The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 07, 1871, Image 3

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Site ow gfpuMiraa.
TUESDAY JlOftfilMJ, NOV. 7, 1371.
JBurfftat H. II. Mat.
, Cbtineimen JacohShrlvor, J. It.Stronp,
W. W, Dimond. S. H, J Innlot, .1. Wlnniin.
Juttire of the J'eaceVf. P. Moruilliolt,
D. H. Knox.
CtnnH'tOlr3. N.Tolfswnrth.
AcAoni Director J. Winnns, J. A. Palo,
t. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, D. S. Knox,
. l. Irwin.
President rtff James Camphrll.
V Attociil Jniigtti. A. 1'nulLH, Alt
tnaw Cook.
Hheriff K. Ij. Pavts.
IHntrict A ttorneyW. W. MAon.
iVfum-ri S. Nkti.KY.
Prolhnnatarg, Iteyitter it Recorder, te,
4. H. AONKW.
". Oomminnionern N.'P. Wh F.RI.BR, liK!J.
CVnoUt Superinteniient S. F. Hon tun,
'Jury tVmmiMionora J AM. GlLt'll.Ll.YN,
CoMMf.v Surveyor ST. Irwix.
(broiler J osi a ll WlNANH.
Vaunt; Auditor L. L. llACKKTT, Eu
. .1101, KM AN, W M. I I.AIUC.
. Memhrro Vonyret IWh District O. Vf
Htnf Senate W. A. Wallacm.
Acwbly Joil! (1. Ham..
It will bo noticed on tlio outs'ido of
to-day ' paper, that the date it tlio
' iamo as thnt of Inst week's issue. In
the hurry of putting the outside to
press, tho changing of the date was
overlooked. It will be found cor
rect on the inside pages. Those keep
ing files of the paper can mako tlio
corrections wiih n pen.
. Photograph Pictures and Frames at tho
Supcr. ',r Lumber Co. Storo.
Slio.',r Lavis and J. T. Dale will
probably L e a' homo thin week.
JIard to bt t tn!,t ncw ll ' Gents'
aprr ICollars, U!)t received ot Superior
Lumber Co. Store.
Ve suticed Sui wintendent Uohrcr
in town yesterday. ,Ue cn,ne in to ftl"
teud Mr. Wickersham lecture.
A full line and superio. -quality of Silk
Rlblxms. received tud for sa.' nt Superior
.Lumber Co. Store,
A case of small pox has Acen re
ported in Titusville. We don't 'nt
any of that in ours if you please.
Just received a new lot of Coati.lR"
nd Cassimoios, at the Superior Lumber
vCo. Sloro.
I Sunday School will Le held in the
'.M. E. Church until further notice, ev-
ery Sabbath at half past niuo o'clock.
.-The newest styles of Indies' Corset at
. rtbe Superior Lumber Co. Ktore,
' O. W.Ditliridge, mnnagerof the
Superior Lumber Co. lina returned from
Pittsburgh, and occupies the Shreve
, Lace and Linen Collars in great varie
ty, at tho Superior Lumber C. Store.
The W. U. Telegraph OfTc3 which
has heretof re been in rooms over tl.e
bank, bus been moved down glair.", in
- tie some room with tbo bank.
Good stylos of Paper Collars (or 10 eta.
., a box, at the Superior Lumber Co, Store.
Quarterly meeting will be held at
Asbury Chapel, two weeks from next
, . Saturday ntul Sunday, liev. O. L.
I Mead, P. E., will conduct tho exercises.
-Table Linon, Toweling, Llnon Nsp
(kins, Plain Irish IJncn, Bird s Eye and all
Jtliids of Linon and Linen Goods at Su
perior Lumber Co. Store.
i Tho East Brady Independent
will appear on November 11th in an en
largcd form. A Nomt Power Tress hut
f been introduced and tho oflico building
4 rebuilt.
I A fuU line of Ladles' and Gonta1 fall
I . and winter Silk, Hilif Lisle and Floeco
I Lined Gloves at Superior Lumber Co.
. Btoro.
Jacob Sniearbaugh, two miles and
, half np Dutch Hill is putting up a
very nice-looking and substantial resi
r deuce on his farm. It improves tho
looks of the place muchly.
, h Extracts, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Tooth
i Brushes, Comb iuj all kind of Toilet
Articles at the Superior Lumber Co. Store.
The borough schools commenced
yesterday with a fail attendance. We
fjkclieve roost 'of the school of our
.county also corameuced yesterday.
Tl)is is good weather for schools.
A full lino o( Underwear, knit and
'.jVfllcn Goods to be r ceived soon at the
Uuperior Lumber Co. jStoie.
Mr. Win. Slater, of the firm of
Slater A Brother, is going over his
timber rafts in the mouth of the creek,
getting thety) jjj shape to go out on the
flood which is prophesied this week.
SilkGirup. Rilk Fringe, Silk Velvet
Ribbons, Uiuipar Lace, HiJk and Velvet
; Buttons, and all kindsof lres Trimmings
".for saLe at Superior LuuiUrto. Hior.
Hallow e'en, or "Holler-eve," u
I the boyj call it, passed oil' without any
mischief whatever being duzie us faraa
w can learn. It may Ijolhuttt hater
spirit is prevading tho community of
boys among us, and .it .may le that the
rain of that paj-ttoulw eveuiu Lcpt
tiem iu.
A-full lino of All "Wool Long and
Square, Imiutiou Paisle y, and Illack Me
rino Shawl for Nle at Hnperior Lumber
A Trip lo Fort Pitt.
By invitation of Mr. E. B. Free
man, of the firm of Emery & Frco
man, of the Superior Lumber Co
Mills, wo look a trip to Fort Pitl, on
Friday evening of last week, on which
occasion mo ioinpnny gave a dance
and supper tn tho men in their employ
We passed over tho "Jug-Handle'
Uoad on our way there, and although
the mad wns yet in a fearful condition
we were glud to notice thnt the bridge
at the foot of tho hill hnd been fixed
in a suustautial manner. We arrived
at the mills ut 6:30, had a good sup
per, and calmly watched the prococd
nigs. Boon came in the pleasure-seek
ers, by twos niid fours, and soon by
the dozen. "The band struck up"
about 8 o'clock, and na but two sets
could dance at once, it didn't take
more than about five seconds to fill
tho floor. Then came the fuu. All
were ripe for tho dance, and that floor
didn't have a rest except for supper,
until 4:30 Saturday morning. Supper
was served about 12 o'clock, and we
must sny that it reflected great credit
on those who prepared it. Tho bill of
fare included everything which could
bo had in the country mid town. Boast
pigs, Turkeys, Chickens, Oysters, Con
fections, Cukes, Pies, Bread, Crackers,
Tea and Coffee, nnd several other eat
nbles nnd drinkables which wo don't
remember tho names of. About a hun
dred were present nt tho party, which
was as orderly as any party we ever at
tended. There was quite a majority of
men, consequently the ludies were kept
very busy. We retired before tho par
ty closed, perfectly satiated with
victuals ami p.v. Arose next morn
ing and took breakfast with Mr. Free
man's family, were presented with a
choice parcel of tho bnktd pig for fu
ture consumption, and came away well
satiified with our trip. When another
occasion of like facilities for enjoy
ment conies off nt Fort Pitt, may wo
bo there.
Gonts' UaU and Cbjmi, Fall and Winter
Styles, Men and Hoys' I'.oots, also a full
variety of Ladies' Ijico Hoots, Shoes, Gal
toin and Overshoes ut Superior Lumber
Co. Store.
Maud Davis, daughter of Sheriff.
Davis, a little irirl aued about ten
j'ears, mot with an accident, on Satur
da evening last by which one of the
bones' f her left leg was broken just
above the ankle, ' She, with several
other 1 it tie girls, was playing in the
school liouc, when a largo bench fell
over, strikin5 Maud's leg. Dr. Hun
ter reduced the fracture, and Maud is
now getting along- very wcil. This
will be apt to bring the Sheriff's west
ern trip tp an lbrupt toil unpleasant
termination. The family has oui sym
patby. "People will talk." Yes, that's
the great trouble, they talk too much.
We know of some people whoso
tongues flop up and dow n like a churn
dasher, and emit more virus in five
minutes thau a viper would iu the
coura-j of its natural lifetime. It's a
kiud of diet they seem to thrive 00
best, aud kike to it as naturally as a
dog to his vomit, but they are never
know to bite themselves, us tho serpent,
when iu danger if being killed, takes
its own life. It would be a blessing if
they would bitb themselves either acci
dentally or intentionally.
. '. The officers of Tiencsta Lodge, I.
O. O. T. for the cusuing term are as
follows :
W. C. T., P. M. Clark.
W. V. T., Mrs. M. Riddle.
W. S., S. J. Setley.
W. F. S., Miss Ada York.
W. T., Mrs. M. Haslet.
W. M., Mrs. T. Roberts.
W. C, Dr. J. Wiuans. ...
W. I. G., Miss Jennie McGeary,
W. O. G., W. Pollock.
A man signing himself "R. II.,
nnd dating l is letter at Stewarts Run,
writes us that he has raised an enor
mous crop of "Republican" potatoes,
two of which weigh four and a half
and four pounds, respectively. These
jire the largest potatoes we have heard
of jhit season, beating even the large
one tint Commissioner Elliott left
with us.
The folloving officers were elected
for the ensuing term of Tionesta-Tem-ple
of Honor No. 108:
W. C. T., Dr. J. Wiuans; W. V.T.,
W. R. Dunn; W. R., S.J, Setley; W.
A. R., J. D. W. Reck ; W. F. 8., P.
M. Clark ; W. T., T. J. Van Cieacn ;
W. U., S. J. Wolcott; W. D. U., J. II.
Fones; W. G., T.J. McGill; W. S.,
Alex. Heuage.
. The great cause of so many young
people being gray headed is on account
of llieir having used the vile compounds
which have flooded the market so long.
Natore's Hair Restorative is a suro
remedy for this. Clear as crystal ; no
poison; perfectly sweet, clean and re
liable. AH druggists sell it. See ad-
Thopo wishing to purchase Tarn
phlet Laws of 1871, will pleatd call
at the Treasurer's Office Tioncsta," Ta.
Calf bound. Price II. 00.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
has just received a large and well e
lected stock of books of all kinds. All
the standard Poets and works of cole'
bratcd authors. Call and see them,
They are bound in good style, and are
for sale cheap.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
weather is ury, business about town np
pears to in quite a henlthy condition,
owing principally, we supposo, to the
fact thnt teamsters are making use of
the good roads to lay in a winter's
stock for all tho mills up the creek
A little boy of Mr. Mong's living
about three miles up tho river, and
aged about eight years, while getting
over a fence, fell aud pulled a rail off
on himself, breaking his leg near the
hip joint. Tho fracture was reduced
by Dr. Winans.
The Oil City Uullctin, a spicy ilt
tie daily comes to us with new men at
the helji. C. H. Widgeon and J. II.
Conner are editor and publishers and
O. II. Jackson, formerly of the Rouse-
villo Bulletin, prcj,rietor. The Bui-
htin lias our best wishes.
A great mauy deer are being slain
on the river below hero, averaging one
or two every morning. They come
down to the river for water, and are
gobbled by hunters who are on the
watch for them. We believe there is
no hounding done.
The most beautiful fall weather
we have ever seen, has gladdened our
henits during the fall months np to the
present. The days are clear and warm,
tho n ignis cold and frosty. Tho&ewho
keep regular hours can enjoy good 1
sleeps thqso nights.
We noticed a few weeks azo that
T. J. Pay no was rebuilding his mill at
JNewmaiiviIIe. The mill is built, and
has been running since the 1st of this
month. This is doini? ' nn lusinnt.i
Capt. Knox lias the timbers on
hand for his new building, and is all
ready to commence putting it up. He
hn3 experienced some difficulty in get
ting the lumber, but we presume the
work will now commence soon.
Dr. D. F. Pennington, recently of
I ittsburgh, offers his services as a Den
tal Surgeon, to the inhabitants of this
lace and vicinity. He is located at
Fort Pitt, and will make engagements
to meet patients in Tionesta, at any
time. His Post Office address is lio-
uesta, Pa. 29 tf.
Mrs. Rogers wishes to inform her
friends, and the public in general, that
she has just returned from Buffalo with
a new and elegant stock of Fall and
Winter millinery goods, consisting of
tho latest styles of Hats, Bonnets,
Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Rib
bons &c, which sho is prepared to sell
cheap for cash. Her ohop is to be
foucJ over the store of the Superior
Lumber Co. - 20 If
The Bes Jewelry House
In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit
uated on the corner of Water and
and phestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa.,
and is owned by M. P. Jenks. lie
has just received a large nnd supcri.r
stock of Jewelry, which he ims mark
ed down to the bottom figures, and we
can conscientiously recommend this
house to our readers if they want any
thing in that line. The Block is very
extensive, and one cannot fail to suit
himself in anything iu this line. Give
Jenks a call w hen you go to Meadville,
and you will not regret it. 27 tf
A. H. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, lias been appointed
agent for tho celebrated " Iumuu Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
required. .
Use Dr. Herrick's Sugar-Coaled Veg
etable FUU and Kid Strengthening
Flatters, also Dr. Ferrin' Fumigator
for Catarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Horses and Cattle
use Unreel' a Condition I'owdert the
best iu use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox & Co., Agents, Tionesta, IV,
and the trado generally. 21 3u
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book-
biudery as there is any where. We are
prepared to do all tbo binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Hsinplen
1 enn be seen nt tht offirn
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how Bhall we
reach the W est t Tho best Line is ac
knowledgcd to be the C., B. fe Q.,
joined together with the B. & M. Bail-
road by the Iron Bridge hi Burlington,
and called the BfHbLsoTON Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects ith the great Ta
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
mg route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Plutts
mouth, passes through Lincoln; the
State Capital, nnd will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing nt Red Oak, falls into a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" ita tree
fringed steams Its rough bluffs nnd
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be suro to remem-
b3r it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of the B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand home steaders and
preemptors who last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sain is rich enough to give us all
a farm." '
That pepper nnd salt color which
renders your hair so conspicuous, con
easily be remedied by using a bottle
or two of Nature's Hair Restorative.
4 ... . .
C'Ar.rENTERS, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in tho Hardware lino, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest Etock in this section
of tho country. They arc making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castiugs at short notice 4-tf.
We have just received a full sop
ply of Ladies Furs, Mufls and Capes,
also Gents Fur Collars, which we of
fer at very low prices. Also Woolen
Blankets from $3.75 to $9.00 per pair
10 4 and 1 1-4 wide, Gents Woolen
Scarfs, Ladies' Kuit Shawls, Nubias,
Wool Hoods, Src., &ct.
Superior Lumher Co.
Xeiv Advertisement g.
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vcndi.
Exponas issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Forest countv, and to
mo directed, thoro will be exposnd to sale
by public vendue or outcry tit tho Court
llou'io In the IJnronirli of Tionesta on
MONDAY, NOV. 20TII. A. 1)., 1871. '
the following described real estate, to-n it:
Kll lioleman vs. 11. A. Kurt T,.,.nK
Shriver, Ha 8 Dep. Term 1S71, C. I. JS"o8
Sent. Term. 1JU Tat All ilnf..ii,ln,.t'
interest of. in and to a certain piece or par
eel ot land situate in Harmon v township.
! orest county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows:
in iiu) north by countv lino
and Fagundus, on the east by John Lamb
cm the west by Dunlnp, ami on the south'
by J. I'lOllllIlg. Coilt!.!.... A,V
more or less about 00 acres of which are
l,rn? , -i i h01?9. d w niill, two largo
barns, oil dei-r i. i.,. ,.. .!..
on erected, nna tt orchard thcruon' grow'
Tuken in csocution. and La ln n. .1,1 n
tho property of H. A. Burl und Jacob
Shriver at the sui t of Eli lioleman.
No. 8 Doc. Term and No. T Deo. Term,
1871, C. D, No. 7 und No. 8 Dee Term, 1WJ,
Samuel Duff vs. 10. c. Mays, surviving
administrator et. al., and Dr. James Goe.
vs. r.. C. Mays, surviving adminiMtrator
oi. ai. uitny. All defendant's interest in
certain tracts of land situate iu Burnett
towunhip. Forest County, Pa,, bounded
and described us follows: Beginning on
tbo north bank of tho Clarion River at the
lower end of Wm. II. Lowrio's improve
ment, (formerly John H. Mays' improve
ment,;, running thcuco north until it cor
ner with Bingham's line, now Zeuts',
thence wo.U along said Bingham lino to a
w niie ouk corner, thence south along said
iniigiiarii iinv to win, 11. Jewrie s line,
and thence east witli tho mild Wm. H.
Lowrio's lino to the placo of beginning,
eomaiuing two hundred acres more or less.
AjJio. All Unit certain tract of land sit
unto in Howe towiiHhip, Forest county.
Pa., kuown as Warrant No. ai2, bounded
on tho north by Warren countv line, on
tho by Warrant No. -Hl'Ii, oii the south
by Warrant No. &I3.I. und on tho west bv
the Kingsley township lino, containing iiiti
acres, more or les.
Also. All that tract of land situuto in
the township of Burnett, i-otintv of 1'orent
Pa., bounded by lauds of Jtilcliiu. Flnk
bino ft Co., on tho north, on tliu cast bv
lands of Ritehie, Fink bine ft Co. aixl land's
of E. C. Mays, on tho aoulh by lumls of
KiU-hio, r ink ,V Co. and lands of N ord
or formerly Wm. Titus, on tho west bv
lands of Jacob Maxe and J. J. Uevnohlx.
containing one hundred und twenty-live
acres inoro or Uwm Willi the appurtenances.
.mti m inx Kiionii HHiiiewiil .viuplel rick
Mill property, and being part of traot No.
Taken in execution and to bo sold as the
property of E. C. Mays, surviving adiuin
Vitrat.,r et. al. heirs and lentil renresei.tu.
tiVfMofWm. Ann strong die' d at tho suit
of Samuel Dull and Dr. Jume.i (Joe.
lei ins
E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff.
Oct. K, 87L
CAME TO the premises of the subscrib
er, ilk Tionesta IWI.. two and Olie-lmlf
miles north of Tioneslu, about tlio 7th of
Sept., a dark red cow. short stiimnv horns.
about 10 or lli years old. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property,
I'a.v rimiKtm, mho iiiKe ner awav, or alio
ill be ilijos of according to law.
Joint resomttio
Proposing an amendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
lie it lienntveit bif the fii-.nate on I llnuie
rf Jcpreenhtties nf the Commonwealth of
renn.illvnna in (Jeneral Axxemhh met.
That tlio following amnndmrntor the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth bo pro
posed to tho peoplo for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of tho
tenth article thereof, to wlti
Strikeout tho Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of tho Consti'Mion, aud insert in
lieu thereof tho following :
"A State Treasurer shall bo chosen by
tho quulitted electors of the State, at such
times and for such term of scrvico as shall
be prescribed by law."
, JAMES n, WEnn,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved the fifteenth day of Juno.
Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred
and sovonty-one.
Prepared and eertitied for publication
pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. F. JOKDAN,
Secretitrv of tho Commonwealth.
Oftico Secretary of tho Commonwealth, i
llari isburff. July 0th, 1S71. J
J U R U B E B A .
Is a South American plant that has been
used for many yeara by tho medical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
elllcacy, and is aSureand Perfect Itemed
or all Diseases of the
Liver and Snleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction of Intestines, Urinary,
Uterine, or Abdominal Orjrnns,
Povertv or a want of lilood. In
termittent or Remittent
Fevers, Intlanmtlon ot
tlio Liver, Dropsy,
Sluggish Circu-
lulion of tho
Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Aguo and Fever, or
their Concomitants.
Is a most perfect altcrativo, and Is offered
to the public as a rcat invitforutor and
remedy lor all Impurities or tho blood, or
for organic weakness with their attendant
evils. For the foregoing oom plaints
Dr. Wells Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to everv
family as a household remedy, and should
be freely taken in all dorangements of the
system v.
'It is NOT A PFI YSTC-It t not what is
popularly called a UlTTEH nor is it in
tended as such ; but is simply a powerful
alterative Kivintf health, vijor and tone to
all the vital forces, aud animates and forti
liesall weak and lymphatic ' (tnneramcuta.
JOHN Q. KKLLOUU,.Tlatt St., ow
Yprk. Solo Aent for thc'A'nited States.
Trice Onu JHllar per botiV Send for
Circular. Mt I
A ByBcndii3r OcJcENTS
with ace. hiuht. color of efes and h:iir.
you will receive, by return mail, a correct
picture of your futuro husband or wife,
with namo and date of marriago. Address
W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. JM, Fulton-
vino I. Y. l3-4t
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
ttal at the old Everhart Bank, two
miles from Nowmanviile for 7 cents per
Ho always has a large supply on hand,
Now Is the time to lay in a largo sopply
Crdcrs promptly attended to 2 9
Maafacturers of Hot Air Engines.
1, 2, and 4 Horse-Power,
No water used I
Cannot explode!
No insurance demand
ed Not liable to get out of
order !
Requires no Skilled
Engineer !
rn 25 cents
per day por horsn wct. 22-It
"DSYCHOLOGfC Fascination o.' Soul
J. Charming, 400 pagos by Herbert Hum
ilton, Ji. A. How to usotliis power (which
all pi skcsm' at will. Divination, Spiritual
ism, Sorceries, Demonologv, and a thous
and oilier wonders. Price' Jay mail 81.25
in cloth ; paper covers $1.00, 'Copv free to
agents only. $I.C00 monthly easily made.
Address T. V. Evans, Pub., 21 S.' tth St.,
Philadelphia. Pa. 2s-4t.
with tho Oreen Tea Flavor
arranted to suit all
tastes. For salo every
where, in our "trade
murk" pound and half
pound packages only, and salo' whoealo
only by tho Great Atlantic and Pacific
Tea Co., 8 Chutcli St. New YorK. P. O.
Box 5MQ. Send lor Theu-Nsotar circular.
A i Look! g to 812
daily easily niuile. I rotitablo and rospee
lublo business. s liltlo novelty wanted
ny everybody. Success sure. Semi stamp
ior circulars to t nuieinii
to Churchill ft Templeton,
s, tili Bread way, N. Y. 27 4t
$io from in-
(MftilMtilltar Tm PiilUnt K. L. Wojjiit.'n.V.
Q nfin nai l,ue" latol v paid bv Cm
?'J, gress to a lady for her
bravery and skill in saving Emigrant
from the Indians. She was a prisoner
among them. "MY CAPTIVITY
AMONG THE SIOUX," is her story. It
is a woiiilei lul one, endorsed bv noted
etc. Splendid bu-.iiiesH, lo sell it.
t ()(( FA KM EUS WANTED to in
1 , J)VJ intrisl -co Alex. Hv(le'"Le
tuieMon Agriculture," price g I. iio, into their
towns. A rare chance to turn hour i)o
cash. We churge nothing for circulars aud
full information of either book. It w,il
pay all to send for them. Address, Amer
ican Publishing Company, Hnrtfoitl,
Conn. " Zl-.l
AGENTS WANTED Bound canvass
ing book
of postage on re-cipt of 75 centa, and x
culsive territory granted on the
Colltnins over 'too illiislrntiona Im eom.
plete Library of Bibheul KiiouIcIl-o
'Mlsall otbeis. Li and
VER, and u entirely free from the
routonous and Henlth-dertrovinQ
n J .. -.1 ... rr .
i'fuyi in in omer jiair irepara
Hons. Transparent nnd clear as crystal, It will
not soil too ("uir-Ht fabric, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN nnd EEl'ICl KNT-ilesideratums
It restores and prevents thi Hair from
becoming Gray, Imparts a soil, glossy ap
pearance, removes Dandruff. Is cool and
rerreshlnir to tlio head, checks the Hnlr
from falling off, and restores It to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnntnnd heat. AS A
TH. G. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mh-s.
Prepared only by PROCTER" BIIOTH
EHS, Gloucostor, Mass. Tho genuine, is
put up in a panel bottlo, made expressly
for It, with the namo of tho articlo blown
In the glass. Ask vour Druggist for
Nature's Hair Ilcstorative, and take no
lr-W-Sond two thrco cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on tho
Human Hair." The information it tun
tains is worth to( 0,00 to any person.
SEWIXO mac him;n.
Tje following ara selected from thous
ands of testimonials of similar character,
as expressing the reasons for tho prefer
ence of tho G rover ft Baker Machines over
all others.
"Hike tho Grover ft Baker Ma
chine, In tho lirst place, because if I had
any other, I should still want a Grover ft
Baker am) having a Grover ft Baker It
answers tho purpose of all the rest. It
does a greater variety of work and is easier
to learn than any other, Mrs. J. C. Cro
ly (Jenny June)
"I have had several years' expe
rience with a Grover ft Baker Machine,
which has given me great satisfaction. I
ih!pk tho Grover ft Baker Machine is more
easily iuanal. aud less liable to got out
of order. I prefer the "wer ft Baker de
cidedly," Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York.
"I have had one In my family for
some two years; and fjom what I know
of its workings, and from the testimony of
many of my friends who use the snine, I
can hardly see how anything eould bo more
complete or give bettor satisfaction,"
Mrs. Gen. Grant.
"I believo It to be tlio best, all
things considered.ol'any thnt I hnvo known
It is very simple und easily learned ; tho
sewing from tho ordinary spools is a great
advantage; the stitch is entirely reliable;
It does ornamental work beautifully; it Is
not linblo to get out of order. Mrs. A. M
Spooner, 3ti Bond St. Brooklyn.
"I am acquainted with the work of
inn principal machines, and I prefer tho
j i imurr u, uieiii uu, uocause x con
sider tho stitch more elastic. I have work
in the house which was done nine years
wiueii tn nun goon. - iurs, nr. Mc
Creudy, No. 4a East 23d street, N. Y.
"More than two-thirds of all the
sewingdonoin my family for tho last two
years has been done bv Grover ft Baker's
Machine, and I never 'hail irnrnient riu
or need mending, except those rents which
trollcsome boys will make In whole cloth
It is, iu my opinion, bv far tlio most valu
ableof any I have tried." Mrs. Henry
Ward Boecher.
"Tlio O rover ft. H.iker Sntvlno. Ma.
ehinohns rendered in every respocf, tho
most perfect satisfaction. It combines so
many ailvantagos witli beauty of execu
tion and economy in price Unit it is a no
cesity in every household." Mrs. Gover
nor uuary, Uarrisburg, I'a.
"I have had tho fJrovor ft Eakor Ma
chine for ton or twolvo years In constant
use in my house. I havo seen and kuown
every kind of Family sowing, both per
sonal and household, accomplished up
the Grover Baker Machine, to tho entj.
satisfaction of all concerned, ICov. Stephen
H. TyiiK.
"I find the .'CVer ft Baker Hliteh will
wear as long as the garni'.'lits (ft) outwear
tlTu garment in fact. The stitch will not
break on bias seams, when stretched, as
others do ; nnd neither does it draw tho
work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twon-
ijr-iouriu street, is, j.
The Grover and Baker Sewing Machino
Company manufacture both the Elastic
and Lock Stitch Machine, and offer the
public a choice of the host machines of
both kinds, at their establishments in all
the large cities, and through agencies In
nearly all towns throughout tho country.
Price lists and samples of sowing in both
stitches furnished on application to Grover
ft Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Slroet, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Tho new book (;od KEASO.V AND
SCIENCE; or. no Landmarks of Truth,
Is highly coir ended by all demonstra
tions, and' .srupiiilv. Agents should se
cure acholco of licld", nt unco. Semi for
lonns, ami sco extra inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, 712 Chestnut St., Phila
delphia. '1 it
lmd. OA... M HrMdj. N. T. k4 Da. It kk
WIUl pLutaCt-ftpbLS IlktMMM Of BMM bofar ftb ftflM . M. Uh
lb Ha ury Wftr4 b.Ur iu, litujn twrvIL Krtr of
lrMi ImiptWra, piuu4 tow MlbllnMH f lr
luiia. litktiMiiwi
Inventors who wish to take out Letters
Patent aro advised to counsel with Munn
and Coinimiy, editors of the Sciei.'itio
Americun, who have prosecuted claims
before the Patent Ollice lor over Twenty
Years Their American and Kuroputh
Patent agency is the most extensive in the
world Charge less than unv other relia
ble agi ncy A pamphlet containing lnll
instructioiiH to inventors la sent gratis
ML'NN ft CO., 37 l ark Kow,
13tf New York
0 Kl',ailed by one. Wanted
airents to sell pi, lures every
v. hei e.Vhilney A- Co., Norwkh, Ct., 221
Free to Boek AgentB.
We will senile handsome Pi .tspevtii of
our ,ew lllutrnti:ilt,l 'umi, It, hie (vn
laming over aOO line scripture illusiia
tralionstoany Btx.k Agent iron of charge.
Address Nsttunsl I'libllshlnj Co. poi!.i-
To tho Nerveoua
WIIOSKsurcrlnrshave boen protra
ed from hidden ausea, and wbos.
casas require prompt treatment to rondar
oxistonc. desiraWt'
If yon are suffering, r kav. sulTflr
from involuntary discharges, what effect
does It produce on your gnneral health T
Io you feel weak, debilitated, easily tirodT
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the.heart? Does your liver, r
urinary organs -our kidneys, frequent
ly get out of or Is your urine some
times ihiek, milk., or flocky, or is it ropy
on settling ? Or does a thick sknm riso t.
Mhe top T Or is a sediment at the bottom af
ter it has stood nwhilo? Do you har.
spells of short breathingor tllspepsiaT Ar.
your bowels constipated? Do you hav.
spells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood t
tho head T Is your memory impnred 1 1
your mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Doyoufecl dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lite T Do you wish left alone, away from everybody?
Does any little thing make you start r
jump? li your sleep broken or restless?
Is tho luatre ofydureyo as brilliant?
Tlio bloom on your chock as bright? Do
yon enjoy yonrself In society as well ? Do'
you pursue your business with tho sam t
energy? Do you feel as much confiuone.
in youself? Aro your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of meluncholy ? If ,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your kneos weak, and hare but lit
tlo appetite, and you attribute this to ift
pepsiaor livor-.omplaiot?
Now, reader, aelf-abusi, reasreal !
eases badly cured, and sexual excesiei, ar
all capabfoof producing a weakness of th
goncrutivo organs, Tho organs of gen.ra
tion.wlicn In perfect health, make the mu
Did you evor think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus-lnoss-nien
are always those whose gensra
tlvo organs aro In perfect health? Yo
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of pal pllatloa
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed iu business ; they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they arealwaya
polite and pleasant in tbo company of la
dies, and.look you and them right im tho
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat meaa
those who keep tho organs inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
rnin their constitutions, but also tiios
they do business with or fo. '
ITow many men, from badly.r43"
easos, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, havo brought about that stato of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the gnnoal system so mnch as to produca
almost every other disease i lioey, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of discaso which
humanity is heir to, and the real eauso'of
tho trouble scarcely ever suspected aa4
bare doctored forall but toe right caa.
Diseases of these organs require th.'aa.
of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLUIH
EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretio,
and is a certain euro for diseases of th.
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orsa
ic Weakness, Female Compluints, G.nsr
al Dcbity, and all diseases of tlio Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever causo originating,
and no matter of how loug standi am,
If no treatment I submitted to, 0
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Oar
tlesh and blood aro supported from these
sources, and tho health una iiappinaes,
asd that of Posterity, deponda aee
prompt use of a reliable remedf .
Jlelnibold's Extract Buchu, established.
upward of 19..ears. prepared by II. T..
HELMBOLD, Druggist, 5!t Broadway.
New York, and IU4 Ssuth li)lh Street,,
Philadelphia, Pn. rmcr. - JliJ per bottle
or tl bottles for t&.SQ, delivered to any ad
dress, hold by all Druests every wbweej
JON' K A HE c. EN 11 N V. t'!LrS
Wrapper, fac-sinile of my Chemical Ware '
house, nnd lk'iie.J U. T. H KI.M UUt. TV'
'J lv.