The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 29, 1871, Image 3

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    She lowt grpuMifan.
turgtm-lt. II. Mat.
(vmncitmf i Jacob Shrivcr, J. II. Rtroup,
W. W, Dlmond. 8. II, ilaslot, .1. Wlnans.
Justice of th fence V. P. Morcilllott,
V. S. Knox.
t bnttuble J. Jf.Teltsworth.
i:hool Director J. Wlnans. J. A. Pule,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlvor, D. 8. Knox,
. it. Irwin.
PrfJtident J uilgeJ AME8 Campbsi-L
Assoeiat Judges J. A. Propkr, An
IIBW Cook.
lSerifV,. L. DAVti.
Vittrict Attorney W. W.MASon.
Wajturw S. Sbtlkv.
Prothonotary, Register Recorder, rfc
UmmijMioner N.T Whff.I.KR, BknJ.
Elliott, Phtkh Mkbimimott.
Chanty .Superinifndmf S. F. Rohrer.
Jury Oammtisioners Jab. Gilkilman,
Wat. PattkrmoK.
tbsnfy Survivor S.I). Irwii.
Coroner Jos'iaH Winahs.
ttounfy U(iof L. U llACKKTT, ELI
Member of Congress IVth JhstrtclO. W.
rt4t Senate W. A. Waixacb.
Assembly Jonsr O. Hall.
Form what we can hear of the
condition of Mrs. Winuus, who wai re
moved to Waterloo about three weeks
ioce, she is not improving any, but
rather failing.
A Mr. Bates, an artist of Phila
delphia has been sketching the Lacy
town Mills, and intends to make a
large picture of it, for Mr. Lacy, who
brought him on for that purpose. , .
Two boviues of the masculine
gender have had a series of bull-fights
on our Btreett during the past week
It looks muab. better than to see two
brutes bearing the human form, bruiV
ing aud pummelling each other.
We wish to call the attention of
our readers to the correspondence on
our second page, "From 'Dixie' to the
'Keystone " It was writteu for this
paper by a Southern lady, who prom
ue us "more anon." We shall be
pleased to hear from her as often as
she can make it convenient to write
A man named Orosi, a tailor, at
Tidioute, who was arrested recently as
the murderer of Wi6ner, was taken to
Titusvilla and' the evidence amount
ing to nothing, he was discharged. A
grrtUruaaV have been arrested aud
discharged on the same charge. We
lope the next arrest will bo that of
the real murderer. '
According to . tbe Erie Dispatch
of the 26tb, a man named Lowe made
an assault on a Mr. Hill, proprietor of
the United States Hotel, of Erie, with
an enema link, dealing; him a severe
blow on the shoulder. Hill drew
revolver and shot five times at Lowe,
and hit him once In the foot. Low
was a rreated.
Sunday last was showery. The
faces of lumbermen beamed like head
.lights of a locomotive. But alasl
the skies cleared up ; the rain ceased
the visages of the aforesaid lumbermen
fell to zero, and the flood is not yet.
if faithful watching, waiting and long
ing will avail anything, we may look
for a rise soon.
P. 8. It is raining like blates, to-day,
and the countenances of the lumber
atea are brightening up.
Saturday afternoon the pleasant
-countenances of our inends F. W
-lly and Mel. Haldeman of Oil City
beamed in upon us. We entertained
them over Sunday, trusting that we
might be one of the lucky ones who
lave "entertained angels unawares,"
- Mr. Hays is a limb of the law, and is
. buildiDg up a good practice in Oil
City. Mr. Haldeman, is connected
with Empire Freight Line, in a rowist
a base-ballist,a sketcbist.and a dabbler
in oil. They left in good shape on
Monday morning.
M. E. Conference meets in Mead
Tillle to morrow. Then will there be
much anxiety felt, if not expressed
.among the clerical .brethern, about the
high-salaried positions.: edont in
tended to insinuate that the preachers
of the Erie Conference, are, as a class
mercenary, but we wouldn't give
' snap for a man who wouldn't prefer a
good liviug and an easy charge to
meagre salary and rough usage. Ac
cording to reports we shall have Broth'
er Burton here another year, aud w
must say we might tret mauy a worse
A stoam saw mill which has been
run by T. J. Payne, on a branch
Coon Creek, about two miles above
Cobb'a now mill, was burned on
Wednesday morning last, along with
about 1,200,000 feet of lumber. Th
fire is supposed to have caught from
burning slab-pile near. Loss about
(30,000. We believe the mill was
owned by Mr. Payne, and the lumber
by Mr. Lacy. Mr. Lacy is a wealthy
man, and we suppose will not feel it as
much as some ot our lumbermen would.
We suppose Mr. Payue will feel the
loss rather more. He has our sym
pvhp nj way, and o hs Mr. Lny,
Thursday last two gentlemen from
Clciirfiold were in town hunting after
couple of stolon horses. About 1
'clock Tliursdny morning Mr. Urulibs,
living nt the lower end of town, heard
two horses pRSs his nouso very rapidly,
nd a few minutes later Mr. Scott, the
ferryman, heard two horses fording the
river just below the ferry. From the
manner in which they rode into the
water we should judge, whoever was
riding them, was in great haste, and
thai they were familiar with the ford-
ng at this place. It is hardly possi
ble that we have any one in our com
munity engaged in this business, but
from the fact that so nianv horses are
eing stolen in our viciuily, it behooves
every good citizen to be on the look-
Since the above was in type we have
the pleasure to anuouce the capture of
the horses and one of thieves. Our
nformant and the owner, Daniel Kik-
rd, followed the thieves over the riv
er here, aud then, for a time could get
no further trace of them. They took
a hunt all over the oil region hoping
o get wind of the thieves. At length
they went to Tidioute and got the aid
f .a detective there. They came to a
barn about one and a half miles south
of Pino Grove, belonging to a man
named Barber, on Friday evening,
where they heard somo men talking
and horses tramping. They listened,
believing they were on the right track,
and in a few moments the horses came
out, a man astride of each, and broke
into a dead run in the direction of
Youngsville. Mr. Rikard fired three
hots from bis revolver, but they did
not seem to have taken cfl'ect, more
than causing both thieves to lose their
hats, as they rode ou aud soon left their
pursuers out of sight. The detective
then left them and went back to Tidi
oute, but the other two men followed
ou all night, although it was very
dark, and they had to guess the way.
They came up to the thieves about six
miles suuth of Sugar Grove, having
heard of them in Youngsville, where
they purchased hats. They rushed in
on them as they were taking breakfast,
and the thieves rushed out the back
door of the house and broke for the
woods. One of them escaped, and the
other was caught. They took the hor
ses and man to Tidioute. After arriv
ing there it was discovered the cap
tured chap hud been shut through thu
thigh, but had no bones broken. This
was the reason they came up to him
when he was running for the woods.
He gave his name as James Bird, and
said his companion was hurt much
worse man ne was. lhe horses were
sold by the owner, Mr. Rikard to the
proprietor of the European Hotel, for
$500. A party was to start for Bar
ber's on Sunday to search the the prem
ises, those who captured the horses aud
thieves believing that there was a cave
under the barn, and that the horses
were hidden there. The country
about xiaioute is aroused, ana we
should not be surprised if the whole
gang of horse thieves who have been
so troublesome for some time past
were captured.
-R. R. Roberts, formerly stationed
at this place iu the capacity of Pastor
of the M. E. Church, and who has for
upwards oi a year past been iu
town more or less, and who has been
interested in the oil business about
here, was brought up before the M. E.
Church last week ou choarge of violat
ing the 7th Commandment of God. The
testimony was taken; that of R. C,
Stephenson being the most conclusive
of any offered, he averring hut he
saw Mr. Roberts in the act. The tes
iimony as given in, win come betore
the Conference in Meadville some time
this week. Mr. Stephenson was arrest
ed at the instance of James Lewis, and
put under bonds of $2,000 for an ap
pearance at court to answer the charge,
the bail was afterward cut down to
$300 by Judgo Proper. This is the
worst story that we have had to publish
since we have taken charge of the Re
riDi.K'AN, and we hope we will not
have auy occasion to publish similar
We have received a rather lengthy
communication from some unknown
correspondent at Clariugton. Ou ac
couut cf the fact that no imine is giv
en by which we may kuow who theuu
thor is, aud furthermore thut the skill
of ourcorre6pondcnt,"Sigma" iu pitch
ing quoits is r fleeted upon, we must
decline to publkb the communication
We had supposed that by this time
correspondents all over Christendom
even uuto New Jersey knew that it
was absolutely necessary that the edi
tors should know who the writer
letters for publication are, not that
others may kuow, but to be sure thut
they come from responsible parties.
Next time please give us your "si."
Messrs. Wolcutt, McGill and Al
bert Grove left for the Sandy Oil fields
yesterday. They all have a band in
Fort Pitt Communication.
Ed. Refuhi.ican: According to
promise I again write you the current
items of the week, occurring at our
On Monday last Mr. Win. Haslctt
entered the store of the Superior Lum
ber Co. with a loaded rifle, which he
was about to exhibit to one of the
meu present, when, from some unac
countable cause it weut off, the ball
grazing Mr. Geo. Richard's face, aud
imbedded itself in the wall - a few
feet behind him.
On Friday our mill cut the largest
amount of. lumber ever cut at this
place: in seven hours "she" cut 31,500
feet of Pine and 24,000 lath. At the
end of this time the mill was obliged
to shut down on account of the block
ing up of the platform, as the lumber
could not be removed fast enough.
Our sawyer, Mr. S. Van Steinburg, is
confident that he can cut twice the
above if he has a fair trial.
About 10 P. M. on Friday Mr. M.
Donovan discovered fire in the woods
a short distance from the mill. He
mmediately gave the alarm, and with
the assistance of the mill and woods
crew, succeeded, alter several hours
hard labor, in subduing the flames.
Praise should be given to the men for
the prompt and energetic manner in
which they answered the alarm whistle.
Cause of fire unknown. Messrs. Eme
ry & Freeman, have every facility for
subduing fire should one occur. Thry
have racks of fire-buckets and axes
placed different parts of the mill,
and have one man whose duty it is to
keep the fire apperatus in order, and
look out for fires. We think this a
very good idea, and one that should be
carried out at every mill iu this sec
tion of the couutry.
Squire employee of Messrs.
E. & F., whilst engaged in peeling logs
attempted to jump from one side of a
newly peeled log to the other, made a
misstep, falling upon his axe, severely
cutting himself in the left arm, and
ribs; with a little care, and attention
he will soon be able to resume his du
ties again.
I cannot close my letter without
mentioning two of the recent arrivals
at this place whose names are familiar
to every American, viz : Geo. Wash
ington and Benj. Franklin. Although
in all probability not relatives of their
predecessors we hope they may do
honor to tbe nam-s they bear. They
are two ot our uewiy enlranehisea
Should time aud space permit I
hope to have the honor of writing you
soon again. Ur s e.
Rev. A. Virtue will preach in the
Presbyterian Church next Subath
morning and evening.
Indian clubs for muscular culture,
are the latest thing in that liue here.
They are swung about the head in reg-
ular Indian style, with a terrific
screech at the end of each exercise, to
remind the beholder that they are In
dian clubs.
We httvo received the Atlantic
Monthly for September. The folio
ing are a list of the contents :
Twin-Love j Learning; The Field
and the Garden; American Life iu
France. V, ; In the Lane; Kate Beau
moot. IX.; Twenty Dollars; The
Flowering of a Nation ; Forshadows ;
Watch aud Ward. II. ; Encyclicals of
a Traveller. III.; Their Wedding
Journey. III.; A Greyport Legend;
Our Whispering Galiery. IX. ; The
Romance of Madrono Hollow; Re
cent Literature.
Terms $4 a year. Jas. R. Osgood
& Co., Publishers, Boston, Mass.
The Superior Lumber Co. Store
having bought the School Book trade
of J. J. Fisher.are now prepared to fur
nish the public with all kiudsof school
and miscellaneous books. Will keep
constantly on hand a full assortment
of school books aud general Hteraturo.
21 3t
Dr. F. Dally, Mechauical and
Surgical Dentist is at present stopping
tit the Holmes House, Tionesta. All
parties desiring his services will please
cull upon him early, aud they will be
skillfully aud properly attended to.
Artificial dentures on gold, silver, or
vulcanite base made to order, aud war
ranted to give satisfactii n. 20 tf.
Fresh arrival of Dress Silks,
Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions,
aud goods generally received this day
by Superior Lumber Co., Elm street.
Call and see them. 19 2t
Williumeport Dickinson Semina
ry a first clasa school for both sexes,
v illiumsport, Pa. Fall session opeus
Aug. 24, 1871. For catalogues ad
dress, W. Lee Spottswood, D. D.,
Fon Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Thaber Eugine aud toiler iu goor
der. Inquire of D. 8. Knox,
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West? The best Line is ac
knowledged to be the C, B. fe Q ,
joined together with the B. & M. Rail
road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington,
and called the Burunuton Route.
The main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific IioHds, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverg
ing at Red Oak, falls into a line run
ning down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, aud all Kansas.
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
Bee Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis-
souri, and, by a alight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.-
. Lovers of fine vjews should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree
fringed steams Ita rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prairies further than eye can
reach. ,t
' Laud-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among
the two thousand who have already
bought farms from Geo. 8. Harris, the
Land Commissioner ot the B. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among
the four thousand hnme-Bteaders and
preemptors who last year filed claims
in the Liucoln land office, where "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all
a furtn."
For Sale. The house aud lands
known as the "Christie Property," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
are for sale. Terras cosh or approved
security. Apply to
Johk A. Dale,
President Tionesta Savings Bank.
Tionesta, Pa.
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Uil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the couutry. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will hi
paid. They have just received the
agency for an Eastern HoUbe, and
want all the wool they can possibly
get. Take your wool there and get
good prices.
A ii. !"'i ekle, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " In man Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish" them with all the information
. -My hair was falling off, I used
two bottles of Nature's Hair Restora
live aud it checked it at once. It is
cleau, safe aud efficient. If your drug'
gist has not got it, send direct to Proc
ter Bros., Gloucester, Mass. See ad
. Where did you get your Sewing
At the Superior Lumber Co.'s Store
ilm street. I hey sell thebingerram
ily Machine for 865 in mi.uthly pay
meuts and it is thu DDly machine we
would use. Call and examine the
machine for yourself and they will
give you full information in regard to
it. 16-61
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
can be seen at this office.
M. P. Jeuka, Jeweller, Meadville,
l'a., is selling Watches, Jewelry
Chains, Diamonds Ac, at 20 per cent,
hclow marked prices. Several of our
citizens hare patronized him, and Cud
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
ter aud Chestnut SU., in Cullum block.
Use Dr. Herrick's Sugar- Coated Veg
etable Pills and hid Strengthening
Plasters, also Dr. Perrin's Fumigator
for Calarrh. The beit preparation in
the market. For 1 1 antes and Cattle
use Harvel't Condition Powders the
'best iu use satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded. Sold by D. S.
Knox & Co., Agents, Tionesta, Pa.,
wrl tb trwHo riNswtlly. Jl 9ro
New Advertisements.
In the Common t'lea of Forest County,
E. D. No, IS. May Term 1871.
J. J. Fisher vs. II. A. Kurt.
And now to wit, Mv 21th, 1871. On mo
tion of Pl"s Att'y, W.P. Mercilliott up
pointed Auditor to distribute the pro-
ceod.i arising from a Shoriir '8 Hale of prop
erty oi iwii'iiiianw.
Extract of the record.
J. H. AGNEW, Frothy.
I will attend to the duties of my ap
pointment at my ofllun In Tionesta
ISorouch on Friday. Wept. 2Jd, 1H71, be
tween the hours of one anil three oYhx k I
P. M. of said day, where thotte interested
may attond If tliov we propor.
W. P. MfciKC lLLIUlT. Auditor.
Aurf. 2i;th, 187J. 21 3t
In the Common Pleas of Forest County.
E. I). No. ! May Term 1871.
I. lliinronner v to. vs. uoorjre morgan.
And now to wit. May 24th, 1871, on mo
tion of V. W. Mason Esn.i Att'y for Flff.
W. P. Mercilliott appointed Auditor to
distribute the proceed arising from a
Sheriffs sale of property of Defendant.
extract iroin me Kecoru.
J. 11. AON KW, Prothy.
I will attend to the duties of my appoint
ment at inv iiilico in Tionesta Borouuh on
Saturday Sept. 1, 1871, between the hours
of nine and tn o'clock A. M. of said day
where those interested may attend it uey
bob proper.
tt . f. MtliiliLioi r, Auaiior.
Aug. 26lh, J871. 21 2t
The undersigned haviniz heen appoint
ed by the Orphans court of Forest County
to distribute tho funds in the hands of
S. 1. Irwin, Administrator of S. ft. llu
lins dee'd, hereby gives notice to all con
cerned that he will attend to the duties of
the appointment stated at the Court House
in Tionesta Boroon Tuosdayand Wednes
day the ltlth and 20th days of .September
1871 between the hours ol o'clock . M.
and 3 o'clock P. M. of each dav.
21-at W. P. MERCILLIOTT, Auditor.
Oeo. K. Thaver vs. J. A. Nolan Co.
Abial Drake for use vs. A, J. Maze. '
F. II. Ellsworth et. ah vs. J no. H. Dilks
et. al.
Elizabeth Geer vs. H. C. Scott et. al.
10. L. Jones vs. Daniel Murphy.
Solomon ZcnU vs. John II. Leonard.
K. Li. Illood vs. James Painter.
Chas. Hinton vs. John A. Proper and D.
Chas. Looper vs. Warren & Franklin R.
u. co.
Forest County vs. John O. Brandon.
Forest Countv vs. Chas. ,T. Fox.
Commonwealth for use vs. John W. Mil
ler et. al. .
Manfactnrers of Hot Air Engines.
1, 2, and 4 Horse-Fow-or.
No water used I
Cannot explode I
No insurancedemand
ed! Not liable to get out of
order I
Requires no Skilled
Engineer I
Costs to run 25 cents
per day per horse power. 20-4t
MARKET ST., wost of 17th, PHILA,,
11r.raiPii Kcnieitiher litth. 1H71. Thorough
Collegiate training for the praeth-e ot Mm
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechani
cal Engineering, Analytical Industrial
Chei ilstry, Metallurgy a id Architecture.
The Diploma of the Coih:ge is nvi i ed as
conclusive evidence of proficiency by the
first engineers and companies engaged in
works of improvement. 1 or l!th Annual
Announcement, addreas ALFRED L.
KENNEDY, M . D., Prest. ot Faculty. VttMt
ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May
1, 1870, Trains arrive at and leave tho
Union Depot, corner of Washiuton aud
Liberty street, as follows :
Mail Train, 1.80 a in ; Fast Line, 12.12 a
m ; WeH'saecommodation No. 1,0.20 a m
Brinton accommodation No 1, 7.50 a in;
Wall's accommodation No 'i, H.55a m ;C'in
cinnati express Uim; Johnstown ac
commodation lu.fib am; Rraddock's ac
commodation No 1, 7.00 p in ; Pittsburgh
express 1.30 p m; Pacific express 1.50 p in ;
Wall's accommodation No 8, 2.85 p in;
Hoiiiewood mtcommodation No l,tt.5o pin;
Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p m;
Brinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m;
Way Paaaenger 10.20 p m.
Southern express 5.20 a ni ; Pacific ex
press 2.40 a In ; Wall's accommodation No
1, 6.30 a m ; Mail Train K.lo a n ; ISrinUm's
accommodation 1 ).20 a m ; Braddock's ac
commodation No 1, 5.10 p m; Cincinnati
express 12.85 p in ; Wall's accommodation
N i, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accommodation
4.05 pm; Hoiiiewood accommodation No
1, 8.60 p m; Philadelphia express 8.50 p m;
Wall accommodation No3,3.0-p in; Wall's
accommodation No 4, 6.0, p m ; Faht Line
7.40 p m; Wall No 6, 11.00 p in.
The Church Trains leave Wall's Station
every Sunday at tt.05 a. in., reaching Pitts
burgh at 10.05 a. in. Reluming leave Pitts
burgh at 12.50 p. in., and arrive at Wa!l'
Station at 2.10 p. m.
Cincinnati express leaves daily. South
ern express daily except Mm lay. All oth
er Trains daily, except Sunday.
For further 'iiiiormation spiv to
W. H. BECK WITH, Agent.
Tho Pennsylvania Hallroad Company
will not assume any Risk tor Baggage ex
cept tor Wearing Apparel, and limit their
rsponsibility to One Hundred Dolla' s val
ue. All liaggage exceeding that a ount
in value will be at the risk of the tier,
unless taken by special contract.
Genoral Superintendent, Albsina Pa.
With its Special Attachments, the
Is celebrated for its Reliability, Simplic
ity, Economy and C'on ven i nee.
230 Water St., New York.
IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o
(ial at thu old Ever bait Bank, two
miles I'rom Nuwmaiiville for 7 uentu per
or at Tionesta and vicinity fur
25 CENTS FEK l.U.- HI'E.
He always has a lare ri-.. 'ii lttud.
Now i the time to lay iu a large suppt
Contnin no LAC SULPHUR No
VER, and is entirely fret from th
Poisonous and Health-dertroyinf
Drugs used in other Hair Preparm-
Transparent and clear as crystal. It will
not soil too finest fabric, perfectly SAFE,
CLEAN and EKF1CI ENT desideratums
It restores and prevents the Hair from
becoming ry, imparts a soft, (flossy ap
pearance, romoves Dandruff, is cxl and
refreshing to the head, checks tho Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a (trout
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A
1)11. ti. SMITH. Patentee. Aver. Ma-s.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Mass. Tho genuine is
put up in a panel botth, made expressly
for It, with the name of the article blown
In the glass. Ask your Druggist for
Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no
;S-Send two three cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on tho
Human Hair." The information it con
tains ia worth $5"0,00 to any person.
It contains over ISA) Hue engravings of
Jiattie Mcenes ana incidents in the war,
ami is the only FULL. AUTHENTIC and
OFFICIAL history of that great conflict.
Audits are meeting with unprecedented
Huccess selling from 20 to 40 copies perday
aud it ia published iu both English and
PA MTinUInferior histories are being
liHU I I Uil circulated. See that the book
you buy contains 150 tine engravings and
ww pages, isenn tor circulars see our
terms, and a full description of the work
CO., Phila., Pa. 15-4t
M0WER & Reaper,
tmppoTedC fop t$7t.
This Machine ha never competed at
any National or State f air, or great trial
without Having received uie f irst I'remi
urn. and haa been awarded a greater nuin
bcr of Medals than any other machine now
Deiore uie pumio.
Tionosta, Pa.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
lie it Resolved by the Senate and Ifouae
of RepreeeMatiees of the Commonwealth of
1'ennxitvaH.a in Uineral Assembly met.
That the following amendment of the. Con
stitution of this Commonwealth be pro
posed to tho people for their adoption or
rejection, pursuant to the provision of tbe
tenth article thereof, to wit;
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth
Article of the Consti' titiou, and insert in
lieu thereof the following:
"A Sbtto Treasurer shall be chnaon bv
tho qualified electors of the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shall
be proscribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved tho fifteenth day of June,
Anno Domini one thousand oiglit hundred
ami seventy -one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to thu Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. E. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of thu Commonwealth. )
llarr'Uhurg, Julv6th, 171. J
Patented Noveinpor 1, 1870.
Samplea free at al rocerv storea. II. A.
Bartlutt A Co., Philadelphia, l'a. BMt
What it lias done. What It Is doing and
what It means to do. Iu power. lis des
potism. Its inlalibility. its frauds. Its
relicts. Its miracles. It's idolatry. Its per
secutions. Its hatred of our public school
and of civil and religious liberty. Its
slui tling crimes. Its horrid wickedness,
and its New York Uiots.
A Issik that is wanted everywhere. We
want a.:cnls to introduce it in every coun
ty at once, and will pay them IiImtbIIv.
Send for circular. Address Zicglcr d1 Mc
Curdy, lb S. Sixth St., Phila., Pa. ltMt
M IToKTHK. Cim.I, comfortable-, light,
.-Ij'Uiilv unil dnrttlile. Nitl'er rilMl. brttlc
i nor soil (steel springs cualed). I'acd in
hathintr. Shaped to lorin. Best known.
Send StMino for pamphlet, to J. B. Scelev's
Trus- Bandage Esttiblishiiieiits, i:U7
1 Chestnut St., Phils., l'a., aud No, 'A Ajui
- Mb
To the Nerveou
3D miBIXjIT-A-T 33 ID.
WHOSE lufTerinpi hare been pretra
d from bidden causea, and whoa
cm require prompt tratHt t tmim
exluUiin dlrall
If yon era uflrtni, r have svfr)
from Involuntary discharge, what fle
doe it produce on your eanral health f
Do you feel weak, debilitated, eaily tlr4t
Does a little extra exertion produc pal
pitation of thoJieartT Doe your livr,
urinary organs, or your kidney, frequent
ly get out of order T Is your uriu Mat
time thick, milky or flocky, or I it roy
on settling? Or does a thick skum rls t
the top? Or In a sediment at the bottom &
ter It haa stood awhile T Do you have
spoils of short breathing or dispep!? Ar
your bowels constipated? Do you hav
spell of frainttng, or rushes of blood
the head ? Is your memory im pared ? Ia
your mind constantly dwelling on tkta
subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lite? Do you wish
to be left alone, away from everybody I
Does any little thing tnVl you atari at
Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless F
Is the lustra of your eye as brilliant t
The bloom on your cheek as bright? D
you enjoy yourself in society as well ? D
you pursue your business with th asm
energy ? Do you fool aa much confident
In youself? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fita of melancholy? If
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsls,
Have you restless night ? Tour baafc
weak, your knee weak, and hav bat lit
tle appetite, and you attribute fckia 4hH
pplar Uvr-ai plate C
rtow, reader, self-aba, Taral4i
eases badly cured, and sexual excsa, art
all capable of producing a weakness of th
generative organs. Th organs of genara
tion.wheu In porfeot health, make th mis
Did you over think that those bold, dft
ant, energetic, persevering, uccesful bu
Iness-men are always those whose genr
tlve organs are In perfect health? T
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervouaneaa, of palpitatloa
of tho heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed In business ; they don'tbe
come sad and discouraged j they arealwaya
polite and pleasant In the company of la
dies, and.look you and them right la the
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat mm
tnoss who keep th organs Inflated by
running to xcesa. Tho will not nlf
ruin their constitution, bat ala
thy do business wit r ism.
Flow many men, frna badly"rWr4"
eases, from th effect of self-abus aa
excess, have brought alxmt that stat f
weakness in those organs that has reduc4
the geneal system so mnch as to produce
almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of dlseas which
humanity Is hir to, and the real caus f
the trouble scarcely ever suspected at4
hav doctored forall hat th right
Diseases of thes orgsns rqnlr th")
of a Diuretic. II ELM HOLD'S FLUI
EXTRACT BUC1IU i the great Diuretle,
and is a certain cur '.for disease of th
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgsa
ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Centr
al Debity, aud all disease of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing In Mai or Fe
male, from wbatavar caus originatiag,
and n matter of hew long staaaaaj.
If no tratmnt I sabmitt4 , -
sumption or Insanity may ensa. Oaf
llesh and blood ar supported from tha
sources, and th health ana happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends apsi
prompt us of a rliabl rsay.
HMmbold' Extract Bucha, stablls
upward of l'JAars, prepared by H. T.
II ELM BOLD, Druggist, 604 Broadway.
New York, and 104 Ssuth 10U Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Pru'K-41.25 per bottlo
or 8 bottles for $0.80, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by all DruggataTry whams
Wrapper, fae-suill of my Chsmioal Wr-
hous. and signed H.T. HBLM1.
t1 r