Rates of Advertising. One f"qnare(l Inch,) one lniwrtlon....l i0 One failure " one month 00 One Hanaro " throe months... fl 00 OneNqimro " one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year .........13 00 Quarter Cl. " 80 b OREST M PUBLISH En KVBHY TUESDAY, BY W. XI. DUNN. Dfllce in Knox's Bulidiinj, Kln Street EPUBLICAN. Half " -ou " One " " 100 00 Huslness Cards, not exceeding one Inch R TKKMS, J2.00 A VEAU. No Subscriptions received for a shorter period than three month. rrrwponitonne solicited from all part cf t!o rountry. No notice will bo taken of annonyinous communications. Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. in length, $10 per year. Legal notices at established rates. These rates are low, and no deviation "Let us have Faith that Right makoa Might; and in that Faith, 1st us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if--LINCOLN. will he made, or discrimination among patrons. The rates ottered are such, sa will make it to the advantageof men dob. g VOL. IV. NO. 27. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. business in the limits of the circulation of the paper to advertise liberally. ft 7 477, X. O. Gk T. IV TotM every Wednesday evonlng, at 8 III o'clock. W. n. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATE. W. H. Jt, NIC WTO PETTIS. MILKS W. TATK. . PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .At Stnoi, TIONESTA , TA . Isaac Ash, A"TOnxEY AT LAW, Oil City. Pa. Will practice In the various Courts of Forest Cou: it V. All business entrusted to &U care will receive prompt attontkn. in it W. W. Mason, ATTOIINEY AT LAW. Office on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa. C. W. Gllflllan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Vo- Tv. n.-mgo (., Fa. tf. N. D. Smiley, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Con tro, Pa. Will practlco in the several Courts of Forest County, 35-ly W. P. Mercilllott, Attorney at I tv . . AND ENTATK AO EXT. TIONESTA, PA. 2T-tf Jori K. Hallock, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of I Patents, No. BtK r rench stroottopposite Kood House) l.rlo. ra, in prw-u in the several Slate Court anil tho United Knurs Courts. Moecial attention itiven to .riliiMtir patents for Inventors : infrinire- uients, ro-issue and extension of patents carefully attended to. Keiereneee: nun. James Campbell, Clarions Hon. John H. M.'i'alimmt. Franklin: II. L. A A. B. TION EST A LODGE, NO. 4 lUchnioml.Mcadvillo: W. E. Lathy. Tl- otipsta. 7 - Tionesta House. M- ITTF.L, Proprietor, Elm St., Tlo . nosln, Pa., at the mouth of tho creek, Mr. Jltle has thoroughly renovated the TiniuvitA Houho. and re-furnished It com pletelr. - AU who patronise him will be well entertained at reasonable rates. 20 ly . rOrEST HOUSE, D BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite Court Ildiwa. Tionesta. Pa. Just opened. Ever thing new and clean and fresh. The beU of liquors kept constantly on hand. A portion of the publiu patron age if respectfully solleltod, 4-17-lT Holmes House, TIONESTA, PA., opposito the Depot. X C. D. Mttolo. Proprietor. Oood Sta bling connected with the house. tf. Syracuse House, T1DIOUTF, Pa., J. A D Maoke, Propie tors. Tho house has been thoroughly refitted and is now in the first-class order, with the host of accommodations. Any nfornmtion concerning Oil Territory at this point w ill bo cheerfully furnished, -ly J. 41). MAG ICE, Exchange Hotel, LOWER TIDIOUTE, Pa., D.'S. Rams dekl. A Hon Prop's. This house having licen retlted is now tho inostdesirablestop- ?ing place in Tidioute. A -jo-td Uilliurd loom attached. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenback, Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is ,ow open aa a first class house, situate at nejuuetion of the Oil Creek A Allegheny liver aud Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, pnoslto tho Depot. Parties having to lay icr trains will find this the most conven- ent hotel intown, with first-class ocom- fiodations and reasouatile charges. it. NEW JEWELRY STORE, ii. e. inoiims, f r.railv'B Bend, has located In Tionesta. and is prepared to do all kinds of work iu the line of repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, In cnod stvle and warrantod to elve satis. faction. WaU'hes, Jewelrv, Ac., will be left in care of D. 8. Knox, who will be re sponsible for Uuir sale return. J13-ly. K. Ii MORRIS. SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. AND YW AGON-MAKERS. . Corner of C'.rircU and Elm Streets, TIDIEST JV, I3. This firm ia prepared to do all work in 'ta lino, and will warrant everything dona .t their slu-pa to give satisluctiou. Par ticular attention given to iiousir.-siioi.ixj, nivethem atrial, and you will not re grot it. 13-ly. JOHN A. DALE, PREI'T. HN A. rSOPin,V10IPHtT. A. H. STEELE, CASHR, TIOHESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Thia Bank transactn a General Banking, ".,'l..i iin.r iimi Kxi huiiee Business. Dnitts on the Principal Citiea of the L'nitcd Slatcs and Europe bouehtand sold. Gold ami Nilver Coin and Uovornnieut ' m urities Ixiiijiht and sola. 7-iHJ Uonus onverted on tho most favorable terms. Interexl allowed on tiuio deposits. Mar. 4, tf. Ol'USCKIHK for tho ? It ill pay. Foreht Kcpubiicro Dr. J. L. Acorrb, t)HYSTCIAN AND SURGEON, who has had fifteen years' experience In a large and aucpswaful praetlco, will attend all Professional Calls. Otllce In his Drug and Grocery Stor, located in Tidioute, near Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL B'4 FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, Glass, Paint, Oils, Cutlery, and fine Grriceritm, all of the ImbsI quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drng- klst from New York, has charge of the Store. All prescriptions put up accurately. tf. Tifft Sons & Co.' NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have for sale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Titft Hons ot Co. are now sending to this market their n- Horsel'ower Engine with 14-Horse rower Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St. next door to Chase House, Plcasantvllle, and at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K. HKKTT S SOJl, Agents. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmos House, Tionesta, Pa. Ail work Is war ranted, tf. NOTICE. N. BOLARD. of Tidioute. has DR. J. retui returnsd to his practice after an ab sence of four months, spent In the Hospi tals of Now York, whore he will attond calls in his profession. uinoo in rciiremi urng more, ou ooor ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4tftf GREAT EXCITEMENT ! at the Store of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Kim St., ioncsta Pa. We are In daily receipt oi ths argfst and MOST COMPLETE stock GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MAJKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THE MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. Tlouse Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Iinplomenta, Ac., Ac,, Ac., which we offor at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 8PRINQ BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac., Ac., Ao., In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. 8. KNOX, A CO. WANTED AGENTS FOR Triumphs of Enterprise. BY JAMES PARTON. A New Book, 700 octavo pages, well illustrated, intensely interesting, and very instructive. Exclusive territory given. Our Terms are the most Liberal. Apply to us, and see il they are not. A. S. HALE A CO., Hartford, Conn. . 12-4W. CHAS. IL SHEPARD, GKNERAL DKALPR IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, HATS, CArS, AND EHOES, OL'EEXSWAUE. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. PROCLAMATION. OF GENER AL ELECTION. Whereas, in and by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of I'enn sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulate the General Elections within this Common wealth,' it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of said elections, and to enumerate in said notice what otlloers are to be elected. I. E. It. Davis. Hitch Hlienlf of the county of Forest, do hereby make known and give this public notice to the electors of the county of Forest, that a General Election will be held in said coun ty, on the SECOND TODAY (10) OP OCTOBER, 1871, at the soveral districts, vir.t- In Baruett township at Clarington school house. In Green township at the house of L. Arner. In Howe township at the house of C. F. Fox. In Jenks township at tho court house in Marten. In Harmony township at Allendor school house. In Hickory township at Ball school house. In Klngsley township at Wheeler, Du senbury A Co s store. In Tionesta township at school house In Tionesta borough. In Tionesta borough at school house in said borough. At which timo and places the qualified electors will elect by ballot: One person tor Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One porson for President Judge of tho 18th Judicial District. One porson for Assembly to represent Forost and Clarion Counties. One person for County Commissioner. One person for County Auditor. Notice is hereby given, That any person excepting J ustices of tho Peace who shall hold any ofiico or appointment of profit or trust under the United States, or this State or any city or oorporated district, whether commissioned ollicer or otherwise, a subordinate oillcer or agent who is or shall be employed under Uie legislature, execu tive or judiciary department of this (State, or of any city, or of any incorporated dis trict, anil also, that every member of Con gress and of the State Legislature, or of the select or common council or any city, or commissioners of sny incorporated dis trict, is by law incapable of holding or ex ercising at the time, the oltice or appoint ment of judge, inspector or elork of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other oftloer of such election shall be eligible to be thou voted for. And the said act of assembly entitle 1 "An Act relating to elections of this Com monwealth passed July 2, 1819, further provides as follow : "That the Inspector and Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election iu tho district at which thev respectively beloiiK. before 7 o'clock in the morning of the Second Tuesday of October, and eacn aaiu inspector snail ap point one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter or suon district, In case the person who shall have re. ceived the second highest number of voles for inspector shall not attend on the day of anv election, then tho person who shall have rooeivod thesecoud highest number of votos for J ud jo at the next crceduiB eloction shall act as an inspector in his place. And in ease the person wno snail navo roceivea the hiuhest number of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place ; and in case the person elected a J udge shall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number ot votes shall anrjoint a J udue in his place : and if any vacancy snau vuuuuuo iu hiq ouuru i"r tho space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qalitied voters of tho township, ward or district for which such oltiuer shall have boon elected present at the place of eloction shall elect one of their number to fill such vacancy. "It shall be the duty of the several sessors respectively to attond at the place of holding every general, special or town liin election, durlus the whole time such election is Kepi open, ior me purpowj w eivimr information to the Inspectors and Judge when called on, in relation to 'he right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters in relation to the assessment or voters, as the Inspectors or either of thorn shall from time to time require. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid than a white citi zen of the age or 21 or more, wuo snau hav 3 rosided ill this State at least one year, and iu the election district where he oilers U vote ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten Hays oeiore me elec tion. But a citizen of"the United States who has previously beeu a qualified voter of this State and removed thereform and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes afore said, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this Bute six months. I-oviUeil, That the white freeman, citiaen of the United States, between the age of 21 and 22 years who have resided in the election district ten duvs as aforesaid shall be entitlted to vote, although they shall not have paid tax. By the Act of Assembly of 1869, known as the "Registry Law," it is provided as follows : 1. "Election officers are to open the polls between the hours of t) and 7 A. M., ou the day of election. Before 0 o'clock in the morning of Second Tuesday of October they are to receive from tho County Com missioners the Registered List of Voters and all neuessarv election blanks and they are to permit no man to vote whoso name IS not on salU list, utuesa u suau iumwj proof of his rifrht to vote as follows : 2. Tho porsou whoaname is not on the list, chunking the right to vote, must pro duce a nullified votttr nf the district to swear in a written or printed aflidavit to tho residence of the claimant in ttie district for at least ten days next preceding aaid eleotiuit, defining clearly where tho resi donea of the noraon was. a. The party claiming me rignt m vine shall also make an affidavit stating to the best of his knowledge and belief when and wucre he was boru, that he is a citizen of Pennsylvania and of the United Slates, that he luyi resided in tuo ouo year, or. if formerly a citizen therein and re moved therefrom, that ho lias resided therein six month preceding said election, hat he baa uot moved into tho district for the purposo of voting therein that he has paid a State or county tax, within two veurs, which was asosed at least ten days before the election, aud tho atUdavit shall state when aud where the tax wasasacnaed and paid, tiie tax receipt must be produced uiilena the attlant shall state that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he ruceived none. , ... 4. If the applicant be a naturalized citi zen, be must, in addition to the loregniug prnns., iho in bi wMsvIt n-hai. winws and by what court he was naturalised, and produce his certificate or naturalization. 6. Itvery person claiming to be a natur alized citizen, whether on the reirlstrv list or producing atlidavits as aforesaid, shall be required to produce his naturalization certificate at the election before voting, cx- ceptwhere he has loon forten years consecu tively a voter in the district where heoll'ors to vole ; and on the vote of such person being received, tne election nincern are to write or stamp the word 'voted' on his cer- tilicate Willi the month and year, and no other vote can be cast that day in virtue of said certificate except where some are en titled to vole upon tne naturalization or their father. 6. If the person claiming to vote who Is not registered shall make an affidavit that he is a native born citizen of tho United States, or if born elsewhere, shal 1 produce evidence of his naturalization, or that he In entitled to citizenship by the reason of his father's naturalization, and further, that ho is betwoen 21 and 22 years of aire. and has resided in the State one year, and In tho election district ten days next pre ceding tho eloction, he shall he entitlod to vote though he shall not have paid taxes." "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof of his resi dence and payment of taxes aforesaid, shall bo admitted to vote in the township, wmru or district in wmcn ne snail reside. "ir any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any officer of election under this act frotn holding such election ; or use or threaten any violence to anv such otHcer and shall interrupt or improperly interfere wun mm in tne execution or his duty, shall block up the window or ave nue to any window where the same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election, or shall use or prac tice intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the design to intiuenco unduly or overawe any elector, or pi event him 'from voting, r restrain the freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined In any sum not exceeding $i00, to be im prisoned for any time not less than one nor more than twelve months, and it it shall ho shown to tho court where the trial of such offence shall be had, that the per son so offending was not a resident of the city, ward or district where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, on conviction, he shall be sen tenced to pay a tine not lesi than $100 nor more than 1 1,000, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more thau two years, "If any porsen or persons shall make any bet or waiter upon the result of any election within the Commonwealth, or shall oiler to make anv such but or waircr either by verbal proclamation thereof, or. Dy any written or printed advertisement, or Invite any person to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof ho or they shall forfeit and pay three times tho amount so bet or ottered to hot. And the eloction laws of the Common wealth further provide that "The Iiisoeo tors, Judges and clerks shall, before en tering on the duties of their offices, sev erally take and subscribe the oath or af firmation hereinafter directed, which shall be administered to them by any judge, alderman or justice of the peace, but if no inspectors of the election shall administer the oath or affirmation to the other judge aud inspector, and then the Inspector so qualified shall administer the oath or af- urination to him, "Tho inspectors, ludaes and clerks ro- oulred bv law to hold townbhin aud sren- eral elections, shall take and subscribe the several oaths aiid affirmations required bv the lt)th, 20th and 21st sections of the act of the 2d day of July 1839, entitled 'An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth.' which oaths or atlirma tions shall be prepared and administrated in the manner prescrilKHl in the I nth and 22d sections of said act, and in addition to the power conferred by the 18th section of said act me judge, or oitner oi me inspec tors, shall have power to administer the oaths prescribed by said aet, to anv elerk of s general, special or township eloction. "The following shall be tho form of the oath or affirmation to bo taken by oach in- sector, viz: 'I (A. B.) do that I will attend to the ensuing election during the continuance thereof, aa an inspector, and that I will not Jeevive any ticket or vote from any person, or other than such as I shall firmly believe to be, accrding to the provisions of the constitution and the laws of thia Commonwealth, entitled to vote at such election, without requiring such evidence of the right to vote as is di rected by law, nor will vexatiously delay or refuse to receive any vote from any por sou who I shall believe entitled to vote as aforesaid, but that I will in all things truly, impartially and faithfully perform my du ty therein, to the best of my Judgement and abilities, and that I am not directly nor Indirectly interested In any bet or wa ger on the result of this election.' "The following shall bo the oath or af firmation of each judge, viz: 'I (A. B.) do that I will as judge duly attend the ensuinir eloction dur nir tho continu ance thereof, and faithfully assist tho in spectors in carrying on the same; that I will not give my consent mai any voie or tickot shall be received from any person other than such as I iirmly bolieve to be aoiording to to the provisions of tho con stitution and laws of thi.4 Commonwealth entitled to vote at such election, without requiring such evidence of tne right to vole aa is directed by law, and that I will use my best endeavors to prevent any fraud, deceit or abuse, i l carrying on the same by citizens qualified to vote, or oth ers, and that I will maka a sure and per fect return of the said election, aud will in all tluiiirs trulv. impartially and faithfully perform mv duty respecting tho same, to the best o'f my Judgement and abilities, and that I am not directly or Indirectly in terested iu any bet or waer on the result of this election. "The following shall be the form of the oath or affirmation to be taken by eacn clerk, vizi '1 (A. B.) do that I will tin partially and truly write down the name of each elector wno snail vote at tne ensu ing election, which shall be given mo in charge, and also the name of the township. ward or district wherein such otoctor re. Hiilert- and fjirefiillv and trulv write down the number of votes flirt shall be given for each candidate at the election, as ollen as his name shall be read to uie by the in specters thereof, and In all thinirs truly aud faithiully perform my duty respecting the same to uie cost oi my juuyem..itt ami ability, and that lam no' directly or indi-. rectly interested in uuy bet or wager on tho result of this election " The qualified electors will take notice of the rollowuiK act of Aksemuiy, approv ed 12th day of March, lmfl: An Act, Hnuu lating the mode of votiu.T at all election in the several counties ct tula loinuioii W Mil 1 1 h . hue. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative -i of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in Gent 1 al Assem bly mot, and it is bereb" enacted by tho authority of the same, 'J hat tin qualified voters of the several counties o! llu.i unv monwealth, at all ueuera , townsiiip, br ouuh and cial elect ons, are hereby hereafter authorized and remiir.d to vt by ti.kfi printed rrr wrin.'ti, r part ririnted and partly written, severally class nod as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all Indues of courts voted for, and to lie labelled outside 'Judiciary ;' one ticket shall embrace tho names of 'til State officers voted for, and be labelled 'State i' one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of senator, member and members of assombly if voted for, and members of congress If voted for, and be lalellpd 'County;' one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled 'Township:' one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labeled 'Borough;' and each class shall be deposited in sepa rate hallot-lioxcs. Hoc. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriffs In- tho several counties of this 1 ' ..rw I 1. .n I 1.. ,n- alontinn proclamations hereafter Issued, the first section oi mis act. JAMES R. KELbYj Speaker of the House of Representatives. uav in r iiii..uuu, Sieakor of tho Senate. Approved tho 30th day of March, A. D., I8W. - A, G. CURTIN. Eloction officers will take notice that the act entitled "A Further Supplement to the Klection Laws or tlus Coiumonwoaltn. disqualifying deserters from the army of tho United States from voting, lias recent ly been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persons former ly disqualified thereundor are now lawful voters if otherwise qualified. HXKCUTIVE ( HAMBKIt, 11 ARRIsntlHQH, Pa., Auirust 27. 1H70 To the County Com missioners and Sheriff of the county of orest. . Whereas. The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows : Sec. 1. The riuht of citizens of the Unit ed States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude. Sec. 2. That Congress shall have power to enfore this article by appropriate legis lation." And -whrueas. The Concross of the United States on the 81st day of March, 1870, passed an act e ititled "An act to en force tho rights of citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of the Union, and for other Durooses: the first atid second sections of which are as lollows: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Sonato and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress nsscmbled, That all citizens or the united States that are or shall bo otherwise qualified to vote at any election by the people in any state, territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school distirict, municipality, or other territorial subdivision, shall be en titled and allowed to vote at all such elec tions, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude ; any con stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula tion of auy State or territory, or by or un der its authority, to the coutrary notwith standing. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if by or under the authority of the consti- tiou or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, any act is or snau ne re quired to be done as a prerequisite or qual ification for voting, and bv such constitu tion or laws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisite or to become qualified to voto, it shall be the duty of every such person and ollicer to give all citizens of the United States the same and equal opportunity to perfom such pre. requisite, and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude ; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shaft, lor every such onenso, forfoit and Dav the sum of toUO to the ner. son atnrrieved thereby, to be recovered bv an action in the case, with full costs aud such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also, for overy such oflonse, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than (500 or be imprisoned not less than one monin ana not more than one year, or both, at Uie discretion of the court." And whereas. It ia declaeed bv tho 2d section of the VI. article of the Constitu tiou of the United States, tiiat 'This Con st it-ation and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof shall be the supreme law oi tne land " - anything in the Constitution of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.' And whereas. The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the 6th day of April, A. D., 1H70, passsd an act, 'A further sup plement to the act relation to elections in this Commonwealth,' the 10th section of which provides as follows "Sec. 10. That so much of every act of assomuiy as provides iuai ouiy wnitv uw men shall be entitled to vote or be regis. tered aa voters or as claiming to vote at any general or special eloction or this i.om monweattn oe aud mo same is nereoy re. nealod and that hereafter all freemen, with out distinction of color, shall be enrolled id iv -1 tered according to the provisions of the first section of the act approved the 17th dav of Auril Itm entitled -An 1 further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth ;' aud shall, wheu otherwise qualified under ex isting laws, be entitled to vote m ail gen era! or special cleoliuus la this Common And whereas. It is mv constitutional and ottic a duty 'to take care that the law be railhtully executed;' and 11 nasooiueto my knowledge that sundry assessors and registers of voters have reluscd and are re fusing to assess and roirislor divers colored male citizeus of lawful age, and otherwise qualified as electors. mw. mer&iore. in cuiiNiueruuuii ui ttremlMAft. tllA ColltllV COII1 IIUKM10l1"r OI said county are hereby notified and direct ed to instruct 1110 several assessor anu re' isters of voters therein to obey and con form to the requirements of said constitu tional amendments ami laws; and the Sheriff of said ujunty Is hereby authorized and required to publish In the election proclamation lor 1110 next eiiNuuiir e rcuoii Uie herein recited constitutional amend iiuint act of Comrress. and act or the Lcui. latu: o. to the end that the same may be known, executed and ohcot'wl h.V all as usm. registers of voters, election officer mi. I ll.i.l 11,1, rk-lils ami III iv ileges guaranteed therein mav lie secured to all the citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to the same. h. s.l Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at 'llarrisburg, the day and year first above written. J.OUN VV. GEARY. F. JOKDAS, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. Aiso, I hereby give notice of the follow hut Joint Resolution profsiMiiig an amend incut to the Constitution of Pennsylvania Be it Resolved bv the Senate and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth or l'eniiHylvaiiinju nenerai awi j mev That tho following amendment of the Con stitution of this Commonwealth be pro MMed to Ike people for their adoption or rejis-tioij, pursuant to the provisions of the Vih arlVI" Miwreoi, -. Amendment. Strike ont tho Sixth Sec tion of the Sixth Article of the Constitution and insert in lien thereof the following : "A Stite Treasurer shall be chosen by tho qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be prescribed bv law. JAMES II. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved tho loth dav of June A. D. 171. JOHN W. GEARY. Also, the foPowIng Act to authorize a popular vole upon the question of calling a Convention to amend tho Constitution of Pennsylvania: Sec. 1. Be it Enacted, Ac, That the question of callinir a convention to amend tho Constitution of this Commonwealth be submitted to a vote of thepooplo at the gen eral election to bo held on the 2d Tuesday of Octolier, 1R71, the said question to be vo ted upon in the mariner following, to-wit: In counties and cities in w hich slip ticket voting is authorized by law, votes for and against a Convention mny be expressed and given upon the ticket headed or en dorsed with the word '-Stato,'' and not oth erwise; and the words used shall bo "Con stitutional Convention." and underneath "for a Convention," or "airainst a Conven tion ;" and in counttesor districts in wnic.n slip tickets shall not lc autho lzcd by law, each oloctor voting upon said question shall cast a separate bai to'., (indorsed on the outsido "Constitutional Convention," and containing on the inside the words "for a Convention" or "airainst a Convention;" and ail votes cast as aforesaid shall be re ceived, counted and returned by the prop er eloction officers and return Judges as votes for governor are received, counted and returned, under existing law s. Sec; 2. That tho election aforesaid shall be held, and are subject to all the provis ions of law which apply to sroncral oiec tions ; the sheriffs 01 the soveral counties shall give notice of this act in their elec tion proclamation the present year, and the governor shall cause all tho returns of the said eloction, a9 received by the secretary of the common wealth, to be laid before tho legislature at its next annual session. JAMES H. WEBB, Speaker of tho House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved tho 3d day of Juno, A. I). 1H71, JOHN W. GEARY. And tho Judges of tlio respective dis. tricts aforesaid, are reuuired to meet atTi. onosta, on the Frl lay next following tho holdimr of the said election, then and there to perform those things required of them by :av. Given tinder mv liand nt mv office In Tlo. uosta, this llth day ot September, in the yearorour Lord.onc thousand eight nun. dred and seventy-one. and in the ninety sixth of tho Independence of the United States. E. L. DAVIS. Sheriff. Sh-rlff's office, Tionesta, Sept. 11, 1871. The following; proclamation by committee of ladies who have sufi'eretl from the evil complained of, we fiuj in the (Jail ion (U.) Uevtew: Wanted 1 150 ounir men, more or less, of all shapes and sizes, from the tall and graceful dandy, with hair suf ficient 011 hia upper lip to stun a bar ber s cushion, down to the little, bow legged, freokled-fnced, carrot-headed upstart, lhe object ta to lorm acorni to be in attendance at the close 01 at vine service each Sabbath eveuincr, to stare at the ladies as they leave church, and to make dolicate and gentlemanly remarks on their persons pnd dross, All who wish to enter the ubovo corns will appear on the steps of the various church doors next feunuay evening, when they will be duly inspected, thei names, personal appearance aud quail ty of brains registered in a book kept lor that purpose. 10 prevent a gen eral rusb, we will state that no one will be enlisted who possesses any in lellectual capacity above that of well-bred dotikev. SlCned, UoMMETTItE OF L1ADIE8 lor the suppression of an intolerable nui sauce in uainon. 1 1 Veby Litite Difference. A man was once traveling through the State of Illinois, and, earning to a ferry and being out of money, tha following colloquy took place between hiui aud the ferryman : ierryman 1 say mister, have you got any monev T lraveicr rso, sir. Ferryman Huve you gjt any at hornet Traveler No sir. Ferryman Can you borrow any? Traveler No. Ferryruuti Do vow. expect to get any on the other sitter Traveler No sir. Ferrvman Well you had better stay where you are, for it makes little ditJurence which sue you arts on. A learned counsellor, in the middle of an atTcctiug appeul in court on a slander suit, let Hy tne lol lowing tnght of genius: "lilauder, gentleuen, like a boa constrictor ot gigantic sue ana immeasurable proportions, wraps the coil of its uuweildy body about its unfortunate victim, and, heedless of the shrieks of agony that come from the inmost de ths oi his victim s soul, loud and reverberating an U 0 m'' ty thunder that rolls iu 1 Iu In stveuj.it Dually breuks its unlucky in tk up in tho iron wheel of public opii ion, forc iug him to desperation, thuu to mad nisi, aud finally crLdliiujr him in tho hideous jaws of moral deat'.i! Judge, give us a chaw of tobucco!" A Nevada man, ut.xioust.i marry a young lady nf his acquaintance, lcirij 1 it thut her mtr abouto marry, aud without l.cr knowledge procured a marriage liconse,. fluttemi btmseit that iu the excitement of lnr sister's marriage kbo uld follow uit. The idea wus a builiiaut riio.but ti e attempt to carry it iuto execution wat a woeful failure. A doctor's motto is supposed to be "pHti.'i'!s and liin;r Mijtrir!,' ' CLIPTOGRAMS. The best way to serve a dinner Eat There are 908 agricultural societies n Prussia. A Humane society recently arrested a young woman for beating an egg. "How does your horse answer?" "I really don't know I never question him. Newsboys are never "broke" for they always have, an "extra two cents." m In Vienna it is forbidden to publish. matrimonial advertisements in the newspapers. A girl may be sure a man loves her unutterably when he sits in ber pres ence for an hour without speaking. An IHinoisan recently kissed the hired girl while his wife was looking. He will be out again by Thanksgiving. A physician has discovered that the night mare, in nine cases out of ten, is produced from owing a bill to the prin ter. "Fa, what can I do, unless you get me a riding habit, up herein the coun try T" "Get into the habit tf walking my dear. A Savannah man was cured of rheumatism by the active movements be made to get out of the way ot a mad steer. The Courant. a paper established in 1705. and edited until 1710 by Daniel Defoe, is the oldest newspaper in Ed inburgh. Chief Justice Chase is buying up Rhode Island. He has already pur chased five acres, and is keeping a sharp eye on the other fifteen. An Indianopolis policeman who In terfered to prevent a boy from thrash ing his mother, was set upon by both parties and ignominously expelled. Why do men not wear corseta? Be cause Jonah, having surrounded him self by whalebone ior three days, found that he could not stay. "Mr. Postoffice man, I want to pay the postage on this letter." "Single or double, mi8sT" "Double, sir," (with a courtesy ;) "I was married last week.' At a circus in New Albany, some mischievous scoundrel cut the guy ropes and the tent collapsed on the crowd They made a terrible muss of it. It is said Rufus Choate was once ap plied to to defend a criminal, aud de clined flatly, exclaiming: "80 steeped in blood and no money ? He's a lost man!" A fashionable clergyman in Chicago warns tho sinners of his congregation that if they don't repent, they will go to the place oP eternal uneasiness." Certainly, a mild way of putting it. A far Western lady, who was not posted in history, and who hud forgot ten her geography, aaked a friend who was going to Utah to bring her a cou plo of Mormons for her aquarium. A deserter from our army ia to- be branded on the bip with a letter D. lie has only to add another D of hia accord, and he will bo a D D. But, in any event, should we treat men lika dum cattle? I jet ths President revoke the order. Ono Sunday evening recently, a Methodist preacher in Iowa advised the sisters to mortify satan by giving their jewelry to the church on the next Sabbath evening. The result was a galvanized watch and three brass finger-rings. 'They are a mean set of sinners," said the parson. A St. Paul carman, who recently lost one of his horses, of which ha was vory fond, hat been made insant by the chaffing of his acquaintances, who told him he had killed the animal by over-driving him. He is continu ally dreading that he is to be hanged for murdering his horse, and it has been, found necessary to place him in jail. Will the newspapers persist in spell ing Pittsburgh without an "h?" Ex. Yes, we shall, and also spell travel er with one "1." Cleveland Herald. Yes, in that city "L" is generally knocked out of travelers, but that ia no good reason for robbing Pittsburgh out of its last letter. Pitta. Gazette. Yes it is j they want tha "h" to make the "L" they knock out of trav elers perfect Frio Republican. Missouri scoundrels are ingenious in their robberies. Two smooih-faced youths near Greenville, wishing to plunder an unfortunate Irishman who had just been paid about $100 wage fr hard work, one of them, attired annuel f as a woman, aud the other put ou a pair of whiskers, and claimed to be a J ustice of the Peace. Tha Hiber- tint 11 was gotten uruuit; mo uoj iu feiuiniuo attire made love to him ; the Clt was suiitteu, and asked to be mar ried. IIo gave all money to his bride and veut to sleep. His wife changed her costume, aud so did the justice, and both helped the sober Irishman to, lonk for his mpnc as may he supposed, in vain.