- - - KiivroR. . II MAT JWRM.G, OCT. 10, ',$71. "EPUCLtCAN STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GEXU.TIAI-, !" .VII) STANTON, of Beaver Co. FOIl BPRVKYOR GENERAL, POFE'.T B. DEATH, of Schuylkill. PUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. TOR COMMWIORER, T. D. COLLINS, of Hickory Tr. FOR AUPITon, T. P. COBB, of Tioncsla Borough. -To-niiy is the election. Pec to it 'hot you do not put o(T the very im 'vir!nnt item of voting the straight Repuulicau ticket. The Democracy if our connty hare worked hard all ' 'hrough the campaign, mid we have not the least doubt that every moth er's son of them will he nt the polls. Wo have the niajor'tU-, but wchavo not enough to get careless about it, nnd if do not make a business f turning out prompt, wo nre liable nt any time to fall behind far enough to mako a material difference in the election. Turn out, every one. Be at the polls early, nnd vote the straight Republi can ticket, and you will have a good conscience, nnd the election of souud officers, State and County w ill be your reward. Terrible Fire in Chicago ! We learn from our exchanges of yesterday, that the most terrible fire ever seen, has been devasting Chicago. Twenty blocks of buildings wore burn ed on Sunday evening last, and the (ire was still raging fiercely at 2:10 Monday morning. Thousands of peo ple are houseless, and several have perished in the flames. The fire was next building to the gns house when the last dispatch was w ritten, also just ncross the street from tho telegraph office. Many millions of dollars in property have been destroyed, and the firetuea eeem helpless to stay the fury of tho flames. Steamers and companies from other cities wcro sent for, which we Euppose will call out all who are within reach of Chicago to help con quer the flames. Should we have fur ther news before w e go to press we will record them. Kcmi-.t initial Convention, I. O. of G. T. Northwestern District of Pennsylva nia. Oil City, Pa., Sept 26, '71. The Eighth Regular Session of this body will convene, pursuant to ad journment, in Tidioute, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Tuesday, October Seventeenth 1871, and continue in session two days. It is greatly desired that all officers nnd delegates be in prompt attendance at tho opening of tho Convention. Each Lodge is entitled to two dele gates at large, and one additional for every twenty-five members, and frac tion in exocsa, in good standing. None but degree members are quali fied to sit in the Convention. New Lodges may send representatives, not Degree Members, in which case the Convention will confer the degrees up on all such delegates who brintr a cer tificate that the fees and dues for the Degrees have been paid to the Lodge to which they belonc. The Northwestern District embraces tie counties of Erie, Crawford, Venan go, Warren, Forest, Mercer, Cameron, Lik and McKean. Attention is call cd to the fact that several of these counties have never been represented ia iuc meetings ot tins body. It is earnestly honed that every Lodue. so far as possible, in tho eutira District wiil bo represented in the coming Co vention. Important qestions, affecting the vital interests of the temperance cause, will conio before the Convention, and it is desired and expected that the meeting will bo oao the largest and most in teresting of any one ever held in tho State. Blank forms will accompany this circular, to each Lodge by which to make out the report to the Convention. Orders for excursion tickets over the Philadelphia A Erie railroad are cu- loned to a number of Lodges. Where moro are needed, or where Lodges hove not received Orders for excursion tickets over this road, and desire them, application should be at once mule to tho Secretary, A. M. Martiu, C'oi ry, Pa., who will forward them. Escur (ion tickets cannot be procured with out the presentation of an order to the ticket agent. The portions to whom 1 lie orders for VPHriiioil t tlr..ta n r.i cs... i will keep a list of the names of th: 'uhnni thy are jgivpii. and J also of tho numbers, and forward the j samo to tho Secretary, together-with any orders not used. Application has also been made to other railrtrad 'companies for estur sion tickets. Didegsies should nslt nt the ticket office for "excursion tiekols." The officers of the Convention unite in asking that immediately on the re ception of this cull each Lodge appoint a Committee to wait upon the ministers in its locnlity, wflh the request that they deliver a Temperance Sermon, either iucf'rning or evening, on Sunday, October 15th. The present frightful increase "of Intemperance throuhont our land, and the terrible consequences that are follow ing in the wrecks of the body nnd souls of mi n, admonish us to bring every possible agency to bear in staying the curse. Let us make a united appeal to the ministers of the Gospel for co-operation, that through out the entire District, on the day des ignated, tho pulpits may bring homo to the hearts of tho people the magni tude of the evil against which we are contending, and the grandncss of the cause in which wo nre working. J. M. SnAnp, w. c. T. A. M. Martin-, w. p. We clip the following items from the Raftsman's Journal: During last week's session of Court, Judge Maver read some heavy senten ces to justly deserving criminals. He doesn't spare the "poortellows" much. Barber, the horse thief, got seven years in the Western Penitentiary; DeWitt for highway robbery, got rive years; Waple.lbr obstructing railroad, seven years. The members of Clearfield Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., together with in. vited giusis, will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the organization of this IiOdge, on Friday. October 13th, 1871, by a public procession in full Regalia, a dinner, and other appropriate exer cises, to close with a Free Lecture, in the Lourt House, in the evening by Past Grand Sire J. B. Nicholson. The public are cordially invited to attend. The following items aro from the Titusville IJcrald, of yesterday: For wavs tli.it are dark nnd tricks that are vain, commend us to a Demo- crat. We have reference to tho "inno- ceut trick perpetrated upon tho Greenville Argus last week, during the temporary absence of its editor, in the surreptitious substitution of the name ot mo .Democratic nominee for treasurer of Mercer county in this place of tho Republican nominee, which the above naner has l.ml a.4 it.s m.ii.:l.on,l all summer. The wholo edition was worked off and mailed before the trick was discovered. Mr. R. C. Scott. r,f Tidiont.-.. met. with a severe accident last Thursdnv by being thrown from his buggy whilst returning from Fagundus, resulting in breaking hi.-! leg. Mr. A. M. Martin, lina rosin-nod from the editorial charge of th Corrv tt. publican. The paper will in tho future no conducted by Mr. 11. U. Pratt, the original founder. Mrs. Frank Claurhlnn. alias Brii'sl a notorious prostitute, nnd for several years keeper of a house of ill-repute in this city, died suddenly, last Friday night at sis o'clock. The following items are taken from tho Elk Democrat : The stove of Mr. James Mohan, at CVntrevill", this county, was entered by bnrglas on the night of last week, aud good.s and money to tho amount of more than 8400 earned off. The post office is located in Mr. Mohan's store, nnd tho money stolen belonged to the Government. A large number of letters were also carried off The express freight wvston Wednes day morning when between Wilcox and Knne, ran into a number of bloc ks of wood placed on the track by some fiend in human shape. The engine was smashed to pieces ana twelve cars were burned. Ve have not learned of any one being killed. or injured. At a late hour on Friday night, 29th a destructiue collision occurred hi the vicinity of Daguscahonda station, on the P. A E. railroad, between the lo cal freight wcit and the regular freight east, which resulted in the total demol ition tf three or four cars, and the damaging of a number of the rest of the car of tho train, No one was in jured. The masonry upun the new bri.'ge soon to span the Clarion at this place has been neatly competed. It will be finished in a few days, when work upon the bridge proper will commence, which will bo completed within eight days after commencing. It will bean imposing and tubstnniial structure. We learn that a huge bear was kill ed at or hear G. I). Messenger's lum ber ca'op, a few miles from town, one day luA week. Goand see it ! 1 From tho N. Y. (iloLe, September Mh. One tif the most intorcstingexhibitioUH conne .ted with the . merican lutitute Fair, which opens this week, will bo the oiiito of the famous Akl'u:e, from thu I'KUtillL' house of .lumps Siitt.,11 A Co., who will have two of the wonder ful Campbell .presses running. On one oj'lhcso presses a cut form of the Christmus number of Hie Ahliue will be printed. This will be the finest art publication ever issued in America, and viii contain more than fifty superb l;:.iM.-tUi jus. Un another jH-ess there i'l !;f pritid s rlirnm t'ron) ut'n plates, at the rate of five thousand im prtwions per day I It will bn riS fine as any Amoiican cbromo, nnd equal to many of tho German. The usual rate of printing chromos is about three hundred impressions per day, after tho old manner, by baud, from stones. This beafctiful picture is to bo present ed free to every yearly subscriber of TheAUine, for 1N72. Thcgreat Booth cuts by Heskfcksy and Linton, will bo printed for the publishers, J. 11. Osoooii A Co., ut the Fair. These cuts arc said to bo some of the finest ever executed in this country. And it is a littio significant that tho gront Boston piihlishiiig-hoiiJo of J. R. tVf;ooT & Co., should give their fine holiday printing lo a New York es tablishment. But nothing can beat "1 he Aldine Tress." So, New York taken tho pal m from Cambridge and Bston. yew Advertisement. CLAK A FASSETT, A TTOJIXKl'S AT LA IV, WAK HEN AND TIDIOfTE, PA. rpiIK rxnKitslONKD liavlnjr asso,i -I aled thoiinolvc together in tho prac tice or WW, o.'t'cr their professional services to tlir ptilitic. ll!isinrsi prniuptlv n'li-nile l to In nil the court of arren, lVrest and adjoining counties. JUNIUS R- CLARK, D. D. FASSETT, Warren, I'a. Tidioute, Ta. T. A. WMIIJHT. S.t. Ui:U. V. IHlMKIlUiK. BU.IIMM HUnrf'T. k i. uniuuin,!:, irvu. THE SUPERIOR LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles &c. Wills on Tioncsta Creek, Forrsl Co., Pa. Yards 5; Offirc for. 22ft ti Rail Road Sis., PITTSBURGH, PA. KI'WAHD DIT11KIPCK. K. D. IHTllKll-OK FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Fstablislied A. I). 1S27. BITHEIIDQE& SQK, MANUFACll'HItlU. Ditlu'idge's xx Flint Glasa PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS, AND Silvered Glass Reflectors. - Those chimneys do not break by hear. Ask for I)iTi!niDaE!. Take no other. - MTHRIIXiK it SON, ; 5-lj. rittKhurgh.ra. NECTAR IS A PL'HK - ' RUCK TEA with the (ireen Ten Flavor Warranted to unit, nil tatos. For mdo rv'ory wlioro, in onr ''trade mark" poiind ami half pound pnckiuroH only, ami sala wlioleale onlv by the rot Atlantic !id l'acillu Tea Co.. 8 Chutcti St. New YorK. 1. . Uox 5SO0. Send for Then-Nectar elreular. AiF.TM, Look! f2 to ?12 dully easily made. I'l-otitahli! unit re.spoe tuhl'o biiMiucHH. little novelty wuuted by everybody. Success wore. Send Htuinp liir circulars' to rimrchill A Tompleton, Maituliu'turerM, 61i Hroudwiiy, N. . -7 4t ASK YOUR GROCER FOR S10 from 50s luKlVPtn tt(pol pu t ) for WflfC.nt. thit l4iloailr for 'I'mu LhiiUn. U. L. Wou-tnrT. N.Y. FIl EK 3 MONTHS ON TRIAL. A firut-elnsis lnrre nunrto Jonrnnl.61 eol- unin.s, IlliiNtraud. Or ono year fur 6(1 eenw .Willi two ooiiiki lectures, lv Jnim-s Mr-Cosh. 1). I). L. ij. !.. nnd K. O'. Haven. 1). fj. lii I) s preniituiis. Scud namo ami aiMress to 1'eoplo 8 Journal, l'luludel phia, l'a. AENT.S WANTED Mound ennvnss ing book SENT FREE! of postnpe on receipt of 76 cent, and ex euUivo territory ("mted on tho PICTOIUL HOME BIBLE. Contains over sou illustrations Isa eom plete Library of Hiblietil Knowlotlite. I!x' cellu all others. In Knslish and tierman, Wui. Hint A Co., l'hila., l'a. 27-it OX (ri ha bem latolvpaid ly Oin-P-'VJLU grcHs to a Jady for lier bravery and skill in snvinu; Eniiirraiits from tho Indians. She was a prisoner among them. "MY CAPTIVITY AMONli THE SIOUX," is her story. It is n wonderful one, endorsod bv noted CIU1J1S, OFFIC K1W, CON(lKlSMEN, CM. .-iicnoiu UllSlllfSS, ut sen u. I tif FAIt.MEKS WANTEIlto In lVv7v introd 'ee Alex. Hydo'a tuivson Ariciilturo," prhoJl.OO, intotlioir towns. A ruro ehnm-e to turn hours into eii-.li. Wo ennrue n tiii n ir f'r circulars and lull luli'iiiiiiliou ot either book. It will pay all to send lor them. Address, Amer ican iviooiiiu iomiauy, iiuii.oiu, Conn. 'il-it A Thrilling acoiint of tiiut lilo in all its phases, written by a Convict, endorsed by tho present Oovernor of tho State, tho Warden and Chaplm of tho rrison. It litis tho vail and reveals the horrors of that lil'u under tho old system of brutal treat ment, sturvio-fs, whippings, bhuuioliicd criminalities with femalo convicts, muti nies, murders, Ac., also the advuutatf"s of the new system of kind treatment, lately iiiau'iii uli"l. It is full of stirring incieents, and vivid pen picl iires, facts us exciting as fiction. It is proiusely illustrated, is creating a profound sensation and is sure to prove thero-at popular fasl-selling book' of the season. I'j-ico low. For illustraled circu lar and extra terms, address lliililmrd llros., 1'iiblishers, Sansom .St., 1'liila. l'a. L'7-4t. WASTKII-Men au.l Wotner. seek ing a (fond paying business to sell our il lustrated, lustorical, biographical, reli gious and agricultural works. Send stamp lor lull particulars how von cuu inakctlou to 100 j, r month. 10. It. THEAT, Pub Itfbor, w Hr'dviv, V. Y, N-t? WW II II A VI-J 16 M 12 31 1 X A II Y AND MtiStCAf. INSTITUTE! Roy. R-'T. Taylor, D. D., Principal, Opons its ScvMith Yen- Ncptmnber Zth. Buildings cxtetiniTo. (ir.und ample tastefully laid out, RunTns large nnd dicer fill, well furnished, warmed by prates. Course thorough mitt practical. Superior advantages for musie, vocal nml Instru mental. Pupils board in family of Prin cipal. liefer to Dr. W. F. Itimtor, and II. II. Miw, nr nny patrons of thw school. Semi for ( 'atalogur. to It. T. TA Y LOR, 1'ANIKI. aiINKW,' ' Heaver, Pa. i l'ret. Trustees. ' 17-'.t - ST. BENEDICT ACADEMY.'" ramTTD by the bexeihctine sins. THIS Institution Is plrnsruif!y nifu.tteil near St. Mary's, on tho Philn. v Erie lty.,cn(MurnaHl bj thnlibrnil pntmnnrre it has liithrrtu enjoyed, n spiw-ions budding lias been erirtr-ii.'iind tlio Nintrrx aro nre pared to receive an additional niimlter of pupi:a. J imi rstrholivstic year, wiucii rnn sitls of two sessions, com in ores on the first Monday In Srptcnilwr, nnd ekwes in tlio hitter part of June. TEllIIS: Hoard and Tuition (includlnir Knglisit and Herman.) per session, pnvalilo in nd- vnnce, '.i.oo. Krnneh. l.ntin, Voenl nnd Instruniei'.tHl Music, On.wingnnd 1 nint bur, and l amy Work, lbrm extl'O I'h'trjjpa lor fill thcr pai-ticiilars applv lo tho I'lUIXl'KK.-SOli' Tilt; AC A MEM Y, tit, Marv'n, Elk, Co., la. l"-2in. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, OP TUB STATE OF VKNKSVl.VAI., MARKET ST., west of 17th, nillV He-opens September l!th. 1871. Thorough CoHegiale training for the practice of Mine j.ngineering, civil J'.ngineei nifr, Meclinm rnl Engineering, Analytical Industrial Choi ilstrv. Metallurgy a id Areliitecture. The Tiploina of tho Collego Is reeeiveil as conclusive evideneo of prolieieney by tlio first engineers and eompunics outraged in works of improvement. For lHth Annual Announcement, address AI.FKEI) E. KENNEDY, M. D., l'rest, ol Faculty. 20-il HHFHTQ "1 f 100 a week OK per HUtll I O ( .s-ntnndf-'o.ooo in cash , (prizes. Information milIe Fonlale- fri-e. Address Ameri can Book C., )2 William St., N. Y. 4H-41 I'nteiited Novemper 1, 1S70. Samples free ut nl roccrv stores. II. A. Hnrtlett A Co., Philadelphia, la. -4t JPENNSYLVANI AC i-N TUAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains nrrive nt and leave tho t'nioit UeMit, corner of Washinton and Eilierty street, as follows; AURIVE. Mnil Train, 1.80 a m ; l ast Line. 12.12 a ni i WeU'sncconiniodation No. 1, (i.20 a m. Jtrlnton ncconiniodation No 1, 7.;o a mj Wnll's accommodation No 2, X.oia in ;Cin elnnnti express P.'JOniu; Johnstown uo eoinmodation 10.50 nm; lir.iddock'B nc eoniniiKlation No 1, 7.00 pni: I'ittsburnh express 1.10 p m; Pacific express 1..W p in ; Wall's nceonimodation Xo 2,:i5 ) in; lloniowood aeeoininodatton No 1,9.1m pin; Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p m; Itrinton awommoilfitioli No 2, 1.10 p in; Way Passenger 10,'JI) p in, DEPART. . Southern express 1.20 a in ; Pacific, ex press 2.40 n m ; Wall's nccom modal ion No 1, O.Wa m ; Mail Train K.10 a in ; lirinton's accommodation 1 l.Co a m ; Bruddock's ao-1-ommodation Nol. 'i.lO p m; Cincinnati express 12. '5r p m; M'r.U'H lu'uomiiiodalion N 2, 11.61 a in ; Johnstown uccomuioihitioii 4.'ir t tn ; llomewo'd aceoiiiiuoilaliou No 1, 8.50 p in ; Philadelphia express X.'.o j in; vall aceoiumiHlalion No:!,X0op m; ali a lu-ismimodation No 4, 0.05 p ui ; Fust Lino 7.40 p m ; Wall's No 3, 11.00 p m. Tho f iiuri-h Trnins leave Walt's Station every Sunday nt 0.0 . in., reaching Pitts burgh ut 10.03 a. m. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.Sn p. in., and arrivo ut AVuM's Station ut 2.1) j). m. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express daily except Monday. All oth er Trnins daily, ex opt Sunday. For further inloi uiatlon npl'v to W. II. iUX'KWn'H, Agent, Tlio Pennsylvania lhdlroad Company will not assume nn y Risk for Huggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to Di e Hundred Dollu' val ue. All bairgago oxeoeiling that a ount in valuo will bo at the risk of the . ner, unless taken by special contract. A.J. CASSaT ' Oenerul Kuperlnteudent, Aitoona Pa. BOOKS, STATIONERY, A Nil WALL ' IP" VETf. DAVIS & ECHOLS, . (Near the Co .4 House,) FRANKLIN, PENN'A, Tluve a general aswrtment of School Books, Law Books, Histories, Bibles and Testaments, Hypui Books, Alusiu Books, Blank Books, Envelopes, Note, Letter and cap writing papers, l'ens, Ink, Slutos aud everything in tha . :.. HOOK J: STA TIOXKR Y R FW.VEW. All of which thevofrer to sell WrHOLE SALE OH RETAIL, at hjwest cash prices. DAVIS tie ECHOLS, Frauklin, Pa. Monoiiguhcla Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1H33. LIFE, TIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASS COMPANIES. L0SSKS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. t"D PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, ten. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil Ciiy, Ag't for Venango Co., I'a. Applications received and Information furnished by A. U. Kifchi.K, at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New Y'ork City. A MONTH.-llorso ami enr CJ'tJ riage furnished ; I'xpensos paid; samples fro, H. B. SHAW, Alfr.sl. Me. rt ii iac: fSIIKIVI.lt. Having fitted up a Drst clas PLANING MILL,; Arc proTtaml W ftiniMk trl orJer all Lln.l. of inauD&ictui eii lumber nueh m " FLOOJilXCr, 81D1SO, SURFACE- ' J)SE&S-KV L VMlt Kit, '8 A ?, .POORS,- DIMM, AXD KVKIil' DEsciiirrrox oftla in a xd fa a fealcrs will lind It to Uwir ilvnnt.tgo to CONH L'LT DO U P UTC1CS, Itefore pTircb.-isIng eisenhrre, u our loca tion in tlio heart ot the luinb'.'r region gives us superior advantnjres in tho pnrchaso of lumber that will enable us to undersoil those less favorably situated. AddreM Mar. 4, tf. Jacob snmivEii, Tionesta, Pa. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. 0 V AXV AVTVM MTnctuv.JniS- I3TL ..... . 9 . r i II w it I I 111 m lri H IT! TRAINS NORTH WARD, STATIONS. Oloopolis, r.cnnett, Wood Prathera Mill Pithole- City No. 2. 10.411 a m 10.:ts " 1O.S0 " 10.24 " 10.10 No. 4. 8.40 p in H.W " 3.1.4 " a. io a.63 " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATION'S. No. 1. No. 3. Pithole Citv. 8.40 ft m 1.40 n m Prnthera Mill ft. IH " 1.4S ' WoimIs fi.f.it " ' Bennett 0.02 " 2.02 " CHeopells 0,10 ' ii.10 " An Extra Train 1 eaves Pithole City on Saturdays nt 0.10 p. m. mnUing eloso'cvn nection ut I deopolis with Trains on tho Oil Creek .V Allegheny River Railway forCor ry and intprnnslia'to points. Return Train leaves Oleopolis at. 7.13 p. in., arriving at Pithole Citv at 7.S1. All other Trains mako close connections at Oloopolis with trains on the Oil Creek A: Allegheny Itiver Bailwav, North und South. Two Lines of Stages run dally between Pithole City, Miller Fnrm anct Pleasant ville, inakingconnection wiibai iiviuguud dejarting Trains. J. T. 1) LA I It, FID. BISHOP, Sup't. Ticket Agent, Tithole City, Pa. , L. P. BROCK ETT'S Popular history of tho bloody ' FRANCO-GERMAN WAR! Now containing a lull account of tho Fearful Reign of Terror in Paris. Is selling beyond all precedent. , It is by far the most reli bh? and only com plete and imprrlial history of that might v struggle and its momentous results, tiil pages nearly l.V) spirited illustrations, price, only Ji50. 40,0o0 copies already sold. It is issued in both English and tierinnn, and is beyond icstion the fastest selling book extant. Wide nwako energet ic agents wanted. Terms extra. Now is the time to coin uionov. A. 11. HUB BARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. l'hila., Pa. 10 4t i-S,THE LONti LOOKED FOR M.V TKRPIF.CE TrIE CROWNING WORK OF HIS LU- E.-tV HENRY WARD BEECHER'S LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST. .Sure to outsell nny book ever published. Prospectus booksuro now ready, an J terri tiry will be awarded to reliable A g ills on oarlv Mpplicaiion to , . .1. M. STUDDA UT A CO., Publishers. 10-3t ,. . 7W Sansom (St., Phila., Pit. . AtiENTS WANTED FOn LIFEIillu iei7 an 1-irpoiC of the iSeortct Jxttet and Miittvi of A Inrmnn lan . 'I With a full and authentic history of Polygamy, by J.- H. Beadle, Editor of the fMiii inline ne)rier. Agouts are meoting with unpocented siimMD, ono nv,rts IHtj subscribers in four days, antlior 71 in two days. Send for Circulars and see what tho press aavs of tbe work, National Publishing Co., Phia,, i i:'-4t Attention Agents I . Think of This WuiiderrulKiirccMH X 2.T.OOO eopiea of Brockett's History of tho FiHiiiHi-Oerman War, nold tirst 00 days. It will noon contains full history of the blisaly Uubellion in Purl, making nearly COO page and l'si elegant illustrations, anil will sell 3 limes faster than heretofore. Prico only (,. Incomplete works, written in the interest of the Irish aud French, aro ling ofl'ere l witli old cuts, and for w ant of merit claiming to bo of ficial, A-o. Bownro of such. Brockett's in both English and Oermnn, is the most im partial, popular, reliable, cheap and last selling work extant.. Look to your in terosls, strike quickly and you can coin moiiev. Circulars fre and terms excelled by none. A. il. HUBBARD, Publisher, 4U0 Chestnut St., Phila. 12-1 w. AtJJEXTM WAKT1!I TOR " Convent Lifo . Unveiled, " by 1 Edith O'Uorinan, Escaped Nun, whoso disclosures aro thrilling and Btailling, Fmnklia Pub. Co. 7l'l Chestnut St. l'hila I'a. J"U 4f7Psychoniancy. This wordli derived from tho Creek, signifying tho power of tho soul, spirit or miiid.and is the ba.sis of all human knowledge. Psychoniani y is tho title of anew work of 400 pages, by Herbert Hamilton, B. A., giving lull instructions in the science of Soul Charming au.l Psychologic Fascina tion ; how, to exert this wonderful power over lin'ii or animals instantaneously, at will. It teaches Meriucrism, how to bo eoino Ti an;e or Writing Metliums, Divina tion, SpirUiiulisni, Alchemy, Philosophy of omens and i'losms, Brighant Young's Harem, Ouido to Marriagu, de. This is the only book in tho English language pro fessing bj. teach this occult power, and is of imnii'iisc advantage to Merchants Law. yorn, Physicians, and especially to Lovers in sim u ring the infections of the opposite sex, and all seeking riches or happincs. Price by mail, in cloth, l.-.0; paper cov ers, tl, for sale by J. 11. Lippincott V Co., and Claxi n, lieiiisuu A' Co., Philudelphiu. Agents wanted for this book. Medical Works, Perfumery, Jewelry, rf-c. Sam lilcs free to i"iiia only. For single copies by mail, and terms to Agiiiiu, uddress T. V. Evans, Publisher, 41 Ko. nth St., Phila., Pa. 20-H HO FOR MINNSOTA ! 1C0 Acre Farms Free ! ! The Northwestern Colonization of Freo Hoiustead Company, (Chartered by tlie Stale of Minnesota, ) furnishes Cheap Rates of Fare, and I-ocates Free Homesteads. Sund tor Free Pamphlets, giving History of Minnesota, its Resources, Progress, Fertility and Advantages. Address E. I'age Davis, Commissioner of I in migration for the State of Minnesta, and General Agent foriheN. W. Col.oor., No lo3 Broad way, N. Y, (Active and Coliablo Agonta Wan-Pd in lo'-n!)-.' 9 f Look Owii! V NEW GOODS I DRY GOODS I WOOLLEN GOODS! Beavers - Cloths, ...... Cassimeres, Doeskins, Vestings, T' . . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, nJ otlier articles too numerous to men tion, just received at H I L B R O T4 N E R & O O ' S i Water Street, Tionesta, l'a. w K have Just employed one of tho best Cutters in tho State, and our TAILORING DEPARTMENT Cannot ie surpassed In Western Pennsyl vania, nnd all goods and tits warranted' to give satisfaction. GIVE US A CALL, and we will suit you, or l erish lu tho at tempt. I. IIII.BRONNKR A CO, , , TIDIOUTE TEA STORE! The jjlaoe to bur ovny vailefy of the VERY DE9T TEAS At Till L O WEST 1'Hl CES, la at tho extenvlTO Tea Plero of' H. T. CHAFFEY, Where yon enn always find )nryy assort-' ineuto'l the host Tea's at New "York brluva. A larg Assortment of Groceries anil Provisions, unequaled In nnalitynnd elieapnossbyany other store in Warren county, si ways on hand. The people nf Forest eoilnty will save money by purchasing their uppllc at this nlace. Best brands of FA MIL I FLO UX," delivered at nny depot on tho llnoof Ui K . R. frw. Store on Main St. near tho Deot THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IFYniTWANTnperfeotflt and froo article of Boots and Shoes, or tb liuest workiiumship, goto II. I.. McC AXC FH, 30 CENTRE STREET, OIL CITV, HA, jiiTSatlsl'actioij cnarautoed. 2-33 tf. TIZDIOUTIE, JPJi WATCH MAKERS JEWELER, Artl Ekaler in WATCHES, JEWELRY. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. RepiiirTtip; done in a workmnr.lik ninnner nnd wnrrnnteJ to give satin faction. 4j REYKO LDS.BlTO ADliirOT &C0 1 Centre St., opposite Post tlllico, OIL CITY, PENN'A. DEAI.KHS IV FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRhS GOODS, CARFETJSG, OIL CLOTHS. HOOTS A SHOES,. HATS A CAPS, TRIMMIXGS NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. . , RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS REVOLT'S., tiuii materials of every' kind. Writo for Prico List, totireat Western dun Works, ' Pittsburgh, Pa. Army guns and Rovol vevs bought or traded for. Agents wanted. . . . ltMti WANTFfl ARKNTS.. everywhere to il Mil I LU earvass lor our grent 1H.)I4 EAR Paper. A liiwi J.'.OOSteel Knprax in given to every subscriber. Extraordinary -inducements. Advlress U: li. HCSSELll . Boston, Mass. 1U--U GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS Boyouwimt a situation ns agent,, local or traveling with ehaiiio to iiiiike tafjo per day selling our new 1 strand White Wire Clothes Eilesf They hist forever, sau'ul iroe. so there is no risk. Addrosw at mc Iliidson Itiver Wiro Works, cor. Water St., A Maiden Lane, N. Y., or 18 l'enrbir . St., Chicago lU-4t AGENTS WANTED! For the Brtllisat Wittv Book THE MIMIC WORLD, AND PUBLIC EXHIQITIONS. By Olivo Ijogun. Pleases cvervhislv ; will sell immensely ; Is genial, lauiityaiul pure-toned; lias title-in 5 eoi'ors, and 9 Illustrations. Nothing-like It I Canvass ing-Book a raro l,iutv. . New World Publishing Co., 7th A. Market Sts Philai.. ia-4t NOI'ICE. Whoreos lettnra testamentary to the estate of H. F. A. iitiiiglej latV of Kingsiey Township, dee'd, ,havo bwii. granted to tho suliscnher, ull . persons in debted to said e-tuuiar: reiuostod lo make j'.iimediato payment, arid, those having cla-'ins or demands against the esute of said ;lecedeut, will make kiKiwn npd pre sent t.'.e samo without delay, duiy autUvn tieatcd i" FREU L'K. LEDA BOUK, Kxoeutor,. 8-6t, Kingsiey Township. TIDIOU1E EMPORIUM. M. P. GETCIIELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS IVollous, Eoo'i A Shots, 'l HATS &c CAPS, &c, Ac., Ac., COSXEIt MA IX & Dh'POT STX, TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest and moBt Complete RtA now on hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my stock (,..-.. the frreat ileelino in Gold, I can V; pno.U clieaper than any Dry Goo i House in the Oil Regions, 'pen -purchasing goods of mo will save percent. M. P. GETCIIEI T, " i idtoutc, April 11, 1870. 4 0 TOB Work neatly executed at thlso " . , at reasonahlo rates. Trio Republican Office, T'EEPS constantly on hand a larp- J V sorlmentof HlanU Deeds, Mortt