i I - - - EDITOR, TUESDAY MOHING, JUNE 20. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. ton PURVEYOR C1ENERAL, ROBERT B. BEATII, of Schuylkill. Primary Meeting. At a meeting of tlio Republican County Committee, on Tuesday even ing May 23J, 1871, Saturday, July 22d, 1871, was fixed as the day for holding the Primary Meetings this year. The Republican voters of For est County will meet at the usual places for holding elections in each election district on Saturday, Julv, 22d, 1871, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to nom inate candidates for the follow ofliccs: One person for President Judge. , One person for sseinbly. One person for Co. Commissioner. One person for County Auditor. The Republican voters of each elec tron district tit the same time elect by ballot one person to serve ns a member of the County Committe for ono year, and return the name of such person and .bis vote in the some manner as those of the candidates for nomination. Each Election Board shall consti tute the newly elected member of the County Committe the Retum Judge of said district, who shall make his returns at the Court House, in Tiones ta, on Tuesday, July 25th, 187L, at 2 o'clock r, M., at which time the com mittee will also elect their Chairman for the ensuing year. Every Republican in Forest Coun ty is earnestly requested to turn out at the Primary meetings and assist in niminating good and efficient persons for the different offices. By Order of tiie Committee. Announcements for the offices of Assembly, Judge, Commissioner and Auditor are in order now, and will on ly cost as fallows : Announcement for President Judge, 3.O0. For Assembly, $5.00. For Comniisioner, $5.00. For Auditor, f 3.00. Terms cash in advance. Democratic- Nominations. The Democratic Primary meetings of Forest County were held on Satur day last. The delegates met at the Court House in Tionesta on Monday of this week, and stood as follows : Delegates for Jenks, 23 Delegates for Corbett, 7 Jenks was declared the choice of tho Convention. The Convention, after nominating and withdrawing several candidates for Assembly, at length adopted a resolution accepting the candidate put forth by Clarion county, D. B. Curll. Win. C. Neil!, of Harmony town ship was chosen as the candidate for County Commissioner. Jas. Flynn, of Green township was clrosen as the candidate for County Auditor. S. II. Haslet, W. W. Mason and J. C. Siggius w'crc chosen conferees to meet the Clarion and Jefferson con fciees on the judgeship. Tho Republicans of Armstrong county have nominated the following ticket : . President Judge, James A. Logan, Westmoreland county; Associate Judge J. M. Stevenson ; Assembly, P. K. Bowman ; Treasurer, John E. Ahvard; Commissioner, Wm. Lowry ; Auditor, J. R. Wright; County Surveyor, Alexander Gordon. The Republicans of Mercer coun ty have put in nomination the follow ing ticket : Assembly, Nathan Mor ford ; Associate Judge, Richard Carr; Treasurer, A. M. Clawson ; Commis Moner, John M'Clure; Poor Director, Arehy Henderson; Auditors, Addison Muse, for three years, II. A. Gamble, lor ous year; Surveyor, R. A.M'Kim. The Republicans of Indiana coun ty have nominated the following tick et: Senate, Harry White; Assembly, Dr. Thos. McMullin ; Associate Judges, J. 8. Nesbit; P. Dills; District Attor ney, W. R. Allison ; Commissioner, James M. Hank ; Register & Recorder, W . It. Black; Ireasurer, Jumcs M Sutton. Gen. Sherman, in a letter to the Now York Herald, says : "Now as to politics. I think all my personal friends kuow my deep seated antipathy to the subject, yet as you seem not to understand me 1 here' by state, and mean ail that I say, that I never have been and never will be a candidate for President: that, if uomi nated by either party, I should peremptorily decline, and even if unanimously elected, I should decline to serve. If you can find language stronger to roiivey this meaun:g, you ore at JIIKTIV to ue u. TV. R, DUNN - i It makes a man stagpar to read the Corry Republican. Drunkenness runs riot in that cily, and the city Treasury appears to be reaping large benefits from it. The following items are samples of Corry local items :' Richard Steward was again arrested Monday by Frank and Armstrong for being drunk on the streets. He part ed with five dollars, and was then al lowed to depart. Considerable complaint ,is being made In regard to tho selling of liquor on Sunday in this city. Our streets were disgraced by the presence of al together too many drunken men Sun day last, Richard Stewart, otherwise known as "Dick," got so drunk Sunday that Armstrong felt it his duty to "tote" him on his back from First Avenue to the Lock-up. He squared up accounts with tho city the next moning and was released. ' One Richard Freaney was arrested Sunday afternoon by ofliccrs McGraw and Fulkerson. He was in a heathen ish stato of intoxication, and was mak ing quite a disturbance by his drunk en pranks. He w as let "off the next moruing upon payment of costs. Major May discerned a man at the depot Tuesday who was apparently trying to put an end to his existence by running into a passing train. Mr. May took him to the Lock-up for enfo keeping, and he was released this morning. He gives his name as Da vid Kenneth, of Misford, Pa. He says he is trying to stop drinking, and his conduct was caused by an attack of delirium tremens. Mondny nbout 4 o'clock p. m., Tolicemen Frank described n mnn lv ing dead druak on the A. & G. W. ft. R. Ho would doubtless have been killed by the first passing train had ho not been discerned. He was taken to the lock-up, but afterwards discharged upon payment of costs. A man name Lester Lane was ar rested Monday by Armstrong on the charge of being drunk. He denied the charge next morning, and stated that he had taken only one drink dur ing the day. The man had been bad ly burned a railroad accident, and was a pitiful object. After a hearing he was discharged. We clip the following from the Venango Spectator Richard Riley, a brakeman on the Jamestown & Franklin Railroad, was killed near Hadley's on last Saturday. He was walking on the top of a box car when lie was knocked off by a bridge and thrown under the train, which pussed over him and horribly mangled his body. The unfortunato man, a new hand, had taken his place tho Monday preceding tho accident, and was a resident of Mercer county. The well on the Fislier Bros., Has son & Co. lease, at Brediusbug, for merly owned by Irwin & Ernst, struck last week, is now yielding 125 barrels daily. This strike is very encouraging to other operators and will no doubt stimulate tho work of development in that section. The obi well on this farm is yielding 100 barrels daily, aud bidsfuir to keep it up for a long time. In Petroleum Centre William II. Start got the start of Mary Jane Bal den in a love ali'air. The girl made a legal start for Start and Start has started liousekeping with Mary Jane according to law. The next event in the history of the Starts will be a lit tle Start-ling. Both parties are color ed. The Franklin Cornet Band insti tooted a new feature in the oil business ou last Friday. In the evening tbev took a trip to Bredinsbugand serenad ed the big well struck last week. W. W. Cruver, who runs a line of hacks between Franklin and Bredinsburg furnished the Band free transportation. We take the following items from the Titusville Courier: There was a row at the Brawler House on Saturday afternoon between two noted benzeuists, and one of them was pretty severely cut in the head and face with a knife. The police were sent lor, but the ottenders had left for parts unknown when the ofli ccrs arrived. Great excitement for a few moments, but nothing half serious cuough occurred to the parties engaged iu i ne micas. The Hot Blast Rocket, a new inven tion patented by Mr. James Dickey of Uil City, tor cleaning oil wells and in creasing tho production of the same, lias Deeu satistactonly tested. An ex. change says that it promises to super cede all other appliances for this pur pose. Crawford County System. The system of making nominations by a direct vote of the people, is the fairest and most honorable which could be adopted, because it represents the true idea ot .Kepublicanistn and self government, and because, also tho del egato system is corrupt, debased bv bad men, and without a single feature to commend it to the public confidence. iiut whenever dishonest politicians hold counties in their control, by the force of the delegate system, they have been loud iu declaring the Cawford county system of making nominations by a direct vote of the people, a failure, unj that the Republicans of Crawford Co., where the system originated, are disgusted with its operations. This plea has been tried a hundred times iu this county when an dibit has Lieu made to introduce the same system litre. Of courso there is r.o truth iu the allegation, as is shown in a recent election for the purpose of testing in Crawford cuuuty wlwthcr the mass of tho Republican party are willing to confess tliey aro not fit to judge who shall he their candidates for official position. At the election referred to, the vote was, for repeal 34; against repeal in favor of the pysteni, 2,227. Thia may b considered an overwhelm ilig majority in favor of the system in tho county which has used it the longest, having originated it. The ad vocates of the proposition to introduce this system in Dauphin county have now an argument which its opponents cannot answer. Let these facts be well known to the next Republican county convention. State Journal. We take the following from the Greenville Argus : John W. Fruit, government store keeper at the bonded warehouse of W, A. Law, a distiller of Jefferson Tp., this county, and living about four miles from Mercer, was arrested by special officer John Hcrron, of Pitts burgh, a few days ago, on a chargo of gross violation of duty while in tho employ of the government. It is alletred that he not onlv nermlttr.rl Imt aided and abetted Law iu the removal and sale of liqor from the warehouse upon w hich tho tax had not been paid, lie waived a hearing nn. nm ln;i ; the sura of $2,000 for his appearanco at mo .cioier term ot tho Luited States District Court. Daniel Keck of West Salem Tn la one of the oldest citizens of this county. ins ago is oo years. lie was a soldier of the war of 1812, and was a partici pant in 1 erry s letory on Lake Erie. Tho old mau still enjoys quito good health, and onlv a fe to town to make application for back rav recently cranted hv CVinwca tn soldiers of the war of '12. On Tuesday mornine ni nn oirlv hour, Mr. John L. Emery discovered a man hanging from a tree on the Irish farm, in the First Ward, New Castle, at a short distance from tho road. On examining the boJy it was found te bo that ofllenrv Slinnlr trim lived in the neighborhood of where the Douy was tound. We take the following items from the Clearfield Journal: Stiffert bad to nnv nrettv svr.1 o t , i j j for Ins crimes. small ns thov nnr He was last week tried for larceny, convicted, ana sentenced to one year a imprisonment in the Western Peniten tiary. Ho was then sentenced to one years confinement iu the same, for breaking jail, and one year for releas ing prisoners; making in all three years. The man, Smoke, who was also tried for larccney was convicted and sentenced to one year's confinement in the Penitentiary. On Thursday morning Thos. L. Waple Was taken before 'Sonim Pnrter on tho charge of placing obstructions on the railroad track, and. committed to jail to await trial. It appears that Waple was, sometime since, discharged from tho employ of the road at Wallaccton. fevernl t.i nips Bin no Waple's discharge, obstructions have ueen uiscovcreu on the track at various places, and suspicion fastened to tho latter. On Werlnoul-i v imrlit last, extra watchmen having been em ployed, Waple was discovered iu . 1 . 1 placing Eomeunng on the track, near Wallaccton, w here there is a fill, with high embankments on either tide. When Waple found that be was ilia. covered ho atteninted tn rarano hv nignt, dui ran right into the arms of .V . . 1 I T . nuotuer waicn. lie was just ono day too late for trial at the last week's term of court, and will have to wait until the September term. The chnrero is a crave one. nnd l.e will nn doubt, have to suffer the heavy penalty v. i :i.i.. .i i r mum no nciiijr uescrves lor ms fiendish attempt to wreak his npttv vengeance upon innocent and unsus pecting peopie. We take the following from the St. Mary's Cazette : Some days ago ns Mr. Thomas Tozicr wns crossing the "barrens" bo tween this place nnd Caledonia, he was suddenly brought to a halt by a couple of highwaymen, one of them seizing the bridle rein of his horse, while tho other demanded his money with a threat to put an end to him if ho did not hand over immediately. Mr. Tozier at once assured them that he did not have any money with him, they then released their prisoner, and ho moved towards his journey's end, while the lawless scoundrels probably laid iu wait for higher game. Ou last Thursday evening, as a party of men were leaving this place, for their home, the end board of their hack gave way, capsizing a keg of beer; they had not got fur away when they were notified of the fact, they wheeled their team and back they camo, put their beer aboard and on attempting to mnke the next turn at a rapid speed, one of their party was thrown from the hack, the front wheel passed over his breast and the hind oi.e over his neck. He was immediately placed back in the hack aud the party again started out of town at a fearful rate. The man was pretty badly m- jureu, out we ucar not latally. THE BIBLE HAND BOOK. Uy ALUEKT L. KAWSOX. No teacher, student, or bible reader should )e without a copy, aH the price place it within tho reach of all. nenta. (tn whom liberal commissions will ho giv en) wanted in every town and county in tl,o lund. Will furnish a (-ample copy", (with tenim to audits) by mail, postal prepaid, on receipt of the list price, fl.ftl). E. M. lilt CLE, No. is, X. 7th St. Phila. 7-4t. v;s:ms waxtisw 7OR " Convent l.ifo Unveiled, " by - Kdith O t;orniau. Kscancd Nun. u-linsu iliKcloKiires uro thrilling and Martini-?. I'liiiiklm l'nb. Co. 7IJ Chestnut St. f I'hiU, 7-It. Borough Auditor's Settlement. Tionesta Ttnrougu in aeconnt with V., V Pavi, Ksip, Treasurer of tho School Fund for the year lsi9. To amo ant of PuplirRto, 1,I19 29 Ordors, No. 'I J. Shrlvrr, building dnted Atnr. fl, 1S(W, fa 00 II. Mow, building dated Auft. .N, -18W, 66 77 II. II. Slow, building dated Aug. 5, 1HW, . 2 50 Mm. Kiddle. bnildingdatod , Aug. 11. isiig, i 2 60 J. W. If. noislngcr, rrint- ' ing Jan. 7, lsr.!, 1 00 I. M.Knox, school .Tan. 7, 'fl! 11 Hi " " " J uno It), " 2 00 " " 4 " 8 ' " 28 " 4 " ait " 27 " 23 28 ' 29 " 30 " 81 " 32 it ,T ;iti " 87 " !W aa " 40 " 41 4J " 43. nm ' r: iMircwin, TCBCIllllg July 22, ISO!), K. tlurgwin, tvachinir 50 00 Aug. 20, lSiiii, 50 00 E. lluigwin leaching Oct. fl, lHtl'.i, 50 00 K. Hurgwin, teaching ' Nov. 6, J mil), 60 00 U. Jluigwin, teaching Jan. 7. 1S70, 60 00 Jacob Wenk, building Jan. 27, 1870, 5 00 AV. F. Hunter, building Jan. 2S, 1K70, 5 00 K. Hiiruwin, teaching Jan. 2S, 1S70, . 50 00 J. 1). Apne w, cents Feb. S, '70 7 00 " ' " " ' 8 tl 11 11 11 11 i 11 H. J. Rold, srrvlcos " " ' 10 OO K. llurirwiu, teaching March 2. 1S70, 60 00 K. Hurgwin. teaching March . 1S70, 50 00 A. Hcniieagii, building 1870, 20 W) D. S. Knox .t Co., school June 1, 170, 09 30 A. C. Porter, school Julv 25, 1S70, 55 00 "V. V. Dimond, 1 !i. F. Rorh, plasferlntr, 2." 00 It. Kininet, cleaning house, 5 00 A. O. Porter, school Oct. 21, 1S70, 55 00 A. C. Portor school March 10, 1871, 60 00 Exonerations, 41 02 O. I). Mnbie, 2"5o Ferconuige allowed on Pli cate, 38 03 Percentage allowed Hunter " and others, 5 05 I'ercentage allowed nn or der Xo. 61, A. V. Porter, 2 50 Percentage allowed on or der No. 44, A. C. Porter, 2 75 A. C. Porter, school Orders, " 41 " CI 52 Aprils, 1871, 55,00 rcrcentiigo allowed on or der No. 62, A. C. Porter, 2 75 Amt of Cr. RECAPITULATION. fl,010 0: Tr. Cr. $S1,1I0 29 1,010 O: Hal. a 103 27 Vo tho undersigned Auditors having examined tno accounts of rc. lj. Davis, Esq., Treasurer of tho School Fund, with tlio vouchers papers and oilier evidence thereof have fouud the same to be just aud true, according to me anove statement. MILES W. TATE, J. T. PALE. ll-3t. ' Auditors, Borough Auditor's Settlement. Tionesta Borough in account with P. S. Knox, Esij., Treasurer of the Poor Fund lor 1110 year isou is,u. nr.. To amount of Puplicnte, 120 00 CR. Orders. No. 1 John A. froner. dated Jan. 8, 180'.), $12 00 " 0 Jacob wen K, dated Jan. 8, lWIK, 5 00 " 7 John Strouti, dated Jan. 17, 1870, 2fl 55 " 8 Jacob Wenk, 4 20 " 2 S. II. IlasletL dated Jan. 8, 180'J, 1 75 " 3 P. H. Knox ,t Co.. dated Jan. 8, 1800, 2 50 " 4 W. F. Hunter, dated Jan. 8, I81IO, 10 00 " 5 E. L. Pavis, dated Jan. 8, lbtitl, 2 55 15U1 11. Elliott, (Hed ease) dated Nov., 1S70, 33 " J. Wenk, (woman pauper) 3,50 and M. Hod, 70, 4 20 " Miles W. Tato, services in lied coso, 10 00 " J. Wenk, for acting as Over soer of Poor for 1870, dated Nov. 20, 170, 50 00 " D. 8. Knox, for acting as heeretary and Treasurer . of Overseer for 18i and . 1870, dated March 31, 1S71, 10 00 iietunuea on collection to W. A. Hilands, 8 IS Unseated tax, nolcollectablc, 4 13 Costs J. N. Tietsworth, (Hed case,) 6 70 Costs, W. A. Gifford. (Hod case, 6 03 W. E. Luthoy, services in Kcd easo, 50 00 Amt, ofC'r. KJX'AI'lrCLATIOM. $245 00 Cr. Pr. $2 '8 (16 120 00 Bal. due P. S. Knox, $128 00 We the undersigned Auditors having examined tho accounts of P. S. Knox, Es., Treasurer of tho Poor Fund, w ith the vouchors papers and other evidence tucreor, navo lound tho same to hejust and true, according to the above statement, MILES W. TATE, J. T. PALE, ll-3t. Auditors. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contain no LAC SULPHUR Xo SUGAR OF LEAD No LI TH AR O No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and u entire!; free from the Pouonom and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prejjuru Horn. Transparent and clear as crvstal, it will not soil the tinest fabric, perfectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFF1CI EXT desideratum LoNU SOLCillT FOU ANP FOUND AT LAST ! It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming tiray, imparta a sort, glossy ap pearance, removes pundriilf. is cimjI and refreshing to the head, chocks the Hair from fulling otf, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, euros all kuinors, cutaneous eruptions, ami unnatural heat. Ai A PKKNSING FOIl THE 1 1 A I K IT IS THE BEST AltTICI.K IX THE MAltKET. Pit. . SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mass, Prepared only by PKOCTElt BltoTH EHS, lilouccbler, Mass. Tlio genuine is put up in a panel bottle, mado expressly lor it, with tho name of tho article blown in tho glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Itcsturativ e, and tuko 110 other. jKir-Hond two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers tor u "Treatise on the Human Hair." Tlio information it con liims is worth fV.'O.nO to anr person. ERIE RAILWAY ! Abstractor Tiino Table, Adopted May 15th, 1871. NEW and tMPTtOVEn ' PRAWIVO BOOM and SLEEPING COACHES, eum bining all Modern Improvements, are mn throimh on all Trains .between Buffalo, Niagrn Falls, Suspension Bridgo, Clcvo lond, Cincinnati and New York. WESTWARD. STATIONS No. 1. No. 5. New -Writ Ivo 0 00 A. M. 11 00 A M Jersey City 9 15 " 11 15 ' ' Newark " ji (ir, 11 Patterson " . 1 Wi Tnrncrs " i 10 43 ' I .w pin! Ncwburgi 1140 a.m. PortJurvis Arr 11 65 " 8 f Binghamton " 3 51) " 0 17 " Elmita " 6 41 " JI R11 " r,rVi"!t .V 6 ' " 12 M. ItochesUir " 10 27 " BulValo " o 6t) " fl 20 " Ningarn Falls " I 6(1 7 10 Snsp. Bridgo - 12 00 M. 7 15 " Dunkirk 1 HO A, )f, 7 jy JainosUiwn Ivo II (HI p.m. fl 10 " S'.,i rr " 12 01 a. m. 7 ; " I nion " o j 11 Meadvilln " 1 25 " 0 so " Cleveland " 5 50 2 .10 " Payton 12 30 p. m. 7 25 " Cinuinuatl ' 2 45 " 10 15 STATIONS. New Yoik L'vo Jersey City ' Newark " Paterson " Turners " Newlmrgh " Port Jervis Arr Binghamtou " Elmira ' Coming " lloeliestcr " BulValo " Niagara Falls" Susp. llridge" PutiKirk " No. 7. 6 30 p. m, 6 45 " 6 40 No. 8. 7 00 V. M, 7 20 " 25 " 7 45 Sup. 9 10 Sup. 6 30 p. m. 9 20 ' 10 30 p. M. 2 21 A. M. 3 13 A. M. 4 40 " 6 1.-, 5 20 " 55 9 55 A. M. 0 65 " 11 20 11 ) 12 15 r. M. 12 15 " 12 25 " 12 25 " 12 53 12 53 Jamestown Ivo 11 3(1 a. m. 11 iiii a. m. Uorry " 12 50 p. m. 12 50 P. M. 1 nion " 1 15 1 15 Meadvillo " 2 20 Pin. 2 2i) Pin. Cleveland " 7 20 r. m. 7 20 r. M. Payton " 4 05 a. 111. 4 05 a. 111. Cincinnati " 0 30 " 0 30 " Additional Local Trains Westward. 6:30 A. M., except Sundays from Sala manca. Stopping nt Bed llouso 7:15, Stcatnhiirg 7:50, Bandolpli 8:25, Kennedy !;., Jamestown 1 1:00, Ashvillo ll:3o, Pananm 12:25 p. 111., 01 rant 12:40, Freeliohl 1:0S, Colli minis 1:12, Corry 2.17, Concord 2.4.1, Union 3.12, Mill Village -M 2, Millers 4.55, Cambridge 5.24, Venango 5,40, Saeger town 0.03, and arriving at Meadvillo at 6.30 p. 111. 12.30 P. M., dnilv, from Salamanca. Stopping at lied House 1.07, Stcamhurg 133, Randolph 2.10, Kennedy 2.48, James town 8.3:1, Ashvillo 4.13. 'Panama 4.35, (rant 4.50, Freehold 6.13, Columbus 6.45, Corry (1.05, Concord 6.32, Union 7.15, unit arriving at Meadvillo at 10.20 p. in. 4.0() P. M., duilv, from Salamanca. Stopping ot Red House 4:23, Steamburg 4:40, Bandolpli 4:57, Kennedy 5:22, James town 6:50, Ashvillo 6:15, 'Panama 6:!0, (irant (1:37, Freehold 6:60, Columlius 7:10, Corry 7:22, Union 8:00, and arriving at Meadvillo at 0:50 p. m. . EASTWARD. STATIONS. No. 12. Xo. 4. Cincinnati L'vo 9 45 p. 111. Payton " 12 03 a. 111. Clovcland " 7 25 " Meadvillo " 1 :i2 Pin. Union ' " l' 27 p. 111. Corry " 12 50 " Jamestown " 1 40 " Dunkirk " 1 25 " Susp. Bridtro ' 1 40 ft 35 p. m, Niagara Falls " 1 48 " 6 42 " Bulliilo ' 2 40 14 fl 25 " Boi'hester ' 4 CO " 6 40 Hornellsvillo " 6 03 Sup. 10 20 " 4'omlng " 7 33 p. in. 1148 " Elmira " 8 10 " 12 20 a. tn. iiingimniton " 10 (is " 2 -ill PortJorvis Arr 2 53a.nl. 7 05 Newburgli n 40 n. m. Turners " 0 05 ltft. Paterson " B 50 " 10 13 a. in. Newark " 7 mi " 2 05 p. m. Jersey City, " ,H3 " 10 63 a. 111. Now York " 7 CO a. in. 1110 a. in. STATIONS. No. 8. Xo. 2. Cincinnati L'vo 1 15 p. ni. Payton " fi 45 a. 111. 3 28 " Cleveland " 3 35 p. ni. IOOO " Meadvillo " 8 10 Sup. 2 35 a. in. Union " Corry " 9 35 p. ni. 4 05 ' Jamestown " 10 30 " 6 02 " Dunkirk " 10 00 " Susp. Bridge " 6 40 " N iugara Falls " 0 00 " BulValo " H 20 " 7 (H) " Itoi'liester " 8 54 " Hornellsville " 2 68 a.m. 9 43 " Corning " 4 25 " 10 65 ' Elmira " 5 04 " 11 30 " Bingliamton " 7 00 " 1 22 " Port Jervis Art 1140 " 6 25 " Nowburgh " 8 :10 " Turners " 1 18 Pin. 6 43 Sup. Putorson " 2 20 p. m. 7 38 p. ni. Newark " 5 15 " Jersev City " 2 55 " 8 12 " Now York " S 10 p. tn. 8 30 p. in. 12:01 A. M., except Rundnys, from Mead villo. Stopping at Union 2:33, Corry 3:40, Columbus 4:13, Freehold 6:05, rant 6:33, Panama 5:55, Ashvillo 6:33, Jamestown 7:05, Kennedy 7:47, Itandotph 8:25. Steam burg 8:55, Itodhouso 0:20, and arriving at Salamance at 0:55 a. in. 6:25 A. M., except Sundays, from Mend villa. SUipjiinit at Saegertown 5:55, Venango 6:l.i, Cambridge (M2, Millers7,02, Mill Village 7:25, Union H;04, Concord 8:15, Corry 9:30, Columbus 9:50, Freehold VI,?M, Gra.it 10:57, Panama 12:03 p. in., Ashville 12:27, Jamestown 2:05, Kennedy 3:00, Ban d' ljih 8:50, Steamburg 4:40, Bed House 6:2o, and arriving at Salamanca at 6:55 p. 111. 1:10 r. M., except Sundays, from Mead villo. Stopping at Saegertown 1:38, Venango 2:10, Cambridge 2:20, Mltlers2:.'t(l, Mill Village 2:50, Union 3:13, Concord 3:112, Corry 3:55, Coluiiiipus 4:05, Freehold 4;:)5, Grant 4:50, Panama 5:12, Ashville 5:27, Jamestown 0:OO, Kennedy 0:45, Randolph 7:17, S "eunil ill rg 7:40, Bed HousoS:00, and arriving ut Salamanca 8:30 P. M. " Daily. L. D. RDCKER, WM. R. BARK, Ciun'lSup't. Oen'i Puss'rAg't. 50O -VOLUMES IX OAK. AGENTS WANTED The Library of Poetry and Song, Being Choice Selec'ions from the Best Poets, English, Scotch, Irish and Ameri can. Willi an Introduction by WILLIAM CULLEN BltYANT. VTnder whose critical supervision tho volume was compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscrip tion .book extant. Over hoo pages, beauti fully printed, choicely illustrated, hand. Homely hound. A Library of over 61)0 volumes in one book, whoso contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never grow old r stale. It can be, and will be -I read aud re-read with pleasure by old and young, as long as its leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise Scarcely anything all ull a favorite, or at all worthy of place hero, is neglected. It is a book for every household." A'. 1'. Mail. "we know of no imilar collection in the English language which, in copious ness and felicity uf selection and arrange ment, can ut all compare Willi it." JN'. 1'. Times. Terms liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. B. FORD .t CO., 27 Park PI111.11, N. Y. J line 0, lsyi. g O ? SO o fe - o o to O j u a" E g c 1 a; CO I po ft M 0 o O Ph Q W W a a o o tn tn 3 .Q O ) r3 9 f) o -5 3 o o 3 yA 0 (h n H pM H CD 2 O 173 s "5 rt s o - 2 o Ifts o o o E-5 c -- iS r W C3 "TV W - 5 'Bo4' B -a "42 a a CO s CD TIDIOUTE TEA ST ORE I The place to buy every varloty ef the VERYBEST TEAS AT Till L O WEST PRICES, la at tha extensive Tea Stora ot II. T. CHAFFEY, where you can alwfly find a larg assort ment o'f the best Teas at New Y'ork prl. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions .. ..i.l 1 .... 1 ;i .. .1 .,1.... 1 J II I III. I (, I HI II 111.11 I J A I I VI I II,-1FITW,B l,.Y ll.T other store in Warren eountv, always oit hand. Tho peojilo of Foresf county will save inoucv bv nurchosinir their unnlies" at this place. Best brands of FAMIL ? FLO US, delivered at any depot on tho Ilneoftho R it. ireo. Store on Main St. near tho Depot. THE BOOT AND SH O STORE. IK YOU WANT a perfect fit and a good article of Hoots and Shoos, of the AuwH woi kmunship, go to II. L. MeCAXOrS, 8ft CENT BE STBEKT, OIL CITY, PA. Mlall afactlnn iruiirn nteed. 2-.13 tf. AND R E W S &C 6 T, Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PKAI.KIISIK HARD-WARE, Ac, Vc, At., TIDIOUTE, VA., jonx ArRcwa. h. rianna. G. W. TIFFT SONS I lb? ENGINES, 12, 10, s iimsi3 rowEiv AviTii on wiTnoui LINK AND COVERNOR. BOILERS, 21, 11, 12 aud IO II. P. LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. IO, 2G, 22, nml IS II. P., STATION All Y TUBUL4.R K. BRETT SON, ACTS Koom No. 2, Chos & Ktowart'sBloek, S6-3in TiTUSVILLH, PA- . V. 1 I.Alt K, TIIDIOTJTE!, PAl WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, An.d Denier in WATCHES, JEWELUY, A5D MUSICAL INSTltUMENTS. Eepairing Jono iu a workmanlik manner aud warranted to give tatis faction. 4.1 . j READY EOH AGENTS Tho book that is celling. Tho cheapest and best. History of tho lato war, in both English and Oerman, l'rofusely Illustrated, only f-,00. Cine airent reports 38 orders in two (lavs Aot quickly and coin money. A. I I. Hubbard, l'ublieher, 400 Chestnut St.. 1'1'iln. 4i-4t $10 FROxAI 15 CTS.1 12 samplos sent (postage paid) for fiO cents tnat retail readily for flO. It. L Wolcott.181 Chatliam .Sq., K. Y. l"-4t PIIOTOGRAPII GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING TUE HOLMES HOL'SB, Tionesta, Pa., M. (3ARPENTER, . . . Proprietor, Pictures tukou In all the latest at vies 0 the art. 20-tf NO HCE. Whoreas letters testamentary to tho estate of II. V. A. Htingle, lato of Kuigsloy Township, doe'd, havo been granted to tlio subscriber, all persons in debted to said estate arc rouested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tho estate of said decedent, will make kuo4b and pre sent tho same without delav, difly authen ticated to I'lilCD CK, I.EDAlKHli, Esecutor. " 1 ui-l.-v To-nl,i., 1