The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 24, 1871, Image 3

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    Shc $w$t gtpuMican.
Rrpe II. II. May.
fJuwnciYmeit Jacob Shrlvor, J. It. Ntroup,
W. W, Dlmond. 8. II, Hoslot, .1. Winnns.
Jutiee of the React V. P. Moroilllott,
D. S. Knox.
Constable J. N.Toltsworth.
tchoot Director J.Winans, J. A. Palo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, 1). 8. Knox,
W. D. Irwtu. '
President .Twine James Camphklu
Associate Judycs J. . A. .Piioi'kh, Ax
bnt;w Cook.
Sheriff EvL. Davis.
JHstrict Attorney W. W. Mxson.
Treasurer S.
irothonotnry, Register & Recorder , Ac
i. n. aonbw.
CbmmiVMiotwni N.T., Ben.
Elliott, Pktbr Mkucilliott.
Counfi .Viitw'mfcrtnVnf 4. F. Ron nm.
Jury "Ommtjm'oner Jas. GlLKll.LIAtt,
ittntv tfiirreior S.I. Inwiff.
Coroner Johiah Winanm.
Ihunty Auditor I.. L. Hackrtt, Km
IIolkman.Wm. Clark.
Member o Congress I'Mh District O. Y .
State AWinfe W. A. WaLLACK.
Assewbly Joun O. Hall.
Blank Deeds, Leases and Judgment
botes fur sale at this office.
The newest stylos of Ladles' Corsets at
the Superior Lumber Co. Store
A case of small-pox has mado its
appearance in Greenville, occasioning
much freight.
Lace and Linon Collars In groat varie
ty, at tho Superior Lumber Co. Store.
Miss. Florence Dale departed for
, her school at 'Willianisport, or Thurs
day of last week.
Good styles of Paper Collars for 10 ets.
M box, at tli'o Superior Lumber Co. Store.
The matrimonial market is rather
dull in this county at present, owing,
ine suppose to tho scarcity of floods.
Hard to boatthat new lot of Gents'
". Piper JCollars, Just rceolvod at Superior
. Lumber Co. Store.
A man with a "livo bos" passed
' through our pluco lust week, and all
' tho iuhabitants feasted on fish for the
i next two or threo days.
Just received a new lot of Coatings
and Cassimcios, at tho Superior Lumber
Co. Store.
Tlieeklewalks in our place aro be
' ing gradually put in condition so that
X pedestrians need not break their legs
' ' -Photograph Pictures and Frames at tho
rtJuperlor Lumber Co. Store.
. "Regular meeting of tha Temple
. -f TT i.l... 1 . C.l I - ..
Ol uuiior lanes jnuco ub cruiuruuY
. evening. All are requested to be pres
ent. A full lino and suporiorquality of Silk
Ribbons, received and for Bale at Suporior
Lumber Co. Storo.
T. D. Collins, our newly elected
Commissioner was in town last week,
looking as hearty as usual. IIo bears
bis honors meekly.
Tablo Linen, Toweling, Linen Nap
kins, Plain Irish Linen, Bird's F.yeandall
kinds of Linen and Linon Goods at Su
perior Lumber Co. Store. .
Tbo bridge across Council Run is
fixed up in good shape, and teamsters
can take heavy loads over it with the
-utmost confidence.
A full line of Ladies' and dents'' full
-and winter Silk, Silk, Lislo and Fleece
Lined Gloves at Superior Lumber Co,
Banghart, the roan charged with
the murder ot lurner, had a bearing
last week before D. S. Knox, J. P.,
and was remanded to jail to await
. Extracts, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Tooth
Brushes, Combs and all kinds of Toilet
Articles at the Suporior Lumber Co. Store.
New crossings have been put in
opposite the Tost Office and over Wa
ter street next the ferry. Improve
;ments much needed, and substantially
A full lino ol Underwear, knit and
Woollen Goods to bo received soon at tho
; Superior Lumber Co. Storo.
The Forest Brass Bund were sere
nading several of our citizens on
'Thursday evening of last week, and
were handsomely entertained in some
A full line of All Wool Long and
Square, ImlUtion'Paisley, and Black Me-
1 rlnn SKU'ta fnr Kuln nt. Kniui.liti. T umi.-...
Vo, Store.
Tho fashion for overcoats this
winter will be about the same as that
of last, especially with those who are
obliged to wear their last winter's
Silk Gimp. Silk Fringo, Silk Velvet
Itibbons, Gimpuro Lace, Silk and Velvet
Buttons, and all kinds of Dress Trimmings
for salo ut Superior Lumber Co. Store.
State Superintendent of Public
Schools, J. P. Wiekersham, will ad
dress the teachers of Forest County
and vicinity, on Monday evening, No
vember Cth, at the Presbyterian church
in Tiouesta. Let all teachers and oth
ers interested in educational subjects
prepare to attend. St.
Gents' Huts and Caps, Fall and Winter
Styles, Men and Boys' Boots, also a full
rarioty of Ladies' Lace Boots, Shoos, Gai
ters and. Overshoe at Superior Lumber
Co. Store.
E. K. Clapp, . of President has
been elected President of tho Petro
leum Produocrs' Association for the
ensuing year. A better selection could
not have been made.'
New braces have been put in tho
bridge over tho Tioncsta, at the lower
end of town, strengthening tho same
materially. This was done to be ready
for the big flood when it comes.
The woods above Tubbs Run have
been burning for some thrco or four
days. No damage has as yet been
done, but too much care cannot be
taken to prevent it.
We wero shown several ears of
corn tho other day which were raised
on Hunter's Island which would aver
age over a foot in length. We have
seldom seen butter corn. '
Rev. A. Virtue will preach in
Clink's school bouse, up Hunter's run,
on Saturday evening next, at 7 p. m.,
and in the Presbyterian Church in this
place on Sunday, morning and even
ing. The bridgo across tho Allegheny
at Frauklin has recently been opened
for travel. The bridgo across tho riv
er at this place has not yet been open
ed for travel, or anything clso except
The Clarion republican says that
a man named Pavid Pierce, of Ash
land township was killed last week by
some limestono falling upon him while
he was working in a quarry.
E. D. Dithridge, of tho firm of
Dithridgc & Sons, went to Chicago
just before tho fire, and has not been
heard of since. It is feared that he
has perished iu the'fire. His friends
arc anxiously waiting for news of him.
A short but pointed letter from
"tho boys" appears in to day's paper.
It expresses a good deal in a very few
words. From a private letter we find
we should have received another com
munication for this week's paper, but
it does not arrive in time.
Instead of the dunghill rooster
usually at the head of the Clarion
Demorrat' columns after an election it
has iu last week's issuo three cuU of
runaway slaves, kept on hand, we sup
pose, iu hopes that the palmy days of
slavery may again return aud tho cuts
may yet be of use.
Jas. G. Clark's concert came off
according to announcement in the M.
E. Church on Wednesday evening last,
and was well attended. Some were
pleased very much- with his singing,
while others didn't enjoy it. Person
ally, Mr. Clark is a very agreeable
man, and is calculated to mako friends
wherever he goes.
The fires in Wisconsin and Mich
igan still continue to rage, apparently
consuming all before them. Several
towns have been burned, and hundreds
of people killod up to last advices.
Tho survivors all suffer more or less
for clothing and food, but are being
taken care of as fust as arrrangemenU
can be made, by towns and cities
which have escaped to fire. '
A committee consisting of II. II.
May, Dr. J. Winans, and M.Einstein,
was appointed by the congregation
present at the M. E. Church on Sun
day evening inquire into the fea
sibility of collecting money, provisions
aud clothing for the sufferers by the
Western fires. This is well enough,
I but it looks now as though we would
all have to wear our old clothes this
w inter, and dp without money entirely.
We have never seen times as close as
they are just at present, owing entire
ly to the fact that lumbermen have
been unable to run their lumber.
We are iu receipt of the Atlantic
Monthly for November. Its contents
are :
Tennysou and Theocritus; A Thanks
giving; The Bedlams ofStamboul;
Kate Beaumont, XI; The Sphuix;
Wayside Pikes; Watch and Ward,
IV; California saved ; The New Light;
Their Wedding Journey, V; Our
Whispering Gallery, XI ; Recent Lit
erature. Jus. R. Osgood & Co., Pub'
Ushers, Boston, Mass. Terms $4.00 a
year. ' .
Have we a set of thieves among us,
or do they come and go with the night?
We have asked ourselves this question
at each recurrence of stealing among
us, livery little while, just as the
community begius to feel safo from
these "lifters," some depredation is
committed. The latest is that of the
spiriting away of a barrel of sugar and
about 1100 or 1200 lbs of chop from
the warehouse of Juo. Cobb & Sous in
this place. Some person or persons,
are piling up wrath against the day of
wrath for themselves, and if they are
ever caught in the act, we tremble for
the consequences. Some, good trap
might be laid for the villaus, by which
the may be brought to justice.
Fou Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Timber Eugine aud Boile-s Lu good
der. Inquire of I( S. Knox,
1-tX Tioucstiw Pa.
' Letter from "The Boys." ' Hoi'lTE, COTJNcifi Bl.TTFFB,
Oct. lGth, 1871. J
FfiiEsf) Duns : We left Mcadville
Wednesday, at 2:20 P. M. Arrived at
Council Bluffs Saturday at 8:00 A. SI.
Passed through ruins at Chicago. ' Pa
per reports are not exaggerated in re
gard to it. We start to Kansas city
to-raorrow morning, to attend the ex
position. Ague medicine holds out
well. Taylor and I wcra employed to
run the steam ferry between Council
Bluffs and Omnha, to-Bay, Taylor as
treasurer, myself as pilot, while Davis
was preaching to tho Mormons on the
Bluffs. Will givo you our experieur
in future trip again. Xours,
B. & Co.
Peterson' Magazino for November
the cheapest and best of the lady's
books is before us, and a magnificent
number it isl "Baby's Answer," its
principal steel plate, is a porfect beau
ty. Then comes its double-sized, col
ored, steel fashion-plate, and "Peter
son" is now the only magazine that
gives theses double-sized plates en
graved on steel. Then there is a
superb slipper-pattern, printed in col
ors, itself alone worth the price of the
number. The talcs and novelets, as
always in "Peterson," are all original
and of thrilling interest. "The Mys
tery of Bride's Bayou," in the present
number, is a story such as we rarely
see anywhere cow-a-days. Now is the
time to get up clubs for 1872. The
Prospectus is just out. The price of
"Peterson" is only two dollars a year
to single subscribers, while other mag
azines of its class are threo or four.
To clubs the terms are lower still, viz:
five copies for eight dollars, or eight
copies for twelve dollars. Every per
son getting up cither of these clubs
will receive the Magazine for 1872
gratis, and also a splendid copy-right
engraving (24 inches by 18), 'Five
Times One To-Day 1" We can speak
from personal experience of the beau
ty and value of this engraving. Spec
imens of the Magaziue sent gratis
i" written for. Address, Charles J.
Peterson, 306 Chestnut street, Phila
Dear Sarah : Sijce I was at your
house last I have been down to" the
Superior Lumber Co, Store, and find
they have a complete assortment of
New Dress Goods and everything that
is new and novel. When you visit me
I want you to go and see for yourself.
You can purchase your goods there at
reasonable prices. And those Winter
Plaids you were speaking of can be had
at very reasonable rates. Come soon
or me at the Store on Thursday morn
ing. Your Friend, Jennie.
Dr. D. F. Penuiugton, recently of
Pittsburgh, offers his services as a Den
tal Surgeon, to the inhabitants of this
place and vicinity. He is located at
Fort Pitt, and will make engagements
to meet patients in Tionesta, at any
time. His Post Office address is lio
nesta, Ta. ' 29 tf. t
Mrs. Rogers wishes to inform' her
friends, and the public in general, that
she bus just returned from Buffalo with
a now and elegant stock of Fall and
Winter millinery goods, consisting of
the latest styles of Hats, Bonnets,
Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Rib
bons etc., which she is prepared to sell
cheap for cash. Her shop is to be
found over the store of the Superior
Lumber Co. 26 tf
The Best Jewelry House
In Northwestern Pennsylvania is sit
uated on tho corner of Water and
and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa.,'
and is owned by M. P. JcukS. He
lias just received a large aud superior
stock of Jewelry, which he has mark
ed down to the bottom figures, and we
can couscieutiously recommend this
house to our readers if they want any
thing in that line. The stock is very
extensive, aud one cannot fail to suit
himsclt in anything in this line. Uive
Jeuks a call when you go to Meadville,
and you will not regret it. 27 tf "
A. II. Siiii:Li:, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Dunk, bus been appointed
agent for tho celebrated " Inmau Liue
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call ou Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all tho information
Uso Dr. Herricli Sugar-touted Veg
etable Pill and Rid Strengthening
Platters, also Dr. Perrin's Fumigator
for Catarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Horses aud Cattle
use Harvel's Condition Powders the
best iu use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox & Co., Agents, Tionesta, Pa.,
and the trndo ucwrallv. 21 3m
!- --
Burlington. ,
Leaving tho East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West? The best Line is ac
knowledged to be tho C, B. & Q.,
joinedrogethcr with the B. & M. Rail
road by tho Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Burlinutoh Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and form to-day the lead
ing route to California, The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at riatts
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
' ortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls inlo a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas,
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Laud-buyers will bo sure to remem
bsr it, for they have friends, among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. 8. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of the B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand bome-eteaders and
preemptors who lust year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the binding which
may bo brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Sstnplcs
can be seen at this office.
Have you ever tried Nature's
Hair Restorative? You will be de
lighted with it. Clean, safe, and effi
cient. It is driving all the poisonous
compounds out of the market. It i -as
clear as crystal. See advertisement.
. . . .' 22 2t. 7
CARrENTEns, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
merl. Oil men, aud other- citizens ot
Foi'Pst county; who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews Co., Ti'i'ioute. They
have the largest stock in this sC-tion
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mul casings at short notice 4-tf.
Dessoltition Notice.
The copbrlncrship heretofore exist
ing between A. J. Landers and T. Sav
age, .under the name of Savage &
Landers, is this day dissolved, by
mutual consent.
A. J. Landers.
- T. Savage. ,.
Sept. 12, 1871. 24 3t
JVetw Advertisements,
CAME TO tho premises of the subscrib
er, iu Tionesta twp., two and one-half
miles north of Tiououta, about the 7th of
Sept., a dark red cow, short stumpy horns,
about 10 or 12 years old. The owner la re
quested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges, and take her away, or she
will I disposed of according to law.
THE UNDERSIGNED having associ
ated themselves together in the prac
tice of law, offer their professional sorvicos
to tho public.
liiisincss promptly a1 tended to in all the
courts of W urrun, Forest and adjoining
Wuricn, Pa.. TiUiouto, Pa.
r. A. M'KHillT. Hver
Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c.
Kills ou Tiuursta f reck, Forest Co., Ta.
Yards & Office rar. 2.'d & Rnil Buad Sis.,
Established A. D. lSi7.
Dithridge's xx Flint Glass
Silvered Glass Reflectors.
Theso chimneys do not lircuk by heat.
Ask for DmiiiiiMiKs. Tuke no other.
" ly. rilisb'iriih, Pa,
pilOPOSED t . ,
joist kbhoi.utio
Proposing an amendment tot lift Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Re it Resolved by the firnate and ITnu-ne
of Repre-ientatitie of the Commonwealth of
rennniitvnnitx in Oene.ral Aemldi met,
That tho followinamendmontof tlio Con
stitution of this Commonwealth bo pro
posed to the pooplo for their adoption or
refection, pursuant to the provisions ot tho
...... l. . : i - ,i e . .
hjiilii ni tiuiu tiitiruui, iu wit;
Strike out tho Sixth Section of tho Sixth
Article of tho Constitution, and insert in
lieu thoreof tho following:
"A State Treasurer Bliall ho chosen. hv
tho qualilicd electors of the State, at such
timos and for such term of service as shall
be presoribod by law."
Speaker of tho Ilonso of Ropresontntivos.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved tho tiltcenth day of June,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and soventy-one, ' J
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to tho Tenth Article of tho Con
stitution. F. JORDAN,
. Secretary of the Commonwealth.
OfTleo Secrctaryof tho Commonwealth. 1
Ilanisburg, .lulv&th, 1S71. J
1. 'it n't
J U R U B E B A .
Is a South American plant that has Iwon
used for many years by tho medical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
otlieHoy, and is a Sure aud Perfect Homed
for all Diseases of tho
Liver and Snleon, Enlargement or Ob
struction "of Intestines, Urinary,
IHerino, or Abdominal Organs,
Poverty ora want of Blood, In
. tcrmlttent or Remittent
Fevers, Intlamatlon ol
tho Liver, Dropsy,
- SluggishCircu-
, lalionofthe
Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and jt'over, or
their Concomitants.
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most perfect alterative, and is offered
to the public as a great inviuorator and
remedy for all impurities of tho blood, or
for organic weakness with their attendant
evils. For tho foregoing complaints
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is cenlUiently recommended to every
family as a household remedy, and should
bo freely taUeu in all derangements of the
' It is NOT A rilYSTC Tt is not what is
popularly called a HITTERS, nor is it in
tended as such ; but is simply a powerful
alterative giving health, viixor and tono to
all tho vital forces, and animates and forti
tiosall weak and lvmphatie temperaments.
JOHN ti. KEl.LOGU, Piatt St., New
York. Solo Agent for the United States.
Prico One Dollar per bottlo. Send for
Circular. 22-4t
liy sending OtJOENTS
with age, bight, color of eyes and hair,
you will receive, by roturn mail, a correct
picture of vour tuturo husband or wife.
1 with name and dato of marriage. Address
w . I DA, i. u. urawor jno. 34, Fulton
villo.N. Y. 13-4t
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
Cbal at' tha old Everhiirt llank,"two
miles from Newmanville for 7 cents per
or at Tionesta and viuiuity for
He always has a largo supply on hand,
Now is tho timo i lnv in a large supply
. i ;
Orders promptly attended to 29
Maufitcturers of Hot Air Engines.
I, 2, and 4 norse-Pow-er.
No water used 1
Cannot explode 1 -Noinsurancedcmand-;
edl -
Not liable to got out of
order I
Requires no Skilled
Engineer I
rn 25 cents
per day per horse power. U2-4t
Jfew Boarding House.
MRS. S. S. HULINGS has built a lar(?o
addition to her house, and is now pre
pared to accommodate a number of perma
nent boarders, and all transient ones who
may favor her with their patronage. A
good stable has recently been built to ac
commodate the horses of quests. Charges
roasnnahlo. Residence on Elm St., oppo
site 8. Haslet's store. 'i-ly
PSYCHOLOtJ IO Fascination or Soul
Charmlujr, 400 pafjes by Herbert Ham
ilton, H. A. How to use this power (which
all possess) at will. Divination, Spiritual
ism, Sorcoriea, Dcmonolotry, and a thous
and other wonders. Prii e by mail fcl.:25
in cloth; paperenvera SJ.rtO.- Copy free to
agents only, f l.uoo monthly easily made.
Address T. W. Evans, i'ub., 21 S. 8th St.,
Philadelphia, Ta. 2S-4t
with the (ireun Tea Flavor
Warranted to suit all
busies. For sale every
where, in onr "trade
mark'' imund and half
pound packages only, and sale wholesale
only by the (treat Atlantic and I'aciilc
Tea Co.", 8 ('hutch St. New YorK. V. (.
liox 6j(M. Send for Thea-Nactar circular.
AUKXTM, Look! 82 to 812
daily easily made. Proliiublo and rosci'.
tul ili) liuni'iiehs. V little novelty waidod
by everybody. Success sure. Send stamp
for circulars' t'j Churchill . 'J'emniefcin,
Manufacturers, 01 i Un a 1 way, N. Y. "7 41
C&cwits o Comfort.
$10 from 50s
ISHiMrLtt attiMposu roiid) furFittyOit, th
lvlliMMirfur 'Van LfelliiL It- L. Wuuoii.N.Y.
Qr (Wltl has been lately puid by Con.
V! ' ;ress to a lady for her
bravery uud skill in saving' Emigrants
from the Indians, sho was a prisoner
among tl.eni. "MY CAPTIVITY
AMONG THE SIOUX," is her story. It
is a wonderful one, endorsed by untcd
( 1 1 1 E FS, O F F I ( ' E RS, ( '() N 1 R EhS M E N ,
etc. Splendid business, to sell it.
l ,UUU Introduce Alex, Hyde's "Lec
tui csnii Agriculture," price ?l.'io, into their
towns. A rare chance to turn hour into
rash, Wcehurge nothing for ,-irculitrs ami
full information of cither hook. It will
pay all to send for theui. Address, Amer
ican Pid'liMiing Company, Hartford;
Contain no LAC SULPHUR Xo
VER, and it entireIf free from the
Poisonous and llenlth-dcutroying
Drug7t$cd in other Hair Prepara
tion. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will
not soil tho finest fabric, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN and F.FFK'I KNT desideratmns
It restores and prevents the Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a sort, glossy ap
pearance, removes Dandruff, is ck and
refreshing-to tho head, checks the Hair
from fulling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevent
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A
DH. O. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mm
Prepared only by PHOCTEH BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Mass, The genuine is
put up in a panel bottlo, made expresttly
for it, with the name of the article blown
in the glass. , Ask your Druggist for
Naturo's Hair Restorative, and take no
it-Send two three cent stamps to
Procter Rrotbors for n "Treatise on tho
Human Hair." The information it con
tains is worth foCO.iH) to any person.
Tie following are 'selected from thous
ands of testimonials of similar character,
as expressing tho reasons for the prefer
ence of tho Grover A Baker Machines over
all others.
' "Iliko lho Orover A Raker Ma
chine, In tho lirst place, because if I had
any other, I should still want a (trover A
linker: and having a Grover A linker it
answers tho purpose of all the rest. It
does a greater variety of work and iseasicr
to team than any other," Mrs. J. C. Uro
ly (Jenny June)
"I have had several years' expe
rience witn a urover iiaKcr Aiacmne,
which has given me great satisfaction. I
think the Grover A Raker Machine ismoro
easily managed, and less liable to get out
of order. I prefer thp Grover A Raker de
cidedly." Mrs. ur. watts, jNew York.
"I have had ono in mv family for
somo two years: and fjom what I know
of its workings, and from the testimony of
many or my jrionus wno use tno same.
can hardly see how anythingcould bo more
complete or -give- better satisfaction."
Mrs. Gen. Grant.
"I believe it to ho tho best, all
things considered.of any that I liavo known
It is very simple and easily learned ; the
sewing from the ordinary spools is a great
advantage) is entirely reliable;
it does ornamental work beautifully ; it is
not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M
Spooncr, 30 liond St. Brooklyn.
"I am acquainted with the work of
the principal niaciimes, ana l preier me
(trover A linker to them all, because I con
sider tho stitch more eltistic. I have work
in the house which was dono nino years
ago which is stilt good." Mrs, Dr. Mo
Cready, No. 43 East 23d street, N. Y.
"More than two-thirds of all tho
sewing dono in my family for the last two
years tins Deen dono bvGrovor X, JSaKor
Machine, and I never had a garment rip
or need mending, except thoso rents which
iroUesoine boys will make in whole cloth.
It is my opinion, by far tho most valu
ablo'of ariv I huvo tried." Mrs. Henry
Ward lleocher.
"The Grover A Baker Hewing Ma
clilnA linn ratirini-od in everV resowi. the
most perfect satisfaction. It coin bines so
many advantages with beauty of exocU'
Hon and economy in price that it is a tie
cesity in every housohold." Mrs. Gover
nor Geary, Uarrisburg, Pa.
"I have had tho Grover A Baker Ma
chine for ten or twelve years in constant
use in my bouse. J nave seen and Known
evervkindof Family sewing, both per
sonal and household, accomplished up- .
tho Grover A Raker Machine, to the end.
satisfaction of all concerned, Rev. Stephen
H . Tyng.
"I find the Orover A Bakor Stitch will
wear as long as the garments do outwear
the garment in fact. The stitch will not
break on bias senilis, when stretcliod, as
others do i and neither does it draw the
work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth
street, Y.
Tho Grover and Baker Sowing Machine
Company manufacture both the Elastic
and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the
publio a choice of the best machines of
both kinds, at their establishments in all
the large cities, and through agencies in
nearly all towns throughout the country.
Price lists and samples of sowing in both
stitchos furnished on application to Grover
A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Stroot, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Tho new book jod REASON AND
SCIENCE; or ne landmarks of Truth,
is highly coir ended by all demonstra
tions, uud s-j .s rapidly. Agents should se
cure a choice of licld", at ouco. Send lor
terms, and rut) extra inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, 712 Chestnut St., Phila
delphia.; ... , 22 4t
BallcTed turl Cnnd tj Tit. BWrib' PttMl AplUno ul
C'luiywuud. I)0iu, MT Broad , W. T. lUnsl tmr bottK
wllti iliulorttliic liltuaaaa of cum be fur ul Ttr mr. ua
lit usury ou ur cui.kihh wh ivit
trWBluiK iuiiWri, Wu0prwn4 i bTt IrMI MlelUnMwr
litt by AfttUU.
WATCH FJS1:K. Prize Gundy
boxes, Print Stationery Packages, ('heap
Jewelry, Ac, etc., silver wsu-hes given
gratis every agent &0 per day made selling
our giHsls at Country Fuirs and Political
Meetings. Send lor Circular, address Mon
roe, Kennedy tt Co., Pittsburgh, Pit. 2-lt
Inventors who w ish to take out letters
Parent uromhisrd to counsel with Muim
and Company, editor of thii Ncirulilic
Amcricnn, who hnvp prosecuted claims
befoMMho Patent Ollico lor over- Twenty
Years Their American and European
Putcnt sgi iicy is the most extensive iu tiiu
world Charges less than any other relia
ble agency A puiiiphlet containing full
instructions to inventors is sent gratis
MI NN A CO., 37 Park Row, New York
9X Retailed by ouu. Wu!ed
lw aucitts to sell pictures every
v liie. Whltiiv A Co., Norwich, M.,
fi :AO h
To tho Nerveous
WHOSE sufferings have been protrao
' ed from hidden causes, and whose
cases require prompt treatment te reodor
existence desirable
If yon are suffering, or have Buffers
from Involuntary discharges, what effect
does it produce on your general health?
Do you feel weak, dobllitatod, easily tired?
Does a littlo extra exertion produco pal- .
pltation of thoheart? Docs your liver, or
urinnry organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly got out of order? Is your urino some
times thick, milky or ftocky, or is it ropy
on settling? Or does a thick sknm rise t
tho top ? Or is a sediment at tho bottom af
ter it has stood awhile? Do you have
spells of short breathingor dispepsla? Are
your bowels constipated? Do you hare'
spells of frainting, or rushes of blood to
the bend ? Is your memory Impared ? Is
your mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Doyou feel dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, oolite? Do you wish
tobe left alone, away from everybody?
Does any little thing mko you start er
jump? Is your sleep broken or restless?
Is the lustre ofyoureyo as brilliant?
Tho bloom on your chock as bright? Do
you onjoy yourself in society as well ? Do
you pursuo your business with the same
energy ? Do you foci as much confidence
lu yousclf ? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to tits of melancholy ? If se,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and havo but liW
tlo appetito, and you attribute this to dye
pepsiaor liver-complaint? .
Now, reader, solf-sbuse, venereal 'dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. Tho organs of geners-
tion.whon in'pcrfoct health, make the.maa
Did you ever think that those bold, deli
mit, energetic, porsevering, successful business-men
are always those whose genera
tive organs are In porfoct health? Yo
rlover hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeod in business j thoy don't be
come Bad and discouraged ; they arealwaye
polite and pleasant In the company of la
dles, and.look you and them right la the
face none'of your downcast looks or any
meanness abouf them. I do nat mean
those who keep the organs Inflated by
running to excess. Thoso will not only
ruin thoir constitutions, but also these
they do business with er fos.
How many men, frem badly euren dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, have brought about that stale of
weaknoss In those organs that has reduced
the genoal system so mnch as to produce
almost every othor disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicldo, aud al
most every othor form of disease which,
humanity is heir to, and the real cause of.
tho troublo scarcely ever suspected a4
have doctored brail but the right one.
Diseases'of theso organs require the as
of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD S FLUID
EXTRACT UUCHU is tho great Diuretic,
aud Is a certain cure 'for diseases of the
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ -lu
Weaknoss, Femalo Complaints, Gener
al Dcbity, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing In Male or Fe
male, from whatever ruuso originating,
and no matter of how long standiag.
If no treatment is submitted to, Con
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Onr
llesh and blood uro supported from thus
sourjes, und tho health and happines,
osd. that of IWcrily, depends Br
prompt uso of a reliable remedy.
Helmbold's Extract Bucliu, established
upward of P..v'ears, prepared by H. T.
HELM HOLD, Druggist, 01U Broadway.
New Yoik, ami 104 Ssuth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Puk e-$1.23 per buttle
or tl bottles for f.50, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by ail Druggoats every wkorej
Wrapper, fac-siuile of my Chemical Ware
house, nnd signed H.T. U ELM HOLD.,
: lv