The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 19, 1871, Image 3

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    TUESDAY MORNIXG, SETT. 19, 1871.
J1iirrje II. II. Mat.
ijnu'ncilmcn Jacob Shrlver, J. It. FUronp,
W. V, Dlmond. S. II, Haslet, .1. WlnmiH.
Justice of the. Peace V. 1. MorcilJiott,
I. 8. Knox.
Constable 3. N. Toll "worth.
Sehnol Directors J. Winnna, J. A. Palo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlver, 1). S. Knox,
W. D. Irwin.
t .
President Jurirrc James Camfmslu
Associate Judges J. .A. .Pnoruri, As-
.Sheriff V.. L. Davis.
JUstrict. Attorney W. W. MABon.
J'reanurer H. -Prothonotary,
Register A Recorder, Ac.
3. B. AtlKW.
fbrnmiMiofuTA N.P. Whkki.kii, Bkhj.
Omiiry $itri)itenlrnt8, V. IlnnTnftR.
iari lHnissionersJ as. Oilfilwan,
(Vuoif.v Niirvrtor S.T). Inwi!.
. thrniior Johiah WlifANS. .'
"County .4iiifir L. Ij. IIacki Em
Hoi.kmaw, Wm. Clark.
Member of Congress l)th Dwtrict .. W.
8cofifm. .
fftnte .SVnrcrc W. A. WALLACE.
Asscnbly John O. Hall.
Clubbing chestnuts is the popular
amusement now. They are getting so
nearly ripe that there is some enjoy
ment in ealiuc: thorn. Wfc will have a
good crop this fall.
Hickory Circuit paid $352.02 for
benevolent purposes, beyond the Fas-
tor'f salary during the last Conference
Year. Tho blessing of God will sure
y honor such a contribution as the
Above. '
Knox fc Co. have on hand an
abundance of grapes of the first quali
ty, which they sell cheap for cash.
They have our heart-felt thanks for a
box of tho same, with which we ap
poaScd our grape hunger aud that of
our friends.
We have neglected to notice the
action of the Erie Conference upon
tho case of R. II. Roberts. We under
stand that he was found "not guilty,"
of the charge preferred, but was bv
Icuced for one year on general princi
Rev. J. A. Hume, of Eastllicko
ry was unanimously elected President
of the Re-union Association of the
150th Pa. Rucktail RecimenL which
22th, in st.- A compliment wortn be'
lug appreciated.
Next week is court week. We
Always enjoy tlns'particular week, be
cause business is bound to be lively.
Quite a number of Commonwealth
cases will be tried in addition to the
trial list which is published. A list of
juror drawn will be found in to-day's
paper. . . .
Hickory Circuit was the Banner
Charge in the Erie Conference, for
1871, iu its collection for "suporan
uated preachers, t'leir widows and or
phans." This statement is authorized
by Rev. R. B.Boyd, of South Oil City,
$109 was the amount given by the
above circuit.
A. B. Root & C. F. Gillespie have
.bought out the business of Landers &
Savage, on JuJuh Run, and are about
to erect a large mill. They are both
good business men, and we have no
loubt but that they will make a profit'
able investment in that particular
The crops, with the exception of
grass are said to be 'good throughout
old Forest. This is fortunate, much
more so than was expected at the be'
ginning of the Summer, as the dry
weather was supposed to be so genera'
and so continuous that short crops were
Jas. McKay and Capt. Knox are
going to put a building on the lot
north of our office, right soon. The
lumber is on the ground, a good share
of it, and we understand that the rest
is over at the depot. Mr. McKay is
to use part of the building as a post of-
ficeand a Masonic Hall is talked of in
the upper story. We will give fuller
. details as we hear them.
Improvements are going on about
the Court House. New and subs tan
tial walks and stairs are being built
from the road to the Court House.
This is something that has long been
needed, and we are glad that it has
been attended to before court week
During next summer we expect the
Court House ground to be fixed up in a
style that will compare favorably with
those of other counties around us.
M. Ittel, miue host of the TioneS'
ta House is building au addition to
his barn 80x36 feet. This will mak
tho whole barn cover an area of 30x72
feet aud will prove ample for the ac
commodatiou of the horses of travel
lcrs, circuses, menageries, Ac. Mr
Ittel is bound to make tho Tionesta
House a success, if energy and good
management will do it, and we hav
no doubt that by the time the flood
comes, he will bein good shape to en
tcrtain all the raftsmen of the creek
and a number of others beside.
Grkavks Dale, At. the residence of
the brldo's parents, In Tlonestc, Tuesday,
Sept. 19, by Rev. Dr. Ixomis, of Meadvillo,
Mr. Win. A. Groaves, of Utica, N. Y., and
MIm Gertrndo, daughter of lion. Jno. A.
Dale, of this place.
Having the good fortune to receive
tickets, we arose early in tho morning
and proceeded to the place referred to,
to see tho happy couple united. They
were married at about 9 o'clock A. M.,
after which congratulations and break
fast took plate. We enjoyed both.
They took the 2:14 train for Buffalo,
where they will spend a few days ; from
thence they will proceed to Watertown,
N. Y., to visit the relatives of Mr.
Greaves. They will reside in Utica,
N. Y. We were sorry to observe that
Judge Dale was was confined to his
his bed, by reason of injuries sustained
in the railroad accident at Westport.
Tho newly-married pair have our best
wishes for a happy future.
Murder in Howe Tp.
One week ago Saturday, a man
named Matthew Turner who has made
ing his home for the last three years at
Thos. Porter's, left the house to go to
his shanty, on the Foxburgh Road,
about ono mile this side of Foxburgh,
where he had a job. On Wednesday
last, as Mr. Porter was returning from
Marien, where he had been registering,
he camo by tho Foxburgh Road for
the purpose of seeing Mr. Turner, and
not finding him at the shanty, nor any
evidence that ho had been there, he
took tho road that Turner should have
taken, and found him lying in the
road about two miles from the shanty,
face downward, dead. His head and
neck were filled with buck-shot, and
he had evidently been killed at once.
The charge had hit him rather on the
left Bido of tho face and neck. His
gun was found standing up against a
log by the side of the road, and hi
hatchet on the log. - He bad a revol
ver and hunting knife in his belt. His
gun and revolver were fully load
ed, so that it could have been no acci
dent of his own. Acorener's jury was
impannelled, and proceeded to the
spot the next morning, and found, that
tho deceased came to his death from
the effects of a charge of buckshot
fired from a gun, or other deadly weap
on, in the hands of some person or
persons unknown. .
Mr. Turner is described as having
been a man of about 50 years of age,
an industrious and steady man, respect
ed by all who knew him. His death
has cast a gloom over tho community
about Howe tp, and hopes are enter
tained that the assassin may be brought
to justice. Suspicions are held as to
who the murderer is, but no evidence
appearing, we aro not at liberty to
publish the name of the pcrscn sub
pected. ; There comes a report to us from
the old part of the county that a man
named Haight has been making him'
self generally obnoxious to the inhab
itants of that section by his general
lawlessness and rufliuuism. Week be'
fore last he went to a house where
there was an old lady and a little girl
of thirteen, and inquired the road to
Strattonville. He was informed, but
wanted the old lady to let the little
girl go with him and show him the
road. She would not consent to it, but
the little girl went out into the front
yard with him to point out the direc
tion to him, when he attempted to vio
late her person. The old lady coming
out, he knocked her down some two or
three times, and then fearing assist
ance would come, fled. The inhabit
ants have been hunting vigilantly for
him since then. And now comes a re
port that he has lately burned the
barn of Owen Butterfitld, across the
Clarion River, in Jefferson county. It
was a valuable barn, and the loss will
be considerable. Haight is said to be
an old convict, having just gotten out
of prison recently. We sincerely hope
that the citizens of that vicinity may
succeed in catching him, that he may
pay the penalty of his crimes.
At Tiouesta, lust week, a dentist
named Dally was forced to leave the
town for taking too much freedom with
bis iumale customers. fyectator:
In justice to Dr. Dally we wish to
correct the above, from which but one
inference could be drawn. We. never
heard, and don't believe, that the Dr.
was in the least impolite to his ludy
customers. His work and bills did
not give satisfaction to his male custO'
mers, and they made it very disagree'
able for him and be folded his tent and
left for sume other place. He owed
us a bill, and paid it, hence we feel
called upon to defend him against un
just insinuations and charges.
In our last issue we made a mis
take in the day of the Mass Meeting,
which is to take place on Tuesday
evening instead of Friday evening of
Court week. Let there bo a full at
tendance. .
D. Black,, of the Forest Hotel is
erecting a large baru for the accom
modation of the cattle and horses of
customers. 'Building business is quite
brisk in town just now.
John Hulings, formerly of this
place, now on the Venango Co. Poor
Farm, came to this place on Saturday
ast to bury an infant child who had
died on Thursday evening. Mr. Hu
lings and wifo have tho sympathy of
all who know them.
Oa Wednesday last the "Whoop-
er-ups" met the "Scrubs" on the ball
ground, and dished it up to them to
the tune of GO to 18. It might be well
to remark that the champion player of
the "Scrubs," Harry Bales, catcher,
was absent, and although we cannot tell
what tho result would have been had
he been here, we feel free to say that
his absence was severely felt.
Then, again, on Saturday last, by
reason of a challenge scut in by the
'Scrubs," another game was had, in
which the "Whoopcr-ups" scored 28
runs, and the "Scrubs" 17. We under
stand that another is to bo played.
Nobody can say that the "Scrubs" lack
grit, and we hope to have it to chroni
cle that they have eventually come out
Wm. Graves, of Utica has been
painting some portraits since his visit
here, and we went up to his studio
yesterday morning to look at them.
We wero particularly pleased with' a
life-size and life-like portrait of Judge
Dale, painted by Mr. Graves within
the last two weeks. It is Judge before
accident, and if it can be improved
upon we have no desire to see the im
provement. Mr. Graves has orders
for eight portraits from this vicinity,
and we shouldn't be surprised that he
would have a good many more before
he leaves. We also saw a couple of
landscapes painted by Mr. Graves,
which seem to us to be first-class pic
tures. Mr. Graves is a young man,
but he handles the brush like an old
The Circus has come and gone.
We suppose that it was about like the
generality of circuses. There was a
very large crowd in town, in fact, the
largest we have ever seen here. The
proprietors of the institution must have
made money. The balloon ascension
we considered a failure, the balloon
only going up a very short distance,
and doming straight down again, and
the "traperer" not "trapezing" any
to speak of. The disappointment in
regard to the ascension was general,
as everybody expected a grand sight.
Very little drunkenness was observed
in town, and in that respect our citi
zens were pleased. We believe the
institution paid all billd promptly.
Dessolution Notice.
The coportnership heretofore exist
ing between A. J. Landers and T Sav
age, under tho name of Savage &
Landers, is this day dissolved, by
mutual consent.
A. J. Landers.
T. Savage.
Sept, 12, 1871. 24 3t
' Having taken the agency for the
Bucyrus Knitting Machine Co's Ma
chine, we are prepared to furnish our
oustomers with the best knitting ma
chine, that will do all kinds of kniU
ting such s Socks, Gloves, Shawls,
Scarfs, also throwed up stitch,
and can be regulated to as fine or loose
stitch as is required in any kind of
knitting. Superior Lumber Co,
' Tionesta, Sept. 12th, 1871. 23 tf.
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book-
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
oau be seen at this office.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " Iniuan Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place.' Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, w ho will
furnish them with all the information
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
having bought the School Book trade
of J. J. Fisher.are now prepared to fur
nish the public with all kinds of school
and miscellaneous books. Will keep
constantly on hand a full assortment
of school books and geueral literature,
21 3t
M. P. Jeuks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Ta., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds &c, at 20 per cent
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens hare patronized him, and find
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
tor and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West T The best Line is ac
knowledged to be the C, B. & Q.,
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Burlington Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts-
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverge
ing at Red Oak, falls into a. line rua
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to ' Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afur its tree
fringed steams Iu rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of the B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand home-steaders and
preemptora who last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
For Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Thaber Engine and Boiler iu good
der. Inquire of D. S. Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, P
Have you ever tried Nature's
Hair Restorative? You will be de
lighted with it. ' Clean, safe, and effi
cient. It is driving all the poisonous
compounds out of the market. ' It is
as clear as crystal. See advertisement
v ' - - 22 2fc
Use Dr. Ilerrick't Sugar-Coated Veg
etable Pills and Kid Strengthening
Planters, also Dr. Perrin's Fumigalor
for Catarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Herses and Cattle
use .UarveVa Condition Powders the
best in use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox & Co. Agents, Tionesta, Pa.,
and the trade generally. . 21 3m
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will be
paid. They have just received the
agency for an Eastern House, and
want all the wool they can possibly
got. Take your wool there and get
good prices.
New Advertisements.
Whereas, The Honorable James Camp
bell President Judge of the Court of Com
mon Picas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, to., at Tionesta, for
the County of Forest, to commence on the
fourth Monday of Sep. next, being the
25th day of Sep., 1871. Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
and Constables ot said county, that thev be
then and there in their proper persons at
ton o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their oiiices appertain to be done,
and to those who bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners tiiat are
or shall be in the . jail of Forest County, that
they be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just. Given under my
hand and seal this 2'id day of Aug., A. D
1S71. E. L. DAVIS, Sh ll.
In the Common I'Iohs of Forest County.
E. I). No, 13. May Term 1H71.
J. J. Fisiier vs. H. A. Burt.
And now to wit, Mav 21th, 1871. On mo
tion or Plff ' All'y. W. P. Mercilliott ap
pointed Auditor to distribute the pro
ceed arising from a Shurill 's Sale or prop
erty of Defendants.
Extract of the record.
J. B. AGNEW.Prothy.
I will attend to the duties of my ap
pointment at my office in Tionesta
Borough on F riday, Sept. 2:id, 1871, be
tween tho hours of ono and three o'clock
P. M. of said day, wiiere those interested
may attend if they see proper.
Aug. 2ith, 1M7J. 21 3t
WATCH FItKK. "l'rizu. Cuudy
(sixes, Prize Stationery Packages, Cheap
Jewelry, Ac, te., silver watches given
gratis every ugunt i-0 par day made selling
our goods "ut Country Fairs unit Political
Meetings. Send tor Circular, address Mon
roe, Kennedy it Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 22-lt
Or'W'V Retailed by ono. Wanted
, .yvJ" ageu'-s to sell pictures every
where. Whitney it Co., Norwich, ft., 22 4
QQQf Eor 1st class Pianos seut on
V -r tJw trial uo ageutn. AdrosMi U. S.
Piano (V. fil Broadway, N. Y. 3-P..
tl Y VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facia
-LJ Issued oTit of ttto Cmtrt of Common
Ploas of Forest County, Pa., to me diwV
(1 there will he exposed to dale bv pnMlC
vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, In
the Borough of Tionesta, on
MONDAY, SEPT. ioTn, A. D. 1ST1,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following describod
real estate :
C. M. Lyon vs. Ephrlam Lyon, Fl. Fa.,
No. 2ft, Sept. Term 171 Meroifliott All
defendant- right, title, intercut and claim
of, in and to the following deaorihed tract
or parcel of land aitnale In the Township
of Jenka, In the County of Foreat, ami
State of Pennsylvania. Bounded tin fol
lowa, to-wit: lleginning at a pont at the
northwest corner, thence aouth one hun
dred and sixty perches to post, thence
went fifty -three perches ti post, thence
north one hundred and sixty porches to
post, thence west fifty-three perches to the
place of beginning. Containing fifty
three acres, more or less, boing the west
half of a certain tract of land the said Lyon
bought of Cyrus Klood.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Ephriam Lyon, at the suit of
(J. M. iyon.
E. L. DA VIS, Sheriff.
Sept. 6th, 1871. '
Terms cash. 22-"t
The undersigned having been appoint
ed by the Orpliars court of Forest County
to distribute the funds in the hands of
8. 1). Irwin. Administrator of 8. H. Hu
lings dee'd. hereby irivos notice to ail con-
cerned that he will attend to the duties of
the appointment stated at the Court House
in Tionesta Horoon Tuesday and Wednes
day the lllth and 20th davs of September
IBii between the Hours ot w o clock i. iu
and 3 o'clock P. M. of each day.
2i-3t W. P. MERtTLLIOTT, Auditor,
Till AX. LIST,
Oeo. K. Thayer vs. J. A. Nolan A Co.
Abial Drake for use vs. A. J. Maze.
F. II. Ellsworth et, al. vs. Jno. U. Pllks
et. al.
Elizalxrth Oeer vs. It. C. Scott et. al.
K. L. Jone vs. Daniel Murnhv.
Solomon Zenta vs. John B. Leguard.
iw lj. luood vs. James i'atnter. -
Chun, llinton vs. John A. Proper and D,
Chas. Looper vs. Warren & Franklin R.
K. Co.
Forest County vs. John O. Brandon.
Forest County vs. Chas. J. Fox.
Commonwealth for use vs. John W. Mil
ler et. al.
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
ti. ii. jo. way Term i7i.
I. Hilbronner Co. vs. Oeorgo Morgan
And now to wit. May 24th, 1K71, on mo
tion ofW. W.Mason Esq., Att'y for Plff.
W. P. Mercilliott appointed Auditor to
distribute the proceeds arising from a
Bheriii-s sale ot property of Defendant.
Extract from the Ileoord.
J. B. AUNEW, Prothy.
I will attend to the duties of mv appoint
ment at my office in Tionesta Borough on
Saturday Sept. 23, 1871, between the hours
of nine and ten o'clock A. M. of said day
where those interested may attend if they
see proper.
Aug. 26th, 1871. 21 2t
The new book, COD REASON AND
SCIENCE! or, The Landmarks of Truth,
is highly commended by all demonstra
tions, and sells rapidly. Agents should se
cure a choice of field, at once. Send for
terms, and see extra Inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, 712 Chestnut St.. Phila
delphia. 22 4t
AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive territo
, ry granted on the
Contains over .WO illustrations. Is a
eomplote Library of Biblical Knowledge.
Excellsall others. In English and German
Send for Circulars. Wm. F'iint fe Co, Phil
delphia, Pa. 22-4t
Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
For Cough,s, Colds and Hoarsenses.
TheRe Tablets present the Acid In Com
bination with other efficient remedies, in a
popular lorm, tor tner fnre or all throat
and lung diseases. Hoarseness and Ul
ceration of the throat are immediately re
Moved, and statements are constantly be
ing sent to the proprietor of relief in cases
ui lurumujuiuuxtiusui years standing.
fS A I ITI O f.i Ife H"re that vou
WAU I IUH ret Wells' Carlis
le Tablets ; don't let other goods be palmed
off on you in their place.
John Q. Kcllog 31 Piatt St., N. Y. Sole
Agent. Sold by Druggists, Price 25 cents
Agents Wanted I Extra Terms
Book agei:ti have long wanted a novelty
in the subscription line, which will sell at
nigiit in every lamny.
Is the only work extant which satisfies
this want. It is beautiful and striking,
combining an entirely now and eiogant
Family Photograph Album, with com
plete Family History. F'ull particulars
free. Address Geo. Maclean, Publisher,
i iw cansoin street, ruuaueipnia. zz-4t
!Send for our new Price List and a
Club tor in will accompany it, containing
full directions making a large saving to
consumer-, ana rouiuuoralive club organ
The 3reat Aiuerieau Tea
P. O. Box 6043. HBW YOKK. 22 4t
It contains over l.iU fine engraving or
liattie Kcenes anil incidents In the War,
and is the only FULL, AUTHENTIC ami
OFFICIAL history or that great conflict.
Agents are meeting with unprecedented
success selling from 20 to 40 copies per day
and it is published iu both English anil
pillTiriU Inferior histories are being
w w wiicirculaUHl. Wee that the book
you buy contains 1U line engravinirs and
boo pages, Send fur circulars A see our
terms, ana a lull description or the work.
CO., Phila., Pa. 15-4t
This Rook, an elegant Octavo Volume,
contaiuiiii 750 pages, and 105 tirst-class en
gravings, is an uxhaustivu and Ntandard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
the present time, exposes its baseless pre
tences, its frauds, its persecutions, its
gross immoralities, its opposition to our
public schools, and civil and religious lib
erty, it siiows its insidious workings which
strongly tend to bring tiiis country under
full Romish control. l'ros-clus, and
books rsadv on application. Conn. Pub
lishing Co., HuclP.rd Conn, ?,'-4t
Contains no LAC SULPHUR Xo
sugar of leadNo litii
aug no nitrate of sil-
' VER, and is entirely free from the
Poisonous and lenlth-detroying
Drugs used in other Hair Vrjiara
tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will
not soil the finest fiibrie, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN and EFFICI EXT-dpsideratiims
Lonj sought For and found at
LAST! - - -
It restores and prevents the Hair from
beeoniinir Gray. Imparts a soil, nlottsv an.
tiearance, removes Dandruff. Is cool and
refreshing to tho bead, checks tho Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lust, prevents
Headaches, euros all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat, AH A
DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is
put up In a panel bottle, made expressly
for It, with the name of the article blown
In the glass. Ask your Druggist for
Nature' Hair Restorative, find take no
'r-Send two three- cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." Tho Information it con
tains is worth f5''0,00 to any person.
Is a South Amerioau plant that has been
used lor many years by tho medical
faculty of those countries witli wonderful
ctlicacy, and is a Sure and Pertovt Itemed
for all Diseases of the
Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction "of Intestines, Urinary,
Uterine, or Abdominal Orfrans,
Poverty or a want of lilood, In
termittent or Remittent
Fevers, Intlamatlon of
the Liver, Dropsy,
Sluggish Circu
lation of the
Blood. Abscesses. Tumors. Jaundice.
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever, or
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
is a most perfect alterative, and is offered
to the public as a groat invigorator and
remedy for all impurities of the blood, or
for organic weakness witu their attendant
evus. nor tue loregomg compiainw
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to every
family as a household remedy, and should
be treeiy UJsen in all derangements oi uie
systcuiy. - ,
n is aot a. rurssn; it is not wnai is
popularly called a BITTERS, nor is it in
tended as such j but is simply a powerful
alterative giving health, vigor and tone to
an me viuu torces, and animates and lorn
ties all weak arid 1 vmnhatic tenincrameuts.
York. Sole Agent tor the United States
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for
Circular. 22-4t
Vtsttl for
mm IWi 'V fill MlI
The remarkable adventures of the fa
mous White Chief and Big Warrior among
the Red Skins. Thrilling accounts of
Great Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes anil
Terrible Contests with tho big game and
hostlo tribes. Spirited descriptions of tho
habits and superstitions or that strange
people-, 'i neir csporis, i.egonas, -iraai-tions.
How they Woo and Wed. Scalp,
Doctor. Worship. Ac. New. Fresh and
Popular. Price Low It is selling by the
tnousamts witu wonueriui rapnuty. rsenu
at once ior sample chapters, illustration!
and siiucia1 terms, to Hubbard Bros., Pub
lishers, 723 Sansoni Streot, Philadelphia.
joint nnsoi.t'TToy:
Proposing an amendment to the Constitu
lion oi .reuiisyivanta.
Be it Resolved bu the Senate and Ifouse
of HcvresentatiX'es of the Commonwealth of
1. r ... .1 U ml
That the following amendment i uie c-on
stitution of this Commonwealth be pro
posed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the
leuiu arucie luereoi, to wit.
Strike out tho Sixth Section of tho Sixth
Article of the Constitution, and insert in
lieu thereof the following :
"A Stata Treasurer shall bo chosen by
the qualified olectors or the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shull
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the TTouse of Representatives.
Speaker of the .Senate.
Approved the lilleonth day or Juno,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to tho Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. V. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth. I
Harrishurg, July 6th, 1H71. J
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
(al at the old Everiiurt Bunk, iwo
miles from Newmauville fur 7 iwuu per
or al Tionesta aud vicinity for
Ho always has a largo supply on hand,
Now is the time to lay in a largo supply
Orders promptly attended to 29
Maufiictuiers of Hot Air Engines,
1, 2, and 1 Horse-Power,
No water used I
I 'ac not ( -iode !
!o MMiirttiiKdciu.aud-si!-
Nut liublg to gut out J
order I
Requires no Skilled
1 iigineer t
o s to run 23 cents
per day per horse powt r. 22-4t
AGK.NTS WasTkii .!2.r, pr niort.'i by
Imj American Knining Macmi.u Co.,
Bosunuv Mass., or Kt. lxuis, Mo. '5 Kin
To the Norvooua
WHOSE sufferings have-been protrst
1 from hidden causes, and whee
cases require prompt trealineat to remWr
existence desirable I
If yon are suffering, or have euffsred
from involuntary discharges, what effect,
docs it produce on your gonoral health t
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a llttlo extra exertion produce pal
pitation or thopieartT Dors your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get ont of rrrder T Is your urine seme
times thick, milky or floeky, or is it ropy
on settling T Or docs a thick skum rlHe to
tho top T Or is a sediment at the bottom af.
ter It has stood awhile T Do you have
spells of short breathingor dispopsia? Arc
your bowels constipated? Do you have
spoils of fralntlng, or rushes of blood to
the head T Is your memory Impared T It.
your mind constantly dwelling on thi
subject? Doyoufeol dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or.lile ? Do you wish
tobe left alone, away from everybody ?
Does any little thing mke you start or
Jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless t
Is the lustre of your eyo as brilliant?
The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself in socioly as well ? Do
you pursue your business with the same
energy ? Do you feel as much conAdeneo
in yousolf ? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your book
weak, your knees weak, and have but li
tle appetite, and you attribute this to dyy.
pepsiaor liver-complaint f
Now, reader, self-abase, venereal Ala-
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera-
tion,when ln'irfect health, make tho man
Did you ever think that those bold, deft-
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus-
iness-mon are always those wliose genera
tive organs are iq pcrfecfhoalth? Yon
never bear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervbnsness.of palpitation
or tho heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed In business ; they don't be
come sad aud discouraged ; they a'realways
polite and pleasant in the company of la- .
dies, andjook you and them right in the'
Taco nono'of your downcast looks' or any
meanness about theui. ' I do nat mean
those who keep the organs in dated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin thoir constitutions, but alse those)
they do business with or foji.
ITow many men, from badly eared dis
eases, from the effects of stlf-abuse and
excess, have brought about that state of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so mneh as to produce
almost every othor disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicido, and al -most
every other form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and the real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever Buspected and
have doctored for ail bnt the right
Dise&ses'of these organs require thaM
of a Diuretic. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic,
and is a certaiu cure 'for diseases of tho
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgaa
io Weakness, Feiuulo Complaints, Gener
al Dobity, and all discuses of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
malo, from whatevor cause originating,
and no matter of how long standing,
If no treatment Is submitted to, esa,
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our
flesh and blood aro supported from thexu
sources, and tho health and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, dcronds ot,
prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Ilelmbold's Extract Bucliu, establisiixi
upward ot l'.ijA'eurs, prepared by H. V.
H ELM BOLD, Druggist, UH Broadway.
New York, and 10-t Ssulh 10thStre.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pnii'K-l.!U per botl!j
or U bottles for Ji.S0, delivered to any un
dress, fcoldbyall Drugjjest every tor. f
Wrapper, fac-smijo of my Chemical Wars-
hou . aud signed Li. T. 11 KLM BOLD.