The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 12, 1871, Image 3

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    TUESDAY MORNINO, SEPT. 1!, 1871.
Burgess Tl. IT. Mat.
Omnmhmtn Jacob Shrlvor, J. R. Rtronp,
,W. W, Dlmond. H. H, Haslet, J. Wlnans.
Justices athe. Jeace W. 1. Mercilliott,
T. K. Knox.
(ntahle J. N. Tel t worth.
AcAoot Directors J.WInans, J. A. Dale,
,T. A. Proper, Jacob Sbrlver, 1. H. Knox,
VH. I). Irwin.
President Jndffe JAHK" CAMrtiKM..
Moriafe Judges J.. A. .Pnorun, As-
'HHKW ('OnlC
Sheriff- K. L. Davis.
JUntriet Attorney W. W. M Anon.
;VfiKrr H. rUcTLKV.
WAonofftry, Register & Recorder, fe.
J. B. Aowitw.
I Cbrorownioiwr N.JP. Whibiiib, Bbwj.
Elliott, Fhtki Meboilmott.
County Superintendent 8. F. Rohrfr.
'. Jury Commissioners 3 M. Uii.rii.MAie,
'W. Pattkrson.
CYtunty Surveyor t.T. iRWllt.
' v.rtH' inmiit Win ann.
Y,niu Auditors L. L. Hackktt, Em
, Member 'of Congress lWh Duitrict-Q. W.
State Senate W. A. WALLACE.
Asttvbty Jonit . Ham.
Services next
and evening, in
Sunday morning
the Presbyterian
We have on hand, for sale, War
ranty Deeds, Leases, Informations,
Warrants, and Judement notes. All
for sale cheap.
To-day is the time set for the re
union of the 83d Ta. Rcg't., at Mead
villo. We have no doubt that a good
time will be had by all who attend
Cool mornings and evenings have
come. Fall is approaching. Under
. rlothes are in demand, .tires are
built in sitting rooms every evening,
. Sunday evenings the young ladies have
fires in the parlor,
Saturday night quite a number of
drunk men were observed about town.
one lying Sn the road, one on a raft in
mouth of the creek within about a foot
of the water, and others in various un
graceful attitudes. We have not no
tinod. tha like before and think if
; our officers attend to their duties we
shall not soon it see again
' F. A. Steele eot a codfish bone
cross-wise in his throat on Sunday af
ternoon which came pretty near put
ting a period to his existence. The
bone was about an inch long, and was
-extracted by Dr. Hunter who said that
it waa a wonder that it did not result
fatally. We are glad that he did not
die for then the Whooper-ups would
have been minus a pitcher,
Hamilton Stow, of Cincinnati, for
merly of this place was in town laBt
week on a visit to his old friends here
He is hearty and seem 8 to have a good
lease of life yet. He is a man whom
everybody is glad to see, and must
have been a very popular man when
he lived in thir place. He left with us
Mr. Spinner's signature to the tune of
. 5, with directions to send the Repub
Lie an to him until the term of his sub
. tcription run out.
From private sources we learn that
President Grant and Judge Hewitt
- -will start from Harrisburg on Wednes-
day next for a trip through the Oil
Regions, via Corry. They will spend
a few days in the Region and from
thence go to Pittsburgh. Mr. Pitcairn
has orders from Thos. A. Scott to fur
rash them a special car for the trip
while in this section." They will be en.
thusiastically received
j, to wisu iu rcuiara. Bgaiu, iuat
our side-walks are in a fearful condi
tion. We venture to say that there
are at least a dozen places in the side
walks of our town where a broken leg
is not only a possibility, but a proba
bility to any one going over them at
night. Something should be done,
immediately, as a matter of economy,
if nothing else ; because the borough
will certainly have some damages to
par. and that soon, if the sidewalks
are not repaired.
We wish to call attention to the
advertisement of Mrs. S. S. nulings'
Boarding House, which appears in an
other column. Mrs. Hulings has been
at considerable expense in fixing up
her house for the accomodation of
boarders, and has built a large barn
to keep the. horses of transient custo
mers. Her establishment is well epok
en of by those who have patronized
her, and we have no doubt that she
will soon have all the boarders she can
attend to.
Having taken the agency for the
Bucyrus Knitting Machine Co's Ma
chine, we are prepared to furnish our
customers with the best knitting rua
chine, that will do all kind of knit
ting such as Socks, Gloves, Shawls,
Scarfs, Mats,as also throwed up stitch,
and can be regulated to as fine or loose
stitch as is required in any kind of
knitting.. Superior Lumber, Co.
. Tionesta, Sept. 12th, 171. 23 tf.
The CIroui.
As will be seen from the advertise
ment in another column, and the ex
tensive illuminated billa on the bullet-
in board north of Knox & Co.'a atore,
U. U. Urady a oldluahion circus win
exhibit in town next Monday, the 18th
nut. we see many coinjFiuueumfj
nonces oi mis circus m me papers
mi a ,11 I
nrouna us. me iree nauoon ascen
sion, by Prof. Fisher, is thus spoken
of by the Titusville Owner:
There was a larce crowd in atten
dance at the circus last evening. The
balloon ascension, bv Prof. Jt usher, in
the afternoon, was witnessed by thous-
ands of people, and it was a complete
Tha Partner of tlift Profnusnr.
in performing upon the rope, when the
balloon was hundreds of feet in tbe
air, was the most wonderful ever wit
nessed in this or any other country.
The balloon passed over the eastern
portion of the city, and landed in me
woods on the hillside, in safety. The
landing was readily seen irom aimosi
And thus by the Herald:
The balloon ascension yesterday was
witnessed by an immense crowd ot peo-1
pie. as me nuge pear-snapea canvas
left its moorings with the teronant,
Professor Charles Fisher, hanging to
the trapeze rod, a snout oi wonner-i
ment escaped from the looker-on. His I
evolutions on the trapeze while soaring
in midair were made with the ease ot
oneonroJirmo. His daring is re-
markable, and we heard more than I
that "thov 1
r.... .
wouldn t go up there lor a considera-1
ble sum. I
W .oW from the M. TL Confcr.
. r .i ..:
ai'iruiubiueuio ivr tuts vusuiuk ti
following :
S. 8. Burton Tionesla.
A. N. Craft Fredonia, N. Y.
A. J. Merchant Union City.
E. D. McCreary Canfield and Pen
dleton, O.
R. F. Keeler City Mission, Erie.
J. A. Hume nickory.
C. M. Heard Pleasantrillo.
r. Marsleller President.
J. F. Hill Pine Grove and
C. C. Hunt Clarion.
W. H. Mossman Tidioute.
J. O'Neil Oil City.
P. P. Pinney Fagundas City.
P. W. Scofield Petroleum Centre.
J. II. Vance Reno.
Presiding Elder Clarion Dristrit
L. Mead.
A National Work. Webster s
Dictionary, Unabridged, Illustrated, is
a national work, in which every Araer-
lean scholar has an interest, and in tbe
completeness and accuracy of which
be should have a pride a national
pride, if you please, the same kind
cf pride we have in the superior intel-
ligence, enterprise, resources, and ca-
pacity lor adaptability to occasion, of
the masses of the people of the United
States. We have always beon proud
of Webster's Dictionary. It should
be remembered that the publishers
nave naa large expenence aim me
command of large resources in the
preparation and perfection of this
great work, and have aimed to make
as we are confident they have suc
ceeded in doing, the best Dictionary
of the English language. Moore's Ru
ral Nevt- Yorker.
A Social Temple was organized
n Roti.lnv last Ktr Dr Jos M Hlinn
O. W. T. of Pa., with the following
officers :
S. P. T., Miss Ada York.
B. P. T., Dr. J. Wiuana.
S. V. T., Mrs. T. Roberts.
B. V. T., J. D. W. Reck.
S. U., Mrs. M. Riddle.
S. R., Miss Jennie Ladds.
B. R., P. M. Clark.
B. F. R., S. J. Setley.
S. T., Mrs. S. Clark.
8. 8., Mrs. M. naslet,
S. Past T., Mrs. Rogers.
B. Fast T., W. R.Dunn.
This Social will meet on every alter
nate Friday evening, at the Good Tem
plars' Hall.
The County Commissioners have
kindly given the Forest Brass Band
permission to practice in the Court
House, in what is known as the "arbi
tration room." The band now sports
eleven pieces, and are practicing dili
gently, and, under Prof. Weber's in
struction are bound to because a first-
class institution. They were out on
Saturday evening, regaling our citizens
with music which was very good con-
idering the time the band has been
practicing. Invitations have been ex
tended to the band by several parties
from a distance, to give them some of I
their music We believe they will
make a pilgrimage to Fagundus some
day this week
We have received the first num
ber of the Daily Derrick, pulished at
Oil City by C. E. Bishop. It is got
ten up in good shape, and if it is con
tinued in as good shape as it is com
menced we warrant tbe publisher a
good round subscription list. Success
to the Daily Dcrriek.
The first match game of baie ball
of the Reason in this place was played
on Hunter's Island on Friday after
noon, between the"Whoopcr-ups"and
and a club picked up about town, call'
eJ fof a natne( the "Scrubs."
Thrrm. uracil .numherof snecta.
anJ wag enjovef vcry much both
bv r avera and lookers on. We an-
d the Boore
H. W. Roberts, c.
Steele, p.
Hunger, . i.
Dale 1st b.
Sullivan, 2d b.
vvenK, aa o.
Llovd. 1. f.
P. Roberts, c. f.
Keck, r. I.
Bates, c.
UjDton n
Graves. 1st
Davis. 2d b
Kelly 3d b,
Hays, 1. r.
Mar. c. f.
Mercilliott, r. f.
Total, 27 26
Innincs. 123456789
whnnror.nm 530
. 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 3 9-26
, .
The score on the "scrub side was
. . ......
mixed somewhat alter the commence'
ment of the frame, and it mar not be
c? '
exactly correct in giving each player his
hust dues, but it is the best we can
. - . a
make of it. Wo suppose this is only
the forerunner of a series of borne
games, which give our citizens a chance
to see some playing and our young,
men a chance to exercise their muscle.
The ' Scrubs" and spectators were very
much surprised that the score was so
near even, everybody expecting that
the Whooper-ups would beat at least
two to one.
To E. L. Davis, Esq., Capt. Scrubs :
We hereby challenge the Scrub nine to
play a match game of Base Ball, on
Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock,
P. M. F. Mable, Sec'y
W.U. B. B. C.
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reacn tne West T The best Line is ac
knowledged to be the C., B. & Q.
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
roaj by the Iron Bridge at Burlington
anj called the Burlington Route.
The main line of the Route running
Omaha, connects with the great Pa
c;fl0 R0Rd9i and forms to-day the lead
in(t route lo California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts.
mh nnB9P through T.inooln. tht
state Capital, and will this year be
fished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
inn milpa
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls into a line rua
ning down the Missouri through St,
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
80Uri' snd hJ a BliKht divergence, can
806 JMODraSKa R1BO.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its' tree
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. 8. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of the B. & M,
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand home-steaders and
preemptori who last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
For Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Thaber Engine and Boiler in good "
der. Inquire of D. S. Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, P
Have you ever tried Nature's
Hair Restorative T You will be de
lighted with it Clean, safe, and effi
cient. It is driving all the poisonous
compounds out of the market. It is
as clear as crystal. See advertisement
22 2t.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
having bought the School Book trade
of J. J. Fisher.are now prepared to fur
nish the public with all kinds of school
an(J mUcellane0U8 booUg. Will keep
cocstautly on hand a full assortment
of school books and general literature.
'11 6t
Williamsport Dickinson Semina
ry a first class school for both sexes,
Williamsport, Pa. Fall session opens
Aug. 24, 1871. For catalogues ad
dress, W. Lee Spottswood, D. D.,
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book-
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
oan be seen at this office.
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds Ac, at 20 per cent
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens hare patronized him, and find
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
ter and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block.
Use Dr. Herriek'$ Sugar- Coated Veg
etable FilU and Rid Strengthening
riastert, also Dr. Perrin'i Fwnigator
for Catarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Herses and Cattle
use Harvel't Condition Powderi the
best in use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox & Co., 'Agents, Tionesta, Pa.,
and the trade generally. 21 3m
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will be
paid. They have just received the
agency lor an Eastern House, and
want all the wool they can possibly
get. Take your wool there and get
good prices. . ' .
A. H. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, ' has been appointed
agent for the celebrated "Inman Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men. Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
For Sale. The house and lands
known as the "Christie Property," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
are for sale. Terms cash or approved
security. Apply to
John A. Dale,
President Tionesta Savings Bank,
Tionesta, Fa.
New Advertisements.
Whereas, The Honorable James Camp
bell President J udge of the Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
tbe county of Forest, has inauod his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
and Uuarter (Sessions, itc, at Tionesta, for
the County of Forest, to commence on the
lourtn Monday or Mop. next, being the
25th day of Sep., 1871. Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
and Constables of said county, that they be
then and there in their proper persons at
ton o'clock, A. AH, of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
wntcn to ineir omces appertain to oe uono,
and to those who bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County .that
they be tlien and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just. Given under my
hand and seal this 22d day of Aug., A. D
1871. E. I DAVIS, SU'ff.
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
E. D. No, 13. May Term 1871.
J. J, Fisher vs. H. A. Burt.
And now to wit, May 21lh, 1871. On mo
tion of Plff's Att'y, W. P. Meroilliott ap
pointed Auditor to distribute the pro
ceeds arising from a Sheriff's Sale of prop
erty of Defendants.
Extract of the record.
J. B. AGNEW, Protliy.
I will attend to the duties of my ap-
inmieni at my omce in Tionesta
rough on Friday. Sept. 22d. 1871. be-
tweeu the hours of one and three o'clock
P. M. of said day, where those Interested
may attend if they Boe proper.
w. r. MtutiLUurr, Auditor.
Aug. 20th, 1871.
21 3t
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
E. D. No. 29 May Term 1871.
I. Hilbronner it Co. vs. George Morgan.
And now to wit. May 24th, 1871, on mo
tion of W. W. Mawm Esq., Att'y for l'lff.
W. P. Mercilliott appointed Auditor to
distribute the proceeds arising from a
Sherid's sale of property of Defendant.
Extract from the Keiord.
J. B. AG N EW, Prothy.
I will attend to the duties of my appoint
ment at my ollice in Tionesta Borough on
Saturday Sept. 23, 1871, between Uie hours
of nine and ten o'clock A. M. of said day
whore those interested may attend if they
see proper.
Aug. 26th, 1871. 21 2t
Geo. K. Thayer va. J. A. Nolan Co.
Abial Drake for use vs. A. J. Maxe.
F. li. Ellsworth U a), vs. Jno. 11. Djlks
et. al.
Elizabeth Geor vs. R, C. Scott et. al.
E. L. Jonas vs. Daniel Murphy.
Solomon .nutn vh, John It. Ix-gnard.
K. Ij. lllood vs. James Painter.
Chas. llinton vs. John. A. Proper and D.
Chas. Looper vs. Warren A Franklin K.
It. Co.
Forest County vs. John G. Brandon.
Forest County vs. Chas, J. Fox.
Commonwealth for use vs. John W. Mil
ler et. ul.
boxes, l'nr.e Stationery Packages, Cheap
Jewelry, Jfc, ifc,
ver watches given
gratis every agent t-U per day matle selling
our goods at Country Fairs and Political
Meetings. Mend l'.tr Circular, addrens Mini
roe, Kennedv f Co., 1'itwburnh, Pa. T.'-tt
BY VIItTt: of . .Writ of Flert Faclns
lmmiml out of the Court of Common
PImw of Kormt County, V., to me direct
ed tliore will be exposed to Kale )v pnbllo
vendue or nulrrr, at the Court lloune, in
the Borough of Tionesta, on
MONDAY, SF.rT. 2nTU, A. D. 1871,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following dexcribed
real mtate i
C. M. I.von vn. EphrUm T.ron, Fl. Fa.,
No. 2fi, Sept. Term 1871 Mercilliott All
of, In and to the following described tract
or parcel of land situate la the Township
of Jenks. In the County of Forest, and
Ktate of Pennsylvania, Bounded as fol
lows, to-w its lioKlnninir at a post at the
northwest corner, thence south one hun
dred and sixty perches to post, thence
west fifty-three perches to post, thence
north one hundred and sixty perches to
post, tnence west nixy-tnree perches to tne
place of beginning. Containing fifty
three acres, more or less, being the west
half of a certain tract of land the said Lyon
bought of Cyrus lllood.
Taken In execution and to be sold as the
property of Ephriam Lyon, at the suit of
C. M. Lyon.
J. S. Hood vs. Our don 8. Berry and J.
O. Dale, fl fa Kept. Term 1871 Plaintiff-
All that certain piece cr parcel of land sit
uate in the borough of Tionesta, Forest Co.,
Pa. Bounded on the north by land of O.
O. Sickles, on the west by the Allegheny
river, on the south bv land of J. B. Agnew
and en the east by land of James Dawson,
dec d. Containing one-fourth or an acre
more or less, with one frame dwelling
house about 24 by S6 leet, two stories high,
and outbuildings thereon erected.
ALHO All that certain piece or parcel
of land situate In Kingsley township, For
est conntv. Pa. Bounded on the east by
lands of Wheeler and Dusenbury, on the
west by lands of Wheeler and Dusenbury,
on the north bv lands of Wheeler and Du
senburv and on the south by lands of
Wheeler ana iuisenuury. containing iuo
acres more or less, being parts of warrants
Aon. Mttt ana bivi.
Taken in execution and to tie soiu as me
property of Unrdon S. Berry at the suit of
j. B. lioott.
E. L. DAVIS, Sheriff.
Sept. 6th, 1871.
Term cash.
Tbe nndersiirned havlnor been annolnt
ed bv the Orphans court of Forest County
to distribute the funds in the hands of
S. D. Irwin. Administrator of S. S. Hu
lings dee'd. hereby gives notice to all con
cerned that he will attend to the duties of
the appointment stated at the Court House
in Tionesta Boroon Tuesday and Wednes
day the lUth and 2l)th days of September
1871 between the hours of 9 o'clock I. M.
and 3 o'clock P.M. ofeachdav.
21-St W. P. MEKCILLIOTT, Auditor,
(f)fin For 1st class Pianos sent on
tjp Z V J trial no agents,
Adresss U.S.
Piano Co. 645 Broadway, N.
Y. 22-4t
9rnf Retailed by one. Wanted
lUvf agents to soli pictures every
where. Whitney it Co., Norwich, Ct., 22 4
M AV7i . .Toawli unCri -VVAi" 1
TLE SEWING MACHINE."Has the under-feed,
makes the "lock stitch." alike on
both sides, and fully licensed. The beet
and cheapest family Sewing Machine In
the market. Address Johnson, Clark t
Co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chica
go, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 22-4t
The new book. OOD REASON AND
SCIENCE; or. The Landmarks of Truth,
is highly commended by all demonstra
tions, and sella rapidly. Agents should se
cure a choice of Held, at once. Send for
terms, and see extra inducements. Frank
lin Publishing Co, 7U Chestnut St., Phila
delphia. 22 4t
AGENTS WANTBD. Exclusive territo
ry granted on the
Contains over 300 Illustrations. Is a
complete Library of Biblical Knowledge,
Excellaall others. In English and German
Send for Circulars. Wm. Fiint fc Co, Phll-
delphia, Pa. 2-4t
Wells Carbolic Tablets,
For Coughs, Colda and Hoarseness.
These Tablets present the Acid In Com
bination with other eiUclent remedies, in a
popular form, for the Cure of all throat
and lung diseases. Iloarsoness and UN
ceration of the throat are immediately re
lieved, and statements are constantly be
ing sent to the proprietor of relie' in cases
of Throat dilHcultles of years standing.
All "1 Ml Be sure that you
I IVII getWells'Carbol
ic Tablets ; don't let other goods be palmed
off on you in their place.
John Q. Kellog, 34 Piatt St., N. Y.' Sole
Agent. Sold by Druggists, Price 25 cents
a box . 22-4t
Agents Wanted I Extra Terms!
Book agent I have long wanted a novelty
in the subscription line, which will sell at
sight In every family.
Is the only work extant which satisfies
this want. It is beautiful and striking,
combining an entirely new and elegaut
Family Photoilraph Album, with a com
plete Family History. Full particulars
free, .address Geo. Maclean, Publisher,
719 Sansoin Street, Philadelphia. 22-4t
VtuRend for our new Price List and a
Club Form will accompany it, containing
full directions making a large saviug to
lzcrs and remunerative club organ
The Great American
P. O. Box 5643. hew YORK. 224t
It contains over IM fine engravings of
uatue ncenes una incuienui in me War,
and is the only FULL, AUTHENTIC and
OFFICIAL history or mat great conlliet.
Agents are meeting with un Drecedented
success Hulling from 20 to 40 copies pr day
and it is published in both Kngliah and
P A 1 1 T I fl N Inferior hlstirlos are being
wHUI 111 II circulated. Hee that the book
you buy contains 150 line engravings and
60 pages, Send for circulars A see our
terms, and a full dusutription of the work.
CO., Phila.,, Pa. 16-4t
This Hook, au elegant Octavo Volume,
containing TftU pugc, and loo rirnt-clawi en
gravings, is an eiliuuHtive and Standard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
the present time, expiwes its buelu pre
tences, its frauds, its persecutions, its
groas immoralities, its upjiositioii to our
public schools, ami civil and religious lib
erty, it shows its inxidiuuM workings which
strongly tend to bring tills country under
full Romish control. 1'roxjwlu, and
books ready on application, Conn, Pub
lishing Co., HartrSird Conn. Zi-U
pi srs r
Contains no LAC SULPHUR No
VER, and it entirely free from the
Powonorts and HeaUh-dntroying
Drugtused in other Hair I'Trpara
Hons. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will
!)t soil the finest fabric nerftwtl v H AKK.
CLKAN aud KKKICIK.VT-dnslflcratums
It restores and prevents the Hair from
becoming Gray, lmmrts a sort, glossy ap
pearance, removes Dandruff. Is cool and
refreshing to the head, checks the 11 air
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A
Prepared only by PROCTElt BROTH-
ttrui, uioncester, mass. Tne genuine is
put up in a panel bottle, mode expressly
for it. with the name of the article blown
in the glass. Ask your Druggist for
Naturo's Hair Rostorative. and. take no
jMfSend two three cent stamps to
Proctor Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." The Information It con
tains Is worth 500,00 to any person.
Is a South American plant that has been
used for many years by the medical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
efficacy, and ia a Sure and Perfect Itemed
for all Diseases of the
Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction "of Intestines, Urinary,
Uterine, or Abdominal Organs,
Poverty ora wantof Blood, In
termittent or Remittent
Fevers, Inflamatlon of
the Liven Dropsy,
Sluggish Circu
lation of the
Blood. Abscesses. Tumors. Jaundice,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Aguo and Fever, or
bueir iuuuuiuiuuius,
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JUSUBEBA
Is a most perfect alterative and Is offered
to the public as a great invigorator and
remedy for all impurities of the blood, or
for orranio. weakness with tnoir attouOant
evils. For the foregoing com plaints
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to every
family as a household remedy, and should
be freely tukon in all derangements of the
it is jnut a I'll i biou is not wnai is
popularly called a BITTKKS, nor Is It In
tended as
nded as such i but is simply a powerful
alterative irlvlng health, vigor and tone to
all the vital forces, and animates and forti
fies all weak and lymphatic temperameuts.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Piatt St., New
York. Solo Agent for the United States.
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for
Circular. 22-4t
TwelTB Yean 1 w Will Indians & Plains.
The remarkable adventures of the fa
mous White Chief and Big Warrior among
the Red Skins. Thrilling accounts of
Great Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes and
Terrible Contests with the big game and
hostle tribes. Spirited descriptions of the'
habits and superstitions of that strange
people. Their Sports, Legends, Tradi
tions. How they Woo and Wen, Scalp,
Doctor. Worship, tc. New, Fresh and
Popular. Price Low; It is selling by the
thousands with wonderful rapidity. Mend
at once for sample chapters, Illustrations
and special terms, to Hubbard Bros., Pub
lishers, 723 Hansom Street, Philadelphia.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Be it Resolved by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Comuwnwealth of
That the following amendment of the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth be pro
posed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the
tenth article thereof, to wit;
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of the Constitution, and insert in
lieu thereof the following :
"A State Treasurer shall be chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Annroved the fifteenth day of June.
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution, r. jukuah,
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1
Harrisburg, Jul v 5th, 1871. J
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
fXial at the old F.verhart Bank, two
miles from Newmanvillo for 7 cents iter
or at Tiouoitta and vicinity for
He always has a large aupply on band,
Now is the time to lay In a largo supply
Orders promptly attended to 29
L!4 CHAMllKiwi ST.,
Maufacturers of Eot Air Engine
1, 2, and 4 Horse-PiAv-cr,
No water used J .
Caiuiot explode I
No inauranceduiuaud
. ,1 l
' IrJ Not liablu tomtom of
, ' order I
,' lbuirM . nor Skilled
k EiiBiWNf 1
-m-n Coila u ruu '23 oeuU
per day per horse power. v:2-4t
SritKCKIHK for the
rtwtu o-r,
rowt Rej'Ublicni
To the NerveottJB
3D EBIXiIT-A-T 23 ID .
WHORE sufferings have been protract
ed from hidden causes, and whose
casss require prompt treatment to roader
existence desirable i
If yon are suffering', er save aSrl
from Involuntary discharges, what effect
does it produce on your gsneral health t
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tiredr
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of theheartT Does your liver, or
urinary organs, or your k ldneys, frequent
ly get out of order T Is your nrine some
times thick, milky or fiocky, or Is It ropy
on settling T Or does a thick skum riso to
tbe top T Or In sediment at the bottom af
ter It bos stood awhile ?x Do you havo
spells of short breathing or dispepsiaT Are
your bowels constipated? Do you havo
tfpells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood to
the head T Is your memory lmparedt la
yonr mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or.lile? Do you wish
tobo left alone, away from everybody?
Does any little thing msko you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless?
Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant?
The bloom on yonr cheek as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself In society as well ? Do
you pursue your business with the same
energy ? Do you feel as much confidence
In youself? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your baas,
weak, your knees weak, and havo but liK
tie appetite, and you attribute thia to 4y
pepslaor Uver-oomplaiat?
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal ilia-
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion.when ln'perfect healthf make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus
iness-men are always those whose genera
tive organs are In perfect health? Yon
never hear such men complain of bolng
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot suoceed In business i they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they areal ways
polite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, andlook you and them right in tha
face none'of your downcast looks or any
inoanness about them. I do nat mean
those who keep the organs Inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin their constitution!, but also thos
thoy do business witk or fo.
How many "men, from badly cured dis
eases, from the effecU of self-abuse an
excess, have brought about that state af
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so mnch as to prod wee
almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity Is heir to, and the real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctored for all bat the rigkt ens.
Dlseeof these organs require lkse
of a Diuretic HELM BOLD'8 FLUID
EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diurotie,
and.lsa certain curefor diseases of tho
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgaa
lo Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener
al Deblty, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, (rom whatever cause iriginatijCi
and no matter of how long sUiinm
t(i,a treatment- Is. submitted to, 0
uniptlon!or-Insanity- niay
flesh and Uood aro auppprlod from these
sources, ana iuo neanu wu "n""" -
aad that of Posterity, depends pom
prompt use of a reliable ramedjv
IleliubokVa Extract Purfea, establik4
upward of ltjAears, prejuired by H. T.
HELM BOLD, Druggist, 6SH Broadway.
New York, aid 104 JSsuth 10th Staret,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pwca 1.2S r bottle
or 8 botUus for o.60, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by all DruggesU every wk
Wrapper, fao-sniile of my Chemical Wa. -
house, aad signed 11. T. U KIM B(LD. ,
28 I r