Hates of Advertising. Forest Republican. One Snnnre (1 Inch.) one Insert!o fl f 1 It "rtBLISIIKD', tVI-.tlY TUESDAY, BY W. R. DUNN, JtOet la HLripx's Bulldlrg, Klrr Street. OneM'iunre ono month One Square " three months... n ( One Square " one year 10 0 Two Squares. one rear IS Quarter Col. " :W Half " " " One " " - 100 TERMS, $3.00 A YEA n. Wo Subscriptions rocelvod fur a shorter period than threo month. Correspondence solicited from nil part of the country. No notice will bo taken of nnonynioun communications, Marriages and Death notices Inserted gratia. Business Cards, not exceeding one iaeta In length, 10 per year. M Lot us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. Legal notices at established rates. T'l. n I ... .ml fin 1 AV laf tfl .Ilt l.a ,a.lr. .... l ', a ,! m ! II ttt i fin AlllOn itrons. The' rates otlored are such, v VOL. IV. NO. 17. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. in mime i hi nuTmiwi ... ...... F business in the limits ofthe circulation of the irniier to ailvertise liberallv. I..:" j if 1i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONKSTA LODGE, NO. 47 7, i.'o. a-, t. A f eeta erery Wednesday evening, at 8 111. o'clock. W. R. DUNN, W. C. T. Ss TV. TATE, W. a. - . IIWTtJI PETTIS. KILB8 W. TATB. PKTTIS TATE, ' . ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aim rMl, TIONESTA, PA. Isaac Ash, ATTORNEY AT liAW, mi City, Pa. Will practice In the various Courts of Forest County. , All bullions entrusted to kl rare wiU receive prompt attention. 18 ly , W. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa. C. W. GUflllan, TTORNET AT LAW, Franklin, Ve L naogo Co., Pa. . . tf. N. B. Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Vetrolenm Can trt. Pa. Will practice In the several Qearta of Forest County. 85-ly Holme House, a'lONKSTA, TA., opposite the Tlepot. C. D. Mable, Proprietor. Good Hta WLlog connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, ', PRACTICAL Ilarneas Maker and 8ad ' JT dltr. Three doora north of Holmes 1 House, Tionesta, Pa. All work la war ranted, tf. I Syracuse House, T1DIOTJTF, Pa., J. A T) Maokk, Prople tors. The house ha lieeu thoroughly retltted and is now ia the tlrst-class order, with the beet of accommodation. Any formation concerning Oil Territory at Wis point will be cueoriuliv turnisnon. ly J.Al). MAG RE, ' Exchange Hotel, T OWKR TIDTOL'TE. Ta.. D. S. Rams ' Lj dkp.l A Sos Prop's. This house having leen rented is now the mostaesirantesuip pi n Diane In Tidioute. A auod Billiard Room attached. 4-ly - . . . . national Hotel, TRYINETON, PA. W. A. Ilallenback, .'. . Proprietor. This hotel la Naw, and is .ow open aa a ft rut class house, situate at te junction oi 'ne uu .reea v Aiieanen; , Aiverand Philadelphia A Krio Railroads, pposlte the Depot. Parties having to lay or trains will find this the most conven- ent hotel In town, with ftrst-clasa aoeom- nodatlons and reasonable charges, tt. Tiftt Sons St Co.' i - ; NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have for sale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Ti fit Hons A Co, are now sending: to this market their 12- Horse Power Engine with 14-Horse Power Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. Omens at Duncan A Chalfant s, dealers la Well Fixtures. Hardware. Ac. Main St ext door to Chase House, Pleaaantvllle, aad at Mansion House, Tltusviue. tf. K. BRETT A SON, Agents, John. K. Hallock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of XI fatenta.No. fios Krench street(opposite 13 1 XI I.-..!.. T Will In 1HRKI H WUW, f V IV, mt , lit IHW.IHW theanveral State Courts and the United Ntates Cou rta. ISpecinl attention given to soliciting patents for Inventora ; infringe ments, re-issue and extension of patents oareniily attenuod to. tuilcrenoes: lion , - ..i.n rti..-t,... . u ... T ,.1, .. u KII I nillllll, 3 ItlllVill i IIV'II, WUU M, McCalmoKt. Frarklin; II. L. A A. H. Ricbmoud, MeaJS ill ; W. E. Lathy. Ti- nesia. il . Dr. J. L. Acom.b, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has had ttfteen years' experience In a larfre and BuceeaHful practine, will attend all Professional Calls. Olllce In hta Drug and Orooerr Htore, located in Tidioute, near Tidioute House. , IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment ef Medicines, Liquors Tobacco. Cisars. Stationery. Glass. Paints, Oils, Cutlery, and hue Groceries, all of the best quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates. II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Prntr, ajat from New York, has charge of the IHfl V. Alt lll;i IJlklUIIB UV u mvv, ... "ivij , ir. ' W. P. Merctlllott, ittoraey aft Law. . AND BE AX ESTATE AOEXT. - TIO NESTA, rA.' tr-af , , JOHN A. OALI, PRU T. aa A. eaopis, vici prist, a. M.TttL, cashs. TIOUESTA .SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Thla Bank transacW a (Jencral Banking, t.'ollecting and ixchange liusiuess. Drafts tu the l'lincipal .Cities of (I Gold and Nilvr Coin and GoveriiHient Sei-urities bought and sold. 7-:) lSoiuls converted on the most lavoramo icrius. Interest allowed ou time deposits. - Mar. 4, tf. DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has returnsd to his prartiro alter ail ab sence of four months, spent in the lio. pl talsofNew York, where will altrnid calls in his profusion. Uiltce in Eureka Drug Store, Sil dir above the bunk, Tidioutu, Pa. 4'Jlf WANTED AGENTS FOR Tpltftnphs of ECatepprtse, BY JAMES PARTON. s A New Book, 700 octavo pages, well illustrated, iiitcnsoly iiilcrosting, and very instructive. Exclusive territory given. Our Terms are the most Liberal. Apply to us. and stte il tluv are nut. A. K. Ull.ll Y., Uartwiril, Conn. GREAT EXCITEMENT! at theStore of D. S. KNOX, it. CO., Elm St., ionesta Pa. -a We are In daily receipt 01 tlie orgeat and MOST COMPLETE stock (mocEKirs and PROVISIOXS, EVER BROUGHT TO THISMAIKKT BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR TUB MILLIONS! whiah we are determined to sell regardless of prices. ; AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac., which we offer at greatly re duced pr.iooa. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, . LOUNGES WHATNOTS, -SPRIN6 BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac., Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and ace, 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Fhila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND 4 FIRE INSURANCE $20,000,000 losses paid since Its organiza tion. WM. HUULtll, central Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. 8 0m REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLUBS. TE,Send for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing fuil directions inakiiix a large saving - to consumer- and remunerative club organ' leers The Great American Tea Company, 31 A 33 VESEY STREET, P. O. Box 5643. MfW Yokk. 12-4t 50O VOLlTMi: IX OXE. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Poetry and Soag, Iteing Choice Selec'ions from the Best Poets, English, Scotch, Irish aud Ameri can, n nil an introuucuoii uy WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Under whose critiral supervision the volume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest suhscrip tion book extant. Over hoo panes, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand somely bound. A Library of over 5uO volumes in one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, willnever grow old rr stale. It can lie, and will be read and re-read with pleasure by old and young, as long as its leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise Si an elv anything all all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, Is neglocted. It is a book lor every household." A'. 1'. M'tH. "eknnw of no similar collection In tho English language which, in copious ness and felicity of selection and arrange ment, can at all compare with it." -V. I'. Times. Terms Ulieral. Selling very rapidly. Seud lor Circular and Terms to J. 11. FOKI) A CO., Zi Park I'luce, X. Y. Juno 0, 171. SUBSCRIBE for the Forost ltapubUorn R-w4T1 fwy: Sturgeon in Harnett, Two citizens of Eaeton, Pa., Mr. Samuel Phillippt and Col. J. R. Sit- greaves, have for many years enter- tained the notion that sturgeons might be so managed as to draw a pleasure boat. For the last three summers they have keen making experiments to solve the problem, and at last have succeeded, lhe mode ot procedure been every spring when the sturgeons have made tliir way up the Delaware as high as Bristol to buy a pair, and towing them from behind a boat on the Lehigh Canal to bring them to Lehigh dam, where these gentlemen have a boat house and a pond enclosed for their aquatic ponies. The mode of harnessing the stur geons is peculiar. A broad India-rub' ber band encircling each hsh just be- hind the pectoral hn has a brass ring attached on top. Through these rings a stout ashen pole about eight feet long is insert ad, and to two staples in braiding ot an elderly gentleman to the pole the traces are fastened. There his son for too frequent dissipating un it also a narrow cum elastic band . the dawn "chased the session oi the around each sturgeon, just behind the dorsal fin, with a loop in the side bold-. ing the opposite ends of a much slight-, er pole, to compel them to twim at a , regular distance irom each other. Mr. Pliillippi, who acts as driver, has hit seat in the bow. and directs their course with a goad, which it a long ' pole, and thick at one't wrist, with a , sharp spike sticking but at right angles ; from the end, aud it is surprising with what alacrity they obey. When they are to be turned to the right or left, a . suddtn prick on the opposite side of, each sturgeon causes the pair to take the desired course. When a greater speed is disired they are pierced near the trail ; when they are required to halt the goad is reached forward, and they are pricked in front of the head. There was much difficulty at first in preventing the fish from seeking the bottom aud drawing the boat under. They were consequently driven in wa ter not over tour teet deep. Dr. black, however, an eminent fish-culturUt in the neighborhood, who had travelled in Egypt and had observed the mode of mauagiug sturgeon attached to boats on the Nile, overcame the diffi culty. He had two large hollow floats made in the shape of swans, and paint ed white to resembU those birds. To each of these floats a cord of three feet was attached and fastened Into the rings on the pole to which the tracea are made fast; the wooden twaot thus serving an ornamental as well as a useful purpose. To create the delusion that the boat is drawn by swans, a pair of gay reins reach from the bird like floats to the bow. The boat is shaped like a shell, and Col. Sitgreaves, sitting in the stern with his trident which be frequently carries is no bad representation of Neptune. His Pal inurus, Sammy Phillipdi, who keeps a fast team, is as skillful in directing the course of the aqueous steeds as he is in driving the pair on the road. Love of the Beautiful. Place a young girl under the care of a kind-hearted, graceful woman, and she, unconscious to herself, growl into a graceful lady. Place a boy in the establishment of a thorough going, straight forward business man, and he becomes a selt-reliaut, practical busi - nAatt man l'lnlH,.n a m iiufliihl Kl a creatures, and circumstances, - anS scenes, aud actions always impress, as you influence them, not by arbitrary rules, nor by stern example aloue but in a thousand other ways that tpeak through beautiful forms, pretty pic tures, etc., so they will grow. Teach your children, then, to love the beautiful. Give them a corner in the garden for flowers, encourage them to put it in the shape of hanging bas kets ; allow them to have their favor ite trees ; teach them to wander in the prettiest woodlets , show them where they can best view the sunset; rise them in the morning, not with ttcru "time to work I" but with the enthusi astic "see tho beautiful sunrise!" buy for them pretty pictures, and encour age them to decorate their rooms in his or ber childish way. Give them an inch and they will go a mile. Allow them a privilege, aud they will make your home beautiful. Hampton Court, London, waa once the scene of asingular epidemic. Oue Sunday a youthful beauty fainted, and handsome Sir Horace Seymour carried her out. The following Sunday anoth er fair damsel was similarly attacked, and bir Horace, with like gallantry, sprang to her relietl And thus the epidemic went on. So successive beauties fainted, and the handsome Horace carried them successively out, till he grew tired of bearing such sweet burdens. An announcement was made that in future all swooning nymphs would be carried out of the chapel by the dustinuu, whereupon the uiuludy rapidly disappeared. A Cincinnati)!!) whose whose read ing of Greeley's "What I Know About Funning," drove him into agricultural pursuits, says: "No wonder Caiu kill ed his brother. He was a tiller of the f round. The wonder is that he didn't ill his fut her, and then weep because i h hadn't a grandfather to kill." Put Yourtelf in Her Place. A young lady visiting in New York, the grand daughter of a Massachusetts statesman, same home recently from a ball, and kidding her good nigbt at the door, proceeded, as she supposed, to her chamber. To her consternation on turning up the gas, she discovered a number of trifles scattered about ' that told as plainly as inanimate things could tell that she was in the apart ment of a luxurous young bachelor. At the moment of this discovery she was horrified to hear a heavy step in the hall, which was apparently coming toward the room into which the young lady had so unfortunately blundered, j Following the impulse of her mind, ; she locked the door on the intide, and toon heard a hand trying the lock. one remained as quiet as a summers day belore a shower, and in a moment heard a tempest of words issue from entry, which were evidently the up- stars from the night." Receiving do answer the voice gradually died away in the distance with murmurings about bringing a mother's hairs, in aonow to the grave, and then the young lady, quickly unlocking the door, glided noiselessly down the stairs, through the front vestibule into the street, theace to her own house, which waa in the next block. Now, mark the sequel, which points points a moral for all believers in black spirits and white, red spirits and gray, lhe possessor ot the voice re ferred to above an elderly gentleman of unquestionable respectability, and who was never known to make a joke in his life asserted that on a certain night, at the hour when the church yards yawn and graves give their dead, he was anxiously awaiting the arrival of his son, when he heard the front door of his residence open ano tome one enter the young gentleman's room. He immediately ascended, to have an interview with his boy, but he found the bedroom door locked, and there was no response to hit knock. Subse quently he saw a tight that chilled hit blood. A female figure in shadowy robes glideed out of the apartment and down the stairs, and about an hour afterward his son came home ut terly ignorat of the mysterious occur rence. After believing for a time that there were more thiugs in heaven and earth than we dream of in your phi losopy, pater families was informed by the pretty ghost herself how she inad vertenly found herself in a delicate poeition.aod how her woman's wit got her outof it. Boston Gotettt. A Story with a Moral. The New York Journal of Commerce lays that dealer iu pork has a pre cocious son who it an expert in cards, and, in playing with his young com panions was seldom ou the losing side, lie began at first to bet on the game, aud ere long could play regular for : . I i I ' , , . money wiwi any oi nia age uiipotea to take the risk, lie came home one day, bringing several dollars, which he had . Rcqulred in ui gmall way of gaming, j aud exhibited his gaius to his lather j with ite an air of triumph- The ; thoughtful parcut shook his head and 1 tod lig UD tiat the m wag Dot . . . "But I did not cheat," said the boy. ' I hope not," replied the father, "But did you give the loser any equiv alent whatever for it?" The boy hung his head, and the parent added : "Money is honestly acquired when there is an exchange of products or services, aud the receiver gives an equivalent for it; to take another man's property and give him no equiv alent for it, is to rob or cheat him." . A tew mouths after, the father came home from the Produce Exchango with an elated aspect, and announced that he had settled his speculative con tracts in pork by the receipt of fifty thousand dollars. Tl'. son eyed him steadily a moment, and then said: "What did you give the other man, father, as an equivalent ler the mon ey?" Ain't Got 'em! Threeof the dirti est, most rngged little ragamuffins in this city eutered oue of the magnifi cent drug stores in our place. March ing up to the counter, one said : "1 waut a etui's worth of rock-can-dy." "Get out, you ragamuffins! we don't sell a cent's worth of rock randy f" Slowly and sadly they filed out of the store. On the sidewalk a consulta . tion took place. They re-entered the door. "Mister, do you sell three cents' worth of rock caudy?" "Yes." "Well, we ain't got 'em ;" and the procession moved out again. l'.x. While wading though a bucketful of sloppy "original pot-try," an east ern cotemporary sighs "for the time whon young people will cultivate the poetic art, as many of them do music, merely as a private accomplishment, to be hushed up in the family and 4 among friends." Good Story of a "Boston Party." A correspondent writing from San Francisco, is responsible for the fol low ing : A good story or two it told of the "Boston Party which was here last Summer. The members of this party were, for the most part, men who were in the habit, of knowing where their money went, and of making and requiring exact change. This trait led them into many prolonged and not wholly decisive contests, and event ually attracted a good deal of atten tion. A Californian was characteris ing their email wayt with more empha sis than good taste, when another Cal ifornia took up the gauntlet in their behalf. "They can't help it," said he, "they don't act from penuriousness, but from education. They have al ways been used to close calculations and exact settlements, and they can't go back to life-long training." "Well, there's one thing they can do," aaid the other, "they can ttay at home and not expose their breeding. The same nartv visited the Nevada Silver Mines, and upon coming out of the tunnel one of them ottered their guide who chanced to be one of the principal owners of the mine a half dollar for his trouble, lhe miner looked at the money a moment and then tuining to the man said, "May I ask you how much you ate estimated at home to be worth ?" "About twenty-five thousand dol lars," replied the Bostonian. "Well," said the miner, "I guess I won't take your half dollar. I made a quarter of a million here last month." Valuable Invention. A Birmingham, England, invention coDBicts of a machine designed to punch the holes through the webs of steel rails, near their extremtties.which are required in "fishing" joints. Two holes are simultaneously punched,each being one inch by one and a quarter in dimension, lhe pressure is applied by meant of a hydraulic cylinder of lourteeu incnes ammeter; ana tne wa ter is supplied from ai. accumulator having a compressed air-chamber, in which the pressure it raised to oaHJ at mospheres, The total pressure which the press tt capable of exerting amounts therefore to nearly 400 tons. The upward stroke is effected bf means of a smaller cylinder which is always in communication with the accumula tor, to that the email piston always tends to lift the ram and punch. When a down stroke it to be made, the water it admitted to the main cylinder by opening a stop-valve, this valve being combined with a discharge-valve, which it opened on the completion of the downstroke, the ram being then raised by the action of the tmall pis ton, and the water in the main cylin der flowing oil through the waste-pipe. If any of our young lady friendt are impecunious, in outer woras naru op for pin money, we can tell them how to make a raise. At least, we can tell them how a Nevada girl spot ted d,U0J. One night the presented herself at the bedside of a young man of tueceptalile bosom, and asked him the conundrum, "did be love her. Now, we ask, where it the youtn who would answer "no 1" to such a question, under such circumstances? If such there be, go mark bini wetl and shoot him on the spot. Since Joseph left his coattailt in Potiphar'a house, there "don't was" any such young man. This Nevada youth answered, "yes,"of course. And then that gentle maid went away and sued that natural young man for $3,000 on a breach of promise. And got her money. Daughter of Ev in Chautauqua, can you not draw ycor owu moral lesson. We charge nothing for this hint nor for the ad vice to any youug lady who proposes to try this neat and expeditious ma fl eer of raising chignon money not to make auy mistakes aud try it on mar ried meu. It it not siife. Jamertorvn Journal. A well known New Orleant miuLter, walking along the street a few days since, met a lady far whom he hud re cently performed the marriage service. Desiring to renew the acquaintance (for the lady had interested him grtut ly at the time) he accosted her with the remark : "Madam, did I not have the plea sure of marrying you a few days since f " "1 was married a few days since tir." "Yes I thought I was not mistaken. I married you." "Indeed ! Well, I thought my hua Sand was a much younger mau than you are but I have not seen enough of him to make his acquaintance thor oughly. By the way, my dear, my chignon is getting thubby ; please give me some money to buy a waterfall." Evidently this was more than the minister bargained for, and with a hasty bow, accompanied by "No you are not the lady I'm mis taken," he took his leave. Out in Iowa kisses are told at fairs bv the fair. A man pays a certain ' sum to the general fund, and then se lects the girl or woman he desires to Ikise. Tanking a Swim. Out in Ohio, last week, twenty Bap tist clergymen, who were attending a Convention, went down to a secluded spot on the river bank, in the after noon, for the purpose ot taking a swim. These score of brethren removed their clothing and placed it upon the rail road track close at hand, because the grass was wet. Then they entered the water and enjoyed themselves. Pres ently an express train came around the curve at the rate of forty miles an hour, and before any of the swimmers could reach dry land, all those under shirts and socks and things were flut tering from the cow-catcher, and speeding cn ward toward Kansas. It was painful lor the brethren exceed ing painful because all the clothing that could be found, after a careful search, was a sun umbrella and pair of eyeglasses. And they do eay that when those twenty marched home by the refulgent light of the moon, that evening, in single file, and keeping close together, the most familiar ac quaintance with the Zouave drill, on the part of the man at the head, with the umbrella, still hardly sufficed to cover them completely. They felt conspicuous, somehow ; and the situa tion waa made all the more embarrass ing, because that night all the Dorcas societies, and the woman's Rights Con ventions and the pupils at the female boarding school, seemed to he pranc ing around the streets, and running across the route of the parade. Most of the brethren are now down on im mersion, and altogether in favor of the use of water only in sprinkling. In the early stages of his ministry, the celebrated Dr. Strong.of Hartford, Connecticut, preached some time in a neighborhood village. One day a com mittee called upon him to settle with him for his services ; and, after stam mering a while, signified to him, that his further services were not desired. "What does this mean, gentlemen?" asked the Doctor. "Why," replied the spokesman, with tome hesitation, "the people have got the impression that you are inclining to universal sal vation." "Gentlemen," answered the Doctor "I never have preached that doctrine; but, it 1 ever should, 1 prom ise to make the people of this town an exception T In New York a roan last week made awager that he could run a closed um brelia down his throat to the handle. No sooner had he accomplished this feat than the base wretch who made the bet seized the umbrella by the handle and opened it all the way, clinching it on the catch, lie then fled. Of course all efforts to close the umbrella and remove it have been ut terly useless, the poor sufferer walks about with his person distended in a manner that is inexpressibly painful These practical jokes are very wrong Just for the sake of a moment's amuse ment this mau is obliged to carry that umbrella with him to his grave. On the great farm of Col. Thomp son, in Wells, Minnesota, is a cheese factory which has a canacitv for mak iug into cheese the milk of o.OOO cows but now only woras up the daily pro duct of 225. It it three etories high the main building ia 35 by 82 feet, built of brick. A steam engine of 24 horse power drives the machinery. Water is supplied from an artesian well. There is a butter room attach ed with steam churn aud all necessa ry appliances. Col. Thompson intends to increase the number of hit cowt to UOO soou. "I was going," taid an Irishmen, "over Westminister bridge the other day, and I met Pat Hewins. "Hew ins," aayt I, "how are you?" "Pretty well" says he, 'thank you, Donnelly.1' "Donnelly I" says I, "th it't not my name." "Faith, no more it mine Hewins," says he. So we looked at each other again, and sure it- turned out to be nayther of ut," A Virginia editor has come to the conclusion that a man might as well undertake to hold himself at arm's length and then turn a double somer sault over a meeting-house steeple as to attempt to publish a paper that will suit everybody. A young lady became to dissatisfied with her lover that she dismissed him. In reve.ige, he threatened to publish her letters to him. "Very well," re plied the lady, "I have no reason to be ashamed of any part of my loiters except the address!" Said a pompous husband, whose wife had stolen up behind him and given him a kiss, "Madam, I consider such an act indecorous !". "Excuse me," said the wife, "1 didu't know it was you." A Belfast gentleman wears an old fashioned silver fouipcuee attached to his watch chain, in atJec'liouate remem brance of the time when it was an eijuivakut for a squurc, honest driuk oi old cognac. "You'd better look out for yer hose's feet above here, mister," said a rngged boy to a Jimtown traveler. "Why?" saiil the gentleman nervously pulling up. "Cos, there's a fork in tha road there," was the candid reply. A Wonderful Clock. Mr. R. D. Munson, an old resident of Williston, Vt., has just completed a wonderful musical calendar clock, which has attracted visitors from far and near. It is in every detail his handiwork, the old farmer having spent his spare hours in working upon it, for the past eight years. lie has produced au eight-day clock, whose dial marks the second, minute, hour, day of the week, day of the month, month and year ; a thermometer rests against its pendulum, giving the state of temperature ; the ball of the pen dulum contains a miniature time-piece, which derives its motive power solely from its vibrations, and keeps ac curate time, ihere is also a cylinder musical attachment, which may be set to rjlav any one of seven tunes at the end oi each hour. In this last feature it can be so adjusted and such waa the intention of the maker at to play Old Hundred at the end of each hour on Sunday, and "Old Folkt at Home," "Swiss Waltz," "Star Span gled Banner," "Hail Columbia, Yankee Doodle and "bweet Home respectively u each successive day of the week. The entire mechanism it placed in a black walnut case, which measures ten feet high, twenty inches wide and ten inches deep, lhe case le highly polished, and its front bears the inscription iu raised letters, "Our Union forever," "U. S." Mr. Munson, who is sixty-two years old and quite feeble, feels proud of what he has ac- complisheed. 1 A Colorado saloon keeper taid of a rough crowd: "I couldn't get their whiskey strong enough lor them, so al ter tryiug every way, I at last made a mixture ot poison oac and butternut. That fetched them. I called it the sheep herder's delight, aud it was a popular drink. The first Pike I tried it on yelled with delight; the next one took two drinks and turned a double) somerset in the road before the house. A peddler came along, and after he took several drinks of my sheep her der's delight, he went off and stole hit own pack, and hid it in the woods." A schoolmaster in Binghamton, N. Y., has been fined $1,700 for circulat ing a copy of verses found upon the floor of his sshool-room, in which the character of a young lady in the neigh borhood was maligned. The action was brought under the new law, mak ing it an offense to impute a want cf chastity to a woman ; and it is taid that some of the jury were in favor of placing the damages at $10,000. The writer of the verses ia now to be pro ceeded against. - a - : The Lynchburg, Va., Republican says : "Lynchburg boast of a sun dial which was made iu London in the year of 1428, and which, consequently, Is now 443 years old, and which, when Columbus cressed the ocean blue and planted his standard on American soil, enjoyed the ripe old age of sixty-four years. The age of this vcncrablo uoter of the sun's course appears to be unquestioned, aud is doubtless the old est specimen of man's haudiwork which this country can furnish." A Woman has no natural graco more bewitching than a tweet laugh. How much we owe to laugh 1 It turn the prose of our life into poetry; it flings showers of sunshine over the darksome wood in which we are trav elling; it touches with light even our sleep, which is the image of death, but gemmed with dreamt that are tha the shadows of imortality. A gentleman from Philadelphia waa recently commending a young friend to the notice of a Chicago merchant, and closed his appeal by saying : "He conies of a very good family ; both his father and grand-father were prom inent men in the east." "Were they?" les ponded the merchant ; "that is good, but it is of no account with us cere. There is less daddy ism in Chicago than any other place in the Uuiteu States." A raw Jonathan who had been at a garden in the vicinity of New York, in which were several marble statues, exclaimed, "Just see what a waste. Here's no leas than six scarecrows in this ten foot patch, aad any one of 'em woull keep the crowa from a five acre lot." A joyous damsel rushed into a citi zen's arms at Savauah, exclaiming, "Oh, you are long-lost brother!" hho soou discovered her mistake, and rush ed off iu a confused manner, accom panied by her long lost brother's pock, et book. I pressed her gentle form to mo, and whispered in her ear, if, wheu 1 was fur away, she'd drop fur mo a tear. I paused for cheering words, my throb bing heart to cool ; and with her rosy lips she said, "Oh, Ike, you're such a fool 1" Out West they tell a story of a do who was greatly inteiested iu music. He attended a singing school, and was subsequently found iu tho back yard with a music book iu front of him, beating time with his tail ou a tin-pail, aud howling "Old Huudred." Mowing and threshing tnaching if. ridenr are doinj wa-11.