EIDTOR. fTESDJI lOUNRQ, NOlf. II, 1871. ' . '," ' , gi A Pertinent Ouery, Will T.nmbermm Work in Concert, or tthall be "Itommed" at the Month of the Creektrvery time we have a Flood? Mr. EnrroK : It h retnarkabla that a question of iircli vast importice should receive so little attention at the liamU of those directly interested. One or two raAs, or barges, coming down the creek without a pilot, is al most sure to niako a gorge nt the Tio nesta bridge ; and especially when there are nifu lying just above, or. the right hnnd side of the creek, in the natural low water channel. This might all bo avoided, if owners and jobbers would work in concert, as parties mu tually interested, and form a tyttem which could not but prove advanta geous to both. System is the basis of ucccas in all butincti. East of tho mountains they have a system, nod though the waters arc much rougher, yet if we proportion the length of tho streams, and the amount of lumber run, we will find that the cost of running is much less than it is iu Tionesta Crejk. I do not propose to give my views of a system which would remedy this evil, at the piesent time; but hope Tionesta lumbermen will call a meeting through the columns of your valuable paper, and take action on this matter. They might, also, at comparatively small cost, do away with those intol erable nuisances at Lacytown and Bear Creek, blast some of the worst rocks, wing-dam some of the bars, and guarantee to themsclres, tolerable safe ty in running their lumber. F. Carrier Seminary and Normal Col lege at Clarion, Opened Sept. 21, . 1871. It is with no ordinary pleasure that wejeommend to our readers this insti tion. It is every way worth its widely growing reputation and just such a school as thoughtful parents, who de sire to give their children a practical education, will be rejoiced to find. It aims at a broad and generous culture and by a thorough traiuing to fit young men and womeu for the duties and responsibilities of life. The influ ences of a christian home are combin ed with tho advantages of a school of highest grade. The charges nre mod crate less than any other school in the State affording equal advantages. The Faculty is full. The Normal Col lego prepares teachers for common schools. The Musical Department is tinequaled by any institution in the State. An accomplished Professor is iu charge of every department. Pi anos, Organs, &c, arc furnished for a full course. The large and beautiful buildings are fitted up in excellent tyle, and every possible preparation is making for the Winter term which commences November 30th. The din cipline of the school is exact, and the institution deserves the largo and se lect patronage which it will receive, Wend to Prof. J. J. Steadruan, A. M., Clarion, Pa., for a circular. Clarion Republican. Pittsburgh Female College. . llany of our readers will bo iotcr cttcd i the anouiicemcut that the win ter term of the Pittbuigh Female col lege will commence on Monday even ing December 11. Among tho requi sites of u good school are good building, a well fetlected course of study, a full and comptttut Faculty, and judicious and faithful oven-ight Tho College posstwes all these, and much more, in an eminent degree. The buildings aro large, beautiful, tastefully fitted up aud well furnuhed. The course of study has bei-u selected with great care. The Faculty number twenty tuo exjicriciued teachers. The Lit erary department is well supplied, and t-hcro are special teachers for all the ornamental branches, there are lour music teachers,, native teachers of French and Gcriuao, t'fcrhers of draw ing, puiutiug, needlework, waxwork. &e. Tho colU-ge justly challenges comparison. The luauogerneiit, too, is what every judicium parent must heartily commend. If yoti have daugh ters to educate seud to the President, Bev. I. C. Pershing, I). D., Pittsburgh Ta., for catalogue. The thief recom mendation of many schools is their cxhorbitant chara, and yet there are a kind of double duiicis who ustiiuute the value of aehool, aJ of all thine rie. t.y inejr charges, ami ho are on- !v happy when jwyia lw',! j.ri. The following item are from the Vanango Spectator: We henrd a lady boast the ether dnv that she had made forty-one "calls" in inreo Hours, ihisisa fraction more limn four initiates to the visit, and yet the dear creature cull that sociability. We don't know whether this is schedule time or not, but we'll wager a bark switch against a piper collar that each lady called oil knows every stitch her visitor wears, and Iim made a rough estimate of tho coat of tho outfit before she leaves the honee. Boiler Explosion At ha1fint eleven o'clock on Wednesday niyht of Jan week a Dmier at one or the I'rcn. tice, Angell & Co. wells, on Mt. Hope, exploded with great force, tearing tho engine house to pieces, blowing the boiler, which weighed about 3,500 lbs., a distance of 200 feet, and dangerously injuring Rankin Arnold, one of the drillers, who received a fractured skull, a broken leg and severe scalds. Mr, Arnold was in tho engine house at the time of the explosion. The other work men were in the derrick and escaped injury. Tho explosion was caused by low water. i m A party of surveyors are encaccd in laying out the new railroad route across the Egbert, McCrsy r.,J Boyd. It seems to be the prevailing opinion that the Pennsylvania Petroleum IUilroad is to ho pushed through to Oil City, connecting at that point with the Franklin Division of the Lake Shore & Michigan -Southern Hailroad, there by giving the N. V. Central or Van dirbilt railroad interest both an east ern and western connection. At present tho grading is done from near Titusville to some distauce this stile of Shaffer farm, and is being pushed ahead ns fast as nearly seven hundred men armed with picks and shove's can do the work. Ret. On. Record. A lengthened and exhaustive series of experiments with a new alloy caueu pnnspnorous oronte, which u formed by a combination of phosphor ous with dill'crnt prop'irtionsof tiu and copper, have proved that it is ad intra- Vlv a.rlanrnsl tr PAn!ut!nn 1 1 a rwvw. wsj ixstuik.va n VCItin ii i; lltV tjtlMl. tlfflH III and strain incident to heavv ordinance. ana also to the mauutacture of nia clnuery sunjectea to excessive strain or violent shocks. Among the miner ous purposes to which it may be applied, lomaioi uriuiug toots. 1 lie alloy may also be tempered so as to resist the action of the file. It is claimed to possess elasticity," hardness, tenacity and durability far superior to that of the best steJ. Herald. A True Bill. "Brick" Pomcroy says it requires more pi tick for a young man to establish a printing office in a country town, where ho is compelled to be editor, canvassing agent, type setter, proofreader, pressman, mailing clerk, wood sawyer aud itemizer every thine in tact, in order that ins paper may live, than is required in any other hnsiness. llo mus-t work hard and live poor. Business men fail and leave him to whistle for money which he eanrrol very well do without. Sub Bcribers rH about him, who profess to he good, take his paper, then die, re move to a distant town, or away with out paying their debts. He is expect ed to work for any man ot his party who- may come up for othce ; to print handbills, to advertise notice and fur nish election tickets, often times for nothin". He must be first and foremost to encouratro evcrv enterprise of the place, and tho last man to be paid for wort done, iftDor perwrmeo, or innu encc given. Don't Suffer your hair to fall off when a bottle or two of Nature's Hair Keetorative will check it. Splendidly perfumed and as clear as crjstal. All wide awake druggists sell it. See ad vertisement. The Boston Post says : A young lady swooned iu a Wisconsin church and the doctors gave her up for dead. At the funeral she arose and gave reasons for postponing the ceremony which were agreed by all the mourners to be convincing. Suppose a feller what hits nothin,' marries a gal what has nothin,' is her things his'n, or his'n her'n, or is his'n and her'n his'n? x Book Binding. We are agent for us good a book bindery as there is anywhere. Wc are prepared to do all tho biuding which moy bo brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. in pies cau be seen at this office. Mrs. Ilogcrs wishes to infurm her fiieuds, and the public in general, that she has jtifet returned from Buffalo with a new and elegant stock of Fall aud Winter millinery good?, consisting of tho latest styles of Huts, Bonnets, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Bib bous Ac, which she is prepared to sell cheap fur cuh. Her shop id to be found over tho store of the Superior Lumber Co. 20 tf Foil Sale. One 20 Horse Power Timber Engine and Boiler in good " der. Inquire of D. i?. Knox, 1-tf. Tionesta, Pa. Have you ever tried Nature's Hair Restorative? You will bo Mo lighted with it. Clean, fiifu, and efli cieiii. It is driviuc ull the iioMoiious t oiuKiutids out of this warUt. It is - r)ir ascryta1. rVo n.l vcrtitcmeat. ForR Evil. Whoever habitual lv uses any alcoholic nreperntion as an "appetizer"' wUI be likely o sutler from four evils, viz : an overplus of food In tho stomach, impaired ability to digest it, the panga of dspersia, and a doc tor' bill. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters, tho great Teetotal Restorative of the age, without over stimulating the palate or irritating tho stomach, imparts a heathful appetite, promotes digestion, regulates the liver and bowels, purifies the blood, and thus, instead of entailing four evils, confers four inestiinablo benefits. 32 4t PROCLAMATION. Whkskas, The llonnrahleJninc Camp bell President Judtronf the Court of Cum mnn Pirns nnd Quarter Session in nnd for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept fr holding a Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ,c., at Tionesta, for the County of Korest, to i-oniiueiiee on the fourth Mondny of Dee. next, Is-ing tho 2.rthdiiy of lco., ItsTI. Notice is therefore (tiven to the Coroner, .lustier of the Pence and Constable nl id eountv, that they he then and there in their proper persons Mt ten o'clock A. M., or said duvt with their record. lniUisitions examinations nnd other remembrances, ( ,m tloso things which . their nfllccs appertain to he done, a"l to thone who hound in wongnirjinee to prosccutoagniust the prisoners Unit are or bIibII I In the (all of Forest County ,tlmt they 1 then and there to proseeute ogninst them an shall Im lust, (ilvcn nndor mv hnnd and sml this lioth duv of Nov.,A. 1 171. K. 1 HAVIS, Sk'tr. per rH W. CLARK, PepiKy. TKIAE, I.I.ST, FOR DKC'EMIIKR TKRM. 1871. Ford A Ijiov vs. T. MeClcwkev et al. 8. A. Ford et, al. vs. C. MeChmkev et. al. ror.-Mt Countv vs. C. J. Fox, Into Trens, Korest County vs. John O. ltrandon, late Trriw. Solomon Zenta v John B. Ijcsnard. K. C. Hill vs. John It. I-OL'iinrd. Cieorire K. Thayer vs. T. A. Nolnn A Co. H. . ltontlev vs. J. T. Crovlo A Co. Charles Iilper vs. Warren A Franklin Ity V.. L. Jones vs. Tnniel Miirnhv. Conimoiiwealtli fir use vs. John Miller et. al. I. H. Walter vs. S. Whitman. J. S. Mood vs. J. 11. Minw. II. H. Thniuns et. al. vs. ltenj. May et. uT. M. Anns ljtmb vs. lk-n. May et. al. K. 1-, lllood vs. James i'ainler. Charles lliuton vs. Proper v Hill. I.lovd A I.cwis for uso vs. K. K. Itoberts. Kvalins Cmii et. al. uUArdinus, heirs and lejtul representatives of Wm. Armstrong d"e'd vs. CIism. J. Ftx. F. T. I.usk vs. William It. Cism. P. Minnlii t- Co. vs. lienrire S. Hunter. Jus. A. Lewis et. in, vs U. C. tstt-ohenson. K. I.. Jones vs. (ieoriro V. Freemnn et. al. II. II. May vs. James T. Whlaner ct. al. II. II. May vs. John Miller et. al. Harmony Township vs. O. C. tt A. It. lty. Co. fleorffo W. Dean vs. S. Caldwell. W. A, llolenba. k vs. C. S. Hiehardson. Adda Hunter vs. (. Oilninn. J. II. AUXEW, Troth v. November 13, 171. 3-;tt A Complete Pictorla" Tim.es." History of the "Tho tfst, ehenest, and most suecossful faintly 1'apcr in tho L ulon. ' Sn-KXDIPLY ILLUSTRATED. XoUen of the Prr$i. Tho Model Xowspnncr of our cnuntrv Co m pic to in all the departments of nil American Family PajH-r, Harper' h'eek Iu has earned for itself a riulit to its title. 'A Joiirnnt of Civilization. -Vrw York h'renintf J1t. i no ii inibi lent ion or us class in America, and so far head of all other week ly Journals ns not to permit of nnv coin parison between it and any of their num ber. Its columns contain tho finest cnlloc tions of rending mutur tluit are printed. Its illustrations nro numerous and beautiful, ts-init furnished by tho chief artists of the country. Jtaslan Traveller. Jlarvrr weekly is tho best and most in terestiiiK illustrated new spaper. Nor does its value depend on its illustrations alone, Its read in it matter is of a hiph order of lit erary merit varied, lnstructivc.eiitertniii In);, and unexceptionable. A'. Y. Hun. svmciirrroys.-JS72. - TERMS i Harper's Weekly, ono yenr - $4.00. An Kxtra Copy of either ths ilatjazine. Weekly or Haiar will be supplied gratis for every Club of live ulieriler at f4.no each, in ono remittance ; or six copies for fciO.OO, without extra copy. Hulvscriptions to llaiper'n apaiine. Weekly, and Jlazar taone address ibr one year, jlO.OO; or, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address for ono year, 7.00. Hock numbers can Ihi hiipplnd at any time. Tho Annual Volumes of Harper' WVi Jt ly, in neat cloth binding, w ill bo sent by express, for 7.00 each. A coinplelo Rut, comprising fifteen Voluiucs, -nt on re ceipt of cash at the rnto of t-.Z per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. The postage, on Uaiper't Weekly is SO cents a -year, which must bo paid 'at the subscriber's post-ollice. Address, HARPliR IJROTHKHM. New York. iJ-iPsychcmancy. This word is derived from the Greek, signifying tho power of tho soul, spirit or mind, and is the basis of nil human knowledge. Psychomnney is the title of a new work of 400 pages, by Horbert Hamilton, It. A., giving full instructions in tho science of Soul Churuiing and Psychologic Fascinn tion ; how to exert this wonderful power over men or animals instantaneously, at will. It touches Mesmerism, how to (in come Trance or Writing Mediums, Divina tion, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy of omens nnd Drcuins, Xrighntn Young's Harem, Ouido to Marriage, tic. This is the only book in the Fnglish language pro fessing to teiu-h this occult hw or, and is of immense advantage to More-hunt law yers, Physicians, mid especially to I-over in securing tho affections of tlio opposite sex, and nil seeking riches or luippinusa. Price by mail, in clotli, il.'S) ; paper isiv ers $1, for side by J. 11. Lippincolt it Co., and Claxcn, Reinsiin A Co., Philadelphia. Agents wanted for this book, Mcdieal Works, Perfumery, Jewelry, tc. Mani ples free to aijenln only. For single coph-s by mail, nnd terms lo Agents, a Idrcss T. V. Kvnns, Publisher, 41 So. 8th St., Philu., Pa. l!0- WANTF.n ACF.XTS (ft;0 s-r davi'to sell the celebrated HUM K Sll L'T TLKKKWINti MACHINK. Hiistheuii-der-fced, makes tho "lock stitch." alike on both sides, mid fully licensed. The best and cheapest family Sewing Mnchinn in the llilill.ct. Address Johnson, Chirk it Co., HoKlon, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pu., Chica go, 111., or St. l-ouis, Mo. r-4t TATCH FREE to Aprents to intro- dui-o urtich s that sell ill everv house. Lulu .t Co., PiLtsburgh, Pa. :IU-4t liilja.T A MOXTIII-Horsa and carriage, furnislu ii j expenses paid; s:un- ulusoc. II. 11. SI I AW, Alli ed Me. 8J-41 ttUUSCRIIHO iVrtli. lr ill Jv. I'i rest np:il !i'-rn Woman Know Tlijitrlf. Tho prent publication liv r. Chnvs-wo WOM AN AS A WIKK AN1 MOTH Kit, will suro you money and suffering." Agents wanted everywhere; Indies prefer red For terms address Win. It. Kvons ,t Co., 7 lOMnnmiiii St., Philadelphia. it Q1 nflfV1"'1" ,n 0 in'li I'V ono V I s VM ' Wagon t. canvassing for THE GUIDE BOARD. By Ir. W. W. Hull. Agents Wnntod. It. N. McKinncy Co., ti North 7th Street, I'll I la. Pa, 2S-4t TiTinri mAWii win send n JttJCX rl II X V handsome lrim. BOOK iertusofour new llnstrnted Fain- ilv liilile eon A fTH WrPC! l"lnff over '2H1 2LVTJX AM line Strlpturo Il lustrations to ny Hook a;jent, freo of elmrjro. Address National l'uMislilnn Ctv. I'hilmlelphm, Pa. liX-H POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, or THK STATU OV VKXKSVI.VAStA,. MARKKT ST., west or 17tl. PHII-A,, lie-opens September 10th, 1H71. Tlioronjrh CnlH-fthitc traininv for the pretU-e of Mine F.nitineerinfr, Civil KnifliuMTinit, Meelmni eul Fninci'iinti, Analyliial Imiustriid Choi tistry, Metnlluray a' ld Areliiteeture. The Plploma of tho tilleo Is received ns eo-luiive evideneo of prolieioney by tho tlrst engineers and eoiiiiuinies eiiKuel in worksof improvement. For li'tii Annual AniMnineeinent, addrs A1jFKKI K KfcNNKDY, MD., Prest. or Faculty. W)-4t APPHTC "i 100 a week W r HULI1IO f cent and J:.,00C in ea-sh M , . fjirir.es. Inforinntion male female. 1 free. Address Ameri can Uo,,k Co., 02 William St., X. Y. 4i-4t Pwteitted Xoveniper 1, 1K70. Samples free at nl rocery stores. IT. A. Hnrtlett A Co:, ntiladclplua, ra. -:-x A M I It AC'IiK! Mr. Snmtiel Roll, of W. F.. Schmerte. ,C Co . Wholesale Hoot and Shoo Manufneiur- ors, .11 Filth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has iMt'ii ntuicteu witnclironie rneuniniisn tor thi.tv venrs. from his riirht hip to his foot, luivimt to use a crutch nnd n cane, nt times so painful ns to utterly inenpneitato him trom attonilinft to ins nusiness, iinvinn tried every remedy known, without effect. except tiillilnnd s Pain Killer, ho was tlnnliy inuuceti to try 11. A seeonu nppnen tion enabled him to' lay aside his crutch, and a third cflcctod a permanent cure. Mr. Hell is n popular and well-known citizen, is n living monument of the effacney of Unit prent medical iliscovery,. (tillilanil s Pain Killer. Tho nlllicted should uk their ifroecr or ilrt'.tgist for il, nnd try its won derful power. Mr. tllllilund, "we under Htand. wnnts a rospectiible m;ciit in overy town noil county lor it. The principal of lioo is nt Third Avenue, Pittsburgh Pn. ai --It Wanted for UHICAGOAN THE CSroat Conflagration. Tho tjneen City as it wns nnd is. Tho Hiimlet of 40 jenrs a-o. Tho tJrcnt City of yesterday. The Smouldering Kuius of to-dny. A uniplil.; aix-ount of its unexam pled r se nnd vivid picture, of its sudden detrurtion bv Colls-rt it-Chamlterluin, F.d itorsoftho CHICAdO TKlHt'NI-:. Kye witncwises and prent sullerors from tho ter riblo visitation. All tho main facts ami Incidents attending this sreatest enlnmlty of tho country, are portrayed with sur passed distinctness and power, tho effect on Commerce, Insm-unoe, Ac, ftuly Uis cussed, and dehiils of a world'h syinpv thetie resismso recorded. Fully illustrated. Price low. AccnN should" apply immediately as the Halo will be immense. Circulars freo. Hubbard liros.. Pulilislie s, 7-''! Sansoin St., Phihi. CAUTION. Uewnro of inferior works. Ho suro von get COLHF.lt A CI I A M HF.lt LAIXSKDITIOX. il-4t A 'li.i.i.tii U.-OUUI oi lose loo in all Its phases, written by a Convict, endorsed by tho present Governor of tho Stato, tho Warden and Chnplin of the Prison. It lifts tho vail mid reveals the horrors of that lifo under tho old system of brutal treat ment, stnrvings, whippings, shamefaced criminalities witli female, convicts, muti nies, murders, Ac., also tho advantages of the new system of kind treatment, lately inntipi ruled. It Is full of stirrir.it Incleents, and vivid pen pictures, facts as exciting as Motion. It is profusely illustrated, is creating a profound sensation and is sure to prove the great popular fust-selling book of tho season. Price low. For Illustrated circu lar and extra tonus, address Hubbard liros., Publishers, " Sunsom St., Philu., Pn. - liT-It. AGENTS WANTED FOR Sexual Scienc Inclining muiiliood. Woiiianliood and and their mutual interrelations. Love, its laws. Power, An., bv Prof. O. S. Fowlor. Send for Circulars and specimen pages. Address National Publishing Co., Philu. Pa. 28-4t AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive territo ry grunted on tho PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE. Contains over 300 Illustrations. Is a coinpleto Library of Itiblical Knowledgo. Exii-llsall others. In Kuglish and Gorman Siid for Circulars. Wm. Flint it Co, Phil delphia, Pu. 2-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply toGKO. G. HICKLKS, 70, Nassau St., Xew York City. FREE 3 MONTHS ON TRI AL. A first -clnss large ipiarto Joiirnal.ftl col umns, llliiNtratisl. Or one year lor On cents with two hound lis-tures, bv Janus McCosh, 1'. I'. 1 L. D., and E. ti Haven, D. 1., I.. I. D., ns prcmiiiiiis Send nnme and address . Pi-.rpk- Joiiriml, Pluhulcl phia, Pu. 20,000 IMIt.Ii:it.N. THE II ELPEIt shows you how to s.ivo ami how lo luako inoiicv on thu farm. Where lo look l"r the prolils, and to obtain them. I low lo cli.:ir f hhi.iki troni is-tobir to May. A oopv freo lo every larincr send ing name-ami P. O. Aildrens l .iegler A Mci'unly, Pliiladelphia, Pa. ai-4t Vhitnry'i Nrutu Keot llnrum Sunp. .-V sii-.a.m ki:fi.m:i. II ils, mucks, I'olislies and Sisips ut Ihe same lime. Put up Iu large and .unall si.e boxes also It lb. bur. Hns licon in uso fisr years ami givos ncrf.s-t sntisfnctioii. .-'and slump lor our A MKI.Y. Addrns (J. F. Wliili,. A C.v. vi Milk St., l: ,Moii, 3 SQ Prospectus for 1872. FIFTH YKAIt. ' A IlcjH'cxintutii c ami Champion n Ameri can Art. , THE ALDINE: An l tlttttrati'il Monthly Journal claim! to be the hantttomc.it Paper in the IVorhl. NEW FEATURES FOB 1872. ART DEPARTMENT. As n Kunrnnteo ofthe exeelleneo of this department, tho pulilu-hcr would beir to anuouneo during the coniinit year, fpoel mens from the following eminent Ainort can Artists i V.'. T. ltlclmrds, Win. Hart. Win. Heard, (loorre Smilev, Au. Will Oninvilln Perkins, Victor Nehllg, Win. II. Wilcox, Jnines It. Henrd, James Stnilev, R. F.. Piguet',. Frnnk lteani, l'nol IHtoii l u. c. lmrtev Ji llows. Theso iictures nro lielng roprodueod without regard to expense, by tho verv best engrnvers in tho country, and will bear the severest critical comparison witli tho best foreign work, it Inking tho deter mination of the publishers that Til K AL- . . - 1INK shall be n successful vindication of Am rienn tnsto iu competition witli any existing publication iu tho world. LITEUARY DEPARTMENT. Where so much attention is nnid to illus tration nnd get up of the work, too much I deiondenco on appearance may very naturally bo fenced. To anticipate sucii misgivings, it Is only noccssury to suit", that, the editorial management of '1 11 10 ALOINF. has been intrusted to Mr. Rich ard Henry Stoddard, who hns rweived as surances of assistance from a host of the most popular writers and poets of the CMintry. THE VOLUME FOR 1872 w ill contain nearly :ioo pages, and about '!.0 tino engravings. Commencing with tho lumilier for Jniiury, overy third num ber will eontaiu n beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted as n front isoiocc. Tho Christmns number for 1S7J, will no a splendid volunio in itself, eontiiiiiig fifty engravings, (four in tint! and, altliotigii retuiled nt H will bo sent without extra charge to all yearly subscribers, A Chromo to every Subscriber wns n very popular feature last year, nnd will be repeated with tho present volume. Tho publishers have purchased and repro duced, at great expense, tho beautiful oil painting by Skis, entitled "D.imk N tchk's St iiooi,." Tho chromo Is llxl.l inches, and is an exact fnc-siinile, in size and appearance, of tho original picture. No American chromo, which will at nil compare w ith it, has yet been oll'orodat re tail for less thnn the "price usked for Til K ALIilXP. and it together. It will Imj de livered free, with tho January number, to every subscribers who pays for one year in advance. TERMS FOR 1372. Onecnpu, vue ycitr, v illi Oil Chrumo to.OO Five Vopie, " " " 0.00 Any person sending 10 mimes and $40 w ill receive tin extra copy gratis, making ii copios lor too money. Any person wishing to work fornprwii nm. can have our premium circular on bp plication. Wo give tuaiiv beautiful and dcHimlilcnrticlcs oll'crcd by no other paper, Anv person wishing to act, pernianunt ly, ns our ngeut, will apply, ith reertnee, enclosing n tor outrii. JAMES SUTTON & CO,, l'L'ni.isiiKiis, 23 Liberty St., New York. PITH OLE VALT-EY R'Y. AX AXI AFTF.U Mondny, Juno 5. IST1, w i rains will run us loiiows : - TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. ' Xo. '. ' Xo. 4, Olefipolis, 10.4i!am 8 10 p m lienueii, ju.9 - a.-.-a WcHwIs lil.;W " .H.IS Prnthers Mill 10 24 " 8.10 Phholu City 10.10 ' 2.55 TRAINS SOUTlIWAItn. STATIONS. Tithole Citv, Prathcrs Mill Woods l'.Cllllltt No. I. No. 8. 8.4i a m 1.40 p m - J.4S 8..VI " 1..V! 0.02 " sun " a. in Oleopelis aii r.xtra Train leaves rithoio city on Saturdays at tl. 10 p. in. making close con nection at i lcnHlis with Trains on the Oil Creek .v Alleglieny Kiver Kail way forCnr ry and Intermediate points. "Return Traill leaves Oleopolis nt 7.15 p, ni.. nrrivingut Pitholn Citv at 7.51. All other Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek it Allegheny River Ilnilwnv, North and South. Two Linos of Stages run daily hot ween Pitholo Citv. Miller ! arm ami Pleasant villa, niakiugeoiinection witharrivingaud departing I mills. J. 1. ulAtlt, FIO. ItlSllOP, Sup't, Tieket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. PJSNNSYLVAXIA CN TRAL RAILROAD OX AND AFTER II P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870,, Trains arrive at ami leave the I'nion Depot, corner of Wusliinton and j.iuerty street, as follows; "ARRIVE. Sfuil Train, 1.H0 a m ; Fast Line, 12.12 i m ; Well's accommodation No. 1, ll.'JO a m Hrinton uii'oiiimodatioii No 1, 7.50 a ill Wall's aivoinmndation No 2, 8.55a m ;C'in einuuti express Uinit Johnstown ae commoilatiou 10.5U a ill ; llruddiH-k's ae (viniiiiixlatioii No 1, 7.00 p ill ; Pittsburgh express 1..I0 p in; 1'ucihc express 1.60 p iu Wull's accoiuiuodution No il, 2.J15 p m Honiewootl uceoinmodution No I.U.55 pm i uu s accommodation ?.ni, n.ao p m Itrinton uccoinniodation No 2, 1.10 p ui W'uy Passenger 10.20 p in. DEPART. Southern express 6.20 a m ; Pueblo ex Iiress 2.40 a m ; Wall's uccoiuniodatioii No , B.oOu m i Mail Train 8.10 a m ; llrinton's nmsinimodution 1 1.20 a m ; liraddock's commiMliitioii No I, 5.10 p iu ; Cincinnati express 12JI5 p til ; Wall's nccotiiuitslation N 2, 11.51 u m ; Johnstown accoiun odation 4.0." p m ; Homewond aecoinmodathiii No 1, 8.50 p m; Philadelphia express 3.50 p in Willi uccointiiudutiou No 3,3.05 p m; nil s ncisiiiiiuislation No 4, 0.05 p III : l ast Lino 7.40 p in; Wull's No 3. 11.00 p III. Tho Church Trains leave Wull's Station every Sunday ut 11.05 a. in., reaching Pitts burgh ut 10.05 a. in. Returning leave Pitts hunch ut 12.50 p. m., and arrive ut all Station ut 2.10 p. iu. Cinciunuti express leaves d lily. South em express ilailv except Moi .lav. Alloth t-r Trains daily, except Sunday. For further information aplv to W. II. HECKWITI1, Agent. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compunv will not assume anv Risk lor Jtnggago ex ecpl for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsilulity to One Hundred Dolluisvul tie. All bugg-.ige exceeding that a mutt in value wilt be ut the risk of the. ucr, unless taken by special contrai l. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, AUoona Pa. AdKXTS WANTKI) KOR LIFE m UTH Re in if an lljrjioae oj the, Seereet Ritet and Mii'ter'at of ihfmoniem. Willi a full anil uiithentio historv of Polygamy, by J. II. Bcudlc, l'.diter of tho Salt ljiko R"iortcr. Agents are uu.eting witli un poet n toil j siicehs, one reMrls lNj fcubscrioers iu tour j mil 9, uuiili'r it 111 io Hill n, t-iro lor i Circulars uud sec v. hat the press svsofl the u..rU, Nufior.nl Piil.li-libig Co.. Phlu., i 1"-1 Look Owitll NEW GOODS I DRY GOODS! WOOLLEN GOODS ! Beavers, Cloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, Vestings, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, and othor articles too nnmsron to men lion, Just received at H ILBRONNER & O'S Water Street, Tionetla, Pa. T J E hove Just employed one of tho best cutters tn the State, and our TAILORING DEPARTMENT Cannot ie surpassed in Western Pennsvl- vanin, and ull goods and tits warranted' to give sutisluctiou. GIVE US A CALL, and wo will suit you, or pcrifch in the at- icuipi. I uir.isiJONNFis .rt-o:.!';,1, TIDIOTJTB T E A STORE! i Tlie place to buy evry variety of Ihe VERY DESTITEA3 AT Til a L 0 WRST PRICKS, Is nt tho 'oxicnslvo Tea Store of II. T. CIIAFFEY, where you enn always find a largo aMortv inent ol tho bi-siTeas nt New Y'ork prioaa. A Inrg assortineiit of Groceries and rrovLslons, lino((iiiiled In (innlityniidchoapnrssbysny oilier store In Wnrreii county, always oil hsnd. The people of Forest county vlit snve money by purchasing their u ppllo at this nhice. r Rest brands of FA MIL I F L O UR, dsllvered at any depot on tho linoof tkt R', R. freo. Storo on Main St. nenr tho Depot. tHE " BOOT AND SHOE STOBB.. I V YOU W A NT a perfect lit nnd a good I article of Roots mid Shoes, of tho bussl workmanship, go to II. Ii. JIct'AXC'irM, 3!) C ENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. .TtJff-attsTiietlon euiirantoed. 2-33 tf. TTIDIOTTTIE, FJ. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER,. Ard Dealer in yATcn:s, jkwfluy, and M USICAL INSTIl U Kepairing done iu a workmatilikw muiiiHT uiul warranted to givO aatii faction. '41y R E Y N 0 LOS.B RDll D H EA DXCO 1 Centru Sl., opposite Post Ollice, ' OIL CITY, PENN'A. di:ali:i:h in FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRLS.S GOODS, CARPETIXO, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SU0L II A TS A CA I'S, TRDDIIXGS -NOTION;, I'.TC, KTCl RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS KEVOLV& film iniiterlals of every" kind. tWritfl for Price List, to Great Westerly Gun AV'orks, Pittsburgh, Pa. Arnivgurts ami -Ituvol-' vers bought or traded jor.w.geiits wantl.- Wk AOKNl-S, vy where t If rllt I I.U canvas tor our groiU 0O1 I.AR I'nper. A llnofJ.00Steel.K 'gfav.iitf given toovory siibsorils'r. . KxIniorHinnj-r-induceiuents. Address U. IS. Rl'SSKI.L, Iloston, Muss. 1U--U GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS lio you want a situntinn as igent, l(H-nl or traveling with chalice -to muko $j to 8-0 per (lav selling our new T strand White U'ire Clothes Liles? They last forever, satcpla Iree, so thero Is no risk. Address at one Hudson River Wiro Works, cor. Wator St., A Maiden Lano, N. Y., or Hi Deurluru St., Chicago, 10 4t AO K NTS WANT-KIM For tho BnilUnk WlttV R(M)k - , ; THE MIMIC WORLD, AND PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS. Ry Olive Logan. I'lonses overvbodv: will soil immensely is genial, jauiitvund rmro-toned hns titlo in 5 colors, and V Illustrations. Nothing like it ! Canvass-lug-Hook a raro beuutv. New World Publishing Co., 7th .t Market Sts., Phila. Tyo TICK. Whcrens letters tostuinsntary lv to tho estate of 11. K. A. Stlngle, lai of Kingsloy Township, ileh'd, have been granted to tho subscriber, all persons In- , debted to said estatoare rwp-iested to ninka Inunoiliuto payment, and those having claims or demands against tho ostato of said decedent, will muko known nnd pre sent the wne without delay, duly authen ticated to l;RKU CK. I.KDAROUR, Kxoeutor. 8-Ut Kingsley Township. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM, M. P. GETCHELL,. Pealer m DRY GOODS HATS &c OAFS, Ac, Ac, tc, . , . COr.XElt MAIS t DEro f STS TIDIOUTE, PA. Mas tlie T.nrgest and most Cnniplot Stnlt now on hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having imivliiixcd my stock einra the reat doclino in Gold, I can sell poods cheaper than any Drv Goods House in tlio Oil Ieion. 'Poraona purehasinjj goods of liio will save 2 1-ercetit. M. P. GETCHELL. 'fid ioti to, April 11, 1870. 4-l!n Tl3 Republican Office I T.T.r.ps i A- s-iiini i'S con:it:nt!v on hand a lnree as- 'iiimentol 'iiliLiik Deeds. Morlirne'i m. .-Miij)iieo.i.s, Wurraiits, Summons, Ac. to sold cheap for cah. If. WORK . neatlv ex's-titcd at tiiis ofj. . al r.i -ii--, :tl . U- r iirs.