ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD! GREAT THROUGH ROUT1S FROM The Oil Regions to Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST! trn all ninlit trains, rassensrors and bag rngn transferred nt Oil City, Fukk ok V ii a n't r. i Train make direct connection w lib nil Uoads centering at Oil City, mid leave as '.i.r cinin icavemi my at 8 nop in Ariivrsat PittMhurnh...... 900 pm Night Express Ix-ave Oil City 020 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh-.'... fl 25 a m Hail Train leaves Oil City P 05 a m Arrives nt Pittlburgh 5 50 p m Pay Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m Arrrives at Oil City at 2 15pm Night Express Tifkvos Pittsburgh 8 40 pm - , - r 1 1 1 1 1 ni n . k tiy . .. in a m Way Pusscinrer leaves .Pittsburgh 9 15 n m Arrives at Oil City 7 35 p m rnssenpors travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make bet ter time tlmn bv any other road from the uegions to t'lttamtrc-h. J. J. LAWRENCE, Oen. Supt JONES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A.' E. S. JONES - Proprietor. Agents Wanted for the Land of SACRED MYSTERY uoAoir Tlie grandest and most popular new book ut.. i Hundreds of superb illustrations. steel, ete. No other book like it nono lolling half so fast. A gents sell (50 to 150 of H and Prof. Store's Self-Interpreting BI Uo. Extra largo inducements ottered, end forereuhirs to Worthingtod, Dustin Co., Hartford, Conn.-- 48-4t OCTOBEIt, I860. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COBD IS SOW TUB O IN" m, IT Thread put up for the American marker Which is . ISIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, . From No. 6 to No. 100 inclusive. Forllnndnnd Machine. testable Sicilian Hair Ren pas stood the teat of seven ieetra f fore the public ; and no prepar ation for the hair has yet been dis covered that ivill produce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new scientific discovery) combin ing many of the moat powerful a tut restorative agents in the VEOET ABLE KINGDOM. It restore CREY rAIR TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH UL COLOR. It makes the scalp white ami clean f cures dandruff and humors, and falling out of Vio linlr: and will make it grow upon bald head a, except in very myed persona, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by which the Vnfr is flourished ami supported. It male the hair moist, soft, and Jlosau, ami is unsurpassed as a lAIJi OliEHSlXt. It is the cheapest preparation erer offered the put lie, cs one bottle will ac complish more and last longer iiat three bottles of any other preparation. It i recommended and used by tfie. First Bfertieal Authority. ' The Wonderful results produced It II our Sicilian Hair lienewer h ave irxduced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under various names; and, in order to indure the trade awl the public to purchase their compounds, tltey Mare resorted to falsehood, by tl timing they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not Xiedecei red b y them, l'urch ane tie original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the llair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private llevenue Stamp over Vie top of the bottle. Ail others are imitations. fl. P. Hall Si Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. told by all Druyjittt and Dtalrrt is Allieim. J. C. LONG, Wholesalo and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, AND Oil WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TI3DIOTJTE3 IPJL. First Door above Exchange Hotel. -iy WALLLIS' m Si K 'i O IMPROVED () Y v J? E II A I C MAGIC M A G J' 0 B ALMI Tf. II. TERKINS & CO., Sole Tropri tors, I'raiikliu, I'a. 4i .SCHOOL TEACHERS Wauling employment, at iVom $5(1 t ?HK) iier moiilli, Hhoul'l ml.llcsl J JI-LI lt iV alntnY, PhUa l a 7-It : MALL'S A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAISEH'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS &A W it H THEY ARB KOT A VTUI FANCY DRINK, tUdiof rT 7l, TVblkT, TrT Slrtta ad Kcfaaa l.taara4otond,;lo4 uuttTmt nut! V ploM tfe UcU, eHd"Tonle.,,AppeU n," " RMtorcn," e.f U-iit th tlyptor oa to dtuknnni and rain, bat ar a tmm Medielnt, mada tram Ux KallTS RooMud tlcrbt of Callfarala, ft trm all Alcshviie Bllaialaala. Tkajaralba (1RKAT DI.OOD Ft BIFIEU aad A L.IFB OlTISiU rBlKCIPLSaperttct BuoTator aad IaTlcorator ol tto Ejttem, urylnt U aolaoBaiia nattai aad rutorlac tb blood to a healtfcy eoadlUoa. Vo pwon tu UUa ttteaa Btuara aooonUug to direc tion aad remain lnc an vtlL ICO wlllb flrenforaa tararabU ewe, provided tlio bonet are aot destrojed by rolaenl polaoa or cttior neast, aad tie vital org as waated btond Uia polat of repair. Tmi IaBammitterr aad Ckronlo Rteamoa tlma aad Goat. DTaaeia. or Iedleeailoe, Bllloaa, Reailttcat aad latertaltieat Fever nieeoeea or tka Bleed, Liver, KUbct. aad Bladder, ttaeee Bitter hare feeea most neeer ral. Back Dleeaee an eaucd by Tlitated Dloed. walch at (caerallr produced by denotement of the Dlgeetlee On-aae. DYSPEPSIA OS 1ND1GE8TIOX. Head aehe. Fata la taa Skealdera, Coecae, Tlctneu of the Chent, Maineee, Boar Kreetatten of the stomach, Badteetetathe Moatli, BlUeue Attaeka, PalplUtloa of the Heart, iLfnaunattoa of the Lacte, Pala In the reflene of the Ktdaera, aad a handled other pelnfal mptome, ere the odiprloini of Dreptptla. ThrrlnTlronte the atoauah and ettaialat Uia tar plA llTer end towtli, irMoh reader them of aneonalled eOoaer la eleanelac the blood ef all tanpantlee, and tmpertlnc aew UTe end vlor to the whole trctem. FOB eKIH OISBAHE8, Sreptloea, Tetter, 6eH Bheaaa, Blotchee, Bpete, Fmiplee, Pattolee, Bolle, C toaaclee, BltLf Wome, Beeld-Head, Bon Efea, Brjelp. ehw. Itch, BOarte, DkwoVonUone of the Bkln, Homora aad Dleeeaee of the Btsa, of whatever name or natnra, an Uterailr doff up end carried oat of tbeeretem In a chart tune b the nee of then Bitten. One bottle la eaeh earn will eonvlao the moat lncredoloaa of their cantlve effect. Cleence the Tltlated Blood wbenerer yos Had Ita bsparttlee bantlnc thronch the ekln In Plmplee, Xrep. tloaa or Son eleanee It whea too and it obetracted aad alacslah m the Tolne t eleeaae tt when It hi tool, aad roar feellnt will mil roawhea. Keep be blooi pun end the health of tfc errtnm will IbUow. PI, TAPX and ether WOKM8, larkta In the CTMca of o maar theaeeade, an efeetnally dee troy, ed and removed. For fall direettoae, read carefully the elroalar aroaad aeh bottle, printed fit four laa gmfra ffnglleh.Oennan, French and Spaaleh. J. TiXUB, Proprietor. B. H. MoDONALO St CO., SnifgKt aad Oea. Aenm, Baa rnneteeo, OaU aaa as aaa at uommene Btnet, Vew York. EVBOLD BT ALL SBUOOIBTt AXD DKALIBB, ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes ca.shed and information furnished by GEORGE UPHAM, Providence, R. I. 30-4t WANTED Agents To sell the Octa gon Sewing Machine. It is Licensed, makes tho "Ela-stio Iock Stitch" and is warranted for 6 years. Price $15. All other machines with an under-feed sold for 15 or lean are infringements. Address Octagon Sowinir Machine Co., Kt. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Bos ton, Mass. 133m Q 1 f A Day Business enttrelvnew and Jl" honorable. Liberal inducements Descriptive circulars free Address J C Hand A Co., Biddetbrd, Me 13 3m PORTUNES offerod to live men. Rare A Chance. Send Stamp. Dimond K. Co., Wushington, Del. 23-3m. UACURUKXT MOXKY. THE highest Cash Price paid for the old State Bank Currency: Bank of Craw ford County, Venango Bank, Oil City Bonk Petroleum Bank, orany of the old State Bunk issues; also, for mutilated Scrip of eti i-sucs. A. J I. STEELE, Cashier. 2 Tionesta Savings Bank, I WAS CURED OF DEAFNESS AND CATARRH liy a simple remedy and will aend the receipt free. Mrs. J. C. LEUGETT, Jersey City, N.J. 3U-4w THE MAGIC COMB. Will change any colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One Bent by mail for $. Dealers an p plied at reduced rates. Address Wni. Patton, Treus. Springfield, Mass, 30-4t AGENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Wm. SEWARD'S GRAND TO K of Mexico, Adventure and Sight-seeing "Our Sister Republic" - Is a work of raro merit' profusely illustra ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book Company, Hartford, Ct. 28-3t WANTED A rents for the history of COD'SCHURCH By Prof. Enoch Pond, D. 1). From Adam to tho present day. Light business for men unit lmiies everywhere. Uood pay, send for circular. 3J 4t ZEIGLEK 4 McCUREY, Phia. Pa. HEST FRE13 TO ACJILXTS. A Pocket Prosnectus of tho lrft 111ms- trute.l Fumily Biblo, jublish(!d in both j'.NKimii ana oeriuun, containing iiibie History, Dictionary, Analysis. Harmony and History of Religions, W. Flint fcC?. 0 South 7th St., Phila., Pa, 15-4t Wt llM' Carbolic Tablets For Cougris, Colds aryd Hoarseness, These Tablet nrcsent the Acid in Com binaiion v. ith other elli ient remedies, in u popular form, lor tho Cure of all throat and lung ilicases. Jl jiirsunch and L'l ceiation of tl.n tin out u.e immediately re lieved, and statements are constantly ho iiiL' sent to tin' propi id r of relief in cases ol Throat (liii.culucd of years blaudin. CAUTION iwet ic 'lablcls; dent 1, t otiicrgoous bepalmod oll'itfi you in llieir place. John (. Ke.log, ;u IMatt St., N. Y.' Solo Agent. Sold by Druggist, Price 2fl cents aU., j. f Itundrecliof Thousand . T 1)tArtrttm'rTt'th1r Wonder- w 1 3 Hi WHAT ARE THEY? f be 2J III 8 9 n ( f hi tUmmii hi m wr? in , I r a -1 aa. in. dellMte mm4 vefWakl. Cf)F'P yenante f'arlu tA T- C.1... W Mr, mm la J5'g rlaeiiacaaaMa ta tlraua. k.M hy IraellJ--" ' nail la MuriaEarTv 167 Water Street, . ..... MeadviUe, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES C SIBLEY. Opposite I'ost Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN in ima section, including the following celebrated makes: Chickerlna & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, and others. WU1TSEY & SLA Y TON'S OliOAXS AXD ilELODEOXB. Then yrganB ana jueioueons are acknowledged fluent finished Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest menu can and will be ottered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Books, aud a larg s! nek of everything in the Music line, can be found at my 0-lv GROVER & BAKER'S SEWIXO MACHINES, Tie following aro "selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for tho prefer ence of tho G rover fc Baker Machines over all others. "Hike tho Orover fe Baker Ma chine, In the rlrst place, because if I had any other, I should still want a Orover Boker ; and having a GroveT A Baker it answers the purpose of oil the rest. It does a greater varietv of work and iseasier to iearn tlyin any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June) "I havo hot! several voars' expe rience with a drover A Baker Machine, which has given mo great satisfaction. I think tho Grover A Baker Machine is more easily managed, and less liable to get out of order. I prefer the Grover A Baker de cidedly' Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one in mv family for some two years; and fiom what I know of its workings, and from tho testimony of many of my friends who use tho samo, I can liordly nee howanythiugcotild be nioro complete or pivo bettor atislacUon." Mrs. Oen, Grant.- "I believo it to be the best, all things considerod.of any that I have known it is very simple and easily learned the sewing from the ordinary spools Is a great advantage; the utitch is entirely reliable; it does ornamental work beautifully; It is not liahlo to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spoonor, 36 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer the Grover A Raker to them all.liecausn I non- aider the stitch more elastic, I have work in thehouso which was done nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Me Cready, No. 43 East 23d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all tlin Bewingdone in my family for the last two years nas Doen aone uvurovor A Baker s j-iaciunc, mm i never nan a garment rip or need mending, except those rents which frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is, in my (minion, by far the most valu able of any I have tried." Mrs. Henry , .i i, i " "Tho Grover . Baker Rnviim Ma. chine has rendered in every respect, tho most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a no- eesity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor ueary, uarrisburg, Pa. "I have had the Grover A Ttker Ma chine for tn or twelve yeors in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of Family sewing, both per sonal and household, accomplished upi . the Grovor A liaker Machine, to the entu satisfaction of all concerned, Rov. Stephen H. Tvntr. "I find tho Grover A Baker Stitch will wearaslongasthe garments do obtwear tho garment in fact. The stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither does it draw the work.' Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. Tho Grovor and Baker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tho Elastic and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the publio a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all the largo cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. EVANS' GIFT BOOK INTERPRISE. We continue to send a valuable irift with every book bought of us. Thousands will vesury to our promptness and fairness. Give ub a trial. Write lor a catalogue. Sent free. Address, D. M. Evans A Co., 721 Market street, Philadelphia, I'a. 4tH 500 YOLUMtlS IN OXE. AGENTS WANTED FOB The Library of Poetry and Soag, Being Choico Selections from tho Best Poets, English, Scotch, Irish and Ameri can. With, an Introduction by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Under whoso critical supervision the volume was compiled. The handsomest and cheanewt subscrin- tion book extant. Over xoo pages, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand. sonioly bound. A Library of over 5U0 volumes ill one lsiok, whose contents, of no epnemerai nature or interest, will never urow old er stale. It can be, and will be read and ro-rcad with pleasure by old mid young, as long as its leaves hold tore her. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything all till a favorite, or at all worthy of" place here, is neglected. It is a book'tur every household." V, 1'. ,1Ai,7. "we know of no similar collection in tho English language which, in copious lies and felicity ol selection and urrauge ineiit, can at all comparo w ith it." A'. V. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. B. I OKI) A CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y. June 6, 1-71. 4,1 fT' "''"t i-jzi fi$3i: : by n good judges to be the best and House in this section, sunerior induce. J. C. BULL. READ! READ! The subscribers having ro-rented the IRYIXE CililST MIL.1.S. tho community jronorally, that thoy keep f'tlllNfltntt V tt liun.l en I .. ... .t, . a FAMILY 1FLOUR of all trrndns. Plmn Vnmi ti ()ats and Urn. With our facilities for do ing business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of tho countrv. ntul w- 1.1 c.i. rt i bernien and dealers of ForeWt county, that inn u3 SUPPLIED CHEAfER and more promptly than from any other point Immediate attention given to all orilnra frnm a ) i ......... E. JONES A CO A JYoATCH FllEK for rybody and -Tl- J0 perday sure. Busines light aud honorable. No Gift enterprise, bug. Addre-s,R. Monroe Ken olmm luirgh, Pa. otTy, Pitts- CHARLE3 A. DAKA, Editor. A Kewapart tke Preeeet Tlmae. Iatd for People Hew fank, Inclndtnc Farmen, Mechenlei, Merebanu, Fro. eloeel hlea, Worken, Tblnken, aad all Mea ner of Honett Folke, aad the WIT), Soae, end B(hten of ell inch. NLT ONE DOLL1X A YKAK I OXS BVNORED COPIK8 FOK t0, let the One Cent a Copy. Let then he a MS 0la at every Poet Omoo. BJXI-WE1K.LY MUN, 9 A TEAR, ef the lime elee end feoen! enereeter THK WBEaXT. hat with a areeter variety of irel!aneoai reedina, end funkihlsc the newc t lu rseeerlbeie with creator freeknaea. becaate twloe week lnetead of once only. THE DAILY 8CN, t A YXtK. A preSmlnentlT read.ile newf neper, with the Uria.t ,irea!.tiDn in the wonS. Frn. le eenduM, end reerlew in pollllo. All the now. froje cTcrrwhera. Twi eania e copy i br mall. eenie a utuuth, or $a jeiK ' TERMS TO CLTJB3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BCI. Five eopiee, one year, eeparetelr addrensM. Foar Dollere. Ten rnplat, one roar, eenanlelr eddrneed (and an extra eopf to Uw gutter up ofoiBDjT Klaht Dollar. Twentr ooptee. one year, eeparatelr eddrened (aod an exue copy tu Uie gutter up of eii. Iiltoe Dalian, ''"r ooprt. on rear, tooee aad real otnd the Senu-eakly one yer lu (etler a p of club). Talru-tbree Dallare. tI SillfV!,''- r-areiel eodrened (and tne Betnl. Weekly one year to gutter anofeiuh), TUlrtr-av Dollar. d the Ueily for oee year to thegftter up of ?' M "lt Denary one betidred enotne, one rear, e.narattlv mA. THE SMMVKELT BCK. Ftr eoelee. one year, ee pentelr eddieued. , lat Dalian. T?" "l?"- one vet r. tepantelT addraued (and au uiti cepy to fetior op of duh), lw Blnteea Dollar. BE3TD TOCB HONEY tePnat Cutco orden. eheeki, or drafta oa Wev f "n.enl.nt. 1 Jot, In tLZEi tne leuen eontluin money. Addreit IaK' L W. EXOLAf D, PnbllBlHir, Sua uBc kow York CKy. ?JQ7'lA month Expenses paid Male V" ' "or Femalo Agents horse and outfit furnished. Address, Saco Novelty. Co., Saco, Me, ij-it A OFNTS font: I tt eon .1 1 - f" l'e. tiitV, it- , f!"u'01 and profitable business. mm iovoity winch evervb twants. Success Sure. Send for rculars. Churchill A Ternploton, Man ctururs, ulo Broadway, N. V. JMt POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHURCH AND REPUBLIC. AVhat it has done. What it is doing and what it means to do. Its power. Its des potisin. Its intalibiiity. Its frauds Its relicts. lu miracles. Ita idolatry, ltsper seciuions. Its hatred of our public schools unci ol civil und religious liberty. Its naiiiillK crillltM. l,t UolTlll WlCkeJllOSS. aud its New York Riots. A book that is wanted everywhere We want agents to introduce it in every coun ty at once, und will pay them liberally. S-eiid lor circular. Address .icgler f- Mc Curdy, Hi S. Sixth St., Phila., Pa. l!l-4t RUPTURE. "KtM Kl&l?- SKKi.KY'S HARD TRUSSund SLll liRTKH. C.h1, comfoitablo, light, cleanly ami uuruble. Never rust, break nor soil istcc-l Hillings mated 1, I'sed in balluiig. shaped to form. Bust, known. Send Stamii ibr laln lilct, to J. Jl. Si-eley's Trusa A llanda.'o Kstablisliineim, 1:147 hestnut St., Phila., Pa., mid No. 3 Ann s;- . )Ci 11 ." " mWr OUCrccK A Allrgheny Klvcr Ry OX AND AFTF.R Monday Juno 6, 1871, Trains will run as follows 1 SOUTHWARD TRAINS, STATIONS! 1st Class, 4 a a. m. a. m. Sil Clti-Wi 10 14 p. in a. in. Corry Snarlansburg Glynden Ceiitrevillo Tryonvillo Hydetown Alt Titusville UK Miller Farm SholVer Pioneer Ait Tet Centro KK Columbia Tarr Farm Rynd Farm Riiusevillo McClintock AR Oil City ns Oleopolis Kaglu Rock President 'J'ionosm Hickory Trunkeyvillo Tidiouto lrvineton a. m. 8 tK) 0 10 9 30 tl fit 10 20 11 00 11 20 15 11 no fl 4i 11 35 6 f0 fl 24 6 87 0 411 AA 7 10 7 25 6 M 11 47 7 Ot 11 fiS 7 13 12 03 7 25 12 15 7 35 12 25 7 42 12 45 8 02 1 03 8 07 1 OS 8 17 1 IS 8 25 1 25 8 23 1 2S 8 85 1 35 8 40 1 88 S 48 1 4-1 HI 1 49 S M 1 53 0 10 2 05 7 40 7 Ml 8 03 8 10 8 23 8 30 8 88 8 42 8 60 8 M 00 D 13 fl lfl 11 35 fl 55 12 15 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 43 7 65 1 05 8 10 8 20 8 80 8 4(1 9 00 05 0 20 1 65 2 10 2 25 2 40 1 65 8 00 3 20 9 15 0 45 9 60 9 6(1 10 23 10 44 10 61 11 11 12 01 2 10 2 3H 2 40 2 60 3 12 3 32 8 41 8 68 4 40 10 15 3 40 11 10 4 25 11 32 4 60 1 1 38 4 6(1 12 30 5 87 1 20 tl 15 1 45 fl 4.1 2 24 7 10 4 05 8 40 ADDITIONAL SKCOSD-CLA88 TRAINH-eolTTIl. No. 10 Titusvllle2.10p. in.; Miller 2.50; Pioneer 8.20; Pot Centre 8.33; Columbia 4.15; Tarr Farm 4.23; Rvnd Farm 4.37; Rouaeville 4.55; Oil City 6.20. .?!' 8,--'orry .lfi '! Titusville 8.35; Miller larin 0.2.".; Pot Centre 9.48; Colum bia 10.18; Tarr Farm 10.18; Rvnd Farm 10.27; Rousoville 10.35; Oil City 11.00. No. 18 Pet Centre 1.28 p. in.; Columbia 1.60; Tarr Form 2.05; Rvnd Farm 2.10: Rousevillo2.3(; Oil City 3.00. No. 22 Oil City 6.80 a. 111. ; Oleopolis 7.25; Tionesta 8.64; Trunkeyvillo 10.15; Tidiouto 11.11. NORTHWARD TRAINS. STATIONS: 1st Class. 8 8 1 2d Class. 13 0 a. in. p. m p. m. n. 111. a. 111 lrvineton Tidiouto Trunkeyvillo Hickory Tionesta President . Faglo Rock Oleopolis ar Oil Citv Ami 45 A 115 II la) 7 Sr. 1 28 fi 47 7 -0 O or. 1 4 5 fl 05 8 05 10 15 1 64 U 15 8 20 10 44 2 14 I) 34 8 45 11 40 f2 35 ffl 55 (id SO 12 21 2 3S ft) 6!l 9 85 12 82 2 47 7 OS 10 05 1 03 3 15 7 35 10 65 1 60 DK fl 00 3 20 7 40 1 1 30 2 10 McClintock 8 13 jtl 32 ;7 65 11 60 2 25 Rousoville 1(1 3 85 7 60 12 Oil 2 30 Rynd Farm 16 20 3 40 S 04 12 25 2 40 Tarr Farm 6 25 8 45 8 10 12 SS 2 65 Columbia fl 29 8 49 8 14 12 48 3 10 ar tl 34 8 50 8 21 1 05 -8 20 Pet Centre 1H 6 36 8 69 8 28 1 25 8 83 Pioneer 8 42 4 0(1 8 80 1 45 3 45 Shatfer fl 52 4 15 8 40 2 00 4 15 Miller Form 6 60 4 20 8 44 2 15 4 40 au . J7 15 4 40 9 05 2 45 6 20 Titusvlllo P 7 35 4 45 9 10 3 05 Hydetown 7 44 4 65 9 20 8 20 Tryonville 7 57 5 OS !9 84 3 50 t'entreville 8 05 6 17 9 43 4 10 Glynden fS 14 5 27 9 68 4 80 ' Spartansburg 8 24 5 .'18 10 02 4 50 Corry 8 65 0 10 10 32 6 60 ADDITIONAL SECOSD-CLASSTR.VINS-NORTn No. 15 Oil City 6.55 n. m.; Rousevlllo 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.4d; Columbia 7.5T-; Pet Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 9.25: Titusville 9.65. No. 7 Titusville 9.00 a. m.; Corry 11.25. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. m.; Rousevillo 11.45; Rynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pot Centre 12.20; Miller 1.2!? Tltusvillo 2.00; Corrv4.42 p. m. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 p. m.; Trunkey villel.45; Tionesta 2.43; Oleopolis 4.25; Oil City 5.20. () Trains do not stop. (J) Stop on signal. it) Stop for moahv 6 Trains 5, 6, 21 and 22 run daily ; all othor trains daily except Sundays. N. B, Train No. 19 is an Express from Titusville to Corry. SILVER FAI.ACB HLKEPINO CAR TRAINS. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Diroct to Philadelphia without chat:go. No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh without change. No. U Direct In PttUVmrvh iuitl,. change. C. J. HEPBURN JNO. P1TCAIRN, Superintendent. Gen'l Manager. 08A0ALI8 The ingredients that COMPOSE ROSADALI3 are published oa erory package, there- loreitienofa cecrct pteparation, conecqucntly PHYSICIANS FBESC8IBB IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilia in all iU forms, Rheuma tism, bkin Disoaiee, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Blood. n 0X3 E0TT12 CP S0SAJAU3 : will do more, rood than ton bottlca of the Syrupe of Sawparilla. THE UN0ERSIQNEO PMVSICIANt havo uand floeadaliiin theirpractic fur liio paet threo year end freely cntlorso it est reliable Alterative and uloou Puriner. DIl. T. C. PDOIT, of Daltlmore. Dll.T. J. HOYKl.V, " I)H. R. W. UAKU. ' 1)11. f. O. DANNKLLY, " Liu. J. 8. Si'AitK.S, of NlcholurlUe,' DH.gJ'l.. McCAETHA, Columbia? DB. A. li. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. c! USED AND ENDORSED BT J. B. f'UKNCII A SONS, Fall Elver.' Man. F. V. SMITH. J.ckjon, Mich. A. F. WIIKKLEK.Llma, Ohio. 11. HAM.. I.itna.Ohio. CBAVK.N CO. Oordonevllla, V. bi.M'L. O. McrADiiE.N, Murfreoa. v 't Our ipace will not allow of any ex. tomleil rcoiaiki in relation to the virtucnol Uosailalis. Tothe lltslicel Profes&ion we guarantee a Fluid Ex tract superior to any they have ever usl'J ia the treatment of diseaaed U1kh1 ; and to tho alllU tej we way try KoHatUHit. end sou will be reanjruJ to health. ' Roaadalls ii 10U by all Druccisu. price S.oU per bottlo. Addre 13. CL3121T3 & CO. Aianufihluring Chtmull, U.iTiaosa, alar INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter rerpetiml MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1800, $2,348.323 39 20,000,000 losses paid since Its organiza tion. WM. BUHLER, Central Agent, Harrisbuig, Pa. MILKS W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. b -tni O ERIE RAILWAY ! i5UibVs-irt of Timo T"Uo 'AdHr,l My NEW and IMPROVED DRAWING ROOM and SLEEPING COACHES, com binlnit all Modern Improvements, are run through on All Trains liotweon Buffalo, Nlogra Falls, Suspension Bridge, Clove land, Cincinnati and Now York, WESTWARD. STATIONS, No. 1. No. 8. New York L'vo 0 00 a. m. li (X) A. NT. Jersey City ' 9 15 " 1115 " Newark " n 05 Patterson " m M Turners " 10 43 ' 1 33 ns Newburgh " n 40 A H, PortJervis Arr 11 65 " 8 35 Binghaiiiton " 8 60 " p 17 Elmini " 5 44 " II 80 " Corning " fl 24 12 28 A x Rochester 10 27 " BulValo " 10 50 " 6 20 " Ningant Kails " . 11 6(1 " 7 o " Susp. Bridgo " 12 00 M. 7 Dunkirk " 180 a.m. 7 20 ' Jamestown L've 11 06 p, k. fl 16 " Corry " 12 01 A. M. 7 85 " lTnlon " g 04 " Mcadville " 1 25 9 2(1 " Cleveland " 6 60 " 2 30 " Dayton " 12 30 p. jc. 7 25 " Cincinnati " 2 45 " 10 15 STATIONS. No. 7. No. S. New Yoik L've fi 80 p. m, 7 00 p. m. Jersey City B 45 " 7 20 " Newark " 6 40 ' Paterson " fl 26 ' Turners 7 45 Sup. 9 10 Sup. Newburgh " A 80 p. 11. Port Jervis Arr 9 20 " 0 .10 p. m Blnghaintoii " 2 21 a. m. 8 13 A. M. Elmlra " 4 40 " fi 15 " (orninst " A 2(1 6 65 Rochester " 9 66 A. M. II 55 " Buttiilo " 11 20 It 20 " Niagaro Falls" 12 15 p.m. 12 15 " Susp. Bridgo" 12 25 " 12 25 " Dunkirk " 12 63 ' 13 63 " Jamestown L've 11 3(1 a. m. 11 30 a. m. Corry 12 60 r. . 12 60 p. M. I'nion ' l 15 1 jj Meadvillo " 2 20 Din. 2 20 Din. Cleveland " 7 20 r, m. 7 20 p. m. Dayton " 4 05 , in. 4 05 a, 111. Cincinnati " 6 30 " 6 80 " Additional Local Tralris Westward. 6:30 A. M., except Sundays from Sala manca. Stopping at Retf House 7:15, Steiunbiirg 7:50, Ramlolph 8:25, Konnedv 9::W, Jamestown 11:110, Ashvillo 11:35, l'anania 12:25 p. m., Grant 12:40, Freehold 1:08, Columbus 1:42, Corry 2.17, Concord 2.43, Union 8.12, Mill Vill'ago 4.12, Millers 4.55, Cambridge 5.24, Venango 3.40, Saeger town 6.03, and arriving at Mcadville at 6.30 p. ni. 12.30 P. M., daily, from Salamanca. Stopping at Red llouso 1.07, Stcamburg 133, Randolph 2.10, Kennedy 2.48, Jumes town 3.33, Ashvillo 4.13. 'Panama 4.3 Grant 4.50, Freehold R.13, Columbus 6.45, Corry 6.05, Concord 0.32, Union 7.15, and arriving at Meadvillo at 10.20 p. ni. 4.00 P. M., daily, from Salamanca. Stopping at Red House 4:23, Steamburg 4:40, Randolph 4:57, Kennedy 5:22, James town 6:50, Ashvillo 6:15, Panama 0:30, Grant (1:37, Freehold 6:50, Columbus 7:10, Corry 7:22, Union 8:00, and arriving at Meadvillo at 9:00 p. nu EASTWARD. STATIONS. No.l2. Ho. 4. Cincinnati L've 9 45 p. m. Dayton ' 12 03 a.m. Cleveland " 7 25 Mcadville " II 32 Din. Union ' 12 27 p. m. Corry " 12 60 " Jamestown . " 1 4(1 ' Dunkirk " 1 25 " Susp. Brldiro " 1 40 " A 85 p. m. Niouara Falls " 1 4S " 6 42 " Buthtlo " 2 40 " fl ii5 " Rochester " 4 00 " A 40 " Hornellsvlllo " 6 03 Sup. 10 20 " Corning 7 33 'p. ni. 11 4S Elmira 8 10 " 12 20 a. m. Hinghamton " 10 08 " 2 20 " Port Jervis Arr 2 63 a, m. 7 05 " Newburgh " 11 40 a. m. Turners " 0 05 Bft. Potorson " fi 60 " 10 15 a. m. Newark 7 00 " 2 05 p. m. Jersey City, ' fl 33 " 10 63 a. m. New York 7 00 a. m. 11 10 a. m. STATIONS. N,o. 8. No. 2. Cincinnati L'vo 1 15 p. m. Dayton " fi 45 a. m. 8 28 " Cleveland u 3 35 p. m. 10 00 " Meadvillo " 8 10 Sup. 2 35 a. m. Union " Corry " 0 35 p. m. 4 05 " Jamestown " 10 30 " 6 02 " Dunkirk " 10 00 " Susp. Bridgo " 5 40 ' Niairara Falls " 6 00 " Bult'alo " H 20 " 7 00 Rocliester " 6 61 " Hornellsville " 2 68 a. m. 0 43 " Corning " 4 5 " 10 65 " Elmira 5 04 " 11 30 " Binghaiiiton " 7 00 " 1 22 " PortJervis Arr 1140 " 6 25 " Newburgh " 8 30 " Tumors " 1 18 Din. 43 Sup. Paterson " 2 20 p. m. 7 88 p. ni. Newark " A 15 " Jersev City " 2 55 " 8 12 " New York " 8 10 p. m. 8 80 p. m. 12:01 A. M except Sundays, from Mead villo. Stopping at Union 2:33, Corry 3: to, Columbus 4:13, Freehold 6:05, Grant 6:33 Panama 6:55, Ashvillo 8:3.3, Jamestown 7:05, Kennedy 7:47, Randolph 8:25. Steam burg 8:55, Redhouso 0:20, and arriving ut Salarnance at 0:55 a. m. 6:25 A. M., except Sundays, from Mcad ville. Stopping at Saegortown 5:55, Vennngo 8:15, Cum bridge fl:32, Millers7,02, Mill Village 7:25, Union 8;04, Concord 8:45, Corry 9::S0, Columbus 0:50, Freeliold 10,30, Grant 10:57, Panama 12:03 p. m., Ashville 12:27, Jamestown 2:05, Kennedy 3:00, Ran dolph 8:50, Steamburg 4:40, Rod House 6:20, and arriving ut Sulamunca at 5:55 p. m. 1:10 P. M., excopt Sundays, from Mead viUe. Stopping at Saegertown 1:33, Venango 2:10, Cam hritlgo 2:20, Millers 2:30 Mill Village 2:50, Union 3:12, (Joneord 3:32, Corry 3:55, Columbus 4:05, Freehold 4-:5 Grant 4:50, Panama 5:12, Ashvillo 5:27! Jamestown 0:00, Kennedy 0:45, Randolph 7:17, S'eamhurg 7:40, Red House 8:00, and arriviiijr at Salamanca 8:30 P. M. Dully. L. D. RUCKER, WM. R. BARB, Gon'ISup't. Gcu'l Paas' r Ag't. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING! TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF O-A-STIItTQ-S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL t DEALERS IN HABDWABE, &o., Ac., Ac, TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDRKWS. H. ilSRER. 5-tf Patented Noveniner 1, 70, Samples ti-eo at al grocery siorcs. H K llartlolt A Co., l'hilailcl)hia, l'a. lil-4t QO(inFor lst r!"ss I'lanos-sont on ,?.. I u ial no agent. A Id less I' s PIANO Co., i15 Rrn.uluav, N. V. li p' JOB WORK Down AT TUB 'REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At the lowest cash pricea, neatly, prompt ly, and in atyle equal to that of ty oiAcr etiabllxhment in iht Distriet. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDff WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MONTHLY STATEMEHTS, .ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, P O S T E RIS DODGERS, nANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, Jte. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. S ' On and after Monday, Nov. 15, 18 trains will run on this road as follows: LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. 11:55 A. M. acc'OM modation Lear Newcastle at 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburg 10:00 a. in. " 10:25 A. M.. Pittsburgh ex., stops at all stations, and arrives at A. A G. W. R. It. Transfer at 1:50 p. m., at Newcastle at 8:1 p. m., and at Pituburgh at 6:00 p. m. 6:05 A. M., accommodation, from James town, arrives at A. A G. W. R. R. Transfer at 6;40 a. in., at NewcosUo at 7:05 a. ui., and Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m.. Mixed Train leaves Eris for Sharon, stopping at all intermediate points aud arriving at 10:15 a. 111. LEAVE PITTSBURGH NORTWARD. 7:15 a. m., ebie f.xprkss, leaves New cosiioot 10:00a. m., A. AG. W. lu R. Trans fer at 11:20 a. ui., and arrives at Krio at 2:3 f). m., making close counoction for Bulla o and Niagara Full. 8:35 p. m. accommodation, loav9 New. castle at 0:30 p. in , A. A . W. R. R. Transfer at 7:55 p. 111., and Jamestown al H:!lo a. in., connects with mixed traius that arrives in Erio at 1:55 a. ui. 6:30 p. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at Girard at 12:30 a. u., and Erie ut 0:55 a. ut. Trainsoonnoiaat Rochosterwlth train for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadel phia, Hurrisburgh. Baltimore and Wash ington via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express North, connects ut Girard with Cleveland and Erio trains Westward for Cleveland, Chicago, and all points in tho West; at Erio witli Philadelphia A Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren, Irvingtou, ridioutiV Ac, and with Builalo A Eri Railroad for Biglalo, Dunkirk, Niagara i ails and Now York City. F. N. FINNEY, General Sup's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY I WaterStreet, - ADJOINING THE IIOLME3 HOCSK,, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor.. Pictures taken lu all the laUwt sty lea ef tho art 2(i-tf J. W. ROWLAND, A LKX . llt-EOWI. J. W. ROWLAND & CO., M R CHANT TAILORS AND DEAI-RRS I chV Fiirnl.hlii; Good), And Agents for the Celebrated Grovw A giw '1'vrph liauor ftiewinK Machine. LIBERTY STREET, NKAJt DOB FRANSLIN, TKN'i'A. 2 2 tl.