out our thriving village, and,
was, u,, til within a few months of his
death, the widely know n and popular
landlord, at this place. Last Febrnu
ry be retired to his private residence,
iu this vilage, where he remained un
til the time nt his death. Mr. S. was
a firm I emocrat, and a good citizen,
a id in his death the party have lost u
firm SJpitorler, and tin. cnurounity
one to whom tliey are indebted for
ni-my of the eomt'orU they enjoy. Cor.
Clarion Democrat.
An examination of the report for a
vear shows that in the aggregate 8ot)
wel;s have been u:indoueil during the
year ending Nov.1,1871 ; that of these,
2.)8nive been resumed, a mt abaii
dnnuiciit of (501 wells, or 48.4 p.-r
mouth; the average number of pro
ilucing wells was 3,772. Froni this it
appears that all wells would, it' no new
ones were drilled, be finally abandoned
in about seventy eight mouths, or that
the average life of a well is tliirtv-niue
months, or three and one-fourth years.
Venango Spectator,
We Clip the following items from
the Warren Ledger:
While this has been a l-.nrd vear for
lumbermen, they are not discouraged,
but are going right on to make it their
business again the coming winter to
stock the' mills and get out timber for
running. An acre or more of bob
luils are piled up around the Several
blacksmith shops in town, only tlivuit
iug snow to be taken into the woods.
Those engaged in lumbering are usual
ly u brave class, and do not allow tri
fies to disturb their calculations. They
ure looking forward to another season
to make them all right ; uud we trust
they will not be disapHiiiited.
A correspondent informs ns that a
young man named George Wilson, was
killee about one mile above Spring
Creek Station recently, ' ('he time is
not iianifii), Sy a log rolling over him.
He was ut work on the premises of St.
John near .St. John's Mill, lie was
building a skid way for loading logs
una log car. He slipped and tell the
log rolling over him. He survived
but li Cecil minutes.
The Elk Meritocrat of lust week
contains the two following items:
During the past week some four or
five new building? have been otarted
in St. Mary's, and are lieing pushed
rapidly onward to completion, luuild
it continue to build up as fast during
the coining year as it lias the pa-t, It
w ill undoubtedly be a large place, and
the now vacant land, will all be taken
up inside of the borough limits.
A report is iu circulation that there
are some six or seven cases of small
pox in St. Mary's. We are pleased to
be able to state that this report is ut
terly false. There has not been any
cases of the kind there.
Last Thursday, 22-1 iusl., Jacob
Miller a resident of this place, shot' a
man, whose n.iine we have not learned,
in the leg with a load of buck-shot.
Jacob suid he was "fonliu'" with the
gun when it went nil'. The man that
was shot is boarding at Miller and ut
the time of the accident "all bands"
were under the influence of "the ur
dent." JJI; Advocate.
A It. -i ki:i.i;, (.-'ashier Tioncst
Suviugs l'.iuk, has been appointed
agent lor the celebrate I " Iiiiuui) Line
Occuu Steuiuers," ul this place. Any
person desirous id' going in Europe or
bringing friends to this country, w ill
do well to call on Mr. .Steele, who will
furnish them with ull thu iulbruiuiiou
Fot"B Evil. -Whoever habitually
uses any alcoholic preperatioiis as Hu
"appetizer" will be linely to stiller firm
lour evils. Viz : an overplus nf loi'.d in
the stomach, impaired ability to digest
it, the pangs of dspe ia, and a doc
tor's loll. Dr. Walker's Vegetable.
Vinegar Minns, the great Teetotal
Restorative of tho age, without over
stimulating the palate or irritating the
stomach, imparts it heathf'ul appetite,
promotes digestion, regulates the liver
and bowels, purifies the blood, and
thus, instead of entailing four evils,
confers four imstiiuuble benefits. 32 4t
Don't be Poisoned with the sticky,
filthy, dangerous H.iir Preparations,
but use Niture's lluir Restorative,
which is perfectly clear and transpar
ent, and entirely free from all danger
ous drug. It will positively restore
Gray Iltir, prevents the Hair fro.n
fallingolf, will cau-e it go w In-n prema
turely lost, removes dandruff and
keeps the head iu a perfectly healthy
C uiditioti. Try a bottleaud be satisfied
that it is thu greatest discovery of the
age. Procter Bros, Gloucester,
Sole Agents for the Patentee. All the
Druggists have a full supply. Seeud
Till If, MST,
roil l( K.MI(l:ii TKIi.M. 1871.
Ford A I.ncy v. T. MefioKkev emi.
x. A. l-'ord et. ul. vs. '. Mcl'loskey et. nl.
Korest I'ount.v vs. t'. .1. l-'ox, Iste Trea--.
Loiest County vs. John li. liramlon, late
I re:v.
Sol. .men Kont-V. John It. Ix-gnaid.
It. C. Ihtl vs. John II. I,e;nani.
lieoi L-p K. I'haver vs. T. A. Nolan Co.
H. S. llenUey vs. .1. T. fn.yle Co. l.eeicr vs. Warren' A Franklin llv
K. I.. Jonos vs. Paniel Mtirphv.
Commonwealth for uspvs. John Miller et.
al. '
1 II. Walter vs. S. Whitman.
J. S. Hood v..l. It. Shaw.
If. S. Thomas et. a1, vs. Ilenl. May et, al.
M, Anna l.nintivs. llsni. MavcL a!.
K. I,, ltiood vs Jetties Painter.
Charles lliiitouvs. Pro; rr i- Ui!l.
I. lnyd .V I .fwix for u-e vs. It. It. KolierN.
Kvabne 'oon t. al. i;-.inrdiu, heirs and
le:al represent vivos of Win. Armstrong
lee d vs. ('has. J. Fox.
F. T. I.nsk vs. William It. Toon.
P, M nniutt- Co. vs. lie rife S. Hun'er.
Jus. A. Lewiaet. ill. vs II. C. w-tienson.
K. I.. Jones vs. Ileorgp V. Foreman et. al.
II. H. Mav vs. .lames T. Wlii-neret. al.
II. II. May vs. John Miller et. al.
Itarmonv Township vs. O. C. A A. It. Hv.
leorun W. IVan vs. S. Caldwell.
W. A, llolenback vs. C S. Hiehanlson.
Adda Hunter vs. l. (iiltuan.
J. li. AUNKW, Prothv.
Xovember 13, I8"l. 33-3'
Whkbkas. The IlonorahleJami-sCamn
hell PreHident .lud.'Cof the Court of Com
mon Pleas and (JtnirterSessious in and lor
lite eiainty nt' Forest, has is-oted his pre
eept for holding a Conn ol Couimon Ph ss
Woarter Sessions, I iyer and 'I eriniuer and
lleneral Jail lel;very, at Tioncsta, for
the Countvof Forest, to commence r.n the
i'ourtli Monday of Hev. lies', beitiit the
-5th day of li e., 1x71. Notice is therefore
K-ven to the Cormier. JllsttoMnf the Peace
and t.'onsiahles o eminty, thiit thev be
'hen and titer- in th;r pr per persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of sa d day, with their
records, hunt. scions exa'itinat.nns and
filter remenihra .een, to do tlios t!nnrx
w hit h to tlieir oil ices appertuUi to lip done,
and to tho-p w ho hotind iu reeo;nizanee
to pr .wcp'itpa niinsl the piis m.-rs that are
or shall bp in the iail of Forest County. tha'
they ho then and (hero to prosecute ajaiitst
them as shall lie just, liiven umlvr my
haiul and seal this gilth day of Nov., A. Ii'
H71. F.. I.. DAVIS, Sh If.
ppr I). W. CLA ItK, Pepiuy.
A 11 I II A V I. K !
Samuel Bell, of W. K. S -liniertx rf
i"o , Wh"le-alp Ho i! and shoe Maiiofaeinr
prs. 31 Firth avenue, Plt'sburuh. Pa., has
lieen a!ll eted wiihehronle rlieuni it sh for
thi ty yetirs, rom Ids right hi to his foot,
havintt to ii-( i-ruteli and a cane, at times
so pninfnl as to ut'erlv ncaoaclta'e h m
fr in at'endimr to his b tsini-ss. Ilavitur
tried everv rfiii"dy known; without eff.s-i.
exep; t liiMiland's Pain Killer, ho was
final y indu -ed to try it. A sci-on-1 aipliea
tion Piiabled him to lay asldo his eru'eh.
and a third pltic'e I a permanent cure. Mr.
It' ll is a popular and wel -known eili?en.
is a living monument of tiie cffacaiy of
that L'mat nie-ll id ilNeoverv, liildnuVs
Picu Killer. Tho all! eted sh-mld ask tle'ir
trriK-er or dru gist lor i', and try its w in
dor ul power. Mr. 'Mil, Intel, 'we uti'ler
siaiift, xati's a rpHpeetalil" ajent in every
town and i untv for it. The principal oi
lieo is at 7:1 Third Avenue, Pittslumdi Pa.
B'rolilaltlc I!iti!o,i maaii.
We desire to enira'.'p a few more nifenls to
si ll tho worlil-renowncd improved liuek
eye .Sew tut Maehiup, at a lil-crul salary or
on cooiin ssiou. A hors, and waron given
tiaren. Full mit:ciiiars fiirniHhed n
npnlie t:oti. Address XV. A. II KX DKI!
StiN A- CO.. lienciai Audits, Cleveland, i.
or St Louis, M i. 3t-4t
Is a South American plant that has been
used for many years by the medical
acuity of those countries with wonderful
ellicuoy, and is a Sure am! Perfect Kemud
tor all Dis, ac of the
Liver and Si.leen. Knlar.Kinont or Ob
Htriietioti of lut', Crinary,
Clerine, or Abdominal i ir juns,"
Poverty ora wantof I'.jood, In
termittent or liemirtent "
Fevers, In llama' Ion ot
t!ie Liver. Dropsy,
IslilL'.oshl ircu
lallou ot'tliu
Itlood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice.
Scrofula, Dvspepsia, Aguo and Fever, or
their C nieom tauts.
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most pi rl'is-t alterative, and is nir.-rod
to tic-pubic hs a irreat iuvirorator and
remedy lor all ' of the blood, or
for iirgtiine weak ness w ith their Mticmialll For the foreoiu e unplaints
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to every
family as a household remedy, nud should
be ir eiy taken in ail derangement ol 'thu
'it is NuT A Pin SIC It is not what is
popularly called a lll'l Tl .1 S nor is ,1 in
tend. -d us such ; but is simply u power. ul
aitciativc i;ivioix health, viuo'r and tone to
all tlie vital Hir es, and animates and lorti
liesa 1 weak a. .(I ivinphatic temperaments.
JOHN H. K F.LLi ii(i, plan St., New
York- Sole Audit for the I nited States,
I 'rice i 'no Dollar per bottle. Send for
j Cireuiur. 2--It
i AV7ATCH FRFE to Airenia to intro-
I tin art YV that sell iu everv house.
U'liit Co., Pittsburgh, I'a. 3i 41
j Tb- Republican Otl"ic
KF.I'.PS constantly on hand a larire as
sortment m Blank Deeds, Mortat!',
i kiubuen:is, Warrants, .Summons, te. to
hi-)d obwip for ("ash. ft.
IVnmnu Hhoiv Thyself.
The great pul1pn'l"n bv tr. Cliiivso
will save you money and siiif.rinx.
Aorenls wnntoil vprvw lterot Indies prefer
red For tortus nldrpss Win. II, Krpns A'
Co., 740 Siinsom St., Philadelphia. 4t
qi nnr )M,"'', n n m,n ,m
O ' ' 'V-'u'.'pnt. eanvns-lng for
Hv tir. W. W. Mali. A rent Wanted. It
N. MeKintipy A Co., pi North 7th S'rppt,
Phila. Pa, 2- 4t
-Ni-. poetusofournow
BOOK Iri.,':
AGENTS iSsiim:
lustriitioiis to uiiv i,o.,k
a rent. Iree
eluirge Address Nationa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Publishing Co.
MAKKKT ST., west of 17th, Pllll,.
Ke-opeim Sep'emlier loth, 1M71. Thorough
Co louiate i ra niii'i for the pr lieeofM n
liimiueering. Civil Fmrineering, Moeliani
enl Ku dnecrtnu. Aual. tical In.itiitrial
Che- istry, Me.nlluri-y a ri Areliiteeture.
Tbo I'iploniH of (he Co lege Is received as
eoneiiKive evidence of protieietvy liy t e
lir -t eicrineers nod nmipan os en si in
w orks of Improvement. For Unit Anntial
Atmouni-einent, adilresg AI.FHF.l) I..
KKNNKIiY, M. I)., Prest. ol Faculty. 2a-4t
8100 a week HH per
nt and i.'"). HI. In cash
Til '1 4 pelllllle. ) free. Address Ameri
can Hook C., 02 William St.. N. Y. 4(1 4 1
...;-,... t..i;.. ;....
Patented Nnvempor I, lS7tl.
Samples free nt nl roei-ry stores. It. A.
Hurt left A Co., I'lu'a le'pliin, Pa. 22-41
Al i KN rT 111 r1 f VVNIl
Wanted lorVv J 1 LJ J K.J THE
C.rritl 4'MfIao;ratloii.
The tineeii City as it was and is The
I luiti et ol 4u years a in. 'the Ureal City
of vesterdiiv. The Smouldering Itoins nf
to-day. A graphi. account of il nuex.'.m
pleil r so and vivid pietu e ot its sudden
iletruction hv Co liprt if Chamnerhiiu, F.d
ilorsofthe CI I IC Alio TKI Ill'N li. livp
witnesss and great sufferers from the lor
riliie visitation. AH the main facts and
incidents attending this irreatp-t calamity
of the euntrv, are portrayed with Mir
passpd distinctness and power, the etlect
on Commerce, Insurance, A-e., fuily dis
cussed, and details ! a world's sympa
tlict'e rcsK nse reeordol.
Fully il'ustra'ed. Price low. Acents
shoo d apply immediately as the sale will
he luiin-nse. Circnhirs (Vp. lluhhard
Urns I'uliiislie s. 7-S Sanom St., Phila.
("ACTION. Ilw are of in'orior works.
He sure von iret A Cll A M Ulilt
lAI SMUTIoN, 3l-4t
Sexual Scienc
o u . ii - ut i mi. . .it.4,i. -IK, and
and their mutual interrelations I.Te. its
laws. Power. Ac, liv Prof. O. S. Fowler.
Send for Circulars and KpeciniMi paves.
Address National Publishing Co., Phila.
Pa. 2S-4t
AHENTS WANTKD. Kxclusive territo
ry granted on (he
Contains over ROti lllostrationg. is a
eomplete I.ibrarv of Biblical Knowled
l-ixcellsa'l otlters. In Knvlish and liprntan
Send for Circulars. Win. Flint A Co. Phil
(lclplna, I'a. 22-4t
P 1 1" K 5 11 A 1 I A CEN
ON AND A FT Kit II P. P. Sunday May
I, IS7U, Trains arrive at and leave the
I'nion Depot, corner of Wushintou and
Liberty street, as follows;
Mail Train, l.-U a in; Fast Line, 12.12 a
m ; Well s accommodation No, l,c.-0a m
iirinton accomiiiodation No I. 7. Ml a in;
Wall's accommodation No 2, ...' a in ;Cin
einnati express ii.lii a in ; Johnstown ac
commodation I i.'iO am; Itraddis-k s ac
c mmodaiion No 1, ".no pm; Pittslitiri;h
express I.S0 p in; Pacilie express l.fiO p in ;
Walls accommodation No :i, 2.:''5 p in;
lloniowood aeeolnllioihitioil No l,.5"i p in;
Wall's iiceoinin .datioii No 4, f.."si p m ;
Krlntoii ai-eouunodation No 2, 1.10 p m;
Way Passenger ln.-f) p m.
Southern express ft.-O a m : Paciilc ex
press 2.40 a m ; W all s accommodation
1. Ii..'la m Mail Train K.ln a m ; llruiton a
accommodation 1 ..i0 a ill ; llraddis k's ac-
isiiiiiuodation NoLi.IO p in; Cincinuaii
express 12.:V, p in; Walls accommodation
1 i.oi a m ; -loiuiKtow n iiccomirouiuioii
4.0.1 p l
in; lloinewo id accoiiinioihition No
1. 8 50 n m; I'liilado'phia exiiress 3.-.0 p m:
Wall accommodation No l,:i.0.p m;iill a
accominiHlatioii No 4, (I.O'i p in ; Fust Lino
7. 10 p m : Wail s No 5, II.' u p ut.
Tbo Chureo Traina leave Wall's Station
every Sunday at U.u a. in. reaching Pitu
burh ut 10. 5 a. in. ItetnriiiiiK leave Pitta
Imndi at 1...VI p. in., and urrive ut Wull's
Station at :'.l i p. in.
i liieinnu'i express leaves d lily. South
ern express dail v except Mo. lay. All oili
er Trams daily, except Sunday.
For further in ormiition aply to
W. It. 1 1 l-.C K W 1 T II , Ajront.
Tho Pennsylvania Ituilroad Company
will ii"t assume auv Itisk lor Uauvtaue pj.
ccpt lor Wc-arinic Apparel, and limit their
rsponsiliilitv to i me lli.i.ilred Dolla'ival
llii. All lilL.'.en;e ec-eilin that a omit
in value will be at the risk of thu ;ner,
unless taken by special contract.
(Jeneral Supcriutciident, Altoonn Pa.
A lirst-class larw ipiar'o Journal. (It col
umns, Iliiistni ed. Or one year tor till
cents Willi two bound lectures, bv Janus
Mi-i osh, D. D. I.. L. 1 1., and l-i. 1; Haven,
D. I.. L. L. D., as premiums Semi name
and address 1 1 Vo ipie s Journal. Philadel
phia, Pa.
WANTKD AtiKNTS ijrjl sr davi to
sell the celebrated llll.MK MIL"!'
TLIi sF.WINii M AillIS" ii. Ilaslheun-ilei'-lecd.
luukes tho"lock sliteli.'" a ikeon
both sides, and fully licensed. Tlie best
and cheapest lami y SewiiiK Machine in
tl 3 market. Address Johnson. Clark it'
Co., It-.Mon. M:iss Pit sbuigh, Pa.. Chica
go, ill., or M. Louis, Mo, r2-4t
Attention Agenls Think of This
WoiKlcrful Success ! 21,000
I copies of Iirockott's History of tho
Fiiiiieo-Ocrinaii War, sold first (ill days.
It will soon contain a full history of Un
bloody ltchcHion in ltn is, inukiiiir nearly
IKi'i paves and 15 I eleiraut illustrations, and
; will sell 5 limes fuller than hereto !brp,
i Price only t2,."ii). Incoiiiplete works,
w ritten in Die ink rest ol the Irish anil
French, are being ntlcre I with old cuts,
and 'or w tint of niur.t claiiliini; pi bo of
licial, Ac, lie war ' olsii. h. iirockett's in
botli Fn'.isb and Herman, is the most im
puual, popitltti', ru.iable, cheap uud at
n llinx u.ek txtiuit. I.ook lo your in
teiests, strike ipiiekly uud you inn coin
m ncy. Circulars In eand terms excel'ed
h nnie. A. H. HCH11AKD, Publisher,
I 4 in Ohetnul. tit., Phila. 12-tw.
Contain no LAC SULPHUR Xo
AJiG-Xo XlTRAl'i: OF S1L
YKR, and M entirely free from the
ionou and Health defraying
Jriig tilted in other Hair IWpara
(ions. Transparent and plpnr ns crystal, H w'll
not soil top line -I Inlirio. -pert'ecilv SAFK,
CI, KAN nod F.FFICIF.NT desideratum
I. A S I I
It ri-stores and prevpiits the Hair from
beeominjt Uray, I n li n t - a f, ulossy ap-peiii-mi-e,
removes liandruir. Is poof and
refivshinur to the head, cheek Hip Hair
I rom falling olV, and restores it to a nre:it
extent when prcniaMirely lost, prevent
llendaches, cure all humors, cutaneous
ropiions, and unnatural heat. AS A
KHKSSINW l-nlt II K Allt IT IS Tlll-i
llliSl'AHII I KIN Tlll-i MA ItK FT.
lilt. o. SMITH. Pa'entee, Avpr. Mass.
Prepared only bv PHOCTFIt ItHo'llI
lilts, ( iloucester, Mas. The kronuino is
put up in a imiud li ttlo, made expressly
lor it, with I ho name of the article blown
ii die lihiss. Ask your I irutirlxl for
Na'uro's itair liostorative, and take no
er-SiMid two threo cent stamps to
Procter llrotliera for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." Tbo information it con
tains is worth ii (1,11) to any person,
only rel able, (' toplmo ivl tlueiy illustra-
td History of
The tastest selliiiir book ever issued. Apt
quickly and -.ecu re extra 'ernis and choice
I'u 11. "(iii'iil, .V) cents. llcn'TAUI) Itntm.
Publishers, 7il Sans an S, Phiia. 31 1-4 j
It contain over l ',0 fine en;rav.ui ol
Ilat'.le Scenes mid incidents in the War,
ami is the only FC I.I.. AC I'll KNTIC mid
OKF1CIAI, h'istory of that :reat eontlii-t.
Agents a e nieetinu witli iinpreepden'cd
smvins scllimi from '-(I lo 40sip;es per day
and it Is published in both J-.nhsh anil
I ft II Tinfilnrerior histories are be'.nir
wnw I iwiicirenbtteil. See that the iMiok
you buy contains I.Vi lino -UsTravina ai.d
sou piujes. Send for circulars A- sec our
teniM, Hilda full description of the work.
Address NATIONAL 1'C IJLfsl I IXi
Co., Phila., Pa. If-4t
Send for mjr new Price List and
i inn roi ill iii n -,siiii iiim ii, i , .ii iu .in ii
' Toil d rectioiis imikiuit a larue saving to
consumers and reinunerati ve club or.uan
Tlic CSrent Aiuerifau Tea
31 A 33 VliSKY STItKKT,
r. O. Box HH l. kk.w York. 22 4t
W1IV Carbolic Tabids.
For C iuchs, Colds and Hoarsen ss.
! These Tablets present tbo Acid in Com
, bination with other elllcicnt rouiislie. inn
I popinar form, for the Cure of all throat
j and luiijt diseases. I lourseocs and CI-
eei-aiiou of the throat are immediately ro'
lieved. and stateineiits ate i-onstantly be
inn sent to the proprietor of relief in eases
. ol Throat ililliciiities oi years siamiing.
1 O A I ITT I Ho sure that you
VJ I IWI. Ket Weils" Carlsil
icTablets; don tletotberoodB be palmed
. oil' on you iu their place.
Joint IJ. Kel :OiS, -O I'Ultl St., K. V.'Mote
Ajrent. Sold by l)rutrg;sts, Price 2." cents
a Isix 22-4t
Agents V anted ! Extra Terms
Itook n . 'oi ti have Ion j wanted a novelty
In the siibscrinti hi lino, which will sell at
, siirlit in everv
1"a flLlOtilAlj I AHHLI.ivlivlltK
is tlic only work extant w lueli satlsiies
this want. It is beaut ilul ami atrikmii.
coinli ninif an entirely new und eiec.aiil
Family I'lctojiraph Album, with a com
plote Family History. Full particular
Iree. rtihliess (Iihi. Alncleuu, Publisher,
7'.! Sans un Street, Pluladelihia. 22-lt
Apply to G 110. G." PICKLES,
79, Nassau St., New York City.
23 A ami
carriage tiirni In-d ; expenses paid ; sam
ples cc. 11. II. SHAW, Alfred Me, 3J-4t
M.-v'cs i'TK'i l-'i'H
Being an l:.ipuse of iic ftecnrl ititet
and Jyic'V of Mormon turn.
With a In. I und aiilh utie history of
Polyuiuiiy, by J. II. Iteadle, Kditor of the
Sail Luku Ucporter.
Ancnts are uiii-tins! with unppcpn'ed
Kin-t-ss, one reports I.Sil sutiseribers in tour
days, author 71 in two ilav. sei-d lor
C rentals and see v. but tic- pre-is says of
the work, National Publ.shiii Co.. I'hia.,
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
dial ut the old F.vei hurt Hank, two
miles from New lounville for 7 cents per
or nt Tionesta and vicinity for
He alw ays has a large supply on band,
Now is tho time to lay in a large suppl
Orders promptly attended to 29
lull WOKK neally executed at thisoftle
nt rnnwinnlila rair-.
HsviX (J
anil other article too numrrnua to men
tion, just received at
Water Street, Tionetta, I'a.
,TK have just employed one of tho best
uutturs in me state, and our
Cannot ip surpassed In Western Ponnsvl
vama, and all goods and iita warraiued" to
give satis. acliun.
and we will suit you, or rerlsh in the at
tempt. I- UILBRO!;-EKCX).
The plae to buy evm-y raritty mf
at inn
ia nt the extensive) Tea Rtort m(
where yon can always find a larire mwirt.
input ol the be'st Teas at New Yvrk priatw.
A lnrn assortment of
Groceries and rroilslons,
oneipialod In finality and cheapness brsnr
other store in Warren eoiuitv. always on
hand. The people of Forest county will
n, ,,.,.,., ,,jf IIU1CI1M.S1IIU UlCir IIOPIJV'
at tliis place. '
iiesl branda of
elelivered at any depot on the llnof th .
Ntore on Main St. near the Depot.
IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a ro
article of Hoots nml Shoos ol it,., t'i,,
w eirkiiianslilp, gnte
lSatlsiUctlon irinirnn:eel. 2-.M t(.
H. V. V Ii A IC I .
Atd Dealer In
Ilepairiiit: done in a workmanlike .
manner nml warranted to give patit
l e eniri! isi., opposite I'est eilllco,
Oun mnterials of every kind. Write for
I'rieo last, totircat Western tJun Work,
Fittsbui'Kh, I'a. Army nuns and Revol
vers boiiLrlit or traded line n-.Wrl
WiNTFn A ''"' XT. evervvhera to
i- V canvass tor our irent liOI-
l.Mtl'aper. A line.0OHe'el 10 etraving
.... .. , , m,,-.,-, ,,,, , i-,.Mrnoriiinurv
iudueements. Address 1J. 11. ltl.SSF.Ml
Huston, Muss. put
io you want a situation as iinnt,
liK'iil or travoliiiK w,th chance t
makp ?"i to $0 per dav sellim. our
new 7 strand White Wire liothei
LilesT They last lorever, saiepi
lis-, so tliero is no risk. Address at one
Hudson Kiver Wire Works, i-or. Water
St., A Ma den I,anc, A'. Y., eir lti liearb ir
.St., hii-aipi, lii t
AGENTS WANTICH! For the linlllaal -Wittv
Ity olive Lnunn. l'li-ases everybody:
will sell immensely; is trenial, lauiit v anil
tiure-toiind; has title In 5 colors, and 9
Illustrations. Nothing like it I Canvass.
imr-H sik a rare lieautv. New World
Piiblmhinj Co., 7th ft. Market Sis., I'lula.
m. p. getciiell;
Dealer tit
Xotious, Boutw A, HUocn,
&c, &c, &c,
Has the Largest and most Complete Steak
now on hand, of any sou 9 iu
Uavinflf purchased niT stock sine
tlie irreat decline in Gold, I can ell
(mils cheaper than buy Dry Good
House iu the Oil licgions. Person
purchasing goods of nie will save 25
percent. M. V, GETCIIELL.
Tidioiito. April 11, 1870. 4-Gra
L. V
, UltOCKK I T S Fopulnr history
oi me. iiroooy
Now e'oiitaiiiiiii a lull account of the
Fearful Rols?n of Terror in Paris.
Is soiling beyond all precedent.
It Is by fur theniost reli vble and on I y com
pleteaud imprrlial history of that m gh'v
striiKile ami its iiiomentnus results. (J 12
pa tea nearly ."0 spirited lllimtrat ons,
i'rieo, oulv $.'.50. 40,0 hi copies ul ready
sold. It is issued in b itli I n "lisli and
liei iniitf, and is bovond p-stion tiio fastest
selling Uii k extant. Wide awake eiiorgel.
ic agenls, wanted. 1'cinis extra. Nov is
'he time to ,-oin nmnev. A. II. HUH.
ItAUl), Fubiislier, 4U0 Chestnut Si. Puila.,
I'a. u tt
SnscuiRK fortbe ForissTKopubllorB
It will pay, r