' t l So Cfoc forest gltpuMirun. R, DUN!? - EIDTOR. TICSDAY MORNING, ITGl'ST 1 1871. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOU AUDITOR GENERAL, DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. TOTX PURVEYOR GENERAL, ROBERT B. BEATII, of Schuylkill. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. TOR COMMIS8IORER, T. D. COLLINS, of Hickory Tp. FOR AVPITOR, T. B. COBB, of Tionesta Borough. JUDICIARY. Tho six judicial delegates of the De mocracy of Clarion County, last week nominated for President Judge, Wm, L- Corbett, of Clarion. Those of the other two Counties of this judicial dis trict, Jefferson and Forest, six in all, nominated W. P. Jenks, of Brookville. Wo published an article from the Clar ion Democrat last week, telling how easy it would be for the Republicans of the district to elect their candidate, should Jenks and Corbett both run. Both of them are iu the field by virtue of the nomination of their respective factions, and all we have to do is to follow the Democrat' prescription, and .we have a Republican Judge. Foreet has agreed to support any Republican candidate for that office, npon whom the counties of Claiion and Jefferson agree. So let us bear your choice, gen tleinen. Accident on the P. & E. Railroad. 4mockt4 Pre lUport. ' Erie, Pa., Aug. 27, 1871. The Erie Mail west collided with the first section of the Empire freight east, between 7 and 8 o'clock yesterday. when one and a half miles west of VV estport station, on the Middle Divis ion of the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Toad, causing the death of Rauben Winslow and R. C. Brown of Lock Haven, nassencers. E. V. Ilvmnn WiHiamsport, conductor, and Thomas Oannons. Dunkirk, fireman of the mail train, James V. Ward, of Btllefoute. conductor, and William Killinger, of Aiioona, ra., engineer ot the treight train, ai.a dangerously wounding A. M. Atwater, of Lock Haven, Reuben Miller, of Williamsport, James Shafer, of Senneraahoniug, Pa., and P. McCor mick, of Baltimore, engineer of the passenger train. Lesser injuries were sustained by Thos. McIIamey, Wayne, i a., o. n. Cornwall, ot iiinghampton, N. Y., Martha R, Fisher, Lock Ha ven, G. 8. Lacy, Philadelphia, Judge J. A. Dale, Tionesta, Henry A. Thom son, Williamsport, E. Van Ripper, Sennaraahoning, Frank Boone, Alton na, baggage master of mail train, and Alonzo Lyon, of Renova, Pa., fireman of the freight train. Others were slightly injured. The passenger train was about an Lour late in leaving Williamsport, and was running at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour, and the freight eighteen. The trains meeting on a sharp curve, were not visible to each other till with in a few yards, and the speed was not checked. The baggage car was tel escoped with the smoking car, all but a few feet. The passengers iu the two rear cars were uninjured. An official investigation shows the accident was caused by the negligence of the con ductor and engineer of the mail train to obey the orders given them not to pass Westport unless the freight train had arrived there. A copy of the or der was found in the pocket of the cngiueer.who was believed to he fatally injured, but later intelligence reports him improving, though still unable to converse. Judge Dale arrived here yesterday. He is considerably cut about the face, and had one of his shoulders bruised quite severely, but fortunately no bones were broken. A. H. Steele was iu the same Beat with the Judge, but escaped unharmed, except a few slight scratches on the right leg, which gives him a little trouble. All in front of them in the smoking car, were killed St. Johns, N. B., Aug. 23. The great boat raee for the championship oi me wora came on nere tins morn g. At a quarter past seven o'clock the boats were in position, and when me wora was given a line start was made, the little craft go'uij- off beauti- lull y. ihe raco was closely contested .-I .i .. until me mrce-quarters oi a mile was reached, when the St. Johns crew led by three lengths. At this time Ren forth suddenly dropped his oar, fell over in the boat, apparently in an an oplectic fit. He died at 8:45. His death has caused a feeling of profound regret. By a telegram rfota Tidioute, we iearn that the well recently struck on the Triumph Oil Co's tract, by our townsmon .Messrs, Hughes, Httrker, Burnt I und Davis, has increased iu production and" is now yielding fully one hundred and twentv-uve barrel of oil per da v. This well, it will be- remembered, was reported by us at the time it was struck as yielding 35 bar rels daily. The owners appear confi deut that there will be a still further increase. The well is a good thing to ks,ve in th fsmilv. i-, flssv, Jitrtrd, Spll Cninaon r iho RrrntLirAW. From "Dixie" to the "Keystone." Cestre County, Aug. 28, 1871. Dear Republican : Hating the pleasure of visiting your State for the first time, and also- hailing from a southern clime, we find so much that is novel and interesting, that we cannot refrain from expressing our thoughts through your columns, since you have so kindly extended us tho invitation. After a lengthy, yut pleasant jour ney, we find ourselves on the summit of the Alleghenies, basking in the gen ial atmosphere of Mt. listening to the soft whisperings of ephyrs through the pines. Our trip was indeed a de lightful one. After bidding adieu to a host of frieuds who had accompanied us to the river, our gallant steamer sped on her way tip the Mississippi. We re paired to the guards and gave one long lingering look to our "dear na tive land" gradually reading in the distaocc, and must confess to shade of regret at parting with our beloved Southland. We passed Cairo in the night. At Louisville we barely touched. When we arrived at Cincinnati, however, we were allowed more time for observa tion, it being necessary to our further journey to change steamers at this point. It was quite early iu the fore noon, and as the St. C would not leave for the Iron City before evening, we took occasion to visit some rela tives residing in the subcrbs beyond Mt. Auburn. In company with these we also visited some of the principal places of interest. Would have been glad to have remained longer in this delightful city, but there were kindred ties more closely allied impelling us onward to the mountains. Adieus were again exchanged, and with many promises of remembrance, and some additions to our list of correspondents, we resumed travel. As it not unfrequently occurs on such trips the passengers were social ly inclined; and all united in the ef fort to keep ennui at a respectable dis tance. The second day consultation was held and a committee on "amuse ments" appointed which reported favor ably. There was an excelleut bad on board ; also three superannuated Each-' eiors and two widowers, araible can-i didates for the nronnsed "lion Run. I r,., k; .i.k.j .-.. .i. .. 1 ; ,. , .. , . , " . nveiy coumon and tne gray-naired . martyrs dragged themselves slowly in. j Ah I but thev stumbled throueh the I mazes of the danee with mvl.nrl.,.1. i Ji;i.. ...j .i .i.- - . c i i- , , ' ocl . and tney were again seateo, looke.l . the very impersonation of "Patieuce on a monument smiling at grief." From Pittsburg we journeyed bv rail. .The mouutain scenery over the Pennsylvania Central road is sublime. I have not language to describe it. I had thought that ar( flattered nature in portraying scenes like these.but uow I realize that the most skillful artist approximates but a fancied resem blance, leaving out the real grandeur and sublimity of nature itself. The Hone-Shoe beud receives the principal attention of tourists. It is indeed, a great wonder. I shall not attempt with my feeble powers to ren der a description, as most of vour - - j , readers are already familiar with it. At Tyrone we get supper, and then take the Clearfield Branch of the Pennsylvania rail road. What a mo nopoly is this road ; how majestically it stretches itself away over vast acres of country. The gentlemanly conduc tor kindly tenders us a seat at the end of the car, so that we have a full view of the grand tceuery; the huge moun tains, the evening shadows sweeping over them, the distant vallies.the Juu niata winding along iu quiet beauty surpass anything in loveliness we have seen for mauy a long day. ."Ox Bow" next attracts our atten tion. We had not dreumed of an thing so grand so truly wonderful. We are very near the BUinmit ac this poiut. We find ourselves at once ele vated to a distance of several thousand feet above the meandering streams and pines beneath. Looking from tho car window can scarcely observe the nar row strip of earth supporting the rails over which we are swiftly passings but seem to be, as it were, floatiug on the wings of th wind through space.while we gaze far down into the wooded depths below. The road describes an ox-bow complete, hence the name. It is said I believe to be the shortest curve in the Uuited States. We wiud around the side of the mountain und seem to be returning in the same di rection. Across the intervening cbtteni, nnmtlpl U'llli tlm AlirfiA u-n nru tin.. ! 1" - j' suciug, we have a view of the road over which we were traveling but a moment since. American people visit Europe every vsr for fine ?ooeryknowir!'?" coropari- tivcly nothing of the resources our own country affords in this respect. ... . , . i e have arrived at our destination ; i our wrappings are called into reqnisi tion, for :it has been raining, and the atmosphere is damp and chill. Our warm Southern blood receives the chaDge sensibly. Ere long the sun re appears. The misty wreath that en cercled us melts away, and with the mountains' refreshing breath wafted to us, we do not envy even our South ern frieuds fanning themselves vigor ously to keep cool. Here we are in the great central 1 umbel and bituminous coal region of Pennsylvania. From every direction proceeds the busy hum of saw-mills. We watch the dusky miners passing to and from the coal mines, their odd little lamps suspended from their cap brims. A doteu or more approach and pass us; their faces are frightfully black; they roll up the whites of their eyes as they pass, and look like so many demons escaped from Pluto's realms. We everywhere meet with a hearty welcome, and find that there are hos pitable people here as well as iu our own sunny land. The "Woody Land of Penn" possesses mauy attractions for us, and we shall not soon forget our visit to its genial centre. ' More anon, 8. We take the follow items from . the Warren Ledger: On Friday last Mr. Albert Dai ry mple, sou of T. B. Dalryinple of iouewango, while operating a thrash ing machine had his arm caught in the cylinder. The hand and arm to the elb'ow were torn off, and the bones shattered to the elbow joint. Ampu tation above the elbow was performed by Dr. D. V. Stranalmni, Jr. One who was present infouirs us that the operation was performed iu a scientif ic manner. Mr. Dalryinple is doing well. While the loss of tho arm is a sesious matter, Mr. Dalryinple is pos sessed of a good education, and quali fied to earn a livelihood iu almost any department of business. Mr. Dalryin ple is an iinmar.ied mini, about 25 years of age. On Tuesday, Matthias Stoneaker was engaged in cleaning out the well of B. Nesmith. The work had beeu preformed. On coming out of the well, clinging to the stones, and -then within three foet of the ton he missed I his hold, and fell to the botttom. A rope was put around a man and he de seeuded to tue rescue ot btonealter. The rope was adjusted to him and ho was taken out-helpless,8eii8eless. Phy 8icians were summoned and prescribed Mimulauts, on finding that no bones were broken, lie was taken home in " unconscious state, but before cet t'IJg niw " tho bed, he spoke and gave signs or returning sense. Aliasi accounts he was recovering. Ihewell ig thirty feet duep and no water to im pede tlie tall. It was almost a miracle that he was not killed instantly. From the Greenville Argus we lcain of the following accident: George Lininger, of West Salem township was kicked on the head by a stallion, and his skull tractured. Mid ical attendance was at hand almost in stautly, but he died the same evening. From the same paper we also learu thut au extensive tannery belonging to W. P. Leech, situated on the Little Shtmaitgo Creek, was totally destroy ed by tire on Wednesday morning last, at about half past one 'o'clock. Loss so.uuu. insured lor ao.uuu. l lie tir was supposed to be the work of au iu an incendiary. A World correspondent, writing irom ooutn Atrican diamond fields, under date of June 15, savs: Mr. J. R Hupkins, from Lockport Pa., came to South Africa two mouths ago, and last Monday the wind hlowini-so hard, causing thick clouds of dust so that no one could remain in their claims, Hopkins meanilere l out from thecamj and over the plain, and observing some garnets shining on the ground about a mile from camp, he dropped oil his knee and elbow, and picking it up commenced to scrape for more, when a bright point came to view. Scrap in if under this, out popped a magnifi cent titty-five and an eighth karat dia mond, octahedron, flawless and sneck less, of that peculiar straw color that is so fashionable in England, and worth iu the United States at least 7o,000. When it made iu appear aiice Hopkins was paralyzed for a ino meut, and the diamond could have beeu taken f om him without his hav ing the power to prevent it. Hopkins and I are partners now, and to the 4th of September we leave for America via Cape Town and England, with over $100,000 worth of beuutiful rough diamonds of all colors, shapes and sizes. $288 in 16 DAYS Made by one Agent. Uo you want a situa tion as salesman at or near home to make t-' to fin per day, selling our new 7 strand White ire Clothes Line to last for ever. Sample free. Address Hudson River Wire works, 130 Maiden Lane, cor. Water St., N. Y., or IB Dearborn St. Chicago. 7-4t. THEA-NECT AR IS A PURE III, 11 K TKA A'ilh theUreeii Toa Flavor Warranted to suit ail ajiJea. For sale every where. For kale whole- oniy bv tlieOreut Atlantio ami 1'acitlo Tea Co., 8 Chuu-h St. New Y ork. P. O. Box 56o5. Bond for Thea-1 L J STOLEN I -. ' iiu mini. v. unnn oi horwwwore taken from nivlmrntn Tiones (In ilij. ..trvKf f 1 1. - n. ! a - - r ta twp. thieis a mare, nix voar olil, lias two white sputa, made bv 'saddle, on her hack, and n small lump 'on ion fore log. The horns has a spavin on right litntl leg, and In clurlit years old. Doth horses were of u brown color. Two blind-bridles were also taken. $50 reward will he naiil for their return and the arrest of tho thief 8ELDON WHITMAN. Tionesta, Pa. It K A V K it H K 31 1 S'XB, Y AXD GrtUSteU INSTITUTE! Rev. R. T. Taylor, D. D., Principal, Open Its Seventh Year September 12th. Buildinini rxtenxivn. Or-Mind nninln tastefully laid out. Rooms large and cheer ful, well furnished, warmed lv urates. (Vnime thorough and practical. Superior advaiitnttes for music, vocal Bnd instru mtmtnl. I'upils board in family of Prin cipal. Kerer to Pr. W. F. If imtpr, and It. H. May, or any patrons of the school. Send for fatal, gut to U. T. TA Y I.OK, DAN IK I, aUNKW, Heaver, Pa, i"m.t. Trustees. 17-t ST. BENEDICT ACADEMY. CONDUCTED BY TUE BEXEDUTIXE XOiS. THIS Institution is plrasnntlv situated near St. Mary's, on Ihe 1'hila. A Krio lty.. encouraged hj the literal patronnirn it has hitherto enioved. a snnclous huililintr has t-n reetKl. and the Sistara are pre pared to receive an additional number of pupi s. Tht; Scholastic year, which con sitU of two sessions, commeees on the tlrst Monday in September, aud closes In the latter part of J one. TERMS: Board and .Tuition (includim? Rmrlish and Herman,) per sssion, pavahie in ad vance, $!H).eo. French. Latin, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing anil Paint ing, and Fancy Work, form extra charges. r or runner particulars apply to the 'IKKCTUESSOF THK ACADKMV, St. Mary s, Elk Co., Pa. 17-2m. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND DAVIS & ECHOLS, (Near Hie Co .4 House,) FRANKLIN, PENN'A. Have a general assortment of School Hooks, Law Books, Histories, Kibles and Testaments, Hvmn Books, Music Hooks, Blank Hooks, Knvelopps, Note, Letter anil cap writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates aud everything in the BOOK t STA TIOXKIt Y R rilXKSS. All of which thev otter to sell WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS A ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with M unit and Company, editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted chums betore the Patent Olllce for over Twenty Years Their American and European Patent agency hi the most extensive in the world Charges less than any other relia- oie agency a pamphlet containing lull luDiiurui'iin iiittuii'ira ih sent gr;uit ML'N'N 4 CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York CHAS. II. SHEPARD, OKNKBAI, riKALDR lit DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND IIOE NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street OIL CITY PA. AGENTS WA!tTKD-42i per month hy the American Knittina Machine Co., Boston. Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 2(3. 3m AGENTS NTS )! female. 1 1 flW a week m ler cent ana? J.,oo( in cash maie x i-emaie. l free. Address Ameri can Rook Co., Ii2 William St.. N. Y. 4Mt t.ENTS WANTEI I 2-5 a monthl- n. by the Am khic'n Knittiso Machine Co., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 40-4 THIS IS NO UUMBUU 1 OK A By sending OtCENTS with age, night, color of eves and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife. with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 34, Fulton ville N. V, 13-4t Jloiiougaliela Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1H53. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASSCOMPANIF.S LOSSES l'llOH PUT ADJUSTED t.D PAID A. C. SAMPSON, Cen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Vonango Co., Pa. Applications received and Insinuation furnished bv A. II. Stkblk. at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. 7 80' CLOCK. 13-4t dJlfln 'or 1st class Pianos sen' on wiV trial no agents, Address IT. S. 1'iano a. 04a Broadwav, N. Y. 19-4t Free to Book Agents. We will send o handsome Pt speetus of our AVu I tluntrntrutnl 'uu7y Itilile .on taining over 200 tine scripture Illustra trationsto anv Bsk Agent free of ehariro. Address National Pnblibhing Co. Phila- flSt, P .4t JACOI! SIIIIIVI.IC. Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL. Are prepared to furnish to order all kind ol manufactured lumber such aa rLoonryo, SIDIA'Q, SURFACE DSKWA'D L VMHER, SASH, DOORS, BLIXDtt, AXD KVKR Y nKxcRirrwx ofvi.a ixa xn fa .v. CY MOVLDIXUS. Dealers will And It to Iholr advantage to CONSULT OUR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion in the heart ot the lumber region given is superior anvaniages in the purchase ol umber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Address JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Pa. Mar. 4, tf. PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. AND AFTER Mon.iav. June 5, 1871, Trains will run as lonows: TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 2. No. 4. Oloopolis, in. 4 A am 840 p m liennott, 10.38 8.i!8 " Wtsxla 10.110 S.18 " Prathers Mill Id 1!4 " 8.10 " PitholoCity 10.10 2.56 " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. a. Pithole City, 8.40 a tn 1.40 p tn Prathers Mill 8.48 " 1.48 ' W.xiils 8,!irt " 1.56 " Bennett H.irj " 2.02 " Oleopelis 9.16 " 2.18 " An r.xtra I ram leaves I'ltholo Citv on Saturdays at A.10 p. m. making close con nection at t 'leonolis with Trains on the il Creek ,V Allegheny River Railway forflnr- ry ami lmermeoiato poiius. Keturn t rain leaves Olnupolis at 7.15 p. m., arriving at Pithole Cilv at 7.SI. Ml other Trains make close connections at Oloopolis with trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Railway. North and Sonth. Two Lines of Staires run dnilv between rttholo City, Miller rarm u Pleasant ville, maki'ngcouiHH-tion witharrivingand departing Trains. J. T. BLA 1 It, FID. BISHOP, Sup t. Ticket Agent, ritholo City, Pa, L. P. BROCK F.TT S Popular history of tho blood v a FRANCO-GERMAN WAR ! Now conUiiniug a lull account of tho FeartUl Reifrn of Terror in Paris. Is soiling beyond all precedent. It Is by far tho most reli tbleand only com plete and imprrtial historv of that raighiv struggle and its momonteus results, 64 pages nearly l spirited illustrations, pru-e, onlv ioo. 4(MKHI copies alrea.lv sold. It is issued in Ixith V.nglish and Herman, and Is bevond iiestiou the fastest selling book exIiuiL Wide awake onerget le agents wanted. Torms extra. Now la the time to coin moiipv. A. II. lit' BARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. Phila., Pa. IH 4t 4-iuTHK LONG LOOKED FOR MAS- TERPIKCK T 1 K CROWNING WORK OF IMS LIFE.- HENRY WARD BEECHER'S LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST. Sure to outsell any look ever published. i-rmpceius nooksare now ready. anil tern t.iry will be awarded to reliable Agentson eariv application to J. M. STODDA RT A CO., Publishers. l-6t 734 Saiisom St., Phila., Pa. LIFE IN UTAH Being uu tjMise uj tlte oevrvvt t,ue and Mynteries of Mormonitm. With a full and authentic history of Polygamy, by J. H. Beadle, Editor oi' tho Salt I.uke Reporter. Agents are meeting with unpecented suoess, one reports 11 suhscriliers in lour days, anlhor 71 in two davs. Send for Circulars and see T. hut the press savs of the work, National Publishing 'o.. Phia,, ll-4t Attention Agents I Think of This WondorAil Kuvcckn ! 25,000 copies of Brockett's liislorv of the Fninco-tierman War, sold lirst 00 davs. It will soon contain a 'nil history of he bloody Rebellion in Paris, making nearly 00 pages and ISO elegant illustrations, and will skII 5 limes tauter than heretofore. Price only fci.SO. Incomplete works written in the interest of tho Irish una French, are being offered with old cut, and for want of merit elaiming to be of ficial, ftu. Beware of such, iinx'kett's in both KngllHh and Oerman, is the most im-piu-tial, popular, reliable, cheap and last selling work extant. Look to your in terests, strike quickly and you can coin money. Circulars free and terms excelled by none. A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Phila. 12-w. FOR " Conve Edith O'Uori ent Life Unveiled. " bv orman. Kscaneil N'nn wIioka disclosures are thrilling and startling, Franklin Pub. Co. 712 Chestnut St. Phila Pa. 7-4t. ipVsychomaiiCy. This word is derived from the Oreek, signifying the power of tlio soul, spirit or miiid, and is tho basis of all human knowledge. Psyehomimcy is the title of a new work of 400 pagos, by Herbert Hamilton, B. A., giving full instructions in the science of Soul Charming and Psychologic Fascina tion : how to exert this wonderful power over men or animals instantaneously, at will. It teaches Mesmerism, how to be come TraneoorWritingModiums, Divina tion, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy of omens and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, tiuidii to Marriage, ilv. This is the only hook in the English language pro fessing to teach this occult power, ami is of immense advantage to Merchants law yers, Physicians, and especially to Lovers in securing the atl'cetions of the opposite sex, and all seekim; riches or happiness. Price by mail, in ninth, paper cov ers $1, lr salo by J. B Lippiucott fc Co., ami Claxen, Reuisen o., Philadelphia. Agents wanted tor this book, Medical Works, Perfumery, Jowelry, de. Sam- iles free to (ttjtmtx onty. For single eopies v mail, and terms to Agents, address T. W. Evans, Publisher, 41 So. 8th St., Phila., Pa. 20-4t HO FOR MINNSOTA! ICO Acre Farms Free ! ! The Northwestern Colonization o Free Homstciid Company, .Chartered bv the State of Minnesota, ) furnishes Clyap Rat est ot rare, and Locates rree Homesteads Sond lor Free Pamphlets, giving liiHiory of Minnesota, its Resources, Progress, Fertility and Advantages. Address E. Page l):ivis, Commissioner of Immigration for tho State of Miunesta, and tieneial Agent for tho N. W. Col.oor., No l3 Broad- . way N. Y. (Active and CfUaoie Agenia WTrt in evervVrrhr.) g s i c .S.S h ti cd S SO 03 c1 U S3 g Ps e3 s 6 a B o CJ tf! g CO C3 0 o o Q w w tw I I Si 8 (A 3" O tn o J3 0 H IS is .2 o 3 - g K i i '2 w V .2 a niDIOTTOTE! TEA STOREI The place to buy irwrj Tariaiy ai () VERY BEST.TEA0 AT X 0 WEST PRI CMt, I at the extensive Tea Store T H. T. CIIATFEY where von can always And a lrcr - - - - ment ol the best Teas at New York nri A larg assortment of Croocrlcs and ProTisIons. unequaled In nuallty ami cheapness bysny . other store in Warren county, always oir hand. The people of Forest county will save money y purchasing their sapitlies1 at this place. Best brands of F A MIL P FLO UM, delivered at any depot on the line of the M Store on Main St, near the Depot. THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TF YOU WANT a perfect tit and a me4 1. article of Hoot .ml mi.- .r .u-. & a workmanship, goto ' .. II. I JIcCAXCFB, Sit CENTRE STREET. OIL CITT. 1A- MySntisfaotloii guarautood. 3-38 tf . S. V. CLAHK, - TIZDIOTTTIE!. FA. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Ard Dealer in WATC1IKS, JEWELRY. AMD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Rppfiirinir donoln a wnrkmanlika manner and wnrrnnted to give latia faction. 4.1 T REYNOLDStBROAMOTXcO 1 i ciiire ni,, ojiposito rost UlUce, OIL CITY, PENN'A. DEALERS IX FOREICN AND DOMESTIQ DRY GOODS. DRtXS GOODS, CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS. ROOTS & S1IOIM. HATS& CAPS, TRIMMINGS ... NOTIONS, ETC.. ETC. RIFLES, SUOTOUNS REVOLVTS. tlun materials of every' kind. Write tor Price List, to Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Army guns and Revol- uuuiuui "buvu iur. Agent wanMa. ie- WANTFn AG KKTS- verywhore to nil 1 Om u canvass ror our great DOL LAR Paner. A tiiioS'.nosi.wi l. ..i- given to every suWrilasr. ExtraordlnorT inducements. . Address B. B. KUSSELll Boston, Mass. U-t GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS Do you want a situation as agent, local or traveling with chain l 14 1 a make f.5 to f 0 per dav selling our f 1 ....... 7 ut.-...l A'l.l... t.ri . tfc " .......... .. ..lvt, .-nil VH'UIV ilU LilesT They last forever, sairple .tie, mi there is no risk. Address at once .u ii ..i.v .....An, -.ii. St., A Maiden laue, N. Y., or 10 Dcnrbsra .-i., 1 oiiJigo, IO-4V AGENTS WANTPDI For the BrlUioat Witty Book THE MIMIC WORLD, AND PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS. By Olive Logan. Pleases everybody; will sell immensely; is genial, jaunty and pure-toned; has title in 5 colors, anil t Illustrations. Nothing like it I Canvass-ing-Book a rare beauty. New World Publishing Co., 7th A Market Bts., Phils. 12-4t NO riCE. Whoreas letters testamentary to the estnu? of II. F. A. Stingle, late of Kingsley Township, tiee'd, have beea granted to the subscriber, all persons in debted to said estate are rwiuestoil to make immediate payment, and those hsvinr claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, will make known and pre sent tho MUiio without delay, duly aulhsa ticated to FRED'CK. LEDABOUR, Executor, . t-0t Kingsley Township. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM. INI. P. GETCHELL, DtttUr Mt DRY GOODS xfotloiiK, I toots t3t HIl OCR, HATS & CAPS, Ac., Ac, 4c.,. CORXEIt it A IN DXPOT oTTB, TIDIOUTE, PA, Has the Largest and most Complete ftteea now on baud, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my stock ! the great decline in Gold, I can sell pood cheaper than auy Dry Goods House in the Oil Regions. Persons purchasing goods of rue will save to percent. M. P. GETCHELL. Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4- JOB WORK neatly executed at tail el at reasonable rates. Th,e Republican Office KEEPS constantly on hsndelarse n. sortment of Blank Deeds, Mortgoee. i I