ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL ROAD! HEAT THROUGH ROUTE FROM The Oil Regions o Pittsburgh, THE CAST AND THE WEST ! SLEEPING CARS On all niftlit trains. rasRcngera and bag ruge transferred at Oil City, Frek op CHMIGHl Trains mnkp direct connection with all lloads centering at Oil City, and leave an follows: Par Express leave Oil City at 2 30 p m Arrives at rtttshnrp-h " HOOpni Niirht Express I.ravo Oil City 9 20 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh K 25 n tn Mail Train loaves O 9 05 a in Arrives at Pitilhurgh .'. 6 50 p m Pay Express Loaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 n m Arrrivosat Oil City nt 2 15pm Night Express Leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 pni Arrive at Oi. City 6 15am Way Passenger leaves PitU-burgh 9 15 a m Arrives at Oil City 7 35 p m Passengers travelling by this Hotito will find better accommodation and makebet ter time than by nnv other road from the Oil Hogions to Pittsliurirh. t. J. LA WHENCE. Pen. Snj i, JOKES HOUSE, CLARION, rENN'A. S. S. JONES Proprietor. Agents Wanted for the Land of SACRED MYSTERY0.? Ey Hev VI . JAOE. ; The grandest mitt most in mil.r iipw In a It ' cut. Hundreds n, 8Urb tllustrati' ns, atpal, etc. No other luiok like it none selling half so fast. Agents fell (10 to lOOof it and Prof. Stowe's Self-Interpreting Hi- : ble. Extra large inducements oliered. send fororeuiars to Worthingtod, lmstin & Co., Hartford, Conn. 48-41 OCIOULK, 1 8 GO. i J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COBD JS NOW TITB O IN" 3L -3T Thread put up for tl.o American inaiker nhirh is six-conn in am. xi beks. From Xo. 8 to Xo. 100 inclusive. For Hnml nnI Mnelilne. Has stood the tent of neren years before the public; n initio prepar ation for the hnlr ha net been ills covered that will proifnee the name beneielirl rriilt.. It in an entirely new aclentiie diucorery, combin ing man if of the most powerful and tcntnrallrr trffrnt in the VEGtT ALfi KINGDOM. If venture CSrEY MM.'t TO ITS ORICIWAt, YOUTH FUL CCLCR. It tii'tkrn the r.ali while and clean; en rem ilandrnjr ertrf humor, and lallin? mtt of tlio li;uv; trtirl will moke it ynnv KiiM bald head, crerpt in very "It J prrnHim, i it. farnlnhen the ttitteliire principle by which the hair in uonrinlied and. nnpporled. it. waken the liir taoitt, miff, and ft'iixKtf. n't in uHKHrKitiiutl an a 11 .1 U : i .V ;i I S O. It in the c'iCAifr.t ti-'ep ii-41'lim eeer offeretl to IUj- iiiibtir, i;h one bottle wilt ac ciHi'ifixU tn"ic it hU hint lonfr tlniu, three buttles of uny oilier prejHtrulioH. it in tvrttiMiNCMffa'I and nned by l'"iivit fli'iM.'ul Aiitliority. TUr li ou'treui rcmilln prmlneeil h, i Sicilian Hair tivnewerharc IHttureit mini tit m una facta re jire-i-iriitionn for the Hair, nailer naitHn tinmen; aal. tit ortler to i. ntte the trade ami the pablin to purchase their CGMtjiotlndn, tJiey latin re (! fa falsehood, ha cUiim'H-y the; were former part item, or li'il notne connection ivittl our Mr, Hall, and their prepara tion it-, in uimU'.ir to oar. Do nut tit' iliieeired by tltcin. I'nrchnne the or'i'fiial : it hut tterer yet been vn-iriHc I. Our Treatise on the Hair, with cerlijicatu, neat free hi) tu.til. See that each bottle ha o:ir ;; ii'ata llei'eiiue Stamp over the tup of the boUle, All other are I nutation. R. P. Hall fit Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. .v .'' hi nil Zn'77i-r and DuiUrt in .Mulicit. J. C. LONG, Wholesale, and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIZDIOTTTE! 1?- Firm Door altove F.xchan e Hotel. ALLLIS' I I M M V P k n O 'IMPROVED O V V E E D D M MAGIC M A A 0 a 1 I C C B -A. Xj IwC ! W. H. PERKINS A CO., Hole Propri etor!, Franklin, Pa. 44 BO'CLOCK. iw-4t HALLS Vcgctabfe Siciiiai Hair Renewsi A GEEAT MEDICAL DISCOYEST Sr. WA1JLEB S 0. XJX0RKIA VINEGAR BITTERS DRINK. ViJccf l'ov TtnM, ri'tltT. rrsuf :,!rln 11--4 I ) tftM 1110 HUM, l.UMl " TODIC,'"' ApK.ti "lnitMi," if , tl.l Hit t!i tclr en to f!r'.,.:rrtri m: ft. id rcla. but rt tnvo Mcdktfif , md f.m li:c ?'ct.T l.oom.J l.rrlx of CtlHarnliL, frc fiMtn t.ll Ad blki MlwilHik I Larva tba tlUI AT bLH 1-l'RIFIZU A LIFK C;iVlNU l'UIM'Ifl.EaiKticai IteDOTMor ml Inrlf oimtor cf iUo firUcn. CArrjIna all polaooooa eauerasdrcrtcrlnt'i: tloodioakealUircoBdItiea. K'-p.nva tn uik thM CliWr acMrtUii Kdlmy t:. i 4 rctnt'n loi-t ttLVell. blvf) v.iltn civonfforu l&rviUi caw, ymlded t: o Lunn ur J ret dcMrarcd by mineral potoo r tber Bcat, :.d t!M TlUI oigma Mtcd ktretd the po'.nt c! rctiftlr. F InfluBui.i.iorr nail Cbraalo KlfiMiu l!n a4 Juul, I7 bptphiIr. ar ladlceMlaa. Clllua., ltca.KirMt aod Im-bjIiicbi Favan Clitiwitf lha BIm, Liver, Kldaoa, asd l laUacr, is.vtt Cliici tara aaca BM taaecaa-f-i. bach Dlarauwa ara earned If Tlllaced Blaad. which I reacmllr .rodaecd by denacaBMal el tte U'.seatlvc 0 raaa. KYS'LI'SIA Ott INDIGESTION, Head acbo. Taia la tho Bhanlilexa. Couclia. Ilchiaasa oX taa Client, plumaat, Bovr Eroetatlont of tba Btomach, laeu U tha Month, BiUova Attacks, raipltaUca of t&c Heart. lL.flamn.ft.tion of Uit Lnxca, Tatn la tba rciona of tlio Kldnsye, and a hnnarcd other palnlnl amjitomfttsru Uie etTkprlnsiof Drtpcptla. Th J lETiforaWi the Stomach and tUmalata tha tor f.i l.Tur and bowel, which reader Item of aaeqnallcd elflcacy la clcaaftlaa; tha blood of all Imparl tip, and trapnmn new llfo w.i rigor to the whole lyMem. FUIIMK1X DISEASES, KmpUon,Tttcr,6lt r.henm, Dlotchea, EpoU. Ilu-plc. 1 utnlc. Boll, C. boncUa, Unc-Voinn, Bcold-llead, Bora Syea, brain. elu. Itch, Scoria, riaeoloratlona of tha Bkln, Bomora and Clique c( the Lkla. of whatever nana or natoro, are literally dot op and carried ant of the tyitcm la a ebon tlmo ly the we of Uieeo Bitter. On bottle la cth etac will conTlnct the noat locrcdcloa or their cnratlTo oect. Clcaaia tha Vitiated Blood wtenerer yoa t-i It la.parltlo bnratlng through toe (kin In Plmplee, Erap Uoaa or Bon i cleautc II when yoa and It obfttractcd and ilngsifth la th Tela i clean It whea It la fanl, and yonr foalinc wl l toll yuawkea. Keep tlie bloc, pure and the health of tha yateni will follow. FIN, TAl'SandotbarrvolOIiS lartug In lha TStcm of o many ttioaftand. an eSuetaally doatroy. edandr nioTod. For full direction, reul earcfUiy tue clrcnlar aroend each bottle, pr luted ta four laa Case? EfCliu, German, Fl-enoh and 6panJh. J.WALKSR, rr.if.laor. R.3. UoDOKALD CO, Xmcxlt nd Cec. Atanta, Sea Franclftco, Cat, aad n and S4 Conuucro Btrect, Kew York. tTO.'J) BT ALL DKUOQISTB DEAIXBS. A GENTS WANTEZ-r2JS a monthl Xv by the Amkuiu'n Knittimh Machink Co., Loston, Mas., or St. LouU, Mo. 4C-4 THE KOVELTY CLOTHES WRINGER t V.AA.rMlLftfl a. c .sav. rsz Xothinn except tlio Sewing Machine has ever been invented which so much re lievca the labor of the household as the Wringer. Hut it nsefulne-a daa not end here. The savini; of clothimr is of much irreuter inipoitanee. It is ollen remarked that articles of tine texture last twice aa Ioor when wrung in a wrimrer as when wruno: by hand. The Novelty has cog wheel on both ends. The roll ajo allow ed to separate freely at either end. These, besides other advantages which It contains stem to be indisiiensabl) to a practical wrinirer. Kew York Imlepenilrnt, Tuk Novkltv Whikukr Has become an indispcnsalile institution in thousands of families. And we liel'evc its great and Increasing popularity ia fully merited for the Novelty evidently possesses all the re- ?iiisites of a first class, practical machine, ndeed. after tisimt one for niKiiy months in our own family', we are prepa'r-vl to en dorse tho Novelty as unsurpasaed (the laundress says unrqnnled) by any of the several wringers previously tried.-Muore't Jturul JVcw Yorker, ACEiiTS TwelTB Years "s? WMIiiteni Plains, The remarkable adventures of the la in us WliPe Chief and llig Warrior among thd Itoil skins. Thrilling account of orcat Hunts, Hairlueaulth Eacaixn and Terrible Contosls with ti e big game and hostle tribes. Spirited descriptions of tho habits and superstitious of that strange tHsiplo. Tlieir SMirts, Legends, '1' t:iiis. How they V. and Wed, Scalp, lH-tor, Worship, A'c. New, Flesh and Popular. Price Low It. is c'.ling by the tlnitisands with wonderful rapidity. Send at once lor sample chapters, Illustrations and siM-eia' terms, to Hubbard Bros., Pub lishers, 723 Saitsom street, Philadelphia. b T.Urt v.f lie. . ! ky aad Dealer, la IKur I f EU Y. AGENTS WANTED FOIt ROMANISM AS IT IS. Tuis ltsik. an eiw.'ant Octavo Volume, eontainiuu 750 pages, and 105 first-class en gravings, ia an exhaustive and Standard work, eminently adapted to iu origin to the present time, expose its baseless pre tences, ita frauds, ita persecutions, its gross immoralities, its opposition to our public schools, and civil and religious lib erty, it shows its insidious workings which stropgly tend to bring this country under full Itomish control. Prospectus, and biHil.s ready on application. Conn, Pub lish tig Co., liartloro Conn. i-4t T ANTED AtitN'TS 'f JO per dav) to V sell the reji-u atcd UO.ME SIIL'T 'ILESKWIN', MAi llIXK. IlKstheun-der-iocd, makes tho "lock stitch." alike on boll Miles, a,.d fuP v licensed. The best and iieajH'ht aimlj Sewing in tho n.aiset. Ailt u ss Ji hnson. Clark d' Co.. itostOll. Musr... I'lt.ylilli I'll l'u f'l.i..u- i r, J .)., or u Louis, M, $4 Hundreds (f Thonaandi ? j r BeBrl-tlm"WMth'T Wndor li t? i WHAT ARE THEY? If sir s g$ III O " g 'XU-T AIM KOT A TO i "JiFiMiCV DRINK.r -! ' em . t It ha. Ik. Ufllute aad jQT Trm rm. mt geaalaa FaHu JllH", aad U piggpp I..V.-. v.v.' " I tf'i'&i ";.!.''' ,',' 'l",?1T?": sk i '; L'; -'-""'s : I' yv'y:'-r ftf't ' 1 T'U -,Cj.iM-";r':St--,'fr VT'r ,"-',Tii " 167 Water Street, ..... Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES ,t StliLEY, Opposite Pont. Office. i THE LARGEST DEALER IN Tn tlii eelir.ii, ineliulinp tl'o fbllowinp relchrnfed mnken : ChickeHnq & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, KurUman, anil others. WHITNEY & SLA Y TON'S ORGANS AND MKLODEONS.-TUo Orfjstiia and Melodeons art- ai knowlwiged by all good judges to be tlio best and finest finished Heed Instruments made. This leing the Oldest and Largest House in this section, superior induce ments can and will be offered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Dooks, aud a large stock of everything iu the Music line, can be found at hiv store. B-'y J. C. HULL. ooo vom.iii;s IX osr. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Postrv and Soig, niiini; I'hoico Sclec'lons from the llext l(M't.s, FnwlXi, Scutch, Irish and Ameri can. With mi Introduciion by WILLIAM CULLKX RRYAXT. Under wIiomo ciitl al supervision the voinnie whs c iiipiien. The hand-" mil an I cheapest subscrip tion b ulk extiint. iwr0 pitttK, bcaoti fuliy printed, choieelv illi.iliateil. hand. Komely Ixmnd. A Librarv of over "xifl volumea in ono boiik, whose (vmicnts, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never prow old rr stale. It can be, ami will lie - ruan anil re-reul with pleasure by old and ' young, as long as its leaves bold together. I "A perfect surprise. Nmrcelv nnvtliimi I all all a farnrito, or at all worthy of plai-e nere, is uegioctca. ir is a uook lor every household." .V. V Mail. I "we know of no simihir collection In I the. Kuirlisli lauiruairo which, in conloua iiesa and felicity of aelection and rnranue ment, can at all eomparu with it." A'. )'. j itnen. Term lileral. Selling very rapidly Keud lor Circular and Terms to J. B. FoltOA CO., T, Park Place, N. Y. June 6, 1671. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE y'KTORY OF THE OVARIN EUROPE It contains over ISO fine engravings of Hattle Scenes and incidents in the war, and is tho only FULL, AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history of that great' conflict. Agents a e meeting with unprecedented success selling from '20 to 10 copies per day and it la published in both Jvnglich anil Herman. PI IITinMInferior histories are being UMU I lUllcirculxted. bee that tho book you buy contains I'M) line '-ngravinpi and BOO pages, Send for circulars ,v see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila., Pa. 15-It REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLUBS. Rend for our new Price 1.1st nn.l Club Form will accompany it, containing fuil directions making a large saving to consumer-, and remunerative club organ izers The Great A liiericau Ten Conipnii.y, 31 A 33 VKSF.Y STitEET. P. O. Dox 5043. kkw vouk. i'i 4t Wells' C'arhoiie Tablet. For Cougb", Colds and Hoarsen ss. These Tablets present the Acid In Com bination with other efficient rmoHe. in a Npuiar f irm, for the Cure of ali th al. and lung disca-es. Hoar e ess ai d L' -ceration of the thn at are a'cly re- ' lioved, and statements a:e inn.-.iuulv bo- ing sent tn the proprietor of relief in cases I of Throat dilliculties of years standing. CAUTION "tei io Tableu; don't let other giaxls be palmed off on vou in their place. Johii Q. Kellog, 34 Piatt St., N Y. Sole Airciit. Sold by DrugglBts, price 25 cents a box 22-4t EVANS' GIFT BCOK INTEP.PRISE Wo continue to send a valuable gilt with every book boiightnf us. Thousands ui'l testify to our promptness and lairnoss. Give us a trial. Write tor a catalogue. Sent free. Addreiw, ll. M. Evans t Co., 7'Jl Market street, Philaileliihia, Pa. 4tilt A GENTS Wantkb t22Ti per month by j j. . tuu Aiuericun twiiuinu .viachtne t o,, Boston. Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 2U 3m (JOflH Eur 1st class Pianos Ken on I v4iVJ trial no agents. A.iressa II. S, Piano , o. (H5 Broadway, X. Y. ! 4t SCHOOL TEACHERS Wanting employment, at from f50 to (UA per mouth, should addresa ZEIGLKlt V McCUKDY, Phila Pa 7-4t Agents Wanted ! Extra Terms I Book have long wanted a novelty In the subscription line, which will sell at sight iu everv family. THE PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER Is the only work extant which satisfies this want. It is beautiful and slrikinc-, combining an entirely new and elegant Family Photoitraiih Album, with a com plete Family History. Full particulars Iree. tdiliess Jeo. Maclean. Publisher, 71U Sans-ini htreet, Philadelphia. 22-41 AGENTS WANTED. Lxulusivo turrilw- K'aotctl nil tut, i FICTORIAL HOME BIB'.E. Contains over :kiu lllustiati ins. Is a , complete Library of Biblical K iiuwlctk-o. Exeellsall others. In lOnli-h and German Send for Circulars. Wiu. Flint it Co, Phil- dulpliia, Pa 2-4 READ! READ T The subscribers having re-rented the IIIYIM .UIST Would say to their old customers, and tho comtniinitc generally, that they keep constantly on hand a lure stock of FAMILY PLOUIl of all grades. Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Oats imd n.i n. With our facilities liir do ing Ims.ness, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of the country, anil would mv to tho lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, tint: they win bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than front any other point. ininicii.aU attention given to all orders iroiu a distance, K. JO V ES A CO. A WATCH FREE fir everyy .,a -W perilnv sure. liusinna honorable. N'o (Jin entorprlso. li -lit and bug. A hire s,lt. Monroe Ken Icrtrl, Pn. 0,v pi,,,. CBABXCi A. DASA. Editor. Zto gaiter mt. A K ewe pa per at ike Frwaaat Tlate. Iaiaaded far Paaple Kew aa Earth. laeladirf Ptfrner. Mocha. ilea. MerehaaU, Fro. Asajlaaal Mea, Wutra.Tiiltr, aad a. I Van ear af Boaatt relit, and U Wire., Ben, aad BaackMr. of all leak. NLT ONE DOLLAK A YEAtt I ONE QCNDBEO COPIES) FOB 4. Or lea tkae One Cent a Copy. Let there he a $ Ciao at arary Pn OS at. XXI-WEEKLY BCN, It A TEAM, r ik. eama alo aa1 (antral aliaraeler t TBB w:KELr. kit wah areater rarlaty af Herat anaoa raaliiw, aid fatalihin: me n-w to ita cTtkei was i eater Iraahan. baaMe Haoaietiwir vaaklattaadof oacwoaly. THS DAILY SI N, A YEtat. A preeial-ieiMr rat h e aewinaistr. viva fie l-rV .iUa ia ike wonu Kr.. reilrat. a d I. aria . in no Itioa. A I nr f oin . r wisira. t'w . c.u e a.ipy t kr mail ei.t awuu. ar S a ar" " TEHM3 TO CLTJBa TUE DOLLAJt UT.EU.tV CX. PIT eop:, en ym, a:.a.-it rt. e ljr ;..ltars. Tm rot-i.s. re mr.aenmle l!- au u .1 jairco loltt jt;-raj i. la , Kick t Dull ira. Twentr annuit, 0"e re .r, ten .ra ei a hi a-Mid (a d aa extra ipy tu tue rti r m, .- r,rt Plltcta Oabara. eo.e,": eaa 'ear. to owe Idr,, Ul. Stinu- ak y ooa -1 ce.r n r oi A-0 . Thirty. tarj Dal tare. PifiTrnp-.-a osa rr-. -enai-ie. v e d a (i a U suail-Wtemy one yc.--n to." a n . inn, Jatlnra'. n ' tu.- . .. to: nor ,. .- n, -d.,.. .,- ... 0 11 . I.. . i-ii ' ..... "i n. ?i-. V. i . ."" !, T '"' - i. ly ad- up -f.iqa Mxiy Uoliara. fa ftlSHI.WKHUL.Y VS. riteroo i. v e cij. i fo-iim.r l , Kifae Daliar. t?. .'. "r rapara-eir iiarM (.a., u aire cop: i.. yatier u, ..f -1 , 1 Slxteea Dellara. HiSO YiDtt MONEY nrt, wheoita cnte ilnni ir ,si. u,rn revuLr n- cautaluiue .no ter. a lore, reiur I. W KXr.l.'1-y. Prb'khrr. Bui aice v-rlt rhr. COT nioutli :"x:u.ii!.s i.., i i 0- Jor FeiiMle Agcn's -horse and Male i i tu ........ ,u. .....ini, auura, oa -o .NoVoltv , -w." , .,,13. 13-It A - .FNT.S LOOK t ft, to fc!0 jr day. ".ii v' '-vlrt,,t' "d protitab.e business. A little Novelty which evervb wanU. niieei-ss hure. Send tor rculars. t liiirchill ,V Templelon, Man cturer-, U 4t POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHUIiCII AND REPUBLIC. What it has done. Wh t it ia doing and w hat it means to do. Its power. Us des. potism. lis iifalibilitv. Its frauds. Ita relicts. Its miracles. Its idolatrv. Its per secutions. ilH mtlej of our pllnj(, auhocda and of civil and religious liberty. Jts slaitlingriinos. Its horrid wickedness, and its New York Kiots. ' A book tl at ia wanted evervwln ro. We want agents to introduce it in' everv comi ty at once f,n l will pay them liberallv. Send lorci-cii'ar. Address Zieglcr d" Mc Cunly, in s. .sixth St., Phila., Pa. lU-4t RIPTIIRF I EMALE WFAKNrtSS. IIU: I UtlC. BtLIEF AND CUHC. t!'o!:l:V' 11 Vl,,) ItUBUEK TltUSXand .M. 1 I OUT, c.s.l, comfortable, light, cleanly uu i durtb'e. Never rust, break nor soil M, apriugs coated). Used In lutthiiiv. Sliaped to form. Best known. Send Stamp for pamphlet, to J. B. Seelev'a ruisj ,v. I ttiiduao Kstal.lishments, 1347 t hosinut.v., phila,, Ta., and 'o, 3 Anu 0HCrcck& Alleglitii) lUnr 11) 0X AND A Fr Ell Monday June 6, m. Trains will run aa follows! SOUTHWARD TRAINS. STATION'S: 1st Class, 4 il 2.1 Clnss. 10 II a. ni. a. in. D. in a. ni. Pnrrr a. m. 8 00 V 10 0 80 0 fi4 10 20 11 (HI 11 10 H II ll oo ft 50 6 24 6 37 fl 40 6 oft 7 10 7 aa Spar'tansburg i.lviiilen A ' X 11 in fl M 11 47 7 01 It 6ft 7 13 12 03 7 2. 12 15 7 3.5 12 25 7 42 12 4.-. 8 iri 1 0.1 H 07 1 OH HM7 1 If 85 1 25 8 2 I 28 8 35 1 35 8 4ll I 8H PM 40 1 41 Centreville Tryonvllle Hydetown AR Titusvillo R Miller Farm Shatter Pioneer Alt Pet Centre I'B Columbia Tarr Farm Uynd Farm Kousevillo McClintock AR Oil Clty PK Oleopolis Fjiglc Hock President Tionesta Hickory Triinkevvillo 'I iilloute Irviucton 7 40 7 60 8 01 8 10 8 23 8 SO 8 8 42 8 SO 8 no il 00 0 15 fl 1(1 11 31 0 H, 12 16 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 43 7 65 1 (15 8 10 8 20 8 :o 8 40 9 00 0 05 0 20 1 6ft 2 10 2 25 2 40 2 63 3 00 3 20 rl nil 1 111 "H M 1 61 U 10 2 05 15 2 10 0 4ft 2 !UI Ml 2 4fl 0 511 2 50 10 ifl 3 12 10 15 3 40 11 10 4 25 11 32 4 t.0 1 1 :is 4 6ii 12 30 eft H7 1 20 "fl f, 1 45 0 43 2 24 7 10 4 05 8 40 10 41 10 64 It It 12 01 3 32 3 41 8 68 4 40 APIliriONAI. fl COND CLASS TRAtXS-SorTH. No. Ill Titusville2.I0p. in.; Miller 2.60: Pioneer 3.10; Pet i Vntre 3..I3; Columbia 4.15; Tarr Farm 4.23; Hvnd Farm 4.7; Kousevillo 4.55; Oil City 5'.20. No. 8 -Corry fl 15 ii. in.; Titusvillp 8.35; Miller Farm 11.2.5; Pet Centre .4M; Colum bia 10.13; Tarr Farm lo.lH; Ilynd Farm 10.2"; Itouscville 10.36; Oil t'ity 11.00. No. 18 Pet Centre 1.28 p. m.; Columbia I. 60; Tarr Farm 2.05; Kvnd Farm 2.10; Kouscvilie2.3C; Oil City 3.00, No. 22-4 til I ity 0.30 a, m. ; Oleopolis 7.25; Tionesta 8.54; Triinkevvillo 10.15; NORrUWAtin TRAINS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class. S 8 1 13 0 a. ni. p. in p. in. a. m. n, m. I rv I net on 12 45 6 05 ll 00 7 45 Tidiouto 1 28 5 47 7 i.0 05 Trunkoyville 1 45 05 8 05 10 15 Hickory 1 61 ;6 15 !8 20 10 44 Tionc-rttt 2 14 31 8 45 11 10 President j2 3.5 fll 65 II 30 12 21 I'-agle HiM'k 2 .18 rt 50 0 35 12 32 Oleoptilis 2 47 7 08 10 05 1 01 Alt tt 15 7 30 10 65 1 50 Oil Cltv DR fl 00 3 20 7 40 1 1 30 2 10 McClintiM-k fl 13 I'd 32 ;7 55 11 50 2 25 Itouscville 1(1 8 :tn 7 5M 12 00 2 30 Ky I id Farm ll 20 l.1 10 8 04 12 25 2 40 larr Farm 25 3 45 8 10 12 3.1 2 55 Columbia ;fl 20 3 4.1 8 14 12 41 3 In AR 0 34 3 65 8 21 1 05 3 20 Pet Centre UK DM IS!) A 23 1 25 3 33 Pioneer 0 12 4 0(1 8 30 I 43 8 4-5 Slmller 62 J4 15 8 40 2 00 4 13 Miller Farm 6 60 4 '.0 8 44 2 15 4 40 A R J7 13 4 40 0 05 2 45 S 20 Titusvllle l.K 7 ft 4 15 9 10 3 05 Hydetown 7 44 4 65 0 2: 8 20 Trynnviilo 7 67 6 01 liU 34 3 50 Centrovillo 8 05 6 17 ;0 43 4 10 Glyuiion 8 14 I5 27 0 Ml 4 30 Spartausburg A 24 6 38 iO 02 4 60 Corry 8 65 10 10 32 6 00 AllDITIONALSKl-ll.ND-CLASsTRAI.SS-NonTII Xo. 15 (HI City rt.55 n. m.; Kouseville 7.20; Tarr Farm (.40; Columbia 7..V; Pet Centre MO; Pioneer 8.40; Millor 9.25; Tilusville 0.55. No. 7 Titusville 0.00 a. m.i Corry 11.25. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. ill.; llouseville II. 45; Hyud Farm 11.5,1; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pet Centre 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.00; Corry4.4Jp. in. No. 21 Tidioute 12.45 p. m.; Trunkcy Tille 1.45; Tionesta 2.43; Oleopolis 4.25; Oil City 5.10. () Trains do not stop. (J) Stop on signal. ( Stop tor meals. Trains 5. II, 21 and 22 run daily J all other trains uaiiy nuihlays. N. H. Train No. 1J is an E Express from Titusville to Corry, SILVER PALACE SLKBflSO CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without change. No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh without eh mi go. No. B Direct to Pittsburgh without change. C. J. HEPBURN JNO. PITCAIBN, Superintendent. Gen'l Manager. IT'.IZ I-VGrtCDIKXTJ THAT U.ovpo:-;; uoaDai 13 ro i -!.il en rve V p liijrr,tliero tiire i t it ifl a aiterct Ji ip.ra'.ion, cuiaa.-quaiil!y rnTsiniNs rnr. rciBn it til a ertuiii euro for Scrofula, yi!iiii in all i' f ruw, :i:cuina-'i-ij, ti.i'i Lix ait'i, I ivcr Coin i'ai t sad kll ttiMiaits of li s -' r-- T - r " s . will i'o nio-o i-ikmI t'lan tea Iwt'.lc ul tha rrtius of tSiriipanlla. :hc unc::i3n;o physicians hivij u.erl r.orlJal.t i i tlieir jiractit lor the put time ycara and f tely oi ilo'ta it a a r.-lublo Alterative anil Lluod I'urilicr. DU. T. C. r fr, ll rf Daltlmci. Hit. T.J. CaVKlX, ' Dit. II. W.C'AIMl. ' nu. r. o. pas, DA.y 8. SPAUtwS, ol Nicholijville, Da. J'l. McCARTHA. Columbia, S. C. DR. A. a N0BLKS, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND ri!D02ED BY J. B. rR;:.'.Ilt0.S, rliaiver, v. v.-. : .t;:T." Jti-ivn. Wirh. A. 1'. v.'il' 1....1, Lima. Ohio. U. 11AI I..I.u-.-.tihio. I a AV..W ii t i.. f .mlmiBvlIlr, Va. SAA. I.. (i. r'AlJDt.N, Wur.'r co- bore, Ten ii. Our Eliaro tt'iil n.t iillmr of anv .v. trmle.1 lenntki in , lalmn to the virlliraol Uut.'.Uli.. 'i'uthe Medical PmU--aioit we f. uai .'.ntre a Fluid '.. trat t&UIYI iur ti anv Ihrv liai. .vc. uaed in t'.n trca mrnt of diara.wd IIIismI; ,.i.i -..i tnrat.t ted we aay try Hna n'il .in 1 im ui.l be reatoretl to ht'.UU. tli.Bu.Ialii Ik ...1.1 .11 price (I.ju ii buttle. Adtlrcsi ' Z-:ZilI3 it C3. y.iiuutdtturivg t'hviittt TtAtTJUOKX, Ul INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA. No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Iiicorjioruteil 1794. Cliarter Perpetual mARINEJiUASDi FIRE INSURANCE As.-M!ts Jan; 1, 1800, $2,318,323 39 20,0 O.noO losses paid since its organiza tion. W.M. BE 11 LEU, Central Agent, Iiirrislin i u , Pa. MILES W. TATE. Agent in Ti- uiiestu, Forest Couuty, Pa. 1 flan ROSADALIS ERIE RAILWAY ! Ahwtrftct of Tltnn Talttn A l-ti nt.. lftth.1871. ' " "J NEW and IMPIlAvED DHAWINO 11III1M and sr.l.IPl vii in tiiii.u bluing all Modern Improvements, are run ii. ...... ..i. Hn I.... .. . nll nun, oeiwecn 1111 Hum, NlBgrn Falls, Suspension Bridge, Cleve land, Cincinnati and New York. WESTWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 6 New York L've P 00 a, m. 11 00 a. m. Jersey City ' 9 15 " 11 5 ' Newark " '11 Oft " Patterson 11 i, iui Turners 10 43 " 1 aft tun! Newbnrgli n 40 A Mm Port.lorvis Arr 11 65 " a.-, Itlnghnmton " 8 Ml " 017 Elmira " ft 44 " 11 .10 " Corning " fl 24 12 28 A. M. ItiM-hester " 10 27 " Butlalo 10 60 " fl 20 Niagara Falls " 11 Rfl 7 10 ' Snap. Britlgo " 12 00 M. 7 1ft Dunkirk " 1 HO a. m. 7 20 " Jamestown L've 11 ofl p. m. fl Ifl " Corry " J2 01 A. M. 7 35 " I nlon " fl 01 Meadville " 1 21 " o 20 " Cleveland " 6 60 " 2 :l " , Dayton " 12 30 p. M. 7 21 " Cincinnati " 2 45 " 10 15 STATIONS. No. 7. Xo. It. New Yo k L've 6 no p. m. 7 00 p m Jersey City ' 6 45 ' 7 20 " Newark " 5 40 " l'u lemon " fl 25 " Turners " 7 4ft Sup, 9 10 Sup. Nowburirh " 6 311 p. tt. Port Jervia Arr 9 20 " 10 30 p. m Binirhamton " 2 21 a. m. 3 13 a. m. Elmira " 4 40 " ft 1ft " Corning " 6 20 " 6 65 ' H'lehester " H fsft a. M. 9 6.5 " Butlalo 11 20 20 " Niagara Falls" 12 15 p. m. 12 15 " Susp. Bridge" 12 25 " 12 25 " DmiKirk " 12 63 " 12 63 " Jamestown L'vo 1130 a.m. 11 3D a.m. V",,r,ry " 1- 50 P. M. 12 50 p. M. l nlon " 1 lft 1 15 Meadville " 2 20 Din. 2 20 Din. Cleveland " 7 20 p. m. 7 20 P. M. Dayton " 4 05 a. in. 4 05 a. m. Cincinnati " fl SO " fl 30 ' Additional c 1 rairi a Westward . 6:30 A. M., except Sundays from Sala manca. Stopping at Kit! llouso 7:15, Steamlmrg 7:5il, Handolph 8:2, Kennedy l':3fi, Jamestown ll:(Hi, Ashvillo 11:35. Pauai.ia 12:25 p. 111., (iiant I2:4', Ficchold 1:08, Columbus 1:42, Corry 2.17. Concord 2.43, Union 3.12 Mi l Village 4.12, Millers 4.55. Ciiiutiridgt'A.24, Venango 5.40, Saegcr towu fl.o.1 and arriving at Meadville at 0.30 p. m. 12.!!0 P. M., daily, from Salamanca. Stopping at lied House 1.07, Stcambunr 131, Hiiinlolph 2.10, Kennedy 2.4S, James town 3,3.1, Ashvillo 4.13. 'Panama 4.35, Grant 4.50, Freehold 5. 13, Columbus 6.45 Corry .05, Coniurd 0.32, Union 7.15, and nrriviii!! ut Meadvillo at 10.20 p.-m. 4.01 P. M daily, from Salamnnen. Stopping at Hod House 4:23, Steamburg 4:)0, I'liudolph 4:57, Kennedy 5:22, James town 6:50, Ashvillo 0:1ft, 'Panama 0: '.0 Grant (1:17, Freehold fi:50, Columbus 7:10, Corry 7:22, Union 8:00, and arriving ut Meadville ut V:M p. 111, EASTWARD. STATIONS. X. to.e yQ, 4. Cincinnati L've 9 45 p. in. Dayton " 12 01 a. in. Cleveland " 7 2ft " Meadville " 11 32 Din. Tnion pi 07 ,n Corry " 12 50- " Jamestown " 1 40 " Dunkirk " 1 2 ft " Susp. llrid-re " 1 40 " ft 3-, p. m. Niagara Falls " 148 " 6 42 " Bu":tlo " 2 40 " fl -.'ft " Hrs.hestor " 4 1X1 " ft 41) " Horncllsville " 03 Sup. 10 20 " Corning " 7 33 p. in. 11 41 " Elmira " 8 10 " 12 20 o. mi Itinghamtnn " 10 OS " 2 2rt PortJervis Arr 2 63 a. in. 7 05 " Newburgh " n 40 n. m. Turners " 9 05 lift. Paterson " 6 60 " 10 lft a. in. Newark " 7 00 " 2 05 p 111 Jersey City, " fl 31 " o si . ,' New York " 7 (i0 a. ni. 1 1 PI a. in. STATIONS. No. 8. Xo. 2. Cincinnati L'vo ' I lft p. m. Dayton ' A 45 a.m. 3 28 ' Cleveland " 3 .15 p. in. 10 00 " Mealvillo " 8 10 Sup. 2 3"i a. in. Union " Corry - " 9 35 p. in. 4 05 " Jamestown " 10 30 " 5 02 " Dunkirk " 10 00 " Susp. Brid'-e " 5 40 Niagara Fall " fl 00 " Hnllitlo " n 20 " 7 00 " Hochestcr " ' fl 64 " Horncllsville " 2 58 a. m. 9 41 " Corning " 4 1:5 " pi r-s Elmira " ft m 11 30 " Binirhamton " 7 CO " 1 22 " PortJervis An 11 40 "' 5 2 1 ' Newburgh ' 8 80 " Turners 1 H Din. fl 43 Sup. Paterson " 2 20 p. m. 7 3s p. m. Newark " 6 15 " Jersey City " 2 65 " 8 12 " New York " 8 10 p. in. 8 30 p. in. 12:01 A. M.. except Sundays, from Mend ville. Stoppmgtit Union 2:3.1. Corrv3-I0 Columbus 4:13, Freehold cioft, rant 6- il' Psnama 6:.r5, Ashvillo (1:3.1. Jumist'oun 7:05, Kennedy 7:47. Randolph 8: '5. Seam bnrg8:.'5, Ilodmmso 9:20, and arriving at SaiMiiiauec at 9:55 a. 111. 6:26 A. M., ex-ept Sundnvs, from Mend villo. Stopjiiii'r at Saeirerlown ,r:56 Venango (l:l., Cambridge0: l2. Millers 7,02! Mill VilWo 7:25, Union :(U. Concord 8:15 Corry 1'::'0, Columbus l), Freehold 10 :"4) (iraot 10:57. Panama U':01 p. m., Ashvillo 12:27, Jamestown 2:05, Kennedy 3:C0, Ban dolph S-..V1, S'eaniliiirir 4;!0, itod House 5:2o, ami ttrriviiijr at Siilumanca at 5:.v p. m. 1:10 P. M., except Sundays, from Mead ville. Stopping at Saeirerlown 1:33 Venango 2:10, Cam bri.Igo 2:20, M.llers2:'lo, Mill Village aViti, Union 8; 1 2, Concord 3:32. Corry 3:..3, Colunioiia 4:05, Freehold 4: '5 Grant 4:5'l. Panama 6:12, Ashvillo 5:27, li'.iiiestown Oifl), Keiineily 0;46, H'lndoliih 7:17. H eaml urg7:40, K. d House H;00. and arriving ut Salamanca 8.30 p. M, 'Daily. L. D. KTJCKER, WM. R. BARR Geu'lSup't. Gen'l PassrAg't. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF CASTIITQS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEllSIN HARDWARE, Ac, A'. dr., TIDIOUTE, PA., B. FISH Ell. JOIIS ANDHKWH. 5-tf .Free to Book Agents. We will send 0 handsome Pi jspectus of our .Vcte ltlitnlritrith;l ViH.y Uihle ton. litlning over 200 lino scripture llluslra trtttii'iisto any Bisik Ag- nt free of chaigo. Address National Publuthiug Co. Phila VfHksx, V, W J OB WORK DONE AT TIlS 'REPUBLICAN" OFFlGt At he lowed caeh price, nealfy, proni I hj, and in tl'j'.c equal to that of vy other cttttblinhmcut in the District. BUSINESS CARDS. SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARD3, SCHOOL CARL' WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, 1NVITATI0N3, BALL TICKETS, ADMlSSlUiN TICK LIS, ;;0.T51I.Y HTATEJIKX.'.V ENVELOrrT1, BILL IIEAD3, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAD3, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, POST E R S , DODGERS JlAMJUlLU'i, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Ac ERIE & PITTSBURGH Ii. 0t and alter Mondac, Nov. 15, 1 trains will run tu this road as f. k v. LEAVE Kill i: SOUTH WAR H. 11:55 A. M. A'-tviw tioiiATintc Ii.'Vk N'ewcusilo al 7:1.5 and arrives at Filtsbni . 10:00 a. 111. ' ' 10:25 a. M., PlTTsiit lioii r.x., stops 1.; j' stations, imd arrives at A. A G. W. I.. i Transfer al l:Mi p. m., at Newcastle at ,i p. 111., and at I itwhurgli at ti.O'Jp. ni. 6:03 A. M., ACfOM MoUATIOK, fr.illl .In- i . town, arrives at A. A G. W. K. It. i mi.- , ut 5: Hi a. m., at Ni wcastle at 7:U0 11. 1.1., t . Pittsburgh al M:iKi 11. m. 5:00 p. m.. Mixed Train leaves V.x'n 1 Sharon, stopping at alt intermediate, i.u.i . , and arriving at 10:16 a. 111. LEAVE PITTsnUHGlI NOIITWA T: V 7: 6 A. M kpik KXPIIksk, leaves -. costitiul 10.00a. 111., A. AG. W. H. :n.. for at II:2u a. 111.. and arrives at Kncs - p. in., makiiigelose ennnoetiou lor Hoi. 1 lo and Niagara Fall". 3:3 P. M. AC. ommopatiox, lov5 V-... "" r. n, . .t ,' n v Transfer at 7:06 p. ni., and Janie.ov. ! .... ... 01., I'.iii't.A .. iui !li.j.l;U lill... arrives iu Erie at l: o a. 111. .0:30 p. M.. Mixed Tm n leave Slinn : ' Erie, and arriving at Ouaid at 12:30 n. 1 and Erie ut tl:.V a. m TrainsconniM't i Rochester with tr n Whtsjling and ail pointa in West Viv, ami at Pittsburgh connections (or Phii-o phia, llarrisbuigh. Baltimore acd V ,, ington via Peniisylvuina Ctntral J'-ai'i Erie Expreis North, connects at with Cleveland antl Erie trains West . . for Clcvulund, I htciigo, and all p.ib,: the Wwt ; at Erie wnh I'l.iladolphlae I Hailrooil for t'orrv, Warren, Iivin Tidifuite, Ac. anil wiih Bun-do V K'lilroad for Hnllitlo, Dunkirk, M.i Falls and ew Vor.i City. F.N. FINNEY. Gen.-Tii) it rilOTOGRAFH GALLEI! :Y . Water Street, ADJOJNING THE HOLMES HOU . Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprisit. Pictures taken in all tho latest sv'-? the art. .. ; ; . 1. w. nowi.Axn, ai.kx . iici J. VV. ROWLAND & C'V M R CHANT TAILCh AND DHALK11S IN CaeillH Flirillsi.llug Oo. ; And Agents for tho Celebratod Gr. '. Ba'ter Sewing Machine LIBintTY STUEUT, XEAlt I .; FRANKLIN, PENN'A. Satrf.