The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 13, 1871, Image 3

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    foe $w$t . gtpuMtoro.
Thirds II. TT. Mat.
Coime i7meJaeobNhrlvpr, J. ft. Strotip,
Vf. W, Diinond. H. II, Haslet, J. Winans.
Jiuiticea of the l'caceVf. P. Morellliott,
D. H. Knox.
Omatable3. N. Teitsworth.
AcAoot Director 3. Winans, J. A. Dale,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlver, 1). S. Knox,
H. 1. Irwin.
rrntUlent JudaejKHi Cami-buM..
Aisocitt;julgcJ. A. .FlioPKR, AX
rf.w Cook.
District Attorney W. W. MAon.
rretwitrer S. Kktlky.
frothonotnry, ltcgiater C .Recorder, Te.
a,mm.nVnrrii-N.:P. Wnr.Kt.en, Bknj.
Elliott, Pkteh Munrn.i.ioTT.
County NuperintenrtcntH. K. RoHnKll.
Jury Commiaainncra Jas. Gilfii.lia!,
Ownfi Nnrvrior fl.T). TRWIH.
(kroner Josiaii Winans.
County uHtora L. L. Hackett. EU
tiot.KMAN, Wl. CI.AUK.
Member of Vongrta YMh Diatnetr-Q. W.
State .Senate W. A. Watxaok.
AtaewblyJoax Q. Hall.
' -.Arrive. Depart.
Mali l.'JOp.m. 1.2.1p.m.
xpress 6.40 p.m.
01fta SOUTH.
Arrive. Popart.
Express 10.04 a. in. IO.Oi a. m.
Mail 3.16 p.m. 3.110 p. m.
Mrs. 8. S. Ilulingshaaour thanks
for a beautiful bouquet sunt to our of
fice on Monday.
A. B. Hill ban closed out hia
blacksmith business here, and is work
ing up at Hickory,
Judge Dale and A. II. Steele have
bscn to New York for about a week
on business connected with the Pitbole
Valley Railway.
Grove fc Wolcott are going to
put their well on the Sowers Farm,
down one hundred and forty feet fur
ther, and expect to fiud lots of oil.
J. AY. Stroup has finished the job
raisinir Cant. Knox's erounds about
his resMeucc, with earth taken from
cellar beneath said house.
Thara Savago has taken a mill
on branch of the Big Coon, which
will probably keep him in business for
some years to come.
G.'.W. Dithridge contemplates
V ' A "t - . . 1 I.-
, moving ma lamity to town, uuu we uo-
' lievehe will occupy the Shreve house
on the other side of the creek.
J. N. Tcitsworth lias built a new
new feucp around his premises lately,
which lends to the enchantment to the
We were mistaken last week in
aaying that Mr. Sawyer had the job of
fixing up the store under the Good
Templar's Hall. Mr. Jas. Hulings
did the work.
Butlers' Meat Shop is not run
mug. It stnnds there on the corner
like a Roman Sentinel, grave and silent
and dispenses no meat to the hungry
of our place.
AYe notice in a report of the
Decoration of Soldiers' Graves, at
Union Mills. Erie Co., Rev. A. J.
Merchant, formerly stationed here, de
livered the oration.
We find the following in the court
proceedinM of Venango county : "J.J,
Fisher vs. W. J. Roberts, etal. Sum
xnons of ejectment. Tried, and ver
diet for defendant." Both parties live
here, and we believe the property un
ler dispute is the building now occu
pied by Mr. Fisher as a store building
W. C. Plummer, Esq., formerly
editor of the Titueville Star, recently
assumed the editorial management of
the Titusville Courier. Those of our
readers who were here a year ago, on
Decoration Day, will remember that
Mr. Plummer delivered thu oration on
that occasion, which was said to have
been a master effort. We wish him
Information Wanted. On Thurs
day, May 4th, Charles VanDresar of
Concord, an inmate of DansviUWator
Cure establishment ; where he was un
der treatmeut for mental derangement,
left there and has not. been heard of
since. He is a middle aged man, about
. .1 foot 9 inches in height and slightly
demented. Any information of his
whereabouts will be thankfully rcceiv
ed by bis sister, Miss Kate Van Dresar,
Corry, Ta.
A new school house is to be put
up immediately, on the site of the one
which was burned down latt spnug,
up the river, in Hickory township,
Work, we understand commenced yes-
terday, and we are told that this house
will be insured, and in case it is burn
ed down the loss will not again full so
heavily on the community. No ar
rests have ever been made on accoun
of the other house, notwithstanding the
fact that all whom we have talked
with from that fcectiou, agree that the
fire must have been the work of au
AcctiF,NT on Stewart's Run. A
workman named Brown, employed on
Jeff. Kendall's well, on Stewart's Run,
caught his foot in the bull wheel last'
Friday and badly fractured the bones
of his leg. Yesterday the foot was
amputated to save the man's lif'o. He
is still in a precarious condition.
Titwwille lferald.
The above is the same case which we
noticed last week, and we kept our
sclf posted in regard to the condition
of the limb by inquiring, from time to
time of Dr. Winans, who had charge
of tho case ; consequently, as tho re
ports had been favorable to the saving
of the limb, we were astonished tg
learn that amputation had been per
formed. Two physicians from Titus
ville, performed tho operation, and it
seems that they had not been sent for.
The case was in Dr. Winans' hands,
and in case amputation became ne
cessary, he was to send for one of the
Titusville Doctors, the same who had
assisted him in reducing tho fracture,
to help with the operation. He ar
rived at the house where tho patient
is, just after the Titusville practitioners
had left, and while the patient was
till under the influence of chloroform.
They seemed to bo in a hurry to get
away before Dr. Winans arrived, and
just accomplished tho feat. Dr.
Winans mado inquiries, and examined
the limb, but could hear of, or see no
gns. of mortification or unusual
swelling. Add to this that the sur
geons had not been sent for, and had
no interest in the case, and the ap
pearances are decidedly against them.
Dr. Winans says that the limb miyht,
eventually, have had to come off, and
it might have been saved. At all
events, the amputation was premature,
and has a blood-thiisty aspect about
it that is not relished iu these times of
We mentioned last week, that J.
N. Teitsworth had purchased an inter
est in tho Sowers well. We have since
heard that the other party backed out
and there was nc sale.
Treasurer Setley is busy canvass
ing the county and giving the citizens
thereof a chance to pay their taxes, he
is to-day, (Tuesday), at Allender
School House, in Harmony Township.
Charles Hinton is piling up oil
barrrele in front of his cooper shop at
the lower end of town, at a great rate.
He informs us that sale for them is
quite slow now, on account of so much
oil being shipped in bulk.
The Winner well, of which we
spoke last week, commenced to test,
and met with an accident something
occurring to disarrange their tubing,
consequently the test has not yet been
It is mournful to contemplate the
mouth of the Tionesta chuck full of
rafts, with not enough water to float
more than hnlf of them. We may
still have a June flood, although the
lumbermen are rather despondent.
M. Henry, Esq., rode to Hemlock
the other day with his linen coat on,
to see if he couldn't bring on a rain,
but he couldn't fetch it. He says he
never knew the experiment to fail be
The property at the mouth of
little Tionesta is under litegation at
present, and Mr. Reck will not begin
operations there until the difficulty is
settled. Frank Reck has cone up to
Red Brush, we believe te work on
saw mill.
J. B. Agnew has sold out his store
to a Mr. Davis, of Tylersburg, Mr.
Davis will continue the business in the
same place. The Prothonotary found
the business of his office pressing too
heavily upon him, and so disposed of
his outside business.
The following is the ticket naumi
nated by the Republican Primary
Election of Crawford county, on the
2d inst :
For Representatives, Dr. J. H. Gray,
W. B. Gleason ; For Treasurer, L. II
Metcalf: for Commissioner, Titus
Ridgway; for Auditor, D. D. Wil
The sums subscribed to the M. E,
Church in Tionesta, Pa., at tho day of
Dedication, full due the 15th day of
Juno, inst. Those who have not al
ready paid can get receipts in full by
calling on the Treasurer, Miles W
The first races of the Driving
Park, of Titusville took place last
week, and passed off to the satisf'tic-
tion of everybody, especially thoso
who won the purses. The foot race
which we mentioned last week, came
off and the man made a mile in five
minutes and thirteen seconds, but dur
ing the best half of the race was as
tinted by hanging on behind a buck
board, which his brother drove. The
judges refused to decide the case, and
Wilkes Spirit and other sporting pa
tiers were wnttcu to lor decisions in
regard to it.
On Saturday the 5th lost., the
Rev. N. Mignalt, Catholio Priest of
Titusville, committed an agravated as
sault on his niece, Miss Ida Menard.
She wanted to go to Canada to visit
her mother ; the Priest did not want
her to go ; she attempted to slip away
and leave tho priest in the lurch. He
misHcd her and searched and found
her in a neighbor's house under a bed.
He dragged her out by tho hairk nock
ed her down with his cane, and broke
tho cane, a heavy one, beating her.
He was arrested, but the neice refused
to prosecute, and the Rev. Father was
discharged. An investigation of his
conduct was had, which cleared him
of all blame in the matter. The Her
ald accused the investigating commit
tee of being personal friends of the
Preist, and asked that a fair investiga
tion be had. This was granted, and
five members were chosen by the Triest
and five by the Herald men. The in
vestigation was to have taken place on
Friday last, and the Herald promUed
to give a full report of the findings of
the committee, but we have looked in
vain in Saturday's paper for any men
tion of the affair. We had been watch
ing the cause with interst, and cannot
account for the Herald's silence in
Bowman's store, at Hickory, was
broken into, on Friday night a week
ago, and fifty dollars in money, and a
lot of good's, consisting of neckties,
laces, summer shawls, shirts, clothing,
boots Ac, were taken. The thieves
went in at a cellar window, removing
tho grating, went up the stairs, cut a
hole through tho door into the
store, turned the key, and proceeded
to go through the store. Some tracks
were seen about the store next morn
ing, but no other clue, as to who the
perpetrators were, appeared. arrests
have been made.
We this week give place to a cor-
respodence from Clarington, which
reached us just too late for last week's
issue. The mail arrangements between
the old and the new part of this coun
ty are very imperfect, a week being
required in almost all cases to get mail
matter through either way. Could
there be some improvement made in
the route it would be productive of
business between the two portions of
the county, which is not now transact
ed by reason of tho difficulties exper
ienced in communicating.
On Tuesday evening last we were
visited by a rather refreshing shower,
which, however, did very little good,
as there was not enough' of it. We
fear a drouth. We are informed that
grass and oats are a fuilure in this
county now, on account of the dry
weather, and other crope will follow if
we do not soon get rain in good quan
tities. x. o. we wrote the above on
Saturday. A fine shower came on
Sunday afternoon.
-vnue going to iitusvule on
in i m . ...
Wednesday last, W. W. Dimond, who
had his horse hitched with Mabie's
pony, to a light buck board, got spill
ed out, and run over, but not hurt.
II. W. Roberts who was trying to
catch the pony, got a slight rap on the
left leg, which mado him walk bias-
wise for a day or two. He is now
using his gait regularly.
On Tuesday and Wednesday of
of last week, three men started from
Minister, and cleared the stones out of
the road tu this place. At Newtown
Wheeler & Duseubury cleared tho hill
ana tne new road at iCoss Kun was
tolerably clear, but the rest of the
way there was some pretty lively grub
biug necessary.
One day last week Mrs. Knox
baked up a large crock full of cookies,
and set them in the pantry for future
use. Tho some night some one raised
the window of the pantry, and stole
all the cookies, leaving the crock. The
light-fingered individual was evidently
hungry, and Mrs. Knox thinks he
must have had a big mouth for cookies.
Having sold out my business, and
being about to leave the place, I re
spectfully request all indebted to me
to call and settle at once, and oblige,
W. W. Dimond,
50,000 lbs Wool Wanted,
At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the
highest price in goods or cash will be
paid. They have just received the
agency for an Eastern Huube, and
want all the wool they can possibly
get. Take your wool there and get
good prices.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated." Iuiuau Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
To Nebraska, California, and Kan
sas, and the B. &. M. R. R.
The "Burlington Route," so called,
ies, right in tho path of the Star of
Empire. It runs almost immediately
iu tho center of the great westward
movement of emigration. Crossing
Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Mis
souri river at three points.
These three points are the gateways
nto three great sections of the trans-
Missouri region. -
The Northern gato is Omaha, where
tho great Pacifiic road will take you
to the land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
The middle gate is Plattsmouth,
which opens upon the south half of
Nebraska, south of the Tlatte river, a
region unsurpassed on the continent
for agriculture and grazing. Just here
are the B. &. M. Railroad lands, con
cerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land
officer at Burlington, Iowa, can give
you all information, and in the heart
of them is Lincoln, the State Capital
and present termiuus of tho road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connections with the St. Joe Road
at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe
and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and make all
connections. It runs the best of coach
es, Pullman Palace and Pullman Din-
ng cars, and should you tako the
journey tor the journey s sake alone,
you will be repaid ; or take it to find
a home or a farm, and you cannot fiud
either better than among the B. & M.
ands, where you can buy on ten years'
credit, and at a low price.
For Sale. The house and lands
known as the "Christie Properly," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
are for sale. Terms cash or approved
security. Apply to
John A. Dale,
President Tionesta Savings Bank,
Tionesta, Pa.
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all the binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Sstnplcs
can be seen at this office.
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Mcadville,
Pa., is selling ' Watches, ' Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds &c, at 20 per cent
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens hare patronized him, and find
hiin "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
tcr and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block
For Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Thaber Engine and Boiler ill good or
der. Inquire of D. S. Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, Pa,
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of. Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
Improved for tS7C.
Thin Machine boa never competed at
any Nationul orSUiui ruir, or treat trial
without havuiK received tho irHt frenn
mil. and has boon awarded a greater nuiu
ber of Medals than any other machine now
be lore me puuuu,
TionoHta, Pa.
Over ono thousand illustrations. Tho
largest lxwt Helling, and most attraetiv
subwiiiition bixjk ever iiulilUhcd. On
uiri nt in Denver. Colorado, sold 10U ill foil
davs. One acnt in Miiwaukie kold 'M
copies in ono-half day. and u largn unm
ix, r trom 'M to 30 copies per day. Send for
Circulars, witli tonus at onee. Address, U.
tS. l'ulilishliig Co., 411 llrooino St., K. Y.
SU USCKl ilk tor tho " Foi uwT RVjrabliern
It will pay.
DH Creek & Allegheny Rlier Ry
OX AND AFTER Monday June 5, 1871,
Trains will run aa follows;
STATIOHS: lit Class. 2'1 Class.
4 2 6 10 14
a. tin. a. in. p. ni. a. in. a. m.
v;orry o i.- u wi
Hpartnnsburg 6 42 11 85
Olynilen DM 11 47
6 AO
8 00
0 10
0 30
0 54
6 24
6 87
6 4fl
A 65
7 10
7 25
Centrevillo 7 01 II to
7 13 12 03
7 2T 12 1ft
7 So 12 25
11 00
11 20
7 42 12 4.1
8 02 1 03
7 40
7 fi!
8 03
8 10
8 23
6 1ft 11 35
fl 5-r 12 15
7 20 12 20
7 40 12 43
7 55 1 05
Miller Farm
8 07
8 17
8 2o
1 08
1 IN
1 25
Pet Centre
8 28
8 35
8 40
1 28
1 35
I 38
8 30
8 3
8 42
8 10
8 20
8 30
8 40
9 00
9 05
9 20
1 65
2 10
2 25
2 40
2 55
3 00
3 20
8 40
4 25
Tnrr Farm
Kyml Farm
I8 40 1 44 8 50
KM 1 41) KM
m i 53
u 10 a 05
9 oo
Oil City
0 15 2 10
9 45 2 34
9 50 2 40
9 69 112 50
10 15
11 10
11 .12 4 50
11 38 4 60
H ickory
10 23 3 12
10 41 8 82
12 30 5 37
1 20 6 15
1 45 6 43
2 24 7 10
Trnnkeyvllle 10 64
8 41
TlUioute 11 11
3 58
12 01 4 40
4 05 8 40
No. 16 Titusville 2.10 p. m.t Miller 2.50;
Pioneer 3.20; I'et Outre 3.33; Columbia
4.15; Tarr Farm 4.23; Kynd Farm 4.37;
Koimevillo 4.5o; Oil Llty 6.20.
JNo. ixirrv a. in.: Tunsvuie .3a;
Miller Farm 9.25; Tot Centre 9.48; Colum
bia 10.13; Tarr Farm 10.18; Kynd Farm
10.27: Kouseville 10.35: Oil Citv 11.00.
Iso. is ret centre l.zs p. in.; coiumnia
1.50; Tarr Farm 2.05; Kynd Farm 2.10;
ltousev 110 2.3C: Oil Citv 3.00.
JNo. 22 OH City o,su a. m.j uioopona
7.25; Tionasta 8.54; Trunkejvllle 10.15;
Tidioute 11.11.
STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class.
3 1 13 9
ra. p. m p. m. a. ni. a. in.
12 45 5 05 6 00 7 45
1 28 6 47 7 20 9 05
1 45 6 05 8 05 10 15
1 54 1,6 15 !8 20 10 44
2 14 0 34 8 45 11 40
Faille Hock
12 35 M 65 119 30 12 21
2 38 6 69 9 35 12 32
2 47 7 08 10 05 1 03
S 15 7 35 10 55 1 60
Oil City
0 00 3 20 7 40 11 30
6 13 0 32 7 55 11 50
G 10 3 35 7 50 12 00
(0 20 3 40 ,8 04 12 25
2 10
2 25
2 30
2 40
2 65
3 10
8 20
Kvnd Farm
Turr Farm
H 8 45 8 10 Vi 88
!0 29
3 41) 8 14 12 48
8 55 8 21 1 05
0 34
Pet Centre
0 30
0 42
0 62
0 60
t7 15
7 35
7 44
7 67
8 05
3 59 8 23
4 00 8 30
4 15 8 40
4 20 8 44
4 40 9 05
1 25
1 45
2 00
2 15
2 45
3 05
3 20
3 60
4 10
4 30
4 50
6 50
a 33
3 45
4 15
4 40
6 20
Miller Farm
4 45
4 55
5 08
5 17
15 27
9 10
9 20
l9 34
9 60
8 14
Spartausburg 8 24
5 38 10 02
0 10 10 32
Corry 8 65
No. 15 Oil City 6.55 a. m.; Rousovlllo
7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbia 7.5P; Pet
Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 0.25;
Titusville 9.55.
No. 7 Titusville 9.00 a. m.; Corrv 11.25.
No. 11 Oil Citv 11.20 a. m.; Uouseville
11.45; Kynd Farm 11.53; Tarr Farm 12.03;
Columbia 12,10; Pot Centre 12.20; Miller
1.25; Titusvillo 2.00; Corry 4.42 p. in.
No. 21 Tidioute 12.45 p. m.; Trunkey
ville 1.45; Tionesta2.43; Olcopolis4.25; Oil
City 6.20.
() Trains do not atop, (fl) Stop on signal,
ft) StoD for meals.
Trains 5, 6, 21 and 22 run daily ; all other
trains aauv except Biinuays.
N. B. Train No. 19 is au Express from
Titusville to Corry.
No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without
No. 1 Direct to rhiladolphia without
No. 5 Diroct from Pittsburgh without
No. tt Diroct to Pittaburk-h without
Superintendent. Uen'l Manager.
fS AND AFTER Monday, June 5, 1871,
vy Trains will run as follows :
STATIONS. No. 2. No. 4,
Oleopoliv, 10.46 m S.40 p m
isennett, 10.88 " s.M
Woods 10.30 " 8.18
Prathers Mill 10.24 " 3.10
PitholeCity 10.10 2.55
Pithole Citv, 8.40 a m
Prathers Mill 8.48 "
Woods 8.50 "
Bennett 9.02 "
OlooncliS 0.1 "
No. 1. No. 3.
1.40 p m
An Extra Train leaves Pithole City on
Saturdays at 6.10 p. ni. making close con
nection at Oleopolis with Trains on the Oil
Creek A Allegheny River Railway forOor-
ry ana intermediate points.
"Return Train leaves Oloopolis at 7.15 p
m.. Kt-ri vinir at Pithole Citv at 7.51.
All other Trains make close connections
at Oleopolis with trains on thu Oil Creek A
Allegheny River Builway. North and
Two TJnos of Stnarcs run dailv between
PitholeCity, Miller Farm anil Pleasnnt
ville, inuki'iigconucction with arriving and
departing Trains. J. 1. lltAi it,
Fill. BISHOP, Sup't
Ticket Agont, Pithole City, Pa.
The New X X. Revolver, No. 1 22-100
Cal No. 2 32-100 Cal., short, No. 8 82-100
Cal., long, No. 4 38-100 Cal., for Pocket
Revolvers, arunurjiimiitl. They us the
ordinary Copper Cartridge and are beaull
ful iu shape and nnish.
41-l0O Cal., baa no equal as a Derringor.
Full and complete stock of
Guns, Bifles, Pistols, Ammuni
tion and Sportsmen's Goods,
Manufactured by
jn:mvi v a 111 i.ih.ut,
83 Chambers and 05 I'uado Streets,
Send for Catalogues. ,NEV "YORK.
DEAFNESS, Catarrh Rcrofuln. A lady
who had Buttered lor years from I leaf
lioss, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by
a aimplo remedy. Her sympathy and
gratitude prompts her to vend the receipts
tree ot chni'uc to unv one siniilarl v alllii'l
ed. Address Mrs. M. C. Leggutt, Jcrsy
City, N. J. 6-Jl
Waiitimr I'limlovmoiit. at from .ro to 81f0
nor month., should address y.KBil.KK A
Mcd'HDV, I'hilu, Pa. 7-U
WK are now receiving larirn stock of
i Musical Merchandise, consisting or
And a full line of
We are Agents for
Stclnwoy & Sons,
Cliickering A Hons,
Knnbe & Co.
and fill all orders of other manufaeliireni
if desired, at tho lowest rates. We have
the celebrated
of Boston, the finest nw?D inmtrfmekt
yet introduced, which we pan sell on very
reasonable terms. A lnrjfo stock of Select
Sheet Music always on hand.
Our Instruments need no notice at our
hands, as they have been before tho world
for twenty to"thirtv3'cnrs. Wk warrant
THEM FOR FIVE TEARS, and will sell on
monthly payments, exchange for second
hand instruments, or for CASH if urired.
We shall bo pleased to show our goods
to all who may luvor ns wun a can.
40-tf. Opera House Titusville
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
"GREAT FORTUNES' crows stead
11 v In nubile favor. It Is tu E Hook for the
dav, and soils readily despite hard times,
Sevonth edition now ready. A recent
airent's report is 50 orders in one dav. Prol.
J no. T. Heed sava of it "I know of noliook
aave the bible, ihut I can rocommend so
oarnostlv and eonsciencioiislv to all class
es." Prospectuses of this book, also of the
ever popular "l'hysleal Liiteor woman,
and the "latest, best Biid chennost" Illus-
traded Family Bibles FREE to all who
mean work.
NOTICE. SfTccessful agents will rcceiv
first ehoico of territory on Row llenr
Ward Boecher's coming preat work, "Iile
of Joans, the Christ." Write at once to
UEO. MACLEAN, Publisher.
7-15 719 Sansom St., Philadelphia.
A;i:rs wasti;
T-vm Convent Life Unveiled.
J. Edith O'Oormau, Escaped Nun, whose
disclosures are tlirlilitiK and startling.
Franklin Pub. Co. 712 Chestnut St. ; I'hilu,
Pa. 7-4t.
It contains over KjP line eiiftravinjrs of
Battle Scones unu incidents in tne war,
and is the only Authentic and Oltieial his
torv of that irrcut contlit.
llubliNhed in both Enirllsh and Oerman,
n A TVllInlerior histories are beinfr
UHU I IUII circulated. Sea that the
book vou buy contains 100 fine enravlns
and maps. Send tor circular and see our
terms, and a full description of 'he work.
I'hilu, I'ti. v-n
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
79, Nassau St., New York City.
A mouth Expenses paid Male
or romuie akcius norse ana
outfit furnished. Address, Saco Novelty,
Co., Suco, Me. IMt
AGENTS LOOK I 3, to fcM per day.
Kiisv, genteel and profitable business.
A little Novelty which everybody wanU.
Hueoess Sure. Mend for circulars.
Churchill A Tcmpioton, Manufacturers,
615 Broadway, N. V. -4t
IS A rt'HR
with the Green Tea Flavor
Warranted to suit all
taMcs. For salo every
where. For Halo w hole
on IV bv the Great Atlantic
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VorK. P. O,
Tea Co., H Chutch St. New
Box 55o5. S-'iid for Thea-
Nectar circular,
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1G0 Acre Farms Free!!
The Northwestern ColoniJition of Free
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Send for Free Pamphlets, giving History
of Minnesota, its lti'Ko.irves, Progress,
Fertility and Advantages. Address E.
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ay, N. V. (Aetivo and reliable AbciiU
Wanted In every locality.) U tt
To tho Nerveous
3D E33ITliITJLT3l ID .
YITHOSEstifTonnp hnvo hfn protract
W ed from hidden causes, and whosi
cases require prompt treatmont to render
existenca desirablo j
If you are mifTorlnt;, or hav Buffered
from Involuntary discharges, what effect
does It produce on your ganeral healtht
Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tiredf
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of thchcartT Does your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order t Is your urinB some
times thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy
on settling T Or does a thick skum rise to
the top ? Or is a sodiraent nt tho bottom af
ter it has stood awhile T Do you hav
spells of short breathing or dispepsiaT Ar
your bowels constipated T Do you ha
spell of frainting, or rushes of blood to
the head T Is your memory impared J la
your mind constantly dwelling on this)
subjectf Doyou feel dull, listless, moping,
tirod of company, or.lifo? Do you wish
tobe left alone, away from everybody 7
Docs any little thing msko you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or rontlesaT
Is tho lustre of your eye as brilliant T
The bloom on your cheek aa bright? Do
yon enjoy yourself In society as well T Do
you pursuo your business with the same
energy 7 Do you feel aa much confldenoo
in youself ? Are your Bpirits dull and flag.
ging, given to fits of melancholy 7 If bo,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but lit
tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys
pepsia or liver-oomplaintf
Now, reader, self-abuse, renereaT dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all cnpablo of producintc a wonknees of tho
generative organs. The organs of genera-
tion.when ln'perfoct health, make
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bue-incss-mon
aro always thoso whose genera
tivo organs are in perfect health? You
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the hoart. They aro never afraid they
cannot succeed in business ; they don'tbe
come sad and discouraged j they arealwaya
polite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, and.look you and thorn right in the
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do uat mean
tlioe who keep tho organs inflated by
running to excess. Thoso will not only
ruin thoir constitutions, bat also
thoy do business with or for.
now many men, from badly cured dis
eases, from the effects of eolf-abuse and
excess, have brought about that slats of
weakness in those organs that has reduced
tho geneal system bo mneh as to produce
almost every other disease ldiocj-, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal atrectious, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and tho real causo of
the trouble acarcoly ever suspeoted and
have doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases'of these organs require the DM
of a Diuretio. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCI1U is the great Diurotio,
andjs a certain cure "for diseases of the
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener
al Debity, and all diseases of tho Urinary
Organs, wholher existing in Malo or Fe
male, from whatever catn-e originating-,
and no matter of how ksjfc standing.
If no treatntoui Is submitted to,' Cea
sumption Insanity may ensuo. Our
flesh and blood aro supportod from these
souroes, and thi health and happiness,
and that of Posterity, dopontLi upon
prompt use of a relial lo remedy.
llolinbold'B Extract Buchn, established
upward of lUCeura, prepared by H. T.
HELM HOLD, Druggist, 6!1 Broadway.
New York, and lot Ssuth 10th Siroct,
Phibi.leli.hia, Pa. Pltii K-?1.25 per boMla
or 0 bottles lor J0.50, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by 41 DmggcstN every w liero.
Wrapper, foe-smile of my Chemical Ware
house, and signed II. T. HELM BOLD.
JH-I y