The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 05, 1871, Image 4

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    Wit $mt gcpuMta.
Jturpr II. It. ivr at,
Ihuneilmen Jacob Nhrlvor, J. R.Ktroup,
W. W, Diniond. S. II, Haslet, .1. Winans.
Justices of the Peace W. 1. Mcreilltott,
I). H. Knox.
llonstahle J. N. Tolls worth.
VeAool Director J. Winans, J. A. Dalo,
J. A. Prnpor, Jacob Shriver, 1). 8. Knox,
H. V. Irwin.
President Judie J AMRS C AMPBKI.L.
.rfjinoriafo Judges J. .A. ,1'KorBU, Alf
bnKW Cook.
HherifT K. L. Davis.
JHstriet Attorney V. W. Mxson.
Treasurer S.
J'rothonotary, Register Recorder, Ac.
j. B. A(iNKW.
fbimw.iion) N.H1. Whkklkr, UKNJ.
Elliott, Pktkh Mkbcilmott.
f'ninty Superintendent . F. RonREn.
Jury 'Commissioner Jas. OlLULLIASf,
(IriiiMfv tfio-rrror H.D. InwiN.
Ibiwi'or Joniah Winaks.
ttmnf.y Auditor L. L, II ACKETT, ELI
ilol.KMAN, Wm. Cl.AUK.
. Members Congress VMh District Q. W.
Stats .Senate W. A. Wallack.
ncirfc y John O. II all.
tir . t 1 i . " ....!
WO BIO not ouio iu giveuur usutw
nmount of reading matter this week,
on account of a press of advertising,
We will make it up hereafter.
A. II. Steele started for tho West
yesterday, to bring liia family home.
They have been visiting in Boono,
Iowa, for about two months or more.
J. J. Fisher has sold out his stock
of goods to other merchants in town,
and, we believe, contemplates going
out of business altogether.
Judgo Proper is pulling down the
old barn below his store, on Elm St.,
and the change promises to bo au m
provemeut to the property.
"Cooning" is in vogue about here,
Several 'coons have been captured, and
'much corn roasted by the cooners,
We have not tried our hand yet.
Dr. Worthington, of West dies
ter, Inspector of Prisons, was in town
last week, and inspected our county
jail. -"He pronounced it in good order
D. S. Knox & Co. havo bought
out the Hardware and Tinware depart
ment of J. J. Fisher's establishment,
and offer the same at reduced rates to
all whojwibh to purchase.
rrof. Porter was in town oil Bat
Airday, looking as though Cooksburgh
grub agreed with him. He was dust
ing around getting ready for the Cooks-
burgh exhibition.
When we went to press last week
the weather looked favorable for a
flood. Only enough water fell, how
ever, to make the mills run easy for a
while. .
Jos. Grove cut his foot pretty se
verely one day last week, at Sandy,
Ho is now at home, on crutches, but
hopes soon to be in a condition to run
-Rev. Burton was ambitious to
beat Capt. Knox on a bee-line. So he
went at and got one of his eyes closed
by the stern stroke of a bee. He is
till one eye and a noso behiud the
Cap. .Try it again, Elder; you may
couie out ahead yet.
, Judging from present indications
chestnuts will be an abundant crop in
this section. We believe they are too
far along now to be liable to harm
from frosts, bo we can smack our chopi
in anticipation of a nice time eating
chestnuts this fall and winter.
Attention. There will be a special
meeting of Tionesta Temple of Honor
.10. 108, on iriday evening next, oth
inst. Business of importance will be
transacted, and all members are par
ticularly requested to be present.
M. W. Tate, W. C. T.
We were the recipient of a friend
. ly call from Col. McCoy, Ass't Auditor
jcuf.rl of Pa., on Saturday last. He
is a very agreeable gentleman, and we
only regret that business was so brisk
that we could not properly entertain
'him. He was here looking after some
,lanJd which he owns in the county.
Judge Dale Is mending rapidly,
-and is now able to be out occasionally
He received a bad cut under his chin
about three-fourths of an inch from tho
jugular vein, and considers himself for
tunate in coming off as well as he did,
Mr. Steele is all right, not having been
hurt very much.
'We desire to call attention to the
programme of an exhibition, to begiv
en by the Cooksburgh Literary Society,
which will be found on the second
yngc. Prof, Porter will manage the
-affair, and his reputation is established
in that line. We have no doubt that
it will bo a complete success, an
hope to see a large delegation from this
k . place go out there to see how it is thera
selves. If job work comes in unti
then, as it has for a couple of mouths
past, e despair of getting there our
self; but if it is a possible thing w
will sou the exhibition.
On Thursday morning M. E. Tor-
ter, constable from Barnctt, arrested
man in this place, on a warrant from
Clarion county, renewed before Esq.
Mcrcilliott, on suspicion of having
stolen a suit of clothes out of the
boarding house at Payne's saw mill.
It teems that the above tarnsaction is
considerably mixed. On the morning
above alluded to a gentleman from
Clarion presented a warrant to Esq.
Mercilliott for renewal, for the arrest
of one Austin. This man Austin the
day before sent a satchel to this place
by tho Clarion stago, and in the even
ing was seen coming into town carry
ing another. He Btaid at the Tionesta
House that night, but had no bag
gage. The gentleman that had tho war
rant renewed, Bhowed it toJ.constable
Porter, but did not give it to him, with
instructions not to arrest Austin until
he had discovered the satchel that
Austin brought into town with him
the evening previous, supposed to con
tain the stolon goods. Mr. Porter ar-
arrestcd the man Austin on sight and
took him before Esq. Mercilliott, who
told him to hold him until the parties
from Clarion came and took him, or
else take him before Esquire Alt,
where the warrant was sworn out. For
some reason Porter let the man Aus
tin go. After he had left, the consta
ble from Clarion found the satchel in
Hilbronner & Co.'s store, where
Austin bad left it the evening previous,
with the clothing in it that had been
stolen, and also some letters, books,
notes, &c. There were several notes
of large amounts payable to the order
of William II. Austin. The consta
ble from Clarion immediately started
in pursuit of Austin, but up to this
time we have not heard of his recap
We havo received a private letter
from W. W. Dimond, dated at Cauker
City, Kansas, Aug. 26. He says be
has almost come to a stop ; so we sup-
he will settle somewhere near there.
Seven buffaloes paid the town a visit a
few days before his arrival, and there
are droves of them only twelve miles
from the city. He proposed to pay
them a visit on the day he wrote. We
suppose we shall hear of a great slaugh
ter of the buffaloes, as soon as Will.
draws a bead on them. He has passed
through some of tho prettiest country
during the past two weeks, that he has
ever seen. Crops are good as ever
were raised in the country. There is
much more land taken up than he ex
pected. From the city of Solomou to
Cauker City, the distance is eighty
miles. Wm., in company with three
others, hired a team to take them to
the latter place. It took thera two
days to make the journey, and cost
them thirty dollars beside their board
If ho concludes to stay there he hopes
he will not have many such trips to
make. He promises us another letter
The miscreant that visited Mr,
Tate's house, Saturday night, and re
turned Sunday night, and eat up a lot
of pies and cakes, and destroyed the
flowers in the porch, aod then, to cap
all, committed a nuisance in the porch
had better keep scarce, for one of our
hardware stores sold a Smith & Wes
son revolver, on Monday with a good
lot of cartridges. Law will not reach
such fellows as these, and the only just
way to deal with them is to pepper
them on the spot.
i rank Alabie liau a runaway ac
cident on Saturday, which resulted in
the buggy being knocked into a cocked
hat, and giving Frank a pair of dis
colored optics, and, in fact, putting a
regular head on Frank. This is the
second accident with a smashed buggy
that has happened Mr. Mabie during
the last month, and we suppose the ex
pense will be pretty heavy.
There is to be a re-union of the
members of the 83d Pa. Regiment, at
Meadville, on the 12th inst. One good
strong company of that Regiment went
out from here, and we suppose this
section will be well represented. These
re-unions of regiments are very pleas
ant, and we will be on hand like
thousand of brick, if ever our regiment
takes a notion to re-une.
Have you ever tried Nature':
Hair Restorative? You will be de
lighted with it. Clean, safe, and efti
cieut. It is driving all the poisonous
compounds out of ttio market. It
as clear as crystal. See ad vertisement,
22 2t.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
having bought the School Book trad
of J. J. Fisher.are now prepared to fur
citsh the public with all kinds of school
and miscellaneous books. Will keep
constantly on hand a full assortment
of school books and general literature,
21 3t
Williamsport Dickinson Semina
ry a first class school for both sexes
Williamsport, Pa. Fall session opeus
Aug. 24, 1871. For catalogues ad
dress, W. Lee Spottswood, D. D,
Fort Pitt Correspondence.
Sept. 4, 1871.
Ed. Republican I Matters and
things in general havo been very dull
at this place for the past week. Could
not persuade any one to hurt himself,
so as to get up an item, until Thursday
last, when James Carl finally consented
and iu skidding a log, slipped on a
piece of bark, tho log rolling upon his
right leg, dislocating the ankle joint.
We are having fine pigeon shoot
ing, lour correspondent, accompa
nied by M. Donovan, on Thursday
lost, in one hour, bagged twenty-five of
the finest he has seen this season.
A very amusing incident took place
on Friday last, near the tram road.
Two of our friends were out hunting a
bee-tree. Thinking they had discov
ered the desired object in a fallen tree,
they made preparations to secure the
honey. Haaving, as they supposed,
killed all the bees, they cut into the
log for the houey. After cutting a
few moments, and making a small hole,
they came to a yellow jackets' nest out
of which came several hundred of the
enraged insects. Axes were dropped,
search immediately abandoned, and a
hasty, but orderly retreat followed. By
request we omit the names of the gen
tlemen concerned, but think the joke
too good to keep. More anon.
Urs Ac, '
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach tho West ? The best Line is ac
knowledged to be the C, B. & Q.,
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Burlington Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Ta
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead'
ius? route to California. The Middle
Brunch, entering Nebraska at Platts
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
Stato Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls into a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
high-gleaming from afar" its tree-
fringed steams Its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought furms from Geo. S. Harris, the
Land Commissioner of tho B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand home-steaders and
preemptors who last year filed claims
in the Lincoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a farm."
For Sale. The house and lands
known as the "Christie Fropeny," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
are for sale. Terms cash or approved
security. Apply to
John A. Dale,
President Tionesta Savings Bank,
Tionesta, Pa,
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil men, and other citizens 01
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidiouto. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will be
paid. They have just received the
agency for an Eastern House, and
want all the wool they can possibly
get. Take your wool there and get
good prices.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " lumau Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europo or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
Where did you get your Sewing
At the Superior Lumber Co.'s Store,
J'.lra Btrect. ihey sell the Dinger i am
ily Machine for $65 in monthly pay
ments and it is the only machine wo
would use. Cull and examine the
machine lor yourself and they will
give you full iuforiuaticu in regard to
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book-
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the" bidding which
may be brought to UBj at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed, Samples
can be sect! al this office.
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds &c., at 20 per cent.
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens have patronized him, and find
him "square." Givo him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
ter and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block.
Use Dr. Uerrick't Sugar- Coated Veg
etable Pills and Kid Strengthening
Platters, also Dr. Perrin't Fumigator
for Catarrh. The best preparation in
the market. For Ilerses and Cattle
use Harvel't Condition Powders the
best in use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S,
Knox & Co., A gen is, Tionesta, Pa.,
and the trade generally. 21 3m
For Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Thaber Engine and Boiler in good
der. Inquire of D. S. Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, P
Neto Advertisements.
BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias
issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Forest County, Pa., to me direct
ed there will be exposed to sale by public,
vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in
the uorougn or Tionesta, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 25TH, A. D. 1871,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described
real estate :
j. ill. jyon vs. i.pnriitiii uyuii, r i. xu..
No. 25, Sept. Term 1871 Mercilliott All
defendant's right, title, Interest and claim
of. in and to tiie follow in if described tract
or parcel of land situate iu the Township
of Jenks, in the County of Forest, and
8tate of 1'etinHvlvaiiia. Bounded as fol
lows, to-wit : Beginning at a post at the
northwest corner,' thence south one hun
dred and sixty perches to post, thence
west fifty-three perches to post, thence
north one hundred and sixty porches to
post, thence west fifty-three perches to the
place of beginning. Containing fifty-
three acres, more or less, being tne west
half of a certain tract of land the Bold Lyon
boiieht of Cvrus Blood.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of JSphriaru Lyon, at the suit of
C. uL. 'yon. VA 1 ouci iu.
Sept. 6tn, 1571.
Terms casn.
Whereas. The Honorable James Cam n-
bell President Judge of the Court of Com
mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
and Quarter Sessions, fo., at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on tho
fourth Monday of Sop. next, being the
25th day of Sep., 1871. Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace
a id Constables of said county, that they be
then ana mere m tneir proper persons at
ton o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrauces, to do those things
which to their oitices appertain to be done,
and to those who bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County.that
they be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be Just. Uiven under my
nana ana seal this zzu any or Aug., a. u
1871. E. U DAVIS, Sh'ff.
In tho Common Picas of Forest County.
E. D. No, 13. May Term 1871.
J. J. Fisher vs. H. A. Burt.
" And now to wit, May 24th, 1871. On mo
tion of Plff's Att!y, W. P. Morcilliott ap
pointed Auditor to distribute the pro
ceeds arising from a Sheriff's Sale of prop
erty of Defendants.
Extract of the record.
J. B. AGNEW, Frothy.
I will attend to the duties of my ap
pointment at my office in Tionesta
Borough on Friday, Sept. 22d, 1871, be
tween the hours of one and three o'clock
P. M. of said day, where those interested
may attenu it inev see proper.
W. P. MEKCILUOXT. Auditor.
Aug. 20th, 187J. 21 8t
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
E. D. No. 2 May Term 1871.
I. Hilbronner v'o. vs. Uoorge Morgan.
And now to wit, May 24th, 1871, on uu
tion of W. W. Mason "KBq., Att'y for Pitt.
W. P. Mercilliott appointed Auditor to
distribute the proceeds arising from a
Sheriffs salo of property of Defendant,
Extract from the Record.
J. B. AGNEW, Frothy,
I will attend to the dutios of my appoint
ment at my office in Tiouesta Borough on
Saturday Sept. 23, 1871, between the hours
of nine and ten o'clock A. M. of said day
where those Interested may attend if they
see proper.
Aug. 26th, 1871. 21 2t
The undersigned having been appoint
ed by the Orphans court of Forest County
to distributo the funds in the hands of
S. D. Irwin, Administrator of S. S. Hu
lings deu'd, hereby gives notice to all con
cerned that he will attend to the duties of
the appointment stated at the Court House
in Tiouesta Borouu Tuesday and Wednes
day the 19th and 20th days of September
1871 between the hours of 9 o'clock I. M.
and 3 o'clock P. M. of each day.
21-3t W. P. MERCILLIOTT, Auditor.
Goo. K. Thayer vs. J. A. Nolan A Co.
Abial Drake for uso vs. A. J. Maxe.
F. 11. Ellsworth uU al. vs. J no. H. Dilks
et. al.
Elizabeth Geer vs. R. C. Scott et. al.
E. L. J one vs. Daniel Murphy.
.Solomon Zents vs. John H. Leguard.
K. L. Blood vs. James Painter.
L'lias. Hiulou vs. John A. Proper and D.
Chas. looper vs. Warren it Franklin It.
R. Co.
Forest County vs. John (1. Brandon.
Forest County vs. Cha-s. .1, Fox.
Commonwealth for use vs. John W. Mil
ler et. al.
nurlUnL. neutF nu cunt.
SUPPORTER. Cool, comfortable, light,
cleanly and durable. Never rust, break
nor soil (steel springs couled). Used iu
bathing. Shaped to 1' nil, Best known.
Scud Stamp for pamphlet, to J. 11. Seeley's
Truss t iluiiduge ) Htublishments, JH47
Chestnut St., Puila., Pa., and No. 3 Ann
St., N. Y. HMt
OOfin I'or Ist clam Tianos sent ott
w J V trinl no agent.
Piano Coi H5 Broadway, N,
AdresHS U. S.
Y. 22-4t
one. Wanted
U0Jl BgonU to noil
agent to noil pictures every
where. Whitney C Co., Norwich, Ct.. 22 4
WATCH FItEE. Prize Candy
boxes, Prl7.e Stationery Parkagrs, Cheap
Jewelry, Ac, t-c, silver watches given
gratis every agent 20 per day made selling
our goods at Country Fairs and Political
Meetings, ent lor circular, amiress Mon
roe, Kennedy t Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 22-4t
WANTED AGENTS (20 per day) to
sell the celebrated HOiME HllUT
der-feed, makes the "lock stitch." alike on
both sides, and fully licensed. The best
and cheapest family Sewing Machine in
the market. Address Johnson, Clark
Co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chica
go, 111., or St. Ixniis, Mo. 22-41
TKa Mmar C1CT TJ 1? A QlfWT ivn
SCIENCE! or, The Landmarks of Truth,
no n- r iir r . ' v.- t av
Is highly cotiimenrlen ny all oemonstra
tions. and sells rapidly. Agents should so
cure a choice of field, at once. Send for
terms, and see extra inducements, t rank
lin Publishing Co. 712 Chestnut St., Phila-
aeipnia. zz
AGENTS WANTBO. Exclusive territo
ry granted on the
Contains over 300 Illustrations. Id
complete Library of Biblical Knowledge.
Kxccllsall others. In Eni;lish and German
Send for Circulars, Wm. Fiint fc Co, Phil-
delphia, Pa. 22-4t
Well' Carbolic Tablets,
For Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness.
These Tablets present the Acid In Com
bination with other efficient remedies, in a
popular form, for the Cure of all throat
ana lung aiseasos. xioarsenesrt u ur
ceration of the throat are immediately re
lieved, and statements are constantly be
ing sent to the proprietor of relief in cases
oi t nroai aimci0Lies oi yean standing.
ic Tablets j don't lot other goods bo palmed
off on you In their place.
John Q. Kellog, S4 Piatt St., N. Y.' Sole
Agent. Sold by Druggists, Prico 25 cents
a uux, Z2-4t
Agents Wanted! Extra Terms I
Book azei:ti have lonn wanted a novelty
In the subscription line, which will sell at
sigui in every lamuy.
Is the only work extant which satisfies
tills want. It is beautiful and strikine.
combining an entirely now and elegant
Family Photoifrnph Album, with a com
plete Family History. Full particulars
free. Addross ueo. Maclean, Publisher,
liu tsaiiHom street, muatloipiiia. 22-4t
uHend for our new Price List and a
Club Form will accompany it, containing
fuil directions making a large saying to
consumer and remunerative club organ
izers The Great American Tea
. O. Box 5043. . P YORK. 22-4t
It contains over 150 fine engravings of
jsattie Mcenes ana inciaenta in tne war,
and is the only FULL, AUTHENTIC and
OFFICIAL history of that groat conflict.
Agents are meeting witli unprecedented
success selling from 20 to 40 copies nor day
and it is published in both English and
P IITinN Irifcrior histories are being
wHUI I Ullcirculated. See that the book
you buy contains 150 fine engravings and
800 pages, Send for circulars A see our
terms, and a full description of the work.
CO., Phila., Pa. 15-4t
This Book, an elegant Octavo Volunio,
containing 750 pages, and 105 first-elans en
gravings, is an exhaustive and Standard
work, eminently adapted to its origin to
the present timo, exposes its baseless pre.
tenues, its frauds, its persecutions, its
gross immoralities, its opposition to our
pubiio schools, and civil and religious lib
erty, it shows its insidious workings which
strongly tend to bring this country under
full Romish control. 1'roHjieelus, and
books ready on application, Conn, Pub
lishing Co., HuHiurU Conn. 2-4t
Vutil bi
Mm Years -s? Wild Indians Plains.
The remarkable adventures of tho fa
mous White Chief and Big Wurrlor among
the Red Skins. Thrilling accounts of
Groat Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes and
Terrible Contests with the big game and
bostle tribes. Spirited descriptions of the
habits and superstitions of that strange
twoplo. Their Sports, Legends, Trudi
tionH. How thoy Woo and Wed, Scalp,
Doctor, Worship, fec. New, Fresh and
Popular. Price Low- It is sailing by the
thousands with wonderful rapidity. Send
at once for sample chapters, Illustrations
and special terms, to Hubbard Xros., Pub
lishers, 723 SuiiHOiu Street, Philadelphia.
Is a South American plant that has been
used for many years by the inodical
faculty of those countries with wonderful
eltlcaey, and is a Sure and Perfect Reiued
for ail Diseases of tho
Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob
struction of Intestines, Urinary,
Uterine, or Abdominal Organs,
Poverty or a want of iilood, In
termittent or Remittent
Fevers, Intlamutlon of
the Liver, Dropsy,
Sluggish Circu
lation of tho
Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, JaundW,
Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fover, or
their Concomitants.
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURDBEBA
is a most perfeet alterative, and is offered
to the publiu as a great invigorutor and
remedy tor all impurities of the blood, or
for organic weakness with their attendant
evils. For the foregoing complaints
Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba
is confidently recommended to every
family us a household remedy, and should
be freely taken iu all derangements of the
"it is NOT A PHYSIC It is not what is
popularly called a BITTERS, nor is it in
tended as such ; but is simply a powerful
alterative giving health, vigor and tone to
all Ihevitul forces, ami animates ami forti
fies all weak uinl I vmphatie temperaments.
JOHN IJ. KELLOGG, plult St., New
York. Sole Agent for Ihu United Slates.
1'riee Ouu Dollar per bottle. Si ml for
Circular. OJ-lt
8 v iff ifes I
Contains no LAC SULPHUR Xo
VER, and is entire'y free from the
Poisonoiu and HeaUh-dentroying
Drugs used in other llair Importa
tions. Transparent and clear as crvntal. It will
not soil the finest fabric, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN and EFEICIENT-desifleratums
It restores and prevents the; Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap
pearance, removes Ltanarnii, is cool and
refreshing to tho head, checks tho Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and nnnBtnral heat. AS A
PR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Maos,
Prepared only by PltOCTEIt BROTH'
EKS, Gloucester, Mass. Tho genuine is
put up in a panel bottle, mado expressly
for it. with the name of tho article blown
In tho glass. Ask your Druggist for
Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no
9-Send two throe cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." Tho information it eon-
tain is worth f.500,00 to any person.
ttnpmed for t$7t.
Thla Machine lias never competed at
any National or State Fair, or great trial,
without having received the irst I'remt
nm. and has been awarded a greater num
ber of Medals than any other machine now
before the pciuic.
Tionesta, Pa,
Proposing an amendment to the Constitu
uou oi Pennsylvania,
Be it Resolved by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in General Assembly met,
That the following amendment of the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth be pro
posed to the people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the
tenth article thereof, to wits
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of tho Constitution, and insert in
liou thereof the following I
"A State Treasurer shall bo choson by
the qualified electors of the State, at such
timos and for such term of sorvice as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved tho fifteenth day of June,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. F. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Office Socretarvof tho Commonwealth, 1
Hurrisburg, July 6th, 1371. J
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
Coal at ;the old Kverhart Bunk, two
miles from Newmanville fur 7 cents per
or at Tiouesta and vicinity for
Ho always has a Urge supply on hand,
Now is the tiue to lay in a large supply
Orders promptly attended to 29
With IU Special Attachments, the
Is celebrated for its Reliability, Simpllo
ity, Ecouoinv and Convenience.
236 Water St., New York.
Maufacturors of Hot Air Engines.
1, 2, and 4 Horse-Power.
No water used 1
Cannot explode!
No insurancedcniand
edl Not liable to get out of
tinier I
Requires no Skilled
F.iuriiieer !
Costs to run 25 ent
per day per horse power. lili-tt
Qi)(OFur 1st till is Pianos soul on
tw.'Vlii iul no agent. Addnss V. S.
PIANO CO., l lircadMsr, N. V. 1&-U
To the Nerveous
WHOSE sufferings have been protract
ed from hidden causes, and whose
cases require prompt treatment to rmitm
exlatenc desirable
If yon r suffering, r kr mffere
from Involuntary discharges, what fiTet
does it produce on your goneral healtk T
Do yott feel weak, debilitated, easily tiredf
Does a littla extra exertion produce pal
pitation of thojieartf Does your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order r Is your; urine some
times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy
on settling T Or does thick skum rise t
the top f Or Is a sediment atthe bottom af
ter It has stood awhile T Do you hay
spoils of short breathing or dlspepslaT Are
your bowels constipated T Do you hava
spells of fraintiDg, or rushes Of blood to
the head T Is your memory lmparedf Is
your mind constantly dwelling on this
subject T Doyou fool dull, listless, moping,
tirod of company, oolite T Do you wisk
to'bo loft alone, away from everybody t
Does any little thing mskoj you start ar
Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless f
Is the lustre ofyoureya as brilliant T
The bloom on your check as bright T D
you enjoy yourself In society as well T Do
you pursue your business with the sarns
energy T Do you feel as much confldenos
in yousolf T Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of melancholy f If ,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights f Your baek
weak, your knoes weak, and hay bat Ilk-
tie appetite, and you attrib'-ta Ua to 4yw
pepsla or liTer-oomplsiatl
Now, reader, sK-sbh, varl dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, am
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion.when irt'porfftct health, make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus
inoss-men are always those whose genera
tive organs are In perfect health? Yoa
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of norvousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot Buecood in business j they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they areal ways
polite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, andilook you and them right in the
face none'of your downcast looks or any
meanness about thorn. I do nat mear.
those who keep the organs inflated br
running to excoss. Those will not enly
ruin their constitutions, bat
they do business with er Wv
How many men, from badly eiirsd aaw
eases, from the effect of solf-abusa and
excess, have brought about that state oi
weakness in those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so rnnch as to produce
almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and the real cause e:'
the trouble scarcely ever suspected ati
have doc tor ad for all but the right
Diaeasesof those orgaas require tfce'aav
of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'8 FLUID
EXTRACT BUCHU ia the great Dluretio,
and is a certain curefor diseases of tfcj
Bladder, Kidneys, Oravel, Dropsy, Organ -lo
Weakness, Female Complaints, Gens: -al
Dobity, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause orlginatia&j
and no matter of bow long atanaUaa
If no treatment Is sabmltte to, Cos
sumptlon'or Insanity may ensue. Oar
flesh and blood are supported from thssn
sources, and the health and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends sei,
prompt una of a reliufcle remedy.
Helmbold'a Extract Burba, establish:
upward of l'Jj.iears, prepared by H. 1 .
HELM BOLD, Druggist, 694 Broadwa. .
Now York, and 104 Ssuth 10th 8tree
Philadelphia, Pa. Pawn 1.25 per bolt
or 0 bottles for (fi.50, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by all Druggests every whet
Wrapper, fao-smile of my Chemical Wa -
house, and signed H.T, HKLMBOLB.