EIDTOU. TCESDAY MORNING, NOV. 7, ISM. State Elections To-Day. Elections will bo held in the States of Maryland, Massachusetts, Minneso ta and Wisconsin for GoTcrnor, State officers and Legislature ; in Jsew York for State officers and Legislature ; in New Jersey for Governor and Legisla tiire; in Mississippi and Virginia for Legislatures, and in Illinois for Con gressman at large. With the excep tion of Maryland and Virginia the! prospect arc good for Republican vic tories ia all these States; while even in Virginia there is a probability that the Republicans will gain several members. The Kopul leans are mak ing a plucky fight. Proclamation. Proclamation- of Governor Geahy commenting the obpeiivanoe ok TnANKsaivixu Day in Pesxsylva- XIA. llAnuiSBVRn, Oct. 28. Governor Geary has issued the following procla tion : His Excellency the President of the United States having by his proclama tion set apart Thursday, the 30th of November, 1871, as a day of national thanksgiving: Now, therefore, I, John W. Geary, Governor of Pennsylvania, do hereby cordially commend to the people there of the observance of the same as n duy of thanksgiving-to Almighty God for our State, national and individual biCsVmgs, and of prayer for the con tinuance of His gracious favor. As entirely as may bo possible let business pursuits be suspended. Let 'is spend the day in religious worship, mid in such sacred communings and festivities of the homo circle, and so eecuro its pleasures and perform its duties, as to make our hearts more deeply sensible of our obligations to rd and our fellow men. " A hoso of Pr,lise E10n-'lh 'e." "He that u .l"v upon the poor lendelh unto the Loni,.n( .1,.. Kuni. ha bmh rriv. en will lie ph?lVqflgain ., Oiven under my uvd and the great acal of the State at rw,rrisburg this tweutyV.xth day of QcUt t)e year of our Lord one thousand ejgi,t hundred and seventy-one, and f the Commonwealth the ninety sixth. X Jons V. Geary. By the Governor : F. Jordan, Secretary of the Commou wealth. A rigorous charge is being made by the government ulong the South ern lines to rid the country of the remaining relics of rebellion the Ku-Klux-Klan. No rood ritirr-n milt complain of this, and if the means re- Oriea 10 Bre linrpn nnrl sncoro if .....of - i, 1 W IUUCI not be forgotten that the end in this case will justify the means used, if this terrible order of out-laws shall be ut terly destroyed. Peaon ran noi-nr come to the South, until this band of desperadoes shall be broken up, taught the power of tho nation. It appears that tin amount of promises, orentreat ies will accomplish this desirable Te nult, while the cries for help are con tinually reaching Washington from nearly every portion of that distracted section, cries of loyal men and women and children for protection from tlw cowardly attacks of disguised, armed men. The diabolism must be "topped, if it shall require the life of every member of the hideous order. The Unionists, white and black of the South, must be protected in their lights, and to this end we trust Presi dent Grant will use every means with in his power. Tho country will en dorse his every effort to enforce law and order, when it shall learn the full tale of woe and suffering which called for protection. I'itUburgh Gazelle. A terrfble and probably fatal rail road accident occurred at Miller Farm, this mornuig, by which our townsman. Mr. II. H. Chapman, Superintendent of the Claremont farm for Mr. D. O. Wick liam, had both legs cut ulf und will pnbably die. The particulars of this sad affair appear to bo as follows: Mr. C.wasntaiid ngon the platform in front of Brown's hotel, engaged in conversa tion with another gentleman, when the 0:30 u. m. freight going north pawed, moving at a rapid rate of speed, j Wishing to make the train ho ran ! along the platform until nearly iu front of the depot, when he made a jump for the platform of the caboose, catching tho railing with his hands but failing to secure a fooling was thrown back hi body resli.ig ou the platform and both legs across the rail, the wheels of the car parsing over them, cutting off one below the knee and the other one a short distance above the knee. The train was stopped, and the unfor tunate man taken ou board and carried to Titusville. Physicians were called, who dressed the wounds, and it is un derstood have some hopes of saviug his life. -I'd. Ceix. litcord, 2d. The celebrated breach of promise case, between Mies Mcliride and Mr. Wagner, which was tried ot Franklin last summer, and created great inter est, will come op during the next ses sion of the Suj.ieme Court iu thisciiy. It will be remembered that tho jury jrare the lady something over three thousand dollars damages for broken heart. Mr. Wagner now brings a counter suit on a writ of emit in the Supreme Court. Tho briefs are being pruned for trial, which will probably , reopen the whole case. lKtbburgh j vr. R. DUNN . . To be Repeated. When Harry White was held a prir oner by tho rcbe's, the Democratic p;riy in tho State Senate took advan tage of the fact to prolong its organ ization for weeks, for no other purpose than the gratification of a sordid hope of being able to rest a hrc of the oflicers of thai body from tho Repub licans, to whom, as the majority party, they were justly entitled. Just as soon as Gen. White could resign bis seat as a Senator, an election was called, the vacancy filled by. a Republican, and the majority were able to proceed to bulsness. If tho Democracy had been controlled by magnanimous or honora ble feelings, the Senate could have or ganized the day it met. Hut in all this our opponents are deficient, o that the State is most likely to be dis graced oca in by a repetition of a strug gle similar to that when General White was held a prisoner by the rebels. The death of Senator Council has created a vacancy which must bo hi led by a special election. It is the duty of the Speaker of the Senate to call that election. Why docs he hes titnte now and quibble as to his right or duty to issue his warrant for such special election ? Simply because Mr. Council's death leaves the Senate a tie, and the hope is cherished of forcing the majority into sharing the officers of that body. There is nothing to sub serve but this grccl there is no pos sibility of vindicating a principle thereby, and in order thus to pander to the corruption of a defeated faction, a shameful disgrace is in preparation for the people, and thousands of dol lars of public money will hi wasted. We want fair men and tax-payers to pouder these fuels. There is no good reason why the special election to nil tho vacancy in the Fourth Senatorial district should not at once be called. It is demanded by justice and a due regard for tho success of legislation, and those who refuse a compliance, standing on a shifting and weak tech nicality, will be held responsible for a reckless disregard of a' sworn duty. These are facts which the people will not forget.-owre Journal. J. II. Luther & Co. hare pur chased of E. W. Echols, Esq., the va cant lots on Buffalo street, adjoining the Untou School House property, on which they are now erecting a machine shop, foundry and blacksmith shoo. The machine shop fronts ou Buffalo street 80 feet, and is 30 feet ia depth The blacksmith shop adjoins the ma chine shop on the west and is CO feet long by 50 feet in width. The foundry is located back of the blacksmith shop, and is 40 by 50 foel. Between the ma cVino shop and the blacksmith shop, and ngino house, 22 by 20 feet, is to oe erected. The foundations for all the buildings are about completed, and the frame work ready to be put up. The loca tion of these shops is excellent, being near the line of the J. A F. Railroad, from which a track will be run into the shops, rr.akiiic it convenient for stiirjptng and unthippiug tt Heavy tunteriala user in aooh usuthlishlneuts. A large force of men are at work erecting the buildings, and they will be completed and the necessary ma chinery placed in them as soon as pos sible. Venango Citizen. The following items are taken from the Titusville Herald of the 31nt ult: A teamster residing on Meguiro farm, Church Run, was yesterday af ternoon run over by his wngon, the wheels crushing his right arm, fractur ing both bones. Dr. Hunter was im mediately telegraphed, and proceeded to his assistance. The bones were skill fully set, and the patient is doing as well as can he expected. Mr." William Van Ulrich, while standing at the door of his residence on Spring street lust evening, was sud denly, and without warning, violently assaulted and felled bleeding and senseless to the pavement, by a terrible blow on the head with a champagne bottle in the l ands of a drunken indi vidual and total etnuger. He is pain fully, although not (hingeroutdy injur ed. Want of snarft nrevciits "fori l-nr comment to-day. I Slicide. Cyrus M. Parks, a well knowu citizen ofSheakleyville, Mercer county, died on Wednesday evening of hist week from the effects of injuries itiflii ted upon himself on the Friday previous. He stabbed himself several times in the necK, and also attempeted to hang himself, his neck being discol ored by the rope. Financial troubles c.iuseed the rash act, as he had become surety for several parties who were un able to pay. Lonnettutvule Courier. Acciie.S"I.--A man name unkiu wn. hostler at the Alpine House iu this place, on r-nltuiJav morning met with an accident which rolled i:i iho breaking of one of bis legs. It ap pears tiiat he whs going up the stairs in the baru for the purpose of giving the horses some hay, and w hen part way up his foot slipped and he fell to the bottom of the stairs. He was im mediately carried to a room iu the Alpine, ami Dr. W. B. Hurtiuan was called upon to set the injured parts. Wo learn that he is getting along as well as could be expeeted tuider the circumstauces. St. Mary't Gazette. We are informed that Mr. Samuel Tr-y, Sr., of Uuion township, this county, ou Tuesday, October 17th, shot two full grown wolves,in that township; and ou the 2Uth of September he caught one iu a trap thus capturing three of the.-e vicious "varmints" in less than a mouth. The neighborhood is well riil of them; as ut(y had become quite hold and annoying. We congratulate Mr. Troy on his success in capturing such formidable gapjo. ((fttvuin't Relief Committee. . At a meeting of citizens of Forest county held in M.E.Church at Tionestn, motion of M.W.Tate a committeo con sisting of Dr. Winans, H. II. May and M. Eins tein, was appointed for the pur pose of soliciting aid for the sufferers by tho great fires in tho Northwest. At a meeting of said committee M. Einstein was appointed treasurer for said fund. We do hereby send you a petition, asking you to do for those who have suffered so severely in life and proper ly. All funds should s bo sent to M. Einstein. A statement of the amount of mouey and goods received will be published. As winter is drawing near, thecommittee requests that the amount? bo forwarded by the 10th Nov. 1871. By Order of the Committee. The Chicago Tribune cautions Eastern merchants against trusting irresponsible Chicago dealers who nre availing themselves of the sympathy of the people to obtain credit which is likely to be abused. It says that many such men have rushed to the East proclaiming that they have lost heavily by:the fire when in fact their creditors have been the real sufferers. Our merchants, however, are usually pretty well informed as to the character of the men to whom they sell mer chandise on credit, ana are not very likely to tie imposed upon by sharpors, It is said that if a pufT of air were to be blown into a vein of an animal, death would instantaneously follow, because circulation would bo stopped. The blood makes tho entire circuit of the human body every seven minutes, and whenever this circulation is impeded or any of its channels are clogged by impurities which ousrht to be carried off, disease follows fever or a disorder of liver or kidneys, or scrofula, or dvspepsm. To get at and remove tho source of the difficulty use the old and infallible blood purifier, L-r.- nitr a moru: luegar 111 tern. 28 4 1 20,000 FAItJIi:itS. THK HELPER shows von how to save and how to nuiko money on the farm. Where to look for the profits, and to obtain them. How to clear 000.00 from October to May. A copy free to every fanner send ing mime and P. O. Address to Zicglcr it iuei'uray, rtitiaaetpma, fa. 31 - M'hitnry'i fieaU Foot Ha rum Soap, Ml ISAM Kl!f l IS 1.1. IT Oil. Blacks, Polishes and Soaiia at tho same time. Put up in largo and small slr.n boxen also s Hi, bars. If as been in liso for years and gives perfect satisfaction lnd stamp for our WA V EH.LY. Address O. F. Whitney Co., 09 Milk St.. Boston, ;uass. bi cm Wanted for CHICAGO TUE Great Conflagration. Tho Queen City as it w as and Is. The Hamlet of 40 years auo. Tho .ire.it City of yesterday. Tho MumnMeriiifr, Huins of io-t.v. A (traplii- account ot its unexiiin pled r.se aoJ vivid picture of its sudden dntruetion bv Colbert Clmmherlnin. itorxof tho CHICAGO TIM HUN K. Eve witnesses and great Miifferors from the ter rible visitation. All the main facts and incidents attending this (rreutest calamity of tho country, are portraved with uur pasaed distinctness and power, the oll'eet on Commerce, Insurance, Ac., fuilv dis cussed, and details of a world' sVinjia thetie responae recorded. Fully illustrated. Price low. ,Aients ahou d apply immediately as tho ale will bo immense. Circular free. Hubbard Bros.. I'tiiiliaho-H, 7-3 Kansom St., Phila. CAUTION. llewaro of interior works, lie sure you pet COLIiEK A- C1IAMUKK LAI"SEJITIUN. 31-4t A JI I It A L E ! Mr. Snmuol Hell, of W. E. Rehmortz f Co , Wholesale Moot and Shoe Manufactur ers, 31 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been alltieted with chronic rheumatish for thiity years, trom his right hip to his foot, having to use a crutch and a eime, at times so painful as lo utterly incapacitate, him from attending lo Uia lmxiness. Having tried every remedy known, without effect, except (iilliland's Pain Killer, ho was tinaby induced to try it. A second applica tion enabled him to lay aside his c-rulch, and a third effected a permanent cure. Mr. Bell is a popular and well-known citizen, is a living monument of the effaeaoy of that great medical discovery, (iillilumVs Pain Killer. The afflicted should ask thir grocer or dru-.glst for it, and try its won derful power. Mr. (iilliltmd, 'we under stand, wants a respectable agent in every town and county for it. The principal of llee is ut 12 Third Avenue, Pittsburgh Pa. 31-lt SIS nar-rxi"J.',n.! Tiif'rs A'ii.. ...ii , a. iiulli uial i..l ill all its nha-sCM. written bv a Convict piwl.irx.,.1 i, tho present (iovornor of die State, tho vtarncn uiiu ( naplin or t lie Prison. It lilts the vail and reveals the horrors of that life under the nld Kvstem of brutal treat ment, HtarvingM. wliippiiiiis, shamcfuis-d criminalities with female convicts, muti nies, murders. Ac also tlm n,lviii,i,nr..M ..f the new system of kind treatment, lately iiiniiuiiiu't'ti. It is full of stirring incidents, ond vivid pen pictures, facts lis exciting an lletion. It Is profusely illustrated, is creating a profound aeiiMitioii and Is sure lo prove thegreat popular fust-selling Imok of the season. Price low. For illustrated circu lar and extra U-riiis. address Hubbard Bros., Publishers, 7r"J Sansoin St.. Phila., 27-4t. AUENTS WANTED po Sexual Scienc In.- ia.n j manhood. WouiauliiMiil and and their mutual interrelations, J.ove, its laws. Power, Ac, bv Prof. O. S. Fowler. Send for Circulars and specimen panes. Address National Publishing Co., Phila i!K-4t 5'VO A MONTH.-Horso and car VJ riagefurnisliMd ; expenses paid; samples free. JI. U. HtlAW, Alfred, Me. 21 U AUKNTS WANTED. Exclusivo territo ry granted on tho PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE. Contains over (Km Illustrations. Is a complete Library of Biblical Knowledge. ExccIIshII ollieis. In English and (ierinuu Send for Circulars, Wrn. Flint t Co, Phil dolphin, P, -j. Woman Know Thjsrlf. The creat publication bv ttr. Chnvam. WOMAN AS A WIFE AND MOTIIF.lt, will hare you money and siitl'erinn. Agents wanted everywhere ; ladles prefer red For terms a Id rem Wm. H. Evens A Co., 7 10 Sansom SU, Philadelphia. 'j 4t Q1 OnO'1"' ln 8 nion'lm by one O I JV Ivyagent. canvassing fin- THE GUIDE BOARD. Ry lr. W. W. Hall. Agents Wanted. H. N'". McKlnnev A Co., Q North 7th Street, Phila. Pa. aS-4t 1-ITaT3T3 rPOWo wi "end a jTrJCl ri rl JL ljmudsomo Pro. pectus of our new liDOlv Illustrated Fam- AGENTS fine Scripture Il lustration to any Book agent, free of charge. Address National Publishing Co. Philadelphia, Pa, US-H POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, Of TUB STATK OF rKNKSYLVAWIA, MARKET ST., west of 17th, PHIl,A Re-opens September l!th. 1871. Thorough Collegiate training for the practice of Mine Engineering. Civil Engineering, Mechani cal Engineering, Analytical Industrial Choi listrv. Metallurgy a id Architecture. The Diploma of the Collego Is received as conclusive evidence of proticieney by tlio l.rst engineers and companies cntrairca in works of improvement. For tdth Annual Announcement, oddresa ALFRED I KENNEDY, H. D., Picst, ol'Faoulty. iID-4t IPCHTC 1 ti a week l per Audi I O (cent and JiViMK in cash , - l prir.e. Information male & reinale. J Vo. Ad dress Amerl can Book Co., till William St., N. V. 4-4t Patented Novenipcr 1, 1S70. Sample fr,o at tl rocrv store. It, A Bartlett A Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. 2a-4t PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTEIl II f. V. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains nrrlv at and leave the Union Depot, corner rf Washinton and Lilwrty street, as follow: ARRIVE. Mall Train, 1.P.0 a m , Fast Line, 12.12 a m ; Well's aceomniodatim No. ljtt.20 a m Brinton aciMinniodatioi No 1, i.M) In; Wall's accommodation Ho 2, .6"a in ;Cin cinnati express .2) a ir ; .lobnstown ae conimodution Kl.riO a m; Rraddock's nc couiiimdatlon No 1, 7.00 p in ; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacifu express 1.S0 p in j Wall' accommodation No 3, JJ.H5 J in ; Homewoofl accoiniiKHliiion No I,0.5j p m; Wall's accommodation No 4, B.iW p m ; Brinton accommiKlatioc No 2, 1.10 p in J Way Passenger M.'M jin, DEPART. Southern ox pre 5.2(! a tn ; rcitie ex press 2.40 a m ; Walt's aicominodation No 1, 6.30a in ; Mail Train 1.10 a in ; Brinton's accommodation 1 l.'O a i i Braddock's ac commodation Nol.fi.lftp nil Cincinnati exprosa 12.35 p in; Wall'a accommodation N 2, 11.51 am j Johnstown tccomniodation 4.aipm; HotnewoHl aeo-ilninodation No 1, S.S0 p m; Phll;lelphiaxpress 3.50 p in; Wall aecoinmodation NA.3.05p in; all's aeiHimniodation No 4, ftrfi p in ; Fast Lino 7.40 p m; Wall No 5. 11.00 p m. The Church Trains lffavo Wall's Station every Sunday at a.m., reaching Pitts burgh at lO.oJa. m. ltehirnlng leave Pitts-liur-'h ut l'.oO p. m., and arrive ut Wall's Station at 2.10 p. id. I Cincinnati express leives d illy. South ern x press daily oxeept Moi, Jaj'. All oth er f rains daily, except Kunduy. , For further' Informafion aidy to W. H. BlvOKWi ril, Apent. The Pennsylvania Itailroad Company will not assume, any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apmrcl. and limit their rsH)psibilily to One Hundred Dolla' val uo. All baggago . exceeding that a omit in v.ilue will la) at the risk of the mer, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoona pa. BOOKS, STATIONERY, DAVIS & ECHOLS, (Near the Co .-t House,) FRANKLIN, P E N NH A . Havo a general assortnumt of School Books, Law Hooks, llistoi-ii-s. Bibles and Testaments, II vnm Books, Music Books, Blank Books, Envelopes, Note, Letter und cap writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates and everything in tho HOOK C- STA TIOXER Y It L'SIXKM. All of which they offer to Bell WHOLE SALEOH RETAIL, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS A ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa, 3IoiiongahcIa Valley INSURANCE ACENCY, n ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, LSSUED IN FIRSTCLASSCOMPANIES. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJtSTEO AND PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, Gen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. II. Ktkbi.k, at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. FREE a MONTHS ON TKIAL. A first-class lurgo (juarto Journal,!', col umns, Illustrated. Or one year for Oil cents with two bound lectures, by .lames MeCosh, D. D. I L. I., and E. O." Haven, D. D., L. I D., on premiums. Send name and address to People's Juuriuil, Philudul pliia, l'a. M A TI.I Menand Women seek ing a good paving business to sell our il lustrated, historical, biographical, reli gious and agricultural works. Send stamp lor full particulars how von can inake81il to $.ioi per month. E. D. 'fit EAT, Pub lisher, IS05 Broadwav, N. Y. 21-4t OO A"''''-' WANTED! Just out: jyjJ the latest best and cheapest Map of "PennsylMinia." Agentsiiiakeiiiouey on our Maps, Charts, Stationery paekaues, etc. Laru'O protilal! HAASIS A LF BREC11T, Empire Man and Chart I'stah atiiwri. 107 Ibpi-rr itre4, X'. V. SO tl JACOII NIIIlIVi:it. Ilminff fitted up a Unit elmui PLANING MILL, A ro prepared to furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such ua FI.OORIXa, smixa, A-mrAce- finKSSKl) L VMbKIt, s a sir, DOOPS, PT.1SDS, AXD KVKRT DKSCR1PTIOX OFPI.A IX A XD FAX- rr Movr.Trxas. Pealcrs will find It to their advantage to CONSULT OUR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, a our loca tion in the heart ot Iliolumbar region gives us suMrior advantage in tho purchase of lumber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Add res Mar. 4, tf. Jacob snmvF.n, Tionesta, Pa. PITHOLE VALU3Y R'Y. ON AND AFTF.K Monday, Juno 5, 1871, Train will run as follows: TRAINS NORTIIWAKD. STATIONS. Olcopobs, Bennett, Wood Prat her Mill I'itlioie City No. 2. ln.4u a tn 10.,'W ' 10.:to " 10 21 10.10 No. 4. ,t 40 p m 3.8 " 3.18 " 3.10 " 2.55 " TRAINS southward; STATIONS. Plthole City. Prathers Mill Woods Bennett No. t. 8.40 a m 8.4s ' 8.5K " 9.02 " No. 3. 1.40 p m 1.4X 1.M 2.02 Oloopclia P.Ifi 2.1(1 An Extra Trnlu lenvns l'lftwdn f 'ii v on Sntlll-llllVtt nf O ill n til mnl lll.v ..lr.uA nnn. lieetion at ( iieoHilis with Train on the oil v revit iv rtiiegneny iiiver null way lorcor ry nnd intermediate point. Return Train leaves tleoioll at 7.13 p 111 nri-lviniT nl lilh..ln I'llu .1? rt All othl.r Tnittis miikn nionn ivmnn-llniii at Olenpolia with trains on the (ill Creek it uciitjiij iuvit ua-.iway, .onn anil South, Two Line of Stages rtln daily lietwcon Pitliolo City, Miller Farm nnj rieitsitnt ville, uiakingeonnoction witharrivlngand departing Trains. J. T. BLA I U, FID. BIWHOP, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pitholc City, l'a. I P. BROCK ETT'S Popular history of tho bloodv FRANCO-GERMAN WAR! Now containing a full account of the Fearful Reign of Terror in Paris. Is soiling beyond all precedent. It I by far the most reli iblennd only com plete and imprrtiat history of that mighty struggle and its momouteiiH results. 612 pages nearly l.'iO spirited illustrations, price, only $2.50. 40,000 copies already sold. It is issued in both English and German, and is beyond nestion the fastest selling book extant. Wide awako energet ic agents wanted. Terms extra. Now is the time to coin money. A. II. HlJIt BARD, Publisher, 400 Chostnut St. Phila., Pa. pj 4t iTIIE LONG LOOKED FOR MAS- I E n PI EC K 1 1 1 E C HO W NINO WORK OF II IS LI FE.-U HENRY WARD BEECHER'S LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST. Sure to outsell any book ever published. Prospectus books are now ready,nnd terri tory will be awurded to reliable A gents on cany application to J. M. STODDA HT A CO., Publishers. 19-3t 7at Sansom St., Phila., Po, AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE IN UTAH Being an Impose of the decreet Jiitct and Milnterie of ,1m-nmiiivui With a full and authentic history of i-oiygamy. Dy J. 11. Beadle, Editor of the Salt I-uke Reporter. A uent am meutlmv xi-iiu i,nr.,...oA Riieess, ono reports 1H(1 subscribers in four davs. author 71 In tu-r. w i .. , , ..... -iu . . i-i;iii ioi t H'culiirs and e what the pnws say of iuu .auouai ruunsuing Co., Pbia., 19-4 1 Attention Agents J Think of This J Wonderful Suet-ess I 25,000 copies of rirockctt's History of the Franco-German War, old tirst 00 dnvs. It will soon contain a full history of iho uioouy iveoeinonin i-aris, inaKing nearly eoopages and 150 elegant illustrations, anil will sell 5 times faster than heretoiore. Prico only $2,f0. Incoinpleto works, written in tho interest of the Irish and French, are being otferel with old cuts, and for want of merit claiming to bo of ficial, ite. Bewaro of such. Broekett's ln both English and German, is the most Im partial, popular, reliable, cheap and last selling woi-k extant, look to your in terests, strike quickly and you can coin money. Circulars free and terms excelled bviioue. A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Phila. 12-4w. Hilars WASTED T.VR " Convent Lifo Unveiled, " bv . Edith O (lorman, Escajied Nun, whoso oisiioMiri-s are thrilling and startling Fr.tnliliu Pub. Co, 712 Chestnut St. Phila Pl. 7-4t. DPsychomancy. This word is derived from the. Greek, signifying tho lower or tho soul, sjilrit or mind, and is the basis of all human knowledge. Psyehoiminey is the title of a new work of 400 pages, by Herbert Hamilton, B. A giving full instructions iu tho science, of Soul Charming and Psychologic Fascina tion ; how to exert this wonderful power over men or animals instantaneously, at will. It tern-hes Mesmerism, how to In come Trance or Writing Mediums, Divina tion, Spiritualism, Aid iv. Philosophy of omens and Dreams, Brilliant Young' Harem, Guide to Marriage, Je. Thin is the only book in tho English languagepro fessingto teach this occult power, und Is of immense advantage to Merchants Ijtw yers, Physicians, and especially to Lovers m securing tho ullections of the opposite sex, and all seeking riches or happiness. Price by mail, in cloth, 1.25; paper cov ers, 81, for sale by J. B Lippincott A Co., und Claxon, Hemseii A Co., Philadelphia. Agents wanted for this book. Medical Works, Perfumery, Jewelry, lc. Sam ples free to amitx only. For single copies by mail, and terms to Agents, address T. . . j'.tuun, i-iiDiisucr, 41 Mu. hth Kt , Phila., Pa. j;o-4t HTFOfilMNNSifAT" 100 Acre Farms Free ! ! Tho Northwestern Colonization of Free. Hoinstead Company, iChartcred bv the Slate of Minnesota,) furnishes Cheap Hales of Fare, and Locales Free Homesteads. Send for Free Pamphlets, giving History of Minnesota, its Resources, Progress, Fertility and Advantages, Address E. Page Davis, Commissioner of Immigration fr tho State of Minuesta, and General Agent for the N. W. Col.oor., No 153 Broad way, N. Y. (Active and reliable Agont Wajiled in errTlfflihr,) 6-41 Look Owit! NEW G00DS4 DRY GOODS I WOOLLEN GOODS! Beavers, Cloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, Vestings, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, and other article too numerous to uien lion, just received at H ILBRONNER & SNO'S Water Street, Tlonetta, Pa. w E have Just employed one of the best Cuttsrn in the Stato, and our TAILORING DEPARTMENT Cannot ko surpassed In Western Pennsyl vania, and all goods and tiu warranted to give satisfaction.. GIVE US A CALL, and wo will iult you, or pcriU iu tho attempt. I. WLBKONNFR A CO. TI3DIOTJTJ33 TEAS T ORE ! The place to buy every vafltty of Vttu ' VERY DESTiTEAS AT TUB L 0 WEST PRICES, la at the "extenslvo Tea Stora mt II. T. CIIAFFEY, where you can always find a largo apaorfc-' nient nl tho best Teas at New 1 ork prlcssv A hirg assortment of Croccrics and Provisions, nnequttled In quality nnd cheapness bvany ether store in Warren county, always on ' hand. The peojilo of FoiW county will save money by purchasing thoir suppliear" at this nlacc.' Best brands of FA MIL Y FLO UR, delivered at any depot on tho llnof . It. free. . Storo on Main St. near the Pepot. THE BOOT AND SHOET STORE. TFYOtr WANT n perfect fit nnd a goo 1 article of Boots and Shoes, of tho liuosl workmanship, goto if. ii. Mcc ixcirs, .111 CENTRE ST BEET, OIL CITY, PA. JfrSatlsfactlon truuranloivl. ii-31 tf . N. '. OIiARK, TIDIOUTE, PAj WATCH MAKER a JEWELER, An,d Do.iler in WATCHES, .TKWELUY, AND MUSICAL LNSTUUMKNT8. Kep.tirinff done in a workmanlika raauncr and warranted to givo ratii faction. 4- f REYNOLDS,BRlADMHDl"CO 1 Centro St., opposito Post (Jlliee, OIL CITY, PENN'A. M-AI.l'.IW IX FOHEICN and domestiq DRY GOODS, DlilXS GOODS, CAltPETING, OIL CLOTHS. LOOTS & SU0E3 II A TS it- CAPS, TltMVIXGS NOTIONS, ETC.. ETC. . t RIFLES, 6UOT-UUNS KEVOLV9. fJun materials of every, kind. Write for I nee Ltst toGreat Vestem tlun -Works. 1 itUbuifih, Pa. Army puns and Kevoli vera bought or traded for. Agent wanted. ' - ; ' . , ltMf VANTFn AGENTS, evervwhero ta , , . " u canvass tor our jrreat UOI. L A It I aper. A line r.'.OO Mtecl E-iirra-lnir Iflven to every subscriU-r. Extraordinary inducemenLs. Addreaa U. B. IlLSKKLU Boston, Mass. ll.t GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS Do you want a situation as ORont, local or traveling with chance ta make &i to fM per dav selling our new 7 strand WhiU) U'ire Ciothtsj. LilesT They last forever, sau-nla tree, so there Is no risk. Address at one Hudson Hiver Wiro Works, cor. Water St., iV Maiden Lane, N. Y., or 1(1 Dearbra bt., Chicago, ia 4t AGENTS WANTED! For tho CrlllUai Wittv Book THE MIMIC WORLD, AND PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS. By Olive Lojian. 1'leasea cvorvbodv will sell immensely j isguuial, lauiitvaiuf nure-toned; has title In 5 colors, ami u. Illustrations. Nothing like it I Canvass, lug-Hook a rare beaut v. New World Publishing Co., 7th it Market Sty., Phila. NO 1 ICE. Whereas letters testamentary to tho estate of II. E. A. Slinglo, lata of Kingsley Township, dee'd, havo bei granted to the sulwcnber. all persons In debted to said estate are requested U nmko imiDixliute iayiiient, nnd those having claim, or demands against tho estato of said (iecodont, will make known and pra sent tho sums without deluy, duly autiien tleoted to 1 HEU CK. LEIMBOUK, Executor. 8-t Kingsley Township. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM, M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer tit DRY GOODS Xotlous, Boots A Shoe; HATS &c CAPS, Ac, Ac, Ac, ' COPXKIt Ma IX t DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has tho Largest and most Complete 6Uk now on hand, of any btoro in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my etock tine the ereat declino in fiol.) T n ' , , , ii eeii poods cheaper than any Dry Good 1 1 Anon :n i . v .Uu ,u ma uu itegions. Teraona purchasing goods of me will .-. percent. M. P. (JETCIIELT. ltdioute, April 11, 1870. i-Cm rOB WORK neatly exocutod at thiaofilo, ' at reasonable rates. TI9 Republican Offlca iTEEPS ronstantlv on . i . IV aortinent of Blank Deeds, MortWj . . MWI,