i Itatcsi of Advertising. . ' One Square (1 inch,) ono Insertion M OnoSquaro " ono month S 00 One Square " three months... 8 o One Square " ono J-onr.-.i.-f.lO Two Squares, one year 13 0U tjnnrter Col. " Win" Half " " 00 Orre " " ..J ..1(W 00 BiTsJrvws Cnrds, not exceeding ono inch in length, $id per year. , 1-cgnJ notices at established rate. Thce rates nro low, and no deviation vill bo made, or discrimination among patrons. Tho rates tillered are such, will make it to the advant.ipcif tnrn del. g business in the limits of the circulation of tlio paper to advertise iiberitil v. -.ft n '. .' ' ' . " rttlJf HF.D 'evry . Tuesday iy MPBBL W. R. DUNN. DJTlco In Knox's puildingi Kln Stroet, .'. .TP.lt Vrf, 2.00 "A li Ak TTo Subscription received for a shorter 7' period tnnii three months. " Lot ua have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to tho end, dare do our duty aa we understand it."--LINCOLN. VOL. IV. NO. 25. TJONESTA, PA., T UESD A Y, SEPTIM BE 1 1 G , 1871. $2 PER ANNUM? Correspondence solicited from nil parts ol cno ronntnr. tso notice win bo taken ol annonyinous communications. Marriages mid Douth notices lit.iorted gratia, ... ., j v OEE i . i I'-. I f 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TI O N 1? ST A L O DG K NO. 4 77 ... ' Mocta every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'lilwk,' "W. R. DUNN, W. C. T, M. W. TATE, W. S. . KKWTOtt PKTTIH, MILKS W, TATK , ' I PETTIS & TATE," Attorneys at law, jLli-Stre?t, TTOXESTA,rA, Isaac Ash, Attorn ey:at law, on cttv, pa. Will rrt-n.'tlro tn the vtiTlnns Courts of Forest County. AU business entrusted to 1H cme u ill receive prompt attention. W. W. Ma3om A TTnUNEY AT T,AV. offleo on Elm i. .Stret, above Walnut, Tionw-ta, Pa, ' C.W. Gilnilan, A TTOUNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- nango Co.( I'tt. If. .. . N. B, Smiley,- ; A TTOKXBY aT LAW, Petroleum Cn- ; j i ,tr, l a. rt ill practice la tun several vourra ot l orest conniv; oo-iy . ; W. P. Mcrcilliott, Attorney at Lnw, '! ' 1 A!D xi mi, EN TAT 12 ACS EXT. TI ON EST A, PA. John I. Hallock, A TTOUNEY AT LAW and Solicitor Of X Pa!cnls,No. .")0.'i i'roiieh street! opposite ;kbhi uousni i.i-ki, ra, win prniieo in thuscvornl Kti;tn Court s and the United (Stales irnrt. hpwint attention given to Kolli'iUri riit'ntu for Inventors : infringn- MicnCs, ro-i.-wue ami extension of patents arrriutvaHt-iuiiM to. neicroncc.s: lion. iH.iien t 'niplioll, C'lnrion ; lion. John H, McCalm-mt, Franklin; II. J.. .V A. 11 Richmond, Mcadvillc; W. K. Lathy. Tl nesta. - 2 7 ' " v Tlonr.sta House. t ; Mf; ITTtU Proprietor, Elm St., Tio- u'cala. I'ii.. at the mouth of tho orcek. ' ,' Mr. Hilo him thoroughly- renovated the ' Tinni-sb House, iinl re-furnished it eont ,. '.' plctely. All who patronl,0 lit lit will lo veil (t'lityrtunieu at j-onnonall8 rates. ii- y ' - 4 rgrEST house, ' DliLAClCPROPRinTOn. Opposltfi . I'onrt IIoiiho, Tioiu'Htu, Pa, Juxt nponod. iCvrrytliiiis now mid rlcnn and fiUNh. The best of liquors kept constantly on hand. A portion of the public patron a 1 rvKppo U'ully solicited. 4-17-lV liolmes Houso, nMONT.STA, PA., opponito the Depot. JL C I. Mabie, Proprietor. Good Kla fclintr conneotod with the houso. ' tf. Syracuse House, T1DI0UTF, Pa., J." .V I) Maokk, Proplo tort. Tho hound haaboen tliorouiflil v relittcd and in now in tho lirst-elass order, with the best of accommodations. Any nl'oi'iii'ition eoiieprniii Oil Territory at this point will bo cheerfully furnished. 1 .jy .... i . ' 'J. it !. M AfiliK, I , Exchange Hotel, , j LOWKR TIDIOITTE, Pn., PS. Rams. HKKt, A Son 1'rop'n. This house having Ixwn relited is now tho most desirable stop. Pins pine in Tidiouto. A good Billiard Itcxnitatta.-hiHl. 4-ly ' National Hotel, TRVINF.TON, PA. W. A. IIuUcnbacTc, I'rojirlftor. This hotel Is Nkw, and is ,ow fn as a first class house, situato at ne .function of thn Oil Creek A Allegheny tivcrMiid Philadelphia A Krio Railroads, pposite tho I'epot. Parties hnvinff to lay ver tr:i'ns will find this tho most conveii nt bell i In town, with first-class accom nodations and reasonable i.-barces. tf. 2STHTW JEWELRY STORE. n. e. Moitnm, Iate of rirady's Rend, has located in Tionesta, and is prepared to do all kinds of work lu tho Hue of repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewolry &o., In uood stylo and warrahtod to give satis faction. WatWios, Jewelry, A-e., will bo left in caro of I). S. Knox, who will be re- timsujio jor their sale rutiirn.' 'J3-1Y. 11. K. MORRIS. ,,?L0fiN & VAN GIESETi. AND WAOON-MAKEIIS. Comer of Church and Klin Stroots, TIOSTESTA. PA, This firhi Is prepared to do all work in its line, and will warrant everything done at their slops to Kve aatisfai tion. Par ticular attention given io . , iiousa:.siioi:ixG, fJivothem atrial, and you will not re gret it. i l:i-ly. JOHN A. DALE, PHES'T. OHN A. PROPER, VICE PRB T. A. H.ATEEUE, CAHh, TIOHESTA SAVINGS BANK, Tioucsta, Forost Co., Pa. This Hank transact;! a General Ranking, Collecting and Kxchuno lliiHiness. I'riii'u on the Principal 1'iiicH of the Vniled KhUcs and lurnpo boUKhtand sold. tiold and Silver Coin and (.oveinmciit Kccliritiid botiuht and sold. iloniU ci iivi'i ii d on ilio niotit favorable terins. Intercut allowid on time duposits. Mar. 4, if. s MJ15.SCUIHK for (lie Foru.t Utpiiblicro pay. Dr. J. L. Acorrb, pilYSIflAV AND Ri; KG EON, who has 1 had tlftrcit years' experience in a larjo and BUccessfuf pracicc, will attend all Professional Calls, Oflleo In his Drug and Grocery Nlorp, located in Tidiouto, near Tidiouto House, IN HIS HTORE WILL IiE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cinars, Stationery, Glass, Painta, Oils, Cutlery, and linn Groceries, all of thn best quality', and will be sold at ivaeonablo rates. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Prug u 1st from New York, lias charge of tho itore. All prescriptions put upaccuraUjiy, Tiirt Sons & Co.'a NEW ENGINES. Tho undersigned have forsalo and will rocoivo orders for the abovo Engine. Hnssrs. Till'tSons A Co. are now sending to this market their 12 liorse Power Kngine with 1 1-Uorse Powor Holler pi'culinrly adapted to deep wells. Okku ks at Duncan A Clialfant's, dealers in Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St. next door to Chase House, Pleasantville, and at Mansion House, Titiisvilln, tf. K. IlltETT A SON, Agents. Jos. Y. Sail', PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tioucsta, Pa. All work la war ranted, tf. KOTICE. DR. .1. N. ROLAKD, of Tidiouto, 1ms rctnrnsd to his practice after an ab sence of four months, spent in the Hospi tals of Now York, where will attend calls in his profession. otlico in J'.ureka Drug Store, 3d door iliove the bank, Tidioutu, Pa. 4'.Uf GREAT EXCITEMENT! at the Store of ! D. S. KNOX, & CO., E!:nSt., tonesta Pa. ' We are In dally rocolptoi fa arg sstaiul - i MOST COMPLETE stock ; GKOCEKIES 1 - mid PROVISIONS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS M AIKET i BOOTS & SHOES ! ron this ". millions! which we are determined knIl regardles of pricei. ; AX I) ' i IIouso Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implement Ac, Ac Ac, which we oiler at greatly re duced price. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! I of all kind, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac., Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and nee. 7-tf D. S. KNOX. A CO. WANTLD AGKNTS FOU Triumphs of Enterprise, BY JAMES PARTON. A New Rook, 7iHl octavo pages, well illustrated, intensely tntcrcst'iig, and very iiistriii tivo. Exclusive territory given. Our Terms aie the most Liberal. Apply to us, cm I too if they are not. A. S. H Vi.l; .V CO., llurtford, Conn. I2-4w. CIIAS. II. SIIEPARD, Ot:.M:ilAL M'AI.llB 1H DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CAM PETS, hats, caps, and shoes, UI'i'n;vaki:. NEW YORK 8T0UE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. PROCLAMATION OF GENER AL ELECTION. Whereas, In and by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulate the General Elections within this Common wealth,' it Is enjoined upon mo to give public notice of said elections, and to ! enumerate in said noMco what olllci'is are to bo elected. I. K. L. Davis. High Sheriff of tho county of Forest, do hereby make known and give this public noiieo to the elector of tho county of Forest, that a General JMecuou will behclU in sanlooun tv. on tte i ' SLTOXD. TUESDAY (10) OF OCTOBER, 1871, at the several districts, viz : 'In Burnett township utclarlngton school House, hi - In Green township at tho houso of L. Arner. ' In Howe township at tho house of C. V. Fox. ' . t i In .Tonka township at the court house In Marten. In Harmony township at AHeiider echoed house. In Hickory township at Ball school iiuuse. In Kingsley township at Wheeler, Dn senbiiry it Co's sti.ro. Ju TioncMlutownahip at school houso in Tiouesta borouirh. In Tiouesta borough at school house in sain norougli. At wliicii tinio and places the quolllicd electors win i'ioc.1 ny uaiiot: One person lor Auditor General of tho Commonwealth of IVniisylvania. One person for Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Ono person for President Judge of the 18th Judicial District. One person lor Assembly to represent Forest and Clarion Counties. One person lor County Commissioner. One person for County Auditor. Notice is hereby given, That any person excepting Justices of the Peace who shall hold any olliee or appointment of profit or trust under tho United Stales, or tnis State or any city or eorporaled district, whether commissi, lrted oiliccr or otherwise, a NUliordinnte. oHieernr agent who is or shall be employed under tho legislature, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or of any city, orot any incorporated ois trict, and lilso, that every member of Con gress and of the bUito legislature, or of tlio select or common conned of any city, or commissioners ot ny incorporated dis trict, is by law ineapauie of holdinor ex ercising at the time, the olhce or appoint ment oi Judge, inspector or elerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, Judge or other olllcer of such election shall bo eligible to be then voted for. ' ' And -the said act of assembly cntUlol "An Act relat.ngto elections of this Com monwealtlr passed July 1, I81U, further provides as follows : "That the Inspector and Judges shall meet at the respective places appoiutcd lor holding the electiou iu the district at which they respectively belong, he lore 7 o'clock ia las mtvruiKg of the Mvuoiid Tuesday of October, and oat-h said inspector shall ap point one clerk, who shall boa qualified voicr of suoli district. "in ease the person who shall have re ceived tho aoeond highest number of voles lbr insnector sliall not atttsid on dv of any election, then tho person who shall haverouelved ttiosecond highest nuinberof votes lor J nteaU he nex&proeding election aliall aiit itaau inspector iu bis place. And in case Uiu jiifrson wUi Hindi have received Hie highest miiuber'of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place; and in cae the person elect id a Jndgo shall not attend, tiieu the Inspector who received the highest nuinberof votes shall uppoiut a Judge In his place j and if any Vacancy ahall continue in the board lor the space of one hour after the tiuie fixed by law for the opening of the electiou, the (pdilied voters of Un township, ward or uiitrint for which such otlieer shall have been elected present ut the place of election bhall eluctoue of thir p,uiuber to nll.guvU Vacancy. , ';t )halVbc tho duty of tho several as sessors respectively to attend at" the place of holding every general, special or town ship election, during the whole time such election is kept open, lor the purpos'o of giving information to tho Inspectors and Judge when called on. iu relation to. 'he right of any person assessed by thcni to vote at such election, and on s'uch oiher mutters in relation to the a.tftC4.siueiit of voters, as tho Inspectors or either of thoni shall from time to tinio require. "No person shall bo permitted to voto at an.v election as Hlorcsaid than a w hite citi zen of tlio ago of i or uioro, who bhall havs resided .n this State at leustono year, and in the election district where ho oilers to vote ten days immediately preceding such election, and with.n two years paid a Stato or Coanty tax, wh.ch shall huvobceu assessed at least ton days before tho election.'-Hut a citizen of'tho United Slates wlioiatprfvIously boeii nqualilied voter of this State and removed the reform uud reuiruoit, and w ho ahull bavo' resided in the election district and paid taxes afore said, shall lie entitled to vote after residing iu this Ma e six months, i'roi'idetl. Thai the wiiito freeman, citizen of the United Suites, between tiie ago ot 21 and TJ. yoars who have resided in the election distrk t ten days as aloreaaid aliall be on till ted to vote, although they shall not have paid tax. By the Act of Aasenibly of 1SC9, known as the "Uugwiry Law," it is provided as follows: J. "Election olucers are to open the polls boiu ecu the hours of t and 7 A. M.t on the da of election. Before ti o'chs k iu tlio Iilorning iif Second Tilosilay of October they are to rei-ive from the i'ounly t'oni Ui lKsioliej- tlio Itegistcred List ot Voters and ail.neuessary elm-liou blanks and they are to p. -noil no man to vote whose name is not oo kuid iisl, unless he shall make proof of Ins right to vole as follows : 'i. Tho person whiutcuam is not on the list, claiming the rudil tu vote, must pro duce a qualilicd voter of tho district to swear iu a written or priutisl mtlduvit to the residence of theclaiiuant in tiie district for ul least ten days next preceding said election, debiting "clearly wliero tho resi dence of (he jici son w an. a. 'i'ue party clauuing the right to vote shall also make an ahidavit stating to the licit of his kuowledgo and belief when and w here he was Isiru, that he is a citizen of Pennsylvania and of the l iiiicd States, that he ha resided in the Slate one year, or, it formerly u citizen therein and re moved f herefrom, tlial he lias rtnided therein si x mouths jirecuding said election, that ho lias not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein that ho has paid a State or county tax, within two ysars, which was assessed at least ten days bcM.ru the elect mo, an, I the alhdavil shall state when and where the tax was assessed and paid, the tax recHipi must be produced unless the atliant shall slate that it has been lost or destroyed, or that lie received none. 4. If the applicant bo a naturalized citi aen, be must, in addition to tlio foregoing I'WK, M' in Ms .TtH'hivit vh'n, v l-rrc and by what court ho was naturalized, and produce his certilicatool.iiatnraliit',.,ii. . f. Every person claiming to bo a natur alized citizen, w e'lier on thn reg r.try li,t or producing atlidavits as aforesaid, 'shall be required to prislnee liia natnrsbzatiou certiticate at tho election before voting, ex ceptwherehehaM been for trn venrs consecu tively a voter in thodist ict whore lie oilers to vote; and on the vote of such person bohiir received, the election officers are to write or stamp the word 'voted' on hiseer tiiicnte with tho mouth and year, and no other voto can bo east that day in virtue of said eertilicate except wlicie some are en titled to vole upon Uim iiutnializatioti of their father. 0. If the person claiming to vote who Is not registered shall mako an affidavit that ho Is a native born citizen of the United Suite, or if born olsewboro, shall produce ovidence of bis naturalization, or that he is entitled to citizenship bv the reason of ui miners naturalization, and further, that ho is between lit and 22, years of aac, ..,..1 in lunioun in me niaio one year, anil in tho election district ten lnvs nt n. ceding the election, he shall bo entided to voip minimi nesiiaii not have paid taxes." "Every person qualified ns aforesaid, and who sluill make due proof of his resi dence and payment of taxes aforesaid, shall be admitted to voto in the township, ward or district in which ho shnll rculile. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent any olllcer or election under this act from holding such election; or use or threaten fliiy violence to any such olllcer and shad interrupt or improperly interfere with him in tho execution of Ins duty, shall block up the window or ave nue to any Window where tho same mnv bo holdeu. or shall riotously disturb tho peace of such election, or shall use or prac tice intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the dosign to in (luetics unduly or oveinwe any elector, or prevent him from voting, or restrain tho freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ?WXt, to be im prisoned for any time not less than one nor more than twelve inonths, and it It aliall be tdinwn to the court w here the trial of such offence shall be had, that I he per son so oltending was not a residont of tho city, ward or district where the said offence was committed, mid not entitled to voto therein, on conviction, he shall be sen tenced to pay a lino not loss than $100 nor more than Sl.OOO, rind be imprisoned not less thuu six inonths nor more than two years. it any person or r.ersons shall males any bet or wager ukh tho result of any eleirtion within tho Commonwealth, o'r shall oiler to muke any sueh hot or wazor either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any written or printed advertisement, or invite any person to make audi bot or. wager, upon conviction thereof ho or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount-so bet or ottered to bet. i And the election laws of t lie Cominon- woalih further provide that "The Inspec tors, Judges and cierks shall, before en tering on the dutlca of their office, aew- erally lake and suliscribo the oath or af- urmation hereinafter directed, which shall be adinlnistrred to thenr bv anv i alderman oriusticeof the peace, but if no such maglstratate be proeent, one of the inseciors of tiie election aliall administer the oath or ailiri nation to the other lo,l,.o and inspector, mid then the inspector so qualified shall administer tho oath, or af firmation to hiui. The inspectors ' fudges and clerks re quired by law to hold township and gen eral elections, shall take and subscribe the several oaths and atlirmations required by the Hub, - -0th and 21st sections of tho nit of the 'M day of Julv ls;w, entitled 'An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth,1 which oaths or affirma tions shall be prepared and admiiistratcd in the manner prescribed in the 18th uud sections of said act, and in addition to the power eonlorrod by the Uiih section of said act the judge, or either of the inspec tors, aliall have power to administer the oathH prescribed by said a,,' to anv clerk of a general, special or township electiou. : "Tho following shall be tiie form ct the ontli or Btlirmntlon to be taken by each in spector, vix: 'I (A. 11.; do that I will uttond to the ensuing election during the continuance thereof, aa an inspector, and that 1 will not receive any ticket or voto from any person, or other than such as I ahull firmly believe to be. accrding to the (revisions of the constit ution nnd the laws of this Commonwealth, entitled to voto nt such election, .without requiring sueh evidence of the right to voto as is di rected by law, nor will vexatioualy delay or refuse to receive any voto from any per. son who 1 shall believe entitled to vote as aforesaid, but that I will in all Ihingstrulyj impartially and faithfully perform my du ty tlierein, to the best of my judgement and abilities, and that I am' not directly nor indirectly interested in imy !ot or wa ger on tiie result of this election.' "ihe following shall bo tlio oath or af firmation of each iuiige, viz: '1 (A. B.) do that 1 will us judgo duly attend the ensuing election during the eoniinu ance thereof, und faithfully assist the in spector in carrying on the same; that I will not give my consent that any vote or ticket shall bo received from auV person other than such as I lirinlv believe to bo according to to tlio j rovisions of tho con stitution and laws ot'thia Commonwealth entitled io vote at s ich .election, without requiring sin h evidence of the riuht to voieaa is directed by law, and that I will usomy best endeavors to prevent any fraud, deceit or abun", in currying cm the miiuo by citizens qualified to vote, or oth ers, and that i will Make a sure and per fect return of tho tun! election, and will in all things truly, impartially und faithfully pern, i in my uuiy respecting loo same, to tho boot of my judgement and aliilitics, and that I am not lu-octly or indirectly in terested in any bet or waer ou tho result of this election.' ' . "Tue following shall bo the form of the oath or atUrmatioti to bo taken bv each clerk, viz: '1 (A. li.) do that I wiil impartially and truly write down the name of each elector wiio shad vote at tlio ensu ing election, whicli Wiall lio given me in chiiiy e, and ai .o tin, name of tnc township, w ard or district wherein such elector re sides, and carefully and truly write down the number rf votes that shall bo given lor oach candidate ut tho election, as often as Ids name shall be read to me by the in spectors thereof, and hi all things truly and faithiully perform my duly respecting the sumo to tho bet of my fudgcinnt and ability, und that I am not directly or indi rectly interested in any bot or wager on the result of this election." The qualified electors will take notice of iho following act of Assembly, approv ed 12th day of March, lsiiii; An Act, itegu latum the mode of voting at all elections iu the several counties of this Common wealth. (Sec. i. lie it enacted by the Senate and Il,iil.-e of U( preventatives of the ( 'oiiimou w ealth of Pennsylvania in i ieiu i.d Assem bly met, and it is In re by enacted IV the authority of ll.e name, 'l icit tiie qualified voters of the several coutiticsol tliisCom- monw-calth, ai all genual, township, Is.r ough ami special eiisiioiis, aio hereby, hcruafW authorized ami n quired to vole I by tickets print's! "r wriinn, or pstly I 'rioted and partly written, severally class tied aa follows r ' One ticket shall embrace the noines of all judges of courts voted for,"nnd to be labi'lled outside 'Judiciary ;' one ticket shall embrace the names of ill Stato otllcers vold for, and be labelled 'State ;' one ticket shall em brace tho names of all county oiheers voted for, including office of senator, member and members of assembly if voted for, and members of congress n voted lor, anil ho labelled 'County i' one ticket shall embrace the names of all township otlb-ers voted for, and be labelled 'Township;' ono ticket hall embrace the names of all borough oflicers voted for, and bo labeled 'Borough;' and each class shall bo deposited in sepa rate ballot boxes. Sec 2. Tliat it aliall be tho duty of tho Sheriffs in the fcVeral counties of this Commonwealth, to insert in their election proclamations hereallcr issued tho lirst section ortirts act. JAMES R. KELLY, Speaker nf the House or Representatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of the Senate. Approved tho 30th day of March, A. 1., 18WJ. - : : A. U. CUKI iN. Election officers will take notice that tho net entitled "A Further Supplement to tho Election Law of this (Joiiiinoii wealtli." disqualifying deserters from the army of the Luited States from voting, has recent ly been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persons former ly disqualified thereunder arc now lawful voters if otherwise qualified. Exkcctivk cm hueh, H Annisnunatr, Pa., August 27, 1K70 To tlio County Com missioners aud Hlicritf of tho county of Forest. Whkrear, Tlio Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows : Sec. 1. The right of citizens of tho Unit ed States to vole shall not be denied or abridged by the United .Suites, or by any Stato, on account of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude. Sec 2. That Congress shall have powor to enfore this article by appropriate legis lation." And wnEUEAS, The Congress of tho United States on tho Hist day of March, 170, passed an act entitled "Ait act to en force tho rights of citizens of tlio United States to voto in tho several atates oi' the Union, and for other purposes; the fust and second sections of which are as follows: See. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress iisscinblcJ, That all citizens of tho United States that ore or shall bo otherw ise qualified to voto at any election by the people in any state, territory, district, county, citv, 'parish, township, school distinct, municipality, or other territorial subdivision, shall bo" en titled und allowed to vote at all such elec tions, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition Of servitude; anv con stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula tion of any Slate or territory, or by or un der its authority, to tiie contrary notwith atanding. " Sec. -i. And bo it further cnactod, That if by or under the authority of the consti tion or laws ot any State, or tho laws of auy Territory, any uct is or shall be re quired to be done as a prerequisite or quul iiication for voting, and bv such constitu tion or laws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisite or to become qualified to voto, it shall bo the duty of every such person and olllcer to irivo- nil citizens of tlio United Slates the same aud equal opportunity to perfom huci pro- uuraiBmu,, uccome quaillliMl to VOtO without distinction of race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude: am! if mi such person or oflicer shall refuse or ' knowingly omit to givo full effect to this section, he shall, for every such oll'enso, lorfeit and pay the sum of tsuo to the tier. son aggrieved thereby, to l.o recovered liv an action iu tho case, with full costa and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem Just, and shall also, for every such oilOnso, bo deemed guilty of a misucmounor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than 30d or be imprisoned not less than ono month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of tho court." And whereas, It is doehieod by the 2d section of the VI. article of tho Constitu tion of the United Slatos, that 'This Con. Btitatlon and tiie law of tho United Statcn which shall bo made in pursuance thereof shall be the supreme law oi tho land anything In IhoCoiistituiioii of any State to tho contrary notwithstanding.' And.w horens. Tiie Legislature or this Coinuiimw ealth, on tho tith day of April, A. D., 170, pasi-sd an act, 'A further sup. plfineut to tiie act relating to vleutions Hi thin Common wealth,'' tiie 10th bcc.tiou of which provides as follows : ' Sec. id. That so much of every net of assembly ua provides tint only whito free men shall be entitled to voto or bo rogis. tered as voter or as claiming to voto at any generul or special election of this Conii uiyn w ealth bu and thu same is hereby re pealed and that herealtcr ull freemen, with out distinction of color, shall isa enrolled I ami registered according to the provisions of the urst section of liiu act approved tlio 17th duy of April IHiJU, intitled 'An act further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth ;' uud shall, when otherwise quulitied under ex isting laws, bo entitled to vote at all gen eral. or special elections iu this Commons wealth.' And whereas, It Is my constitutional aud oillcal duty 't. take.e'are, that Iho law s be faithfully executed ;' and it has come to my knowledge that sundry as.so-.sors and rcgisters of 'voters have refused and are re fusing to assess and register divers colnred male citizens of lawful age, ami othorwi-o qualified as ( lectors. Now, therefore, in consilient', i n of the premises, the county coiumii.siouer of said county ure hereby notified nnd direct ed to instruct tho several asscs.oi a aud reg isters of voters therein to ols'V and con form to the requirements of said constitu tional uiui inloienls and laws; and the Sliorilfol said itiuiity is hereby authorized uud required to publihh iu 'the election proclamation for the next ensuing e eetioii tho horein recited coimtilutional iiiiicnd ment, act of Congress, und uct of tin) Legis lative, to the ond that the same mav be known, executed und obeyed by alt as sesors, registers of voters, electiou oflicers and others, und that the right-1 and pi iv ileges guaranteed therein luuv bo secured to ad tho citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to tlio same. I., a.l Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at 'llarrisburg, tho day and year lirst above w rltten, JOHN W. GEARY. F. Jokhas, Secretary of the Couiuiouw ealth. Aiso, I hereby givo notice of tlio follow ing Joint itch.,, mi ioii proposing an amend lil, '.it to the Coiistiliili,,n of I'eiiiisylvauia: l'u it Kcsolvcd by the iSciiate ami IIiiiim of bcprchcntalivcs of llie ComiiioiiweiAltii of I'uutity 1 vunia iu Guliuuil Assembly luei, TU .t the follow nig iii'MOid muni ot the t on slitatiou of this t'otiiui niweulth be pro posed to tiio people for licit adoption or riscclion, pui -uaiu to the provisions of the twill o"c llwr, to ii : A MENn.MtvNT. Strikeout the Sixth .Sec tion of the Sixth Article of the Constitution aud insert in lion thereof the following : "A State Treasurer shall bo chosen by tho qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such Win or service us shall be proscribed bv law. JAMES II. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the 1.1th daV of .Juno A. 1). 1x71. mOIIN Si GEARY. Also, the following Act to authorize a popnlar voto upon tlio question of calling a Convention to amend the Constitution of Pennsvltania: See. 1. ' Bo it "Enacted, Ac, That the question of failing a convention to amend tlio Const itution of this Commonwealth be submitted to a vote of the people at the gen eral election to be hold on the 2d Tuesday of October, 1871, tho said question to bo vo ted upon in the manner following, to-wit: In counties and cities in which slip ticket voting is authorized by Jaw, votes for and against a Convention may be cxptessod nnd given upon the ticket headed or en dorsed with tho word "State," and not oth erwise; and the Words used shall lie "Con stitutional Convention," and underneath "for a Convention," or "auainst a Conven tion ;" and in counties or districts in which slip tickets shall not bo authorized by law, each elector voting upon said question shall cost a separate ballot, endorsed on the outside "Constitutional Convention," and containing on the insido the words "for a Convention" oi "against a Convention;" nnd all votes cast as aforesaid shall be re ceived, oounted und returned by the prop or election oflicers and return fudges as votes for governor nro received, counted and returned, tinder existing laws. Sec 2. That tlio election aforesaid shall be held, and are subject to all the provis ions of law which apply to genoral elec tions; tho sheriffs of the soveral counties shall givo notice of this act in their elec tion proclamation the presentyear,and the governor shall causa all tho returns of the said olection, as received by tho seerotary of the commonwealth, to bo laid boforo the legislature utits next annual session. JAMES 11. WEB K, Speaker of tho House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, - Speaker of the Senate. Approved tho 3d dav of June, A. D. 171. JOHN W. GEARY. And tho Judges of tho respective dis tricts aforesaid, are required to moot at Ti oucsta, on tho Kridav next following the holding of Iho said election, then and there to (icrforiu tkose things, required of tlieni by law. Given tinder mv hand ut my ofllce in Tio uesta, this lltli day ol September, in the yenrot'our lird,ono thousand eight hun dred and sovonty-one, and in the ninety Hi xth of tho Independence of tho United States. E. L. DAVIS, Shoriir. Shcrill 'H office, Tioucsta, Sept. 11, 1K71. Tho Temperance Ticket. To the Editort of reiuisyh'ania : Gentxj.men : llaviue; reat the se lections from sixteen paper published iti iho State Jouriml of August 20th, cotidciiiniiij' the policy in regard to the temperance ticket of August 9th, I ntn satisfied tho character of this movement is not uu.lcrstooil, Without intending it, some of you are (loins' a great wrong to the main body of tern perunce men. Yon speak of it as an action for which the temperance cause is responsible, aud its it it hud some official character. Itisonlva move, men t of a very few dissatisfied men who have separated themselves from the main body, und in tho language of their audrai, ol August To, "luruied a party, adopted a platform, and turn. icated candidates," This movement had its origin with the present editor of the official organ of the Good Tem plars, who was joined by a few' men of good character, he having made them beleive that the cause had been "sold out" by the President of the May Convention, and thus induced them to unite with him in a cull for tho Au gust meeting. Ou the SOth of June, the State Central Committee w us ap pointed, and the lenders of this Au gust movemeut accepted positions in that committee, and met with it July 11. Having accepted this position under iho authority of the May Con vention, the August Convention should have been abandoned, us the reasons assigned fur it no longer existed. Hut these mon met, aud iu spite of ail of torts to prevent it, placed in nomina tion a Stato ticket. To justify their action, they (hen said "we are acting as individuals, without any otiicial authority." Now they claim official character, and say they "have formed a party, Ac." From these facts it will he seen this action is nothing less than rebellion aguiust the authority of tho May Con vention, of which these tutu still claim to be a part. Temperance men, as a body, therefore are iu no way responsi ble for this ticket. Already several District Conventions ill various parts of the Slate have repudiated this ac tion, the State Central Committee are preparing to do so, and other orgtn uutions will follow. Let this factiou be treated hereafter so us not to involve any man who is true to his principles aud faithful to his pledges. 1'. Coomb i:. Lancaster, Fa, Aug. 'J'Jth, 1871. In the "Life of Uiiiihum," uu amu sing anecdote is told of King, the ac tor, who met a friend whose name he had forgotten, ami took him home to dinner. After several incH'cctual at tempts to tiud out his name, King said: "Mv friend and I have a dis pute as tu hoiv yoii spell your name; indeed wc have laid u bottle of wine about it." "Oh! with two p's," was the uuswer. Another wife has poisoned her liti bnud, 'Ihe salutation atuiini' wives has become, "How are you juy .dm? I Where ii.-, votl Imy.voiir poi.oii'r" f CLIPTOGRAKS. The it" a ft'irv tol l of a ;lf-willed deacon, who was always on the wrong side and ludicrously atubW::. Yt'heii the temperance rcfo.m was in" full feather, and the question w.n discuss ed in the' church of which he was an officer, he, as a matter of course, oppos ed it. He would not sign the pledge; ho would not consent to its presenta tion in the Sunday school ; he objected vehemently to the distribution of tractc One day, in the presence of a full house, one of the members of the church . made the case of ilia deacon a subject of prayer. He said : "O Lord ! if thy servant, our brother, continues his op position to us, wilt Thou, in thy tender mercies', remove hini from the church militant below to the church triumph ant above?" "Iwon'tgol" thuudcrtid the indignant and obetinate deacon. . A nicely dressed young gentleman en tered a barber shop iu a eome-whHt retired portion of the city a few days ago, for the purpoBO of getting shaved. The tousorial artist . epttt o the brush nnd proceeded to lather, when he was Rtopped by the horror stricken custom er, who inquired what bo meant by spitting on the brush. "Why," -said the liarber, "ain't you a gentleman?" "Yes," replied the stranger. "Well," said the barber, "that's tho way we treat geutletueu; when a rough compl in, we just merely epit on his face." Sometimes in after life, when the feet of sonic wayward man have stray cd far away from the home of his youth, and his heart has wandered far from his father's God, some mem ory of the pnst, like the sweet, sad memory of the evening chime, may wake long slumbpring echoes and open long soaled 1'ountaiiiV; and a fath er's counsels and a motlui's prayers wi!l come up again from the sacred burial placet of the pnst with wondrous power to ruelt and win the . wayward heart. '. ' : ' 1 A party of gentlemen wero having a good time near Fond Du Lac, Wis consin, roently, when it occurred to one of them that a glass of water might be an agreeable variety. Tho most sober individual iu tho company was detailed for dtny at the well. He pro ceeded to a grinstone, put his - bucket in position, and turned the crank with dignilied assiduity till some one: stop ped him by laughing long enough to convince him of his mistake.. A quakcr gentleman riding in a carriage with a fashionable lady deck ed with n profusion of jewelry, heard her complain of tho cold. Shivering in her lace bonnet and shawl as light as a cobweb, she ezclamed: "What shall I do to get warm?" "I really don't know," replied the Qttakor sol emnly; "unless thee should put on an other breastpin."" ' ' Lady had a favorite lap-dog, which she called Perchance. "A sinzular name," said bouiebody, "for a beauti ful pet, madam. Where did you find it?" "Oh," drawled she, "it was named for BvronV doer. You remember where ho says 'Perchance my dog will howl.'" - ' A quarrel on tho Boulevard, termi nated thus, one day recently, to the amusement of the spectators: "Mort- sier, you shall give mo tsatisfuctivu."' Keply (amid a peal ot laughter) "Monsieur, I cannot. Iain a niuuibcr of tho Society for Protecting Animals." Young lady (indignar.t at bcincr brought to the Academy of designs too early:) "Now, I told you, papa, this wasu t tho iushionublo hour. Well have nothing but thej horrid pie1., ires to look at till the people t onic!" A man of superior pompo.sitv wat onea alluded to by Washington Irving as "a great man, uud, in Ins own es timation, a man of great weight. When he goes to the West he thinks tho East tips up." A fellow tried to hang himself in London not long ago, aud the magis trate before whom he was taken very properly ordered him to pay tho man who cut him down ten shillings for tho job. A Hartford horso seizes rats in his mouth when they emtio to hi j manger to steal his oats, shakes them like a terticr until satisfied they are dead, and then throws them out of tlio Liu. Young ladies are uow advised not to put too much oil on their hair, lor the reason that it is apt to spoil not only the lappel of the coat, but also tho vest. A daughter of a New York stock broker exults ot'er the fact that sho has liic:, to 1., , ; six times and has never been tho iuside of her mother's kitchen. Great lritiiin last yo.r cousuiued forty-two million pounds of tobacco, or a pound ami a half tor each one of tho population. The largest telcscopo in t! e world is now being made at Cambridge, Mass., for tlio govorment. Three or four years will bo required to coin ' to it. 'Ciu-ii bread," said an Irish waiter; "wot httveu't got it; an' Lu't, it corn bale von loatie?''