HI C GHENT VALLET RAIL ROAD I (IKIUT THROUGH ROUTE FROM Tiii'wil Regions lo Pittsburgh, THE i-AST AND THE WEST 1 SLEEPING CARS Oi , i-!,t trains. Pasoiirors nd hag 1 .1. i tferred at Oil City, Fr of T Li make rthwt connection with all 1;-' 'itcring at Oil City, and leave as lvi- ! 1 ress leave Oil City at SWpm - it Pittsburgh noopm I'm r Leave Oil City 20 p m t Pittsburgh A 2ft a m i t"in leaves Oil City 6 05 a in - t PHUburgh 8 50 pin 1 reus Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m at Oil City at 2 15 p m 1 press Leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 pm - atOi. City 8 IS am ssenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 15am -at Oil City 7 35pm lifer travelling by this Route will .ter accommodations and make bet 1 than by any other road from the 4ous to Pittsburgh. J. J. LAWRKNCE, Pen. Supt. :.'t 1 Art i )!-- i- ri'ii' JONES HOUSE, CLARION, PENN'A.J JONES Proprietor. r t ue Land of SACRED VOTCDVBJRnWi 3 V 111 brv 1 L.OAOR. '1 lie grandest and most popular new book t iit. Hundreds of superb illustrations, .-: '', etc No other book like it none n i'.;ng half so fast. Agents sell 60 to 150 of it ana 1'rot. stowe s Keif-Interpreting Jli-i-'c. Kxtra largo inducements offered. "J forcrculars to Worthingtod, Dnstin a. Co., Hartford, Conn. 48-4t OCTOBER, 18GO. . & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COPD IS NOW TUB O IN" Xj IT 'l hread put up for the American marker v.bieh is SIX-CORD IX ALL NUMBERS, From Jfo. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Hand and Machine. IWrnnjaArTH HALL'S lfBgetable Sicilian Hair Renewei Itas stood the test of seven year before the public ; aiul no prepar ation for tlte hair has yet been die covered that will produce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new scientific discovery) combin tny man if of the most powerful and restorative agents in tit VECET-.' ABLE KINCDOM. It restores CREY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH Flit. COLOR. It makes the scalp white ami clean cures dandruff and humors, and falling? out of tho hair: atul will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nonrlslted and supitortcd. 11 makes the Itair moist, soft, and glossy, and is unsurjyassed as a ilAlll 1HIESSINO. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation. If is reconttnended and used by tlte First Medical Authority. The Wonderful results produced by our Sicilian llair ltenewer have induced many to manufacture preparations for tlte llair, under various ttames j and, in order to induce lite trade and tlte public to Jturchase their eomtumnds, they tave resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not be decel ved by them. 1'nrcltuse the original 1 it Itas never yet been eouallcd. Our Treatise on the llair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private lie venue Stamp over tlto top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Kail Si Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. Bold bf ail Drwjgids and Dtairrt in Mtdioim. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Doaler in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OP ALL KINDS, TIDIOTJTE IFA. First Door above Exchange Hotel. 4-ly "W ALLLIS I M P R () M P R IMPROVED O V E M A O I C iMAGIC BALM! W. II. PERKINS tfc CO., Sole Propri vtora, FruuLlin, l'a. 44 OI'HSCRIBK fi.rthe Forest KepuMicrn O It wm i a . 'Qtsl L3Ws.tf -its- : .i 'ar A CHEAT MEDICAL BISCOYCBY Sr. WALKin'S C-4 LIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS 5 i Hundreds of Thousand ? g j 2 f Bear "rttmnnr to Mieff Wontfer- e r 6 15 folcuraUvs KiTrcta. I S3 ff j WHAT ARE THEY? g", !i sS hf K?H oil Off TflTT ARX HOT A VTLC S J ll FANCY DRINK, M Ksdaef Pnor Run, Whisker. Proar n.lrlta ana SlntM l.tavwradoctond, ptcod andvtct scd to plnMlh tMt. eftlled Tonlo,,,M Appetl. m," " deatorait," e.. that lead th tippler on to drenkennrw snd roln. bat v s mo M cdlciDO, modo from the Fttlro Roots sod Herb mf California, frwa rrMn rtl AlpobiUn ftlmalaata. Thorara tba OUFAT r.IOOI rt RIFlEK aid A LIFB tilVl.Mt l'KINt'iri.Kaperftct RtooYitor and lav If orator of tho 8rtem, eurrylnf oa all polaonosa matter and rrstorfne ttit blood to healUij eondltloa. KapcnoD cantako toK Blttan aosortln( to dine Uon and remain lonf anwelL ICO wOlbe f Hen for an Tsmrable eaae, prorlded trie bones are not deetmynd by Blseral olaoa or other Bteana, and the vital organ! waited beyond tfce point of repair. Far lnuauntutorT and Chraale Ktiraaiaa tlaae aad .ant, Drspcpela. ar Iadlreatlaa, Blltoaa. Kanlitatit and Interaalttaai FeTora Diseases of the II load, l.lTer, Kldners, and Bladder, these Bitters have been moat eaeoeae fttl. Bach Disease are ceased hj Vitiated Bload. wulob la fenerallr prodnoad hj derangerosnt f toe Dlaratlve O reran a. DTsPSPMA OU INDIOESTIOK, Bead ache. Pain In the Bhoaldera, Coacha, Ttghtneaa of taa Clieet, Clulnesa, Boar EmetaUoa of tba Btoaiaea, Had taste u the Moattt. BlUoua Attsoka, Palpltatloa of the Heart, ll flamniatlon of the Lang. Paia la tba retions of tba Kidneys, and s hnndrad other painful symptoms, an tee offtprinfsof Drepepala. Thrj InTUToraU the Stomach aad etimalata th tor pid Hear and bowels, whlen render there of eneqoallod efficacy la clean sing the blood of all Imparities, sad tmpartlnr sew life and rigor to tba arbols lyitem. FORf K15 1I1HEA8 E8, Kmptlona, Tetter, gelt Ebeom, Blotebes, Bpota, Pimples, Pastel ea, Bolls, Car bonclce, itlng-Worms, Beald-Head, Bora Byes, Bryeln elas, Iteh, Bcnrta, IHioolonUona of the Skin, Humor snd rtierases of the bkla, of wbaterer Dams or nature, are literally dug ap snd carried oat of tba eyetem la a thort time by tba aae of these Bitters. Ons bottle In such eases sill eooTlnos the most Incredulous of their caretlTe street. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wbenerer roa find Its Iwpurllles barstrng through the akin In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores 1 cleanse It whoa yon Snd It obstructed and sing gtah la the veins 1 cleanse it when It Is foul, sad your feelings will tell you whan. X sap the bloc, pure and the health of the system wlU follow. riN, TArs sad other WOKMS, lurking la the system of eo many thousands, are effectually destroy ed snd rrmotod. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed tn four laa guagos Bngueh.Oetaiaa, Freneh and Bputoh. J. WAX KB 3, Proprietor. B. B. HcDOK ALD CO, Srogglsta snd Can. Agents, Baa Freed too, Cal. aad St and Si Coouuaree Street, Kew Tork. tsTBOIJ BT AIX PBUG0I8TS ABO DBALXBf. ROYAL HAVANA LQTTERT. Prir.es cashed and ipformation furnished by GEORGE UPHAM, Providence, R. I. 30-4t WANTED A o k nt To sell the Octa gon Sewing Machine. It is Licensed, makes the "Elastio Lock Ktitch" and is warrant-ed for 6 years. Price 115. All other machines with an under-feed sold for (15 or less are infringements. Address Octagon Sewing Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Ron ton, Mass. 133m Jin A. Day Business entirelvnew and 4plv7 honorable. Liberal inducements Descriptive circulars free Address J C Rand & Co., Riddeford, Me 13 Sm FIRTUNE8 offered to live men. Rare Chance. Bend Stamp. Dimond K. Co., Wasliington, Dol. 23-3m. HCUItREXT JIOSfEY. THE highest. Cash Price paid for the old State Bank Currency : Bank of Craw ford County, Venango Bank, Oil City Bank Petroleum Bank, or an v of the old State Bank issues j also, lor mutilated Scrip of U issues. A. H. STEELE, Cashier. a Tionesta Savings Bank. I WAS CURED OF DEAFNESS AND CATARRH by a simple remedy and will send the receipt free. Mrs. j. v. ieuujsxt, Jersey City, N.J. ou-ew THE MAGIC COMB. Will chance an V colored hair or tienrrl to a permanent black or brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for l. Dealers supplied at reduced rates. Address .Wm. Patton, Treus. Springfield, Mass, 89-4tc AGENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Wm. SEWARD'S GRAND TO R of Joxlco. Adventure and Sight-seeing in "Our Sister Republic." Is a work of rare merit' proftiselv illustra ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book Conipauy, Hartford, Ct 28-3t FARMER'S HELPER. Shows how to double tho profits of the farm and how farmers and their sous can each make $10O Icr Month. In winter. 100,000 copies will be mailed free to farmers. Send name' and address to Zl Ei LEU dt MuCUDDY, Philadelphia, l'a. fti-lw WANTED Ao-ents fot the history of COD'SCHURCH By Prof. Enoch Pond, 1. D. From Adam to the present day. Light business for men and ladies everywhere. Uood pay, send for circular. 39 4t ZEIULKK t McCUREY, Phia. Pa. 1. W. ROWLAND, ALKX. M (DOWEL J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MIR CHANT TAILORS AND DIALERS IN Gents' FiirnlShiisg Goods, And Agents for the Celebrated G rover A Baker Sewing Machine. LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOE FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 2 28 tf. Free to Book Agents. We will send o handsome Prospectus of our .inn j mturviui a'ca stimtiy Jut, It con taining ;r 200 hue scripture liitistia Irationsvu any Hook Agent free of charge. A(hiies National Publishing Co. Philiv d.--'i'!iis, Pa. 41. ji r -s.-t. ym:;v "y- 'ey?iiwwiuaa)ia,,iia) Xir 167 Water Street, Meadville, Pa. ALSO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, IA. In Store with STAPLES Jt SIBLEY, Opposite Post Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN In this section, including the following celebrated makes : ChickerinfJ & Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, and others. WHITNEY & SLAYTON'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS.TUxe Organs and Melodeons are acknowledged by all good judges to be the best and finest finisher Reed Instruments made. This being the Oldest and Largest ments can aoa win De onerea to purchasers, btools and Spreads, bheet Music, Books, and a large stock of everything in the Music line, can be found i.t my store. - P-!y J. O. HULL. $288 in 16 DAYS Made by one Agent Do you want a situa tion as salesman at or near home to make 5 to 120 per day, selling our new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Line to last for ever. Sample free. Address Hudson River Wire works, 130 Maiden Lane, cor. Water 8t, N. Y., or 16 Dearborn St. Chicago. 7-4U Salesmen Wanted. Business honorable. No competition, lib- I'njf (J1TUU, a. lT,ArlllCI'I. 3-4t S S. 4th St,, Phila. GROVER & BAKER'S The following are "selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of tho G rover it Baker Machines over all others. "I like the Grovor A Baker Ma chine, In the first place, because if I had any othor, I should still want a Grover A Baker; and having a Grover A Baker it answers the purpose of all tho rest. It does a greater variety of work and iseasier to learn than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June) "I have bad several years' expe- I Tl (in la wftli a' t rnr-n. Ar I! i 1 , XCnul.l,,. which has given me great satisfaction, i think the Grover & ISaker Machine is more easily managed, and less liable to get out Of order. I prefer the Grover A Baker de cidedly." M ra. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one in ur family for some two years; and Ciom what I know of its workings, and from the testimony of many of in v friends who use the same. I can hardly see how anything could be more complete or give better satisfaction." Airs. uen. uranu "I believe it to he the best, all things eonsidered.ofany that I have known It is very simple and easily learned ; the sewing from the ordinary spools is a great advantage; theBtitchis entirely reliable; it does ornamental work beauti nil ly; it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 38 Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer the Grover A Baker to them all, because I con sider the stitch more elastic. I have work in the house which was done nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr. Mo Cready, No. 43 East 23d street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the ewingdone in my family for the last two years has been done by Grover A Baker's Machine, and I never had a garment rip or need mending, except those rents whicn iroiicsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is. in mv opinion, bv far the most valu able of auy I have tried." Mrs. Honry Ward Boeoher. "The Grover A Baker Rmvino- Ma chine has rendered in every respect, the most penect satisfaction. 11 combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in Drice that it is a ne- cesity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor ueary, liarrisburg, ra. "I have had the Grover A Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve years in constant use in my house. I have seen and known every kind of Family sewing, both per sonal and household, accomplished up the Grover A Baker Machine, to the enti. satisfaction of all concerned, Ro v. Stephen 1 T "I tind the Grover A Baker Stitch will wear as Ion gas the garments do outwear the garment in fact. The stitch will not brenk on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither does it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. The Grover and Baker Sewinir Machine Company manufacture both the Elastlo and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer tho public a choice of the beat machines of com Kinus, at tnoir establishments in all the large cities, and through agencies In nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing In both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitta burgh, Pa. EVANS' GIFT BOOK INTERPRISL Wft flnilllllllA 1a aanil - nali.1.1MIA.I.L ' ....... ... a ..iitnuiD llbWllll every book houghtof us. Thousands will iiou,j ... ul juiujijiiiiuhm ana lairness Give us a trial. Write for a catalogue. Sen free. Address, D. M. Evans A Co.. 72: Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. 404t A GENTS Wanted-5 per month by - - i.o American jvilllling iwaclilne Co Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 20.3m AGENTS ") 10. w.e':k- p 1 cent ana in cash rA..LU,,.,,"?.n s w ' -ev. 4uui aiiiori can Book Co., 03 William St., N. Y. 40-4t A GENTS WANTED 18225 a month!. V by the Amkhic'n Knithno Macuinr uo., lloston, alass., or St, Louis, Mo. -Hi-4 READY FOR AGENTS The book that is willing. The chcaixwt and best lliKturv of the lata wur, in both English mid Gui muii, profusely IlliiMraled, ouly .,00. line u-ent rt p'iiiH ,x urdcis in two iliij-s. Act (in'i klv and coin luonev. A, 11. llublianl, Pulilichcr, C'licHtm'it St., Phila. ,'i-4( TiWira .m. 1 House in this section, superior induce READ ! READ ' Tlie subscribers having re-rented the IRVIM: GllIST MULI. Would sav to their old customers, and the community generally, that they keep uviioututljr uu USUU B large BtOCK Ol FAMILY FLOUR of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Bran, Oats and ttorn. With our facilities for do ing business, we purpose not to be under sold by any cstabltMhmont In this section of the country, and would say to the lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that 'hey can be SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other puuik. niiiiieuiaid attention giveu to all orders from a distance, K. JONES A CO, A WATCH FREE for everybody and JaOperday sure. Busines light and honorable. No Giftenterpriso. No hum bug. Address.R. Monroe Kenedy, Pitts burgh, Pa, . S3- xxiu CBABXE9 A. DANA, Idltor. ilkgotorwMautte A Kewapaper el the Present Times. Intended far People New ea Berth, Including Farmers. Mechanics, Merchants, Pro Suslonal Men, Workers, Tnlnkere, and all Man ner of Boaeat FoUta, aad th Wires, Boas, and Dan!. ten of all inch. ONI.T ONE DOLLAR A SSAR I ON HUNDRED COPIES FOB. tfiO, Or toss than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a SO Club at every Poet Offloe. SEMI-WEEKLY BUB, 13 A TEAK, of the same else and general character as TBB WKKEXr, bat with a greater variety ef Uacallaneousraadiog,aa4 furnishing the nrwi to Its aubserlbarswlth greater fresnaess. becaase U oomas twice a week Instead of once oaly. THE DAILY BUN, M A YE4S, A prelmlnentlr readsble mwipapor, with the lareeet elreuletion in Uie worii Free. Is ee nendent, and fearless In politic All the news from srerywhera. Two eeate a copy i by mail. AO oanla a muuth,or v6 ayeaiC TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BUN. Fir Oop lea, aae year, separately addressed. Fear Dollars. Tea copies, one year, eeoarateir addressed (and aaezuaeopy tolhegotier up if clou; Biaht Dollnra. Twenty eoplea, eaa year, sennratelr addiensed (and sa extra copy tomes of or op of einbj. Fifteen Dollars. r!'r .Ofirl'T. one rear, to one address (and the Beml-VYeekly one year to fetir u p of club). Thirty-three Dellara. r7!!t?'9,ttiJmt .ymr' wparatelT aodreeied (end " the Semi, weekly on year to setter an ofcidb). Thlrty-Oee Dellara. ?;nJ,?E???V"e' one adiirets ifSk."" ""'J n rear to the getter nVof Jftt?' , flttr Uallari; "H"!, eoples, on year, separately ad THE BEMI.WEEKLY BUlf. Fir eoples, en year, separately eddref .M. . Eight Dalian. i. 0o"u"' oo veer, sepsrstelr addressed (and a exus oony to getter ap of clut,)T Bhateea Dellara. BEND YOUR MONEY In Post Offlea orders, checks, or drafts on New Vorh, wherefer eonrenient. If To 1 7, SLlsX the ieuars containing money. AOdr ess L W. BffOLAWtl, PoblUher. Sua offloe, Mew Vara CBy. pithoTeva1lXeyry ON AND AFTER Saturday January 28. Trainswillrunasii.iw.u.ii. TRAINS NORTHWARD. stations. No. 2. No. 4, Oloopuhs, 2.50 pm .41am Bennett, 3.0M " 9.09 Woods 8.17 u. 10.O8 " Pratliers Mill 3.2U " 10 in " PithoieCity 3.40 loiaa " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. stations. No. 1. No. S. PithoieCity 8.00 am 1.00 pin Prathors Mill 8.1a 1.13 Woods 8,23 " L23 " Bennett " 1.30 " Oleopelis 8.40 " 140 " Aii Extra Train leaves Pithole City on Saturdays at 6.20 p. in. making close con nection at Oleopolis with Trains on the Oil t reck A Allegheny River Railway forCor ry and intermediate points. Return Train leaves Oleopolis at 7.20 p. m.. arriving at Pithole City at 7.6o. All other Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains ou the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Bailway, North end South. Train No. 2 makes closo connection at Oil t.itv with Fast Line on Allegheny Vul ley Railway for Pittsburgh uud intermedi ate points. Two Lines of Stages run dully between PithoieCity, Miller Farm and Pleasant ville, inakinguonuoctiuii witharrivingand departing Traiu.t. J, 'l BLAIR. ill). BISHOP, Kllp'.t Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. SCHOOL TEACHERS- Wunting employment, at from fcw to 100 per month, should address ZE1GLHR V McCVRDY, Phils, l'a. 74t C. . Saaa IXG1IA3I A Illl M.., PUBLISHERS. BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WHOLESAI.B AND RBTAllt DBALKRS IN all kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AND MTJSIO BOOKS. Depository of the Bible Society, Sunday School, and all Religious Publishing So cieties, NO. 62 CHESTNUT 8T., MEADVILLE, TA., NO. 101 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. J 1(1 JACOB BIIRIVEIl. Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL Are preparod to furnish to order all kinds of manufactured lumber such as SIDIXQ, SVSFACK DRESSED L UMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TLA IN A XD FAN CY MOULDINGS. Dealers will find It to Uieir advantage to CONSULT OCR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, aa our loca tion in the heart ol the lumbor region gives us superior advantages In the purchase of lumber that will enable us to undersoil those less favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Fa. Recommended and Endorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors. DR. LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND FLCID EXTRACT OF K OS K OOI THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER I Not a Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around the Bottle. PREPARED SOLELY BT Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. KOSKOO STRIKES AT THE ROOT of DISEASE . BT PURIFYING THE BLOOD, BK8TOR1NO TITE LIVEB AND KIDNEYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND INVIOORA TINO TUB NERVOUS SYS TEM. This is the Sccrefof its Wonderful Success in Curing Consumption in it early ttagts, Scrofu la, Syphilis, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Cltronie Jilieumnh'jmi. . Neuralgia, Nervous Affection, Eruptions 01 vj me niin, uumors, jjoss oj Vigor, Diseases of the and Bladder, and all Disease caused by a Had state oj the JJCood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of iiiiiiiurniiu oau taint, anil restores toe en tire system to a healthy condition. It is beyond question the Finest Tonio in tub Would. Thousands have been changed by the use of this medicine from weak, sickly. Butter ing croatures, to strong, healthy, and hap py inon and women. Invalids cannot bositate to give it trial No medicine has obtained such a great reputation as this Justly celebrated com pound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Edi tors, Druggists, Merchants, Ac, see KOS KOO 4 LMA NA V lor this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. FORSALB BY Hie Principal Druggists of the United States and Briiish America. 84-ly. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1809, f 2,348,323 39 til) 000 O00 Wana ul,l ..l.w.o lu I.. tiou. WM. BUHLER, Central Agent, umrisuurg, l'a. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Pa. Bom REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLUBS. Vji,Send for our new Price List and a Club Form will accompany it, containing fuil dlrcelious making a large saviiif to consumer and remunerative club organ izers The fareut American Tea Company, 31 A 33 VESEY STREET, P, O. Box 5043. new youk. 4tl-4t Dr. Lawrence's Woman's Friend ure all liseti peculiar toFemales. Cm W. A. INGHAM. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTF.n 11 P. P. Sunday Mnv 1, 1H70, Trains arrive rt nnd leave the Union Depot, corner of Wnshinton anil Liberty street, as follows; ARRIVE. Mnll Train, 1.10 a m ; Fust Lino, li!,12 a m ; Well's accommodation No. 1, HJOn tn j Brlnton aeeommmlatlon No 1, 7.M) a m; Wall's acconimoilittion No 2, B.ftfa 111 ;Cln cinnntl express 0.20 a in ; Johnstown ac commodation 10.W) a m ; Braddock's ae commodatlnn No!, 7.00 pm; Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacific express 1.50 p in ; Wall's accommodation No S, x.35 p m; Homewood accommodation No l,fl.6;i pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p in; Brlnton accommodation Iso 2, 1.10 p m; y a assunger ni.zo p m. DEPART. Southern express 5.20 a m 1 FaaHlo ex press 2.40 a m ; Wall's aconminodation No 1, 8.80a m ; Mall Train 8.10 a m ; Brlnton's accommodation 111.20 a in ; Braddoclt s no commodntlon No 1,5.10 p m ; Cincinnati express 12.85 p m ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.06 It m 1 Homewood acfNimtrirHliitinn Ni 1, 8.50 p m ; Philadelphia express 8.50 p m; Wall accommodation No 3,8.05 p in; Willi's accommodation No 4, 6.05 p ni ; Fast Line i.wpni; wail s jn 00, li.uo p 111. Tlie Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at.0.05 a. m., reaching Pitta burirh at 10.l a. m. Rettirnimr loave Pitts. burgh at 12.50 p.Jm., and arrive at Wall's Biauon at z.iu p. m. Cincinnati express leaves dally. South' am express daily except Monday, All oth. or Trains daily, except Sunday. For further information rplv to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggaire ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsiionsibility to One Hundred Dollai val ue. All baggago exceeding that a ount in vaiue win ie at tne risk or the ucr, wuiww Miavu vjf eiieciiu contract. A. J. CASSAI General Siiperlntcndent, Altoona Pa, BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND DAVIS & ECHOLS, (Near the Co (i House,) FRANKLIN. PENN'A TTllVA fPalsnt-al ouanrt nwe nr C.U.nl P" " minv-IIIIM II XI lH uini Jtookti, Law tHks, HimorioM, Bibltw and ToHtamonts. llytun liookR. Musfo liookH, Blank Booktf, nvehipes. Note, Lot tor aiul wiuiiik i(i-tTB x oub, inK. o;Hte8 ana A.fdauerl.ln.. J.. at.- ' ' O'flJ lalllljgj 111 fctlfj BOOK d; ST A TIONER Y B TO I NESS. All of w hich they offer to sell WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL, at lowest tush prices DAVIS A ECHOIC, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters auvi.Miivatnm(Ai w LWiiiirK-i Willi Al lllllt and Company, editors of the Scicntitiu ....... out iinyc ri.ajt.'ic;U I'lHUIlH nffrA ihtk Itltaartf i 1 11 . .1 tVaa, - rn. a .. . v - ""vv aw .iViji x tjlll V 1 onrs Thoir Ainoi ican and European T..- ...w I.. At.. A . .. "",,,v wnuvj m iuu jihwi pxiensivo 111 TIlO world C'hHri;i8 luss than anv -thor relia ble BffAney A pamphlet eontiiiiiitf AiU ttatritt.si it tttsanri. I.. !.. a..'. a "v"" sn 111 f vnvuio 113 nt'Iltf KriltlD MUNN A CO., 87 Park Row, 13tf j.-ew Y'ork COAL! COAL! J".S. EYEBHABT IS Prcparel to deliver thelxst quality o COal at the old Eveihart Bank, two miles from Newmanvllle for 7 cents per rasa est. Tl rinoatu an.l ri. A". ' A 25 CENTS PER BUSHEL. He always has a largo supply 011 hand, Now la tho time to lay lu a large supply Orders promptly attended to 2 9 JTIoi.ougiilielu Valley INSURANCE ACENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLAS3 COMPANIES. LOSSES FK0XPTLT ADJUSTED ASD PAID. A.C 8AMPSON, Ccn. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. H. Steule, at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. TI dioutITemporiu mT 1NL P. GETCHELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS Kolloii!, Boots A Mioesi, HATS.& CAPS, ttc, &c, &C, CORNER MAIN t DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Imprest and most Complete Stock now ou hand, of any store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchased my stock since the great decline in Gold, I can sell poods cheaper thau any Dry Goods House in the Oil Regions. "Persons purchasing goods of me will gave 25 per cent. M. P. GETCHELL. lidiouto, April 11, 1870. 4-6ra 0r.?I0I,K.f"atly 3X0eui-'d thisomce at rcasoiialilo rsu v Tlu HepuMican O.T.ce T'EEPS coi.Htant) , on hand a large an IV sortment of Blnk DeuUH Mo t Subpienas, Wurraiiis, Wunimons A A bcsoldrticapibrcuHb, rmmmon,, .(f to Oil Creek & Allegheny Ki ver Uy WARREN A FRANKLIN, FARMERS' A OIL CREEK RAI.U10ADK CONSOL IDATED New and Most Direct Iouto to ta Oil Regions. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and After MONDAY MAY 30TII,'7O trains will run as follows t lkavk corr; .0n A. M. EXPRESS ftpartansburg fl.2: Tryonville Ilydetown 7.11; Ti tusville arrive 7.20. dupsrt 7.27; Miller Farm 7,50 1 I'loneer 8.07 ; Petroleum (n tre air. 8.15, lvs. 8.17, Columbia 8.23, Tsrr Farm 8.2,1, Itvnd Farm , RousfiVlHo 8,:t8 j Oil 1ty'8.M lvs H.OO. Rwkwood Walnut bend Oleopolis 0.20, connect ing with train for Pilliole;) llonrv's l'.eud . Eagle Rock, Tionesta 1Q.04, Hick ory White Onks 10.JI4, ai r. Tldioule arrives 10.54, lv. 10.56, Thompson's arriving at Irvington at 11.35a. mi 11. 20 A. M. M A 1 L Spnrtanshu rg 11.45, Centreville, 12. 7 p. m. Tryonville Ilydetown 12.30, arrives at Titnsvill 12.0, lvs. 12.45, Miller Farm 1.04, Pioneer 1.17, Brr. Pet. Centre 1.2.", lvs 1.27, Colusabift" 1.33, Tsrr Farm 1.8rt, Rvnd Farm Rousevillol.47, arr. Oil City 2.06, lvs. 2.11, ' Rockwooti; , Walnutlleud Oleopo lis 2.40(oonnect with train for Pithole) Henry's Bend , Eagle Hock , Tion esta 8.1, Hickory' , White Oaks 8,4(1, -arr. Tidiouto 4.02, lvs, 4.07, Thompson's' arrives at Irvlneton 4.60 p. m. (1.06 PM ACCOMMODA'N.SparUmsburar 6.30, (ntreville 7.00 Tryonville at Hvdetown 7.25, arr Tltusvllle 7.85 lvs 7.45, Miller Farm 8.05, Pioneer 8.20, arr at Pet. Centro 8.28, lvs 8.35, Columbia 8.41, Tarr Farm 8.44, Rvnd Farm ,Kousvlllo 8.65 arrives at Oil City 9.10 p. m, LEAVES 1RVINETON. 11.45 A. M. MAIL Thompson's arr. Tidiouto 12.30 lvs 12.38, Whito Oaks 12.53' Hickory, , Tionesta 1.20, Eagle Rock .Henry's Bend Oleopolis 2.05 (con nects with' train for Pithole) Walnut Bend , Rockwood , arr Oil City 2.30 lvs 2.42, Rouseville 2.58, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 8.10 arr at' Pet. Centre S.29 lvs. 3.23, Pioneer 3.30, Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Titusvllle 4 04, lvs 4 14 Hvdetown 4.24 p. in., Tryonville Centreville 4.50, Sparlansburg 6.14, arr at Corry i.45' p. in. 6.00 P. M. EXPRESS-Thompson's at arr stTidioute 6.50,levs 6.52,Whlte oaks fl.07. Hickory , Tionesta fi.37, Eagle Rock , Henry's Bond Ole opolis 7.13, Walnut Bend Rockwood arr Oil City 7.40 lvo 7.47, Rouseville 8.03, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 8,15, Col umbia 8.18, arr Fet. Centre 8.25 lv 8.28, Pi oneer 8.85, Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Tituavillw 9.10. lvs 9.15, Hydolown 9.23, Tryonville tSpart&nsburg, 10.7, arr at Corry 10.35 p. m. i.favk on. niTT, 7.00 A.M. ACCOMMODATION Rouse ville 7.15, Itvnd Farm , Tarr Farm 7.25 Cnlitmia 7.2(1, air Pet. Centre 7.J16 lve 7.3(1, I'loneer 7.45, Miller Kami 8.00, si r. Titus villc8.18, lvs. 8.23, Ilydetown 8.31. Tryon ville Ccntervillb 8.50, Hpartansbui g" 9.10, arr, Corry 9.: a in, . All trains ctinnect at Corrv witlt trains on Phila. A Erie Railroad add A. A O. W. Fast and West Tor New York, Philadel phia, Harrisburg, Erie A Cleveland, and with Bullalo, Corry A Pittsburgh Railway for Buflaloand all points on thsN, Y. Cen tral Railway. At Oil City with trains on Allegheny Valley Railroad, and Franklin Branch A. A O, W. At lrvineton with . trains on Phila. A E. Railroad east and west. j, ---.e C. J. H EPBURN JNOPITCAIRN. '- Superintendent. ;! -ttep'l Manager. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R On and alter Monday, Nov. 15, 1889 traiiiB will run ou this road aa follows! LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. 11:55 A. M. accommodation leaves Newcastle at 7:06 and arrives at Pittsburgh 10:00 a. ui. " 10:25 A. M., riTTRBi'ROH ex., stops at all stations, and arrives at A. AG. W. R. R. Transfer at 1:50 p. ni., at Newcastle at 8:1a p. in., and at Pittsburgh at 0:00 p. 111. 6:05 a. it., accommodation, from James town, arrives at A. A U. W. R. R. Transfer at 5:40 a. m., at Newcastle at 7:05 a. m., and Pittsburgh al 10:00 a. m. 5:00 r. m Mixed Train leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping at all iutormediato points and arriving at 10:15 a. m. LEAVE PITTSBURail-NORTWA RD. 7:15 A. M., Erie express, loaves New castle at 10:00a. 111.. A An r u rnr. fer at 11:20 a. m., and arrives at Eri'o at 2:30 i. in., iniiKiiigcioNQ counoctlon lor Buila lo and N iagara Falls. 8:3.5 P. M. ACCOMMODATION, loav Now castle at 0:30 p. , , A. A O. W. R. R. transfer at 7:55 p. m., and Jamestown at B:.HI a. in.. iyiiinala u.iil. ...1 1 . 1 , . imawi 11 aula tuat arrivos in Erie at 1:55 a. m. 6:30 p. m.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for ... . nuu arriving at utrara at 12:30 a, m.. and Erie at 0:55 a. m. .Trai'mcon,u,ptnt Rochosterwlth train for Vi lieellmr and all iMiiiitu ... wu. and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadol- r-i, ..m 1 inuurgn, liaitimore and Wash ington via reniiM lvania CenUal Railroad. I'-rle KxnreM Vilfth n......l ... . i uh Ueveland and Erie trains Westward for levelaiu , Chicago, and all points in the est ; at Erio with Philadelphia A Erie Ra road for Corry, Warren, Irvington, rid oute fte., and with Buiralo A Erie ltai road f.;r Bullalo, Dunkirk, Niagara ! alls and New York City. F. N. FINNEY, Ocnoral Sup'l TUE CELEBRATED WARREN RANGE, AV 1th its Special Attachments, the PUMPING X SHAKING PRATT WARMING CLOSET AND FENDER T G-TTJL-RJD, Is celebratod for Its Reliability, Rimpllc- " iii vouvuuience. FULLER, "WAR REN& CO IliNllVi r,rr, rr a . - ravi VltLlia, 236 Water St., New York. WARRANTED. a REYNOLDS.BROADHEAD& CO 1 Contra Sir .. OIL CITY, PENN'A. SEllKDU TW FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY nnnnc DRESS GOODS, CARPETING vix. wajtus. BOOTS & SHOES LTA TS & CAPS, TRIMMINGS. ' xvunuNH. ETC., ETC Scripture and Scienco have mot together SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE i.m t"k f 'lirillil'K '"terest njid groat. Km i'Ml ?"'?,1"111"" being. Th tapers, 1 ulpiU and Peopl0 Bte all disi'ii, sing the subject and U,k, every ma, w man and child wants it. 1? IK,' war is eniled, and honorable poacesec im' hr n frl,? rue.tl'? Wble literal, dm-a'am t rm li-iemls, tiod swork davs. sixactii ,i '- . . science, making i: . ' . I X rc""tl,!S. '-, wormlersV,. l. .l.iig than t,,.t.. AGENTS WAV" U. i,xp ., ,.,,, Agents will dr.m (, iHM.ksan, secure terriu.rv i ,me V . AddrcsH l.,r circular, Zicgi'cr .t' M 't'l , i l'!H..uth Sixth street, Phil,,., l'a. 4v-r it ,4 i Ik