The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 18, 1871, Image 1

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    J&fef forest gtpuWJttta.
Dffioe In Knox's Bulldlrg, Elm. Street
No Hubtrlptlona rooolvod for a 'shorter
. period than three month.
Correspondence solicited from all part
or tlio country. No notice will be tukon of
annonymoua oonimunioauonn.
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
I. O. Gk T.
!1oeU every Wednesday evening, at 8
lA o'clock.
w. n. DUNN, W. C. T.
M.W. TATE, V. M.
Attorneys at law,
M. h Strert, TTOSKSTA , PA ,
Isaao Ash,
V Will practice in"the various Court of
j'orpat county, ah busmen entrusted to
i4 rare will roooive prompt attention.
10 ly
W. W. Mason,
L. Rtreet, above Walnut, Tionenta, Pa.
C W. Glinilan,
nango Co., l'a. tf.
N. D, Smiley,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Cen
i V tre, Pa. Will practice in the aeveral
Ouurta of Forcat County.
Holme House,
T'lONESTA, PA., oppoalte the Pepot.
1 C. D. Mable, Proprietor. Uood Sta
bling connected with the houae. tf.
Jos. Y. Saul, .
PRACTICAL Harneaa Maker and Sad
dler. Three doors north of Hoi men
Hon!', TloueHta, l'a. All work la war
runted, tf.
Syracuse House,
rpiPIOUTF, Pa., J. AT) Maoke, rrople
J. torn. The hoimo has been thoroughly
refitted and in now ia the fi rut-clans order,
with the bent of aecommodations. Any
n formation eonoerninR Oil Territory at
this point will be cheerfully furninhed.
-ly J. &D. MAUKE,
Exchange Hotel,
dkfl A Hon I'rop'a. Thiahouaehaviug
been rented ianow the moat desirable stop
ping place In Tidioute. A good Billiard
Kooiu attached. 4-ly
- National Hotel,
TRVINETON, PA. W. A. nallcnback,
. Proprietor. This hotel is New, and is
ow open aa a first elass house, situate at
ne junction of the Oil Creek & Allegheny
ttiver and Philadelphia A Erie Railroads,
pposlte the Popot. Parties having to lay
ver trains will lind this the most conven
eut hotel in town, with nrat-ctaaa aooom
nodations and reasonable charges. tf.
Tifft Sons & Co. '8
NEW ENGINES. The undersigned hare
for sale and will receive orders for the
above Engine. Messrs. Tifft Hons A Co.
ere now sending to this market their 12
JlorsoFower Engine with 14-Hortte Power
lioiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
okkh'f at Duncan A ChalUnt's, dealers
In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St.
next door to Chase House, Pleasantvlllo,
and at Mansion House. Tltiisvtllo.
tf. K. IIHETT 4 BON, Agents.
f Joti K. Hallock,
A. TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
J PHtenta,No. 665 French trcet(opposlte
Reed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice in
t ho hc vera 1 State Courts and the United
States Courts. (Special attention given to
soliciting patents for Inventors j Ttifrlngo
uicnts, rc-ixsue and extension of patents
carefully attended to. References: Hon.
.fumes Campbell, Clarion ; Hon. John 8.
McCalmoiit, Franklin H. L. A A. B.
Richmond, Meadville; W. E. Lathy. Tl
onesta. ii 7
Or. J. JL. Aconb,
had fifteen years' experience in a large
and succesNful practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Office In his Drug and
Grocery Store, located ia Tidioute, near
Tidioute -House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, Glaus, Paints,
1h. Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the
lienl quality, and will be sold atieasouable
H. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug
piNtfrom New York, has charge of tiie
Store. All prescriptions put up accurately.
W. P, MercilUott,
Attorney at Lw
T I 0 N ES T A, PA.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
Tills Bank trausacLn a General Banking,
t'ollectlng and Exchange Business,
Drafts on the Principal Cities of the
United States and Europe bought and sold.
Gold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities' bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds
.converted on the most favorable tortus.
1 nUtrest alio wod on tinie deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. . N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, boa
returnsd to his practice after an ab
sence of four months, aeut in the Hospi
tals of New York, where ha will alUmd
calls in his profession.
OlHce in Eureka Drug Store, 8d door
thove the bunk, Tidioute, Pa, 4Utf
Triumphs off Enterprise,
A New Book, 700 octavo pages, well
illustrated, iuUmaely inUirestiug, and very
instructive. Exclusive territory given,
our Terms aro the moat Liberal. Apply
m iih, und sue if tlvev are not. A S.
JIM i. . ('(.. H iiH..r(, I nnu.
".Lot us have Faith
VOL. IV. NO. 15.
t thaStore of
D. S. KNOX, fc CO.,
Elm St., ionesla Fa.
We are In dally receipt o, tie argestand
which we aro determined to sell regardless
of prices.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, Ac,' which we offer at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, fec., Ac., Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO.
No. 232 Walnut St Phila.
Incorporated 1794. Charter Ferpetual
Assets Jan; 1, 1809, $2,348.82339
I2n.000.000 losses nald since its oraranlza-
tlon. WM. 1IU11LEU, Central Agent,
uarrisuurg, l'a.
MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti
onesta, Forest County, Fa.
o nni
teauSend for our new Price List and a
Club Form will aoooinpany it, containing
fuil directions making a large aaving to
eonsiuuer and remunerative club organ
ize ra
The Great American Tea
lit at io Vx-JSKY HTKEKT,
P. O. BOX 5013. NKW YORK. 12-4t
The Library of Poetry and Song, '
Roing Choice Selections from the Best
can. With an Introduction by
Under whose critical supervision the
volume was compiled.
The handsomest and cheapest subscrip
tion book extant. Over hoo pages, beauti
fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand
somely bound. A Library of over 600
volumes in one book, whose contents, of
no ephemeral natureorintercst. will never
grow old or stale. It can be, and will bo
read and re-read with pleasure by old and
young, as long as its leaves hold together,
ii" A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything
an an a lavoriie, or ai an wormy 01 piaoe
here, is neglected. It is a book for every
household?' AT. y. Mail.
"we know of no similar collection In
the English language which, in copious
uess and felicity of selection and arrange
ment, can at all compare with it." JV. J'.
4 imwi.
Terms liberal. Selliner very rapidly.
Sond for Circular and Terms to
J. It. I'OHH A CO.,
27 Park 1'la. o, N. Y.
June 0, lt71.
ITJHUUBE for Forest Republic
O Jt will pay,
that Right makos Might; and
Under the elms we walked
As the moon waa climbing the sky,
And vowed, as we tenderly talked,
Together to live and to dio.
How little, how little wo thought,
When living those moments of bliss,
That hard-hearted time could have brought
Such cold separation as this.
And yet was there not in each heart
A vague apprehension j a dread
That after all this, we might part
And be to each other as doad T
Ah yes 1 for It waa but a dream,
A sunset that sinks in the sea,
A waif floating down on life's stream,
For now she is dead unto me.
Under the elms I walk
As the moon ia climbing the sky,
And vow as unanswered I talk,
That alone I will live and will die.
Broaching a Mine.
Among the many dancers the Cor
niih miners have to battle against, one
of the greatest arises from accidental
ly carrying the excavation too close
to some disused pit, that perhaps many
years since has been boarded and
earthed over, and in course of time
When miners have reason to sus
pect that such is the case a suspicion
generally caused by a greater exuda
tion of water than is usual they at
once proceed to whatistechnilly term
"hole it ;" and the following descrip
tion of the holing or emptying a pit
of water may best be given in the
words of an old Cornish miner, one of
the principal actors in the undertak
ing: "Well, you sec, sir, we were work
ing two hundred fathoms down run
ning a level due ntrth and to our
surprise the further we went the more
moist the earth got, till on going to
work one morning, we found the whole
end of the wall covered with drops of
dew. Seeing this, it struck all of us
at once that there must be a pit at no
great distance, and (as they a'most
alius are) full of water. Fancy this,
sir; a body o water reaching many
fathoms above you are working only
separated from it by a thin crust of
clay, putting you in the momentary
fear of this giving way, and the water
rushing in upon you 1
"However, there it was and must be
got rid of, and this, too, by 'driving
or 'holing' right into it ; for if left we
should never be safe, or tell when we
might come unaware across one of the
many levels or shafts which run such
numerous ways aud depths.
"When the captain of the mine
learned of its existence an offer was
soon made on tolerable generous terms
to any who chose to empty it : which
offer six of us accepting, we at once
proceeded with our dangerous task.
"The first thing we did was to put
up strong frame work with doors at
tached, opening inward toward the old
pit, so that the instant the mine was
holed, by running and closing the
doors in passing, the mass of water
would be kept back for a time long
enough, at all events, as we hoped, for
us to .reach the ladders.
"After placing three of these safety
valves, as we called them, along the
level at short distances apart, we pro
ceeded slowly.and cautiously with the
more dangerous part of our work. Bit
by bit we cot nearer to the old mine.
at every blow of the sledge on the
borer expecting the rush ot water to
follow, often fearing to strike more
than one blow before running for our
lives, till the constant dread which we
were alius in so worked on the nerves
of the bravest that even a falling stoue
wouiu De sumcient to put every one ot
us to flight.
"Never shall I forget the morning
when at last we did get through ; and
I can a'most fancy seeing one o my
mates as he then stood with the uorer
held up ready for another to strike,
the rest of us watching for the blow to
fall, and preparod to run if necessary.
"At last, while every eye was fixed
on 'em, the steel hammer rang on the
borer, which in another second was
sent whizzing faraway down the level,
as with a horrible roar the water came
tearing aud crushing through the
"It was a run then for life, sir: and
in a far shorter time than I can tell it,
wo were through the first door way,
and in the act of swinging to the next,
when the first was dashed against it ;
but, thank God, this for a time resisted
the pressure of the water, or I should
not be here telling of it.
"On we speed, our only hope of safe
ty lying in gaining the ludilders before
the last door cave way ; and what a
distance they seemed, when even a few
moments gained might rescue us from
death! Breathless, at last we reached
them, and had but assended a lew
rounds when, with a bang whirl
crash the water was upon us, and,
last as we climbed, like sorao horrid
monster seeking our destruction, it
glided up step for step with us.
"Even now a shuddering fueling
creeps over mo as I call to mind the
fierce struggle it was to climb luster
than the WHter rose. Faint and weary,
we still toic upward, for tlio re.-t only
in that Faith lot us to the end,
a few mements would, to a certainty,
have been 'death.' Up, up, with our
dread enemy gaining on our flagging
footsteps; now with the cold water
gliding to our knees, yet still with re
newed desperation struggling on.
Thank Heaven the adit was at last
reached, and wo were saved. Drag
ging our exhausted limbs a few feet
higher, we watched the dread torrent
rushing through this outlet. Then it
was that, giving a glance toward my
comrades, I find there are but two left.
Yes, sir, six of us went down ; three
only came up. Whether they were
overtook in the level or washed from
the ladders none could tell, for death
was too closely following us at the time
to allow of us bestowing a thought on
our poor mates. However, we thought
a deal more about them on reaching
the mouth of the pit, where stood their
pale-faced, anxious wives scanning us
on coining io grass, anu asking, wttn
a lrightened cry, 'Where are our hus
"We could only point down to the
roaring cull, lor our hearts were too
full to utter even the simple word
The Editor.
An exchange who knows "how it is
himself," says : "The editor is always
at leisure, consequently he is ready to
receive visitors at all hours. Any
man who hasn't anything- else to do.
can run in for an heur or two, talk of
the weather, the crops, his wife and
children. It don't make any differ
ence what the editor is doing. Go for
him. Give him your idea of what the
party policy should be, and tell him
the party will go to the devil if he
don't do as you advise. If he happens
to be reading a proof, don't shut your
mouth, but keep gabbling, and when
it is corrected ask him to let you see
it. Be sure and disagree with him
about the spelling of a word. If he
is writing, get hold, if you can, of tho
copy, and snow him the false position
he has assumed in the opening of the
article. If you have anything you
wish to go into the local column, get
it all mixed up in giving it to the
"Local," aud when it comes out in the
next issue, word for word as you gave
it, call him an ass, with a warm adjec
tive before it. When you are through
with the editor, drop the compos
ing room. If the foreman is busy tell
him stories." Kun your hand careless
ly over the matter on the stone, and if
you can succeed in knocking it into
"pi," you have achieved something
wonderful; if you don't get kicked
out of doors trot around to each case
and ask the compositors what they are
on; if you can sing or go through a
double-shufllo, don't let the opportuni
ty slip! go in heavy. Finally wander
away, and if curses, both loud and
deep, don't follow you,then we are mis
taken as to the nature of editors and
Some interesting facts regarding,
walking, and lying down are grouped
in a lecturo by Piof. Burt G. Wilder.
In man, the great toe is the essential
part of the foot in standing and walk
ing. In the ape this is a thumb, stand
ing out from the side of the foot, and
has no pewcr of supporting or pro
pelling. The ape cannot carry him
self erect. But put man on all fours,
like an ape, and the enormous disad
vantage appears at once. The bead
hangs as a great weight, with no ade
quate muscles to support it. The
curve of the back is such that the
kuees touch the ground, and we have
to raise the thighs in order to make
the feet touch the ground. Man's foot
ia called a plantigrade foot that is,
it has the whole sole flat upon the
ground. One other animal, the bear,
has a plantigrade foot, but he uses it
in a different fashion; ho lifts the
whole foot together and puts it down
flat, while tuna strikes with the heel
first and rolls forward upon each toe
alternately. The erect attitudo is
maintained only by a constant though
unconscious control of tho muscles of
tho leg by the brain. The length of a
man is greater when he is lying flat
than his Light when ho is standing. In
the former enso the body stretches it
self; iu the latter it settles down upon
itself. A man is shorter when stand
ing on one foot alone. He is shorter
again when walking. For this reason
ladies' skirts, which just clear the
ground when they are standing, drag
on the pavement as soon as they begin
to walk. The different parts of the
body are bent upon each other, and
also swing from one side to the other.
A very singular fact connected with
walking is that one side of tho body
tends to outwalk the other, l'ersous
with their eyes shut cannot walk in a
straight line for any length of time;
and persons who are lost in the woods
or parairies are sure to travel in a cir
cle. There is a greater tendency to
the right than to the left.
The curative power of excitement
was curiously illustrated the other day
iu a Connecticut hospital. A rheu
matic patient, suddenly discovering
the corpse cf a suicide- iu the next cot
to his own, sprang out ran nimbly
out of the room, without stopping to
hv "Good morning" t) liis irutclic."
dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN.
JULY 18, 1871.
Death of a Noble Hunter.
Joseph Worley, a veteran, recently
died at Bridgeport, Ta., at the ad
vanced age of 102 years. Some time
in early life Worley and his brother
Jacob, who seems to have been as he
roic as the other, drifted toward Fort
Henry, occuping the point where
Wheeling now stands, and here they
became acquainted with the famous
Iewis Wetzel, one of the most noted
hunters of American pioneer history,
Worley.who was several years Wetzel's
junior, was bis very intimate lriend,
aud his almost constant companion in
the woods. On one occasion, having
discovered lresh evidences ot the pres
ence ot a party ot Indians in
the neighborhood of the settlements,
etzel and m orley undertook to ascer
tain their whereabouts. They followed
their tracks lor several miles, and be
came so intent upon their prey, as to
scarcely become aware ot the distances
they had wandered from the settle
ments, until they had gone 11 or 12
miles south, and nearly opposite to the
point where the Baltimore and Ohio
II. R. now strikes the Ohio river. Here
they came upon a camp of Indians,
who discovered the hunters about the
same time they were themselves dis
covered. Both parties took to the trees,,
aftel the custom of Indian fighting,
but the Indians greatly outnumbered
the others. Six or seven stalwart and
trained Indian warriors of the Huron
tribe were now pitted against two de
termined hunters ; aud, as if to add to
the danger of their position, Wetzel
was recognized by the Indians as their
implacable enemy. Now began a duel
a running fight a life-and-death
contest. No reinforcements could
reach the hunters until they had trav
eled at least ten miles, and long before
that their wily foes could overpower
them in all probability. Yetjtlieydo
termined to sell their lives dearly.
Wetzel took command and Worley
obeyed implicitly.
A tall Huron warrior was the first
to fall. He rushed out from his covert
with a yell, thinking they were unpre
pared for the sudden attack, or would
readily yield to the force of superior
numbers. But in this he was mistaken,
and his life paid the penalty. For a
moment or so afterwards the other In
dians were silent, apparently awe
struck, but in that interval Wetzel
had again loaded his gun. Several
shots were fired at him, but he was se
curely shielded by a tree. And so
from tree to tree for four exciting
miles the hunters dodged and crept.
Another warrior, in seeking stealthily
to cut off their retreat, was killed, and
the others became more cautious. Once
Wetzel put his cap on the ramrod, as
though peering round the tree, and
when the Indians shot a bullet through
it, he let it drop to the ground. The
others rushed out, when two more fell.
The movements were now carried on,
on both tides, with the utmost caution.
The hunters worked their way grad
ually toward the fort; the three re
maining Indians becoming every mo;
meut more anxious. One of their
number, perhaps while carefully climb
ing a tree on the opposite side from
the hunters, with a view of starting
them from their lurking place, uncon
sciously exposed himself, and was
wounded by one of the hunters ; where
upon the Indians, having trusted so
long to the superiority of their num
bers, and having a peculiar awe of
Wetzel, stole away into the depths of
tho woods, leaving the hunters to re
turn ts tho fort to recount what waa
even then esteemed a marvolously he
roic feat.
One of the lay speakers in a Metho
dist conference illustrated Ins readi
ness to frateruizo with the southern
brethren, and his feelings toward them,
by the story of the two men that
would not speak to each other ; but
one, having been converted at a camp
meeting, on seeing his former enemy,
held out his hand, sayiug: "How d'ye
do, Kemp? lam humble enough to
shake hands with a dog."
Mrs. Johnson, of Leavenworth
knows a better way to get her rights
than by making speeches about them.
A lawyer sued her for fifty dollars
lutely. Mrs. J. said she had no money,
and couldn't hire a lawyer to plead her
caso, but slio was not afraid to leave
it to such a fiuo looking gentlemanly
jury. Iheu smiled on them, lhey
were only out live minutes and return
ed with a verdict for defendant and a
bouquet for Mrs. Johnson.
Figaro represents two married ladies
chatting about their husbands. "What"
says one of them, "you permit your
husband to smoke in your rooms?"
"Certainly I do, but ho spends his
evenings with me," replied tho other.
"les, at that price! "Aly dear friend
a shrewd wife avails herself of her
husband's faults to repress his vices."
There is a littlo railroad near Bay-
on Sara, La., that runs to Woodvill
on a very uncertain schedule. A '
btranger cuino iu the other day aud in-'
quired how often that steam cur made
trips to the country. The party iu- ;
terrogated said "tri-wcekly." "What
do you mean by tri-wcekly?" The an- I
swer was, "It goes up ono week nnd
tru st to conn) down tlie nexl. I
A California Monte Cristo.
Alvina Ilayward is the hero of a
story equal to "Monte Cristo." He is
a Vermonter who operated with a man
named Chamberlaine in a gold head
which was full of indication but yield
ed nothinir tangible, f .'hnmherlnina
went away disconsolate, giving Ilay
ward all his interest. The latter work
ed at the thing ft r months, and was
buried deeper and deeper into the
ground, but at last his family were
next to starving, all his laborers left
him, and he knew of no friend the
world except Chamberlaine.
"My God 1" he said to this man,
who had been engaged in stock
raising, "I am on the verge of this
great strike. I know it I Can't you
give mo a little money."
Chamberlaine had been on the verge
himself several times, and he shook
his head sadly. But he had 83,000,
his all, buried under a havstack near
by, and he went and dug it up.
"Take it, old follow," he said, with
California heartiness; "do your best!"
With this monev Havwnrrl rennm.
menced and ho had worked until it
was all spent, and his men wero re
duced to a hntr of limns fur nnnrisli.
ment, when to tho gloom of hope the
precious ore blazed suddenly up; the
Amador mine was the richest in the
world. When this mine was nnvino
$40,000 a month, Ilayward made
over to nis lnenct one perlcct third of
Chamberlaine retired unnn Sl .'iOO .
000, and moved East to educate his
children, Ilayward buving back the
whole. Finallv. even Ilavwnrd crew
tired, gnd he sold the mine to a stock
company, of which General Colton is
rresiuent. i his mine will make 54,
600.000 net this vear. and Coltnn sniii
last week :
"The Amador mine will hold nnt.
longer than wo will." San. Frmirl
cor. oftlie Chicago Tribune
Droll Russian Proverbs.
The Scotch and Spaniards have
hitherto divided the credit of possess
ing the largest store of proverbial wis
dom ; but were the literature of Rus
sia more widely know she might prove
a formidable rival either to the land
of oatmeal or to that of oranges. We
give a few specimens, which, on nc
count of their pointed terseness, their
quaint, homely vigor, and dry, Sancho
l'anza satire, scarcely need the aid of
rhyme tot reccoramend them. They
are. indeed, more full v than words can
express, the faithful mirror of the
shrewd, simple, dogged, humorous
Russian mind, ever vailing its natural
keenness under a mask of habitual
and impenetrable stolidity:
"Every fox praises his own tail."
"Go after two wolves arid you will
not even catch one."
"Trust iu God, but do not stumble
"With God, even across tho sea:
wunoui mm, not even to the thres
"Without cheating, no trading."
"Money is not God, but it shows
great mercy.
"The deeper you hide anything, the
sooner you find it."
"it uod don t forsake us, tie pigs
will not take us."
. "A debt is adorned by payment."
"Roguery is tho lart of trades."
"Never take a crooked path while
you can see a straight one.
"Fear not the threats of the great,
but rather the tears of the poor."
"Send a pig to dinner aud lie will
put his feet on the table."
"Discaso comes in by hundred
weights and goes out by ounces."
"Every littlo frog is great in his own
"Be praised not for your ancestors,
but for your virtues."
A Volunteer Prisoner.
Is not this, related in a private, let
ter from London, rather a remarkable
story? About ten years ago a young
American from New York, Walter
Hastings, by name, dining iu Loudon
in company with Lord C , ex
pressed tho opinion that solitary con
fiiieiiient in a dark cell was not so
dreadful a punishment as had been
represented. His Lordship so goes
the tale offering Hastings .C 10,00:1 if
ho would undergo entire seclusion for
ten years. The proposition bcin
agreed to, a cell was fitted up in Lord
C 's owu house. It was from
twelve to fifteen feet square. The pris
oner was to be allowed candles, a lew
books, writing materials, plain food
the hitter served by a man who was
not to be seen. In this way Hastings
lived for a decade of years, his
term expiring about the 1st of the
pres nt month. He is now released,
and has received, we suppose, his hard
earned money. Ho emerges from his
dungeon in rather a dilapidated con
dition, appearing, though only thirty
five, like a man of eixty-tivo years of
age, his frame stooping and his tteps
tottering, his face sallow, liis hair and
beard white, his voice U iiiuloiis an I
his speech hesitating. Ho is ci mim;
directly to America, cud ,h s'miiM
not wonder if Mr. Itanium V i.ew oim
lliiii'' about him.
Rates of Advcrtlcinj.
Ono Sfpinre (1 ineli, ono Im-rrtion I
OiirH'iimro ' one iihiil!i .. il
Onr S iiiiro " tlucn month .- '
Ono Sii:iro " on" year I'1
Two Siiiuirox, ono vc;ir...! 1
I Ml
Quarter! VI. " vi
Half " " VI
Olio " " Inn
ltilinO!" f'nn!-, not eeeer tinj; ono in
ill length, f ID per year.
I.O'nl ivitiofHnl f-t:i1,lif.1ifd ra', m.
Thoxe rules nro low, nnd no ileviali
rt'ill lio ln'.elo, or ili.-terimiTi'i'tioii anioi
(ftlrons. Tlio rate olT. ri'tl nro hu"1i.
u'ijl nmko it to the iv an I aire of men doi,
lm'siiieMs in tlio liinils ot'tho rirenlatioii
the l;ier to advertise liberally.
How to See Down a Well.
It is not generally know, fays t';ii
Lancaster (l'a.) 1 nU.'H'jcnrcr, how e:i-v
a matter it is t explore the bottom ot
a well, cistern, or pond of water by
the nse of a common mirror so that
the it fleeted rays of light will fall into
the. water. A bright ppot will be seen
at tho bottom, so liejit ns to chow tho
smallest object plainly. By this nica"i.s
we have examined the bottom? of wells
fifty feet deep, when half full or more
of water. The smallest straw or other
objects, can be perfectly seen from the
surface. In the same way one can ex
amine the bottom of the ponds nnd
rivers, if the water be somewhat clear
and not agitated by winds or rapid
motion. If a well or cistern be under
cover or shaded by n building, so that
the sunlight will not fall near the open
ing, it is only necessary to employ tw o
mirrors, using one to rcilect the light
to the opening, nud another to rellect
it down into tho water. Light may
be thrown filly or a hundred yards in
the precise spot desirable and tlicn
downward. He have used the mirror
to success to reflect light around the
house to a shaded well, and, also . to
carry it from a south window through
two rooni3 mid then in a cistern under
the north side of tho house. Half a
dozen reflections of light may be made,
though each mirror diminishes the
brilliancy of the light. Let any onn
i)M used to the method try it, nnd ho
well not only find it useful but a very
pleusent experiment. It Mill perhaps
reveal a mars of sediment nt the bot
tom of the well that has been little
thought of, but which may have been
a frightful source of disease by its de
cay iu the water.
On Dif.
A gentleman in this city has been
keeping bachelor's hall for some time,
his wile having been on a visit to some
relatives near Miagara Falls. A few
days sinco the gentleman concluded to
visit Chautauqua Lako for a day's le-
trealion. On. arriving thcro ho con
cluded to quietly extend his trip to
Niagara Falls, thinking, perhaps, that
he might have a nico little time, un
known to his better half. Ho went,
and while there, met a young lady
who resides nenr this city, nnd pnceotl
ed to have a quiet littlo flirtation. Ev
erything went on nicely, and in the
course of events, he procured a car
riage, nnd with tho young lady afore
said, enjoyed a very pleasant excursion
on the Canada side. While driving
along the well kept roads, and admir
ing tho romantic scenery in that vicin
ity, n carriage was fccii coming in
their direction. The vehicles approach
ed itenrei nnd nearer, until within
speaking distance, when our hero dis
covered, perhaps to his nstouishment.
that it was occupied by his own wife,
who, with a handsome, railroad con
ductor, was nl.-o enjoying n carriage,
ride on tho Canada'. Ho bowed
calmly and politely, nnd passed on.
Perhaps, when they both arrive nt this
city, nnd meet in the quiet retirement
of home, thcro w ill bo an explanation,
at least wo presume there will bo but
then you can't most always tell. Ti
Uuv'dle Courier.
An amusing incident occurred in a
church at Roekavny on a recent Sun
day, caused l.y tho sudden derange
ment of a Mrs. Abrains. The minis
ter was draw ing a picture of the awful,
condition of the wicked nnd their ulti
mate fate, when the caiv.od woman
arose, und having removed her bonnet,
addrssed the minuter iu this wav:
"I know your hints are intended for
mo ! yotl are throwing your hints at me!
that's what you nre doing!" Then
turning around, she pointed to t lady
near her saying: "There sits old Mrs.
Smith, wiping her noso ! what do yon
think will bei otiio of her '" Asmilo
passed over the conurofation just then,
and Mrs. A. ws-i n moved at once.
An t.lderlv ladv who ;is handling
a pair of artilie'al plates in a den'ul
dice and the lluenoy wmi
which tho deiitUt ile-et ili.'il them, a-ik-
t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 : "Can a body eat with theso
things?" "Mv i!ear madam, im.-tiea-tioii
can !. p.-rf .rnv d with a f.ioil'tv
se:uv"lv eiii !i'il by nature herself,"
tvspondtd the dent'i-t. "Yes, I know,
but can a body cat with them?"
A daikev was boaiin .;" (o a grocer
of tlu rheapnc."S of t 'M pounds of su
gar he had bought nt a rival shop.
"Let lllo V-',yU the pai k l.;e," .-;ud llm
grocer. Th ' la: ki y n-.-eiited, and it.
was two pounds fhort. Toe "colored
gentleman" looked perp!exe.l for il
moment and then said: "iliir-s nt
didn't cheat ills chile much, fur whilo
he wmeillin' th: s;i -ai", 1 stn!n two
pair of .-hoe."
The Mobil,- .'.;;.'-:-, wants tho
Democrat"' to iMcaii:.,' I leiieral Han
cock for l're-it!e!il. It h not i'l favor
of military l'lv-'.h :,! , h:.! !.i lice
it fear that the North i :. v i.dUw th-
t he example; el' t he 1
I.. 1 if;
Delll-etat'e I'l- id tit i t !.-:. 'd.
.-IV- the '.'
to :i
.-. "I. :e .... a pro-pe.-f
.'Vr ' I'r -idc'V.l
vol, i t .!, Ilav. - '.