The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 24, 1871, Image 1

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    u rcBusnuD every Tuesday, dy
W. It. DUNN.
DITlc In Knox's Building. Kln Stroet.
No Subscription recelvod for a shorter
period than lliroe month.
Correspondence solicited from nil part
of the country. No notice will bo taken of
annonymous' communications.
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
, - -
. I. O. Gk T.
feet every Wednesday evening at
IVJ. o'clock.
W. U. DUNN, W. O. T.
M. W. TATE, W. M.
Attorneys at law,
'jt'lm Sired, TIOXESTA , PA .
Isaac Ash,
ATTORNEY AT T,AV, Oil ntv. Pa.
Will ir"tlce In the varlnus Court of
FnroV rountv. All business entrusted to
li earn will receive prompt attentl n.
lrt ly
W. W. Mason.
ATTORNEY AT T.AW. Office on Elm
fcttrcot, above Walnut, Tlonesta, I'a.
C W. Gilflllan,
TTOnNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Vo
L nanfto Co., Pa. tf.
N. B, Smiley,
ATTOUN'EY aT LAW. Petroleum Cen
tre, Pu. Will practice In the several
Court of i'orest County. SO-ly
. W. P. Mercllllott,
Attorney t L. a w .
T I 0 N EST A, PA.
John K. Hallock,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
Patcnts.No. MA French streeKopposlte
Keod Housel Erie, Pa. Will practice In
thoveral State Courts and the United
Btnns Courts. Special attention given to
solicitlrj patent for Inventors j Infringe
w tnonts, re-issue'' and extension of patents
rofully attended to. Hofcronccs: Hon.
James Campbell, Clarion ; lion. John H.
Mct.'atiunnt, Franklin; If. 1. A A. R.
Richmond, Nleadvillei W. IS. Lathy. Tl
nneHta. 2 7
. ' , , i . Tionesta House.
7VT 'TTTEIi, Proprietor, Elm St., Tlo-
Mr.- Idle has thoroughly renovated the
Tionesta House, aud re-furnished It com-
pletolr. All who patronize him will be
well entertained at reasonable ratex. 20 ly
. Court House, Tionesta, Pa. Just
.opened. Everything new and clean and
froih. The host of liquors kept conxtantly
on hand. A portion of the public patron
age is respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 V
Holmes House,
HMONHSTA, PA., opposite the Depot.
A C. 1). Mabie, Proprietor. Good Sta
bling connectod with the house. tf.
Syracuse House,
iniOTTTM". Pa.. J. A D Maofe, Prople
tors. Tho house has been thoroughly
refilled and is now in the Hrst-class order,
with the best of accommodations. Any
nformation concerning Oil Territory at
mix noun will oe cneoriuuv lurniHiion.
-ly J.iD. MAUKK,
Exchange Hotel,
T OWKR TIDIOUTE. Ta.. D. 8. Rams
iJ ukelASun Prop's. This house having
been rotltodisnow the most desirable stop
ping place in Tldiouto. A good Milliard
ltoom attaclied. 4-ly
National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. ITallonback.
Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is
iOw oeit as a first class house, situate at
eejuneuon or the oil creek A Allegheny
stiver and Philadelphia A Erie Kailroaosi,
.opposite the Depot. Parlies having to lay
vcr trains win nun mis me most uunvon
nt hotel In town, with lirst-clasa aocom--iiodationskud
reasonable uliarges. tf.
it. e. Moititi,
Late of. Rradv's Bend, has located in
Tionnsta, and is prepared to do all kinds ot
wort in the line or repairing
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c,
In orood stvle and warranted to irlve satis
faction, vt'atches, Jewelry, Ac., will be
left in care or l. S. Knox, who will be re
ponibla for their sale return.
;:t-ly. R. 10. MORRIS.
Corner of Church and Elm Streets,
This firm is prepared to do all work in
Its line, and will warrant everything done
at thoir nh ps to give satisfaction. Par
ticular attention given to
Give them a trial, and you will not re
gretit. lS-ly.
Tionesta, forest Co., Pa.
This Rank transact a General Ranking,
Collecting and Exchange Dusiness.
Drafts on the Principal Cities of the
V uitcd Stales and Kurope bought and sold
Oold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-W liouds
converted on the most favorable terms.
merest allowed on time deposit.
fiMr, ir.
SL H.'st'KlitK for ilia Forest Republic-
It vrfll par.
" Let us have Faith
VOL. IV. NO. 29.
Dr. J. L. Acorrb, I
kiad fifteen vears' experience In large
and successful proctin- win '"i
I'roriMiMWitiai I'alla. Oflii Atn Ills llr iff nun
flrocory .Storo, located In Tldiouto, near
TM'i'.lie House.
V full assortment of Medicines, I,ionors
Tobacco. Ciuars. Stationery. (Mass. Paints.
Oils Cutlery, and lino (irocerios, all of the
i i ii... ..L ...m i... ...i.l .t
rates. ' j
II. R. RUROESSI. an experienced Drug-
1st from New York, has charge of the
lor?. All prescriptions put up accurately,
Tlfft Sons & Co. '8
NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have
for sale and will receive orders for the
alxive Engine. Messrs. TilRSons A Co.
are now xondjug to this market thir 12-
llorse I'o.vcr ICugine mIIIi U-IIorse Powor
Hniler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
j ....... ..... . 1...'... A, Knir....t ,I.uUm
In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St.
next door to Chase Homo, Pleasantville,
and at Mansion House, Titusville.
tf. K. DUETT A SON, Agents.
Jos. Y. Saul,
3KACTICAT, Harnes Maker and Sad
dler. Three doors north of Holmes
House. l iOnesta, I'a. All work in war
ranted, tf.
DR. J. V. BOI.ARD, or Tldioute, has
returned to his practice alter an ab
sence of four months, spent in the Hospi
tals or Ne York, where " win awna
calls Inhiv profession.
Uiilce in KiireKa urug ntore, an noor
ibove the bnnk, Ti'liotite, Pa. 4itf
at tha Store of
D. S. KNOX, St CO.
Elm St., ione.ta Fa.
We are hi dally receipt oi the s-gsstsnd
which we ate determined to sell regardless
of prices.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac., Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac, Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
7-tt D. S. KNOX, A CO.
Triumphs of Enterprise,
A New Rook, 700 octavo pages, well
illustrated, intensely interesting, and very
instructive.. Exclusive territory given.
Our Terms are the most 1, 1 1x3 nil. Apply
to us. and see it tlcy ar not. A. A.
HALE A CO., Hartford, Conn.
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
that Right makes Might; and
Deer Huntlnf.
We should not have Stayed in
ar Valley so long-for the .lays
P - n .
beginning to be cool, and the night
nru already foggy had not Euphetuia
been so iutenl upon going on a deer
liu tit. Her desire fir the chase became
o great thut at la.d she even overlook
: ""3 uniiuci i lie
ed the dancer ot the bears. "A bul-
let will kill a bear, I suppose," said
she. And on being told that such a
thing was ccrtuiuly possible, she deter
mined to go.
We went.
One path lay up the side of the
mnuntati over an old, and almost dis
use I road, aud, after the first mile or
so, Euphemia found it a hard path.
She would not let toe carry her rifle
a short breech-loader for she asserted
that she knew it was the proper thing
for hunters to bear their own weapons,
and, in course of time, she found it
very heavy. From one shoulder to
another she shifted it, and remarked
to mo that she hoped she would find
some of Mm. Homer's slave iu the box
when she got back, for her skin was
rubbed otf in some iilaceB,slie knew.
"You hud better let me carryy our
rifle," mid I, "and not think S'i much
about appearances. For my p"rt, I
consider a wotnun with a rifle ou her
ehouldcrs to be about as stra;e n sight
as auv i.ue would want to see. In the
olden time when women did hunt thev
had bows and arrows, and it was rath
er pleasing thau otherwise to carry
"Bother," said she, "bows and ar.
rows, indeed! I suppose the nest
thing will be that you'll want me to
go hunting in a chariot with a sickle
stuck into the swingle tree like the
"At the end of the axel tree,
dear, they put the scvihes in the
cieiit chariots," said I.
"Well, it makes no difference. Those
old fashioned things are all absurd. I
wish I could see a herd of deer on top
of those ruck," said she, pointing her
rifle at a little eminence, as if she was
practicing taking sight. (I knew very
well that she only did it to relieve her
shoulders.) "I think I could hit a few
of them."
"A few!" I exclaimed. "I don't
believe von could hit one at least,
not the first time you tried."
"That would not discourage me,"
she cried, with the spirit of a true
hunter suarking in her eyes. "Jf I
missed, do you know what I would
"WhatT" said I.
.'Tick the flint, aod try again."
What nonsense you are talking,
Euphetuia! Your gun has no flint,
and, so, of course, you could uot pick
"Do you mean to tell me," said she,
slopping short in the road, "that you
let me come away out here with a gun
that has no flint?"
"Of course I did. No guns have
flints now-a-diiys. They have pereus
iot. caps instead."
"Yes. I knew thev had cans." she
! said more mi.dly, "but I thought they
bad Units too somewhere itiside ot
it was about half an hour after this
conversation, aud Eunhemia was car
rying her rifle under her mm in u way
that made me tremblo for my life.
When we came to a spot where the mail
branched. As I did not know which
was the main track, I told Euphemia
to wait a few minutes while I went for
ward to investigate.
When I returned I could not see
Euphe nia, but directly 1 descried her
on the top of a low bank, a short dis
tance up the other road. As I walk
ed towards her I saw that she was lev
eling her gun at something, 'vhich was
over the bauk and invisible to me.
Accordingly I approached her with
noiseless steps. Wheu I reached the
bank she was still taking aim, and I
whispered to her:
"Euphy, what is itT A deer?"
She turned to me, and in a low, hol
low voice said :
"No. It is a bear!"
I put my hands on the bauk to
scramble up, but she waved me back.
"Not one inch forward," she said,
"or your rashness will destroy us both.
Keep your charge in reserve, lie
ready with your rifle if I miss him. It
you come up here 1 shall scream, and
we are losL '
"Hear me, Euphy," I whispered,
trembling with excitement, "Come
down and let me up there. Mine is
the pobt of danger."
"No, it isu't," said she, in that
solemn undertone. "It u.-ed to be, hut
not in these duys. Don't make a fust.
I'm gniii' to tire as dooii us I seo the
while of his eves aud he is turning
arouud now. If he rin-hes on us, re
member the Norttciuufi ! Hold your
knife out iu front id you, unit ! t him
run ou that! If I have time, I will
step aside, and let him rui-h down on
it. If it should happen that I Rhotild
should perish, when he springs, I
want you to remember ahat I tell you
now. My gold earringsr not the
ones with balls, but the ehaied set niic
for Lulie. Tell her to tkiuk of in?
when she wears thetu. My large braid
I would like Mary to have. ltalway
was tM) dark tor me, audi MoyJd suit
ber hair. tud tny new beoWi
in that Faith 1st us to the end,
Moncstter pair to Bessie. She can't
wear them, hut they'll remind her
more of my feet, as thev reitllv are. it
they are not worn. Little Emmie
must nave my nig trunk, rut her
name on the end. And the preserves
are fur John. You must keen hack I
I'm going to fire! De firm. Keep my
room always exactly as it is."
Bang! and Euphemia sat clown with
great suddenness.
I sprang upon the bank, and. Peeing
she was safe, rushed into the bushes.
"Call me it ho resists, said Euphe
mia, aud then she sank against a tree.
When I returned, Euphemia was
herself again.
"Oh! lead me to him!" she cried,
her eyes sparkling "Did you give
him the coup (it graett Let me cut otT
his brush to put in my hat that is, if
bears have brushes."
"1 don't know about bears," said I,
"but if I were you, Euphemia, I
would n t want to stick
in my new straw hat."
a heilers tail
"A what? said she turning pale.
I had no idea- thut Euphemia was
such ft good shot. That heifer cost
me $'2'J, ;uid the people would allow
nothing for the hide. I do not think
Euphemia desirer to remain much
longer in Sugar Valley. 1'hiUidtlphiu,
Mr. Editor--! am eighteen
old, aud 1 have a little sweetheart six
teen years old. I called upon her the
other evening, mid at nine o'clock her
tallier brought in a piece of bread aud
butter tor each of us, with sugar on it,
and said I need not go home until I
had eaten it. I felt insulted, nud left
without eating a mouthful. Did I do
right? Gkohhe.
Yours is a end case, George and one
that calls for Keeper reflection than
we are capable of giving it. We do
not think it would have been to have
"riled the old man up;" he might
have raised your hopes with bis boot.
If your sweetheart really loves you, it
would have been better to have accept
ed the "lunch" and after eating the
sugar otf from the bread aud butter ,
chucked the latter under the sofa; it!
would have mado a grease spot on the
carpet and you would thus nave your
revenge, lit lliir. I'nma tit flmilf tt it
icUt in ilimwW h v.. .., i.t
nin Vl,u.b fi.rf V Uv. i..,i
to leave at eight o'clock aud listen
outside until the old folks were enor-
ing; then take off our boots and go
liiifk niii-1 boa Hi niil.r m.f 'I rv i,ia
ntce and if vou don't cet cam-lit at ir.
let us hear from you. If you do get
caught at it, nobody will ever hear from
you again, there is nothing so condu
five to restlessness on the part ot a
parent as to know their ouly daughter
is sitting up with a greenhorn when
she ought to bo asleep dreaming of to
morrow's washing. Thai's so. litut
ville Herald.
Men's Rights.
Burleigh tells this florj in the Bos
ton Journal:
Coming up in the cars quite an
amusing iueidcni occurred. The palace
curs uecd custom. The common cars
are few aud crowded, and those who
would be coin loll able are compelled
to pay extra and have a seat iu the
puluce sul u. Several gentlemen
stood. A lady look a whole seat to
herself, uud piled up her baggage ou
the spot where weary gentlemen would
be glad to repose. The lady left her
seat fir a moment and went to the rear.
A gentleman at once went for it piled
the bags on the teat the ludy occupied
aud sat down. All watched the opera
lion. Soon the lady came on with a
quick step. She came to a halt and
said, "Sir, you have my scut.'' "1
think not ; your luggage is on your
seat." "1 have hud the seat all the
way from Albany." "Yes ma'am, and
I have stood all the way from Albany,
and intend to ride tin rest of the way
to Kutlaud." Not an inch did the
woman budge ; she held her ground
full ten minutes. The intruder was
quietly reading the only one in the
car that was not absorbed in thesuiiir,
The silence was painful. At hut the gave way. Iu a huff she siezed
her bundles, made for the palace car,
aud paid for all the room the occupied.
Her exit was attended) will) a short,
sharp cheer, and the audience recover
ed. The -a! of new converts is prover
bial. The Canadians now in New
WkhaveiMuii!ybecaniesw.dl'ghi-i,V(f devising a plan lor abating it.
td with the United Slates, a.udi a,re so. 'e confess to son curiosity an to tb
enthusiastic lor annexation, that they I fleet which a purification of the
to celebrate the anuivcrsaiy j mosphere will have upon the Cincin-
..i ,i.i iii'u) vi iu, rn n "y
Columbia--!!", event wbjeh our owij
..ft Ilia .llu., .ft ! I...
citizens do not commemorate
' "u
Cuuadiaus, it is explained, do this to
show their gratitude. V the ycoyle of
the United tduusciij desiring toabsrk
the Dominion., It ip desire exists to
any remarkable dc;ret(, the Canadians
uloue have discovered it.
A uiau in Main plugged his maple
trees ou Sun lay, so the sap couldn't
run, considi ring i. was a violation of
the Sunday law and, besides that, he
I wanti-d to io a fishing.
daro do our duty as we understand it"-LINCOLN.
A Story of General Thomas.
Among the stories told of the late
General Thomas, is one of an incident
which occurred when he and his chief
of staff", General OarfieM, were inspect
ing the fortifications of Chattanooga
in 1804. Ther heard a shout, "Hello,
Mister 1 I want to speak to you ;" and
General Thomas found that he was the
person addressed, by an uncouth, back
woods. East Ten ne.-seean. He stopped,
and the dialogue which ensued was as
follows :
"Mister, I want to get a furlough."
"Ou what grounds do you want a
furlough, my man?"
"I want to go home and see my
wife." . 7
"How long since yon saw your wife?"
"Ever since I enlisted, nigh on to
three months."
"Three months!" good naturedlv
exclaimed Oeneral 11
lomas. "Why,
my good man, 1 navn t seeu niv wile
lor three years.
The East Tenesscenn stopped whit
tling for a moment, and stared incred
ulously; at length he said: "Well,
von see. me and tnv wife ain't that
Even General Thomas' grimncss
was not proof against the laughter
j which he rode away to conceal, leaving
j the astonished soldier without nn an-
!' w Kiv n t ,l1 l,.v Gen.
j Garfield.
j Fiajje' Murks.
j A short time since, n gentleman cm-
filoyed a muson to do some work for
imii, and, Hiimiig other things, to
"thin whiten" the wulls of one of his
chambers The thin whitening is til
most colorless until dried. The gru
. tleman was much surprised on the next
morning after the chamber was fin
ished, to find on the drawer of the
bureau standing iu hi room, white liu
; gur marks. Opening the drawer he
found the same on the articles iu it,
aud on a pocket-book. An examina
tion revealed the samn murks ou the
contents of a bag. This proved clear
ly that the unison, with his wet bauds,
had oH)iie l the drawer aud searched
the hug which contained no monev,
aud then closed the drawer without
ou'e thinking that any one would
know it. The "thin whitening," w!;i' h
: happcued to be on his hand, did
show at first, and probably
he had no
. ,,e 1 'r-v,"g w:n,11
j vel hm wickedness Ifcwara ot evil
'"ghts and deeds! r hey will leave
their huger marks which will one day
! be revealed. They may be almost, it-
not quite invisible at first. Hut even if
they should not be seeu during any of
your days on eurth, yet thero is a duy
coining iu which all bins will bo made
A Precocious Swindler.
The Boston Journal ays : The of
ficers of one of ur south end stations
are much exercised as to what they
shall do with a young girl id' about
six years of age, who, by her smart
ness, bids fair to achieve somewhat id'
a local reputation even before she
reaches her teens. She is almost daily
to he found straying about the streets,
bcuriiig I he appearance ot a lost child,
her lorlorn looks and appeals uainini;
i her the sympathy, and oftentimes the
: aid of passers by. Hie frequents the
j hor-ecurs, riding until the conductor,
i in taking the fares, hods her without
scrip .r tickets, aud she is either put
otf or else a policeman takes her to the
station houi-e, aud she is sent home,
only to be found on her travels the
next day. A few days ago the "little
fraud" was iu clover. When the Odd
Felh.w lodges who dined in Boylstoii
hall marched into the building she ac
companied them, aud one of the breth
ren, thinking ber lost, out of sympathy
secured her a seat at the table, and af
ter she had eaten ull she wished, he,
at her request, stepped aside to pro.
euie a lobster. After the repast he
carried her to a neighboring police
station, and was then made aware that
he had been duped by a mere child.
The parents of the child take little in
terest iu her welfare.
Hie bugles have aurjg truce in Cin
ciuuati, and the war over the Sabbath
question is momentarily sus ended in
order to enable the citizens to deal
with another question which many of
them fin' more pressing. That proud
evidence of the city's prosperity, the
smoke, has all of a sudden nceu voted
a nuisance, aud a committee of the
council bus been charged with ihedu
I . . m w
, nati mind and morals, lieasoviug a
,;,-; we k,.,U exuect it to bu very
: salutary indeed.
Jokes on Horace Greeley are fash
ionable just uow. Tbjs is the latest :
"This.ii the 'JOOlh application in a
week.. Go to Halifax 1 can't hire ev
ery idiw fool." That U what they say
Mr. Grveley wrote to a ninn who asked
' him fur a situation. The receiver
! couldn't make it out. io he took it down
to ll 'tribune counting-room, and the
: caifcicr, stippnsini; it to be an order for
k 2U1, paid him that sum.
Do Not Give Up.
A gentleman traveling in the north
ern part of Ireland heard the voices
of children, and paused lo listen. Find
ing the sounds proceeding from a
mull building used as a si:hool-hoU9C,
he drew near ; and, as the door was
open, he entered, and listened to the
words the boys were spelling. One
little fellow stood apart end aud dis
pirited. "Why does that boy stand there?"
asked the gentleman.
"Oh, he's good for nothing," replied
the teacher. "There's nothing iu him.
I can make nothing of him. - He is the
most stupid boy in the school.''
The gentleman was surprised nt
this answer. He saw thut the teacher
was so stem and rough that the young
er and more timid boys were nearly
crushed. He said a tew kind words to
lit in, and then plnciug his hand on the
nobL hr. w of the little fellow who
stood apart, he said: "One of these
days you nitty be a fine scholar. Do
uot give up; but try, my buy, try!"
The soul of the boy roused. II is
dormant intellect awoke.4 A new
purpose was formed. From that mo
ment he been tncstudiniis ami ambitious
to excel. Aud he did become a fine
scholar and the author of a well known
commentary on the bible a great
and g'od man, beloved and honored.
It was Dr. A. lam Clark.
The secret of his success is worth
knowing: "'t give up ; but try, my
boy, try !"
The Philosopher's Stone.
The recent riu but brilliant John
Randolph once rose suddenly up in his
se;i'. in the tlouso ot U"presentatives.
and screamed out, at the top of his
shrill voice: "Mr. Speaker! Mr.
Speaker! I have discovered the philos
opher's stone. It is Pay as you go I"
John Randolph dropped many rich
gems from his mouth, but never a rich
er one than that. "Tav as you go,"
and you need not dodge s'leriH and
constables. "Pay as ynu go," uud you
can walk the streets with tin erect buck
and manly front, and have no fear of
those you meet. You won't have to
cross the street to avoid a dun, or look
intently in a shop window, in order
uot to see a creditor. "Pay as you go,"
and vou run snap your fingers nt the
world, and when you laugh, it will be
a hearty, honest one, and not like the
laugh ot the poor iicbtir, Mho looks
around as though he was in doubt
wh ther the laugh was not the property
of his creditors, und not included in
articles "exempted from attach incut."
"Puv un vou go," and vou will meet
smiling faces at home -happy, cherry
cheeked, smiling children a content
ed wife a cheerful hearth stone. John
Randolph was right. It is the philoso
pher's stone.
A Good Woman.
A good woman never grows old.
Years may go over her bead, but if
benevolence und virtue dwell in her
heart, she is as cheerful us when the
spring of li'e first . peued to her view
w hen we look upon a good woman,
we never tlii ik of her age she looks
ss charming as when the rose of youth
first bloomed upon her cheek. That
rose has not faded yet ; it will never
fade. In her neighborhood she is the
friend and benefactor iu the church,
the devout worshipper and exemplary
Christian. Who does not love and re
spect the woman who has fased her
days in actsof kiuduoas nd mercy," ho
has been the friend of man and God
whose whole 1 i to bus been a scene of
kindness aud love, a devotion of love
aud religion? We repeat, such a wo
mnn can not grow old. She will al
ways he fresh and buoyant iu spirits,
and active in humble deeds of mercy
aud benevolence. If the youiif lady
desires to retain the bloom and beauty
of youth, let her not yield to the swn
of fushion and folly ; let her love tru'li
aud virtue; and to the close of life
she will retain those feelings which
now uiuke life appear a gardeu uf
sweets, ever fresh and new.
The Diluth Herald savs the people
of Duluth "intend to waive that city
one id' the largest manufacturing anil
trans shipping depots in liu world."
This is. I We rigkt kiud of talk,, and we
hope it will not nsult iu talk only.
The city doubtless possesses many ad
vantage as a manufacturing point for
certain Kinds of machinery, and it on
ly requires the aid und countenance
of the people there to induce capital
ists to embark in manfacturing.
It is related of a mem,berof the Bos
ton bur that once meeting in the dog
(lavs the estimable S'n of a father of
rather r iuivocu.1 reputation, in an ab
sent mindvd MomcHt he annuel him
by inquitii'g how the old gentleman
stood the heat. The ol.i gentleman
hud oeen dcud two months.
The Stocton IletdJJ, says: Iiiring
t ho delivery of her FKetiit last ni'dit:
i Mrs. Laura lVFureot Gordon said, "I I
u in an American citi'cn. and over
twenty-one vears of niio." To this a1
crusty and nrolmhlv distrusted bene -
diet .Vied out : "Yon bul you are 1"
TU teUitt wuMlectrical,
Rates of Advertising.
One Square (1 inch,) one Insertion 11 M
OneSiiiare " ono month 3( )
OneSiiiare " three la mths... 6 v
OneSiiiaro " ono year '!!'",'
Two Squares, ono year. A 13 f
tunrtrCol. ' '
Half " " W"
One " " WO W
limine Cards, not exceeding one inch
In IcnUi, f 10 per year.
Legal noticosat established rato. "
These rates are low, and no deviation
rtill lie made, or liTiniiuntin amomt
patrons. The rates oll'-red are such, m
will make it to the advantaneof men dol.
business in the limits ot the ireulation of
the paier to advertise liberally.
A Keen Reply.
Legal bullies who n?k women im
pertinent questions iu the witness-box
ought to get their desert, as did t!i?
solicitor-general in the celebrated Tich
borne cic, m England. The witnessi
was a governess who had formerly betn
employed in the Tichborne family.
Governesses in England are genera! iy
regarded as beings who are made to be
snubbed and i.. suited. So the solicito;
g' licral snubbed and insulted this one,
while she wns te?tifyirg to the identity
of the cluimant to the Tichborne es
tate with the youfig heir ns she knew
him twenty yea is before. At last sl.e
had a chance at him wnich si s did cel.
hesitate to improve. "Was the young
mnu always polite to Indies?" asked
the solieitor-geueral. "He was, indeed,
polite toward ladies." replied the gov-i-rneniess;
and with a well-uuderstood
emphasis she added, "gentlemen, I be
lieve, always are so." The court-ro;tri
burst into a loud lauls, und the solicitor-general
turned red in the face.
Genuine beer is ns hard to find as
pure nle or purser. Not only are malt
and hop beeis largely adulterated ' ut
ha rs are made without malt or hops.
Sugar, honey, molasses and liquorico
are used for malt; alum, opium, gen
tian, quassia, aloes, cocculus iodic us,
amnrn, tobacco, and unux for hops;
saltpeter, Jalap, salt, maranta, green
copperas, marble dust, oyster-shells
egg shells, sulphate of liu. e, hartshorn,
shavings, nut-galls, potash, soda, Ac,
to prevent souring. The beautiful
cauliflower head often comes from
green vitriol, "alum r.ud salt. Tin
smack of age, and the tingle to tie
palate oticn comes frem vitiol. lake
your nle, beer und porter if you will
but remember its strength or intoxi
cating qunlites may be due to tbo
deadly cocculs indicus, foxglove, hen
bane, inul'um, and opium, nox-vonnce,
and the narcotic power to opium, to
bacco and grains ot paradise, smnck
your lips at the tingle of lime and
pepper, and exult in the lonm ot cop-
eras and lime. Is there not death in
the beer-mug 1Lhr. E. G. Dalton.
When girls are taught nt the mot!
er s knee, at the homo nresiue, in
school aud in society, that it is as dis
graceful for them to be loafers as it
for their brothers, we shall have girls
demanding and getting that thorough
ness of mental and technical training
vhich is needed in the successful pur
suit of any employment, nnd not bc
fote We shall have a standard tin n
for scholarship, nnd women will lock
upon education as something better
than mental ruffles ami furbelows, or
as a mere means of enabling them to
support themselves in geutcol ihut
pchdciire until theyenn marry, aud we
shall l.cnr no more of lank of employ
ment for women
The idea of convoying messages un
der the sea, pays Mr. J. Holmes, in n
recent article on telegraphy, was filet
conceived by Sir C. Wheatstonc, iu
the yeur 1840. For his experiment he
chose Swansea Bay, iu South Wales,
and there, stationed iu au open boat,
and with the help of a light-house
keeper, be practically set in operation
the first submarine telegra; !i cable in
the world, consisting merely of a con
ducting wire insulated with hemp nnd
a resinous compound. From the results
of that trial has proceoded the great
submarino telegraph eystctn now e.
tending over so large a pertion of the
A machine has now been perfected
which may be upplied to cooling the
air of theatres, halls, and all public oi
private dwellings. One of these ma
chines will cither produce two hundred
pounds of ice per hour, or will furnish
in the s ime space of time thirty thoub
and cubic feet of air cooled to a tern-
Iieralure of thirty degrees Fahrenheit,
l is probuble that in a few years we
will turn ou from the tame registers
the cool air in summer and hot air in
winter. TUo application of sih h an
apparatus to t lie pipes of a heater
w ujd be extremely simple, and furnish
just we wuut wheu the heater is off
An Irish run 3 tiaracd William, and
oue Samuel, a Jew, were partuers in
tiie ownership und manageiLfTil of a
large and valuable ratieho, not n any
miles from Yirgioiit City. SuniU' l was
upbtuiding his Irish partner toi hL
queer mutuigeiu.'ut of r.nnc purti ilar
business. William cou.d cuditre it no
longer, and retorted: "Kmr, Nam, you
had better dry about mv Irish blun
ders, for you Jews have nothing to
brag of; inere you were fur forty years
bringing your foii.s through t'o wil
derness, h lit ii any good smart lanke"
would have done it in Joiirdays. Sr-u.
subsided, and j eace uas restored.
We ore infvtuied, says the St. Mary
Untitle, that ground has been broken
for the Elk and M'Kenn railroad, und
it is to be speedily pushed to comple
tion. Our citizens will hail this w ith
joy, since ii u to give our coal bed a
new opening, uud give employment to
many men. This new road will reme-
ly some little inconveiiieueo now ex-
1 peneneed for a aut ofcires for the
, transportation of coal, aud our miners
1 will pave sleady employ meuU