The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 19, 1871, Image 1

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    to' FCB 1,1311 HI) KVfiRY TUWDAT, 1ft
DfTlce in Knox's Building Elm. Street
TERMS) f3.00 A YEArt.
No Subscriptions rpohlVod for a shorter
foriml than throe month.
'orronpondonco snlleltfld from nil part
of tho cmintry. No notlre will be taken of
aunony minis communication!!.
Marriages and Death notloea Inserted
I. O. GK T.
It t eeta every Wodnesday evening, at 8
LM o'clock.
W. It, DUNN, W. C. T.
M.W. TATE, W. 8.
!tf ln Street, TIONESTA , PA.
Isaac Ash,
A Will practice In'the various fVnirts of
Forest i:ounty. ah Dusinesa murumau v
Jkii care will receive prompt attention,
W. W. Mssort,
A TTORNKY AT LAW. Office on Elm
Hlrcet, above Walnut, Tlonosta, Pa.
C. W. Gilflllan,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Vo-
J. uittiKO Co,
N. B. Smiley,
A TTOUNEY aT LAW. Tctrolcum Ccn-
J trc, Pa. Will prunUce iu the several
Vuurts or orest county, aa-ij
W. P. Mercilllott,
Attorney mt Iiw,
Joh,r K. HaUock,
A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
J Pntents.Nn. Mfci French streotlopposits
ltixl IIousol Erie. Pa. Will practice In
the several Stats Courts and the United
Klatcs CourU. Hiwvinl attention (riven to
soliciting patents Ar Inventors; Infringe
ments, re-Issue and extension of patents
carHfiillv attended to. Kerorenceat won
James Campbell, Clarion t Hon. John H.
l ... i.l...nnt V..nlrllni IT T. A i. It
Richmond, Moadvllle; W. E. Lathy. Tl-
Tionesta House.
MITTEL, "Proprietor, Elm St, Tlo
nesta. Pa., at the mouth of the creek,
. Mr. Ittlo has thoroughly renovated the
TionostA Hmian, and re-furnished It com
pletely.' All who natroniwi him will be
well entertained at roasonable rates, al ly
U Court llouso. TionesU. Pa. Just
opened. Evurvthine new and clean and
fresh. The Ixwt of liquors kept constantly
on hand, A portion of the public patron
age is respectfully solicited. 4-17-1 Y
Holmes House,
nnoNESTA. PA., opposite the Depot
1 C. D. Mable. Proprietor. Oood Sta
bling connected with the house. tf.
Syracuse House,
Tl DIOUTF, Pa., J. A D Maokr, Prople
tors. The houwo has boon thoroughly
refitted and is now in the llrst-clans order,
with tlie best of accommodations. Any
iiforiimiion concerning Oil Torritory at
this point will be clioertuiiy rurnisiKxt.
-ly J. ID. MAUEE,
Exchangd Hotel,
J dkki, 8o Prop's. This house having
been rented is now tlie inostdesirablestop
ping placo in Tidloute. A good Billiard
ltooiu attached. 4-ly
- - National Hotel,
TRVINETON. PA. W. A. Jlallenback,
" Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and Is
ow ojjen as a first class house, situate at
exjunction of the Oil Creek Allegheny
ttver and Philadelphia it Erie Railroads,
pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay
vcr trains will nnd this the most eon von
ent hotel in town, with first-class aooom
donations aim reasonable unargea. u.
Late of Bradv'a Bend, has located In
Tionoxta, and is prepared to do all kinds ot
work iu the line of repairing
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &o,
In good stvle and warranted to give satis
faction. Watches, Jewelry, Ac., will be
left In care of 1. H. Knox, who will be re
sponsible for their safe return.
13-ly. It. E. MORRIS.
Corner of Church and Elm Streets,
This firm is prepared to do all work in
Us line, and will warrant everything done
at their shops to give satisfaction. Par
ticular attention givou to
Give them a trial,
grot it.
and you will
not re-13-1
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
This Bank transacts a Geueral Banking,
C'ollix'ting and Exchange Business,
Drafts on tho Principal Cities of the
United Ktutes and Europe bought and sold.
(ioiil and Silver Coin and Government
Securiti.'M bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds
converted on tho most favorable terms.
Inturetst allowed on time doposiu.
Mar. 4, tf.
It will pay.
Kort Republicrn
" Let us have Faith
VOL. IV. NO. 24.
Dr. J. L. Acorrtb,
and suivfMBfiif practice, will attend all
had nffcwn vcars' experience in a larre
Professional Call". Office In hla Prujr and
Grocery Htors, located in Tidloute, near
Tidioute Houne.
A full assortment of Medlclnea. Llnnora
Tobacco, Cigar, Htatlonory, Glaus, Paints,
Oils, Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the
bent quality, and will be sold at reasonable
H. R. BUROESS, an experienced Dror
Ist from New York, has charge of the
Stere. All prescriptions put up accurately.
Tint Sons A Co.'S
NEW ENGINES. Theunderslgnedhave
forsale and will receive orders for the
above Engine. Messrs. TlfTt Hons fc Co.
are now sending to this market their 12-
Horse Power Engine with 14-uorse rower
Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
Offhirs at Duncan A Chalfent s, dealers
In Well Fixtures, Hsrdware, Ac, MsinHt
next door to t'hsse House, Pleasantvllle,
and at Mansion Hnnso, Titusvilie.
tf. K. BKKTT A SON, Agents.
Jos. Y. Saul,
RACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
dler. Threo doors north of Holmes
House, Tionosta, Pa. All work Is war
ranted, tf.
TU. J. Sf. BO LARD, of Tidioute. has
XJ returnsd to his practice after au ab
enen of four months, spent In the llospl
talsofNew York, whore he will attend
calls in his profession.
Otllce tn Kurcxa urng niore, on noor
tbove the bank, Tidloute, Pa. 4Utf
t ths.Stors of
zi w v r r
O. AV AS U A, . W,
Elm St., ionesta T.
We are In dally receipt ot the arf est and
which we are determined to sell regardless
of prices.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, Ac., which ws offer at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac, Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO.
Triumphs ef Enterprise
A New Book, 700 octavo pages, well
illustrated, intensely Interesting, and very
instructive. Exclusive territory given.
Our Tonus are the most Lilxiral. Apply
to us, ana see It tney nro not. A.
HALE A CO., Hartford, Cunu.
NEY YORK STORE, Centre Street
that Right makes alight ; and
Correspondence from Utah.
Oprir Crnr, Utait, Aug. 27, 71.
Ed. Republican : Your excellent
paper comes to band every week for
which I have to thank mj cousin, D.
W. Clark, of your place. It does me
good to see a paper from "America,"
even, though the place u strange to
I have been at work recently run
ning an engine in a smelter, but at
present am working at wy trade, to
ff it, carpentering. Am getting $4.00
par day, which is quite good wages,
considering the price of provisions, as
we can buy provisions here about as
cheap as in Omaha, where they pay
f 1.50 per day, and work scarce at that.
We are not doiug anything on our
claims at present ; think best to work
while there is plenty to do and wages
good, for as soon as winter comes on,
the "Yahoo's" (Mormons) will flock in
from all quarters and work for "grub"
f nothing more.
We now have our best claim in
shape to work in winter, when snow
will answer for water. The latter is
rather scarce on the hills. In the sum
mer the water business is quite an
item here, and it seems queer to the
"Tender-Foot (a person from the
States) to have to buy water. On the
hill north of town they charge lOo per
gallon, and on the hill south 5c. The
water is obtained from fine springs on
the top of either hill, near the upper
end of the Canon.
The mines still continue good, and a
few rich ones are being (truck occas
ionally, but not as often as early in
the season. About everything that
was in sight has been located, conse
quently, if anything is found now, the
prospector has to dig for it, or sink
Our mills are crushing ore quite
steady. The Smelters are all quiet
just now; one starts to-morrow and
the other two soon. The Arastras are
working steady. J. be town still im
proves, if not morally it does in iniqui
ty, as there is being built a bowling
alley, and improvements in the way of
saloons still eontinue.
On the 2d inst, a party consisting
of thirteen persons all married, and
having six of our other parts along,
started for Utah Lake id an old four
horse hack, on a fishing and hunting
trip. At noon we arrived at old Camp
Floyd where wo waited somo three
hours to have some blacksmithing
done on the hack, so the old concern
would hold together for the balance of
tho tirp. Y' e broke the lead bars, the
king-bolt, and lost only seventeen nuts
off the old rattletrap. Floyd is some
twenty-three miles from Ophir around
the valley, and twelve across the hills.
n e find no water on the road after
leaving East Canon till we arrive at
Floyd. They have as fine a spring of
water there as one could ask for. The
town is about crumbled down, or rath
er the houses, as they they are built of
We spread our table-cloth on the
ground and partook of the provisions
brought with us, after which we again
started on our journey. From here we
had a fine road, it being one of the old
California routes. We found no water
until we arrived at the river Jordan,
which connects Utah Lai a with Salt
Lake. We arrived at Lehl at sunset ;
distance traveled, forty miles. Lehi is
situated about two miles from the south
end of the lake, is a very pretty place,
but like all others in this section, is
built of adobes. We 'camped" id the
town. '
On the 3d, we moved some eight
miles on the west side of the lake, to
the hot springs, and camped. These
t prings are quite a curiosity, being two
iu number aud only a few rods from
tho lake. They are some fifteen feet in
diameter; one, it is said, has no bot
tom. The Jake is some ten by thirty miles,
with low banks and a sort of muddy
water. It is claimed that it is the best
place for Gelling in the Territory. We
worked around the south end of the
lake all day, and caught a few chubs
and shot a few "tip-ups," but nothing
else could we reach with line or shot.
Camped for the night nearly disgusted
with our trip.
On the 4th, we broke camp and
and started up the lake ; went eight
miles and got two men to draw a wins
for nsj ths result was about two hun
in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand
pa., Tuesday, September 19, i87i.
dred suckers and chubs, but ne'er a
trout. From hero we have a fine view
of the east side ; we could see five vil
lages, among them the American Forks
and other noted mining districts.
The soil around the lake is like all
I have seen here, it is of no use unless
you can get water to irrigate with.
On the backward route we camped
at Floyd, and on the 5th got home at
noon, pretty well tuckered.
I suppose you will not have room
for more, so I will close, wishing your
self and the Republican a prosperous
future. Yours &c,
II. G. Clark.
Alphabet of Proverbs.
A grain of prudence is worth a pound
of craft.
Boasters are cousins to liars.
Confession of faults make half
Detiying a fault doubles it.
Envy ehooteth at others and Wound-
eth herself.
Foolish fear doubles dangers.
God reaches us good things by our
lie has hard work who has nothing
to do.
It costs more to avenge wrongs than
to bear them.
Knavery is the worst trade.
Learning makes man tit company
for himself.
Modesty is a guard to virtue.
Xsot to bear conscience is tbe way
silence it.
One hour to-day is worth more than
two to-morrow.
Proud looks make foul work on fair
Quiet conscious gives sweet sleep.
Richest is he that wants least.
Small faults indulged are little
thieves that let in greater.
The boughs that bear most bend
Virtue and happiness are mother
and dauebter.
Wise men make more opportunities
than they nnd.
You never lose by doing a good turn
Zeal without knowledge is fire with
out light.
After he built the Drew Church,
one of bis neighbors was inquiring of
Daniel his experience about special
providence. "Beleive in special prov
idence? VI coarse 1 do. said .Daniel
"Why, when I subscribed ten thousand
dollars for that church I had no idea
where the money was coming from,
but Providence was with me. I went
down to Wall street, got in with some
ofthoBe New lork smart lei lows, and
in less than six months I had skinned
them out of ten thousand dollars as
clear as a whistle."
A dyspeptic read thnt by sending a
dollar by mail he would receive a cure
tor dyspepsia, lie sent tbe money,
and received a slip with the following
printed on it: "Stop drinking and hoe
in the garden." The man was mad at
first, then laughed, and finally went to
hoeing, and stopped drinking, and he
is now as well as ever.
i be Delaware X eninsula will, it is
reported, this year ship three million
five hundred thousand baskets of
peaches, or five hundred thousand
more than last year.
iwenty-nvo hundred women, cod
victed of Betting fire, or attempting to
set fire, to buildings in Paris, have
been sentenced to transportation to
New Caledonia.
The Earl of Shaftesbury used to say
tbat all men of sense bad one religion,
"And what religion is that?" asked a
lady. "That, men of sense never tell,"
replied tbe earl.
A gentleman in Massachusetts, from
the 4th to tbe 2dth of May. realized
sixteen hundred dollars net from the
sale of strawberries grown on six acres
of land.
Those famous antique statues the
Venus of Milo and the Polyhymnia-
were destroyed in the partial confla
gration of tbe Louvre.
The cholera has appeared in the
south of France. Measures have been
adopted to prevent if possible, the
spread of the disease.
An honest banker sometimes fails in
making money, but a dishonest oue
makes money by failing.
The sting of a bee carries conviction
with it. It makes a man a bee-leaver
at once.
The German army of occupation iu
France has been rod u cod to 150,000.
Grocers are requested to remember
that honest tea is the best policy.
Stage drivers look upon rainy days
as peculiarly fare weather.
Card players may know a good deal
aud then not be very wise.
France is uow cruelly called the
Gaul of bitterness.
The roso that all are praising he
roes. Shocking the telegraph business.
The inodorous row had rot.
Not loner since an elderly lady en
tered a railway car, and disturbed the
passengers a good deal with complaints
about a 'most dreadful rheumatic' tbat
she was troubled with. A gentleman
present, who had himself been a se
vere sufferer with the same complaint,
said to her, 'Did you ever try electici-
ty, madam 7 1 tried it, and in tbe
course of a short time it cured roe.'
Electricity I' exclaimed the old lady;
yes. I've tried it to my satifaction. I
was struck bv lightning about a year
sel good.
A student who bad been imbibing
copious draughts of grape essence, and
who was reveling in a harmless state
of inebriation, overheard two gentle
men discussing the merits of the cele
brated Galileo. The worshipper of
Bacchus interrupted the speaker by
observing that, aocording to his ideas
and views' on tbe subiect, Galileo was
a fool. 'Why so many mental calcu
lations to discover that the earth ro
volves? Three bottles of Burgundy
enabled me to find tbat out.
The 'local' of the Chicago Republi
can says: 'lbe newest method ot mak
ing an bonest living is to go round at
night with an accomplice, and play
tom-cat under tbe widows of irascible
bachelors. Then they throw boots
and boot-jacks, and hair brushes, and
crockery, and and things at you, and
you pick thera up and sell them for
old rags. We got part of a bed room
set worth $7.50 last night, and to-night
we are going back to get the rest ol
Here is a good one on the 'tater
bugs.' Three men were comparing
notes: One says, There are two bugs
to every stalk.' A second says, Tbey
have cut down my early crop, and are
sitting on the fence waiting for the
late crop to come up.' 'Pshaw,' said
the third, 'you don't know anvthing
about it. i passed a seed store tbe otn
er day, and the bugs were in there
looking over the books to see who had
purchased seed potatoes.
'What are you disturbing the whole
house with your yells in this way for?'
demanded a New Jersey landlord of a
guest whom he found late at night
seemingly in pursuit or invisible toes,
and yelling at the top of his voice,
Tm shouting the battle cry ot na
dom, answered the guest, as he went
ahead with his search and his yells,
A Norwich man is very angry with
his wife. He bought an India rubber
air-bed. She didn't believe it was
heal'.hy to sleep on a mattress that
wasn't ventilated, and so during his
absence punched about fifty holes in it.
That husband has lost his faith in wo
man's ingenuity.
A country fellow came to the city
to see his intended wile, and for a long
time could think of nothing te say.
At lost, a great suow falling, he took
occasion to tell her that al litis father's
sheep would be undone. 'Well,' said
she kindly, taking him by the hand,
'I'll keep one of them.'
A gentleman ' in Chicago, who was
arrested for cruelty to a miserable
looking horse, was asked if he ever
fed biruT 'that's a good un.'was there
ply, 'lie's got a bushel and a half
of oats at home now, only he ain't got
time to eat 'em.'
A husband advertises thus: 'My
wife Mariah has strayed or been stolen.
Whoever returns her will get his head
broke. As to trusting ber, anybody
can do so if they see fit ; for as I nev
er pay my own debts it's not likely
I'll pay her'n.
An old lady from one of the rural
districts astonished a clerk in one of
the stores, a few days ago, by inquiring
if he had any yaller developments,
sick as they as they did up letters in.
A lad in Hartford, whose fifth birth
day occurred last week, asked his pa
rents if the schools would keep open
that day, adding, 'Tbey didn't ou
Washington's birthday.'
An eccentric clergyman lately said
in one of his sermous, tbat 'about the
commonest proof we have tbat man is
made of clay, is the brick so often
found iu his bat.'
'Are dose bells ringing for fire V in
quired Sioion of Tiberius. 'No, indeed,'
answered Tibe, 'dey ab got plenty of
tire, and do bells are ringing lor wa
ter. A Mississippi negro recently gave
the following toast: 'Do Guberuorob
our State llo come in wid very little
opposition ; ho goes out wid none at
Among the 'wants' iu one of the pa
pers is tins: 'Partial board for a single
gentleman ; house kept by a widow
and daughter; busses and oars conven
ient.' An Irishman, upon seeing a squirrel
shot off a tree.said : 'Faith.aud that's a
waste of powder. The full iWelf would
have killed the squirrel.'
"Mr. Jones, what makes the canary
sleep ou one leg V 'I don't think any
body makes him, my dear ; I think he
dor it of his own ?cxt.
$2 per annum.
A bachelor in this city having read
that the Chinese cement mended every
thing, is trying it on a shirt which he
has just rented.
One of the neatest toast ever given
Woman The last words on our lips
because it comes from the bottom of
nnr Viparts
What evidence is there that there
i ,k .bt Tho. WonrmA I
was beer in the ark 7 The kangaroo
was seen to go in wun nops, ana oruin
soon followed,
A Love-lorn New Orleans youth
blazed away at bis bead with a pistol
Being brainless, be was not much in
'Sir, you have the advantage of me,'
Quite right; you are quite right, sir.
Almost everybody of common sense I
( , '
has. I
without you dinner, and see how hap. BDrj French, inteudiug to become a re
py you will bo when supper time porter, and eventually an editorial
comes. writer. Success to her.
Half the vices in the world rise out
of cowardice, and one who is afraid of
n c.:.i r n,i.:nn I
ijiug is uauaiijr auaiu vi uuiuiug wm. 1
Why don't they take steps iu Tar-
tary to establish insane asylums? Be-
cause they're no mad people there. I
A Doctor lately sent in a bill to a
widow lady, which runs thus:
curing your husband until he died.'
A man in Kansas, on whose shoul
der a lady laid a lath, didu't sue for
damages, because it was an eyelash.
The reason why editors have their
manners spoiled, is because they re
ceive so many evil communications,
'Are cats good to cat, mother ?' ask
ed a little bov. 'Ot course tbey are.
my son good te eat mice.
... -
On a car widow civinor ud her
weeds for colors 'Behold how bright-1
ly breaks the morning.
Charley Howard has decided not to
attempt performances upon the dramat-1
ic stage at present.
On t f !,. rUl at nna's fin.
ger ends, seeing they grow on the
. . , ...
u yZ7 r euchro Pjayrs like old
bachelors 7 Because they like a lone
. . ..i
iio a your jaw, as tn. man
when bis head was iu we lion s monw.
No class put more real fooling in
tbeir vocation than pickpockets.
When is the wind like a certain
fruit V When it is a current.
Whv i. love like a Dotuto J Because
it shoots from the eves.
A thing that should take well with
every-body Vaccciuation.
"You'll break my heart,' as the oak
said to the hatchet.
When is the
wind like music?
When it whistles.
Did the horseman who scoured the
plain use soap ?
A noose-paper A marriage certifi
Alterations are being made in the
New York Academy of Music at the re
quest of Parepa Rosa. It is to be hoped,
says The Season, that after Parepa has
had the high old house fixed to suit
her, Nilsson won't want to have it fix
ed all over again. The house in which
Parepa can be heard to whisper Nils
son could not search to the end of. In
this case what is good for the goose
may not be good for the gander.
Mrs. Livermore addressed the pu
pils of the Prescott schoel, East Bos
ton, last Monday, at the annual exhi
bition the first time this honor has
been extended to a woman in Massa
chusetts. This is to be the first move
ment in a concerted plan to have
women on tbe school boards through
out the Commonwealth.
A North Carolina editor, who is said
to be a candidate for matrimony, thus
congratulates a newly-married couple:
"Beautiful and bright as a summer
morn dream, be their pathway through
life 1 Glad as the throbbing of angel
uiusio in empyrean space be the lives
i. . i t . .. ii
oi inese cnoice spirits.
Mrs. Henry M. Field, who recently
delivered a lecture on 'The Literature
of France,' before the pupils of Yas-
sar College, has accepted an invitation
to deliver the address belore the lau
rel Hall Association of Ktockbridpe,
Mass., at their next annual rueoling iu
Miss Frauces Tower Cobbs has a
dni-k at the olfico of tho Loudon txho,
whieh bus an iinuienso circulation.
There are about fifty women editorial
ly connected with the New York press,
and half this number in Boston, who
write regularly for the papers.
"Warringtou," of the Springfield
Republican, says: "that it seems to bo
the object of certain women, among
whom Mrs. Stowe and Gail Hamilton
are conspicuous, to vie with the most
abusive of the men in runniug down
their sex.
The University of Vermont, at Bur
lington, has voted to adoui. wouren.
1 i i
Rates of Advertising.
One Squnrn(l Inch,) one Insertion....! 1
(me Hanaro- " - one month
OneHqiiara " three months... o
fmewquar one year
Two Hmiares.onn year lft 00
tfierMtCol. - 5
If -If ii fiO OO
One " 100 00
Business Cards, not exceeding one luck-
In length, $10 per year.
Legal notices at established rates.
These rates are low. and no devlatiom
lll be made, of discrlmlnstion among
patrons. The rates ottered are such, j
orin m.lra It to tlm nd van taite of m Cn dob J
business In the limits of the circulation of
the paper to advertise liberally.
According to one of the resolutions
lately adopted at a Western women s
rights meeting, "the mosi oeiesia
ble sight ever seen is a parcel of old
bachelors lounging around smoking
and talking about the horrors of mar
ried life.
The eanacitv of women ta bear
.Tl. - .
'"Cr Claims m uoiKiuai -
. AVwomtin. righters.was
. . . , -
reign of the Communists there.
A little Ibur-year old girl who hss
been there' eives the following re-
ceipe for vaccination : 'Scrape your
arm a little t scrape it till it hurts t
put in a little putty ; let it dry ; and
that's all till it takes.'
. , i : ' f
A young woman employed in one or
, T .? ii. .1 f., c. minis
in the studv of nhonographv. rhetorio
'Mr dear.' said Mrs. Bumble to her
daughter, 'you must have something
, .1 : It
&rounu you iu uit; lauingu. a.&.oo
mentioned the request ot her mower ,
K?.l,er D.ealV ana 110 1Qilueu""':'.v tuui-
plied with. it. ,
Mrs. F. 8. Chanfrau has doveiopeu
" - ... .... :l...a. al
next Beason s tour includes all mo
nrincinal cities of the country, and
covers a term of nearly thirty weeks.
This remark was made by a young
lady of St. Louis: "It is wiB&ly or
dained that the same wind that sweeps
our dresses aside also fills the eyes of
naughty young men with dust."
Jennie Collins' "Boffin's Bower." in
Boston, already at the end of its first
year, is to be merged in a new institu
tion, which it is intended shall be a
great benefit to the sex.
I man in an ecstatic mood exclaim-
ed, 'Woman is the primeval cause of
all happiness ; when a bystander re
(marked: 'No doubt, foj she
Is the
Prime evl1 berself.
Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant has accepted
a present of a spinning wheel tender-
ed by the Belfast Linen Trade Com.
ittee through the American Consul
uM' pointg
This isn't verv slow, is U: Two of
the old Red StJckincs have joined a
choir Qm q them"officiftte; .hort
stop on the organ, and the other sings
third base.
I A Memphis belle challenged a man
to marry. He valiantly accepted, and
L m.,nute luer? WBS "n
atV dav9 more l,iere "
ft di
Miss Ada Shriver, daughter of Dr.
John W. Shriver, of Dayton, has re
ceived the appointrueut of instruoUr
of painting in tho University of Mich-
I iga.
Tedcsca, the lady violinist, w now
1 . , l f . T-I.I ....
f 1 her f ' j0. "."ft
and incrpnsini? her renortoire for
the autumn, when sho goes back to New
Mrs. Conway is busily engaged upon
ber section of the Western Maryland
Railroad. She is said to have been an
active and energetio contractrees.
A little girl wants to know if fleaa
are white because her uncle told her
that "Mary had a little lamb, with
fleece as white as snow." . .
Win. Horace Lingard, with the faf
einating sweet Alice Dunning, arrived
in New York from San Francisco, on
the 10th last Thursday.
Mrs. Jas. A. Oates, with a new com
pany, will commence au engagement as
Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, Illi
nois, September 18.
Charlotte Cushman is definitely en
gaged to play six weeks at Booth's
i'heatre. immediately succeeding tbe
engagement of Lotta.
The illness of M'lle Marimon is
said to have occasioned a loss to the
management of the Drury Lane Opera
of not less than 135,000
The wedding trousseau of Miss
Throckmorton, who was married a few
days since in New York, cost tweuty-
nine thousand dollars. ,
Why is a woman tyiug her corset
like a man drinking to drown care?
Because, in so lacing herself, she be
comes tiffiL
The Worrell Sisters aud their dra
matio company oommeuoed a brief
seasonal Dubiuue, Iowa, July 27th.
The LyJia Thompson Troupo will
not plav in Chicago the coming season ;
nor iu Baltimore, it is said.
A daughter of Josh Billings, recent
ly married, is said to havo bceu as
beautiful as her papa is ugly.
Marion Taylor, a burWjue actress,
who has talent as well as beauty, is
disengaged iu New York.
A Chinese actress i reported as ap
pearing in I.ondon. She does not talk
pigeou English.
Nine-tenths of all the school teach
ers in Massachusetts are said to be wo
men. A female latherer monopolixes tbe
shaving businsw at Ediubuig, Indiana.