She Revest gcpuMiran. TUESDAY MOINING, JUNE 6- BOROUGH OFFICERS. TlnriffMTl. It. May. Ihiineilmen Jacob Shrlver, J. R. Stroup, W. W, Dlmond. S. H, Haslet, J. Winans. .ruKtif-noflhn VcaeeW. P. MeroilJlolt, I. S. Knnx. I inxtnhle-J. yt. Toltsworth.. S'osnnV Directors J. Winans, J. A. T)nlo, J. A. Propor, Jacob Shrlver, 1). S. Knox, hi. D. irwIn. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Prmttinnt Juttra JAMF.H CAMPBRl.t,. Ah.viciiIh Juiiyen J. A. Fkopf.h, Aw rjtunv Cook. Khrrltr-rVi. L, Davis. : Jhnhiet A UnrnrjiW. W. MASOn. Trenmirm S. Sktt,i:y. 1'nitlinnotnrt, lleijister it Recorder, tt-c. J. H. Aiinkwi ( imimimifn-NP. WiiKEt.F.n, Bus. El.t.lOTT, I'KTKlf MlHU'IM.IOTT. Oomfi Superintendent S. F. HonnKR. iuri C(mmi.iioui' Jas, UlL.PILI.IA!, W.M. PATTHRNOSr. " (hunty iS'itrrcynr S. D. Inwtlf. (Kroner Josiah Wirf AN. . fount u Avihtorl,. L. llACKKTT, Km iloi.liM an, Wm. Ci.akk. ' -Menthcrof Cunprcan 19fA District O. V. 6(tnpiRl.n. a'.'hV .Scnaff W. A. Wallack. AsHcwtily John O. II ail. O. C A A. P. R. TIMETABLE, UOINd NOKTH. Arrive. 1.20 p.m. 6.U7p. in. ooia BOl'TH. Arrivo. 10.D4 a. ni. li.M p, in. Deport. 1 p.m. 6.40 p. in, Mall x press. Depart. ln.07o. in, 8.20 p. in. Fx press Mail LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. ' Asnalco was killed by Mr. Sloan, . at President, on Thursday last, which measured six feet in its shoes. Ci. W. Sawyer is fitting up Law rence's old stand for N. Klinordlinger, who is to ii'o it as a wholesale 'liquor store.' ; unc ot our srnooi lencuers is re ported sick, and consequently the work for the preseut all falls upou Mrs. Cook. Wo accidentally omitted a notice ' of. the (loath of a daughter of J. II. Weiitworth, of Hickory tp., last week. It wili'.Le found iu another column. P. O. Convcr has commenced keying house, after a long delay, on ,a?ruuat ol getting Ins building re modeled for a dwellinir house. ' Capt, Knox is raising his front yard wjtli dirt taken from his cellar. 'ins uisc maue several uuprove meats ou his grounds this year. " Strawberries and cucumbers, in email quantities have niado their ap pearand iu our placo at last They have much the samo flavor as they had last year. J. Grove hns purchased a large number of railroad tics, which were taken out by Roberts, Hays & Co., last winter, and will run them down tha river tho first rise. Our folks are bathing in the river in town, after niirht bus spread her matitle o'er the earth. They conduct these exercises very decently, and no fault is found with the bathers. Mrs. Siverley, her daughter, Mrs, Gardner and Mrs. Walter Siverley made our town a visit last week, which was tho occasion of many tea parties, We believe they all formerly livei near here. A dance took place at the Venan go Co. Poor Houso under the auspices of John Hillings, on Thursday eight of lust work. We understand from some of our folks, who were there, that it was a pleasant affair. J. Nelson Teitsworth tells us that ho has purchased three thirty-seconds of'tho well on the Sowers place, and expects to rcalizo a fortune therefrom. Wc believe the well is doing nothing at present. Mr. Frew who has put down a well at the top of the hill in the rear of the Station, intends to put the well down to the depth of 1200 li'et, and thus thoroughly test that particular well. Wo hear it stated that the Tionesta IIouso of this placo has changed hands, Mr. M. Ittlo taking possession of it. J. A. Proper, we bo lieve, is to remove soon to tho resi dence now occupied by A. li. Kelly. Capt. Robt. Duncan, of Venango ,f'ity called upon us recently, and in formed us that he intended to put down co mo wolls on the tract between Kiriew aud Lacytown. lie appears to havo failfii that ho will find oil there, uud wa hope he will. A rattlceiiake having eleven rat tles on tho extreme hind end of his (ail was killed oi Holemau's islnud a low days ago. We have hoard several other suake stories, but hesitated uhout publishing them, becuuie the snakes uud the stories were .mo-it too large. A wrestling mato'i has been ar ranged between J. 11. McLaughlin, of litusville, nud K. L. Dorrauce, of Chicago, fur 1,000 a side and the championship of America. The match is to come oil- at Tif'v.illo within ton Mas. Perry, wife of Rev. Terry, of Cambridgo boro', Crawford county, and Mrs. McClatehie, of Mill Village, Erie county, sister of Jno. A. and J. O. Dale, are in town on a visit. An Italian boy from the Emerald Isle mode his appearance in town on Saturday last, with a fiddle from which he produced some heart-rending sounds. Somebody please send us around a first-class hand-organ. Otho Winner, son of Dr. Winner, informs us that the well on which be is working, on Jamison Run, is down to the third sand, striking it at about 3C0 feet. It will be tested this week, and we will keep our readers posted in regard to it. We understand that Henry Matio and Lizzie Ikenburg were united in wedlock on Sunday last on Dutch Hill. We also hear of another wed ding on the same day, up about there, but can get no names. The notices were not gives us for publication, so we have to quote from hearsay; Grading and fencing arc going on at tho olJ M. E. Church yard, and hereafter tho city of the dead may not be tho feeding place of our town bo vines. It is proposed, we believe to put an iron fence in front, and when finished it will improve tho looks of the church property. The Clarion Dcmorrat comes to us enlarged to an eight-column paper, printed on a new Campbell Power Press, which the proprietor has just put in. The paper looks well and no doubt will receive enough additional support to make this a paying invest ment. A. II. Stcelo has moved his barn up tho hill a picco, built new side walks all around his house, put up a neat coal and wood house, planted trees, graded his lot, built some new fence, marked out a lane fro.m the street to his barn, and made several other needed improvements lately. Jno. R. Lowther, of the firm of Ferd, Burndollor & Co., of Pueblo Colorado Ter., called on us last week Tho firm takes tho Forest Republican, and gets it regularly. Tho firm deals in real estate and cattle, and appears to be doing a good business. Mr, Lowther promised to send us a cor respondence from Pueblo, which, when published, will be read with interest by our subscribers. f. 13. Cobb, Esq., met with a painful though not serious accident-on Friday evening of last week. He was coming to town from the Coon creek mill, in a light buggy with his small team on a smart trot, when one of the fore wheels struck a stu-np, aud threw Mr. Cobb out and he struck his fore 1 1 1 r , ii ncuu u U stone, lie uas black eye. a peeled forehead, and stiff neck, but will soon he all right again. The horses being gentle, stopped as soon as tho accident occurred, else serious daiuago might have resulted. The Messrs. Cobb have just finish ed a ne'V steam mill about a mile and a half up Coon Creek, from their other mill, which was set running last week They havb also made arrangements to lease two mills ou Hemlock Creek, above President. The3e mills, with the oue on Tom's Run, Clarion coun ty, make five large saw mills they are running. They wiM employ during the summer months about 175 men on an average, and in the w inter an iu definite number. They are the most extensive lumbermen in this region, and deserve to bo rich men if cnorgy and niaungeiiieut will do it. 4 l -r. . mou namcu isrowu, who was working on a well on the Fair Farm, had his leg broken above the ankle, on Saturday last. It was caught in the bull wheel, and a compound iracturo was tho result. A piece of the bone protruded through the flesh two inches, and tho flesh had to be cut about au inch and a half to cnablo it tq go back to its position. The small bone was broken iu three places. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Winans, of this place, v. ho seems to fuel un easy for tho safety of tho unfortunate man. Ho culls there to-dav, (Monday) aud will report his condition to us, and perhaps we may be able to inform our readers what his chances are for recovery. State Sunday School Conven tion. The Seventh Annual Conven tion of the Pennsylvania State Sab- beth Schocl Association will bo held at Alleiitowu. Peuu'a. on Tuesday. Weduesday aud Thursday, the 13th, 14th and loth, of June. All the earn est Sunday school w orkers of the Key stone State are cordially invited to be present. Each evangelical school is requested to fund two or more dele gates. Ihoso who proposo to attend should notify A.J. Breinig, Allentown, Pa., who is Chairinun of Local Com mittee of Arrangements, on or before the 7tli of Juue, so that entertainment may he secured, and orders for excur sion tickti 'prod red and .forwarded. - Roat-building at Oldtown, aud Blue Narrows seems to bo tho liveliest business in this section. About twen ty-five hands aro employed and the boats aro being turned ofr rapidly. The dimensions of these boats are 100x20 feet. Tho were first know about here as "French-Cretkers,"lrom the fact that the first boats of that pat tern, although of much smaller size, were built on Freneh Creek; after wards tluy were known'as "mineral boats" because they were used in tho transportation of iron down the river ; since the shutting down of the furnaces along tho river, they aro called "coal boats," and aro used for the purpose of boating coal down tho Ohio from Pittsburg. Those built on the Tioncs ta Creek always command good prices. To the Public. Tionesta, Ta., June 0, 1871. I have disposed of my entire stock and business to Messrs. Sloan & Van gescn, and tho business will now he carried on under the supervision of T. J. Vangesen who is in every particu lar worthy of your respect and patron age. Thanking you for your kindness aud support since I came among you I leave with tho best wishes for all. W. W. Dimond. . Notice. . Having sold out my business, and being about to leave the place, I re spectfully request all indebted to me to call and settle at once, and oblige. W. W. Dimond. 50,000 lbs Wool Wanted, At Hilbronncr & Co.'s, for which the highest price in goods or cash will be paid. They havo just received the agency for an Eastern House, and want all tho wool they can possibly get. Take your wool there and get good prices. M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville, Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Diamonds &c, at 20 per cent, below marked prices. Several of our citizens have patronized him, and find him "square." Give him a call. His establishment is on the corner of Wa ter and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block Fon J; ale. The house and lands known as the "Christie Property," lo cated at Irviuton, Warren County Pa., aro for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale, President Tionesta Savings Bank, liouesta, Pa. Book Binding. We are agent for as good a book I '.. J .1 uuuiery us mere is auywnere. we are prepared to do all the binding which may be brought to us, at low rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmples can be seen at this office. To Nebraska, California, and Kan sas, and the B. & M. R. R. Lands. The "Burlington Route," so called, lies, right in the path of tlie Star of Empire. It runs almost immediately in tho center of tho great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Mis souri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three greut sections of the trans Missouri region. The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Parifiic road will take you to tho laud of gold aud grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. The middlo gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of .Nebraska, south of tho Platte river, a regiou unsurpassed, on the continent for agriculture and grazing. Just hero are vho B. &. M. Ruilroad lands, con cerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land oflioer at Burliiiirton, Iowa, can L'ive you all information, and in the heart of them is Liucoln, tho State Capital and present terminus of the road. Tho Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connections with tho St. Joe Road at Hamburg, runuiug direct to St. Joe anil Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly aud safely, and make all connections. It runs the best of coach. es, Pullman Palace and Pullman Din ing cars, and should you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot find either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy ou ten years' credit, and at a low price. A. H. Sieelk, Cashier "Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agont for the celebrated " Inmau Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to cull on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all tho information required. r on Hai.k. One 20 Horse Power Timber Engine aud Boiler in good or der. Inquire of D. S. Knox, I tf. Tionesta, Pa. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil men, and other citizens ol Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioutc. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tC Newspaper Laws. We would call the special attention of Tost Masters and subscribers to the Forest Republican to the following syuopsis of the Newspaper laws : " 1. A Postmasters is required to give notice by ccr,(returning apnper docs not answer the law), when a subscri ber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reason for its not being taken. Neglecting to do so makes the Postmaster responsible to the publisher for the paymeut. 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 3. If a person orders his paper dis continued, he mu3t pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is inado, and collect 4. If the subscriber orders his pa per to be stopped at a certain tirne.nnd the publisher continues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he taheg it out of the rest OJjicc. The law proceeds upon the groimd that a man must pay tor what he uses. The courts have decided that revis ing to take newspapers and periodicals from tho post oflico, or removiug and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. Mrs. Rogers has established a Mil lenery Store in the second story of the Acomb Building, Tiouesta, Pa. She has all tho latest styles, fresh from New York. Give her a call. 8-3t. DIED. WKXTWOn'lU -May 22d, 1H71 orBcar let l"over, Jennie, riauuutlT of" John 11. ami 'Charlotte Wentworth, aged,' 1 j'ear, 4 ni. ilium nna s oiivh. JOB WO RK DON IS AT THE 'REPUBLICAN" : OFFICE, At Vie loivest cash prices, neatly, prompt ly, and in ntyle equal to that of any other establishment in the District. BUSINESS CARDS, SHOW CARDS, - VISITING CARDS, SCHOOL CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS, BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKETS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS, . POST DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, -IIHTINf; TAtiS, Ay. NOTICfi Is hereby Iven Hint tho part nership lntely mibswtinK betwern Wattn H. Lloyd nd J nine A. IpTfin ot Tlonestn, under tho lirm of Llovcl Levin, expired on tho lsth dv of 'May, A. I). 1H71. All debts owlnor to tho wild partnership are to be roeeived by Watt 11. Lloyd and all demands on tho said part- nersliip aro to bo presented to him fur pay WATTS B. LLOYD. JAMES A. LEWIS, monk 8-31 NOTICE TOJTAX PAYERS. T1IK undersigned w ill bo at the follow in a; places atthotimo designated for tlie purpose of receiving taxes for the year lHTli HARNETT TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, Juno Cth, Cooksburirli, (fore noon.) Weduesday, June 7th, Clarlngton, (fore noon.) JENKS TOWNSHIP. Thursday, Juno Hth, at J. 1). limit's. HOWE TOWNSHIP. Friday, Juno 0th, Balltown, at John Mil ler's. KINOSLEY TOWNSHIP. Saturday, Juno 10tli,Nen town,at Wheel er A Dusunbury's store. HARMONY TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, June 13th, at Allender -Rehool House. Wednesday,' Juno Hth, Whito Oaks, HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Thursday, June Titli, Eat Hickory, at J. Siiririns' store. TIONESTA EOROCGII AND TOWNSHIP. l-'rfdny, June ltith, Tionesta, at Court House. GREENE TOWNSHIP. Saturday, Juno li'th, Ijicytown. Parties indoli'cd for Mermntilo License for 171 will please be prepared to pav, as nil delinquents will Is? proceeded against on the l.stol July, as the law directs. 7-3t. sj. J. SKTLEY, Trcas. FOTt " Convent Lifo Unveiled, " by Edith O'Oorman, Escaped N'un, whose disclosures are thrilling and startling. Franklin Pub. Co. 712 Chestnut St. Pliila, Pa. 7-4t. N E W MUSIC STORE, orniM house block, TITUSVILLE, PA. WK aro now reeeivinir a largo stock of Musical Merchandise, consisting of PIANOS, ORGANS & MELODECNS, And a full lino of SMALL IXSTIlUMEXTtt, SHEET MUSIC, and INSTRUCTION BOOKS, STOOLS, SPREADS, Etc, We are Agents for ISrndbury, Chli'IicriiigA Sons, Knnbc & Co. PIANOS, and fill all ordors of other manufacturers It desired, at tho loweat rates. We hav tho celebrated SMITH IMKLOU OKCiAX, of Boston, the finest rkkd instrument yet introduced, which wo can sell on very reasonable terms. A largo stock of Select Sheet Muslo always on hand. Our instruments need no notice at our hands, as they have been before tho world tor twenty to thirty years. We hha nt Til EM FOR FIVE veaih, and will sell on monthly payments, exehaniro for second hand Instruments, or lor CASH if urged. We shall bo pleased to show our goods io mi uu uiuv luvor lis Willi acflll. J. 11. BOOTH, K. H. SAUUENT. lO-tf. Opera Houso Titusville CHAS. II. SHEPAItD, OKNKRAI. PEALDB IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, qUEK.VSlVAKE. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. AGENTS WAZLTTiniD ! UNUSUAL TEH MS. "GREAT FORTUNES" prows ily in public favor. It is the Hook for tho day, and sells readily despito hard times. Seventh edition now ready. A recent agent's report is ."i0 orders iu one day. Prof. Jno. T. lieed says of it "I knowol no lok save tlio bible, ihiit I can recommend so earnestly and coiiHcionciously to all class es." Prospect uses of ibis hook, alol' tho ever popular "PI ivsical Lileof Woiiiiiu," and the "latest, best and cheapest" lllus truded Family BiMos Fltl.'K to nil who mean work. NOTICE. .Successful a 'cuts will receive first choice of territory on Key. llcnrv Ward Boucher's coining great work. "Life of Jomus, I Im Christ." Write at once to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. 7-15 "iUSansoiu .-St., Philadelphia. THE BIBliUlND B00K By ALBERT L. HAWSO.N. No teacher, student, or biblo should bo without, a copy, as tho price places it within the rcuch of all. . L'l 'lit (in whom liberal commissions will lu giv en, wanted in every town and coun'v in the Hid. Will furnish u sniniihi conv". luiili terms tit agents) by mail, postauo 'prepaid. on receipt of the list price, ei .xi. E. M. BRUCE. No. IN. N. 7th SI.,, Pa- 7-it. FREE TO,S,;t: BOOK i" .!" "i our Ai l1 J It uxl niterf 'null'; Hi hie containing over loo line .scripture AGENTS 1 1 hi-ti all. .us to an y Hisib agent, frco f i h.' Address, National Publishing Co.. Philadelphia, I'a. AGENTS WANTED FOFt THE. iJiSTORY OF THE II WAR IU EUROPE It contains oer 100 tine engravings of Bnttlo Scenes and Incidents in tho War, and Is thonly Authentic and Oluclal his tory of that great conlliU I'ublMiod in both English and Gorman. 7"7A,nf'rlor histories aro being WflU I I Wit circulated. Sea that the book you buy contain 1(X fine engravings and maps, Send for circular and see our terms, and a full description of 'he work.. Address, NATL. PUBLISHING CO., Phlla, Pa. B-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. AGENTS WANTED FOR "WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Over one thousand illustrations. Tho larirest best selling, and most attractive subscription book ever published. One agent in Denver, Colorado, sold 100 in four days. One agent in Milwaukio sold ao copies in one-half day. and a large num ber trotn i!u to 30 copies per day. Send for Circulars, with terms at once. Address, II. S. Publishing Co., 411 iiroomo St., N. Y. 4tf-4t 8 O'CLOCK. 5-4t QT'l month Expenses paid Male I Jor Femalo Agents -horso and outfit furnished. Address, Saco Novelty, Co., Saco, Mo. 0--U AGENTS LOOK ! J3, to $20 per day. Easy, gcnteol and profitable business. A littlo Novelty which evervbodv wants. Success Sure. Send for circulars. Churchill A Templetou, Manufacturers, 615 Broadway, N. V. IMt WANTED AG ENTS, (f:o per day) to sell the celebrated HOM E SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the under feed, makes tho '-lock stitch" (alike on both sides) and Is fully licensod. Tho and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address Johnson, Clark .0 Co.. Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Ta., Chi cago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 7-4t JU RUBEB A. WUATISIT? It Is s suro and perfect remedy for all dis eases of the liver and spleen, onlar or ob struction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, poverty or a want of blood.Interinilteiit or Uotnitent Fevers.' Inflammation of tho Liver, Dropsy. Slug gish circulation of the blood, Abscesses, Tumors, .Inn. lice, Serotul, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever or their coucoin'itanbi. 1R. WEi.Lsliaving become aware of tho extraordinary medicinal properties of the oouiu American riant,, cm leu JURUBEB A, sent aspeoinl commission to that country to procure it in its native purity, and hav ing lounci lis wonderful eurativo proper ties to evei exceed tho antieiiiaiioiis form. erl Jrv it" great repntHt Ion, has osncluded to oiler it fo tho public, and is happy to stnto that ho has jiprfeoted arripements" for a regular monthly supply of this wonder- rui I'lanr. lie una spent niiicli t:mo cx perlnientinj! and Investigating as to the most omeient preparation trom it, for pop ular uso, and lias for tome time used li his own vnietioe with most happy results tho efl'octual medicine now presented to ine puune as Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA and he confidently recommends it to every family as a househould remedy whicli should bo freely taken tti a Blood Prni- kh in all deraitcmcnts of tho Bjstem und to animate and fortify all weak and Lym phatic temperaments. JOHN J. KEL LOGG, Plutt St., Now York. Solo Agent ior mo Limea tsiaios. itico One .Dollar per bottlo. Send lor Circular. 60-Jt AGENTS WANTED FOR IT FT T YEARS IN THE MAGIC CIRCLE X BYSICNOR BLITZ. Brim ful of fun an !mA humor, with inci dents and adventures iu thcprincipal cities ot tho world, it doserliios his tricks and feats as a Magician ami Ventriloquist. Sold only by subscription. Liberal tsrins to good Agents. Address, Bullleld Ash mead, 711 Suusoni St., Philii. 5-41 AC; ENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. NOW READY. Human Lifo Prolonged. Or 5000 facts for Fhtsieal Eoisteiice. Bv A. H. Piatt. M. 1). An entirely new work of tho utmost valuo ts all. It is not a "Doc tor Book," its object being to promote Ion life, without tho UHiigo of drugs or modicones. Agents will find it one of tho' works in tho field. Forex tru terms mi l full particulars, address liuaaor City Pub. Huuso, 217 it' i!19 Quince St., Phila. 5-Jt COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Why will j ou Cough when you can bo ho eofcily released by using Ir. Wells' turbolic Tablets? They are a Miro for Sore Throat, Cold, yoiirscness, Catarrh mid u!l Diseases of tlie Lungs, Throat and Bronchial Tillies. I'lonillio great nunnieror lestimouials as to the elllcieucy of the invaluable UK'.l eino the following is selected : 17 WahpaiiKeli-A vo., Chicago 111 , January 14, lsjl. "For tho last ten years 1 havo been a great sulierer frequent attacks of Acute I rouchilis, and havo never found anything to relieve ine from these attacks until I tiled Dr. Wells' Cat holic Table!." T. Boor. CAUTION ftte ie Tablets ; don't let olliergooils be palmed oil' ou vou iu their place. Jolui Q. Kellog, ;ll Plait St., N. Y.' Sole Agent. Sold by Druggists, Frice - cents u box. -i'.i-It AGENTS 9 WANTED r 0TS1MTO On Way and By-ways In tho Hidden lifo AMERICAN DETECTIVES. By Ofliccr Mc 11 atleis. A narrative of jr years ex pencil. v among Ban k Robbers, Counterfoil!. rs, Thies, Pickpockets, Lotte ry Di alers. Conlidciice Men and Su in. iters of all classes of society disclosing mrrk e l instances) of diabolical vcngciice uud deep laid plans of mischief uud outrage, unit showing the model, by which tliey wero traced out and scoundrels brought t' just lee. A large volume ol over tijopuges ;io lull page engravings. For circular uud le: ms address the pub lishers, J. 11. Bui r d' Hyde, Hartford, Ct, l-ll UI'.scRlliE forthu I'oreM l-i.'in.Wi.-i n II will pay. If. ADDRESS To the Nerveous AND 3D E.BIXjIT.A.T IE 3D . WlrOSKsr.lTerlntrshave bocn protract ed from hidden causes, nnd whose cases requiro prompt treatment to rendor existence desirable ; If you are suffering, or hv ufl'erwl from Involuntary discharges, what effect docs it produce on your general health T Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a littlo extra exertion produce pal pitation of the;heartT Does your liver, or urinary organs, or yourkidneys, frequent ly got out of order T Is yonr tirino some times thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick skum rise to tho top ? Or is 8 sediment at the bottom af ter It has stood awhile? Do you haTe spells of short breathingor dispepsia? Arc your bowels constipated? Do you hara spoils of fraiutlng, or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory imparod? Is your mind constantly dwelling on ttiia subject? Doyoufeel dull, Ustloss, moping, tired of company, orjile? Do you wish to bo left alone, away from everybody? Docs any littlo thing nisko you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye aa brilliant? Tho Idooni on your cheek as bright? Da you enjoy yourself in society as woll ? Do you pursue your business with tho same energy ? Do you foel as much confidence In youself? Are your spirits dull and flag. King, given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyi pojwia. Have you routless nights? Your bock weak, your kneos weak, and have but lit tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dy pepiiaor 11 ver-com plaint? Now, reader, aolf-abusa, venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, ar all capnblo of producing a weakness of tha generative organs. The organs of genera tion, when in perfect health, make tho man Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, onergotic, persevering, successful bns-iness-men are always those whose genera tive organs aro in perfect health? Yon nover hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. Thoy are novor afraid they cannot succeed In business ; they don'tbo come sad and'djscouragodj they arealwaya polito and pleasant In tho company of la dies, and look you and them right In tha face nono of your downcast looks or any meanness about, them. I do not mean tnose who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin their constitutions, but also Uiom thoy do business with or for. IIow many men, frerrt badly cured dls eosos, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced tho genoal system so mnch as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, luuacy, paralysis, spinal afflictions, suicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity la lmir to, and tho real cause of tho troublo scarcely ever suspected sod have doctored for all but tha right on. Diseases of these organs require ths u of a Diurotio. HELMBOLD'8 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great Diuretic, and Is a certain euro 'for diseases of tha Bladder, Kidneys, Gruvel, Dropsy, Orgsu lo Weakness, Femalo Complaints, Gener al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, w bother existing iu Male or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, and no nutter of how lung standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Iusunily may ensue. Our flesh and Mood aro supported front these suur.'os, and Ihn health aud happiness, asd that of . Posterity, dcponiU upon prompt uso of a reliable, remedy. Hclmbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of llAcai'H, prepureJ by 11. T. nr.I.MBOl.D, Druggist, 1 Broadway. New York, aud 10 1 Ssufcli 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pu. PliU'i;-iJ 1.25 per bottle or H Isittl. s for Jti.50, delivered to any ad- 1 dross, hold by all Druggostn everywhere. AJOX1: ARE GENUINE UNLESS 1A DONE TP IN ST EL ENGRAVkl' Wrapper, fac-Muilo of my Chemical Wars house. undsVnod H.T. Hr"I.M Rnr.D I v