The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 26, 1871, Image 3

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    TUESDAY MHRMNG, SEPT. ?6, 1871.
Surge 11. 11. Mat.
tbuneilmen Jacob Shrlver, J. R. Rtroup,
W. W, Dimond. H. H, Haslet, J. Wlnans.
'Jiutiees of the J'eaeeW. P. Mercilliott,
1). H. Knox.
nonstable J. N.Telts worth.
M'Aont Director J. Wlnans, J, A. Pule,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlvor, 1). S. Knox,
H. D. Irwlu.
Preilcnt Jndtte. Jamkn Campiikli..
Aneinte Jmiyes J. A. ,1'kopeb, A !
BHKW Cook.
Sheriff V.. L. Davis.
JHMtrict A Hornet W. W. MAon.
TreaurcrH. Nmw,
iYof honotaiy, Register t Recorder, f c.
J. Ii. Aonbw.
Commissioner "S."V. Wrbklkr, Bkxj.
Elliott, Pbtkh Mkrcii.moTt.
lunty .Vuperintenilent S. F. RoHnrB.
Jury Onnmumiuners J as. Uii.fii.lian,
Will Pattkksopi.
tttmcy Uurveyor S.D. Ibwih.
(feroner Jomiak Wiwaw.
f .Ymttry A uilitor L. L. Hackett, Ei.I
Hoi.kman, Wm. Ci.akk.
Member of Congress IWh District Q. W.
State AVtme W. A. Wallack.
Astenbly JoilM G. II A 1. 1..
Miss Sue, and Benuio May left fur
their school, at Beaver, on Friday last.
This school is very highly spoken of
by all who have attended it.
For Fine Dret Suits Go to the Su
perior Lumber Co.'s store, Tiouesto.
J. W. Halliday, of Minister, was
in town two or three days last week,
and was also in Clarion Co. looking
for a rise. lie didn't find it, and went
Lome disconsolate.
Choice Cutting At Superior Lutu
tier Co.'s Store, Tionesla.
Hunters from this place and
Franklin have been slaying deer up
about Balltown during the last week.
We heard that they had killed four up
to Friday night last.
Keek-tics In great variety, at Su
perior Lumber Co.'s store.
We present a lively array of com
munications this week, and are sorry
that we were obliged to condense some
of thenii They will all be found
worrthy of perusal.
, Lace Collar Call and see them at
the Superior Lumber Co.'s store.
Somebody relieved Al. Partridge of
bout st barrel of potatoes on Friday
toiebt of last week. Al. takes the loss
very philosophically, just as wo sup
pose the thief took the potatoes.
Gobi ns well at Cheap The ready
mado Clothing for sale by Superior
Lumber Co. ,'
. People have been so humbugged
with dirty, poisonous hair preparations,
that they hail with delight the new ar
ticle styled Nature's Hair Restorative.
Clear as crystal, and it does the work
' most effectually. See advertisement.
ji. j ci... a ..;.,.. .
Superior Lumber Co.'s store.
Mr. Graham of Oil City is again
at work at the old well on Posy Field,
which was temporarily abandoned last
winter. He says he is going down un
til he strikes a well.or is satisfied that
hundred barrel well.
Wool and Cassimere Shirt At Su
perior Lumber Co.'s store.
y W. P. Noill has on hand constant
ly, good, fresh oysters, direct from Bal
timore They go off rapidly, and we
believe the business will be good this
fall and winter. Give Wm. a call
. whan you want oysters. Ho is to bo
i found at the Post Office.
Sewing Machine Fixture A full
lute at Superior Lumber Co.'s.
We devote considerable space
this week to the publication of the
Flection Proclamation, which we
think should be perused by every voter
i in the County, to enable all to vote un
derstandingly on the issues at stake.
ter, but pays the printer.
Fashionable Shirt A new stock at
Superior Lumber Co.'s.
We notice with satisfaction that
the Tylersburg Road has been put in
good concTition, and is now as good
a it could be mado without putting
more money into the business than the
townships along ihe line of the road
can oflbrd. Let the Commissioners
aloug other roads about here take ex
ample from those who do the business
on this one.
Zephyr Yarn All colors at Superior
Lumber Co.'s.
I. Hilbronner A Co., have just re
ceived a large and well selected stock
of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boot, Shoes,
Notions, and Gents Furnishing Goods.
They have just employed a first class
v cutter, who is pretty busy, but who in
tends to do all the work which comes
in, in good style. No fit not charge.
Call and examine their stock of Bea
vers, Doeskins, Broadcloths, Cassa
merea, Ac, you will be sure to pur-
, chasa.
The Howe Township Murder.
A man named Barnhart was brought
into town nnd,confinod in the jail, on
Sunday, charged with the murder of
Matthew Turner, an account of whose
death we published last week. Barn
hart had an examination before D. 8.
Knox, J. P., on Monday morning,
which resulted in his being bound over
to court. He is now tu jail awaiting
trial. It is difficult to tell just what
the evidence against htm will amouut
to. The substance of it is this: He
had made threats against the lives of
several peoplo in that locality ; had a
grudge of some kind against Turner;
was observed near the scene of the mur
der on the day it occurred ; a general
bad character throughout the neigh
borhood, and the fact that he has been
living about that country, in the woods,
with do business and no visible means
of subsistence, for several months past.
It is supposed by some that he is in
sane, or else an idiot, but those who
are best acquainted with him say that
he is more knave than fool, although
ho might be possessed of seven devils,
judging from the amount of foarhehas
occauioned the inhabitants, especially
the females, of Howe Tp. This will
be the first murder trial ever held in
this county, and a good deal of excite
ment is occasioned by the event. We
are not yet certain whether he will be
tried this week.
Hamburg Edging Inserting Just
received at Superior Lumber Co.'s.
Postal Announcement.
Tionista Post Office. Office
hours 8 o'clock A. M., to 7 o'clock P.
Mails close going South and West,
1:40 p. m. Arrive at 2:25 p. m.
Mails close going North and Eaet,
2:40 p. ri. Arrive at 3:25 p. ni.
Pleasantville Mails leave Tionesta,
ever Tuesday and Saturday at 11 a.
m. Arrive at 5 p. m.
Panther Rock Mails leave Tionesta,
Monday and Friday at 11 a. ra. Ar
rive at Tionesta, Tuesday and Satur
day at 12 m.
The Latest Styles Of Dry Goods
constantly received at Superior Lum
ber Co.'s.
Court is in session ; Judge Camp
bell presiding. If the people come in
as brisk for a day or two more as they
have for the same time past, wo expect
to have as big a crowd as Grady's cir
cus drew. Several interesting Com
monwealth cases will be tried this term,
and the Interest manifested in them is
great. Vt'e expect to take in money
enough this week to pay ten cents on
the dollar of our indebtedness, but
don't push .us, or we'll make au assign
ment. Hunting Knives Can be had at Su
perior Lumber Co.'s.
We are under obligations to the
Secretary of the Crawford County
Agricultural Society, J. . Rupert,
Esq., for a Complimentary Ticket to
the Fair, which is to be held at Con-
ueautviile, on the 4th, 5th and Gth of
October, 1871. The Conneautville
Fairs have long been celebrated as be
ing the best held in Western Pennsyl
vania, and we learn from the Courier
that the entries this year exceed those
of any other since the organization of
the society, which has been in operation
nineteen years. We advise all of our
readers who have the time, &c. to visit
the Conneautville Fair.
Tasteful The Calicoes at Superior
Lumber Co.'s store.
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chjkins, Diamonds Ac, at 20 per cent,
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens have patronized him, and find
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the comer of Wa
ter and Chestnut Sts., in Culluru block.
Universaliy Acknowledged That the
Singer Machine is the best, Can al
ways be had of Superior Lumber Co.
A. H. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bauk, has been appointed
agent for tlis celebrated " Iniuan Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do weil to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
Butter Knives Silver Plated, at
Superior Lumber Co.'s btore.
Having taken the agency for the
Bucyrus Kuittiug Machine CVs Ma'
chiue, we are prepared to furnish our
customers wi'.h the best knitting ma-
chiue, that will do all kinds of knit
ting such as Socks, Gloves, Shawls,
Scarfs, Mats,as also throwed up stitch,
and can be regulated to at fine or loose
stitch as is required in any kind of
knitting. Supekiok Lumber Co.
Twnwts, ftrnt. 12th, 17J. ?3 tf.
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West ? The best Line is ac
knowledged to be the C, B. & Q ,
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Burlington Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts-
mouth, posses through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls into a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree-
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of the B. A M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand home-steaders and
preemptors who last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil mon, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews A Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
Dessolution Notice.
The coportnership heretofore exist
ing between A. J. Landers and T. Sav
age, under the name of Savage A
Landers, is this day dissolved, by
mutual consent.
A. J. Landers.
T. Savage.
Sept. 12, 1871. 24 3t
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the biuding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
can be seen at this office.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
having bought the School Book trade
of J. J. Fisher,are now prepared to fur
cish the public with all kinds of school
and miscellaneous books. Will keep
constantly on hand a full assortment
of school books and general literature.
21 3t
Have you ever tried Nature's
Hair Restorative? You will be de
lighted with it Clean, safe, and effi
cient. It is driving all the poisonous
compounds out of the market. It is
as clear as crystal. See advertisement.
22 2t.
Use Dr. LTerrick't Sugar- Coated Veg
etable Fills and Rid Strengthening
Fluster, also Dr. Ferrin's Fumigalor
ovUZitarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Ilerses and Cattle
use Harvel's Condition Powders the
best in use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox A Co., Agenrs, Tionesta, Pa.,
and the trade generally. 21 3m
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner A Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will be
paid. They have just received the
agency for an Eastern Hoube, and
waut till the wool they can possibly
get. Take your wool there and get
good prices.
HOLM F.S DFRR.-Sept. lUth. at 84
o'clock, P. M., at the residence of the
bride's parent, by the Kev. Hmiry Ford,
Mr. Chas. W. Unimex, and Miae Auuie
J--. lwrr, both ol Norristown.
We are under obligations to the above
couple for u liberal supply of cake, which
we, and our "folks" enjoyed very much.
Mr. Holmes was formerly for many years
a resident of this place, and comes here
with his bride to have his old frionds re
joice with lii in. He, and his other self are
welcomed by all. and it seems as though
they must enjoy their visit here. We hope
that their Joys may be as sweet, their for
tune in life as good, aud their troubles ai
light as the cake left, with us.
MORRIS WASSON. Sept. 21. 1871, at
the residence of the bride's futher, ( Har
rison Wauon,) by Ri v. 1. M. Keinerer.
Hubert E. Morris, of Tiiinesla, ana
LJrzn j.on, ft 1UTIW1 rj.
Proponing an amendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
lie it Reolved by the tjenate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennxytvnnxa in General Attemhly met,
That the following amnndmcntof the Con
stitution cif this Commonwealth be pro
posed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the
tenth article thereof, to wit;
Strike out tho Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of the Constitution, and insert in
lieu thereof the following;
"A State Treasurer shall he chosen bv
tho qualilied electors of the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of RcpresonUtivci.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved the flfteonth day of June.
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and soventy-one.
Preparod and certitied for publication
pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. F. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Ofllce Secretary of the Commonwealth. )
Harrisburg, July 5th, 1871. J
Is a South American plant that has been
Used for many years by the medical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
clttcacy, and Is a Sure and Perfect Homed
for all Diseases of the
Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction of Intestines, Urinary,
Uterine, or Abdominal Organs,
Poverty or a want of Blood, In
termittent or Remittent
Fevers, Inilamatlon of
the Liver, Dropsy,
Sluggish Circu
lation of tho
Blood, Abscesses. Tumors. Jaundice.
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever, or
wieir voiicuiuiuiuw.
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most perfect alterative, and is offered
to the public as a great invigoratnr and
remedy tor all impurities of the blood, or
for organic weakness with their attendant
evils. For the foregoing complaints
Dr. Wolls' Extract of Jurubeba
Is confidently recommended ,to evory
family as a household remedy, and should
be freely taken in all' derangements Of the
It is NOT A PHYSIC It is not what is
popularly called a HITTERS, nor is It in
tended as such ; but is simply a powerful
alterative giving health, vigor ana tone to
all the vital forcts, and animates and forti
lies all Wbuk aud lymphatic temperaments.
JOHN l. KELLOGO, Piatt St., New
York. Sole Agent for the United States.
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for
Circular. 22-4t
TwbItb Tears "siH InfliansPlaim
Tho remarkable adventures of the fa
mous White Chief and Bin Warrior amomr
the Red Skins. .Thrilling accounts of
i reat iiuuts, iiairnreaath Escapes and
Terrible Contests with the big game and
hostle tribes. Spirited descriptions of the
habits and superstitions of that strange
jieople. Their Sports, Legends, Tradi
tions. How thry Woo and Wed, Scalp,
Doctor, Worship, Ac- New, Fresh and
Popular. Price Ixw; It Is selling by the
thousands with wonderful rapidity. Send
at oiico for sample chapters, Illustrations
and specia' terms, to Hubbard lirow., Pub
lishers, V3 Sauboin Street, Philadelphia.
IS Prepared to deliver tho best quality o
Oinl at tho old Everhart Bank, two
miles from Newmanville for 7contsper
or at Tionesta and vicinity for
IIo always has a large supply on hand,
Now Is the time to lay in a large supply
' Orders promptly attended to 29
Maulacturers of Hot Air Engines.
1, 2, and 4 Horse-Power.
No water used I
Cannot explode!
Not liable to get out of
oruer I
Requires no Skilled
Engineer 1
25 cents
per day per horse power. S3-4t
Wh kruas. The Honorable James Camp
bell President J udue of the Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions in aud for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holdings Court of Common Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, tc, at Tionesta, for
the County at Forest, U commence no the
fourth Monday of Sep. noxt. being the
25th day of Sep., 18'. 1. Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
and Constablns ot suid county, that they be
then and there in their proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with thoir
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their ollices appertain to be done,
and to those who bua in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they lie then and thereto prosecute aguinat
them as shall be Just. Given under my
hand and seai this tiJd day of Aug., A. I
1B71. K. L. DAVIS, Sh ff.
In the Counnon I'leas of Forest County.
E. 1). No, 13. Aluy Term 1K71.
J. J. Fisher vs. H. A. Hurt.
Aud now to wit, Msv 24th, 1H71. On mo
tion of Pltf 's Att'y, W. P. Mercilliott ap
pointed Auditor to distribute the pro
ceeds arising from aSherilf's Sale of prop
erty of Defendant.
Extract of the record.
J. It, AGNEW.Prothy.
I will attend to tl e duties of my ap
pointment at my oillee in Tionesta
ttorougn on rriciay, Mept. zji, l7i, be
tween the hours of one and three o'clock
P. M. of said day, where those interested
limy attend if tliev see pnijs-r.
W. P. ME"HCILL10TT. Auditor.
Aug. 20th, 171. 21 3t
WATCH FIti:K. Prize Candy
Iioxch, Pri.o Stationery Packages, Cheap
Jewelry, Ac, ic, silver watches given
gratis every agent t'M per day iiiade,sclling
our goods at Country Fairs ami Political
Meetings. Sen I ffr Circular, aikdresa Mon
roe, Kennedy J: Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mt
9nn RMU4ilcJ I'V "e- Wanted
Vvi ugctila ti. sell pictures tvery
vhem WhH iv- On. , Vr.rwi". ft., 5r I
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Forest County. Pa., to me direct
ed there will be exposed to sale by pnlilic
vendue or outerv, at the Court House, in
the Borough of Tionesta, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 25TII, A. D. 1871,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following doscribed
real estate t
C. M. Iyon vs. Ephriam Lyon, Fl. Fa.,
No. 25, Sept. Term 171 Mercilliott All
defendant's right, title, interest and claim
of, in and to the following described tract
or parcel of land situate in the Township
of Jenks, in the County ef Forest, and
State of Pennsylvania. Bounded as fol
lows, to-wlti lieginning at a post at the
northwest corner, thence south one hun
dred and sixty jicrehes to post, thence
west fifty-three perches to post, thence
north one hundred and sixty perches to
post, thence west fifty-three perches to the
place of beginning. Containing fifty
three acres, more or less, being the west
half of a certain tract of land the said Lyon
bought of Cyrus Blood.
Taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Ephriam Lyon, at the suit of
c m. i..yon.
E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff.
Sept. 6th, 1871.
Terms cash. 22-3 1
The undersigned having lieen appoint
ed by the Orphans curt of Forest County
to distribute the funds in the bands of
S. D. Irwin, Administrator of S. 8. Hu
lings dee'd. hereby gives notice to all con
cerned that he will attend to the duties of
the appointment stated at the Court House
in Tionesta Boroon Tuesday and Wednes
day the lth and 20th days of September
1H71 between the hours of 9 o'clock . M.
and 3 o'clock P.M. of each dav.
21-3t W. P. MERCILLIOTT, Auditor.
Ooo. K. Thayer vs. J. A. Nolan A Co.
Abial Drake for nso vs. A. J. Maze.
F. 11. Ellsworth et. al. vs. Jno. II. Dilka
et. al.
Elintbetb Geer vs. R. C. Scott et. al.
E. L. Jones ys. Daniel Murphy.
Solomon ZenU vs. John B. Legnard.
K. L. Blood vs. James Painter.
Chan. H in ton vs. John A. Proper and D.
Chas. Looper vs. Warren & Franklin R.
K. Co.
Forest County vs. John O. Brandon.
Forest County vs. Chas. J. Fox.
Commonwealth for use vs. John W. Mil
ler et. al.
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
E. 1). No. 2tf May Term 1H71.
I. Hilbronner t Co. vs. (Jeorgo Morgan.
And now to wit, May 24th, 1S71, on mo
tion of W. W. Mason EBq., Att'y Tor PUT.
W. P. Mercilliott appointed Auditor to
distribute the proceeds arising from a
Bberills sale or property or Defendant.
Extract from the Record.
J. B. AUN EW, Prothy,
I will attend to the duties of my appoint
ment at my oflico in Tionesta Borough on
Saturday Sept. 23, 1K71, botween the hours
of nine and ten o'clock A. M. of said day
where those interested may attend if they
see proper.
Aug. 26th, 1871. 21 2t
Tho new book, COD REASON AND
SCIENCE! or. The Landmarks of Truth,
is highly commended by all demonstra
tions, and sells rapidly. Agents should se
cure a choice of held", at once. Send for
te tons, and ace extra inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, IVi Chestnut SU Phila
delphia. 22 4t
AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive territo
ry granted on the
Contains over 300 Illustrations. Is a
complete Library of Biblical Knowledge.
Excellsall others. In Englitdi and German
Send for Circulars. Wm. Flint it Co, Phil
delphia, Pa. 22-4t
lVell' Carbolic Tablets,
For Cough.3, Colds and Hoarseness.
These Tablets present tho Acid in Com
bination with other etllcient remedies, In a
popular form, for Uie Cure of all throat
and lung diseasos. Hoarseness and UN
ceration of the throat are immediately re
lieved, and statements are constantly be
ing sent to the proprietor of relief in cases
of Throat difficulties of years standing.
io Tablets ; don't let other goods be palmed
off on vou in their place.
John Q. Kellog, 34 Piatt St., N. Y.' Sole
Ageut. Sold by Druggists, Price 25 cents
a box 22-4t
Agents Wanted I Extra Terms 1
Book agei:ti hnve long wanted a novelty
in the subscription line, which will sell at
sight in every family.
Is the only work extant which satisfies
this want. It is beautiful and striking,
combining an entirely new aud elegant
Family Photograph Album, with a com
plete Family History. Full particulars
free. Address Geo. Maclean, Publisher,
71U Sansoni Street, Philadelphia. 22-4t
V. Hend for our now Price List and a
Club Form will accompany it, containing
fuil 'directions making a large saving to
consumer- and remunerative club organ
irrs .
The direat Auierlouu Tea
31 it 33 VESEY STREET,
P. O. Box 6043. new VOKK. 22 4t
It contains over l.V) line engravings of
Battle Scenes aud incidents in the War,
and is the only FULL, AUTHENTIC and
OFFICIAL history of that great conttict.
Agents aie meeting witli unprecedented
success selling from 20 to 40 copies per day
and it is published iu both English and
PA IITIfl N Inferior histories are being
lAU I IUI1 circulated. Sue that the book
you buy contains irsj line engravings and
&HI pagns, Send for circulars A sco our
terms, and a full description of the work.
CO., Phila., Pa. 16-4t
This Book, an elegant Octavo Volume,
containing 760 pages, and 10a iirnt-cla eu
gravlnga, is an exhaustive and Standard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
tb proMfiit time, exposes its haveleas pre
tenecH, its frsudH, Its persecutions, its
gross immoralities, its opposition to our
imhiic schools, and civil aud rcligiuua lib
erty, it sliows its insUlious workings which
strongly tend to bring this country under
full KnniiHh control. 1'rospeoiua, aud
hooka reaiiy oh at. plication. CVmu. Pub-
lishiir Hartf Cwcb,
Contains no LAC SULPHUR Xo
VER, and is entirely free from the
Poisonous and Ilealth-destroying
Drug used in other Hair Repara
tion. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will
not soil tne finest fabric, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN and F.FFICI ENT desiderntums
It restores and prevents the Hair from
becoming Gray, impart a soft, glossy ap
pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and
refreshing to the head, checks the Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, euros all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A
DR. O. SMITH, Patentee. Aver, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The gonuine is
put up in a panel bottlo, made expressly
for it, with the namo of the article blown
in the glass. Ask your Druggist for
Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no
-Sond two three cent stamps to
Trocter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." The Information it con
tains is worth (5110,00 to any person.
The following are "selected from thous
ands of testimonials of similar character,
as expressing the reasons for the prefer
ence of tho Grover Baker Machines over
all others.
"I like the Orover Baker Ma
chine, In the first place, because if I had
any other. I shoulri still want a O rover Ar
Baiter ; and having a Grover A Baker ItJ
answers wie purpose ot an tne rest, it
does a greater variety of work and 1h easier
to learn than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro
ly (Jenny June)
"I have had several years' expe
rience with a Grover A Baker Machine,
which has given me great satisfaction. I
think the Grover A Baker Machine is more
easily managed, and less liable to get out
of order. I prefer the Grover A Baker de
cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York.
"I have had one in my family for
some two years: and fiom what I know
of its workings, and from the testimony of
many of ray friends who use the same, I
can hardly see how anythingcould be more
complete or give bettor satisfaction.
Mrs. Gen. Grant.
"I llieve It to be the best, all
things considered.ofau v that I have known
It is very simple and easily learned I the
sewing from the ordinary spools is a great
advantage : the stitch is entirely reliable:
it does ornamental work beautifully it is
not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M
Hpooner, 80 Bond St. Brooklyn.
"I am acquainted with the work of
the principal machines, and I prefer the
Grover A Baker to them all, because I con
sider the stitch more elastic. I have work
in the house w hich was done nine years
ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Mc
Cready, No. 43 East 23d street, N. Y.
"More than two-thirds of all the
sewlngdone in my family for the last two
years has been done by tl rover A Baker's
Machine, and I never had garment rip
or need mending, except those rents which
frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth.
It is, in my opinion, by far the most valu
abloof any I have tried." Mrs. Henry
Ward Beecher.
"The Grover A Raker Sewing Ma
chine has rendered in every rospect, the
most perfect satisfaction. It combines so
many advantages with beauty of execu
tion and economy in price that it is a no
ceslty In every household." Mrs. Gover
nor Geary, Harrisburg, Pa.
"I have had the Orovor A Baker Ma
chine for ten or twelve years in constant
uso in my house. I have seen and known
every kind of Family sewing, both per
sonal and household, accomplished up
the Grover A Baker Machine, to the enti.
satisfaction of oil concerned, Rev. Stephen
U. Tyng.
"I find the Grover A Baker Stitch will
wear as long as tho garments do outwear
the garment in fact. The stitch will not
break on bias soums, when stretched, as
others do ; and neither does it draw the
work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth
street, N. Y.
The Orover and Baker Sowing Machine
Company manufacture both the Elastic
aud Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the
public choice of the best machines of
both kinds, at their establishments in all
the large cities, and through agonclea In
nearly all towns throughout the country.
Price lists and samples of sewing in both
stitches furnished on application to Grover
A Baker S. M, Co., 12T Wood Street, Pitts- i
burgh, Pa.
500 YOLVjniM I OXE.
The Library of Poetry and Song,
Being Choice Selections from the Best
Poets, English, Sootch, Irish and Ameri
can. With an lutrod action by
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The haudsoment and cheapest subscrip
tion book extant. Over hoo pages, beauti
fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand,
somely bound. A Library of over 600
volumes in one liook, whose contents, of
no ephemeral nature or interest, will never
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"A erlbcl surprixo. Scarcely anything
all ail a favorite, or at all worthy of place
here, is iioglecUd. It is a book tor every
household." .V. 1'. Mail.
"no know of no siuiilar collection In
tho r.ngliHli language which, in copious
ness and felicity of selection and arrange
ineiit, cau at an
coiiiaire with it." A. ',
Terms liberal. Sclliiur very rapidly.
Send for Circular and Terms to
J. B. FORI) A CO.,
27 Park Place, N. Y
June 0, 1K71.
B!U4 u4 Csf4 hi pr. Stem..'. PhhI
CBMUi. or -. Wl InUHT, S. T.
viM f ti al fcW.r ka4 nm Mr.. .MS
Ml Wr4 Iiwiii M,l4MiiltMWl lnjr
To tbo Nerveou
HOSE sufferings have been protract
ed from hidden causes, ana wno!
cases require prompt treatment t reads
existence desirable I
If you are suffsTfng, r have MffareJ
from Involuntary discharges, whai effeet
does it produce on your general health T
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily
Does a little extM exertion produce p'.
pitatlon of thepieartT Does your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order? Is your urine lomo
times thick, milky or flock y, or is it ropv
on settling T Or does- a thick skum riseti
the top T Or Is a sediment at the bottom af
ter it has stood awhile T Do you have
spoils of short breathing or dlspepsla? Are
your bo-wetei constipated f Do you have
spells of fronting, or rushes of blood to
the head? Inyowr memory lrnparedT L;
your mind constantly dwelling on thin
subject 7 Do you feel dull, listless, moplnjr,
tired of company, or.lifeT Do you wls'n
tobo left alone, away from everybody'
Does any littlo thing mvke? you start or
JumpT Is your sleep broken or restless t
Is the lustre of your eye as brilllantT
The bloom on your cheek as brightf Du
you enjoy yourself in society as well f Co
you pursue your business with the same
energy T Do you feel as much confident.
In youself? Are your spirits Jutland flag
ging, given to fits of melancholy J If ,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights t Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but lit
tle appetite, and you attribute this to
pepeiaor livar-aompUUntf
Now, reader, aslf-abose, vaaaraal Ut-
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion,wben ln'perfect health, make the man
Did you over think that those bold, den
ant, enorgotlc, persevering, successful business-men
are always those whose genera
tive organs are in porfoct health T Yow
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitatloa
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed in business ; they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they arealways
polite and ploasant in the company of la
dies, andjlook you and them right ia the
face none of your downcast look or any
meanness about; thorn. I do nat meaa
those who keep tha organs inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin their constitutions, but ala
they do business vritfc er fas.
How many men, from badly eared tfta
eases, from tha effects of self-abuse an4
excess, have brought about that stats of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the genoal system so mncfa as to produce
almost avery other disease idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity Is heir to, and the real cause ef
the trouble scarcely ever suspected aa4
have doctored for all bat tfc right eae.
Diseases of these organ require the'ase
of a Diuretic. HELM BOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCIiU I the great Diuretic,
and is a certain cure 'for diseases of the
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgaa
It! Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener
al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause orlginaUam,
and no matter of how long stand tag.
If no treatment is aabnittM to, -
Humption or Insanity may ensue. Oar
flesh and blood are supported from these
sources, and tha hoalth and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends o
prompt use of a reliable reaedf.
Helnibold's Extract Bucho, entabliaks4
upward of l(J.Cears, prepared by II. T.
HELM BOLD, Druggist, 6m Broadway.
New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pit K-l.5 per bottle
or 6 bottles fur fS.80, delivered to any ad
dress, fcold by all Druggests ever i here
Wrapper, fac-smile of my Chemical Ware
house, ana signed H.T. HE I. HOLD.