Ratos of Advertising. R One Square (1 Inch,) one Insertion fl One Square " one month - 3 no One Square " three months... 1 no One Square " ono year 10 no Two Square, one year l! Quarter Cnl. " H in ruBi.tsunn kvkiiy Tuesday, by W. R. DUNN. DlTlce In K.rpx's Building! Elrt Street b OREST EPUBLICAN. Half " " uw One " " 100 00 TERMS, 2.00 A YEAR. Subscriptions rocolvod for a shorlor period than thrno months. . CorrosHndnncn solicited from nil part of the country. No notice will bo taken of annonymous communications. Marriage and Don tlx notices Inserted Btntis. RusinoHS Cards, not exceeding ono inch In length, J10 per year. 'Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLN. Legal notices at established rates. These rates are low. and no deviation tvlll be made, or discrimination anions patrons. The ratos offered are such, will make It to the advantage of men dot. VOL. IV. NO. 30. TI0NESTA, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. business in the limits of the circulation of the paper to advertise liberally. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTALODGK.NO. 477, X. O. Q-. T. ,Teols every Wodnosday evening, at 8 lil o'clock. V. R. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATE, W. 8. 4. If JtWTOIf PETTIS. MIl4 W, TATB. PETTIS & TATB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tm Street, TTOXESTA, PA. Isaac Ash, TTORNEY AT LAW, Oil City. Pa. iV. Will practice In'the various Courts of l'orcsl C'oilnty. All business entrusted to ill rare will receive prompt attention. 1U ly W. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omce on Elm Strcot, above Walnut, Tlonesta, l'a. C. W. Gllfillan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve j v nuiigo Co., l'a. tf. N. B, Smiley, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. Will practice In tlio several Alourta of Eorost County. 36-ly W. P. MerclUiott, Attorney at Law. . AND HEAL ESTATE ACS EXT. TI ONESTA, PA. 57-tf CLAR.K A FASSETT, A TTOItXE YS AT LAW, WARREN AND TIDIOUTE, PA, MMTE UNDERSIGNED havin assorl X ami themselves together in the prac tice of law, oiler their professional services to tlio pubiio. Ilusiurss promptly attended to in all the courts of arrou, i'orest and adjoining counties. JUHIU8 & CLARK, Warrou, Pa. D. D. FA88ETT, Tidioute, Pa. Tlonesta House. MITTEL, Proprietor, Elm St., Tlo- nesta. Pa., at the mouth of the creek, Mr. IiUo has thoroughly renovated the 'Tlonesta House, and re-furnished it com pletely. All who patroniKo him will be well entortalaod at reasonable rates. 20 ly FOREST HOUSE, i. BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposito Court House, Tionosta, Pa. Just opened. Everything new and clean and fresh. The best of liquors kept constantly on hand. A portion of the pubiio patron age Is respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 v Holmes House, nnONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. 1 C. I). Muhio, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. , Syracuse House, "TMDIOUTR, Pa., J. A D Maokr, Froplo . A tors. The liouso has been thoroughly refitted and is now in the first-class order, with tlio best of accommodations. Any nt'orination concerning Oil Territory at liiiMpoiui wui do ciieoriuiiv rumisnon. -ly J. AD. MAGER, Exchange Hotel, T OWER TIDIOUTE. Pa.. D.'S. Rams- . .Li dkkIj A Son Prop's. This house having been rctitod is now the most desirable stop ring place in Tidioute. A good Billiard ktooiu attached. 4-ly Mational Hotel, TRVINETON. PA. W. A. Hallonback. Proprietor. This hotel Is New, and is ow open as a first class house, situate at no Junction of the Oil Creek A Allegheny jttiverand Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, onosite the Donot. Parties having to lay ver trains will find this the most conven ient hotel in town, with first-class aecom juhIbUohs and reasonable charges. tf. Dr. J. I Acorrb, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has 1 had fifteen years' experience in a large ana successful nraotloo. will attend all l'rofcssionuM'itlls. Olllce In his Drug and Wroeerv Htow, located In Tidioute, near .Tidiouto liouso. IN II IS STORE WILL BE FOUND .A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco. Cigars, Stationery, Glass, Paints. OU, Cutlery, and line Groceries, all of the '.host quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. 11. It. BURGESS, an experienced Drug' U 1st from New York, has charge of the - Store. All prescriptions put up accurately. it. . SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, TIONESTA, 13V. This firm is prepared to do all work In ils line, and will warrant everything done nt inoir snops 10 give saiisiacuou, l ar ticular attention given to IIOKSISIIOEIXO, Give them a trial, and you will not ro Kret it. 13-ly. JOHN A. PALI, PREIT. OHN A. PROPER, VICE PREtT. A. H. STEELE, CA6HR TIOITESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tlonesta, Eorost Co., l'a. WuU Itsuk transacln a General Ranking OjlLiWjinr mill KvchaillTO Business. Jrfu on the Principal Cities of the UinUi KtaU and Europe bought and sold Hold and Kilver Coin and (lovornuieiit Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds onverted on Ilia most favorable terms. lnUiruxt allow wd on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. OL' BSC KIBE fur the ForCbl llepublicrn T A. WRlOffT. IWv. OKU. W. DITHBMM'lK. HtutMS ManaffftS THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. mills on Tionrsta Creek, Forest Co., Pa. Tirdt I Office tor. ili 1 Rail Road Sli., PITTSBURGH, PA. EDWAKD DITHRIDOS. K. D. DITHRIDOS FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Established A. D. 1827. emmi&GE & sate, XANUPACTUBBRfl OP Dithridge's xx Flint Glass PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. Those chimneys do not break by heat. Ask for Dim tu does. Take no other. DITHRIDGE A RON, 25-ly. Pittsburgh, To. Xcw Hoarding House. MRS. 8. 8. HULINGS has built a large addition to her house, and is now pre pared to accommodate a number of perma nent boarders, and all transiont ones who mav favor her with their patronage. A good stable has recently been built to ac commodate me norscs oi guesw. marges reasonable. Residence on Elm St., oppo site S. Haslet's storo. 23-ly Jos. T. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker Mid niii dlor. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionosta, Fa. All work is war ranted, tf. NOTICE. DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tldlonte, has returnsd to his practice after an ab sence of four months, spent In the Hospi tals of New York, where he will attend calls in his profession. utlloe in Kureka Drug store, an ooor ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4irtf GREAT EXCITEMENT! at the Store of D. S. KNOX, Sc. CO., Elm St., ioucsta Pa. We are in dally receipt ai tie argaatand MOST COMPLETE stock GROCERIES nn1 rnovisiox)", EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THE MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. HABWABE AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced pricos. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! I of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, BPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac., Ac., Ac. In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see. 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. erf AGENTS WANTED! Just out! flUU tlio latest best and cheapest Map of "Penns vl vania." Agents make money on our Maps, Charts, Stationery iiackages, tc. Ijirge prolits!! HAASlS A l.C- BK1AI1T, r.mpire map ami t n.rv rnw. niTHR!ion, rr. K D, DITUM1DUK, Tnn. Marriao"Wiiat It It? The great Apostle to the Gentiles forcibly enjoins his son Timothy to "Hold fast the form of sound words." For words are things. Give a sophist liberty to affix to them such meanings as suit his purpose, and he will reason God out or the universe. The word Marriage is thus defined by all the standard English lexico graphers whose works are within our reach at this moment. By Dr. Samuel Johnson : 1. "The act of uniting a man. and woman for life. 2. State' of perpetual union." By Noah Webster : 1. "The act of marrying, or the state of being mar ried ; union . of man and woman' as husband and wife; matrimony. 2. A feast made on the occasion of a marriage." By John Craig : "The act of uniting a man and woman for life in wedlock ; the legal union of a man and woman for life; a feast made on the occasion of a marriage." By Samuel Worcester : "The act of marrying, or uniting a man and wo man for life as husband and wife ; the state of legal union between a man and woman; matrimony; wedlock; wed ding; nuptials." ' Every one but Webster makes union for life essential to Marriage, and Web ster intimates no dissent from the gen eral dictum. Consider now the promise required by the Christian Church cf every man who presents himself as a candidate for marriage. We quote from the liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, but it is essentially the same in all churches : Minister "Wilt thou have this wo man to thv wedded wife, to live togeth er after God's ordinance in the holy estate 0i matrimony? W"t thou love her. comfort her, honor aud KC?p ner in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only to her, to long o ye both thall live f" The man shall answer, "I will." Now we are not hero arguing that the Woodhull-Clafliu crowd have not devised or adopted a substitute which is vastly superior to Marriage we will consider that point in its order. For the present, we only insist on the ob vious truth that what they commend and delight in it not Marriage, but something quite other than that, which should be called by its own proper name, whatever, that may be. We do not wish to name it; but why should not they ? He who has invent ed something vastly superior to an ax, a hoe, an auger, does not seek to con- tound it with that which it is intended to supersede; he gives it a distinguish ing name, and tries to make the dis tinction between the old and the new as broad and emphatic as he may. Our new lights, on the contrary, seek to palm on their nostrum for what it is not, and thereby betray their con sciousness ot its interior character. No man tries to pass off gold for brass, or silver for pewter , if he tries to de ceive at all. he nroffers his newter as silver, his brass as gold, and profit as may hap by the presumed lack of diS' cernment in his customers. We demand that those who com mend the Woodhull-Claflin substitute for Marriage shall commend it as a substitute, and under a distinct name. Is not that demand clearly just? The great professors who can face the battery of a thousand eyes direct ed to them on the rostrum are frequent ly the most dinident of men when ta ken away from their regular sphere of labor. I here was rrotessor Aytoun, who was too timid to ask papa for his wife. When Jane Emilv Wilson sug gested to him that before sue could give her absolute consent it would be necessary that he should obtain ner father'a approval "You must speak for me." said the suitor, "for I could not summon courage to speak to the Professor on this subject." "Papa is in the library," said the lady. "Then you had better go to him," said the suitor, "and I'll wait till you return." The lady proceeded to the library, and, taking her father affectionately by the haud.raentioned that Professor Aytoun bad asked her in marriage, bhe add ed, "Shall I accept his otter, papa ? He is so diffident that he won't speak to you about it himself." "Then we must deal tenderly with his leeliugs, said the hearty old Christopher. "I'll write my reply on a slip of paper, and pin it to your back." "Papa s answer is on the back of may dress," said Mies Jane, as she entered the drawing-room Turning round, the delighted suitor read these words: "With the author's compliments," A fair story is told of a recent Iowa hail storm, which they say as bad as a shower of pitchforks, some of the stones enough to be called bould ers. The tin roofs, where it occurred were punched full of holes; all the glass which happened to be in its way some eight thousand lights, was bro ken, and innumerable pigs and chick ens were killed. As to the cropB there was nothing left of them. The standing corn was chopped up fine enouch to be fed to the stock without the uecessity of passing it through cutter, and the ccouud lias been all plowed up for buckwheat aud turuips, French Railway Travelling. We might copy with advantage many of the Customs in vogue on French railways, especially that one in regard to meals. Instead of the hurried exit from the cars, to grab and swollow half masticated a lot of indi gestible food, and finish the hasty bite in me cars, we mignt imitate toe French plan with much advantage to our comfort as well as health. Just before the usual time for meals, an agent goes through the cars, takes your orders, telegraphs them ahead, and on reaching the station, what you have asked for is handed 'in, to be consumed at your leisure on the journey ; or, de scending into the refreshment-rooms, you find small baskets upon the "buf- iet," containing, with such refresh ments as are most called for, a knife and fork, napkin, plate and class. On each basket is a label stating the con tents and price. I lie passenger buys the basket, takes it into his carriage, dines or lunches at his leisure, and at the next station at whic. the train stops hands back the basket, etc., to a . . I- f n j ? . waiter, wno receives ior H a nxea price, which is also set down on the label. -This system has just been begun in England on the Midland express, lhe correspondent of a London paper on a recent journey says that at one of the stopping-places lie obtained a neat basket, containing halt a lowl, salad, bread, butter, cheese, pint of stout (or claret optional,) napkin, plate, knife, and fork, and corkscrew all compact ly arranged, the eatables excellent. No deposit was asked merely a civil request to hand the basket out at the next station ; so, instead of rushing frantically about and insanely swal iowi'.ig the traditional sandwich, he quietly spread and impromptu table, and lunched as comfortably as could be desired. Which of our railroads will be the first to introduce this sensi ble custom T Genius and Common Sense. Genius and common sense are best together. Genius alone runs much to rashness, and common sense by itself not seldom hides , behind caution. Consequently genius frequently is out at elbows, and common sense just as often remains only comfortable when it might get rich. Genius invents a thing and constructs an expensive mod el, and secures a patent before ever making a working, drawing or fully deciding upon the proper arangement of the parts. Common sense shivers before the expense of model, machine, and patent, and lets well-enough alone, untill go-aheadativcncss grabs the idea, walks off with it, and leaves com mon sense out in the cold, ncitner poorer nor richer than he was before. This is a metaphorical way of starting a swlid truth. There is probably not a township in the country in which two inventors might not be found, one a genius daring every thing and losing all, the other priding bimselt on his common-sense, running n risks and making nothing, ' 1 A Good Story. Olive Logan told a story, in her lec ture on "Nice Young Men," at Fred erick, Md., the other night, to this effect: "At Middletown, Del., where 1 spent Sunday, some friends gave me some pretty plants to take home, and some rich dirt from their garden to keep them in. I have carried these plants and this dirt about with me for a week, I am so determined to take them home myself.- At Hagerstown, yesterday, Mrs. Dorsey Herbet asked me why I carried that dirt about, and I replied that we had no dirt in New York rich enough for these plants. "Why," said Mrs. Herbert a life-long Demo crat by the way "You've got Tam many ?" There is a boy iu Florida, fourteen years old, named Judson Blount, who saved many lives the other day. He discovered a place on the railroad where the rains had undermined the the roadbed, and ran about a mile and a half up the road to warn a pas senger train. As with its precious freight it came thundering down the grade the boy waved his hat. The engineer only looked wonderingly at him, aud be then took off his coat and waved that. Of course it was all done in a moment; but the engineer realized that something was wrong, and stopped his train in season to escape a fatal catastrophe. The natural desire of one femiuino to take down another is thus illustrat ed iu the New Bedford Mercury : A young woman, gaily dressed in a hand some skirt and bright colored shawl, was coming out of Liberty Hull lately, when a malignant femalo raised the shawl, showing the crowd that the up per portion of the skirt was composed of niuny colors as au old fashioned bed quilt. A now bird cage is in vogue, liia made of wood, such as rustic chairs in parks, and is so ingeniously covered with leaved and flowers growing iu the earth at the bottom as to wholly hide tho wood and wire. 1 lie birds seem within a little bower of natural flowers. Curious Court. The court-martial of France charg ed with the trial of Communist prison ers went through a delectable farce not long since, in that it tried and passed sentence on members of the "Corps of Fightirig Infants," who ranged in age from six to eleven years, condemning some to return home and others to con finement for the rest of their minoHty in a house of correction. Seven judges sat behind a big table, dressed in gor geous military array, the judge-advocate on their right and the registrar on their left all in uniform. Below them were two rows of gendarmes with fixed bayonets guarding fifteen little fellows whase heads barely reached up to the prisoners' bar. Eight of these gamins were between six and eleven years of age, and fourteen had, as ful ly proven, shouldered rifles and fought at the barricades, seme of them hav ing remained there to bo wounded and knocked over long after their older comrades in arms had run away.' They had belonged to Let Pupitles, or Let Infants de Commune; being regularly enrolled, and furnished with a uniform of kepis and striped trousers. The poor- little fellows, successors of Gavroche, were born, like him to wretchedness and vagabondage, and many were orphans, illegitimate or abandoned children, and pleaded in excuse for having taken up arms that they were drireu to do so by hunger and want. At the trial, the parents of those who had parents generally asked the government to do what they would with them, and they were left like lost parcels, in the hands of their finders. It is not so generally known as it ought to be that a human being is lia ble to infection from a glandered horse. Numerous such cases have been record ed in medical works ; and only a few weeks ago a man named Martin, who lived in Washington county, Md., suf fered a horrible dath from this cause. While attending to a horse which had the glanders, some of the virus from the deceased animal's nose or mouth found its way into a cut on one of his thumbs, and shortly afterward he waa taken with spasms, which were, suc ceeded by severe nausea and utter prostration. Although medical assis tance was immediately procured, and the man had every reasonable atten tion, be lived only a few days after the infection manifested itseli. lielore dy ing his body became a mass of ulcers, and at the end the flesh fell in pieces from his bones. When a horse is found to be glandered, it should be killed at once, and proper measures takca to disinfect ever object that has been in contact with the animal, The great tunnel through the Sierra Nevada ia to he five miles long, nine teen feet high, and twenty-one feet wide. IU cost is to be (15,000,000. The contractor for the work, Colonel Von Schmidt, is an engineer of some renown, whose principal works in this country have been the excavation of the famous San Francisco dry dock, blasted in a ledge of solid rock, and the demolition of Blossom Kock, San Francisco Bay, by submarine excava tion and blasting. The Sierra tunnel will permit the passage of the Pacific Railroad track and a canal to supply San Francisco with water from Lake Tahoe. Nature is industrious in adorning her dominions, and man, to whom this beauty is addressed, should feel and obey the lesson. Let him, too, be in dubtrious in adorning his domain, in making his home not only convenient and comfortable, but pleasant. Let him be industrous in surrounding it with pleasant objects, in decorating it within aad without with things that tend to make home the abode of neat ness and order. Ye parents who would have your children happy, be industrious to bring them up in the midst of a pleasant, cheerful and hap py home. It was found during the trials of life preservers (so-called) by the Superin tending Inspectors at Washington, that they would not sustain a man of one hundred and thirty pounds weight, and they decided that hereufter all life preservrs should contain at last six pounds of cork. Thus it appears that for years past steamboat travellers have been trusting to what are mere shows in the way of life-saving appa ratus, aud that so far from aidiug a person in the water to sustain himself, they would be far more likely to drag him to the bottom. In many of the manufactories in Massachusetts steam engines are being added, to be used in connection with the water power. A town with a wa ter power cau accommodate twice as many mills, and, at the same time, in the eveut of any drought or other ac cident to the water power, the mills are guarded aguinst a stoppage which so ofteu materially affects their busi ness. A cheerful tevant has discovered that mosquitoes are a providential guard against disease, upon tho sup position, that iu summer the human system is eculiarly liable to fever, aud the insects, by depleting tho quantity of blood, get up a counter irritation. Better Imagined Than Described. The feelings of a near-Bighted man who find; he has kissed his hand to the wrong lady. The finding vour Docket book pone just as you are about lcaveinaa strange hotel", with no time to spara. to reach the train. The rapidity with which fancy stocks decline, when you go in, and rise when you -sellout. The sensation from a lady's boolheel (present style) when slio setps on your foot accidentally. The prices charged at some hotels on "the European style." The skill with which the "gentle manly" bar keeper gives you Bhort change. Getting on horse-back for the first time in your life. The amount of your gas and plumb ing bills. Your mother-in-law's remarks if you do not go to tho mountain or sea-shore during the season. The being asked by a person at an evening party, with whom you are acquainted, but whose name you can not recollect to introduce him to your friend, Miss Smuggings, who is coming towards you. A New York museum proprietor has recently secured two canine curios ities. Both are bipeds, being without fore feet or any portion thereof. It is no work of skillful surgery, as there is an entire absence of shoulder blade or joint. These dogs are remarkably clover in tricks. They walk erect, or lie on the floor in imitation of seals, drawing their heads full down to the shoulders, or where the Bhoulders should be, aud stretching out their hind feet close together, and far be hind. They march like soldiers, arm ed with miuature muskets adjusted to their bodies. One of the latest manifestations of American enterprise is exhibited in the invasion of Kamtchatka by a party of Californians, who are now engagoed in exploring that byperdorean region for gold. Quite a colonly has been established, and though the re sult of the enterprise has been kept very quiet, s'pecimons of gold dust sent to San Francisco prove that the precious metal exists there. The first detachment of miners left San Fran cisco last spring, and the colony has since been reinforced. ' The substitution of slate for box wood for engraving has been lately found to be both ecomonical and efficient for the desired purpose. Especially is it adapted for engraving in relief. It is stated, unit While blocks ot slate are eaelv cut. they will wear as well as electrotypes, and furnished over 100, 000 impressions without loss of detail. The plates are not anected by oil or water, do not vary with temperature and never becorao wraped, winch in the grand fault with box wood under certain conditions. The subiact of impression at first sight was being talked over at the tea table when the lady whose duty it was to preside, said, "she always formed an idea of a person at first sight, and generally found it to be correct "Mamma," said her youngest son, in a shrill voice, that attracted the atten tion of all present. "Well, my dear, what is it" replied the good mother, "I want to know what was your opinion when you first saw me? 1 he question gave a sudden turn to tae conversation The "devil" has been at it again in the newspaper offices. The New Ha ven Jteginter lately referred in the most touching manner to "alum water," as the types would have alma mater, and the "letter press" of the Chicago Tribune has been transmogrified into a "setter pup."' The substitution of "fanatic" for the plainly written "Democratic" newspaper iu the Jour nal office the other day, is only au in dication that the devil sometimes ap pears as an angel of light. The Berlin Correspondent, in an ac count of tho German navy, says: Every ship in the German service, even tho smallest gun bout, is provid ed with detailed drawings aud sections of every foreign war ship. Its weak points are especially stated and details given as to tho spots to he aimed at with most likelihood to disabling the machinery. "Now, young people," said a profes sor of natural history to his class, "now, then, as to hens; a hen has the capacity to lay just six hundred eggs, aud no more; aud sho finishes the job in just about five years. Now what is to be doue with her after that?" "Cut off her head and sell her for a spring chicken !" exclaimed an urchin w hose futher dealt in poultry. An English farmer possesses a nov elty in the form of a cow w ith a wood en leg. The animal having lumed one of her hiud legs, a skillful veterinary surgeon tried the experiment of ampu tation. Tho operation was successful. A wooden leg was provided, and the cow walks about very comfortably. Somo Western clergymen have made application to Mr. Morrissey for per mission to viMt his Saratoga club house. CLIPTOCRAWS. A citizen of Wisconsin, on a recent trin to St. Louis, took a slcening car berth on a through express train. In .. .... . l . the night he got up, and ciaa oniy in his sleeping garments, went out on the platlorm ot the ear to look at tne moon. The door closed with a spring lock and the porter was asleep. Ho says he never enjoyed a fifty-mile rido as ho did that one. On of tlio sillv abstractions of the "health" journals, which greatly dam aces their usefulness, is that which de clares that it is unhealthy for two pec- pio to sleep togctner. A man oi ntne tv.ninn tiled tho other dnv from the effects of sleeping with his wife nearly eighty years or from some other cause. The inevitable counts have, at this i seemingly premature period, mado ; their advent at several ot the lashion- able resorts. One or two, no doubt, j have pedigree and right to title, but the majority are worthless foreign ad venturers, lhe usual silly nutter ana fashionable agitation has been created by their arrival. Says the Louisville Courier Jour- i nal : "Somo of the Bourbon papers 1 charge that we have 'swallowed the 1 amendments.' We have done nothirg , of the sort. They were thrust down 1 our throats, and wo simply declined ' to blow oureselves ud with nitro-gly- cerine to get rid of them. Col. O. W. Diekev of California has I issued a challenge offering to match a greeu horse that has never trotted ! for money, mile heats, three best in fivo, to harness, over tho Sacramento g Rfcn Course. Aen'mst anv horse, mare. " or gelding in the world, tor aiu.uuu. The challenge has been accepted. Madame Ree-ina Dal Cin. a famous feminine surgeou of Austria, perform ed 150 successful operations iu tho City Hospital at Trieste, and was re warded by the municipal authorities with a letter of thanks and a purso of gold. A Norwich man sat down iu tho Thames thinking that it was his do mestic rocking chair. He was fished out after remarking that "some fool was always leaving a pan oi water in those chairs." Mullonev sav that the only way to succeed in the grocery business, is to ) sell cheap and give light weight. The 1ttfff former will bring you customers, while I the latter will enable you to skin. them. It is fashionable and eminently the correct thing to do the lakes and Cad adas in connection with a tour of the fashionable summer resorts. The sail down the St. Lawrence is very grand. A "city" out in Nevada, called Bob Tailed Gulch, has seven dwelling houses and thirty-seven saloons. There is talk of tearing down somo of tho houses to make more room. The International Hotel, Niagra Falls, is designated by hackmen and others as "Bride's Retreat," from the fact that it is a great rendezvous for uowly married persons. The Harvard Advocate says that this is the last thing from an impas sioned lover to his mistress: "Would you were an exclamation point and I a parenthesis (!)." At fifteen, girls think that they aro perfect, at tweuty they believe it a fact, at thirty, they have some tiouDrs, aud at forty they have no faith in any thing oi the sort. "I was not aware that you knew him," said Smith to an Irish friend the other day. "Know him?" replied the latter, "1 kuew him when his fath was a boy." "Children not allowed in this room unacconipauied by their parents," is a sign displayed conspicuously on tho drawing room of oue of tho sea side hotels. Gough's new lecture is entitled "Will it pay?" Considering that he is to receive ?200 a night for it for 200 nights, it is safe to calculato that it will. A correspondent describes Vinnio Ream in her studio "with htr anus bare to tho shoulder aud her ankles likewise." Somo author says that ono of tho uses of adversity is to bring us out. That's true, especially at tho knees and elbows. There are twenty-eight gravestones iu the Laramie Cemetery, and on nine teen of these the epitaph is simply "Killed." Forty-seven young women of Wacse on, Mich., clmrivaried a youth of IS w ho had wedded a widow of 40 in that towu. A Burlington young lady says the armless woman of 15ariium's show "writes a very good foot." A good many tradespeople only give fit'teeu ounces to the pound. It is a weigh they have. Two Iudianiaus settled which should have a youug widow by playing eard.s for her. i 4 t 1 i .