Rates of Advertising. OneSqunre(l Inch,) one Insertion....?! f One Square " um month.... "0. U rVIU.tSHKU EVERY ' TUR8DAY) BY W. It. DUNN. Dflloo In Krvox's Building, Elm. Btroet. b OREST. REPUBLICAN. One Square " mroo nionins..- o One Square " one year... 10 09 Two Squares, one Tear.. 1 00 Quarter qol. " SOW lalf mi vu One " " 1U0 W ? THRMS, f'2.O0 A VftAu. No Subscriptions reccivod for a shorter period tlinn three months. Corronpondfcnce solicited from nil part of the country. No notice will betaken of annonyinous communication!!. Marriage and Death noticos Inserted gratia. Ituslnnss Cards, not execoding one Inch In length, 1 10 per yenr. . , " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it"--LINCOLN. Legat notices at pstabllshid rftte. These rates are low, nnd no deviation ill bo nindo, or discrimination among patrons. The ratea ouerod are such, vs VOL. IV. NO. 20. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. will make It lo itie niivaniagcoi menoin. & business in the limits of the circulation or ttie paier to advertise lilmrallr. ... 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE, NO. 47 7, ' '." I. O. Gh T. Moeui every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. XV. ft. DUNN, W.C T. M. W. TATE, W. 8. - , WTO!t FBTT1S. MILES W. TATS. 'PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J.lmrttl, ' T 10 X EST A , r.i . Isaac Ash, .. , . ... , A TTORNET AT LAW, Oil City, fa. uY Will practice In the various Court of J-'orest County. All business entrusted to kit rare will receive prompt attention. i i 1U IT1 W. W. Masom TTOHNKY AT LAW. 'Offlne on Elm L Street, aWove W&iul, TlonesU, Pa. . c. w. oimiisn; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kranklln, Ve pango Co., j;. - tf. N. B, Smiley, Lro, I 'a.- Will practice In the several Courts of Forest County. '. 85-ly i Holmes House, PIO!KSTA, PA., opposite the Depot. C. l. Mable, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y, Saul, IJRArTinAMIarness Maker and Rad tiler. Three doora uerth of Holme Pome, Tloncsta, Ia. All work is war rmitcd. tf. Syracuse House, rpiDIOVTK, r a., J. fc i Maokk, Troplo A tors. The house hit been thoroughly rr tit toil and Is now In tlio Arxt-clais order, with the best of accommodation. Any nforniution concerning oil Territory at thispoiut wui bt vneernillv lurnisiini. ly J. A D. MAUEK, Kxcliange Hotel, T OTVKTt TIDIOL'TE. Pa.. D.S. TUms Lj pkm. A No Prop's. This house having hear) rented Is now the mom aftirii wop ping place In Tidioute. A gooc" Milliard Jtoom attaohod. - 4-ly .' , . National Hotel, fRVINETO.V, PA. W. A. Hallonback, Projirietor. This hotel Is Nkw, and Is .ow oun aa first class house, situate at ie Juuetion of the Oil Crock A Allegheny .n.1 ll.llHali.t.t . I'ria ll.lli-na. nuonlte the iHumt. Parties bavins to lav ver triiins will llud this the most conven ent hold in town, with nrst-rlaxs aceom- nodalious ana reasonable charges, tr. . - Tlfrt Sons A Co.'s NKW ENOINES. The undorsigned have fnrsale and will receive orders for the tve Engine. Messrs. Tint Sons A Co. re now sending to this market their 12- II nine Power Engine with H-llorse Powor Holler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. Officios at Hunc nn . Challaiit's, dealors In Well Fixtures, Hardware, .Vc, MsinSU next door to Chae llouie, riciixautYlllo, aud at Mansion House, 1 ituxville. tt K. Jilti;T T A SOX, Anents. John K. Wallock, 1 TTORKKY, AT LAW and Solicitor of PatonU,i. 665 Prtiiich strot(opixsito Peed House) wrie, I'a. wui praciico ie th several State Courts and the Uulted K tales Courts. Hpfciul attention arlven to Holicitirj palenta for Inventor. inrriniie ments, re-issue and extension of patents marofullT attended to. Hcfcrences: Hon. James Campbell, Clarion; Hon. John H. McCalmont. Franklin; H. L. A A. It. Richmond, !dead ille; W. E. Lathy. Ti mienta. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Aconb, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON.whohaa hail tlfteen years' experience Iti a large and successful practice, will attend all Professional Calls. Utile in his Drug and tlroccry Store, located in Tldiouto, uoar Tldiout IToune. IN UIS STOKE WILL BE FOUND A r. .11 - a r. jj .1 . Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, (llass, Paints, ils, Cutlery, and ttne Groceries, all of the IipmI quality, and will be sold at reasonable ratea. li. K. nURGESS. an exnerleneed Priiir- klstfroui New York, has charge of the Store. All prescriptions put up accurately. ' W. P. Mercllliott, Attorney at Law. AND BEAIi ESTATE v AGKXT. f' TIONESTA, PA " IT-tf : i .". ' JOHN A. DALE, PSEt'T. tmt. SSOStS, VICIPRtST. A. H.TtLI, CUH, 1 " TIOITESTA .RAVINGS BANK, Tiouesta, Forest Co., Pa. ' This Dank IrAnsarln a General Tlaiiluug, Ikillecting and Exchange lluiiincRs. Drafts on the Principal Cities of the United Stales and Kuropo ixuight and sold. Gold and Silver Coin and Government Securities bought and sold. 7-30 llomU converted on the most favorublo terms. Interest allowed on time deposiU. Mar. 4, tf. . IVOTICE. DR. J. N. HO LARD, of Tidioute, has roturnsd to liis practice alter an ah senofl of four months, spent in tiie Hospi tals of New York, where will altoni) rails In his profession. Otlice in Kureka Drug Store, 3d door ocv the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4'Jtf WANTED AGENTS TO 11 Triumphs of Etiterprtse, ' ' BY JAMES PARTON. A New Hook, 700 octavo pages, well illustrated. Intensely interesting, and very instructive. Kxclusivo torsitury given. Our Terms are t lie most Liberal. Apply to us. and see U they ara nut, A. S. HALE A CO., Hartford, Coun. - 13 w. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! at the Store of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., toneita Pa. We are In daily receipt oi the srgastsnd MOST COMPLETE stock GROCERIES . and ritovisioxH, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS Si SHOES ! FOR TIIE MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. ' AXD . House Furnibhing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ae 4c, which w offer at greatly re duced price. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ! of all kinds, v PARLOR SUITS, . CHAMBER SETS,' ' , LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING REDS, M AT R ESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tl D. S. KNOX, A CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut StPhila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jaiii 1, 1&S9, 2,34,aia M $20,000,000 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM. BUIILKR, Central Agent, Harrlsburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti oneta, Forest County, Pa. 8 (till REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. UY GETTINU UP CLUB.S. Ifc-Kend for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing full directions making a large saving to consumer', aud remunerative club organ izers The C.reat Amerlouu Tea C'oiuitaiiy, 81 A 33 VF-SEY STREET, P. O. Uox 5(M;i. jkw yoiik. li-4t noo vol A' .Tins ix oxe. AGENTS WANTED ron The Library of Poetry and Song, Tlcing Choice Rclec'ioiis from the Host Poets, Knglish, ScoU-h, Irish aud Ameri can. With an Introduction by WILLIAM CU LLPS' I1HYANT. Under whose criticul supervision the volume was compiled. The Immlsoiiicst and eheKHst suliHcrl tion ixHk extant, over s i pates, beauti fully printed, choicely Illustrated, hand somely bound. A Library of over 600 volumes iu one book, w hose contents, of no ephemeral uuturo or Interest, will never grow old cr stale. It can be, and w iIIIm-1 read .uid re-rciul with pleasure liy old and young, as long as its leave, hold together. "A piirtisit surprise, Kcurcelv sin thing all all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It is a IsHjk tor every household." A. V. Mml, "neknow of no siniihir eillectin In tlio English languiiun w hich, in .ctiplmis ness and lulicity ol selection slid arrange ment, cull at all foinpurc with it." .V. 1'. U'imrt. Terms liberal. Kjiljing very rapidly. Send l'ur Circular ami Terms to J. Jl. tolili A CO., 'Si Park Plai, N, Y. June 6, 171. SUBSCRIBE for lb Forest lUwubUcrn ft wfli fry: A Watch Story. "Notes and Queries" has the follow ing legend ol' the Black Country: ''Early in the present century, when Bilston, England, was a long, strag gling village, with one maiu street, which formed a part of the nmil-road from London Chester and Holyhead, the Bull's Head (advertised for Bale Lady-day, 1870; was the principal inn of the place, and a well-known hostel rte ou the old Irish route. It was nat urally, aud almost as a matter of course, the house at which the town worthies were wont to meet, drink good, wholesome, home-brewed ale, out of the Staffordshire black glazed pots, smoke their long Broseley pipes, and talk over the politics of the da;, the tittle-tattle of the neighborhood. One bright summer's eve, while thus pleasantly engaged in the modest smok ing' room (coffee rooms hud not yet come into existence), a gentleman tides up to the door, followed by his servant with the saddle bags. There is, of course, great curiosity amongst the as sembled guests to kuow who the stran ger may be; and front the communi cative valet they soon learn that he is ao Irish olhcer en route to London. They become iniraeuiately desirous1 cf bis company among themselves, both for society and news' sake; but the gentleman unsocial ly keeps his own room up stairs. So that at last, driv en to desperation, aud perchance some what pot-vuiiant, one of the company, Mr. Edward 'Woolleyir.of Stouetields, a screw marker (i.-e., of iron srens for wood), scuds up the servunt with his chronometer to ask the Irishman if he can tell what time it is by an English watch. ' Great anxiety ensues as to the result. Presently the servant returns with his master's compliments, and he will bo Jowu directly with the watch and au answer. A great shuffling of teet is heard overhead ; and by and by appears Milesus, followed by his body guard, bearing a tray with the watch and a brace of pistols on it. He announces that he is come tochallengo the owner of the watch, and hopes he will have the "decency"., to claim it, aud take up ono of the pistols. (To the servant, "Take the watch rouud, John I") "Is it youis.sirf" - The old doctor, Moss, was the first thus address ed ; and amongst others present were Messrs. Price and Busiiberry.. "No sir I" was the invariable answer from each put to this crucial test. At length it comes to the owner, "is the watch yours, sir?" No, air I" "Well, then, John, since uo one will own the watch, put it in your pocket ; and as we do not appear to have falleu among 'jiu tletuen,' bring out the horses, and we'll ride on another utitge." Tho tale, of course, so u got abroad, and at the end of his career, poor Woolly, or rather '"Ooley," as he was more gen erally called, was accosted with "What's o'clock, Mr. 'Oooley?" Only withiu a year or two of his death, while riding along quietly in his car riage, a young urchin thus annoyed him, and in cettine out to make a dash after hira, poor "Ooly" was upset and grievously injured.. So that he had good cause long, to remember the lots of bis "family turnip," and his pres tige of Quixotic combativeness. , . A Horse Advertisement. A man in .Wisconsin advertises his horse for sale, and thus discourses : Thou can'et trust thy labor to him, for -the furrow; he will harrow the valleys after thee. . He will gather thy seed in the barn. His streugth is terrible, in which he rejoiceth. . ... , , He paweth the valley, and waxelh proud in his speed, lie coocketh at fear, neither turneth his back from the hobgoblin. Lo! how he naoveth his tail like a cedar; his sinews are as cable. His bones are like strong pieces of bass, yea, like bars ot iron. . He cateth like; an oxj behold, he driu keth up a river f and trUsteth that he can draw up Jordan in his mouth. Who can open the door of his face? Yet thou cau'st approach him with a bridle. His teeth are terrible round about. . I will not conceal bis parts, uor hi; comely prono tions. lie is gentle, he is kind And hi tail slicks out behind. I want to fell him for something I cau day :n v debts with. At a musical cntertal.vmnt given in this city lately the continuous ?ud" soul-horrowiug tones of a large brass horn in the orchestra grated hastily ou the ears of those assembled, until a wag a few scats in the roar commenced chewing up small pellets of paper, which he dexterously snapped into the mouth of the instrument. This con tiuuud at intervals until uearly uu en tire copy of the New York Tribune was safely deposited iu its cavernous depths. As the performing artist drew iu a large chest lull of wiud fcra. final i grand splurge, there came furili a splutter aud diabolical (Ju',v of sound, suggestive of au army mule, "bugling" I lor (odder. 1 he blower arose, and ; seizing a small boy on the seat behind ' gave hi ui a severe slaking, whila the real culprit escaped notice. 'I'itutvWe ) I!rtll. A Tale of the Tiger. , . The wickedness of Saratoga and Long Branch has becti so thoroughly explained and commented upon that it is refreshing to learn of the exist ence of compensating influences which sometimes counteract the gilded eutice nients of those places. The story is of a husband and wife at Long Branch, the former giveu to nightly visits to the lair of Chamberlain's ' tiger, and the latter affectionately .solictous of his welfare in the encounter with that royal beast. Wisely refraining from curtain lectures, the wife undertook a more audacious and effei'tive means of reform. Attiring herself iu her hus band') best broadcloth and tightest pair of dress boots this "woman who dared" followed her dissipated lord to his eveuiog haunt, and when he was awaiting the turn of . the cards af ter coppering the ace, blew a cloud of of smoke across the table into his face to attract his attention and calmly put ten dollars on t ie kiug. The story concludes with the rapid and terrified exit of the husband, followed by his j successful wife, and the extraction of a ; promise, on the way home, of future j abstinence from the green table. If i thia tale is tn ha credit?'.!, we no longer ; wonder at the determination of Mr. Morrissey to vigorously exclude ladies from his temple of olav. for a few such i wives would break the bank before the I season is over. I A Michigan man who was recently buried in a well thirty feet from the surface of the eroutid. bv its ravine in on him, was rescued after nearly eight j singular reunion had partially subsid hours torture. He attributes his escape ' ed.the two men returned to the smithy to three larn-e stones, which lodged inst i and talked the matter over as sensibly over his head, and prevented a large amount of dirt aud stotes from falling upon aud suffocating him. He ex perienced no difficulty in breathing, but suffered greatly from the cola. His legs were wedged in with stone, and he found himself unable to move. He heard' plaiuly persons at work above aud their conversation ; how the new s should be forwarded to his friends and even what arrangements should be made for his; funeraL,The crying of women and children, and the fears expressed, were distinctly heard, yet he was unable to attract the attention of his rescuers. He suffered the keen est mental tortures, fearing that when the workmen shoulj approach him the earth and stones would be loosened aud precipitated upon him, with in stant death. Finally he succeeded in making himself heard, and directed the progress of the excavators.- The valuo of a good cigar, said Bis inurk as he proceeded to light an ex celled Havana, is best, understood when it is the last you possess and there is no chance of getting another. At Koniggrntz I had only one cigar left iu my pocket, which I carefully guarded during the whole battle as a miser does his treasure. I did not feel justified in using it. I painted in glow ing colors in niy miud the happy hour when I should enjoy it after the victo "D'.'.t I !,B' "'iscalculated my chances. And. what was the cause oi" your miscalculation. - A poor dragoon. He lay helpless, with both arms crush ed, murmuring for something to refresh him. I felt iu my pockets aud found I had only gold, and that would be of no ue to him. But, stay I still had ray treasured cigar! I lighted this for him and placed it between his treth. You should have seen this poor fellow's grateful smile! I never eujoved a cigar so much as that one I did not smoke. It appears that the colossal guns of Mont Valerien, and of other forts about Paris, were filially aud effectual ly destroyed, at a comparatively small cost, by means of the uew litho-frac-teur. The operation was conducted with complete-success by an oflicer of of engineers, Van - Forster, assisted by the toremun of the dyuamite anil litho-fucteur manufactory at Detttz, (io happened to be serving at the time as a private in the German army. Iu the performance of this operation it was found sufficient to' discharge four or five pouuds of the powder, placed on the top of the gun, to break and crack it in such a wuy as to ren der it useless for further military pur pies. : For similar caution, not more than about two hundred pounds were found necessary to effect tho object. In the case of two guns of very great size and weight only fractures were formed the whole length of the bore, but sufficient to destroy the value of the Canou. - ' "A very dicreet J"oung Bostou clergy man, while out sailing the other day, was saluted by two ladies iu a d'ry, w ho waved their handkerchief at him. Being li war enough tu see I hut they were strangers, he straightway rowed away, ubseijueiitly be learned from the friends of the ladies that they had become too tired to row further, and wished to obtain assistuuee from him. Doctor C'ruu'sam was a very punct ual inuu. Wheu hit wile die. I he weut to her t'uiif rul. As the earth fell on i hercofliu everybody around cried. All he did was to take out his watch, Jook at the time, and say "Well, we've got her under, aud it's jutt twenty I miuutes past two !" New Sequel. J A one-armed horseman recently traveling through Missouri stopped at a blacksmith shop id have his horse shod. 'The smith noticed the empty sleeve, and asked him if he lost his arm in the war. He replied, with a sigh, that he did, und even more, go ing on to relate how he had left his home to enlist in the Southern army, and at the close of the war, in going back, he found that his wife, who thought him dead, had moved away, and he had since been unable to ob tain a trace of her. "What is your name?" said the baeksmith. When the answer was "J. M. Waldrup," he suddenly released the hoof over which he had been bending, and - without looking at the ex-soldier, cried, "Fol low mo into the house" and hurriedly led the way. Amazed as he was at the conduct, Waldrup mechanically obeyed the unexpected bii'ding, aud before he could pause to think, was in the presence of a ceniely matron, about whose sewing chair three happy children were playing. She was the blacksmith's wife, the mother of his little ones; yet, as she arose to see whom the smith had brought in. and caught sight of the strange's face, one wild shriek proclaimed the instaneous recognition, and she fainted. In the belief that V aid run was dead, she had married the blacksmith of Cedar City in the very yearot the soldier s parole, and now could only confess her dread mistake, . and call alternately upon either husband and her tiod tor par don. After the first agitation of the ' "d coolly as their respective feelings ! permitted. Devotedly as he loved the woman, the honest blacksmith admit ted the other's stronger right to her, and generously consented that she her self should decide between them. Af ter a long passion of tears and self- reproach, she elected to go with whom she had loved the first ; but declared, with bitter lamentations, that bIic could not leave her children. ' The smith raising his head from his breast, on which it had dropped in the first despondency ;of his great affliction, eyed her wistfully for a moment, and then said, "You shall take them, my dearl" "When the steamboat St. Luke stopped at tho landing, some hours later, Waldrup went aboard with his still weeping and thickly-veiled wife, and the blacksmith followed with the childreu. The boat's bell rang for the starting, aud the dread separation wns at hand. Tho crew, the passengers, tho captain all who witnessed it were affected to tears by the touching scene. - With great drops rolling down his tawny cheeks, the smith kisted his children, oue after another, and in a choking voice bade their mother an eternal good bye. The two men gazed wistfully into each other's faces, shook hands long aud earuestly, and then the blacksmith, by a strong effort of iron will, released the hand of Wald rup aud walked quickly tu the shore. He never turned his face again toward the boat, w'uica sooil passed out of sight around a merciful bend of the river, but strode ou, with head bowed down, to the home whither tho voices of wife and children should welcome him no more. Springfield Republican. Anecdote of Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln was very fond of a game of chess, 'and frequently spent the evening with Judge Treat, a uear ueighbor in that pastime. Upon ono occasion, when little Tad was ulotig, the quiet of the game anJ the loneli ness of the room became too trying to his restless nature, and he interrupt ed the game repeatedly with "Let's go home, lather." "S't down, Tad, sit down," said Mr. Lineal n. Tho child kept quiet a few minutes, but soon broke the silence again. "Presently, my son, peseutly," said the father. Tad waited as long as he could com mand his temper; then, starting up in a fit of impatience, he tilted the board, throwing the pieces on the floor aud bringing the game to au abrupt .ter mination. Mr. Lincoln made a stride or two with his Ion" legs overtook the little culprit just before he reached the door, gave him a partial turn-over, and raised his broad palm. "Tad," said he, "you little villain, I'm going to give you a good whipping" then, pausing, loweriug his arm, and letting the child go, he added, "that is, if you ever do it again." Springfield Jiipub lieun. A drunken fellow with a box of matches in his pocket lay down ou the siu'cwalk in Muscatine, the other day to enjoy a quiet snooze. While rolling over in his Bleep the matches took fire. Awukeniug ho euiifled the air suspi ciously, smelt tho burning brimstone, aud ejuculated, "Just as I expected ; iu h 11 Uiic.) by hokey!" An old gentleman of seventy want ed to he married to a girl of seveuteeii. Oue day a frieud surprise him tender ly embracing his intended. "I dou't wonder at your astonishment." suid the yuu'jg lady, "you dou't generally expect to find old heads ou young boulders." What American Girls Say About Kissing. The varied emotion excited by voting ladies in leading cities along the line from Boston to St. Louis, as kisses are caught or stolen from their sweet lips, are expressed in tbe following manner A liuston girl says, with an arsump tion of indiguaiion, ''Sir, I declare Buch a liberty as that is beyond all bounds oi propriety and gentlemanly manner; I , she is slopped by an other which is not resisted very badly. Tho New York girl says: "Indeed. Air. iirown, your conduct is a little familiar, it not ardent. I ve half a mind to ask what you take me for. The reply of Brown is that he takes her for something nice and swret, and sweet, aud a sharp rapid smacking en sues. The Buffalo girl says with mark ed posiliveuess of manners, but with equal lusiucenty, ."Wretch, thief, put that right back 1 would not lose it for the world. She not only don't lose it. but gets as sue wants, double princina and interest The Philadelphia girl says: "So you think that's dreadful smart; you wouldn't have done it if I had been looking, no indeed ;" but she makes it a point not to look; -The Baltimore girl says; "Repeat it if you dare, sir," aud exposes bcr face that it may be done easily and often. The Washington girl remarks : "You've been gone and done it have you? now cipher out how much better you feel and calculate when you'll get another chance. 1 he Chicago girl says! "Con found your impudence ! Do you take me for a New Yorker? I'd have you know there's a spice of danger in that little matter." The only danger she apprehends is that you won t cut and come again. I lie Cincinnati girl says "Did you ever, no I never you men are perfect monsters. Affects tears and iudignatiou, but it is assuaged by a duplicate ot the old dose, lhe Lou isville girl : "You've done it sure and well. If there is any more-of the same sort please help yourself. If you can stand it I can." The Detroit girl says: "Mien Jerusalem; what naughty, funny man. Better you look out now you take oue, two, tour more before mine mother comes." The St Louis girl says : "Oh, go along with your nonsense ; you ought to be ashaui ed of yourself." She exposes her face and it is done - again several times. Boston Poet. What a wicked shepherd is here His uarae is the Rev. Mr. Sanford is of the Methodist persuasion, and he contracted to take care of a flock Ghent, Kentucky. He had a nice wife, and wielded his crook for some time very respectably. Then he forged check for $1,500 and got the cash then he disappeared from the sucred ranche, and took a lady of his congre gation with him, leaving bis wife shift for herself. He soon deserted the woman he had deceived and she re turned to Ghei.t.reporting the reveren rascal to be in Xudiana. (Jfuccrs pursuit traced him to Vincennes, where he had been figuring as an M. D. having there married still another wo man and deserted ber. He was a shif ty scamp, for he was next at Fort Wayne, where he lectured on plirenol ogy and mesmerism, having mesmeriz ed another lady out of out of $500. A very remarkable rogue ! The officers are still after him, but we doubt if they catch him, i Somewhere near Louisville there lives a sensible husband, who was a soldier in the late war, in which he learned that cowardice is the better part of valor. His wife has borne him no children, a sad thing, which bothers him not a little. Both man and wife have fiery tempers which break' out about once a month, in a war of words. Then, failing to reduce his wife in the- unequal strife, the sol dier shoudera his teut trkes a frying' pan and provisions, gees away to the woods aud camps out. Not many days pass ere the woman goes iu search of her lord, who, as seen as he sees her coming whistles aud sings, aud pre tends that the green wood is tho place for him, and in it he' could live forever. Then the wife bursts into tears, he re mains obdurate for a while, but dual ly succombs; they theu rush into each other's arms, theu disentangle them selves and rush back home, he bearing the tent aud ahe the frying-pan. A French paper publishes a curious report that although the Mont CVuis tunnel has been pierced, ami locomo tives passed through it, there is still sumo doubt us to its being opcu to truvel for some time to come. The trouble is in the ventilation of the tun nel. The smoke cnvolved from the locomotives is not driven out. Out of three engine drivers who were employ ed on the trip through the tunnel, two died ot suttiietttioii, ami the third was restored to lite with great ditticulty. An item has bec-u going the rounds about a huroio man, hi l'liidley, Ohio, who rushed into a burning grocery and brought out three kegs of gunpowder, the c-xplosioii of which wuuid have de stroyed much property. Jt is uow as serted that ho though the kegs coji. taiued brandy, and for that reason ru-bed in aud saved them. A Negro Fire-Eater. They have down in Maryland a man whom they style the African tiro King. He gave an exhibition of his 'powers recently in a physician a ot fice in the presence of about twenty porsoni, and one of them describes tho results thus : He first heated a shovel red hot, and applied it to the bottom of one of his feet. I made no impres sion on him what-ever. He next heat a shovel red hot and licked .it .repeat edly with his tongue. It did cot even dry the saliva in his mouth. Ho then put his has baud in a hot Btove and took therefrom a red hot anthracite coal, and offered it to ' the spectators, who declined to accept the present. His hand was not even scorched.. Ho then called out to know if there wcro any "unbelievers" present. To his as tonishment we announced ourselves still "unbelievers." He then put a shovel in the stove, aud partially Clled it with shot;, when the shot had got pretty hot he stirred them with -his naked fingers till the lead had melted. He then took the shovel in his right hand and poured the hot melted lead in his left hand, and then poured i the burning solution into hit mouth, kept it there till it cooled and spit it out in a lump. We theu expressed our selves entirely satisfied. 1 He said that was only a twenty dollar performance ; if tbey would make him up fifty dol lars he would show something worth seeing. A little boy, three years old, who has a little brother of three mouths, gave a reason for the latter's good con duct "Baby dosen'tcry tears, because he dousen't drink any water, aud lie can't cry milk." A Baiubridire screnadcr, who mourn fully warbled, "I am lonely to-night, love, without tbee, .had lus loneliness alleviated by a number of dogs, who made it lively enough fur him tho bal ance of the night. "Patty," a lady called a littlo girl who was in the parlor, "did you tell vour mother that I was hero?" "Yes, Tm," answered Patty, demurely. "And what did she say?" "Sho said, 'Oh, that dreadful woman again.'" At a recent wedding in Rhiuebeck, as the clergyman reached tho part of the ceremony, "I now pronounco you" a fish peddler in the street 'shouted "bull heads! bull!" to the amusement of some and the consternation of oth ers present on the occasion. , The ties used on the South American railways have been transported almost entirely from California, us tho hard wood ties cut ou the Andes cannot be used without boring tho spike-holes with augers. The ties cost oue dollar each lauded at Collao. Tho physicians of the Health 'Dj piirtment in New York,- in reporting the mortality of that city to tho Board, begins: "I have the hdnor to report tho following deaths.". This is like tho sherilT who wrote:, "I have the pleasure to inform you that you are appointed a deputy to assist iu tlio l..,!r, f T.K.. &...:!. , hanging of Johu Smith.' The Chicago Times likens Chicago to the man who earned a dollar, or just as much as and uo more than it cost him to live. He might live six working days, but the seventh, the Sabbath, he must work or cease to live. The Times says: "Now, ' every man who bas capital invested in Chicago, is iu exactly this situation. .The av erage profit which his capita will cam at the present time, does not exceod five and a half per cent, per annum ; and five and a half per cent, per an num is exactly what government, of oue kiud or another, fakes away, iu the shape of taxes, from all capital in vested in Chicago." I gave her a rose aud gave her a ring and I asked her to marry me then; but she scut them all back, insensible thing and said she'd had no notion of uieu. 1 told her I'd occuus of money and goods, tried to frighten her with a growl; but she answered that slie wasn't brought up in the woods lo lm scared by the screech of an' owl. I called her a beggar, and everything bad; I slighted her features and form ; till at leugth I succeeded iu getting her mud, aud site raged like a eu iu u storm. Aud then, iu a motueut i turn ed aud I smiled.tiud called her my an gel und all ; she fell iu my urins like a wearisome child and exclaimed: "Wu will murry this fall." Western papers seen.) to" vie with each other in telling tho biggest snake stories An Arkansas paper notes the killing of suuko ltPfect long ami 23 inches in circumference. Thou a, Mis souri paper comes along wjth a snako 20 feet long 30 iuches in circumference. But not to bo outdone the Kausa Shitr.im ui put in its claim for the suakt championship by giving an account of a snake IvS feet long and 4$ inches around the body, rovered with scales like lish, and having a yellowish, sul phureous tint and smell. But now comes along a Chicago paper, aud sav they have a snake 1,400 feet Itug and '.'isj feet round tho tip f the taii, and ; asks, as a mathematical problem, h I uiucli it will npnsuri round the waif?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers