ALLEGHENY VALLEY FAIL RCAO! OKKAT through llOUTE . FnoM The Oil Rr?Ions(o nttsliurgli, THE EAST AND THE WEST! &LEEl'TXO CARS On nil night train, rnssemrci-s and lmg rae transferred at Oil Citv, Frfe or t'llAHOEl Trains make dirprt pnnncction with nil Rond centering Hi Oil Citv, nnd lcavo ns follows: Day Kxprom leave- Oil Cit t 2 HO p m Ariivesnt Pittsbiirirh.... n-..- iKXipm IS icht Express I.rnve O 9 20 p ni Arrives nt Pittsburgh I! 15 a m Mail Train leaves () 005 am Arrives nt Pittlburgh 5 f 0 p m Pay Express leaves Pittsburgh nt 7 20a m Arrrivcsnt Cil Citvnt 2 15 p m Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh X 40 pin Arrives nt Oi . City 615am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh !l 15 n in Arrives nt Oil City 7 ;t5 n m Tnssrnsrei travelling by this Route will flnil better accommodation and make bet ter time than Iv nnv olher road from the Oil Re-inn to Plttshnrirli. . J1 J.LAWIiKM H, Pen. Snpt, JONES HOUS"Ef" CLARION, rENN'A. .1 S. JONES Proprietor. Agents War led lor the I.nn'! of SACRED MYSTERY'S ByRpv V, l JACK The y.i jndest nun most popular nrvbock out. Hundreds oi superb fllnstratii lis, wee!, etc. No other lxk like it nrue eilinir half so Aai nts sell 00 to 1,'Oof it and Prof, stnwc's Sclf-lntcrpirtii'g Ili 1 le. Extra largo inducements offered, trend fei i-ren'mrs so Wortliingtod, Pustiu A Co., Hartford, Conn. 48-4t Ot'TOKEK, 1 SCO. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COED IS SOW TUB ONLY Thrend put up for tlm Anierienn marker which i.-, L.. six-cord in all numrers, From No. 8 to No. KO inclusive. For XIi;I ru1 ?Iacltlnc. likaTfTrrrcAP'H A LIU) ITas slniy-1 the tVst of seven years hrjorc i.'ie pitb.'ic ; and no prepar ation for the firth' has yet been dis forcred Hint trill produce the same hciu I'n-ial re.rults. It is an entirely new scientific discorery, combin ing man of the wont powerful ami fesoralire agents in Hie VtCET-.Bi-E (CI 'iCSUUl. If restores CREY 1 1 A? TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH" l-"UL CSLCft. It makes the scalp i"iiite ami clean; cures il.tndritjf fiifl humors, and fallinar out of Imir; and will mako it grow i p in- Irtttl heads, except in verif ((? )ervmnH, as it fitrnishe the lutlrliiec principle hn tvltlch the lid ir in nourished ami supported. Jt iniii.en the lirnr vioitit. soft, and tloist. and in iinmii'iiasseil as a .1 .1 I 1 1 l) 11 K H S l X O. It it the t !io;iicst preparation erer offered ro r.'.: imhltr. as one oonie nun ac cinnpli ik more , ami lust tanner x'tun ;kio littles of any other firepurailoii. It it rt ctmi mended and ttsed by .'. i-'irnt Aleilical Authority. T,ie ll'oiiderfiil results produced In oar .Sicilian flair llenewerhnve niliiccil inaii.if to manufacture preparations f or the Hair, under cui iottJ mimes s and, in, order to inili.f.3 the trade ami the public to purchase their compounds, they ttnru rc-iarted to falsehood, by it i i mi nt they were former part ners, or find some connection with, our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was simitar to ours. lo not dcrciee.l hy t lit in. I'urchase the orlainal: it tins nerer yet been ctiii-illeil. Our Treatise on the Jlair, with certificates, sent free iiy that each bottlo has our prirnte llerenue Stamp orer the tup of the bottle. All others are imitations, JL F. Hall 1 Co., Prop's, Nashua, fl.H. Soitl i ult Di ufjfjiiits and DaUeii in Medidn4. J. C. LONG, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL- WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOTJTE I3. first Door ubovo Kxchango Hotel. 4-ly mVT ALLLIS' 1 I M M 1 IP Ii H O IMPROVED O V v K E D D M A i I C MAGIC M A (i I C BALM! W. II. PERKINS A ., .fcle Propri etors, Fruiiklin, Pa. 44 JLi it ELIaS A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAX.XEIVS C- L7F0RNI A VINEGAR BITTERS Tlnndrcds of Thousands ? S Dear tMtliTofT tft th1f Wonder, ful cunUtv kfToeta. its a ? Si f S 3 rnrr ahe kot a vile FANCY DRINK. M V Iidof Prior Itiini, Wfalaker, Trnuf 3. IHt nml Iefi:BO IMquum Ccctond, tploed tntl -ircct ened plccetlio Uttc, called" Tonic, MAppctu crs," ' ncftiorcr," ie., Ictd tt.e tippler ca to drnskeuccFS azd ruki. but arc o Imo Mculclne, m&da from t: o I.f t ve CooUcnd IlirUcf California, Oc frntu r.ll Alcnbi'llct tltiiulnnte. Tbortro tha USKAT lU.OO!) ri KlFtElt and A LIFE C1V1M1 1'It IM'II'I.B ptrfect Konorttor tad Ln-lsorctor cf t!i3 Syrtctn, carrying off all polsonooa matter aad rcrlortnjr. tha Llood to a health condition. Xo person can toLo thcao LUWra according to dirao t!on and rcrroln lor.s nrtwcll. 61tO irlllbo given foran Inenrabla caae, proTlded the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or otner cccrs, and tho vital organs vastcd beyond tba point cf repair. Ftir Inflnmmiitory find Chronlo ItliersmA f lrrm nnd (Joct, lyspppsln, vr Irjdlgffatton Bilioua, ltt'Bilitrnt and iDlermittent Fevers DincniH-a of tbo Xiluod, Liver, Kidneys, and Dladdrr. tLcea Bittcva tare been most socccsa fal. frnch Diaranrs ara canted by Vitiated TJIooti. vhlch Is generally r-rodaccd by dorangement of Cie lirc8tivo Organs. IIVS-IU'MA Oil INDIGESTION, Bead ache, lain in Uio Bewilders, tout Us, Tlf btness or the Cbct, Dixzlncss, fsour E nictations of the Stomach, Cod tasu- In the Month, Bilious Attacks, ralpitatJca of thu Heart, lLflcinicaUen of the Longs, Tain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred otiicr painlnl symptoms, are the ofTspringsof Dyspepsia. Tb' y Invigorate tho Stomach and stlmnlals the tcr pldllvcrand bowels, Vfhlch renderthemofanecinalled tQcoey In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and tmpartln7 new lifo at.d rigor to the vhoio system. FOll SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Sari r.hecm, Clotches, Spots, limplcs, 1 uctules. Bolls, Car banolcs, rang-Worms, Scald-Ilcad, bore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, ecarfs, Dlscolorallons of the Cain, Humors and Discsses of the bkln, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system la a shop timo by tho use of these Bitters. One bottle la such caaos will convince tho moat Incredulous of their curatlvo effect. Clcanfo tbo Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Imparities banting through tho skin in rimples. Erup tions or Sores t clcanso It w bca yon find It obstructed and slngslsh In tha veins i cleanse It when It is foul, and your feolings will tell yon when. Keep the blov. pure and the health of the system will follow. Fl, TAl'E and other YVOUMrt, Inrkinglntha sycu-m tf so many thousands, are effectually destroy clc&'X removed. 1'or fall directions, rwtd carefully tiio circular around each bottle, priuted in four lan guages ELgliih, German, French and Spanish. J. WALUER, Proprietor. D 3. ilcDOKaiD CO, Srugjlcls and Gen. Agents, Ean Francisco, CaU and 83 and 84 Commerce Street, Sew Tork. SOLO BT ALL DKTjaaiETS ASD DEALEH3. ACENTS WAXTK7? Mil a month by the Amkhil'n Knittino Machine Co., lloston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 46-4 THE KOVELTY CLOTHES WRINGER Nothing except the Sowin' Mnehine has ever beeu invented whieh so much re lieves tho labor of the household as the Wringer. But its usefulness does not end here. Tho savinit of elothinfr is of miiuh preater iinportanee. It is oiten remarked that articles of fine texture lust twiee as long when wrung in a wringer as when wriinii by hand. Tho Novelty has cog wheels on both ends. The rolls ajo allow ed to separate freely at either end. These, besides other advantages which it contains seem to bo imlispniiHalil-i to a piauticnl wringer. Xcw York Jniliyentlent. Tuk Novh.ty Wbinukk Has become an indispensable institution in thousands of families. And we bePeve its jrreat and increasing popularity is fully merited lor the Novelty evidently possesses all the re miihitoa of a Unit class, practical machine. Indeed, after using one for mcny months in our own family, we are prepared to en dorse tho Novelty as unsurpassed (tho laundress says lineqitriled) by any of tlie several wringers previously tried. -Moore't Jiurul Xuie Yorker. AOEOTS Ttstil tor Twel?s Years zs Wild Indians & Plains, The remarkable adventures of the fa mous White Oliiufnnd lli Warrioramonn the Ited ISkins. 'i'hrillinjr accounts of Great Jiiinls, llairbreadlh Lscnpes and Terrible Contests with ti e bit? eutuo and hostle tribes. Sjiiriled deseriitions of tho habits anil superstitions of that strantre people. Their ISports, Legends, Tradi tions. How they H'jo and Weil, Scalu. Doctor, Worship, ite. Now, fresh nnd I'opular. l'liceliw It is selling by tun thousunds with wonderful rapidity. ".Send at once for sample chapters, Illustration and specia' terms, to lluliburd llros., Pub lishers, 7-!3 buuuom 'btreet, riiiladelphiu. "-lt ba ia 0Oel ana rtrrt bli,a GOY r. A'crmtee r aBHl Sarina trVd ,r;l.aje Wte, aaa U aVir th every tletaam. sstU St ItrarrlMs tans. SstU fcr lrnrit--J Mid l.lvr. U rClll'l HCKV, AGENTS WANTED FOH ROMANISM AS IT IS. This Hook, nil elegant Octavo Volume, eoiuaiiiiiiu 70U jiagcs, aud 10 j tirst-eluss en gravings, is an exliauslive and Htandard work, eiiiiiin'tly adapted to its origin to tlie present time, exposes its havclcs pre tences, its bunds, its persecutions, its gross iiiimoruhiies, its opposilvui lo our public schools, and civil and religious lilv i rly, it simwk ii insidious workings which strongly tend to bring this country under lull Komish control. Prospectus, and hooks ready on application. Conn, Pub lishing Co., llarlloid Conn. 22-lt WANTED AUKNTH (20 per flav) to sell tlie celebrated HOME SHUT TLE SKWIXU MACHINE. Has the 1111-lier-fci d, makes the "lock stitch." alike on both sides, nnd fully licensed. Tlie best and cheapest laiuilv Sewing Machine in tlie market. Address Johnson. Clark it Co.. lii.slon, Mass., PUb-burgh, Pa., I'liiea tf", Hi., oi St. Louis, Mo. i'Mt o o S J HnHI Mat mtY Jt" III ft III " 0 .' I ii I I I. a n w a gf, Vl,..r "I i-f -.;.y 'iMi $ l-f J'i.'.f- ' . f 167 Water Street, ..... Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES C Silt LEV, Opposite Vost Offlce. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this upption, incliuling tlie folowinf celebrated makes : Chickerinq & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurlzman, nnd others. WHITNEY & SLAYTOS'S OUGAXS AND MEL ODEONS. These Organs and Melodeons are acknowledged by all good judges to be the best and finest finished Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest House in this section, superior induce ments can and will be offered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Hooks, and a largo stock of everything in the Music line, can bo found at mv store. u-iy 500 YOLl'MES IX OJfE. AGENTS WANTED i' ' i'OR The Library of Poetry and Soig, rieina; Cho'eo Selec'ions from the llest Poets, Knitlish, Scotch, Irish and Ameri can. With mi Introduction by ' WILLIAM CCLLIiX BUY ANT. Under whoso critical supervision tho volume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscrip tion hook extant. Over Kiio pa'.-es, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand, sonielv bound. A Library of over 5U0 volumes in ono book, whoso contents, of no epiienierai nature or interest, will never (xrow old er stale. It ean be, and will bo' read and re-reiul Willi pleasure Iiy old and younfr, as long as its leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything all all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It Is a book for every household." X. Y. Mail. " n o know of no similar collection in I lie Kuglish language which, in copious ness and fulicitv of selection and arrange ment, can at all compare with it." X. Y, Tinws. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular arid Terms to , J. 1. KOHD et CO., 21 Park Place, '. Y. June 6, 1871. ; . . AGENTS WANTED FOItTHB UISTORY OF THE U WAR EUHOPE It contains over ISO flue engravpigs of lint tie Scenes and incidents in the War, and is the onlv FU LL. AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history of that great conllict. Agents aro meeting with unprecedented success telling from 20 to 40 copies per day and it is published in both English and Cermnn. P A I IT If! PJ Inferior histories are being UHU I I UH, irculnted. See that tho book you buy contains 1j0 tine ongravings and WiO pages, Send for circulars it see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phija., Pa. IMt . REDUCTION OF TRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLUBS. ?B.Send for our new Price List anil a Club Form will accompany it, containing full directions making a large saving to consumer' and remunerative club organ izers The Great American Tea 31 & 33 VESEY STREET, P. O. Box 5013. new YoiiK. 2-4t Well''' C arbolic Tubie.s, For Cougrs, Colds and Hoarseness. Theso Tablets present the Acid in Com bination with other ellii-icnt remctUcs, in a popular form, for the Curo of ail throat and lung diseases. Hoarseness and UK coration of the I h rout are immediately re lieved, and statements aro constantly be ing sent to tlie proprietor of relief in cases of Throat ditliculties of years standing. CAUTION ZWXZ ie Tablets ; don't let other goods be pal mod off on you in their plii 'o. Jolin if. Keilog, H ll:ttt St., N . Y.1 Solo Agent. Sold by Iiruggists, l'rice 20 cents a uox 2-4t EVAliS' GIFT BOOK INTERPRISE We continue to send a valuable gift with every book bought of us. Thousands will testify to our promptness und fairness, (live us a trial. Write for acatulugue. Sent free.' Address, 1). M. Evans & Co., 721 Market titel, Philadelphia, Pa. 4U It A UENTS Wastud 3223 ner month bv i -t- the AmerRatii Knitting Machine Co., uosion, mass., or si. 1.0111s, mo. o a i i '"r ,st a"H Pianos sent on O i7 V trial no ajonts. Adresss U. S. Piano Co. (i!5 Broaduay, N. Y. 22-4t SCHOOL TEACHERS Wanting employment, at from fcO to $100 iier moiiih, should address ZElliLEJt df ileCUHDY, Phila Pa 7H Agents Wanted ! Extra Terms ! Book asreiitl have long wanted a novelty In the subscription line, which will sell at sight in cverv family. THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER Is tho only work extaut which satisfies this want. It is luiiiuilul and striking, combining an entirely new and elegant Family Photograph Album, with a com plete Family History. Full particulars free. Address Jco. Maclean, Publisher, 71U Saiis'im street, Philadelphia. 22-lt nfin AUENTS WANTED! Justout: VJVJ the latest best and chcaiest Map of "Pennsylvania." Agents make money on our Maps, Cliurts, Stationery pnckai'i s, etc. Larue prolits ! ! HAASIS A U ' IIIJI'.i'HT, Empire Map and chart Kstab-li-'hment, 1P7 Libcrt si reel, N. V. 2'.t !l ii(Ai!Vi I . i ; . . K j 5 J. C. HULL. READ! READ T Th subspribertj having re-rented tho ikvixe cati.sT niisis. Would say to their old customers, and tho community generally. Unit thpy keep constantly on hand a large stock of FAMILY IFLOUR of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Oats and .rn. With our facilities for do ing business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in Ibis section of the country, and would sav to tho lum bermen nnd dealers of Forest county, that they can be SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Immediate attention given to ull orders from a distance, 1 . E. JONES ft CO. ' COABLEJ a. DAN" A, Editor. A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intended for People Now an Earth. Including farmer. Morhautei. Merchant!, Pro. feuional llen,Wuilfer.Tnlnkera, and ail ban ner of Honait Folks, and the Wives, Boos, and Saozh-.ors of all sueh. ... ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I , , ONE nUKDHED COPIES FOB 40, Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a $50 Club at every Poat Office. BE-ttl-WEEHXY SUN, 83 A YEAB, of tha same siso and goncral character a TUH WEIilil.r, but with a greater variety of mucoliaueous roailinz, and furnlnhiDg tho nvwa sn Iti suoHcrlneia with m eater froshneis. because it comes twice a week Instead ofoucs only. THE DAILY SIX, 60 A YE4B. A prcCminoittr read ihie ncwipaper. with the larks'. c.rcillalUn in the world. Free, lnrle. Mideot. aril learlep In nollllcs. Ail tlie news front evi-ry whern. Tw oents a eopy i by luall. SO ceuu a mjuth, or f?0 a your. ' TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUX. Five copies, one year, separately ardrersM. Four Dollars. Ten eoplos, one venr.senrntelv addressed (aud au antra cup) lothegeuer up "l elno) EUbs Dollnrs. Twenty eonios, one year, sepnrateli- sildrewsed ta-d an extra eopy to thevetler up or einbl. Flfteeo Dollars. Fmr enpi-s. one tear, to one tldre mnd the oenulleek y one year ti letter up of club). Thirty-three Dollars. FlflT copies, one rear. .epsrstelvaiidre'eil (ind tae beoU Weeklyoueyearto setter ui.o nil.). Tkirtvllve Dollar. One hundred eoeles, one vear. to rno sd'lress land tue bally for oue year to ihoeviter m of "' Fllty Dollar. One hundred eiolos, one yar. senaratcly art. S,','rJ "y roue year lo . ne iel"?, upofclubj, bUt j Dollar. TlIK 8E! I-WEEKLY Five eopljis, oue ycai , aeparatelv n-'di f e.l Eight Dalian, leneoi let. one veur scnsralelv S'lurctied (and kueatracouy togetiurupnr rlii.), isxtcca Dollar. 8END YOCU MONEY vZlM.!"0 orderv. cheeks, or dmft. en New or . wherever ci nveulcnt If nut. Ineareuluer tu Itturj cuuuiulud uio.iey. Aidresi I. W. ENHIVI, Pnli'l.her. Sau i.tlloa. New Vnrs City. ')7KA month Expenses paid Male V 'Jor Female Agents horse and outfit furnished. Address, Saeo Novelty, A(JFNT.S LOOK! !?3, to s?20 per day. Easy, genteel and protitalile business. A little Novelty whieli ever.vb Iwants. Success Sure. Send ' for rculam. Churchill A Tinii ltU n, Man eturers, B15 Broadway, N. Y. ti-tt POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHU11CII AND REPUBLIC. What it has done. What it is doing and what it means to ('o. lis power. Its des potism. Its Mifitlibiliiy. Its frauds, its relicts. Its miracles. It's idolatry. Its per secutions. Its hatred of our public schools and of civil and religious liberty. Its btaitling crimes. Its horrid wickedness, ami its New York Itiots. A book that is wanted everywhere. We want agents to introduce it in every coun ty at once, and will pay tlieni liberally. Send forcirciilar. Address .icidur d! Mi Curdy, ID S. Sixth St., Phila., Pa. PJ-4t RUPTURE. FEiLEf M!ss' SEELEY S HARD UUBREK TltUSSund nirniluiMt, Cool, conifortabli), light, cli anly and durable. Never rust, break nor soil (,ieo spring coated 1. Used in naming. siiasd to lorni. Best known. Send Staniii for iiainnlili t. to J. II. S.ioIhv'u Truss ,t llimdage Establishments, 1317 Cbetnut St., Phila., Pu., and No. 3 Ann n:., i. 1 . i.4t a mo.v 111. Horse and car- riau'e furnished : exnenseu iiaiib sample tree..' II. II. SHAW, Allied, Me. 21-It OilCrcck Allegheny River Ry 0 X AND AFTER Monday Juno 8, 1871. TMi m ...III m.... M ..11.. ' ...i.n kiii iinnin IIIIIUWBI kouthwaud trains. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Claw. HI 14 a. 111, a. nt. HtKI I) 10 t 30 II 54 10 21) 11 00 11 20 4 2 0 n. in. a. m. p. m. Corrv (l is 11 IK) o .rn) 24 87 0 4(1 fl 55 7 10 7 25 Sparfansburg fl 42 11 8.ri Olynden fl M It 47 Centrevlllo 7 01 11 M Tryonville 7 1.1 12 0:1 llydetown 7 25 12 15 ah 7 35 VI 125 Tltnsvlllo !K 7 42 12 7 40 7 5si 8 03 8 10 8 23 8 30 8 38 8 42 ;s mi 8 58 B (HI 0 15 fl in 11 85 55 12 15 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 43 7 65 1 05 Miller Farm H 02 1 03 Shatter H 07 8 17 8 25 8 2S 1 08 1 18 1 25 1 28 1 85 Pioneer An Pet Centre i K 8 10 8 20 8 30 8 4(1 II 00 0 05 9 20 1 55 2 10 2 25 2 40 2 55 3 00 3 20 Columbia Tarr Farm 85 8 40 I 38 Rynd Farm S dtl ,1 44 itousevmo McClintock An 8 S fyl 1 411 1 5.1 2 05 2 10 2 84) 0 10 0 15 45 n mi Oil City na 10 15 3 40 11 10 4 25 11 2 4 50 11 38 4 511 12 30 5 87 1 20 t0 15 1 45 0 43 2 24 7 10 4 05 8 40 Oleopolis r.agio hock 2 4(1 President 0 fill 2 60 Tlonesta 10 2S 3 12 Hickory 10 44 3 32 Trunkpvvillo 10 54 3 41 Tidiouto 11 II 3 M Irvlncton 12 01 4 40 Anni riONAI. S-CONn-CLASSTHAINS-SOrTII. No. 10 Titusville2.10p. m.j Miller 2.50: Pioneer 3.20 Pet Centre 8.33; Columbia likj tarr j-nrm 4.2;i; Kynil Farm 4,37; llouscville 4.55; Oil City r'.2n. No. 8 -Corry 0.15 a. m.. Tltusvllle 8.35; Miller Farm 11.25; Put Ocntro 0.48; Colum bia 10. Kt; Tarr Farm 10.18; Rynd Farm 10.27; Kousovillo 10.35; till City "ll.oo. No. 18 Pet Centre 1.28 p. m.; Columbia 1.50; Tarr Farm 2.05; Kvnd Farm 2.10: Rouncville2.3(; Oil City 3.00. No. 22 Oil city G.30 a. 111. ; Oleopolis 7.25; Tionesta 8.61; Trunkpyvillo 10.15: Tidiouto 11.11. NortrnwAnn TnAixs. STATIONS: 1st Class. - 5 8 2d Class. 13 U 1 a. ni. n. ni p. m. a. in. a. m Irvlncton 45 6 05 0 00 7 45 Tidiouto Trunkeyville Hickory Tionestii President Eagle Rock Oleopolis Alt Oil City I 28 ft 47 7 20 0 05 1 45 0 03 8 05 10 15 1 51 ";8 15 8 20 II) 44 2 H 0 31 8 45 U 40 1(2 35 Ull 55 j!l ;i0 12 21 2 3 ,rt 6! 0 35 12 32 2 47 ' 7 M 10 05 1 01 8 15 7 35 10 55 1 50 T)R fl 00 3 20 7 40 11 30 2 10 McClintock 6 13 ; 82 7 55 11 60 2 25 Rousevillo 0 1(1 3 35 7 5!) 12 00 2 30 Rynd Farm ,ll 20 3 40 !8 04 12 25 2 40 Tarr Farm 0 25 3 45 8 10 12 38 2 65 Columbia ;tl 20 3 411 8 14 12 48 8 10 ar 6 34 3 65 8 21 1 05 8 20 Tot Centre IB fl 38 3 50 8 23 1 25 3 33 Pioneer 6 42 4 00 8 30 1 45 11 45 Shallbr 8 62 I4 15 8 40 2 00 4 15 Miller Farm 6 68 4 20 8 44 2 15 4 40 AR . J7 15 4 40 0 05 2 46 6 20 Titusvllle UK 7 85 4 45 9 10 3 05 Hvdetown 7 44 4 65 9 20 3 20 TryoiiVillo 7 57 6 08 1,9 34 3 60 Centroville 8 05 5 17 43 4 10 J tilynden !8 14 5 27 ! M 4 30 Sparbiusburg 8 24 5 119 10 (12 4 50 Corry 8 65 0 10 10 32 0 60., A DD1T ION A L BKCOJJ D-CLASS TRA1 NS-NOnT II No. 15 Oil City 6.55 n. in,; Itouseville 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.4H; Columbia 7.5f; Pet Centre s.10; Pioneer 8.10; Miller 0.25; Titusvillo 0.55. No. 7 Titusvllle 0.00 a. m.; Corry 11.25. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. m.; Rousevillo 11.45; Rynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; I2ct (Jcntre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusvillo 2.00; Corry 4.42 p. m. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 p.m.; Trunkey ville 1.45; Tionesta 2.43; Oleopolis 4.25; oil City 5.20. () Trains do not atop. ('!) Slop on signal. (J) Stop for meals. Trains 5, 0, 21 and 22 run daily ; all other trains daily except Sundays. N. II. Train No. 11) is nil Express from Titusvillo to Corry. . ; . SILVER PALACK SI.KIil'INd CARTIIAlK3t No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Dlroct to Philadelphia without charge. No. 6 Direct from Pittsburgh without change No. 0 Direct to Pittsburgh without change. C. J. IIEPRURN JNO. PITCAIRN, Superintendent. Ucn'l Manager. OSADALIS The ingredients that COMroSi: KOSADALIS are 'il'lilicd en every p:tikage,llioro fure ilia wla secret pieparalion, consequently rmsici vxs riiEscuiBE it It is a certain cure fur Scrofula, Syphilis-111 ull its furnia, Klieunia li.Mii, Miin DiHcates, l.ivcr Coin plaint euil all liiscascs of the Uluud. cm rorrin c? ecsadaus will rlo mora fixij than tan bottle ui tha Syrups of Sarsuparilla. THE UNDCF52IGNED PHYSICIANS liavu used Honadalis in their practice fur tho past three years anil f. ely onilorso it 3 a reliable Alterative and blood Punlicr. D!l. T. C. PT.'(;n of Baltlmoi. mt. t.j. nil v kin, " 1)11. R. W.l,'.MlU. " Ult. V. O. DANNKLI.Y, " DU. J. S. EPAItlvS, of NicholasvlUs, K). DIl. J. L. McCARTHA, foliuobls, DIl. A. 11. NOBLKS, Udcecomb, N. C. USED AND EHDOEGID E f J. n. ritE.NCH t 60.NS, Fsll River, Ma.-.. V. V. SM'.-ir, Jarlum, IUh. A. 1'. H Iti.KLLll. I .ms, Ohio. B. HALT.. i.Gkio. I HAVfN o; t 0.,;ni,lmivlll, Vs. SA.V'L. O. iMcKA'JDE.N, Slurfrecs. boiu, Teiin. Our tpaeo wi!l not allow of any ex. ten led remarks i;i reUlion to the viiliieeoi itiiiadtlia. Tutlie liedical PrnleiiK'ii v o ruarantee a Fluid Kt. lraet&ucrior li any they have ever used in tho trea'Rient of diseased lUuod; end to the nrjlirtej we say try Itusu.ialu aud luu will ba restored to health. Ilusadalin Is suld Try all Drueeiatj. prito 1.0iJ per bultle. Addte 13. li C3. Manufacturing CkernUti, INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 2.12 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, isiii), f2,34S,323 3!) $20,000,000 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM. IIUHLER, Central Agent, llarrlsburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesla, Forest Coucfy, P;u A A ERIE RAILWAY I ,r.V,Vj-Y'tof TI,no Ta,l,0 "Ailoptcil May ltl) 1", J , NEW and IMPROVED PRAWINO ROOM and SLEEPINll COACH ES, com bining all Modern Improvements, nrp run throuich on nil Trains between lliill'alo Nlngra Fnlls, Suspension llrldge, Cleve li ud, Cincinnati and New York. WESTWARD. STATIONS, No. I. New York L've 9 00 a. m. Jersey City 15 Newark 41 Patterson " Turners " 10 43 " Newburgli " Port Jorvia Arr II 55 " Itinghainton " 8 fill " Elmira " A 44 Corning ' fl -u . Rochester " 10 27 " Hu Halo " 10 60 " Niagara Falls " 1150 Snap. Ilridgo " 12 00 jt. Dunkirk ' 1 80 a. m. Jamostown Ivo 11 00 p. m. ;.or,ry " 12 01 A. M. I nlon " Meadvillo 1 2 " Cleveland " fl 50 " Dnyton 2 30 p. M. Cincinnati " 2 45 " STATIONS. No. 7. New Y01 k L'vo 5 30 p. m. Jersey City fl 4.-, Newark " fi tn No. 5. 11 00 A. M. 11 15 " 11 05 " 12 00 M. 1 35 niN. 11 40 A. M. 3 35 ' 11 17 inn 12 28 A. M. fl 20 " 7 10 7 13 " 7 20 " fl 18 " 7 85 " 8 01 20 " 2 30 " 7 25 " 10 15 " No. ,1. 7 00 p. m. 7 20 " Paterson " 0 25 " Turners 7 45 Sup. 9 10 Sup. Nowbnrirh ' fl 80 p. m. Port Jervis Arr 1)02 " 10 30 p.m. Ulnghamton " 2 12 a. m. 3 13 a. m. Elmira " 4 40 " fl 15 " Corning " Art" fl 55 Rochester " 9 55 A. M. 9 65 " llullalo " 11 o 11 20 " Niagara Falls" 12 15 p.m. 1 15 " Snsp, Hridgo" 12 25 " 12 25 " DuiiKirk " 12 63 " 12 53 " Jamestown L'vo 11311a.m. 1138 a.m. Corry " 12 60 p. m. 12 50 p. m. i'ii ion 41 I 15 4 1 15 Meadvillo 41 2 20 Din. 2 20 Din. Cleveland 44 7 20 p. m. 7 20 p. M. Dayton 44 4 05 b. 111. 4 05 a. 111. Cincinnati 44 0 ;jo 44 0 30 44 Additional Local Trains Westward. 6:30 A. M., except Sundays from Sala manca. Stopping nt Red" IIouso 7:15, Steam burg 7:50, Randolph 8:25, Kennedy !:35, Jamestown J 1:(HJ, Ashville 11:35, Panama 12:25 p. in., tJrnnt 12:40, Freehold 1:08, Columbus 1:42, Corrv 2.17. Concord 2.43, Union 3.12. Mill Vill'ago 4.12, Millers 4.55, Cantbrldgpfi.21, Venango5,40, Saeger tow n 0.03, aud arriving at Meadvillo at 0.30 p. 111. ! :irt i r i..n.. e ci, . ,,,,,,,, linn, ,-siiininaucn. Stopping at Red House 1.07, Stenmburg l-'Kl, Kanilolph 2.10, Kennedy 2.48, James town 8.33, Ashville 4.13. 'Panama 4.X5, I runt 4.60, Freehold 6.1.1, Columbus 5.45, Corry 0.05, Concord 0.32, Union 7.15, and arriving at Meadville at 10.20 p. m. 4.00 P. M daily, from Salnmnnca. Stopping nt Rod House 1:23, Stoainburg 4:40, Randolph 4:57, Kennedy 5:22, James town 6:60, Ashvillo 0:15, 'Panama 8::10, tirant 8:37, Freehold 0:50, Columbus 7:10, Corry 7:22, Union 8:00, and arriving at Meadvillo at 11:50 p. m. . EASTWARD. STATIONS. No. 12. No. 4. Cincinnati L'vo Dayton 44 Cleveland 44 Meadvillo 44 Union 44 Corry 44 Jamestown 44 Dunkirk 44 Susp. ltridire 44 Niagara Falls 14 Itutlalo 44 Rochester 44 Hornellsvillo 44 Coming 44 Elmirn 44 0 45 p. 111. 12 0.1 a. 111. ' 7 25 44 11 32 Din. 12 27 p. in. 12 60 44 1 40 , 1 25 44 1 40 44 1 48 44 2 40 44 4 00 44 03 Sup. 7 33 p. m. 8 10 44 10 08 44 2 63 a. ni. 6 85 p. 111. 6 42 4 (I 25 44 fi 40 44 10 20 44 11 48 44 12 28 a. in. liinghiuntnu 2 28 44 7 05 44 11 40 a. m. 0 05 Hit. 10 15 a. 111. 2 05 p. 111. 10 63 n. ni. 11 10 a. in. No. 2. 1 15 p. in. 328 4 4 10 oi) 44 2 35 a. 111. 4 05 44 6 02 44 5 40 44 6 00 44 7 00 44 6 54 44 9 43 44 10 65 44 11 30 44 1 22 44 fort Jorvis Arr Newburgh 44 Tumors 44 Pnterson 44 Newark 44 Jersey City, 44 New York 44 STATIONS. Cincinnati L've Dayton 44 Cleveland . 44 Meadvillo 44 Union 44 Corry 44 Jamestown 44 Dunkirk ' 44 Snsp. Ilridgo 44 Niaiaira Falls 44 Iluilalo 44 Rochester 44 Hornellsvillo 44 Corning 44 Elmira 44 Hinirluinitn 44 6 50 7 00 0 33 44 7 00 a. ni. No. 8. Ii 4.1 a. m. 8 85 p. m. ' 8 10 Sup. 0 35 p. 10 30 ' 10 00 4 111, 11 20 44 2 58 a. n 4 25 44 fl 04 44 7 00 44 11 40 44 1'ort Jervis Newburgh Turners Paterson Newark Jersey City New York An 8 30 44 0 43 Sup. 7 38 p. in. 1 18 Dill. 2 20 p. ni. 6 15 44 2 M 44 8 12 rt 3 10 p. m.' 8 30 p. m. 12:01 A. M except Sundays, from Mead ville. Stepping at Union 2:33, Corry 3:40, f nlnmbus4:13, Freehold 6:05, Orant 5:33 Panama 5:55, Ashville 0:33, Jamestown 7:115, Kennedy 7:47, Randolph 8:25. Steain hnrg 8:56, Redhouso 9:20 and arriving at Salamancc nt 0:65 a, m. 6:25 A. M., except Sundays, from Mead ville. Stoppina; nt Saerrprtown 5-55 T."-I,.lo'? 0:lr'i ,'a",bri,,l-'e Millers7.02; Mill illago 7:2... Union K;0l. Concord 8:45 ( orryOt lO, Columbus 0:50, Freehold 10 no firaot 10:57, Panama 12:01 p. m., Ashville 12:27. Jamestown 2:05, Kennedy 3:00 Ran dolph 3;6t), Steambtirg 4:10, Red House 5:2 ', and arriving at Salamanca at 6:55 p. 111. 1:10 P.M., except Sundays, from Mead ville. Stopping at Sacgertown 1-33 J..'"1nJ,0 -:l"4 'ni bridge 2:20, Millers2:3l)! Mill lilngp 2:50, Union 3:12, Concord 3:32 Corry 8:55, Columbus 4:05, Freehold 4-:tfl' (Jrant 4:60, Panama 5:12, Ashville 5-27' Jamestown (1:00, Kennedy fi:45, Ruiidoiph 7:1. S eanibiiri' 7:40 Med ii,,t u.n.i j urriving ut Salaii'.anca H:30 P. M i ltailv. L. D. RUCKFR, WM. R. BARR, Uen lStn.'t. Oeti'l Pass rAg't. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Ac, At-., tVc, TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDREWS. a. FISHER. 6-lf Free to Book Agents. Wo will sendo handsome Pr.ispectus of our Ai'U Iltustrttti 'Uid J-'umily Jhhle con taining over 200 tine scripture 1 II list ra tlin imis to any Hook Agent free of chargo Address Nutioiml Publiahiiijr Co. Phila delphia, Pa. ' JOB WORK DONE AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest eash prieesfneatlg, prompt ly, and m style equal to that any other ettablUhment in the Dittriet. ' BUSINESS CARDS, S1I0W CARDS, VISITING CARDS,' SCHOOL CARDS' WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTEILY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POST E R . DODOERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac. ERIE & PITTSBURGU It. R On nnd nfier Monday, Nov. 15, 1809 trains will run on this road as follows; LE A V K E R I E-4SO UT1I WARD. 11:55 a. M. accom mopatiov Leaves NewcaHtlo at 7:05 aud arrives at Pittsburgh 10:00 a. m. 10:1 A. m.i piTTsnrnmr M.. sloii t all stations, luid arrives at A. A ti. W. R. R. 1 ruusier nt i:w p. m., nt Newcastle at 3:15 p. 111., and at Pittsburgh lit O-.OOp. in. 6:05 a. M., accommodation, from James, town, arrives at A. A ti. W. R. R. Transfer at 5:40 a. m., at Newcastle at 7:05 a. 111., aud Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. 111. 5:00 p. M Mixod Train leaves Erio for Sharon, stopping nt all intermediate polula and arriving at 10:16 a. in, LEAVE riTTSEUltfi II NORTWARD. 7:15 a. m., liitiu KXPiiKsa, leaves New castle at 10:a. m., A.itO. W. R. R. Trans- k Ter at 1 1:20 a. in., and arrives at Erie at 2:30 p. m., making close coiiuoction for llulia. lo aud Niagara Falls. 3:35 p. it. accommodation, IcavS New. castle nt 0:30 p. in , A. A (1. W. R. K. lransfer at7:M p. 111., and Jamestown at 8:30 a. in., connects w ith mixed trains that, arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. ni. 0:30 p. m.. Mixed Traill leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at Oirard at 12:30 a. ni. and Erie at 0:55 a. m. Trains connect at Rnchpsterwith train for W heeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh connection for Philadel phia, Hnrrisburgh, llaltimore and Wash ington via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express North, connects at Oirard with C leveland and Erio trains Westward tor Cleveland, Chicago, and all points iu t lie W est ; at Erie Willi Philadelphia A Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren. Irvinglon. 1 11 mute, Ac, and with Uuiralo A Erin Rn rood for Rutlalo, Dunkirk, Niagara rails mid New Yorn City, . F. N, FINNEY," (Jcneral Sup I PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY t Water Street, j ADJOINIXi'4 Tin.? liar 111.0 i,.,..-.n r tiwtaiiii , Tionesta, P.;, M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor.- Pieturos taken in all the lutest atylea the art 2u-tf J. W. ROWLAND, AI.KX . McnoWKl, J. W. ROWLAND & CO., M R CHAfjT TAILORS AND DEALER-, III ' eiitf' FuriiUhlng Good.4, f And Agent for the Celebrated Grovcr Raker Sewing Machine. LIBERTY ETREET, NEAR DOR FRANKLIN, PEMN'A. 2 tf.