Rates of Advertising.' Forest Republican. One Square (1 Inch,) one Insertion 11 0 OneHiiiare " one month 08 One Square " three months... 00 OneSqunre " " " one year 10 00 IS rCBLIBBED EVERT TUEBDAT, BT "W. R. DUNN. 3fDee In Knox's Buildlngi Elm. Street Two squares, one year. j " QnnrtorCol. " 80 M Half " " SO f One " " iw ow Business Cards, not exceeding one lah TERM3, 2.00 A TEAR. Wo Subscriptions received for a shorter period than tliree months. Correspondence solicited from all parts of the country. 'No notice will betaken of anonymous communications. Marrlagos and Death notice Inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. In length, flO per year. " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith let us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand itn--LINCOLN. I-egtd notices at eMabllshed rates. J nose raies are iww, ..v. . will be tnn'lo. or discrimination among natrons. The rates ollored are such, a will make it to the advantage of men dob. business in the limits of the circulation of toe paper to advertise liberally. VOL. IV. NO. 14. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. TIONKSTALODGK.NO. 477, X. O. CK T. Meets every Wednesday evening, at t o'clock. W. R. DUNN, W. C. T. M. W. TATE, W. 8. WTOB FITTIS. MILES W. TAT. PKTTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aim rtt, TIONESTA, PA. Isaac Ash, ATTORNEY AT IjAW, Oil City, Pa. Will practice In the various Courts of Forest County. All business entrusted to kit care will receive prompt attention, lflly W. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Elm C. W. Gilflllan, k TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ye- IUV 1,0., X It tt N. B. Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. Will practice In the several Oonrta of Forest County. 86-ly Holaies House, nroNESTA. PA., opposite the Depot A C. D. Mable, Proprietor. Uood 8ta-k-dng connected with the house. - tf. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler Three doers north of Hormes House, Tlonesta, Fa. All work Is war ranted, tf. Syracuse House, . TIDIOUTtf, Pa., J. AD Maokx, Prople tors. The house has been thoroughly refitted and Is bow la the first-class order. with the best of accommodations. Any formation concerning Oil Territory at this point will be choorful! v furnished, -ly J. AD. MAG EE, , Xxchanga Hotel, LOWER TIDIOUTE, Pa., D.'S. Rams vsr.t. A 8ok Prop's. This bouse having HnrfDiMiiDow me moHiuesirniHt-Buip-ptnjr, plane In Tidloute. A good Milliard (loom attached. 4-ly National Hotel, rovrvvwiv -d 1. tit a ttu 1.--i. . , Proprietor This hotel Is Nkw, and Is .ow open as a A rut class house, situate at v ne Junction rf the Oil Creek A Allegheny liver and Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will And this the most oonven ent hotel in town, with first-class accora oodations and reasonable uharges. . tt Tifft Sons A Co.'s NEW ENGINES. The undersigned have for sale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Tint 80ns A Co. are now sending to this market their 12 Horse Power Engine with 14-Horso Power Boiler peculiarly adapted to doep wells. Okficks at Duncan t Chall'snt's, dealers In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St, next door to Chase Iloune, Pleosautrilla, nd at Mansion House, Titusville. tf. - K. BRETT A SON, Agents. Jotr K. Hallock, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of il Patents.No. 665 French street(opposite Reed House) F.rle, Pa. Will practice in the several State Courts and the United tat-s Courts. Special attention given to aolicitirg patents for Inventors Infringe ments, re-issue and extension of patents tMrelull v attended to. lteitireuoes: lion. James Campbell, Clarion: Hon. Johu S. Ricbmoad, (dead villa; W. E. Lathy." Ti- onesuu x 1 Dr. J. L. Acorrb, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has had II flee n years' experience in a large and successful practice, will attend all Professional Calls. OtlU-e in his Drug and Grocery Store, located iu Tidioute, near Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment ef Medicines, Liquors Oils, Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the best quality, and. will be sold at reasonable rates. H. R.URQESS. an experienced Drug. a 1st from New York, has charge of the store. All prescriptions put up accurately, W, P, MerciUlott, Attorney at Law. IBEAIi ESTATE ACS EXT. TIONESTA, PA. T-it JOHN A. OALf , PRltT. HH A. PROPER, V1CI MUT, A. M. STEELS, CASHR, TI02S:EST.A. SAVINGS BANK, Tlonesta, Forest Co., Ta. This Bank transact a General Bonking, Collecting and Exchange business. Drafts on the Principal Cities of the Lnited Slates and Europe bougutaiiuHOKl. Gold and Silver Coin and Government Securities bauirbt and sold. 7-80 Bonds converted on the most favorable terms. IntoroHt allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. NOTICE. DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has rcturusd to his practice alter an ab sence of four mouths, spent in the Hospi tals or JNew xorK, wuore i wut aiumu calls in his profession. Olllce in Eureka Drug Store, Sd door uuove iue uuua, x luiuuie, irtu tvu WANTED AGENTS FOR Triumphs Qff Eriterppts; BY JAMES PARTON. A New Book, 700 octavo pages, woll illustrated, intensely Interesting, and very instructive. Inclusive territory given. Our Terms are the most Liberal. Apply to us. and see it they are not. A. 0. .IIAI.K A CO., Hartford. Conn. 12-4w. GREAT EXCITFMENT ! t thelStore of D. S. KNOX, Sc CO., Elm St., ioneiU Pa. : We are In dally receipt oi tae argsstand MOST COMPLETE stock GROCERIES and PItOTISIOXS, EVER BROUG HT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THB MILLIONS! whiah we are determiaed tell regardless of prloea. AND Heuse Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ae., which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ! ofallklads, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING CLASS ES, Ac., Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX, A CO. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1809, $2,348.32339 $20,000,000 looses paid since its orfranlsa- lion. wm. riUULJbK, central Agent, Uorrlsburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti- oneeta, Forest County, Pa. 86m REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLU11S. eVHend for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing fuil dlrcotions making a large saving to consumer and remunerative club organ izera The Circa t American Tea Comimiiy, 81 A S3 VESEY STREET, P. O. Box 643. NKW YORK, U-4t 500 VOLUMES IN OXE. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Poetry and Song, Reiug Choice Selections from the Best PocU, English, HoiU-h, Irish and Ameri can. V ith an Introduction by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Under whose critical supervision the volume whs oomnilod. The haudHniiirt and cheapest subscrip tion book exutnt. Over koO paos, beauti ful! v printed, choictely illustrated, hand. souiolv bound. A Library of over 600 volumes In one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or Interest, win never grow old cr stale. It cau be, and will be read and re-read with pleasure hy old and vounir. as lonir as its leaves hold together, 44 A m,rfpt uurnriHH. KeATcelv snvthinif all all a favorite, or at all worthy of plut eW here, is neKlettod. It is a book for every household." Jv. r. Jluif. 14 ne know of no ,'similar collection in the English 1iwii;uh"j which, in copious noss uml fuiit'ity of seloctiou und arrange ment, can at all oou)jure with it." .V. Y. Terms lilerttl. Selling very rapidly. Seud for Circular and Terms to j. a. r-uitu s cu. 27 Park Place, N. Y. June 0, 1871. SUBSCRIBE for tie Forest RepubUorn It will pay. A PLEA FOR EGGS. Be gentle to the new laid eggs, For they are brittle things j They cannot fly until they're hatched And have a pair of wings. If once you break the tender sholl, The wrong you can't redress j The yolk and white will all run out, And make a dreadful "mess." 'Tis but a little while at best The hens have power to lay To-morrow eggs may addled be That were quite fresh to-day. Oh I lot the touch be light That takes them from the keg I There Is no man whose cunning skill Can mond a broken egg. Ay, touch it with a tender touch, For, till the egg is blled, Who knows but that unwittingly. It may be smashed and spilod ! The Summer breeze that 'gainst it blows Ought to be stilled and hushed ; For eggs, like youthful purity, Are awful when they're squashed. The Carpenter of Marmonte. Marmonte was a walled town in a proTince of France, in one ot the houses near th6 ramparts lived a car penter, named Benoit. He was a sober man, who said little. He had followed several trades : been a sol dier; traveled a great deal ; and had many adventures; but as be never spoke of them, the towns-people thought he had nothing good to tell. The only person he was at all cordial with was an old soldier named Trappe, who had saved his life in battle. This man was a great talker and boaster, and, Benoit suspected, a knave. He had set up a barber's shop in a street near bv. One evenincr he called unon Benoit, to ask him to drink a bottle of wine at the ehevml noir with two old comrades who had served in his regi ment. At first Benoit refused; but when Trappe told him it was also the anniversary of the battle in which he had saved nis life, he accepted, and in sistcd on paying the score. When he reached the cabaret, he found two ill looking fellows whom he had never seen before. They sat drinking to gether in the public room until nearly Benoit, after spending more money than he had ever spent at an inn in Marmonte before, bade them good night andaawent home, followed by Trappe, who was talking loudly, up to the room where Madame iseuoit and her son were. Trappe laughingly forced them to drink two glasses of wine with him. Benoit, annoyed, walked to the window, and when he turned around, was astonished to find Trappe gone. He remembered this afterward, but thought little of it at the time, he was so sleepy with the wine, He then fastened hia doors and windows and went to bed The next morning he was astonished to find his shop door ajar, and. on going up to his lumber loft that the window was open. He said nothing, for it was not his custom to talk about what he did not understand. On go ing to his work, he found the whole town in excitement and talking about a great robbery committed during the night. He soon perceived, too, that he was avoided, and many cast strange glances at him. Then he overheard a neighbor say : "I noticed Benoit'a shop-door open ed last night after eleven o'clock, a most uausual thing; no lights police " He passed on, so Benoit heard no more, but kis suspicions were aroused. He felt sure Trappe did not leave his house the night before till all were asleep, and that he bad opened the door to the robbers. He remembered the wine, too. He went to the barber's shop. "Trappe," said he, "thou hast saved my life ; I shall say nothing." The next day Trappe disappeared. From this time proofs seemed to ac cumulate against Benoit. The police found the tracks of the robbers from his roof to the ramparts. A silver spoon belonging to a family who had been robbed of their plate, was found tinier the window of the lumber-loft. Benoit was arrested and brought be fore the court. The judge asked him, "if he left the door and window open ?" He answered, "No." "Then," said the judge, "do you know who did open them ?" "No," said Benoit for he did not know that Trappe had done it "Do you sunpectany one?" "No, monsieur. As I am suspected unjustly, I have no right to suspect others." In short, he answered every ques tion honestly, without inculpating Trappe. The judge, fiudiug no proof J 'ree' agaiust him, was obliged to set him It was evident to bun, however, from the manner of his discharge, and the talk of the people about the court, that he was still suspected. He show ed no emotion, but went quietly home. After embracing his wife and son, who were transported with joy to see him again, he raid to the latter : "Sylvester,? you will hear every where that although I am acquitted, I am no less thought a knave. Be not disquieted ; this will not last forever." His wife was frightened at what he said, and did not believe it. She went out to talk with her neighbors. Some turned their backs and would have nothing to say to her; others looked at her with pity and shrugged their Bhoulders, as if te say : "roor woman, it is not her fault I Others declared to her what they thought. Alter defending her husband warm ly, she returned Dome weepine, and saying that she "would live no longer in JHarrnonte. "If I co away." said Benoit. "I shall leave a bad name behind me." "But what good will it do for you to remain?" asked Madame Benoit. "I mean to recover my rood reputa tion," answered he. "But you will lose all your custo mers 1" "No." said Benoit. "for I will be the best carpenter in town." "I here are others quite as good as you ; what will you do to make your self better than they ?" said his wife. "By taking the most difficult work and trying to maki it perfect." Benoit had work on hand when he was arrested. He hastened to finish it. He did it so well, so promptly, and so reasonably, that the firm continued to employ him in spite of their bad opin ion of him. II arose two hours ear lier than usual every morning, and re tired later; he labored diligently, so as to hire fewer workmen, and be able to work cheaper, although he furnished the best material and workmanship. Thus he not only kept his own custo mers, but acquired new ones. He knew people thought ill of him, and were often afraid to trust him alone in a room, but he took no notice, and quietly smiled to himself. But if any one spoke rudely to him in the street, while passing along, he gave such a look that the insult was never repeated. He saw, too, how his ac counts were examined, but he took care to make them so clear, so detail ed, and supported them with such proofs, that his customers sometimes finished by saying: "You take more pains than you need to take." "No," said he; "I know your opinion of me. It is necessary that you should see clearlv that I do not deceive vou." About this time a house took fire and threatened the one next to it, Several workmen tried to prevent the hre from reaching it, but soon desisted on account of the danger. Benoit ar rived at the door of the threatened house. The servants dared not allow him to enter without leave from their master, whom they could not find. He pushed through them, and eutered the door, saying: "If I happen to save the house, you can see afterward if I have stolen any thing." tie mounted alone to the top of the house, where no one dared to follow him. Passing through a chamber, he saw a watch lying on the mantelpiece. He put it in his pocket to prevent its being stolen ; then thinking if he were to perish iu the flames, and this watch found on him, it would prove him a robber, he concealed it in a vase near by, climbed to. the spot nearest the fire, stood where the flames had al ready reached, and, with a few blowa of his hatchet, cut off all communica tion between the two houses. Coming down, he met the master of the house. He showed him the watch. "I put it there," said he, "because I thought if it were stolen you would think I took it." The upright conduct of Benoit, con stantly seen by the public, began to make a favorable impression. A rich man came to the province to build a large manufactory. He in quired for the best carpenter in Marmonte. It was impossible not to point out Benoit. He employed him, and was so pleased with his zeal, intelli gence and uprightness, that he at once pronounced him an honest man. As he was a person of importance, this produced great effect. The reputation of Benoit as a work man soon extended throughout the province. He was put in charge of great enterprises. He was even able to uudertake smaller ones on his own account. This brought him in contact with men of all classes, and every one spoke highly of him. He was watch ed no longer. People still wondered how his win dow and door came to be open on the night of the robbery, and many be lieved he could have told. The rich man who had empleyed him to build his manufactory, aud who was very much interested in him, told him he ought to explain the eircuointau.ee. "Why should I?" asked Benoit. "My reputation, for honesty is estab lished.'' The adventure was almost forgotten, when a robber named Trappe was ar rested iu a neighboring province, who confessed that he committeiTtbe deed which had nearly ruined poor Benoit. "Well," said Benoit quietly, whon the towus-people came to congratulate him "I was sure an honest man could not always pass for a knave." Pleasure. Tis pleasant to watch the pale, silvery moou, when bright clouds are passing it by ; so it is to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth to eat sugar and pie. It is pleasant to hear the sweet robin bird sing, his gay song of the rising sun ; 'tis pleasant to taste the keen pepper sauce stinging, when eating boiled eggs, oh I 'tis fun. 'Tis pleasant to ramble the high creek alone, when the freshet doth loudly roar, 'tis pleasant to watch at the sound of the gong, the boarders rush to the door. Tis pleasant to sail on the Northern lakes, in a govern ment revenue cutter, 'tis pleasanter still to eat buckwheat cakes all cover ed with lasses and butter. 'Tis pleasant to ramble the wcods among, thro' glens and dark shady cloisters, 'tis pleasant to list to your sweet heart's song, but my gracious l tis fun to eat oysters l But the pleasure of all pleasures, the greatest of all, panacea for minds that are sick, is to sit in the sun by the side of a wall and whittle a soft pine stick. A Chanoe for Capitalists. A good paper mill situated in FiankTin would be a paying institu tion. Papers printed in the Western end of Pennsylvania are supplied with paper from points no nearer than Pittsburgh or Cleveland, much tn their annoyance by reason of heavy demands on the mills. A paper mill at this point.besides commanding a trade with in a few hours' reach of our city that would keep it busy, and having facili ties for transportation almost unequall ed and not surpassed by any town in the btate, would have the advantage ef an exhaustless water-power. We do not exaggregate when we say that in point of water-power Frankliu has a superiority over any of our neigh boring towns. The advantages of a paper mill at Franklin can bo appre ciated by our neighboring journalists who have experienced vexatious de lay in receiving their surplus from a distance, and we commend the subject of establishing a mill in our city to their attention, hoping that a general discussion of the matter will attract the attention of some manufacturers who may see the rich harvest ready to drop in the lap of enterprise. Some of our own capitalists might take The matter in hand, but an experienced paper manufacturer would be more apt to make the investment pay. To be successful in making a paper mill pay requires as much tact as any oth er business, therefore we commend the project to paper men. Venango Spe tator. We would like to know if there is a man on Tioncsta who can beat the following. If there is, let him now speak. The Warren Ledger says : . The championship for the most won, derful feats of rafting is awarded to t new contestant, D. Miles, Esq. Our special interviewer becoming deeply interested in the bestowment of these honors, paid a visit on Friday last to the board landing ot JN. bill, in l'leas ant Township, and learned the follow' iug facts : . Mr. Miles with two full grown assis tants, and a sprightly lad to furnish the ice water, bored the bottoms, raft' ed and bound off during the working hours' of a single day ten thousand nine hundred and seventy six and a-halj feet of one and one-eighth inch boards. Mr. Miles appeared in good working trim, tough and hardy, that led us to enquire as to his diet, and were in formed that the staple articles consist ed of Allegheny salmon and bass, fried frogs, mountain oysters, with an abundance of vegetables, and an in- terspersion of tee water, to meet re quirements. Mr. Miles seemed but slightly fatigued looked remarkably well ; but was unbounded in indigna tion that Hall, Crocker, Dunn, Chase, aud others, should presume to be the champion raftsmen ; and our inter viewer being of the same opinion con ceded the championship to Mr. Miles. On Saturday, the 12th iust., G. L. Disbrow of Captain of the Wizard boat club of this city, forwarded a challenge to the second crew of the Undiue boat club, to pull them a three mile race (1 1 mile and return), on the Fourth of July; the challenge to re main open ten days. Yesterday a re ply was received from Authur B.Starr, of the Undines,accepting the challenge in behalf of the "Secoud Crew." The start is to be made at 10:30 a. in., weather permitting The course will probably be from in front of the ele vators, over the old course, past the E. t P. docks, turning a stake and rrturuiug to the starting point. If some of the gcod citizens of Erie would make up a purse for the crews to compete for it would be apt to put more nerve into the contest by furnish them a tangible incentive- besides the empty houor of being victorious.. If the day is fair and the bay reasonably smooth, we shall have the pleasure of witnessing two fine racing crews at work, whether the citizens are liberal enough to offer them any encourage ment or otherwise. Yi Dispatch. A Boston woman refused to permit her husband to go on a fishing excur sion, "because he was very apt to get drowned when he went upon the water, and, nioieover, did not know how to swim more than a goose," Walter Scott on Printing. Sir Walter Scott, in his great histor ical novel of "Qtienlin Durward," finds an opportunity to pay a fine tribute of the art of printing. In the magnificent scene where Louis XI. in troduces Queutin to the splendid apart ment of the learned UaleottL, that he may learn from the planets the future destiny of the young soldier, they hnd the famous astrologer surrounded by all the instruments of science, and poring over a printed book. King Louis, who instantly recognizes the specimen of the new art, asks with surprise how one, before whom the heaven bad unrolled her celestial vol umes, could descend to an interest in the new-fashioned art of multiplying manuscripts by machinery, lbeseer, in all the dignity of his great knowl edge, answers the king: "My brother, believe me that, in considering toe con seqences of this invention, I read with a certain augury, as by any combina tion of the heavenly bodies, the most awful and portentous changes. When I reflect with slow and limited supplies the stream of science hath hitherto de scended to us ; how difficult to be oh tained by those most ardent in its search; how certain to be neglected by all who regard their ease ; how lia hie to be diverted, or altogether dried up by the invasion of barbarism ; can I look forwarded without wonder and astonishment to the lot of a succeed ing generation, on whom knowledge will descend like the hrst and second rain, uninterrupted, unabated, un bounded ; fertilizing some grounds, and overflowing others; changing the whole lorra or social lite ; establishing and overthrowing religions; erecting and destroying kingdoms. But not in our time, my royal brother, will these changes come ; this new invention may be likened to a young tree, which is now planted, but shall, in succeeding generations, bear fruit as fatal, yet as precious, as that of the Garden of Eden ; the knowledge, namely, of good and evil." The scene is admirably conceived for it must be remembered that Louis although the slave of the superstitious or bis day, was a man of keen intolli gence ; that he is believed to have ex ercised his personal influence to liber ate Fauet from the prison in which he bad been thrown on the charge ot hav ing magically produced manuscripts of absolutely identical appearance ; and that he alterwards despatched Jenson the artist from the royal mint, to sudy the art in its cradle, the city of Mentz Jenson, the apt pupil of Schoeffer, would have prosecuted his art in Paris, but that the death of Louis deprived him of his expected assistance ; and finding a warmer welcome in Venice, he added his fame to the literary glory of that great city. iTmteri Virciilar, Undue Familiarity. One of the great faults in modern manners is the habit of undue and im proper familiarity. Some of the cleverest of men fall into the way of squeezing hands in the most violent manner, of slapping even their seniors on the back, and other rude modes emphasizing their familiarity and as suming a close proximity of persou quite uncomfortable to persons of good breeding and taste. Others again have an offensive and familiar habit of using personalities, displying a knowl edge of intimate and strictly private matters which one would scarcely care to have known to one's particular friends, much less the subject of rude and unmannerly conversation by com parative strangers. The Democracy are continually harping on the extravagance of the Republican party and crying for re trenchment and reform. We hope all the members of both political parties will note tin fact, that whilst in twenty-eight months the debt of the city of tew York, which is under the heel of the Democracy, has increased 852,510, 560,17, under the administration of General Grant the taxes have been re duced one hundred millions, and the national debt nearly two hundred aud fifty millions. How could the country bear up under Democratic ascendeucyf We feel persuaded that ur years' rule of the Democracy would render j the nation bankrupt. l'ittaburgh Oa- The Mercer the "Unterrificd' Press, the organ of ' of Mercer County I goes on to say : The abandonment of the vital prin-1 ciple by the llarrioburg Convention , has already cooled the ardor of tens ; of thousauds of the truest Democrats ' that breathe, who, if the 15th Amend , is to stand, can see so little difference betweeu a Kepublieuu aud a Demo cratic platform as to make it scarcely worth the trouble to fold up a ticket i for the bollot box. There is a fence standing in Ger I roautown, l'a., which was iu its present t locatiou iu Revolutionary days, aud bears marks of the battle tnere. The boards were originally one inch in thickucss, but coustuut exposure to : the weather for a century has red uood I them to one-third of that. Pat Colt. A irentlcman who favors us with some reminiscences respecting the ear ly settlement of old Derryheid, xx.xi., relates the following anecdote: When my grandfather resided at Goffstown aud Deny field, then settled by the Irish, he hired a wild sortoi an Irishman to work on his farm. One day soon after his arrival, ho told him to take a bridle and go out in the field and catch the black colt. "i-on I come without him," said the old gen tleman. Patrick started and was gone some time, but as last returned with out a bridle, with his face and hand badly scratched, as thougn no uaa re ceived bad treatment. "Why, Patrick, what is the mattorr What in the world ails you T" "An' faith, isn t it me, your nonor, that never will catch the old biacs. colt again T Bad luck to him I An didn't he all but scratch the eyes out of mv head? An' faith bs true as mv shoulders are my own, I had to climo up the tree alter him i "Climb a tree after himr .Nonsense! Where is the beast?" . "An' it's tied to the tree he is to db shore, yer houor." We all followed Patrick to the spot to get a solution of the difficulty, ana the field we found, to our amazement, that he had been chasing a young bear, which he succeeded in. catchiug alter a great u b usage oti both sides, and actually tied it with a bridle to an old tree. Bruin was kept for a long time, and was ever after known ns Patrick's colt. a r. TVtari rnmiLn who came to this country about a year ago, aud settled in Pennsylvania recently, grew so homesick that she became insane and tterupted to starve berselt, toning uo food for twenty-two days. av the end of that time Bhe was helpless, and was promised if she would eat she would be taken oaca 10 xrcmuu. made her friends set the time at two weeks in which she was to start, and as they were not ready at the exact day she took to ner qm w "s"" Seeing it was useless to put her off they commeuced the journey, when she began to racover reaBon and health at once, and is probably now as well and happy as any one. The prospects now are that there will be some liquor drank in the sur rounding villages on the Fourth or of July. There will be none used in Titusville. Tilusville Courier The "surrounding villages is one of the Courier's peculiar jokes, but when that paper asserts that no liquor will be drank in Titusville on the Fourth of July, it cannot was ; in the language of the old lady, "Oh, good ness my, what a lie !" Are the fafty eight licensed grog shops, and pro bably double-that number unlicensed, in moral Titusville, to. be closed on the Fourth? If so, very little of the ardent will be punished. Otherwise not. Pet. Cen.ltee. Three years ago a citizen of Boston, Mr. Z. II. Smith, undertook a tour of i, .lAin tftina in his own car- L1IU AkWJ - p.,, riage, in company with his wife, ine jouruey, one of the most remarkable ever made by a lady, was accomplish ed a few days ago ; and the travelers returned to their homes last week. They made with their own horse twelve thousand miles, and over thirty thous and by steam, saddle and in Indian canoes, visiting every mining camp and village from Montana to Mexico, at an expense of over 825,000, travers ing nearly every canon, road or In dian trail. Their object has been to embody in lectures the results of their rich and varied experience. A church in Little Rock, Arkansas, had to employ another preacher be cause the deceased interfered with a dog fight which one of the young cen verts had set going in front of the pul pit in the midst of the service. The youthful convert fired at the pastor. He said he believed it was his dog fight, and he wouldn't stand any for eign interference. "Mr. Brown, you Baid the defendant was honest and intelligent, what makes you think so, are you acquainted with him?" 'No, sir, I never seed him." Why, then do you come to such a conclusion?" "'Cause he takes ten uewspapers, and pays for 'cm in advance." Verdict for defendant. A Boston grocer, who excited the ire of one of his customers by present ing at his house his bill for goods rendered, wss waited upon soon after by a daughter of the debtor, who said: "I wish you wouldu't coma with that bill when father's at home it makes him nervous to be duuued. Tlio grocer apologized. . "Ah 1" said a Sunday school teacher, "Caroline Jones, what do you think ycu would have been without your good father aud mother!'" "I suppose, mum," said Caroline, "1 suppose as I should ha' beeu a horphan." Another argument for tlio abolition of the franking privilege is found iu the fact that letter writing caused tho illucts of Colfax.