V. Zn potest gcjmWicna. TUESDAY MOANING, JULY bOttOUGU OFFICERS. Hitrjr--H. IT. May. Oiioinmrn--Jacob Mhrlvcr, J. It. Rtroup, W. W, Dimond. H, !I, Haslet, I. Wlnans. Juntiemnf the I'ettceW, 1. Mercilliott, D. S. Knox. (intnllrJ. N.Teltttwnrth. W-Annf Director.. Winnnn, J. A. Dale, J. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, D. S. Knox, V. D. Irwin. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judqe Jambs CAMrnEt.f.. a.iociittn Judge J. A. PKorun, As- BI1KW t'.lDK. fihrriir E. I. PAVI". litrict. A ttnrnrtiXV. W. MASOn. Treasurer S. Shti.ky. Prnthitnittury, llrgister it Recorder, tc. J. II. Aonk.w. (nmiifinivt N.'Pi WnEEi.En, liKNJ. El.l.IOIT, I'KTKII MkUCILMOTT. Omnf.v NnfieriHteniti nt S. K. Kohrkr. .7n (VimmiVn'oner Jam. Uilfiixian, WM 1 ATTKltSOM. fYmnrfi N'trrryor S.D. Ikwin. (VllOIKT JlMIAH WlNANM. t.mit) A iiditom L. L. HackktT, Eli Hoi.KMAN, WlK. Ct.ARK. Member of Vungrcx VMh District Q. W. HtoKiKt.n. mute .Semite W. A. Wam.ace. A sneuhty John O. Hall, O. C. ft A. r U. TIMETABLE, ooi no Nonni. A rrlve. Depart. 'Mull I.Mp,m. l.iWp. m. xpross fi.tfip. in. 0.40 p. in, OOINU NOCTIt. Arrlvo. Popart, Txrress lo.oi a. m. ln.n; a. ni. Mall S.Wp, in. 3.120 p. m. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. A. II. Stcelo lias returned from tho west, whitlicr ho went with his wife. Mrs. Steele -will remain in Iowa for sonic time. All, or nearly all the schools of the county have commenced their summer terms. Attendance seems to be rather Letter than lust summer. Wo notice the villages around us nenrly all have base hull clubs. This . city hus not, this lust season or two, in dulged in this violent luxury. Miss Florence Knox is at James ula. N. Y., on a visit of a week or two. She will probably return with .y.r. and Mrs. A. II. Partridge. W. P. Mercilliott has been for a couple of weeks, out in Old Forest creating a pauio among the trout and other game. '. -Miss Florence Dale, daughter of Judge Dale, has leturned homo from . .ichool firra vacation. School scorns : to agree with her. . Mrs. J-JJ. ,Agnew went to Con noaut Lake, lust week, ou a visit to her friends there. Shouldn't wonder if she would bring home some large fish. Capt. Knox has brought on one of those Buckeye Mowing Machines, and is cutting down tho grass, which is light, in a very rupid, and tasty maimer. Collector Iluslet is around with his little book accumulating taxes Have your script ready against hieap proach, or you may have to work on tho roads. A Row on the River, by moon light is a delightful sensation. We advise all our youthful swains having duleiueas to amuse, to give them a few pleasure excursions in a skill'. W.'J. Roberts is walling up that part of Council Run which passes through his premises, so that, in case a flood should come suddenly, it would not curry away his lot. Knox it Co.'s Soda Fountain is at lastln working order, and the de nppd for tho healthful beverage seems to be good. They dish up a good tem perance driuk, aud will undoubtedly tnako it pay. We issue a little ahead of time this week, but judge from the fire . crackers, rockets, and other fire-works that have been let off during the past week, that tho fourth will at least be a noisy day here. S. J. Setley, Esq., our county Treasurer, is, at present, in New York City, being fitted up with a wooden .leg to replace one which he lost in a Jittle difliculty which occurred at Get tysburg a few years since. . A. 13. Kelly's new house is piercing Lhe air in a manner quite gorgeous. Messrs. Sawyer and Ilulings, we !e: lieve, are doing the work on the house, and when it is finished it will be an or: nament to our place. Some of our sidewalks aie in bad repair at present, and it would not be a bad idea for those whose duty it is, - to see that that they are made passable. It may be possible that the borough have some damnges to pay If the walks continue their present state very long. The Petroleum Monthly for June, came to us lust week. It contains a portrait and sketch of John C.Bryan, of tho firm of Bryan, Dillingham & ' Co., of Titusville, .ami a number of very interesting mutters in reference to the oil business, 'forms $3.00 per year. Address Bov.njan & Lyon, pub lishciv, Oil City, Pa. No Paper Next Week. In accordance with a custom in this part of the country, and a custom which is appreciated equally by editors aud printers, we will issue no paper from this oflice next week. The editors and employees of a country office have only two weeks in a year which they can call their own, and we are sure subsribcrs will not grudge them these brief vacations. We expect to issue on the 18th, in good shape, and until that time we shake hands with, our subscribers and labor. Should a flood come during our absence, run out your lumber just as though we were pres ent, but Bliould it remain dry we wouldn't advise the running out of any rafts. If now potatoes and g-een peas are indulged in to any great extent, just consider our portion swallowed and appreciated. Should any elope ments, murders, marriages, pugulistic eucounters, dog fights, or scrub races take place while we are far, far away, just keep thcra "in your mind's eye, Horatio," and tell us when we come back. Should any largo wells be struck in this vicinity, pump them; if trout are caught eat them ; and if your children act naughty, spauk them. Be kind to the unfortunate, charitable to the erring, and just to the wicked. Don't fish, run mills or pitch quoits on Sunday, and attend church as often as you can. Follow all those rules strict ly, aud we shall expect to find you on our return in as good a condition as we leave you. Au revoir. The man who gets up the "Varie ties" in the Titusville Herald ia a spicy cuss. Long may be preside over that department of the Herald. "Only this and nothing more." The editor of the Clarion Republican has read 'Toe's Raven," audMias been ravin' over it ever since. Mrs. M. Henry and Miss Gertie Dale made a pilgrimage to St. Mary's last week, and returned on Thursday, bringing with them Mr. Henry's daughter who has been there at school. The well on the Sowers Place is again abandoned. The well was put down about 900 feet, and failed to pro duce oil. Messrs. Grove & Wolcott are talking of going to East Saudy to put down a well. Mrs. Knox administered a few knocks to a milk snake which was on a tour of discovery in her cellar, on Thursday last. Mr. Snake wiggled a few times and passed in his checks. He kicked the beam at five and a half feet. W. W. Thomas, Esq., of Bear creek, informs us that there has been a number of fine trout caught up about that place, probably a thousand or more in one fortnight. That seems to bo the only place "where trout have been plenty here this season. One evening last week while Capt. Knox was moving a hive of bees, the bees weut for the Capt. and made his face'leok like a fourth of July. He is getting to look more natural now, aud will soon publish a scries of arti cles entitled "The Hun-eye-bee." Our road commissioners are at work improving the condition of the streets at the lower end of town. They will prtibably get up to the court house during the next week or two, between which and the present stage of their operations there are several spots which will bear fixing. Mr. J. C. Minton, Agent for J. C, Hull, of Meadville, was in town, and set up a splendid piano forT. B.Cobb, The instrument seems to be a good toned one, and is as nice a piece of workmanship as is generally turned out. Mr. Minton will pay our town another visit shortly. We have several correspondents, but their actions don't correspond with their promises. They were each to give us a live letter every week, and they don't do it. From this cen sure we will except our Oil City cor respondent, who, as we have been there and seen, is too busy to be a reg ular contributor. Mr. Orr, foreman of the Butler Eagle paid our office a visit last week, and seemed to think we had very good and substantial office, and there's just w herd he was right. He reports news paper business good in Butler county. By the way, Butler is the place where they hang a roan for getting euchred on a lone hand. -Mr. E. B. Freeman, of Fort Pitt, foreman of the Superior Lumber Co. Mills, met with an accident one day last week, by which he fs temporarily disabled. He with several workmen were repairing a tram read, and used as a prop a green stick. Under the pressure the bark of the prop slipped off, letting one of the heavy timbers down on his left band, smashing two of his fingers to a jelly. He may lose the use entirely of one finger, but tho hand is improving. Mrs. Jno. Ililanda, of this place, died of asthma, on Tuesday last, at 121 o'clock. Her family, all except two smaller children, were away from home when she died. . They were tele graphed, and David Hilands, her son, arrived from the Poor Farm, on Wednesday morning, along with some other relatives of the deceased. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clark arrived on Thursday morning. The services took place on Friday, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Mrs. H. had long been an invalid and her death will not be a matter of surprise to those who were acquainted with her. Sho leaves a family of small children, and many friends to mourn her loss. It. E. Morris, our new jeweller, whose card appears in another column, has gone to Meadville to spend the fourth. Dr. F. F. Davis, who formerly edited the Venango Republican, has been appointed Surgeon for the Oil City end of the A. V. R. R. The ap pointment is a good one. - Several of the residences of our place have been recently painted. There are several more that would bear the same process, and look the better for it. Counterfeit ten dollar notes on the Flour City National Bank of Rochester, are being freely circulated in different sections of the State. The Erie Republican goes on to state that everybody but editors should be ' on their guard. Jos. A. Pain, Esq., editor rf the Corry Telegraph has received the ap pointment of Assistant Assessor of the 19th Congressional District. Our exchanges say the appointment is a good One, so we take it for Grant-ed that it is. Rev. A. Virtue is the name of a Presbyterian clergyman, who is now officiating in Tionesta. Can it be said of his followers, that they make "a virtue of necessity 7 Erie Republi can. His followers never claimed that they made him. The . Hunt well, on Hemlock, which had got down to the third sand, got her tools stuck the other day, and operations had to be suspended. Pro fessional tool-pullers are working at the tools, and we expect it will soon be all right again. It will be tested as soon as practicable. Thursday was a right cold day, Fires were in good demand. Friday morning ice wdS discovered on Dutch Hill over some of the puddles, hardly thick enough to skate upon, but still, it was ice This weather is enough to frighten the oldest inhabitant, and en courage the second Adventists to set another day for the destruction of tho earth. The Aldine. The July number of this remarkable publication is as rich in illustrations and varied in matter as any of the preceding ones, and cer tainly ought to have a place on the tables of all who have any taste for the true and beautiful in art. The illus trations, as usual, are very fine and comprise among the full page ones: "The Ruins of the Temple of Minerva," "The Konigseee," after Heyn, and ono of Konewka'a wonderful and humorous silhouettes, "The Start and The Re turn," in which the artist contrives to read us a quaint little homily on the fleeting nature of human pleasure in the most genial fashion. The five others, though less in size, are equally good, and the whole are executed in that fine and delicate manner for which this journal stands pre-eminent The literary matter is fully up to the standard, and in the articles on the "Austrian Empire," by Wm. F.Allen j "American Watering Places," by Grace Harkaway, and "Edmund Spenser," by Annette L. Noble, much information will be found, while those fond of lighter reading will find all they desire in a perusal of "The Prison Surgeon," and other pieces. The publishers are James Sutton fc Co., 22 Liberty Strett, New York, and the price is but $2,50 a year. TJuless you wish a premature death you will let all the poUonous hair preparations alone. Nature's Hair Restorative is perfectly hamless as any druggist will tell you. See advertise ment. . 14 2t 50,000 lbs Wool Wanted, At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the highest price in goods or cash will be paiVl. They have just received the agency for an Eastern House, and want all ihe wool they can possibly get. Take your wool there and get good prices. Fob Sale. One 20 Horse Power Timber Engine and Boiler in good or der. Inquire of D. S. Knox, 1-tC Tionesta, Pa. To Nebraska, California, and Kan sas, and the B. A. M. R. R. Lands. The "Burlington Route," so called, lies, right in the path of the Star of Empire. It runs almost immediately in the center of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Mis souri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans Missouri region. The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Pacifiic road will take you to the land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer1. The middle gate is Plattsraouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of. the Platte river, a region unsurpassed en the continent for agriculture and grazing. - Just here are the B. ct. M. Railroad lands, con cerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Burlington, Iowa, can give you all information, and in the heart of them is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terminus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connections with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make all connections. It runs the best of coach, es, Pullman Palace and Pullman Din ing cars, and should you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to hnd a home or a farm, and you cannot find either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. A. II. fy eele, Cashier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated "Inman Line Ocoan Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. . , - M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville, Pa.', is selling Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Diamonds Ac, at 20 per cent, below marked prices. Several of our citizens have patronized him, and find him "square." Give him a call. His establishment is on the corner, of Wa ter and Chestnut SU., in Cullum block. Book Binding. ' We are agent for as good a book- bindery as there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all the binding, which may be brought to us, at' low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Simples can be seen at this office. ' ';- ' For Sale. The house and 'lands known as the "Christie Propeny," lo cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to Jons A. Dale.', President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tionesta, Pa. , Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. . SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Elm Streets, TIONESTA, Pl. Thin firm is prepared to do all work in its line, and will warrant everything done at their sh. ps to nive natinluutiou. Par ticular attention given to iioiwisiioi:ixc, Give them atrial, and you will not re gret it. 13-ly. 1TE"W JEWELRY STORE. R. K. 9IOIIRIS, Late of Brady's Bend, has located in TiotHwtu, and ia prepare! to do all kinds ol work iu the line ol repairing Clocks, Watches,' Jewelry, &c, In Kod style and warranted to give satis. UH-lion. VVaU'lum, Jewelry, tfec, will be lull iu care of D. H. Knox, who will be re Bpousible lor their aalu return. 13-ly. K. JS. MORRIS. School Tax Xotloe. In ancordanre with the provisions of the 2d aet:tion ot the Act of 21, April li!t. notice is hereby given by the unilerHinneil Treasurer of Tioiienta ltorouiili Suiiool Di. Inrt, that he will on and alter the lnt day or July next, at hit) more in Tioneota, receive school tux, tho duplicate. Iiein iu hid hands and will rive and receipt for the same for three months after the dute of this notice. If any persona changed with school tax shall ou or before the expiration of two month from the date hereof, pay the amount of Ills or hur tax, they shall be entitled to a deduction of live per cent on the amount theroof. but thereafter no de duction or abatement will in any event bo made, but the same will he collected upon warrBnU D. H. KNOX, J-3t. Treasurer. " Tit I A I. LIST, " FOR JULY TERM, 1871. J. Chllds and Denillson Palmer vs Proper cfr Keck. 3. Chllds unci Dcnnlson Palmer vs D. J. MrQunig. J. Churls anil Pennlnon Palmer vs D. McNauqrtnln. J. Child and Dennlnon Palmor vs John Kennedy. J. Child nnd'Dcnnlson Talmer vs John J. Child mid lennlson Palmer vs Peter McQiiaig. J. O. lle vs Horace Wilklns and Daniel W. Amy. O. It. M. Crawford rs Lacy Co. T. 8. Meaner vs Hummnxon Bros. Oeo. K. Thayer vn T. A. Nolnn. Abial Drake, for ue vs A. J. Maze. Myron K. Porter vs Caroline Portor. t 11. Ellsworth and Wopliia Ellsworth, for use vs Jno. II. Dilks, et. al. Elizabeth Ooer vs Keuben C. Scott et. al. Geo. 8. Hunter v 15. L. Davis. J. U. A'J.NEW, Pro. 12-3t. NOTICE Is hereby (riven that the Partnership lately subsisting bntween J. B. Afrnewand J. I . Snritins, under firm of Agtiew Hiugins, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Our books are in the hands of J. 11. Agnew, who is authorized to collect all debts due the firm. All persons knowimr themselves to be indebted to said tirm will please call and settle as we desire to close up our boons at one. - - J. B. AGNEW, J. P. BIGGINS. 13-3t. ' Dissolution Notice. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between J. 11. Booth and K. II. Sargent, Music Dealers, Titusville, Pa., under the tirm name of Booth t Sargent, Is horeby dissolved from this date by mutual con sent. The business will hereafter be carri ed on by Mr. K. II. Sargent, who will as sume all liabilities of the concern and collect all debts due the same. J. B. BOOTH, It. II. SARGENT, 13-3t. . Dollar Lender Prospectus. On or about the first day of July, will be issue the first numberof tho DOLLAR WEEKLY LEADER, The cheaoest litcrarv uewsnaoer in the world, publinhed every Wednesday. It will compnxe in columns of choicest read ing matter. The news of the week in a nut- shall, culled from the latest and most re liable telegraphic dispatches, together witn all the most important RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AND PO LITICAL ITEMS OF IN TEREST FROM EVE ' RY SOURCE; - -Carefully complied statements of tho Wholesale and Retail Markets. A condensed but reliable Financial Re view of the Week. A well-edited depart ment, containing new and valuable HINTS TO FARMERS, Familiar but Instructive and Practical "Talk to Housewives," which will togeth er form a Compendium of useful informa tion that can be purchased in no other shape for ten times the Subscription mon ey. This must commend the DOLLAR LEADER as an invaluable auxiliary to every bead of a family who would have those for whose culture he ia responsible well informed concerning the weekly his tory of the world) .while, on the other hand, the light but accurate "Fashion Gos sip" and Chit-chat of the Ladies' Col umn, the piquant but not ofleiibive Per sonals, the sparkling effervescence oi the Humorous Department, the entertaining asi well as instructive Answers to Corres pendents, together with thechoicest Stories, Sketches and Poems, will furnish an amount and variety of spicy and enter taining Reading that will be sought in vain from any other oource. The terms of the DOLLAR LEADER will be, as its name indicates Per Year ..... One Dollar Six Months ... Fitly Cent Turee Months xwenty-nve uents Subscriptions must be paid iu ad vance. 9-Only a limited number of advertise ments can be receiveu. PITTOCK, KEVIN & CO, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS, 1-Mt . 78 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. JU RUBEBA. Is a South American plant that has been used for many years by the medical faculty of those countries with wonderful elllcacy, and is a ure ana l euect itemed for all Diseases of the Liver and Spleon, Enlargement or Ob atruotion of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, Poverty or a want of lilood, In termittent or Remittent Fevers, Intlamatloii of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish Circu lation of the Rlood. Abscesses. Tumors. Jaundice. Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague aud Fever, or uieir tuucuuauiiiw. Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA is a most perfect alterative, and is offered to tho public as a great invigorator and remedy lor all impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the loregoing coinplaniM Dr. Wells' Extract of Juruboba is confidently recommended to every family as a household remedy, and should be freely takeu in all derangements of the hysleiny. It ia NOT A P 11 Y SIC It is not what is popularly called a BITTERS, nor is it in tended as auch ; but is simply a powerful alterative giving health, vigor and tone to all the vital lorues, and animate aud lorti licsall weak and lymphatic temperaments. JOHN t. KELLOGG, Piatt St., Now York. Solo Agent lor the I nited Hlates. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circular. LS-lt 4,ujPsycliomancy. This word is derived from the Greek, signifying the power of the soul, spirit or mind, and is the basis of all human knowledge. Pxychouiancy Is the title of a new work of 4UU pages, uy ilerueri Hamilton, is. a., giving lull instruction in the science of Soul t'harillllm and Psychologic Fascina tion t how to exert this wonderful power over men or animals instantaneously, at will. It loaches Mesmerism, how to be come Traiu-e or Writing Mediums, Divina tion, HpiriUmlikin, Alchemy, Philosophy of omen and Dreams, Briuhaui Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage, do. This is the only liook iu the English language pro fessing to U ui-h this occult power, and is of immense advantage to the Merchant in soiling goods, the l-uwver in gaining the coiitnhuice of J urora, the Physician iu heal ing the sick; to Covers, in securing the all'octimiM of the opposite sex, and all seek ing riches or happiness. Price by until, luclnih, fl,25 i paper cover, (1. Agent wanted lor this book, Private Medical Works, Perfumery, Jewelry, Ac, who will receive samples free. Addreb 'I . W. Ev ans, Publisher and, Perfumer, H South bth hi., l'hila., Pa. 13-lw. NATURE'S mm RESTORATIVE. ? fee f H Contains no LAC SULPHUR No SUGAR OF LEAD No LITII ARQNo NITRATE OF SIL VER, and i entirely free from the PoUonout and Healtk-dentroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will not soil tue finest fabric, perfectly 8 AFK, CLKAN and EFFICIENT dpsidcrntums LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST I - It rAetores and prevent the Hair frdro becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap pearance, removes Dandruff. Is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from tailing off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR TH E HAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTI LE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mm Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mass. Tho genuine is put up in a panel bottlo, made expressly for It, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask your irupgist for is at u re s nair Restorative, ana take no other. r-Sr-Scnd two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise- on the Human Hair." The information R con tains is worth Jul 0,00 to any person. CHAS. IL SIIEPAItD, GENERAL PKALSR Ilf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, QUEEXSWAItE. NEW YORK STORE, Centre' Street, OIL CITY "pa. LOTS FOR SALE! IN TJIE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. O. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. MOWER & REAPER, MANUFACTURED BY AXfLTMAW, MILLER & Co. AKRON, OHIO. This Machine has never competed at any National or State Fair, or great trial without having received the tirst 1'reml urn, and has been awarded a greater num. ber of Medals than auy other machine now before tue puuiic, . FOll SALE BY D. S. KNOX, 5-3m. " Tionesta, Ta. X L REVOLVERS Z The New X L Kevolver, No. 1 22-100 Cal., No. 2 32-100 Cal., short. No. Sa-100 fal., long, No. 4 88-lou t'al.. for Pocket Revolvers, are unnurpatiseil. They use the ordinary Copper Cartridge and are beauti ful in shape and finish. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 Cal., has no equal a a Derringer. Full and complete stock of Guns, Bines, Pistols, Ammuni tion and Sportsmen's Goods, Manufactured by jn.invi.v a m i.ih.kt, 83 Cham burs and C5 Heade Streets, Soud for Catalogues. ;NEW YOKK. IHt Attention Agents I - Think of Tlus Wonderful Kiu'Ot-Ji ! 23,000 copies of Brookett'a History of the Kranco-tlerman War, sold first 60 days. It will soon contain a full history of the bloody ItelHillion ill Paris, making nearly 000 pages and 150 elegant Illustrations, and will sell 6 times latter than heretofore. Price only $S,M. Incomplete works, written in the interest of Ilia Irish and French, are being ollured with old cuts, ami for want of merit claiming to be of hcial, Ac. beware of such, l'.rockeit's in both EnglWh and German, is the moot im partial, popular, reliable, cheap and last selling wink extant. Look to your in terests, ati iko ouiekly and you can coin money. Circulars free aud terms excelled bvnone. A. 11. III UIIAKD, Publisher, i1) Chcetnut St., Phlli. li 4w. Uimmm. SM J lrmfwin- ADDRESS To the Nerveous AND 3D BBILITAT IE ID . WHOSE snfferinirs have been protract ed from hiddon causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable ; If you are suffering, or have suffered from Inroluntary discharges, what effect doea it produce on your ganeral health T Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Docs a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of the.heartT Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly get out of order T Is your urine some times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy on settling f Or does a thick sknm rise to the top T Or Is a sediment at the bottom af ter It has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dispepsia ? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fraintlng, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impared ? Ia your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Do you foci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lile? Do you wish to.be left alono, away from everybody t Does any little thing make yon start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Ia'the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your check as bright? Do you enjoy yourself In society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence In youself?. Are your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If ao, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restlosa nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but lit tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint ? Now, reader, self-abuse, vcnereal'dla- eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producina a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera tion,when in perfect health, make the man Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetio, persevering, successful bus iness-men are always those whose genera tive organs are in perfect health? You never bear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succeed In business j they don't be come sad aud discouraged ; they arealways polite and pleasant in the company of la dies, andjook you and thorn right ia the face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also thoao tbey do business with or for. How many men, frem badly curod dis eases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the geneal system so mnch as to produce almost every othor disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affoctions, suicide, and al most every othor form of disease which humanity ia heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organa require the use of Diuretic HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU i the great Diuretio, and Is a certain cure .for diseases of the I31adJer, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Femulo Complaints, Gener al Dcbity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Fo male, from whatever cuuse originating, aud no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is aubmitted to, Cou suiiiption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health aud happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable romedy. Helinbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of lOj-Cears, prepared by H. T. HELM HOLD, Druggist, 5U4 Broadway. New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Phhh-sI-23 per bottle or o bottles for o50, delivorcd to any ad dress. Sold by all Druggeata every whuro N ONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE TP IN KIEL KNG HA ED Wrapper, fau-smile of my Chemical Ware hoube. and signed 11. T. HELM ISOLD. -ly j4