ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD! GREAT THROUGH ROUTE FROM The OH Regions to riftsburgh, THE CAST AND THE WEST! SLEEPING CARS On all night trains. Passengers and bag- rge transferred at Oil City, Kukb or HAROKl Trains make direct connection with nil Bonds centering at Oil City, and leave as follows: Day Express leave OH City at.... 2 30pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 9 00pm Night Express I-cave O i City... P 20 p m A rrive al Pittsburgh 6 2f in Mail Train loaves O. City.... 9 05am Arrives at Pltllburgh ...... 6 60pm Pay Express leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m Arrrivesat Oil C'itv at 2 15pm Night Express l,oa rittsburj.1. 8 40 pm Arrives at Ol City 6 15am Way Fasscnger lea- .x Pittsburgl 9 15 a m Arrives at Oil City 7 So p m Passenger travelling by this Route will find better accommodations anil make bet ter time than by anv other road from the Oil Regions to Pittslmrgh. J. J. LAWREXCK, Pen. SnpL jones house7 CLARION, PENN'A.) S. S. JONES Proprietor. Agents Wan for th ,( i : nd of SACRED MYSTERVSSao? The grandest and most popular new book out. Hundreds oi superb illustrations, steel, ete. No other book like it none selling half so fast. Agents sell 60 to IftOof it and Frof. Stowe s Self-Interpreting Bi ble. Kxtra large inducements ottered, send for croulnrs to Worthingtod, Dustin A Co., Hartford, Conn. 48-4t OCT OR Kit, I8GO. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COBD IS NOW TUB ONLY Thread put up for the American marker which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Hand and Machine. BALL'S Vegetable Sf'ci'ian Hair Renewer Has flood the test of seven year before the public; and tio prepar ation for the lirtir has yet been dis covered that trill prmlitce the saute benejlcial results. It is an entirely new scientific discover.! combin ing man of the most powerful, and restorative aartUs in the VtCET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores CREV HAIR TO ITS ORICINAL YOUTH FUL COLCR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff a. id humors, and l';1linir out of the liair; and will make it avow upon bttld heads, except, in very a'jril persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle hit which the hair is nourished and supported, it makes the hair moitt, soft, and v tossy, and is uusitriassed as a jfAtJi i n s s i .v o. it is th . rhc:i;rst preparation ever offered Ut the pithlif. fis one bottle tvid ac complish more and last lonaer than three bottles of any other preparation. It is recommended and used by tire First Medical Authority. The li'onderjul results produced by on r Sicilian Hair Jienetver have induced man to manufacture preparations for the Jlair, under v t lion names; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to Jiurchitse their compounds, then tare resorted to falsehood, by claimlny they were former part ners, or had some connection with, our Mr, Hall, and their prepara tion ivns similar to ours, I to not be deceived by them. Purchase the oriyiimlt it has never yet been fj'fi'lcd. Our Treatise on the li-i.r. with eertijlca'es, sent free I 'I i.t. lit. See that each bottle has o:'r private Hevenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. A.U otlters are imitations. R. P. Hall Si Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. Sold by all DnigrjisU and Dtaltrt in Mtdieins. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OP ALL KINDS, TUDIOTTTIE FA. First Door above Exuhange Hotel. i-ly "WALLLIS I M P R O V E D M A. Q I C M P K O V IMPROVED E D JJAGIC M A O I C IB A. Ii IMI ! W. II. PERKINS A CO., Sole Propri torn, Franklin, Pa. 44 'I'BSCRIBRfor the ' It will ry. Foriiot Raubliarn A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVER Dr. WAlRER'ft 0 '. LIIDEJilA VINEGAR BITTERS $ i Hundreds of Thonnands ? Z 'Z Bar iMimrw to thHr Wonder Be ful Cur tire kllifli. Hi WHAT ARE THEY? WW1. - ' C !-" S f TAUT Alt! JCOT A Vn,E si FANCY DRINK. P" Kfttleof rr Fm, WhUkfr VrmtT Glrlt m.n4 Urlttno l.tquwr doctcr.d, iplcod and.vro cacd U ticuc tho i.t callodTotilc.MMAppcti ctx, HtBtorcrc, ic, that )ctd the tippler cn to tfmnkenncF knd ruin, b'at mf troe Medicine, msda fVou t:.e N&t:v l.touend licrbsof Ccllforola, frc lrn:n nil Alrobctlo tlnmloni. They j thm ui:i:T l i.o;i i i uu is;:t and A LIFE G1V1NU l'KIM'IFI.Bspcrfect Innovator ud Invigoraior of t'tc 6jtjrn, Oftrrflrx off all poitonoot matter :id rc-torlng tli tlocd to a healthy condition, Kopcnna Lui those Pluen acoordlng todlrco tlon and remain long unwell. feltO girenforaa InnirabU caae, prorided tins benca ara rvt dctstroyrd by ir.Uicral pottos or other Bicai:, and lha x Lai oryana wasted bayondth point of rrpolr. Fnr tnCtni::ittor7 Rnil Chronlo Klieina ttnta nail Gout IrprpMa. r ladlffeatloa niliitna. Krutktit nt and lutormlttCDt Fever Plrx-nwca ot the litocd 11 vcr KtdBeya and lUadocr thcee litttcia fcava been moat anoccaa ful. bach Dlacttnco ara caused ty Vitiated Elood, which Is ircucraJly produced by derangement oitli? Dlffrative Ursana. l)V"i.l(SIA OR INDIGESTION, ncad ache, ruin in too Shoulders, Cook hi, Tlghtueca of the Cltet, Dlzrluess, fccur Ernctntlons of the Etomsch, tad tasu la the !oath, Billons AtUcks, ralpiUtion ot the II cart, lull animation of tha Langs, Psin In tha regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painfol Tjuptonas, are tha ufispringaof Dyspepsia. lh y Inrlgorate the Blomach and stimulate the tor pldUTcrand bowels, which render them of unequalled tCicocy In cleansing the blood of all impcritica, and imrartiur new life and rigor to the whole system. FOU M4.1N DISEASES, Eruptlona, Tetter, Salt TJieum, Illotchea, f pots, Ilntplea, rastulca,TJolla, Car buoclca, fUat'Wortna, Ecald-llead, 8ore Eyas, Erysip elas, ltclt, Scurfs, Llsoolo rations of the Skin, Bumora and Diseases of the bkla, of whtTar name or nature ara literally dug up and carried out of the system In a shor time by tho use of those Plttcrs. One bottle la such easea will conTlnce tha most Incredulous of their coratlre oueet, CloaTiae tho Vitiated Blood whenever yon fled Its iu purities bursting through the stln tn rimples, Lrup tlons or ftcros t eleanae It whea you find it obstructed and sluggish la the reins t cleanse It when It Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the bloc . pure and ths health of the system will follow. FIN. TA 1E and other WOU3I& larking In tha system of so many thoatanda, ara effectually destroy ed and r moved. For full directions, rad carefully Ua circular around each bottle, prtuiL-d iu four laa g oagos ulfigtlsU,Gonnan, French uid Epaalsh. J. 'WALKER, Froprktor. B. II. alcDCKALD CO.. Druglsta and Gen. Agents, Ean Francisco, Cal aad S3 aud 34 Couunorco Street, A aw York. SOLD BY ALL DHUGOISTS AND DEALECa. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTER . Prize coshed and information furniahed by OEOKtiE UPHAM, Providence, R. I. so-4t WANTED Aoexth To ell the Oota iron Sowitiff Machine. It itt Licenned. makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch" and i warranted for 6 years. Price 11.1 All other machines with an under-feed sold for $15 or loss are infringements. Address Octauron Sewing Machine Co., St. Ixiuis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Bos ton, Mass. 133m Q1 f A Day Business entirely new and vlw honorablo. Lilieral inducements Ieserit)tive ciretilars free Address J C Rand ik Co., Iiiddciord, Me 13 3m CV)RTUXES offered to live men. Rare A Chance. Send Stamp. Diiuond K. Co., Washington, Del. ZJ-3m. L'XCUItKKXT MOJfEl. THE highest Cah Price paid for the old State Hank Currency : Hank of Craw- iora lounty, ennnpo IJank.Oil City Bank i nullum i)ns, ur any oi ine om state Bank issues : also, for mntUntiwl Hrir n- 11 issues. A. II. STEELE. Cashier. 44 2 Tionesta Saving Bank. - . ...... vi I j. i. j n i . CATARRH by a simple remedy and wUl send tho receipt free. Mrs. J. C. LEUGETT, Jersey City, N. J. 3ti-4w THE MAGIC CO JIB. Will change any colored hair or bcaid to a permanent block or brown. It eon- t ii i it u ne iii.iu.iii A .. n n . . : . . ........ ..u .... n(I T im i nn unr 11, vmw sent by mail for 1. Dealers supplied i, reuurou rates. Atiuresa v m, J'atton Treus. Springfield, Mass, 3U-4t AOEXTS WANTED FOR non. Wm. SEWARD'S GRAND TO R of Afexioo. Adventure and Sight-seeing "Our Sister Republic." Is a work of rare merit' profuselv illustra ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book Company, Hartford, Ct. 28-3t FARMER'S HELPER. Shows how to double the profits of the farm and how farmers aud their sons can each make $1J3 Per Month. In winter. 100,000 copies will be mailed free to farmers. Send name aud address to ZlEULER&MuCL'Dljy, Philadelphia, la. 3o-4w WANTED. Airents foi the history of COD'SCHURCH By Prof. Enoch Pond, 1). 1). From Adam to the present day. Light business for men and ladies everywhere!. Uood Puy, send for circular. 3J 4t ZEIULLR Sl McCUREY, Phia. Pa. J. W, ROWLAND, ALKX. MCDOWEL J. W. a OWLAND t. CO., r,l!.l CHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS IN Seu(V Furulklilug GoodH, And Agents for the Celebrated Grover & Baker Sewing Machine. LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOE FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 2 28tf. t ree to Book Agents. We will sendo handsome Prospectus of our Xew J Hunt rut rated Family Jlttile con taining over 200 tine scripture lllUHtra tratimis to any Book Agent free of charge, Addrens National Publishing Co. Phila dlpbia, Pa. 41-u w o i B - If , - 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES it SIBLEY, Opposite Vost Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this oection, including the following celebrated makes: Chickering & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, and others. WHITNEY A SLAYTON'S ORGANS AND MEL ODEONS. These Organs and Melodeons are acknowledged by ail good judges to be tho best and finest finished Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest House in this section, superior induce ments can and will be offered to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music, Books, and a large stock, of everything in the Music line, can be found at my store. J. O. HULL. ' $288 in 16 DAYS Made by one Agent. Do vou want a situa tion as salesman at or near home to make fi) to 20 per day, selling onr new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Line to last for ever. Sample free. Address Hudson River Wire works, 130 Maiden Lane, cor. Water 8t... V V 1 II IV , LI. ... I . . ' i. i ., ur iu jenruorn ou iiicago. -4U Salesmen Wanted. Business henorable. No competition, llb- vim "J giioui K?. . . . n r..i r.l' 1 . 39-4t 8 S. 4th SU, Phila. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWIXO AC KIM: Tie following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the Grover A Baker Machines over all others. - "Hike the Grover Baker Ma chine, In the first place, because if I had any other, I should still want a Grover A Baker ; and having a Grover Baker it answers the purpose of all the rest. It aoes a greater variety or work and isea-sier to iearn than any other," Mrs. S. C. Cro ly (Jenny June) "I have had several rears' expe rience with a Grover A linker Machii e, which has given me great satisfaction. I think the Grover Baker Machine is more easily managed, and less liable to get out of order. I prefer the Grover Baker de cidedly ."Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one in my family for some two years; and fioin w'hat I know of its working, and from the testimony of nianv of mv friends who u-e tho s nuo. I can hardly seehowanythingcould be more complete or give better satisfaction." Mrs. (Jen. Grant. ''I believe It t 1o the best, all things eonsidered.of any that I have k nown It is very simple and easily learned ; the sewing Irom the ordinary spools Is a grea advantage; the stitch is entirely reliable: it docs ornamental work beautifully; it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 3(1 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer the Grover .V Baker to them all, because I con sider the stitch more elastic. I have work in the house which was done nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr." Mc Cready, No. 43 East 23d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the sewingdono in my family for the last two years nag oeen none by Grover Baker s Machine, and I never'had a garment riu or need mending, except those rents which ironcsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is, in my ojiinion, by fnr the most valn abloof any I have tried," Mrs. Iloiiry Ward Beecher. "The Grover Baker Sewing Ma chine has rendered In every respect, the most perfect satisfaction. It combines bo many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price Unit it is a no eesity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, llarrisburg, Pa. "I have had the Grover A Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in my house. I have Been and known every kind of Family sewing, both per sonal and household, accomplished up the Grover A Baker Machine, to the enti. satisfaction of all concerned, Rev. Stephen II. Tyng. "1 find the Grover A Baker Stitch will wcaraslongas the garments do outwear the garment in fact. The stitch will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither does it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both the Elastic and Lock Stitc h Machines, and otter the publio a choice of the best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in all the large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Bakor S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. IV&NrGTFTOOOKTERPRISE We continue to send a valuable gill with every book bought of us. Thousands will testify to our promptness Bnd luirness. Give us a trial. Write lor a catalogue. Kent free. Address, I). M. Evans A Co., 721 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4Mt AGENTS Wanted $b per month by the American Knitting Machine Co., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 26.3m ARFNT $100 a week 6 per HUI.I1 I si f .;ciUaiid$2o,(i(X iu cosh u i s r i I prizca. Iulormation mate 4 female. ) lrec. Address Ameri can Book Co., B2 Wl.liuin St., N. Y. 4ti-4t AGENTS WANTE7-225 a monthl by the Amkuic'n Knittino Machine Co., llostou, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 46-4 TlilS IS NO HUMBUG! Q By sending OOcENTS with age, hight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your luture husband or wife, with name and dute of marriage. Address W. KOX, P. o. Drawer No. 34, t'ulton ville.N.Y. -h READ! READ T The subscribers having re-rcntod the IKYIM: GIUST MILLS. Would say to tholr old customers, and the oommunitv generally, that they keep wiiDHuiujr vu nauu a largo scock OI FAMILY FLOUR of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Oats and 0rn. With our facilities for do ing business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment In this section of tho country, and would rhv tn ilm Inm. bermen and dealers of Forest county, that SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other pomu imineuiata attention given to all oruura irom a distance, K. JONES CO, A WATCH FREE for everybody and !0 per day sure. Busines light and honorable. No Girt enterprise. No hum bug. Aiidress.R. Mouroe Kenedy. Pitts burgh, Pa. CHAOLI:i A. DANA. Editor. A Krwaer ! Iks Present Times. Iatausea for Pelo New Earth. Inolnding Firman, Msrhsnlet. Mereliaatt, Pro. fawloul Men, WorKw. Tttlokert, snd ail fan ner ot Honeti Polk, and to Wrtn, Sons, sod Duih:er. o( all inoa. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR t . ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR ISO, Or low than Om Cent a Copy. Let tacra be a SO Clan at erarr Pott Offloe. 8E.-KI.WEEK.LY SDN, t? A YEAS, or the am ilze and general character at TUB WEEKLV. bnt with a itreatfr rarlur of niacelianeona readme, sod farahbing Uie new lolti luMctlboit wllb areater trail neee. beoaue It eomee twice s week Instead of one oalr. THE DAILY SIN. 0 A YEtR. A nreemtnentlr read 'hie nwnaDer. with the larnce. circulation in Uie worm Kree. Inde pendent, and learlwa In oonilct. Ail the newt from eT.Tjwhoro. I'w 1 cenia a ooor 1 br UilL 60 eeuu a mouth, or 80 a rear TERMS TO CLTJB3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BUN. Tire ooplee, one rear, separator ar dreuwl. Poor Dollars. Ten eonle, one tnr, eermrateir addreued laud aueiuaoopj touiegelicrujiri iani Elsht Dollars. TwentT eonlea, one year, aenwateh addiesaed (aad an exira eop to uie etir up or cinh). Flfteoa Dollars. r2'T .Sr"?;." , to one aidreaii in uie BenU-tt eekif one jear f eetler n p of club), Tblrty-tbre Dollars. PrftT eoplte. one year. eDaraielT a'ldiwer) (and toe 6emi-WeeSljoureiirtoirMlrni o rliih), Thlrty-iTO Dollar. 1 ?,. 1 Jh'Jnlliiw' Ter- ed'lrefa ,UMl"1'ot oa totheai tternoof -c u?'' . , P7 Dollar. Oce nnndred eooiet. one year, a-paiately ad S'.' n'x!"1 ,ur O" " " ' "e r-tier npofelnbj, Blaty Dollars. THE BEM I. WEEKLY BUN. PIT eoplea, one year, e parawlr aridi eid. - Eisht Dollar. ik.?" .r enoretel anareued (and as exua copy to geiwr up or cl;ih), blxteea Dalian. BEND YOUR MONEY vT?Vh.1!rJ or,1''- eeelfi, or draft on Sew iZ rfctT.-'. 'V ?"ent. If not, men regUur toe letters ooutalulng money. Aildreei L W. ENOIANO. Pahlliher, San office. New fork City. 7 P 'i""111 Expenses paid Male VJ I eJor Female Agents horse and outlit turnished. Address, riaeo Novelty Co., Saco, Me. 9-4t AGFNTS LOOK 1 13, to 120 per day. Eusv, genteel and protibthle business. A little Novelty which everybody wants. Huccess Hure. Head for circulars, t iiirehill & fenipleton, Muiiufucturors, 015 Kroudway, N. Y. .u THE A-N E C T A R IS A l'l'HK ISL.ACK 1KA -vith the Green Tea Flavor Warranted to suit all :astes. For sale every where, For sale whole oniy bvtheGreat Atlumin ami Pacitic Tea Co., g Cliutch St. New York. P.O. Rox 6oo5. Send for Thea Nectar circular. y 44 HO FOR MINNESOTA ! 160 Acre Farms Freel! The Northwestern Colonisation of Free Ilnmstcad Company, (Ciiartered bv the Slate of Minnesota,) furnishes 'heap Rates of Fare, and l.ocato Free Homesteads. Send for Free Pamphlets, giving History of Minnesota, its Resources, Progress, Fertility ami Advantages, Address E. Page Uuvis, Commissioner of Immigration for the State of Minnesota. ad General Agent for the N. W. Col. Co., No 153 llroad wa.v, N. Y. (Active and reliable Agents atited in every locality.) 0-4t 8 O'CLOCK. 5-it c. a. nAoo IXUHAM V Itll K.j, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WHOLES A LB AND RKTAIb KEALKRa IN all kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AND MUSIO BOOKS. tcpsitnry of the Rible Bocletv, Rnnday School, and all Religious Publishing So cieties, NO. 52 CHESTNUT ST., MEADVILLE, PA., WO. 11 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. J IB J A CO It NIIK1VKK. Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL, Are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such as FLOORING, SIDIXO, SURFACE DRE&SED L UMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLIXDS, AXD EVERY DESCRIPTIOX OF TLA IX A ND FAN CY MOULDINGS. Dealers will find It to their advantage to CONSULT OTJR PRICES, Refore purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion in the heart ot the lumber region gives us superior advantages in the purchase of iiimoer mat win enanie us to undersoil those leH favorably situated, Address Mar, 4, tf. JACOB STTRTVER, Tionesta, Pa. Recommended and Endorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors. DR. LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND TLI'ID EXTRACT OF K O S K O O ! TOE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not a Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around tbe Bottle. PREPARED SOLKLT BY Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. KOSKOO STRIKES AT THE ROOT of DISEASE BY PURIFYING THE BLOOD, RKSTORINO THK HVER AND KIDNEYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND 1NVKIOHA T1NO THK NKIIVOL'S BVS TtM. This is the Secret of its Wonderful Suecess in Curing Conmmpiion in it early stage, Scrofu- iu, oymtu, jsysjirpsut. Liver Complaint, Vhronie Jiheumatism. Neuralgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions oj oj the, rkin, Humors, Ijoss of Vigor; Diseases of the Kindets and Bladder, and all Diseases earned by a jsaa ctare oj the Jilood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of 11 niiioraiiii iiiiu laint. and restores tne en tire system to a healthy condition. It is beyond question the Finest Tonic in tub Would. Thousands have been changed by the use of this medicine from weak, sickly, suffer ing creatures, to strong, healthy, and hap- "ion aim wiiinuii. Invalids cannot hesitate to give It a trial N medicine has obtained such a greal reputation aa this justly celebrated coiu- pouuu. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Rmincnt Divines, F.di tors. Druggists, Merchants, Ac., see KOS KOO ALMANAC tor this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. you SALE BY Hie Principal Druggists of the United States and IJriiUh America. . 84-ly. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INIAMD I FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, l:il, 2,348.32339 $2O,0oO,fMi0 lo .1 i. iid since its organiza tion. WM. HLULLU, Central Agent, llarrisburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. HHm REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVHG TO CONSUMERS. HY Ci KTTINti UP CLUUiS. V-Q. Send for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing mil uiiu umin 11111&111K h miu saving 10 consumer', aud remunerative club organ izers The Great American Tea Company, 31 A 33 VF.SRY STItKKT, P. O. Dos 5043. nbw yokk. 4'J-4t Dr. I.awhknce's Womaw'b rnrM all DiaaMM (KsMilisr toFwuale. tim W. it, INGRAM. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD AND AFTKR 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1H70, Trains arrive nt and leave the Vnlon Depot, corner of Washlnton and Liberty street, aa tonowsi ARRIVK. Mail Train. 1.30 a tn 1 Fast Line, 12.13 m I Well's accommodation No. 1, tl.'JO a m Rrlnton si-comnushition No 1, 7.ft0 a in; Wall's accommodation No 11, H.fiSa m ;Cln cinnati express .M a ni I Johnstown ao eommodation in.w) a 111 1 Uraddm-k's ac commodation No 1, 7.H) pmt Pittsburgh express 1.30 p mj Pad lie express I. Ml p m Wall' accommodation No II, 2.!W j m ; llomowood accommodation No l,V.ftA pm; Wall a accommodation i)4, o.mi p m( ltrinlon atvommodation No 3, 1.10 p m 1 Way Passenger 10.20 p m. DEPART. . Southern express ft.20'a m ! rndfle ex- rress a.40 a in ; Wall's accommodation No . 6.30a in : Mall Train 8.10 a m : Hrlntott's accommodation 1 1.'20 a m Hraddock'a ac eoiumodatlon No 1, fi.10 p ni t'lncinnati express p m s wan s accommoiniinn N 2, 11.51 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.0ft p m ; llomewnist accommodation No 1, H.50 p m: riiiladelplila express m.mi p m; Wall accnminiMhition No.1,3.0,'ip 111; all's Bceommoihition No 4, (l.0" p m ; Past Line 7.40 p mi Wall's No 5, 11.00 p m. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at W.0.' a. 111., reaching Pitts burgh at 10.05a. in. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. m., and arrive at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. 111. Cincinnati express leaves daily. South ern express daily except Mov lay. All oth er Trains daily, 'except Sunday. For further information aply to W. II. RKCKW1T1I, Agent. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Ilnggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, anil limit their rspousibility to One Hundred Dollai s val ue. All buggago exceeding that a omit In value will lie nt the risk of the fner, unloss taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoons Ps. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND "W-AJLiXj J? JPaHTI, DAVIS & fECIIOLS, (Near tho Co ,t House,) FRANKLIN, FENN'A. ITave a general assortment of School Rooks, Law Rooks, Histories. Bibles and Testaments, Hymn Rooks, Music ltouks Rlank Hooks, ftnvelopea, Note, Letter and cap writing papers, Puna, Ink, Slates and fining 111 lilts BOOK t STATIONERY BUSINESS. All of which thevolfnr i anil Wimr p SALK OR RETAIL, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS A KCHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out letters Patent are advised to counsel with Munn and Company, editors of the Kclentillc American, who havo prosecuted claims liefore the Patent Olllee for over Twenty , '"'ir American ana Kuroiiean . IU B,fc"cv ",0 mn,ti extensive in tho ....... so i,s. umn any oilier relia ble agency A pamphlet containing full Instructions to inventors Is sent gratis MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. EVEEHAET Xo 1 n jmmi lunonver me rpt qnalitv o tml at tho old Kvorlmrt Hank, two miles from Newmnnvillo for 7 ecnU nor nr at. Tintinnlii ami a.I. "Cj t- a a- s 1 1 .... 25 CENTS PER BUSHEL, lie always has a large supply on hand, Now is the time to lay In a large supply Orders promptly attended to 2 9 jrioiioiigahelu Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY IBM. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK T0LIC1ES, ISSUED IN FIRST CLASS COMPANIES. LOSSES PB0MPILT ADJl'STKD AXD PID. A. C. SAMPSON, Gen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. U. Steklk, at Tionesta Savings Rank. apltf. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM. M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS Xotlons, Uoots & Shoes, HATS &c CAPS, &c, Ac, Ac, CORNER MAIN DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest and most Complete Stock now on hand, of any store iu WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Ilavincr nurchaser mv stock i! the great decline in Gold, I can sell poods cheaper than any Drv Goods ir i . iiouse iu toe tin iiei'lons. lnranna purcliaini goods of me will uv 9.r percent. ji. r. t.I'.HJllELL. lidioute, April 11, 1870. 4.6m roil WORK neatly executed at thiaotlloe - hi. leanuimoiw ratOS Tii Republicm OITice KEEPS constantly ,n hand a large as Nortiiient ol I'.luiil r. i . ... ,ir "ecus, iiiorigages, Sulm-eims, Warrant,, Buuimous, Ac, to i" u rr JOB WORK DONE AT TnE "REPUBLICAN" OFFICE At ihe lowest cash prices, neatly, prompt' ly, and in style equal to that of any other establishment n the District. BUSINESS CARDS. SIIOW CARDS, VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL' CARDS' WEDDING CARDS,, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MOXTIILY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, p o:s T E R s , DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, SHIPPING TAGS, &n. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R On and after Mondav, Nov. lr., IRtM trains will run on this road as follows: LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. 11:55 a. M. accommodation leaves Newcastle at 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10:00 a. m. 10:25 a. M., Pitts m Ron ex., stops at all stations, and arrives at A. AO. W. R, p. Transfer At 1:1(1 p. m., at Newcastle at 3:15 p. in., and at Pittsburgh at 6:00 p. m. 5:05 a. v., accommodation, from James town, arrives at A. A (1. W. R. R. Transfer nt f.;4(i a. m., at Newcastle at 7:05 a. ni., and Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m.. Mixed Troln leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping nt all intermediate point and arriving at 10:15 a. m. LEAVE PITTSRCRGH NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M., krik kxprkss, leaves New castle at 10:00a. m., A. AO. W. R. R. Trans fer at 11:20 a. m., and arrives at Erie at 2:30 P. m making close connection for Bulla lo and Niagara Falls. 3:15 p. m. aocom mopation, lcavS New castle at 6M p. m , A. ft O. W. R R Transfer at 7:55 p. in., and Jamestown at :.! a. m., connects with mixed trains that arrives in Erio at 1:55 a. m. 6:.'0 p. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie and arriving at tiirard at 12:30 a. m.. and Erie at 0:66 a. m . Trains connect at Rochosterwith train for W heeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh eonneet ions for Philadel phia, Hiirrisburgh, Ualtimore and Wash ington via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. r.rie Express North, connects at Oirard With Clevclsml ami 1,'rla t...:..u itrA... - ... .v. uaiiia for ( ovcland, Chicago, and all pointa in i ii i ' r 1 'maoeipma Krle Ra road for Corry, Warren, Irvlngton, lidioute. tc. an. I ...1,1. i..ii..i. ...,' . Railroad for Rutlalo, Dunkirk, Niagara talis and New York City. F. N. FINNED, Oeuersj Bup't THE CELEBRATED WARREN RASE With its Special Attach. .nenta. the PUMPING & SHAKIMR flRRTC WARMING CLOSET AND FENDER' g-tj--A.r,:d co "uratfHl for if . Heliabiiity,1 Simplle Ity. I-.conom-j ,... r FULLER, WARREN & CO, -'.SVFACTUREUS, 236 Water St., New York.. . WARRANTER. REYNOLDSBR0ADHEAD& CO l Joutre Kt., opposite Post Olllee, DEALERS IX, FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS DMAS GOODS, CARPETING OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS & SHOES HATS A CAPS, TRIMMINGS NOTIONS, ETC.. ETC. WANTED-AGENTS, (?20 per rav, to sell the oelobrated UOMESIIL'ITI V SEWIN.i MACHINE. Has the r e , makes the "lock stitch" (alike on both sides) and is fully licensed. The and chi'Ki.KKt iViM.ii,, k;..,i ... ; , the market. A ii7l, V'u i!.. . "? Co.. liosuin, Mass., Pittsburgh Pa. Chi eKo, HI., or hit. Louis, Mo. fjj