Rates of Advertising. ' OneSniare(l Inch,) one Insertion tl W One Square " one nueth HO One Square " ' three months... ft on One Square " one year :10fln Two Squares, one vonr i; 15 00 Quarter Cel. " ...30 n Half " - " . MTK) One ." " MO 0 v Ruslnoss Cards, not excecdiig one iiwcU In length, tin per year. Lejjal notices at established rates. These rates are low, and nn deviation IU lie made, or discrimination aiuom patrons. The rates offered are such, s will uiiike it to the advantage of mendol. i huslncss in the limits of the circulation of the psiier to advertise liberally. R , IH. rUUl.lHHEI EVKltY TUESDAY, BT W. R. DUNN. DlTlce in Krox'i Building. Eln Street FOREST EPUBLICAN. TERMS, fiOO A YEAR, No Subscriptions received for shorter period than throo months. Correspondence solicited from nil ports of the country. No notice will be taken of hnnonymous' communications. Mnrrlturos and Doath notice insortod Let us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in.that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLN. VOL. IV. NO. 32. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. gratia. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TION KSTA LODGE, NO. 477, I. O. Gh T. l Tecte every Wednosday evening, at 8 o'clock. . . - W. n. DUNN, W. C M. W. TATE, W. S. T. . WBWTOX PRTT1S. MILES W. TATE. PETTIS & TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, him Slreef, rovirr, PA. Isaac Ash, A ff ORNEY AT LAW, Oil City, Va. xYPvvlll practice In the various Court of Forest County. All business entrusted to sU care will receive prompt attoutl n. 10 ly V. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OITlce on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa. C. W. Gilflllan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve nanfro Co., Pa. tf. N. B. Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. Will practice lu the Bovcral Courts of Forest County. 35-ly W. P. MercllUott, Attorney at Lair. HEAL ESTATK AGEXT. TIONESTA, PA. f7-tf CLAR.K & FASSETT, AT TO II NE YS AT LAW, WJLRREJf AND TIDIOUTE, PA. TIIR UNDERSIGNED havinir associ ated themselves together In the prac tice of law, od'er their professional services to the public iiusincss promptly a'tenoeu to in an uie ... .. 'i-. t ,i .. i . . i i courts of arroll, Forest and adjoining count !s, JUNIUS S. CLARK, Wain u. To. 0. D. FASSETT, Tidioulo, Ta. Tionesta House. M.ITTET., Proprietor, Elm St., Tlo . neita. Pa., at the mouth of the creek. ..Mr. .litis has thoroughly renovated the Tioriosu House, and re-furnishod it win- plotelv. All who patronize him will be well entertained at reasouableTates. 1) ly FOREST KCLSk., T BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite -L Court House, Tionesta, Pa. Just opened. Everything new and clean and froHh. The host of liquors kept constantly on hand. A portion of the public patron age is rcspoetfully solicited. 4-17-1 v " Holmes House, nJONESTA, PA., opposite the Denot. A C. I). JWsbio, Proprietor, uooa Hta blliiB connected with the house. tf. Syracuse House, T1DI0UTI', Pa., J. A D Maoek, Propio tors. The house has been thoroughly relltted and is now in the first-class order, Hi the best of accommodations. Anv mint ion concerning Oil Territory at ? point will uo clioernniy rurnisiiect. ly J. AD. MAG EE, Exchange Hotel, T OWER TIDIOUTE. Pa.. TVS. Rams lJ DKKr, A Son Prop's, This house having been rerlted is now the moat desirable stop ping place in Tidioute. A good Billiard lloo.u attached. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVINETON. PA. W. A. Ilallciibaelc. Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is ' .ow open as a first class house, situate at ' rejunetion of the Oil Creek & Allegheny River and Philadelphia & Erie Railroads, pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will And this the most conven ient hotel In town, with first-class acoom- oodstlons and reasonable diaiiros. tr. Dr. J. L. Acoirtb, ' PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, who has had lifteen years' experience in a larfre and Buoeessful practice, will attond all Professional Calls. OIHco in his Drug and Orocerv Ktore, located In lidioute, near Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquor louaoco, t iirars, (Stationery, Uluss, l'aints Oils, Cullory, and line Uroceries, all of the . best quality, and will be Bold at reasonable raios. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Driiir gist from New York, has charge of the tore. All prescription put up accurately, SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. AND WAG ON-MAKERS. CornoT of Church and Elm Streets, TIOlSrEST, 3?.A. This firm 1 nrenared to do all work in its line, and will warrant everything done ai ineir snopg to give sausiactiou. 1'ar ,tieuiur attention given to IIOI(iIMIIOi:iX, .Give them a trial, and you gret it. will not re U-ly JOHN . DALE, PREi'T. HNA. PROPER) VICE PREBT. A. H. STEELE, CAtHR TIOITESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa, This Bank transact) a General Banking, Collecting and KacIiiuio KusiiioKs. Drafts on the Principal Cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. Uold and Silver Coin and tioverniiiwit Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds imverti'il on the most Ikvornble terms. 1 ntcrest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. SUIiSCUIUK flir the Knret II will pay. Kpu hlicrn rnw. mTiimnnn. iri. K If- D1THKIUUB, Treat. T A. WIUOUT, Nmv. UEU. W. III'IIIRIIHIR. BmlnoM Manager. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Mills on Tionesta Creek, Forest Co., Pa. Yardi k Office ror. 22d k Rail Road Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA. F.DW1RD D1THRIUUR. I. D. DITHRIDOI FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. D. 1827. 01THFUBGE & SQCC, MASOFACTcnr.iis or Dithridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. Those chimney do not break by heat. Ask for DiTHiiiDOEs. Take no other. DITllRIDGESON, 25-ly. Pittsburgh. Ta. New Hoarding House. MRS. 8. fl. 1IULINGS has built a larpe addition to her house, and is now pre pared to accommodate a number of perma nent boarders, and all transient ones who may favor her with their patronaiie. A K'hhI stable lias recently been built to ac commodate the horses of guests. Charges reasounblo, Hesldouco on Elm St., oppo site S. Haslet's store. &!-ly Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionesta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. NOTICE. DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has retnrnsd to his practice after an ab sence of four months, spent in the Hospi tals of New York, where i" will auirnu calls in his profession. umce in r.ureKB LTUg niore, on unnr ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4'.itf GREAT EXCITEMENT! at tin Store of D. S. KNOX, it. CO Elm St., tonesta Pa. We are in daily receipt Oi th argot tad MOST COMPLETE stock CiKOCKltlMS nuil PROVISIONS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SIIOES ! FOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of price. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, fce Ac., which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac. In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX. A CO. WAXTKO-Meu aud Women seek lmr a good nuvini; business to sell our il lustrHlud. historical, binifruplilcal, it-li gious and aL'riculturul works. Send staui lor lull iiurlli.'Ulars liow vou can iniikcMi to s UK) per month. I '. It. 'I'lti : A T. I'lili ili r, MI.I lirmidu'iiy, N. V. -I-It Camanche Bill. The Dotroit Pod 8ays: Camanche Bill is in this city, stopping nt the Garrison House. He was in Chicago during the fire, and lost his rifle and some valuable papers. Expecting to meet certain parties there, ho notified them to come to this city instead, and he is now here awaiting their arrival. He attracts considerable attention wherever he appears by his singular costume. He is rather sensitive on this point, and for that reason does not coab road much. He called upon us Saturday, and repeated much of the story ot his wrongs and guttering at the hands of the Indians, and his fights with them. His real name is George W. Potter, aud he is not more than twenty five years of age, of medium stature, and lithe and wiry build. His com plexion is light, and his features are almost girlish, at least there is an ab sence of that coarseness and brutality which one is apt to associate with the kind of life ho has led. He has an eye of piercing keenness, .hough not of that wild an restless character which the heroes of border romances are usually supposed to possess. It seems, ordinarily at least, wild enough, aud occasionally, even indulges in a sparkle of humor. He is dressed in buckskin pantaloons ornamented with a row of steel buttons down the outer eeam. lie says a tailor out in Arizona cut these pantaloous for him, and charged him ten dollars for the job. tie considered it extortion, and tcllintr the tailor that he would pny him half wheu he died and the balance when he got back, hesiezed the pantaloons.and umping upon Ins horse, "scooted. leaving the little tailor standing in his door and swearing in Dutch, lie con siders the cut a fashionable one spring bottoms, one seem in the leg, and all that sort of thing. The sew- log on them he done himself, and Drick- ed his fingers profusely. The balance of his costume consists of a coarse bhirt, which he says will stand it about a year aud a half without washing, and a coat made of the skin of the Mexican lion "an animal which no dog will follow" made up with the hair out. He wears a broad-brimmed block felt hat, and his luxuraut brown hair streams down over his shoulders. He says his home is at Fort Grant. Arizona, though for what particular reason he rails that his home he can't say. He lives in the saddle, fighting Indians. lie condemns tent and camp equipage with strong emphasis, and suys he sleeps where night overtakes Iniu, and looks out tor his own rations. He holds the regulars particularly the officers in very low estimation, aud language, fails him to express his contempt for Government Idian agents. His Indian policy is destruction, swift and sure lor every redskin on the con tinent, and he is doing his individual best to carry out that policy. He feels annoyed at being reported as having killed 183 Indians, since it looks like boasting, a thing of which he does not wish to seem guilty. He does not de ny that his good rifle has an uncontroll able desire to take unerring aim at nearly every Indian who comes within rane of Us muzzle. The object of his life is to rescue his sister, who was taken in the Minnesota massacre in 18G2, and to avenge the death of the rest of his family who were murdered at that time. His Bis ter, who is now twelve years old, is held by the Camanchcs, aud he knows her whereabouts. He says the Caraanches kuow him very well and are bound to "lift his hair," but he don t think they will ever be ahln to do it, and that he will yet get his sis ter. If he ever does get her he pre sumcs she will be a regular savage, having lived so long with them, but he will take her off so far that she will nev er see a red man again. Then his pur pose is to devote the ramainder of his life to avenge the murder of his parents and brothers and sisters. His conver sation cannot fail to impress one with the earnestness of his purpose. He is an excellent representative of the hunter and scouts of the plains, findiug his highest enjoyment in rov ing over the almost boundless wilds of the Western Territories, in an occa sional brush with the Indians, and in hunting the buffalo and grizzly. He can't make himself comfurtable in a bed.and declares that of all the institu tions of civilization they are the worst. He rolls himself up in a blauket and camps on the floor. He says he is going back next month to continue the search for his Bister. He will take two good and true men with him, and that is all the assistance he wants. He has confidence that he will be successful before spring. An Irishman noticing a lady pass down the street espied two strips de pending from under her mantle. Not knowing that these were styled sashes, and were hanging in their right place, ho exclaimed, "An' faith, ma'am, yer galluses are loose!" Borne people love others so much better than themselves that they are vastly moro concerned about their neighbor's affairs than about their own, A Wife from the Wild. In the early history of a certain mining town of the Montana frontier, is embalmed a wild little bit of ro mance, which a correspondent of the Alta California derives from the recital of ond who witnessed what he relates. When said town was but a camp, where a company of hardy miners had "struck a new prospect," an Indian tribe of the vicinity overtures for a treaty, whereby they were to receive arms and tobacco in exchange for their protection of the goll-teekers from other savages. Confident of their ability, to defend themselves, the min ers decliued negotiations ; and the Iu dians were incited by this to either tempt a qurrrel, or induce a bargain for another kind of exchange j for, on several successive days, they rode in state through the camp in picturesqusc ly warlike procession; a central figure of the barbarous pageant being a white girl about 15 years old, dressed in Indian fashion and with superb hair reaching almost to her feet. Whether this spectacle meant a defiant taunt, or a challenge for ransom, was what could not be at once decided by the miners generally; but one of their number, an Englishman who, because he had been educated at a German uni versity, was known in camp as "Dutch Pete, was bo moved in his chivalrous sensibilitcs as to halt the chief of the red braves with his rifle and demand an immediate surrender of the beauti ful white enptive. Through an inter preter the painted warrior answered that if the girl were his captive she had been tuch since her earliest infan cy, when he had taken her from a train of emigrants on the plains; and as for surrendering her, he should do nothing of the kind without a fight, un less his white brothers chose to buy the young lady with adequte arms, am rauuition, and tobacco. The miners were at first inclined to try the virtues of rifle and powder without mercantile stipulations; but, upon satisfying themselves that the girl, despite her complexion, was a veritable savage, and had no thought of appealing, for a rescue, they allowed the Englishman to work upon their abstract civilized humanity for a bnrter. The articles demanded were accordingly given to the mercenary old chieftain ; who then, with characteristic lack of senti ment, directed the whites to take their human prizes. Upon compre hending the disposition thus made of her, that prize not only exhibited no gratification at the change, but kicked. screamed, and bit at her new masters like a young colt. Seeing the stolid Indians departing, she gave way to such a frenzy of wrath and vengeful grief that it was actually neccessary to confine her in a strong cabin under bolt and bar. A majority of the min ers believed that they had mude a' most unprofitable trade, and doubted that the "young wild beast," as they called her, would never rest until she had killed either herself or some one else, but the Englishman volunteered to pay her whole cost, if desired, from his first gold dust, aud tame her into civilization and usefulness by sheer force of kindness. In the latter part ot ins undertaking he experienced danger as well as difficulty; for the white savage once bit the palm of his right hand through and through when he oS'ered food to her in her prison, and again scalded him fearfully in the face with a pot of boiling coffee. Patiently and with unvarying kind ness he persevered, however, and by slow degrees'taught her to speak some English, aud to understand that only the tenderest ot treatment was intend ed for her. In short, after about six mouths of taming, the L'irl was suffi ciently reclaimed from wilduess to ac cept the situation more intelligently, aud act as cook tor the encampment, though never able to realize that she had not been born nn Indian. With the rapidity of growth, peculiar to good milling "placers," the encamp ment prescutly developed into a town by the arrival of new campanies and enterprises. Oilier women emigrated thither from California and the East, a missionary established a church, a capitalist opened a hotel, and the law organized its system. All this occur red in a few years, during which time the belle from the wild was educated converted to Christianity by a mission ary, and then became the wife of the Englishman who had been her so faith ful benefactor. The two are even now the host and ho.-tess of a prosperous eating-house of the town, and may be seeu by any traveller willing to test their excellent fare. "Mar, why don't you speak ?" ask ed litle Jake. "Why don't you say suthin'funny?""Whatcau I say? Doti t you see 1 m busy iryin doughnuts? bay sutliin' funny indeed!" "Wal, yer might say 'Jake, won't yer Lev a cakeV That 'ud be funny for you." Discretion is the better part of valor Hob and Arthur hud been rude to their mamma. Mamma has com plained to pupil, who is heard coming up stairs, Arthur "I say, Bob, here comes papa; I shall t up and put somcthiiiir on." A Bewildered Englishman. Among the arrivals at tho Newhall House on the awful Monday, when Chicago was ia flames, was an English man in company with Mr. Delmonico, of New York. He came to this coun try in July to effect insurance on pro perty owned by a large manufacturing house at Manchester, as agencies for the Bale of their wires, aud to transact other business for them. He arrived in New York the day of the Orange riot, and found the whole city and na tion in a turmoil about it. He was just recovering from the shock inflict ed on his nerves by that little affair, when the explosion on the Westfield threw him into another state of wonder ment at the magnitude of our occa sional happenings; he "was on the steps of the Honor 'Ouse, you know," when the crowd rushed down Broad way to the scene. Thence he went to Lexington, Kentucky, and was burnt out at the hotel he stopped at, the night he arrived. After visiting one or two other places, he fetched up in Chicago, and had been there, at the Sherman House, but a few days, when the great confla gration started him out of bed at night, allowing him only time to catch up his clothes, having to dress several blocks away. He came to this city immediately, and has been at the Newhall House till Saturday meditat ing upon the mutability of human af fairs, and "what kind a country it is to live in, you know, any'ow." The busi ness of insurance so far as the coun try is concerned is so problematical that he doesn't see how he can do much at it, and he has turned his face toward Old England. All the above, and more his "most ter-r-r-riic hexperience in America," as he culled it, he recounted to us as he was about to leave the hotel, in his peculiar accents and sharply turned scutences, which it were futile to at tempt to reproduce in print, and can be fully appreciated only by the party in the Newhall House office, whom he intensely amused. Milwaukee WUcon tin. William Scott was romantic and he loved Miss Horn to distraction. Un able to conceal his feelings he revealed them to the object of his affections, who tenderly reciprocated. They both lived in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and their union and the realization of their fondest hopes were opposed. Brought to the verge of insanity by the obstacles which he found impended the course of true love, M illiam suggested to the dar ling of his heart that they should both take poison and together leave this end and hollow world. The suggestion pleased Miss Horn so that the pair pt o- cured some poison and, band in hnud, wenoeu ineir weary ways towarns a public park one dark and gloomy night. There they talked of love and tenderness, of the sorrows of this world and the vanity of life. Miss Horn then swallowed her dose and it is supposed her sufferings were so intense that William forgot, in his agony as a witness, to take his own. She died, and he roamed the earth for a brief space and then he was arrested charged with manslaughter, convicted and condemned to hard labor in the penitentiary for t'iroe years. William ought to be cured of his romance by this time, we should think. Tho Mississippi has almost dried up. The majestic river whose magnificent volume two thousand miles from its outlet, lias been the theme of tourist's admiration ; bo brond and deep that it seemed some grand cstunry of the sea on which the navies of the world might ride; has shrunk to a mere ridiculous creek, and its thin and attenuated cur rent crawls lazily, as if it were ashamed of its shrunken shanks, among low, re J, bare sub-marine ridges aud Leaches ct sand that have never seen the Bun before, so far as human knowledge goes, since God separated the waters horn the dry land. 1 he water has never been so low within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Herbs of cattle bask in the sunshine on the dry bed of the great waters where a few months ago greut fleets of steamboats rode at will. Boys with their trousers rolled up to their, knees sound with their feet tho grand mys terious depths which huve engulfed so many wayward boys and hapless men whom accident or rashness has entan gled io the strong, swift undertow. A London watchmaker has con structed a gold hunting watch, which, iu addition to being a timekeeper of the utmost precision, with chronome ter adjustments, compensation balance and cylindrical spring, exhibits on the dial plate the following diflcrent indi cations; First the equation of time; second tho moon's age ; third the mcuth of the year ; fourth, the day of the mouth, iu addition to the hours minutes aud seconds, as in an ordinary watch. 'Ihu mechanism is so contrived that any one or tho whole of hands may be set forward or bakward at pleas"re without derranging the rest. Every movement of this uieehunical marvel is luid dow n iu tho strictest proportion, and based upon calculations of un absolutely seientilie character and whole is within the t'ompn of a pocket timekeeper. CL1PT0GRAMS. A cultivated mind may be said to have infinite stores of gratification. Everything may bo made interesting to it, by becoming a subject of thought or inquiry. Books, regarded merely as a gratification, are worth more than all the luxuries on earth. A taste fur literature secures cheerful occupation for the unemployed and languid hours of life, and how many persons in these hours, for want of innocent resources, are now impelled to coarse pleasure ! How many young men can be found who, unaccustomed to find a compan ion in a book, and strangers to intel lectual activity, are almost driven, in the long, dull evenings of winter, to haunts of intemperance aud depraving society 1 It' t a poor rule that won't work both ways. A Georgia negro thought he would economize, by sending his son td school and then make the boy teach him. The plan worked well until the young teacher, following the custom of tho seminary where lie was taught, gave the old man a thrashing for spell ing dog d o-r-g, and then the latter be came disgusted and ran away. The Rev. Mfcses Clampit an eccen tric preacher, held forth at Santa Clara Valley ; a young man rose to go out, wheu the preacher said : "Young man, if you'd rather go to perdition than hear me preach, you may." The sinner stopped, and reflected a mo ment, and tlien saying, "Well, I be lieve I would," went off. An Irish glazer was putting a pane of glass into a window, when a groom, who was standing by, joking him, to mind and put in plenty of putt. The Irishman bore the banter for some time, but at last silenced his tormen tor by, "Arah now, be off wid ye, or else I'll put a pain in yer head without any putty." A Connecticut democrat sent his son to New York to complete his educa tion. After a short time the son wrote to his father that he was studying Hor ace. On learning this the paternal parent replied, "Come, home ; I don't want Greeley to make a republican of my sou. A poetical Vermonter presents his views of the season in this fashion: "We know that Autumn is here, from the fact that the swallow syndicates discus the question when to homeward fly, and the yellow pumpkins now dot the rural landscape like golden nut megs on the sands of Ophir." When the tclecrnnh informed us that Maggie Mitchell had "reproduced herself," we understood it; but the an nouncement that "Victor Hugo is pleu ral" is just a little too much. If they go on improving the English lunguago in this way we shall soon be in a pretty fix. Happy bridegroom "More money, madam 1 more money 1 Have you for gotten that my money has bought ev ery thing you possess the very dress vou stand in !" "Fair bride "No sir! fror have I forgotten that your money has bought what stands in it I" A minister made an interminable call upon a lady of his acquaintance. Her little daughter, who was present, grew very weary of his conversation, and at lust whispered in an audible key, "didn't he bring his aincu with him. mamma?" Like a morning dream life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reaeon of everything be comes more clear. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked paths look straighter as we approach the end. Au old Dutchtnau who was some years ago elected a member of the leg islature, said, in broken style: "Yen I vent to the lechislaturo I tnught I tought I vould find dem all Solomons dare; but I soon found dat dare va. some as pig fools dure as I vus." The following certificate lately ap peared iu the morning police news of a country paper: ''I certify that Geo. Roberts is rendered quite incapable of following his occupation from ell'eets of a severe blow on the nose ol a seri ous tuiturc." "ft you are going to keep a school," said one young ludy to another. 'Well for m- part, sooner thou do that, I would marry a widower with nine children." "I should prefer that myself," was the quiet reply; "but where is the widower?" "Mr. Speaker," said a member of the Jamaica Legislature, discussing a bill for the regulation of the timber trade, "I kuow these merchants to be the most egregious rascals I was in the timber line myself twelve years." Mrs. Partington, in an illustration nf the proverb, "A soft answer turneth away wrath," snvs that it is better to sp?ak paragoricall v of a person than to be all the tiiuo flinging epitaphs at in m. A paper says, in au obituary notice that "the deceased had been for sever nl years director of a bank notwith standing which he died a Christian, mid universally respected." Sweepings. Literature is the immortality of speech. The woman question "Is Le mar ried ?" A friend that you buy with presents, will be bought from you. To be happy is not the purpose of our being, but to deserve happiness. Hypocrites are beings of darkness, distinguished in garments of light. It is not always the dark place that hinders, but sometimes tho aim eye. Wisdom is the talent of buying vir tuous pleasure at the cheapest rate. Prefer loss before unjust gain ; for that brings grief but once ; this forever. Is it posible for a garret window to sufler room-attic panes? It is a funny thing about a dentist, that the more he stops the faster he gets on. It is all very well to say,"Take thiegs as they come, but suppose they dont come? - resolve to perform what you- ought, and perform without fail what you re solve. Wit should be used as a shield for defense rather than a sword to wound others. - - : The light of friendship is like the light of phosphorus seen plainest when all around is dark. Confess ignorance in regard to sub jects on which you are uuinformed ; listen and learn. A Western genius is catching fleas, pulling out their legs, and selling them for flax seed. Opinions founded on mere prejudice are always sustained with the greatest violence. "The dearest spot on earth," has at length been located. It is at the store that does not advertise. Poverty, like other bullies, is formi dable only to those who show that they are afraid of it. Reading furnishes us only with mat ter of knowledge ; it is thinking that makes what we read our own. Our characters are formed and sus tained by ouvselvcs and by our own actions and purposes, and not by oth ers. Better go without the pearls which lie at the bottom of a deep and rapid river thau encounter the risk of diving for thera. The road ambition travels is too nar row for friendship, too crooked for love, too rugged for honesty, and too dark for conscience. One. of the Oshkosh ministers, when he marriee a couple, finishes by saying "Sufler little children to coiuo unto, them ; ninen." An Oswego local saw two ladies go fur a moving train, and took out his pencil aud note book joyfully. But they got aboard safely.- The study of literature nourishes youth, entertains old age, adorns pros perity, solaces adversity, is uelightlul at home aud unobtrusive abroad. Some of the Californians are laugh ing at a stranger who, ia one of their towns, said that he had been "perusing around seeing the climate." Are these rooms to let?" said a polite gentleman to a handsome young lady. "Yes, sir," "Are you to let with them?." "rssir, I'm to bo let alone." If you are poor, be willing to appear bo. 1 huso whose lrieudship is worm possessing will never judge of your worth by the weight ot your purse. "Nobody ever lost anything by love" said a sago looking person. "That's not true," said a ludy who heard tbo remark, "for I ouce lost three nights' sleep. Tho Troy Whig reports neighbor ing farmers cutting their cornstalks, curing and housing them, for cattle leed, singing, "rodder U, rodder, come homo wid me now." A lap-dog biting a piece out of a mule visitor' leg, his mistress thus ex pressed her compassion : "Poor little creature, I hope it will not make him sick." Eight kinds pf kisses are nieutioned in the scriptures : the kiss of salutation, valediction, reconciliation, subjection, approbation, adoration, treachery and atlection. Life is divided into three terms ; that whcli was, which is, auj which will be. Let us leuru from the past to prolit by the present, and by the prescut to live for the future. A Racine girl wanted her lover to b wear oil the Bible that she was all the world to him, and when ho wouldn't ho knocked him dowu with the sacred volume. A beautiful form is better thau a beautiful face; beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful form ; it gives a higher pleasure than statues aud pic- 1 tuics ; it is tho li'if H of tho fine arts.