Rates of Advertising. One Square (I Inch,) one insertion.... 1 60 One Square " one month 09 OneHiinre 11 three months..- n O One Square " one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year V W epublican. fit fURLUUED EVERY tUESDAY, BY W. R. DUNN. 9AM In Kr' Building, Elm, Strcot. Forest quarter Coi. " "V " Half " One " " 100 W ' Business Cards, not exceeding one Inch In length, ?10 per year. Legal notices at established rates. These rates are low, and no deviation rlll bo made, or discrimination among patrons. The rates offered are such, is will make it to the advantage of men dob. i business in the limits of the circulation of the paper to advertise liberallv. ! r TERMS, J2.00 A YEAtt. Ho Bubscrlptlona received for a.shortor " Lot ua have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith' let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if--LINCOLN. erlod than three monins. Correspondence solicited from all parts of tho country. No notice will bo tukun of airriou vinous communication". TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER- 5, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. VOJL- IV. NO. 22. Marriauos and Death notice lnsortod rat in. 1 I .it 7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE, NO. 477, I.O. Or. T. . ft Tflta every Wednesday evening, at 8 M o'clock. w nDUNNiW.c.T. M. VT. TATE, W. H. -. . . W1WT0N PETTIS. MILE W. TATI. PETTIS & TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . ll. fr, TIOS1CSTA, rA. Isaac Ash, " TTrvriHET AT UW. OH City. Pa. tJ. Will practico in'tlio various Court of Forest County. All wuRincsn pniniwou kj ail cure will receive prompt attontlon. luly " W. W, Masoni a TTORNKY AT I, AW. OlTloe on Kim A. Street, above Walnut, Tlonosta, Pa. C W. Gllflllan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve- . nango Co., Pa. N. B. Smiley, , a TTnUNEY T T.AW. Petrolonm Cen- J tro. Pa. Will practice in the several tmurts of Forest County. 35-ly W. P, MerclUlott, Attorney at I. aw. AND HEAT. KNTATK Ad EXT. TIONESTA, PA. ta-tt t John K. Hallock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of XI. Patents.No. two French stroct(opposite Kned House) Erlo, Pa. Will practice in the several Slate Courts and tho United fctatt Courts. Special attention given to aolioitiiw patents for Inventors : infringo- aienls, ro-issuo and extension of patents carefully attended to. Kolerenocs: uon. James Campbell. Clarion ; Hon. John 8. MH'Rlmont. Franklin : II. L. fc A. II. lllohinond. Moadvlllo : W. E. Lathy. Ti- nesta. 2 1 . , , Tlonesta House. If: ITT I.E. Proprietor. Elm St.. Tio- lfl. iMMtiL Pa., at the mouth of theereek. i Mr. lltla lias thoroughly renovated the TionesUi House, and re-furnished it ram- r jletIy. All who mtronir.e him will be . well entertained at reasonublo ratos. BO-ly . . ; FOREST HOUSE, D. BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite Court House. Thmosta, Pa. Just opened. Everything now and clean and frosh. The best of liquors kept constantly ouliand. . A portion of tlui public patron- ago Is respectfully solicited. 4-17-ly Holmes House, nIONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. x V. 1. ftluhlo, proprietor, uoou csia- fcllug connected with the houso. tf. . Syracuse House, miDIOUTE. Pa.. J. A D Maokb. Propio- -J. tors. The house has bocn thoroughly refitted and is now la tho lirst-ctasa order, with tho best of accommodations. Any nformalion concerning OH Territory at this point will pe cuoornuiv rurnishea. -ly J. JtD. MAUF.E, Exchange Hotel, T OWKR TIDIOUTE. Pa.. P.'.S. Ramb- i-J DEKt iV Sos Prop's. This house having "been retited Is now the mostdosirablostop plag place in Tidioute. A good Billiard Room attached. 4-Iy National Hotel, TRVIXETON, PA. W. A. Hallonback, " Prirletor. ' This hotel la New, and is ,ow open as a first class house, situate at ne junction of the Oil Creek it Allegheny kivor and Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will nnd this the most conven- eut hotel In town, with nrst-class accom- noda Hons ana reasonai ue cuaros. u. JEWELRY STORE. K. C JItHKIS, Late of Brady's Bend, has located In Tionosto, and is prepared to do all kinds of work.iu the lino of repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &o., In Knod style and warranted to give satis faction. Watches, Jewelry, Ae., will be Jett in core of 1). S. Knox, who will be re sponsible lor uicir sate return. 18-ly. . U. E. MORRIS. . SLOAN & VAN GIESEN7 BLACKSMITHS ' - ' AND "WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church aud Elm Streots, TIOJSTESTA, 3?A. ' TIiIb firm Is prepared to do all work In its lino, and will warrant everything done at tuoir shops to tlve satislactiou. i'ar- ticujur attention given to Glvo them a trial, and gret it. you will not re- li-ly. JOHN A. PALE, PREt'T. SNA. PROPER, VIC( PREST. A. H. STEELE, CASHR, TIONESTA SAVINGS BANK, TlonebU, Forost Co., Pa. This Bank transact a General Banking, i.'ollectimr and Kxi-lianuo Jiuainoss. Drafts ou the Principal Cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. Gold and Silver Coin and Government Securities liou'!it anil sold. 7-iiU Bonds .converted on the must lavoi iible terms. I nturest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. OCISSCKIISK for the Forest Republicrn Dr. J. L. Acorrb, PTIYSTCTAN AND SURnF.ON.who has bad fifteen years' experience In a larpe and successful practice, will attend all Professional Calls. Oflleo In his Drue ana Drocery Store, located in Tidiouto, near Tidiouto House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, LIqnom Tobacco, Clears, Stationery, Gloss, Paints, Oils, Cutlery, anil line Groceries, all of tho best quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. H. It. BunOF.sS, an experienced OniR- dlstfrom New York, has charge or the Store. All prescriptions put up accurately. tf. Tint Sons 4 Co. '8 NEW ENOINES. The undersigned have for sale and will roceive ordors for the above Engine. Messrs. Tlltl Hons ot Co. are now sending to this market their 12- 1 torse Power Hugine with ll-Jiorse i-ower Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. i . I . 1 . a. Kli.l ii. t 'a l rm 1 nr. urrHM, hi i,uu-nii ut vnnnmi. ....... In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St. next door to Cliaso House, Pleasantvllle, and at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K. BUETT & SON, Agents. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tlouesto, Pa. All work is war ranted. If- OTIi:. DR. J. N. BOLARD, or Tidioute, lias returnsd to his practico atler an ab sence of four months, spent in tho Hospi tals of New York, Where .l will aiienu calls in his profession. Ollice in f.nrcKa irufr Bioro, aa uoor tbove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4iitf GREAT EXCITEMENT! at the Store of D. S. KNOX, Sc GO Elm St., ionesta Pa. We are In dally receipt o the argeatand MOST COMPLETE stock GROCEItira and rnovisioxs, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. EE ABDWAEE AND House Furnishing Goods. Iron, Nails, Machlno tools, Agricultural Implemonta, Ac., Ac,, Ae., whicU wo offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I I of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ao., In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. REDUCmON OP PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUlTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY G1TT1NG UP CLUBS. VO-Send for our new Price IJst and a Club Form will accon.,.iny it, continuing full directions muKing a large saving kj consumer-, un l rouiuueralivo ciun organ izers The fiireat Amorlean Tea Coiupuuj', P. O. Box SlU:'.. KKW YOHK. 13 -4t WANTED AGENTS FOR Triumphs of Eaterprts BY JAMES PAUTON.. A New Book, 700 octavo papes, well illUHtrated, intensely Interesting, und very instructive. Exclusive territory given. Our Terms are the most Liberal. Apply to us, and see H tliey are not. A. t, IIA1.K k CO., Hartford, Conn. The triali of a young widower up iu Windlinm county, Vt., in trying to get "help," are readily told by an ex change. At last, almost discouraged, lie drew up in front of a small dwell ing among the hills, and asked the customary question, "Can you tell me where I can get a woman to do the work in a farm house? "Where are ye from?" asked tho old man, viewing the handsome horse and buggy with a cler ical air. "My name is , and I am from ." "Oh yes! I've heard of you j you lost your wife a spell ago. Wall, I've got six gals-good gals too, and vou mav take a Dick amoncr em for a wife ; but they wouldn't none of em think of going out ter work. I should full as lives you should take Hannah, because she's the oldest, and her chance ain't quito so good, scciu' as she's nigh-sighted and can't hear very well ; but it you uon t want her, you can take your pick of the others." Our friend went in, selected the best looking one, drove to the justice and was married, and carried his bride homo that very night, having secured a permanent and efficient housekeeper, who proves thus lar in every way sat isfactory, wilhno question of wages, and no limit to tho work she is expect ed to do. Not long since a case was tried in the Supreme Court in a neighboring county, says the Portland (Mel Tress, i fi. .1.- ; iu wnicu me genuineness oi me signa tures to a number of promissory notes was contested. Une witness, who wit tiessed the signatures to the notes, pro nounced his name as appearing on one of the larger notes a forgery. The able experts declared that they could see no d i tie ranee in the autographs, lhe witness stoutly presisted that the one he designated was a forgery. Careful tests were applied. Ine notes were shuffled and dealt to him, and he in stantly picked out the fraudulent pa per. iiivery test which the ingenuity oi the lawyers could devise was an plied, with the Bame result, and the case went to the jury. After the case was closed one of the counsel gave the papers a careful examination, when it was found that the disowned signature had been punctured with a pin between the letters, but the mark wat so exceedingly small that it had escaped a score of prying eyes; yet to the witness' experienced vision it was "plaiu as a pikestaff." Hall'i Journal-of Health sensibly discourses: Summer showers frequent ly overtake persons and "wet them to the skin;" it is then safer to walk steadily aud rapidly on, -tititil the clothes become dry again.than stop un der the shelter and remain there still until the storm is over, it home is reached while the clothing is yet wot. take some hot drink instantly, a pint or more ; go to the Kitchen tire, re move every garment, rub the whole body with: a coarse towel or flannel put on woolen underclothing, get into bed, wrap up warm, and take another hot drink. ; then go to sleep, if at night if in the day time, get up in an hour dress, and be active for tha remainder of the day. buppose you sit still in the damp clothiug; in a few minutes chilliness is observed, the cold "strikes in, and next morning there is a vio lont cold, or an attack of pleurisy or pueuniouia which, a not latal in week or month it requires years to get rid of it. The short, sharp rule should be, if the clothing gets wet, change instantly, or work or walk ac tively, briskly, until perfectly dry, A Saratoga correspondent writes thus: "A naner lies before me announc. ing the death of a once eminent clergy man. lie died iu an obscure village in Canada. He was sottled in the city. of New York. His society was rich, large, and fashionable. He rode on tho wave of popular favor. Crowds attended his ministry, and his pay was large. In tho height of his popularity a letter was received by tho principal warden oi the church late one Satur day night, announcing his resignation and saying that he had sailed fo Europe that day. No reason was as- signed, and tho parish were in a state ot great excitement. After a time the pastor came back. His reasons fo his course were stranger than his con duct. The principal one was that he was subject to black mail, and 1 could endure it no longer, lie was soon settled in an adjoining city, over an important charge. His popularity was renewed. Hut soon he left, wen to Canada, took the place of an ass is ant minister in a small charge, an thore he died. His secret died with him." A parallel of Vallandinghara's fate is lound in one of Coccoccio s novel of a girl and her lover: They were in the garden together, the young mill raised a flower to his lips and slightly bit one ot the leaves; he lull; iu instant ho was dead. Mie who was accused of poisoning the man she loved best ou earth, besought her judgo be allowed to revisit the fatal garden promising that she would f-how them how the thing was done. They grant ed her prayer. "It was thus, vhesau plucking a flower. She put it to her lips, her lips just pressed a leaf; in an stunt she was a corpse. Head trrirdeuer artificial flourd Two negroes, bargaining for some land, the price of which was $900, said they ha J only half so much money. "Very well, said the land agent, I'll take $450 down, and a mortgage on the balance iu one year." Sambo scratched his head a moment and replied : "I say, boss, 'spose a fel- ain t got no morgitchT lhe agent explained, but the darkey couldn't see it, and disclaimed the ownership of a siugle"inorgitch." The other darkey here came to the rescue, and "lucidated the pint." Says he: "Sambo, don't you know what a mortritch is? Den I'll tell yer. A inor- gitch is jest like d is yer. 'Spose yer pays de boss 40U down ; den yer gives yer word on de honor of a nigger that .. mi v: ii. ..,!,)- ei ,n :n er 11 liny uiiu biiu uuuui v-xw iu n year. Uen spose on ne last aay oi ae year yer pays de boss $4-19 and don't pay tie udder dollar, why den de mor- gilcii says ae doss can jes uiae uu ae money and de land, and you don't hab nuflin not a cent. Golly, boss! a morgitch makes a nigger niitey hon est." A correspondent writes to a cotem- porary the following about some of the curious popular names given to the New York churches: "Plymouth Church is called simply 'Beecher's.' r- c ru...,.l, , ,. liar form of the Bteeple, is known as the 'Church of the Holy Corncob.' Mr. Talmadge's Tabernacle is called the 'Church of the Hinnodrome.' One of the Old School Churches, stiff in octrine. is known as the 'Old lur- nace.' A uaptist unurcu wnica maacs . . ... r. , , i a specialty of the ordinance, announc ing it ever Sunday, is known as the Church oi the Holy liath A Uni tarian Church, a low building, with its different parts drawn out like a tele scope, is called the 'Church of the Holy Turtle.' Dr. Bellows' Church, built of alteruate layers of red and white, is known as tho 'Church of the Holy Ze bra, lo raise funds to pay on a church debt one of our religious socie ties held a fair, at which dancing was made prominent. The society was im mediately christened the 'Church of St. Vitus." The latest story from Massachusetts comes from Lynn, and is of a battle between toads and trogs. lhe contest is thus described by the man who saw it iu a pond in that neighborhood : "Around the margin of the pond, in the water, there was a large collection of common toads ; close beside them was an equally large gathering of bull frogs, and a battlo between the two was in progress. The frogs, being the most powerful, were busily engaged in drowning the toads. Une or more frogs would neize a toad and hold his head under water until he was drowned Sometimes a frog would -find that he was overmateheed, and then he would utter a peculiar sound, when one or more ot his comrades would come to his aid, and the toad was sure to go under, never to riso again. This bat tle continued for several minutes, un til tho toads were competely 'cleaned out,' when the frogs joined in one tri umphal croak, as though they had achieved a victory over mortal enemies. The scene was a most singular one,and such as is rarely witnessed." A curious story is told of threo young candidates for a Scottish minis try. The first one put upon his trial, while nuttincr on his robes, happened to descry an ancient-looking, well-worn roll ot paper, which proved to be a sermon upon the text, "Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. beeing that the old sermon was much better than his new one, the aspirant to pul pit honors took posessioo of it, deliv lt as his own, and then returned it to its old resting place. The sermon was a good one, and pleased the hearers, although they would have preferred one delivered without book. Great was their astonishment the following Sunday, when preacher No. 2 treated them with the same sermon from the same text; but it was too much for Scottish patience when a third minister, fulling luto the same trap, commenced his sermon by announcing that "Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents;" aud oue old woman relieved the feel ings of her fellow-sufFerers by exclaim ing: "De'il dwell himl is he never gaun to flit?" A short time ago a lady and gentle man were married very quietly in tho country, and proceeded iu their car riage to spend the honeymoon among the lukes, the gontieraau giving strict orders to his Irish footmuu on no ac count to state to inquirers tlint they were newly married. Whon leaving the iirot inn ou tho road the happy couple were much astonished and an noyed to find tho servants all assem bled, aud, pointing to tho gentleman, mysteriously exclaiming, "That's him ? That's the man !" Ou reaching the next stage tho indignant master told his servant that he had divulged what he had impressed upon him as a secret, and had told the servants at the lat iun they were a new married couple. "Be juLers, an' it's not true, ver hon or," replied tho servant ; "I tould the whole kit that yer honor. and honor's lady (God bless her!) wouldn't be married yet for a fortnight !" A round sunt Mayne Reid, the prolific author of wild stories for little and big children, was once; a gallant soldier, and dis tinguished himself in the Mexican war. After tho capture of tho City of Mex ico, he was wont to empty his trunk in adorning his person before calling up on Guadaloupe, and while so doing would stir op his enthusiasmby recit ing poetry, much to the wrath and dis gust of his brother officers, who had no loves. One day whilej dressing he roared out : "At midnight, In his guarded tent, The Turk lay dreaming of the honr When Oreece,"hef knees--" "I say, Reid," interrupted Is ed War shall, "why did they grease her knees?" "WhatVVw ' "You said 'grease her knees.' Now, the question that agitates the country is, why did they grease her knees r The gay lieutenant gazed for a mo ment in blank amazement, then said sternly : "You're a fool." A duel was the consequence, in which Ned Marshall got the worst of it . Cousin Norma is responsible for the following Concerning Jim Smith and Johnny Greene, who after having had a grand bout one night, concluded to go home. Arriving at Smith's house, which they knew by some peculiarity that even a drunken man couldn't mis take, they commenced to shout: "Missus Sum hie mithl Ho, Mis- sus-mithl" "What do vou want, you drunken brutes !" shouted Mrs. Smith from the Wipdow, "Em vourn Miss Mith ?" "Yes I am. Who are you and what do vou want ?" "Ef yer Missus Sum hie ith, come 'ere and pick out Missur Smith, for Johnny Urceno wants to go-orue. A member of the Arkansas Legisla ture, who goes for economy ia public expenditure, in speaking of an ex travagant appropriation, indignantly exclaimed : "Gentlemen, talk about 'adequate compensation of public ser vants.' Why, sir, during the late war I was in thirty-seven battles, was wounded thirteen tunes in the cause of the South, and the entire pay I re- $30 in Confederate money, every cent of which 1 gave lor one glass oi old rye whisky. A down East farmer, known far and wide bv his patriotic title had neighbor who was in the habit of work ing on Sundays, but after a while this Sabbath breaker joined the church One day our friend met the minister to whose church he belonged, "Well, Uncle Sam" said he, "do you see any difference in R. since he joined the church?" "Oh yes," said uncle Sam "a great difference. Beforo, when he went out to mend his fences on bunday he carried his axe on his shoulder, but now he carries it under his coat. Miss Jane, daughter, and Mrs. Ava wife of Brigham Young, have been stopping at Saratoga lor a lew days, The Saratoga Sun says : "The wife is a fair, wholesome looking woman, and the daughter really a beauty. She is of good size, fair complexion, rcsy cheeks,- flashing dark eyes, plump, pretty figure, pouting cherry red Hps, which gave at least one Saratoga young man a good, healthy, fragrant, sweet smack right on tho mouth at parting. We learned that Miss Jane was not daughter to Mrs. Ava." Some time since a Northern Ver mont clergyman visited New York, and was invited to fill a city pulpit He knew nothing about quartette choirs, and had nevor heard a church orgau. After the first hymu showed him what the organ prelude was, he announced the second as follows: "The I audienco will now join with me in singing a good old Methodist hymn, and those fellows running that bag of wind in the gallery will please not in terrupt." i A short time siuce E. E. Hawley, baggago master ou tho express train on the Hartford and New Haven railroad, was badly injured by a heavy trunk falling upon him. llu wife was so affected by the news sent by tele graph that she dropped dead. Tho unfortunate and doubly afflicted roan was taken to his dosolato home, where within a week's time he witnessed the death of his only child. Dr. G , of Sycamore, Illinois, riding iu the country saw a sign upon a gate-post, reading thus : "This farm for sail." Stopping his horse, ho hailed a little woman who stood ou tiptoe, hanging out clothes. "I say, madam, when is it going to sail?" "Just as soon," replied the old lady, placing her thumb to her nose, "us anybody conies along who can raise tho wind." The doctor drove thought fully on. Ono of our modern poets has the following fino lino : "Oh, she wits fair, but sorrow eume and left its traces there!" What becamo of tho remain der of the harness lie does not stute. A Ccitioca Cask. Tho gentlemau hose countenance fell ou hearing of the los of his property, is beginning to pick up a bit, and hopes toon to put a good fin. on it. An old farmer went into a drug store a short time ago, after an alma nac. He was handed one of Jayne's, but indignantly refused, saying that it was a d d humbug. "Last year," Baid he, "I lost a couple of tons of hay by one of his almanacs. The book said it would be pleasant on a certain day, and I left my grass out and lost it X won t have either his almanac or his medicine." And so the old chap took another sort. "I once dreamed," said Tat, "that I called upon the President, an he axed me wud I drink. I tould him I didn t care if I tuk a drop of punch. 'Could or hot?' axed the President 'Hot, yer excellency,' said I; and he stepped down in tho kitchen for some bilin' water, and beforo he got back I woke strate up, and now its distressm me that I didn t take it could I A good story is told of a Nashua, N. II., physician, who recently vaccinated a family of twelve persons and charged twelve dollars. A few days thereafter he took a dozen cabbage plants in part pay, as he supposed, but upon final settlement learned, to bis surprise, that Mr. Farmer charged doctor's prices "one dollar a head," For a specimen of logical consecu tion of ideas we venture to commend this from a school-boy's composition : "Tobacco was invented by a man named Walter Raleigh. When the people first saw him smoking they thought he was a steamboat, and as they had never seen a steamboat they were frightened." A Collinsville, Ct, man who had for years suffered rheumatism and been unable to labor, recently lent a hand in extinguishing a burning barn ana was inorougniy ureucneu wnu wa ter, remaining wet three hours. To 11 , 1 J his astonishment he now finds himself entirely cured of his disease. They have a severe attack of rail road fever at Puget Sound. One of the papers closes a long article with : "lhen blow, ye winds i put your sn ders to the wheel, ye steam gods! hasten on the tune for which we are looking, longing, dying 1," A gentleman said to an old lady who had brought up a family of chil dren near the Merrimack river, "I should think you would have lived in constant fear that some of them would have got drowned." "Oh, no," respond ed the old lady, "we only lost three or four that way. In some recent discussion societies thev debated strange questions. The last was: "What is the difference be tween the 'Bridge of Sighs' and the size of a bridgo? ' The next is to be "The difference between a fac-similo and a sick-family." A gentleman from Boston on a visit to his friend in the country, speakin, of the times, observed that his wife had lately expended fifty dollars for habit. His friend replied, "Here, in the country wo don't allow our wives to get into such habits. Infuriated Commanding Officer of the Smith Guard. "Hi, there; get away, you roadman get away from the target I" Easy-Minded Luntic "Hold on, guv nor, 1 am t as mad as look. I was here all day yesterday and found it much the safest place in the held." A Rhode Island man married Massachusetts girl ; last Thursday he went home unexpectedly, and threw a fellow, whom he found running counu bial opposition to inm, out ot a tw story window. A link-boy asked Dr. Burgess, the preacher, it no would have a light "No, child," says the doctor, "I am one of the lights ot the world." "I wish, then," replied the boy, "you were hung at tho end ot our alley, tor it is a very dark one. "January," a New York gambler, being flat broke ono night, put a loz enge ou the queen, aud the dealer, mistaking it for a split check, paid the bet 1 rom this beginning he took $1,500 out of tho bauk that night. Why cut your own heir off with shilling when you can get a barber to cut your hair off for you and shampoo you iuto the bargain for that very moderate sum? A couple who were recently married in New Orleans, announced "No wed ding cards, no bridal tour, no honey moon." They evidently mean busi ucss. There is a lad of our acquaintance who regards hunger and tho chastuii- ing rod as about the same thing; both make him holler. This is tho Iutet contribution to piscatorial study by the board of edu cation; Question What is the cause of the sallneos of the water of the oceau? Answer Tho cod-full. A French doctor has written a lifo of tho devil, including his subject essays oil political economy and what ho knows about warming. The editor of an Eastern paper hav ing received a bunk-noto detector, re turns thuuks, and modestly nks for some bauk-notes upon hu.h to Ui-t it- aiTtiiHi'v. The worst thing out out of temper. The best thing out out of debt. A hard-set Illinois thief recently stole the lightning-rod off a church. Coming to Grief Meeting trouble half-way. Ah Bung is the name of a Chinese pugilist in San Francisco. Two Virginia! farmers fought a duel with a scythe and an axe. What have you to expect at hotels ? nn attention. . Tennvson is again Idvlintr away his time. Dct. Freo Press. The London underground railway cost four million dollars a mile. An Illinois church was carried bodi ly six miles on a freight car. His girl "shook him" and ho lumped into the river at Quincy, 111. A now German fiction unfolds its slow length in nine volumes. An English lady has been sued for breach of promise by a farmer. A Model for a bust almost any pat ent boiler model. Low. Cour. An Atlanta negro owns to having had eight wives and sixty-four chil dren. A gentlemanly New Orleans thief returned a wedding ring he had stolen. Illinois chickens scratched up a gold watch that was lost seventeen year ago. Wachtel, the German tenor, was once a hack driver; now he's ou the stage. Why is the sun lika a good loaf? Because it is light when it rises. What is that which is so brittle that if you name it you are sure to break it? bifence. ... What is it that goes up the hill and down the hill, and yet never moves? The road.. ... What drink should sailors be fond of? Port. ' Why should the speaker of the House wear spectacles? Bccauso so many attempts are mado to "catch his eye." , What is the difference between an egg-shell and a physican ? One 1b M T and the other is M. D. Which is the most appropriate driuk for fops? Spruce. When ia theatrical mannagcr like an astronomer? When he discovers a new star. Why are young ladies so partial to sunset and twilight? Because they aro daughters of Eve. Spurgeon thinks sorao ministers would make good martyrs they are so dry they would burn well. At a recent marriage in Illinois, the 4he groom was forty and the bride twelve and half years of age. A Swimming-master may sometimes be said to be literally immersed in busiucss. The Chicago Republian calls this "an explodemical season for kerosene lamps." Thirty years ago there were not twenty wood engravers in the United States. Now there are four hundred. Tall gentleman should beware of the habit of kissing little ladies, as it might in time make them round-shouldered. If a man lias carrotv hair and a tur nip nose, with a radish complexion, must he necessarily have vegetablo marrows in his bones ? A carpenter named Frank Marklcy fell from the roof of a barn in Wash ington township, a few days ago, re ceiving serious injuries. A journal certifies to the existence of a young lady who took out fifty seven hair pins from her coiffure and yet her hair did not come down. Victoria's daughtor, Crown Princess of Frussia, is growing fat, like her mother. She is 31 yoars old, and has given birth to six chrildrcn. The two now Roman Catholic Cathe drals in New York city will cost $4, 000,000 each. "That a the way tho money goes." There are many newspapers that mako little noise in tho world ; but tho ladies will testify that they can make a great "bustle. New York and New Jersey people driuk more beer thau thoso of any other two States the yearly average consumption, beiug 248 glasses for ev ery man, woman, aud child. When a man aud a Christian brud der runs away with the Church plato at Memphis, one deacon catches him aud ho Kls liiiu whilo auothcr fixes him for the coroner. A young gentleman of PittsnVld, MasM,'htu receully involved himself in difficulty by steuling empty bottles from tho back door of a drug store, and then carrying them roitud to tho front door ami selling thcni to tho i'WIi'T. KJ l. will jwy. I