$ht Rarest gt jrobtan. n rVBLUBED EVERY TUESDAY, BY W, R, DUNN, fllee is Kjox' Building, Elm. Street. Rates of Advertising:. One Square (1 Inch,) one Insertion-. .-tl ( One Square " one month 0 One Square " three months... 6 Ot OnoSqnare " one year ... 10 00 Two Nqiinres,one Tear...l 15 01 quarter Col. " :W1 ( Half " " H0 00 One " " 100 0W Business Cards, not exceeding one lac-h In lenKth, f 10 per year. Le;nl notices at established rates These rates are low, and no derlatioa .Mil be maile, or discrimination amon( patrons. The rates olfered are such, a will make it to the advantaiteof men dot. J business In the limits of the circulation of tne paper to advertise liberallv. Things don't run very smoothly in Wyoming. Recently six married la 1 Republican. b 0REST TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR. Wo Subscriptions reneivod for a shorter period thnti three month. Corresondenee solicited from nil parts .f the country. No notice will bo taken of aaDonyinous' communications. Marriages and Doath notices Inserted r-"g- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " L?t U3 have Faith that Riht raake3 Might; and ia that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. VOL. IV. NO. 21. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. TIONKSTALODGK.NO. 77. I. O. Gk T. feeta every Wednesday evening, at 111 o'clock. W. R. DUNN, W. C. T. M.W. TATE, W. H. . aawtoM rimi, MILKS W. TATS. PKTTIS TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tmr,1, TIONESTA , PA . Isaac Ash. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oil City, Pa. Will practice In the varloua Court of Forest County. All business entrusted to til care will receive prompt attonti n. 16 It W. W. Mason. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa. C W. Gilflllan, TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve L aango Co., fa. tf. N. B. Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. Will practice in the several Cve.rU of Forest County. 85-ly W. P. MerciUiott, Attorney at I. aw' BEAL ESTATE AGEXT. TI0NE8TA, PA. Jotr K. Hallock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of x Patents.No. 6W r rench streettopposlte Hoed HouHe) Erie, Pa. Will practice in the several Slate Courta and the United States Courta. Special attention given to aollcltlrj patents for Inventors lnfriii(ro tnenU, re-issue and extension of patents oarerullv attended to. Kererences: lion. J anes Campbell, Clarion Hon. John S. McCalmont. Franklin: II. L. A A. II. Richmond, Mead ville; W. E. Lathy. Ti- ueeta. .... i7 Tionesta House. MITTLE, Proprietor, Elm St., Tlo- -m , iy-q., a h., n .iiv ' i hi u ...... ....j . w n, Mi". ItUe has thoroughly renovated the ' Tionesta House, and re-furnished it com pletely. All who patronize him will lie ' well entertained at reasonable rat ox. 20 ly v- - FOREST HOUSE, T BLACK PROPRIETOR. Opposite XJ Court HoUMt, . Tionesta, Pa. Just opened. Everything new anil clean and fresh. The best of Honors kept constantly on hand. A .portion of the public patron age is respectfully solicited. 4-1 -ty Holmes House, inONESTA. PA., oiinosite the Penot. 1 C. I. Maiiie, Proprietor. Oood 8U- ling connected with the house. tf. Syracuse House, TIDIOUTK.Pa., J. 1) Maokr, Prople tors. The houNO has lieen thoroughly rentteil and Is now in the nrst-clans order, with the boat of accommodations. Anv . Bformallon concerning; Oil Territory at una point will be cneerrullv rurniHhMt. ly J. Al. MAMKE Exchange Hotel, T OWER TIDIOUTE. Pa.. T. 8. Rams- XJ dkkl A Hon Prop's. This house having Men rented is now tne most uesi rame top- Jiug place in Tidioute. A good Milliard loom attached. 4-ly National Hotel, T RYINETON, PA. W. A. Ilallonback. Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is .ow open as a first class house, situate at . p junction of the Oil Creek & Allegheny tiverand Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, nposlle Uie Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will find this the most conven- ' eut hotel in town, with Hrst-class accoin aoilsliona and reasonable charges. tf. ZtTETW" JEWELRY STORE. it. e. irioiuti.s, T nr Tt.la 11 .1 V. .. 1 ...1 1M Tionesta, and is prepared to do all kinds ol xrork in tne line ol repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c, In good stvle and warranted to give satis- faction. Watches, Jewelrv, Ac, will be left in care of 1. 8. Knox, who will be re sponsible for tiioir safe return. lWr. B. K. MORRIS. r SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. BIliCIKZSIMIITI&IS " - AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, TIONESTA, IA. This firm Is prepared to do all work In its line, and will warrant everything done . ai tnoir anps to give salistHctiou. Par ticulur atUmtiou given to iioit.si:siioi:i.fj, Oivetliein atrial, and you will not re gret it. IS-ly. JOHN A. DALE, PREI'T. ess. PSOPCR.VICtSSEST. A. H. STEELE, CASHB, SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Rank transact! a General Dunking, Collecting and Exchange ilusiness. Drafts on tho Principal Cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold. Gold and (Silver Coin and (ioveriinient Securities bought and sold. 7-:io Honda -eonvertod on tiie most favorable terms. Interext allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. CJUIlNCRIKKiorthe Forest Kepubliciu O ft wUl rtrr. Dr. J. L. Aconib, I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has I hnd tlllccn years' experience in largo and successful practice, will attend nil Professional Calls. Ofllee in his Drug and Grocery Store, locstcd in ' Idiouto, near Tidioute House. IN HIM STORE WILL RE FOUND V full assortment of Medicines, Liquors roliseeo, Ciirars Stntlonerv, Glass, Paints, Mis Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the best quality, and will be sold At reasonable ates. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Druir Ist from New York, has ehargo of the lore. All preseriptionHpiit upacciiratoly. tf. Tint Sons Co.'s NEW ENGINES. Thcunderslgned have forsale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Tint Hons A Co. are now sending to this market their 12- Horse Power Lngine with 14-lIorse I'ower Holler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. Okficks at liuncnu A t hallant s, dealers In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St. next door to Chase House, Pleasantville, and at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K. HKKTT A SON, Agents. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tionesta, Ta. All work Is war ranted, tf. NOTICE. TR. J. N. KOLAKD. of Tidioute, has J returnsd to his practice alter an ab sence ot lour mounts, spent in tne no. I'- mi' lalsnr.xew lorK, where will aw Lil Ilium I'luit-wiuii. i ..... . . . . . . . umce in r.iireKa irug more, an ooor ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4Utf GREAT EXCITEMENT ! at the Store of D. S. KNOX, tc CO., Elm St., ionesta Pa. We are In dally roeclpto. th. . rtmd MUST IWirLC 1 Bi SIOCK and ritovisioxs, KVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR Till? MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails. Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we otter nt great v re duced prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see. 7-tl D. S. KNOX, A CO. ! REDUCTION OfTiUCES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP I'LL' US. iw Send lor our new Prico List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing foil directions making a large saving to consumer- and remunerative dub or,;uii izers The f.rt'ut A nierlcau Tea Company, SI A 33 VESEY STREET, P, O. Uox 'Mi. nkw vokk. 1 4t WANTED AGENTS FOU Triumphs of Enterprise, BY JAMES P.VHToN. A New Book, 700 octavo panics, well Illustrated, intensely inlcrc-H'.iii. and very instru -live. Exclusive lei riiorv idvcu. Our Terms are the in si Liberal. Apply to us, and hco i tliev are not. A. S. UAlE A. CO.. Uiu'Ll'ord. Coiia. tj-A-m. Snorert. A laily corrc.ponlcnt writing from Lrnig Liiuncli, suys : There is nothing inure annoying in a hotel than a man given to loud snoring. On the second Hour with me, looking out upon the ocean, are two individuals who mnke nignt duleous by their euuring. Old Mr. (J , it is allowed, makes the most noise, although on certain occa sions, "our fiit friend" blows a very shrill trombone. Your regular snorer is an enemy to society, and either ought to cure his propensity or turn hermit. Old Mr. 0 , a lew even ing since, so frightened Mrs. D 's little Charlie that the child has not got over it yet. 1 wish you could hear the old ui'iillcinan hen ho is iu full blunt. Hit other ii 1 2 hi I lay and lis- teneil ; he exhaled. Now the air rush- ( eil through Ins extended jaws, now it ; burst t.o tli obstreperously through this ' sounding no-e. lie took it iu with the ' tone oi i ooiuve Utile, and he let it i out iig.un wit, i the profound depth of a ! iroiiiboue. ile breathed short, he apcii, whistled, groaned, and gurgled. lie quickened, the tone became rapid, agitated, und furious. My hus band could btuud it no longer, and rising from his bed went directly to his door and commenced a furious as- o upon it, calling Mr. J to "shut up his mouse trap." The whole gone through, and many more are thing was so ludicrous that I could not ncccessary before the knife is complete refrain from roaring right out. I call- ly finished, although the number of ed on the hotel proprietor to put a stop hands which it has now to pass through to this very disagreeable noise. My depends in u great measure on the fin little bov has iust as much rizht to ish to be eiven to the handle, accord- 1 beat his drum any night and distrub- the sleepers of est r-nd as these loud suorers by such pompous displays of i ..i nr:n ... . i... nunai aoiiiiy. ia lucj uu mm. too noses of these gentlemen are punched ? A Gooa Joke on Editohs boon after Chief Justice Jhase (then a the gubernatorial chair iu vmo, uc issued ms pi iiiinuiuiioii 111 Ulno, he issued his proclamation appointing a thanksgiving jay. To make sure of being orthodox, the gov ernor composed his proclamation al most exclusively of passages from the bible, which he did not designate as qu '.lanolin, presuming that every one won d recognize them, and admire the words us well as his taste in their se lection. The proclamation meeting the eyes of a democratic editor, ho pounced at once upon it declared he had read it before couldn't say ex actly where but he would take hie oath that it was downright plagiarism fVem beginning to end. That would have been a pretty fair joke; but the out next day the lug editor came valiantly iu defence of the governor, prououiieed the charge false and libel- lous, and challenged any man living ti ..r.iiliit.t. i.iio Kiinrlu titm .I' tliu rwt. clrtiuaiion that ever had appeared print before. Columbus btntesman. ... v. ...fe. I All ice dealer in Evansville, Iud., ; siiys a colored man amused himself i awhile on .Saturday by swinging his corpus In 'in a hook suspended in tho ice house for the hoisting and loucr iug of ice. Suddenly, by some mis hup, he misled his hold ou the hook and tell into the deep ice cellar,, a d plh of from fifteen to twenty net, and "lit" ou his head and houldcr. Of course those who suw it expected to find him dead, but when they iook- ed iu al the do... he i-ut scratching his head with a bullish look u his lace, . find exminniiig ihe broken ice whele he fell, and then rdowly tuetixurnig the j distance will; In eye upward to where ! he fell from When he saw Mr. Whee ler l.e I. ked vt,y sorry and said. vi i y ; "Fo lie 1, Id, I.....S, V dat Ici , 1 i, r!i i." st. sorry I broke I The u -'-hi-cu i- Jj-pren gives the fol- lowing louchiiig incident connected with the receii dcaih of a citizen of that place: "'He giveth Ilis beloved slei.' The disease of which Mr. E. II. Hollister died lutisid excessive : drowsiin 8;, and efforts were made to I counteract this tendency and rou.se him from sleep. Just before he died, i his i-i.-ti r urged him to resist ihi-gmw-I it-g stupor, aud he rallied snllicienlly to utter the sublime sentence: 'He i giveth His beloved sheep.' Thes were his last words, lor he slept to wake no more into mortal life." A man w ho had been denied per mi.ssi.iii to cros the bridge of the JSew Jersey Railroad lit New Brunswick, shoved the the bridge ti nder aside and walked along. Rciiuv he had reached the opposite side a t ra in came (lushing U, and he saw a terrible dealh siariug him in the face without any apparent means id' escape. Just as the lot unio tive was upon him he jumped off the bridge to the road beneath, a ditance of about forty feet. The passengers expected to see him dashed to pieces, but he es aped almost unharmed. An exchange t-ays that it knows of a boy who accidentally swallow a sil ver half dollar. T icy gave him warm wa'er and tartHr emelic, and untiino it iu I wiiie.aml peked I e i n eis down ins llr at until the bov thought he would ihrow up his h e nails. Altera while a doctor came along who uiidi i stood sin li i uses. He administered a .-niu' I dose of patent medii ine, and in less ihtiii It n minutes the boy threw i the inni oci.ar in live ccul ptcctS, rx-iquce is a great thing Manufacture of Knives. Few people have a.iy idea through what a number of hands their pocket knives have passed in the process of manufacture. A bar of steel destined to furnish u number of blades is heat ed to redness, a length is cut off, and the for.er speedily ''moods" this that is, shapes it roughly into the form of a pocket-knife blade. Another heating is then required to fit the end for be ing fashioned into the tang; and yet another, before it can undergo the fur ther operation of "gmithing," the last stage of which is the stamping of the thumb nail, to facilitate opening. The tang is then ground and the b'ade mm'Ked with the name of the firm. The slight bulge on the reverse side caused by this operation is removed by fire or the grindstone. The blade is then hardened, by healing it to redness and then plunged it into water up to the tang. The tempering process follows next, the bluish yellow lint being consider- ed as indicating that the proper degree of heat at which to immerse the blade once more in cold water has been at tained. After this the various kinds are clarified iu the warehouses and undergo sundrv grinding operations to fit them for being lmfted. Twelve dis- tinet processes have by this time been inr to the quality of the blades with which it is fitted, and the price which the completed article intended to real- : lie. f i A remarkable triumph of surgical gjn ;g chrouicled in the Louisville ,)imers. A few weeks nco a little bov. gix years of ago. while playing on the stairwav ot the unit tiouse. tell a ois tance of seventy feet, alighting upon a stone floor, from which he was raised apparently a lifeless, shapeless mass. In the course of his fall he struck a projecting corner of the staircase, breaking an inch board across the grain, and further down he struck and broke an oak baluster an inch in diam eter. Numerous fractures and a terri b.e scalp wniin I were produced by this triLlitlul tali. I he right arm was crushed into pieces above and bel w the elbow, both legs were broken at and near the ankle joints, and iunu merable contusions were received nil ' over the body. Notwithstanding these dreadful iniuries. under skilful sur- pical t.are the child not only recovered, but now has a perfect use of all his ; limbs. ! .,.,. ,,., l;. l v:. .iir ii.i, ci n Mill. ill . 1 1 - gmia a' killed hv the bite ot rattle ; snake. The little fellow had gone out : with some other members of the fa nil : ly to look for eggs, and in his search he crawled under his father's barn. After going some distance under the floor, he s reumed to his companions that something was killing him. I hey obtained assistance, and raised up the planks of tin floor, when to their hor ror they found a large rattlesnake had tightly roiled ar .uud his neck. The snake hud bitten him iu several places ou the face and neck, and he wajijuite 1 deud w hen taken up. 1 An Irishman was looking about the ruins of the .iiirnl confectionary estab Ishinent in Nashua, Saturday, when he . spied a box - f lozenges, still iu a fair j stale ot preservation. He picked up the box, but preliminary to makini; ' off with it the bright idea occurred to him to lie sure that the lozenges were woiih purloining. He picked out a i full lili L ti it ill ttl-n uud Itrutnniitil l.iu i , . moiiiii as lull oi ozeiiges as the l ra chitis did of spoons. In a moment more the bux was hurled to the ground, accompanied by thecm liiimitimi : "Be gorra, iney are hot yet!" They were of the ea venue oi t. The wonderful ice cave in Decoruh, Wiunesheik county, Iowa, is a vertical fi-stnc in the the face of the cliff of Trenton linicstoine that forms a part of the upper Iowa river. It is about 100 feet deep in all its windings, in from two to eight feet in width, and varies still more in height. In the winter the cave is free from ice, but upon the approach of hot weather the ice bcgiini to accumulate, and sold, hard and dry cakes encrust the sides and bottom of the cave. When tin weather is hottest the cave is most abundantly stored with ice. Joseph Wilson committed suicide at ai Camden, N. J., on Monday. He first attempted to open an artery. In this attempt hu cut his arm across in a number of places. Fiudiug he had not reached an artery, he drew the ra zor along the boi.e all the way from the shoulder to the wrist. Failing to kill himself by these means, hu at tempted to cut hi throat. Ho sever ed the indpipc, but aitin failed to reach the arteries, and lived several hours iu terrible torture, entirely uu abie to speak. Two brothers named Elliott, and N. J. Ioiig and John Mullen were caught and killed recently by Indians near i. . A Ul , JI IUJII, CAUO , IIIIO III I I ers.wau burned at Uie Blake. Fort (irilhu, Texas : one of the broth- Strange Freak of Fortunt. A very singular story has come to our notice illustrative ot the strange ; freaks sometimes played by lotteries. The version is this year given by the A gentleman well known in military i Cincinnati Commercial, and is as fid circles in thie city, made an invest-1 lows: ment to the extent of one ticket in I the Sacramento Lottery. He purchas- ed at the time the first tickets were offered for sale. He had purchased dozens of lottery tickets before, and held twenty in the Mercantile Library scheme, but never heretofore has had the fortune (or misfortune) to draw a , prize, lie had become completely disgusted with his ill luck, and had detcrmin.d never to buy anothjr tick-1 et. Ilut when the Sacramento lottery tickets ere offered, he, under a whim if the moment, resolved to seal it in an envelope without looking at the number until the drawing should have taken place, aud he should have a full list before him. He carried out his resolution. Last evening, with a full list of prizes at hand, hu opened his envelope. He had been so many times unf irtunate that he really nad no ex pectation uf drawing a prize, but he title I a faint hope that his luck would change. On tearing upeo the enve lope with an affected nonchalance, judge of his astonishment on finding he had nrawu nothing. Moral : It you want to be sure of a lucky num ber, don't look at it until it draws something. San Francixco' Bulletin July 24. Personal Items. Max Strakoscb sailed yesterday for Europe Cyrus V. Field sailed the day before Ole Bull and his new w ife are visiting Mrs. B.'s father-in-law at Madisou, Wis. Ralph Waldo Emerson bud Miss Louisa Aleott have arrived at their home in Concord, Mass., the former from California ai.d the latter from Europe; she is "inundated" with ginn ing letters complimentary of er Little Men Nilsson aud her affianced go to Newport next month, and Miss Kel legg will also go there, and both will sing Miss Agnes Ethel (Frou Frou) sailed yesterday for Europe, taking the big Saratoga trunk and 41 dreeses; she goes to "recuperate" Madame Anna Bishop sails for Europe ou the 23d. , Few of the masculine gender have any idea of the intricacies of the fe male toilet, while its cost is a marvel even to the most astute, llicro is a conundrum w hich explains that a ship is always skeu ot as being ot the letn- luiue sex, "because the rigging costs more that) the hull :" uud this contains a profound philesophical truth. A huir-dresser in New York has on sale a double braid of pure gray hair, twenty-eight inches iu length and of about the thickness uf ones wrist, on which he places tha modest price of 83,000, and expects to get it, too. Truly, we are fearfully and wonderful ly made. A fish boat coming into Michigan ''ity was suddenly seen to disappear about four miles out, when a tuggoing to look after it found it bottom up, with three men dinging to it. There had been four on board, but after cap sizing the boat would sustain only three, and the fourth, John Olvany, saying that as the others were men of family he would give them the chance of rescue, and himself try to swim aslmre on a board, had started, but the empty board floating back soon had indicated that he wns drowned. A Paris correspondent says : "You wish for Ihe latest social news, and the very latest fashions from Paris, an.! you shall have them, such as they are; but, alas! Paris is iu abeyance. The bloody hand of revolution has crack ed the gilts- mid ( Hst down the mould ; sod, iu truth, neither fusuion or form are much heeded. The fashion today it metaphorically sackcloth, with ashes on the head actually the deepest mourning that milliners can imagine, "Come here, my little Eddy," said a gentleman to a youngster of seveu VfHN uf Hire uliita uillinir in tlm imp. ! lor where a large company was assem bled; "do you know me?" "Yes, sir, I think I do." "Who am I then? let me hear." "You are the tuau who kissed sister Augeline, lust night, iu the parlor." Angel, ne fainted. A (leutlctnan asked a lady known to he utterly ignorant of language, "How did you get along when abroad to make yourself understood ?" She replied, wuh (juite a French air, "we hud tho interrupter with us." The same lady, having a ranged some statues in an adjoining room, requested the same gentleman to step into the next " im part ineul und see the antics." It is mentioned as an extraordinary event, that last week a car containing six tons of twenty dollar gold pieces, and a million dollars iu mutilated cur u ncy, passed from Sun Francisco to Omaha without a f'reebooting hand be ing raised agaiust it. A boy fiAeen years old, while look ing through his fatlutr'a machiue shop in 1 lnlud last week. i'oiti, oil co in EMia J oi was caught by the inaiu I.: i r belt, aud dashed against the ceiling so ioleutly as to kill him instantly. The Game of Fly Loo. The story about the "new" game of ny loo is in its annual rounds again. "The detestable canker that destroys men's souls had made its appearance among the little community of plea sure seekers at the Yellow Springs, tin- der the auspices ot a celebrated Alder- man of this city, w ho is notorious for the alacrity with which he will bet on anything, from tho juvenile game of pica or po tome relative leugtn ot .straws to be plucked out of a hay- stack, and iu the enticing form of Fly Loo,' It is iu testimony that every afternoon from twenty to thirty of the very flower of our mercantile population retire to a private room. aud uuder locks and bolts give them selves up to this satanic game. The players solemnly seat themselves around a table, each with a lump of sugar, and a curd bearing in plain let ters ins responsible name and repre senting so much money iu front of him, and, with a sileut gravity that would become a watch-meeting, and the illy concealed anxiety of men staking their all on the cast of a die. await the advent of the first fly. On the buzzing insect comes, sweeping now to ward this lump,' theu veering off to ward that, sending thrill after thrill uf anticipated triumph or expected disappointment through the frames of the auxions wnthers. At last the ago ny is over, ihe atomic insect, all un conscious of the important part he is playing, the reversals of fortune that he is cuusing, settles lightly uron particular lump of sacchyrine, and twenty-nine disgusted meu lose from $.3 to $25 each, while the delighted representative of the sweet morsel choBeu, scoops iu the whole pile. This decides one 'baud' at the dignified game which lias run poker, seveu up, and 'iioston completely away from the Springs, and another und an other 'pot,' aud 'pots' ad infinitum are made up and won and lost id the close, hot room, while the deserted ladies are languishing for a little male con versa liou below. A a rieuti ot mine, said .brskme, "was Buffering from a continual wake fill lies, and various methods were tried to bring him sleep. At last his physi cians resorted to . n expedient which succeeded admirably. They dressed him in a watchmau's coat, put a lau tern iu his hand, placed him iu a sen tiy-box, aud he wus asleep in ten min utes. There are but two kinds of tempo rary insanity, and each has but a siu gle symptom. The one was discover ed by u coroner, the other by a law ver The one induces you to kill yourself when you are tired of life; the other persuades you to kill some one else w hen you are fatigued at seeiug him about. . According to an exchange, Mrs, Humest, of illiuois, was latelj kicked in the chin by a mule, causing her to bile off the end of her tongue. Since then, Mr Humest has been offered thousands of dollars for that mule, but stoutly declines all offers. lie prizes that mule higher than anything else on earth. "Don't put too much confidence in a lovers vows and sighs, said old Mrs. Partington to her uiece; "let hira tell you that you have lips like straw berries aud cream, cheeks like a car nation, and an eye like au asterisk ; but such things olUuer come from a tender head than a teudi r heart." A rogue wus once begging charity on pretence of being dumb. A lady having asked him, with equal simplici ty, iiow long he had been dumb, he wus thrown off his guard and replied ; "From birth, madam." "Poor fellow," said the lady, aud gave him a shilling. A Wyoming husband advertises himself as a monthly nurse. He says his wife formerly supported the family by that business, but since she acquir ed the right to vote and sit ou juries she does nothing but talk polities, and so he in net keep the business up or himself auJ the children will starve. A "mother" says that she counted twenty instances of poslive cruelty to children, on the part of nurses, during a walk the other afternoon iu Central Park. Other mothers would do well to look after their children's nurses a little, and after their childreu also. An ill-tempered contemporary says that Pennsylvania should shake iu her shoes at the uews of the discovery of coal iu Rhode Island ; for, should tho samo' prove middling thick, and underlie the whole State, the produce would be as much as seveu bushels. The Detroit pupers have discovered a new way of driving away the orgau grinders, Every day or two thev have a small paragraph like this: "Organ grinders in Memphis make about ten dollars a day." A beggar has just been discovered : u, I ...i -,. i:.. i.: iii 'i. u'uio, v un, auri fiuni ma u- cation for twe'ity years in conjunction wilh his w ife, has turned out to be ' worth over J0,Him). dies and as many geutlemen were em panneled upon a murder case there, and it became necessary to lock them up all night. Three of the husbands stormed and raved at the judge and a halt dozen children made tho court ring with their cries.' Tho uproar continued until the jury was placed under luck and key. An "oracle" at New Orleans, dis coursing on the wonders of the Missis sippi, mentioned the iron coffin of De Soto, containing the golden trumpet given him by tucen ictoria. "V hat exclaimed oue, "not Queen Victoria? ny she asn t born then by two hun dred years or mote." "I don't care if she wasn't," was the bold reply, "I reckon she could leave it in her will! A clergyman who was recently dis coursing; upon the alarming increase of intemperance astonished his audieneo hm exclaming, "A young man in my neighborhood cied very suddenly last Sunday while I was preaching the Gos pel in a beastly state oi intoxication. Mi ral c -clergymen should study gram mar. A rich man sent to call a physician for a slight disorder. The physician felt his pulse, and said. " Do you eat well?" "Yes," said the patient. "Do you sleep well?" "I do." "Then," said the physician, "I Bhall give you something to take away all that." So like them, except the candor. An Albany damsel asked one of her fellow-boarders, a stylish dry goods clerk, at tho breakfast table, "Why is your moustache like my back hair ?" Ho blushingly gave it up, when the answer caused nira to blush still more,"Because its all down." "Why, Uncle Johnny," said his friend, "can you afford to eat shad at twenty-five cents a pound?" "Mine Got," said Uncle Johnny, triumph antly, "I can put hira in mine ice ohest and keep him till he gets sheap er." A gentleman traveling on a steam er, one day at dinner was making away with a largo pudding close by, when he was told by a servant that it was dessert. "It matters not to me," he said, "I would eat it if it were a wilderness." Elmira rats are not gifted with a sup. rior order of intelligence if re ports are true, They steal shoe pege and stow them away under the delu sion that they are oats a notable example of moral and mental darkness. A fellow was told that three yards of cloth, being wet, would shrink a quar ter of a yard. "Well then," he inquir ed, "If you should wet a quarter of a yard, would there be any left?" "Bill," said Bob, "why is that tree called the weeping willow?" "Cause one of the sneaking plaugey things grew near the school house, and sup plied the master with switches." Some one, describing a bad dinner to which he had been invited, said that the "meat was cold, the wine was hot, and everything sour but tho vinegar." A Yankee being asked to describe his wife, said : "Why, sir, she'd make a regular fast, go-ahead steamer, my wife would she has such a wonderful talent for blowing up." A Brooklyn mother advised her daughter to oil her hair, and fainted flat away when that candid damsel re plied, "Oh, no, ma. It spoils the gen tlemen's vests." "I wish you had been Eve," said an urchin to a stingy old aunt, proverbial for her meanness. "Why so?" "Be cause you would have eaten all the ap ple instead of dividing it. A cynical Frenchman says there are always two parties to a love affair the oue who loves, aud the oue who consents to be so treated. "I wonder what causes my eyes to be so weak ?" said a fop to a gentleman. " 1 hey are in a weak place, replied tho latter. Why is the first chicken of a brood like the mainmast of a vessel ? Because it is a little forward of the main hatch. The man who sat down on an open paper of carpet nails, said they remind ed him of the income tax. What an unlucky suitor did lie wooed and she wouldn't. He cooed and she couldn't. The woman that makes good pud ding iu silence is better thau oue who makes a tart reply. Switzerland Uanxious to know if its mountain passes otier sufficient security for a trifling loan. Why is your chambermaid immor tal? She returus to dust every day without dying. What word may be pronounced quicker by addiug two more letter to it? IJuick. A painter advertises that he hat a portrait of "Death as Urge as life." The Mo(u)roing Air The "EW MsrcV