The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 06, 1871, Image 3

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    - K DITCH.
ron avditor general,
DAVID SIANTON, of lkavcr Co.
ROBERT B. BEATII, of Schuylkill.
Primary Meetings.
At a meeting of the Republican
County Committee, on Tuesday even
inpr, May l'3il, 1671, Saturday, July
2d, 1871, was fixed as the day for
holding the. Primary Meetings this
year. The Republican voters of For
. tt County will meet at the usual
Juwces for holding elections in each
election district n Saturday, July,
22d, 1871, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to nom
inate cr.ndidutes fur the follow offices:
One person for President Judge.
One person for ssembly.
Oae person for Co. Commissioner.
Oue person for Couuty Auditor.
Tho Republican voters of each elec
tion district at the same time elect by
ballot one person to serve as a member
cf the Couuly Coniinitte for one year,
end return the nnmo of such person
und .'lis vote in the some manner as
those of the candidates for nomination.
Each Election Board shall consti
tute the newly elected member of the
County Connuitte the Return Judge
of said district, who shall make his
returns at tho Court House, in Tiones
M. on Tuesday, July 25th, 1871, at 2
o'clock P. 21., at which time the coin
m.'Uee will also elect their Chairman
for tho ensuing year.
Every Republican in Forest Coun
ty is earnestly requested to turn out
at tho Primary meetings and assist in
iiimiiiating good and efficient persons
for the different offices.
By Order of the Committee.
The Ku-Klux of Forest and the
Ourrillas of Clarion seem to be ripe
fur a ruction among themselves. The
cause of this is, that heretofore the
Forest Democracy has had its primary
meetings some weeks after Clarion had
made her nominations. This year, the
year of the great contest for President
Judge of this district, the Democracy
at Forest have appointed their meet
ings on the same day that Clarion has
chosen. There are three candidates
for President Judge in that party in
Clarion, and only one in Jefferson.
Forest has noue. Clarion wished to
make her choice of the three men be-
fare tho primary elections in .Forest,
S3 they would only have one to buck
against the Jefferson mau, instead of
dividing tho vote up among three of
them, and thus giving the Jefferson
man an easy thing of it in Forest. The
Clarion chaps claim that it is a set up
tiling to defeat any candidate they may
choose, and it does look a little strange.
We thiuk that perhaps a compromise
may bo effected by which Mr. J. L.
Gordon of Brookvillo may occupy
tho bench for the next term. Then
tho thing will be satisfactory, all
Every few days a package mark
ed C. O. D. is received at the express
cilice in this place, addressed to some
one in the neighborhood, who has an
idea that saw-dust from New York is
far more valuable than the home arti
cle. True, it is not saw-dust they ex
pect, but that is about all they receive.
S nne inea we could name, whe would
Irito to have their honesty questioned,
have invested in this article. Brook
villt Jrj'ronian.
Quite a number of C. O. D.'s have
been received nt this express office
w ithin a short time, and have in each
case been known to contain saw-dust.
St. Murya Gazette.
We have yet to hear of the first
raw-dust box from New York or any
o'.ber place being received at this sta
tion. It must be that our people are
more honest, or else sharper than some
cf those of neighboring counties.
The Warren county correspon
dent of the Erie Dhpalih says : A
fifteenth amendment unsuccessfully
played the white man's trick on the
Oil Creek R. R. last Friday night, of
avericg that ho had given his ticket to
the conductor, and refusing to "pay
faro twice." "Pap" RichardH, niter
titji.t yonrs experience on tho Oil
t'ivek road, with tho most mixed pop
ulation of any place outside the largo
cities, can tee the "tliinuess" of such
ftntements at once, and unceremonious
ly loft him where the contrast between
the ni-ht, his face and the mountains
nut diiccrnable.
Fatal Accident. On Tuesday
hi. t, in Spring Creek Township, a
man iiaiued Adam Jlerbich, wliilo
ti lling trees fur R. R. ties, had a tree
lull on him, fracturing one arm iu a
r-h'jtking manner. Dr. Picket of
Columbus, was summoned ; but found
the patient in a sinking condition.
I ! 'hi d wittim a short tune. Had ho
liv-d it would have been necessary to
:" '!utate the arm. Tho shock was
' ii at fi.r liin ii.'rd frame to bear.
,,,,,. A. ,-,-.
W.'tl. DUNN
The Rrookville Republican comes
to us enlarged to an eight-column pa
per. It is a good county paper, and
hears evideneo of being well; patron
ued. : ,
Tho following from the Titusville
A serenading party was out Wednes
day night searing cats, waking chil
dren and otherwise making night hide
ous. The singers were of that age
that witnesses a change of voice, and
the sounds therefrom were neither
goose nor gander-like, but a mixture
of baritone (wheelbarrow) base and
terrible. "Meet me at the Gate when
tho clock strikes tine," was the open
ing song, and those who heard it said
they would moot them with a base ball
club the next time they came.
The steam saw mill nf Messrs P.n.
dolph & Morton, situated at Spring
iTeea, was totally destroyed by tire at
llrtnn rn Tiiji.I. rT" 1. I -11 i
uLcudi . loss win reacn
$4,000, on which there is no insurance.
The fire is supposed to have originated
in the engine room, or about the fur
nace while the hands were, eating their
dinner. . , , , .
The Venango Citiien is responsi
ble for the following items :
On last Thursday, May 25th, the
building occupied by Morris Hirsuh'a
wholesale liquor store, located in the
block of frame buildings on Liberty
Street, opposite the Court House, was
discovered to be on fire, and the alarm
was sounded, briugiug the Fire De
partment to the ground in quick time,
which succeeded iu quenehing the
flames, after an hour's hard work.
Well fio. f, on the Snyder Farm,
Rockland township, owned by Pren
tice it Angcll commenced llowino
through tho casing on Tuesday last at
tho rate of four hundred barrels per
A well owned by Fisher & Co., on
the Milton Farm, was tubed on Tues
day and is lonnrte.I n nv.t.lii.Jio
seveuty-five barrels per day.
The Greenville Argm says: On
Saturday last a train on the A. it G.
W. Ry. stopped nt the depot at this
place and let off a sick woman, who
it was afterwnrda ftscprriiiiied h n
. , - j ...
examination of some of our physicians,
was suiiering irom the small pox. The
nonr nnrnmi lav in llm Aar.n r.nm C
urday until Monday, when she was
again put aboard of a train and taken
to Sharnsville. where. we iinKtaml
she has friends who will care for her.
OreenviIIe has no hospital, and it was
certainly a very unwarrantable we
might say criminal piece of business
on the part of those having charge of
the sick passentrer to set her off a. sta
tion where she had no friends, and
allow her to remain a public building
so long, where people were passing to
fro all the time, particularly when the
person was afflicted with a PClAt nrrnmia
disease like the small pox. Ourciti-
rens are indignant at such a transac
tion. '
' tmt
Floating islands were known in
the ancients. The younger Pliny re
fers to several which were covered
with reeds and rushes so firmly that
sheep strayed out upon them, and thus
were sometimes floated away. In
modern days, too, such masses have
often formed in large rivers, carrying
out involuntary passengers of swine
and kine to sea. A short time ago
tidings of a new discovery of similar
character came from Victoria. Por
tions of that colony
is said, by rivers which How into a
system of parallel lakes, separated
from the ocean by long sandy ridges
which have but one navigable open
ing. The islands are formed by allu
vial deposits which are brought down
by tho rivers from tho mountain dis
tricts. One of these was recently dis
covered by the master of a trading
vessel, directly whero the Wi.ut
channel had been before. Unon it
were several large (troves of pigs,
which fed on contentedly as the tide
swept them toward" the sea. I Wis
stated that so long as the wind drove
it in that direction the infant island
bore exactly for the ocean, but (per
haps luckily for the pigs,) a change of
wiud came, and it sailed back aain
to the exact spot which it had left.
We mention the matter partly for the
reason of its novelty, and partly be
cause it so strikingly resembles the
new departure of -Democracy. A few
'veeks ago and it seemed almost cer
tain that the young island was drift
ing bravely, buoyantly and surely
from the aguish river marshes to the
broad and open sea. Tide end wind
were both in its favor, and the cattle
which browsed upon it looked as if
they had thoroughly made up their
miuds to a voyage of discovery. But
within a few days the wind has shifted.
It blows struugly from the South, and
the Northern cunent is not powerful
enough to overcome the breezes from
the opposite quarter. It has already
drifted back to tho exact spot from
which it started, and there it will
probably remain, circling uncertainly
about, while the great ships come and
go, and wonder at the singular
phenomenon. Now the question is,
who owns the pigs Jl'ittubui-tjh Com
mercial. We take the following from tho
Corry Telegraph :
l'ridav afternoon n. vmmn mnn
.named Hough while hunting near the
1. - c - i- ty a . . .
uiuuui oi oi xour iuiie livlK, acci
dentally shot himself, tho charge go
ing upward, cutting off part of his
nose und crushing the skull over his
eyes. A man named Graro heard the
rellort Und Soon lifter ROW Tfollirh irrnn.
ing blindly about. Ho brought him
to but the sufferer though able to speak,
can give no coherent explanation of
the ad it fin ir.
Tho number of
durinir tho year ending Juno 1st, 1871,
wrreod; number of births 2;55j num
her of deaths 85. -. ..
Ara.vtJi.T Urojr Sheuii p Pir. Ou
Monday, May 22d, Sheriff Pie, went
lo.iiicn ;tope, lor the purpose, of .ar
resting James Johnston, who escaped
lrom jail a short time since. On the
way thither, however, he came across
Stigert, who also had departed from
durance without permission. The
Sheriff arrested Stigert and brought
mm to town that evening. On Tues
day morning ho again wended his way
towards the domicile of Johnston. Ou
approaching tho house, the Sheriff left
his horse some distance away iu the
woods and proceeded on foot. On
nearintr the house he discovered
Johnston in the yard ciUting seed po
tatoes, when he at once pounced upon
his prisoner to handcuff him. A
severe scuffle ensued, during which
Johnston struck the Sheriff six or
seven times with his fist, but the latter
finally succeeded in securing the
prisoner. The Sheriff, dining the me
lee, also succeeded In discharging one
barrel of his revolver, which broutrht
some raftsmen, who were working near
by, to his assistance, when ho succeed
ed in putting hobbles on Johnston.
At the instance of Johnston, the
Sheriff sent to a neighbor's house for
his wife, who soon made her appear
ance, when the party started into the
house to get some clothes for prisoner.
Ou nearing tho door, tho prisoner
suddenly leaped inside, and at the
same instant an axe was hurled at the
Sheriff's head, but missed him. The
prisoner standing at bay inside of the
door with an axe, the Sheriff drew his
revolver in tho hope that its appcar
anco would intimidate him, but with
no effect. During this brief interval
the hobbles on the prisoner were cut,
when ho turned and swiftly run out nt
the back part of the house and made
good his escape, and has not since
been heard from." The Sheriff was
considerably stunned from the blows
received, so much so that it was with
difficulty he came homo on tho follow
ing day ; but ho is about again, and
ready for "active service." Clearfield
Will they Give tp their Leaders ?
Now that the Democracy of Penn
sylvania have so slyly abandoned ad
hesion to their old heresies, the next
thing for them to do is to give up their
leaders. When a man resolves to re
form certain vicious habits when he
desires to lead a sober life to be
honest and virtuous ho leaves the
grog shep, quits the resort of vice, and
cuts looso from the gambler aud the
harlot. If he does not do this there
can be no reliance put in bis profes
sions of reform. "Tell me who your
company is, and I'll tell you what you
are," is a homely adage very applica
ble in this case, and as the democracy
have resolved to rcforin, wo beg to ask
whether they will give up their old
leaders ? Are they ready to throw
George W. Woodward overboard ?
Will they give up Jerry Black to be
dealt with as he deserves? Are they
prepared to cut . loose from Bill
M'Mullin and his 'gang) whoae only
conviction as to tho (soundness of
Democratic principles is iu tho grati
fication they afford for maltreating
negroes? All over the State are yet
the old ' representatives of treason
sympathizers, who are now Demo
cratic leaders. Will the party give
them up ? If not, what reliance dare
we put in a Democratic 'departure
irom wrong r Mate Journal.
' A Tigress Loose ix the Rixci.
The Circus which was here last week,
had no regular ring master, but all
tried their hand at it, aud anions: the
others who had periodical spells of
cracKing me wmp was a largo lemale
called Brown. Ibis brown woman
lias a little daughter, nine years of
aire. Whose forte IS burn hark ri.lmtr
In the afternoon the old lady kept the
horse which the little girl was riding,
ou the run until its gait was so brokeu
and unsteady from fatigue that the
little girl could not keep her feet lor
an instant. The old termagant was
drilling the girl in jumping four ban
ners in succession, which was almost
impossible, and she fell once and was
seized by her father, shipped severely
atid put back on tho horse. The
audience finally had to interfere and
stop the cruelty. The clown was the
only gentleman in the ring, and al
though he sympathized with the girl,
made excuses for the brutality of the
parents. As a matter of choice we
should prefor to enter the lion's deu
than the circus ring, presided over by
a woman like this tigress. Shelden
berger & Co., had better keep the
temper of this woman down, or some
audience during this season will make
the ring too hot to hold her. Kan
dolph Jteguter.
The following ditpatch explains
Fkaxki.iv, Pa., Mav .10.
Company well No. 9, Angell ti Pren
tice tract, commenced flowing through
the cosing to-day and is now doing
four hundred barrels. This well is
about one hnndrcd rods north-west No. evelven, and its characteris
tics are about the fame. Herald, 31st
Prof. Stcadman, lately chosen
Principal of the Carrier Seminary of
this place, favored us with a call when
he was in town last week, lie appears
to be a live man, and earnest worker
iu the caiirfo of educntiou. We wish
him success in his e'lbits to make our
Seminary take its place us one of the
leading literary institutions of the
country. The fall term will commence
Augn.-t 17th. (.'hnion Jfworrnt.
A "nlavflll" ir in lliia oil unl
a note to her husband recently, writ
ten in a disguised hand and "signed
wiin a nctitious nnind, stating that she
had often Senn A fill flillYlii'ml KItii a ti 1
. linn, nun
if lie would inform her of a placo of
meeting, sue wooui. go over to the
rooms and the would become bettor
acquainted. Husband answered tho
note, appointing timo and placo, the
lady heavily veiled, ami r
tho rooms, the veil was removed, and
a grand tableau, not down on the bill,
ensued. Assurnncn vrns inn, la .in tl.
part of the husband that it was notic
ing out a joke, and that he knew it
was her all the time. - Wife is having
VUVV) ,.v . v v i ftuvi nil
elegant silk dress mado. Otrry Hade
Tl. - itl i i r .
mi u-vciana jtcraki, always a
varm frieud of country newspapers.
baS the following smiaiMa
concerning them : "Tho local paper
, . , .iv v k LJ L J L I J u l u u u l y
and community where it is published.
" ciiy papers cannot supply the
placo cf tho
should be the first love- of every man
n n .i p J.
uuu "uimhi, i0r wiin iuo paper is tho
locality identified. Tim
the county and town where printed.
mucnoi mcir importance in the world,
and irives in detail thrt o-l tieuQ
which cannot bo pained by aDV other
source. livery UllV 8 Issue of tho
paper is SO much local bistorv nml Ilia
rise, growth and development of the
iou uuu county can ue measured and
recorded only bv tho local nmvsnn nrr
that constantly is gathering its items.
i eopie uo uoi properly appreciate their
homo newspaper. They measure the
value of a paper too much by tho
number of columns it contains. The
home paper nt any price is the cheapest
paper one can take, for in 'it is found
the information to be nlitninnil ft
jother source.
Another thiner can bo tnknn inin
consideration. Every county has oue
or more newspapers. Ilenco the cu1
dilation of each tnner must limit.
ed. There is. theivforo. thn
nceu or nctivity and interest on the
part of the peoidc. to ffive tlinir nu-n
good paper, vigorous and substantial
support. '
"-The cnnatnliln in K" ini1nw ln.i'n.
ship, Forest county, who is required
to report as acrately as possible on tho
subject mentioned, made the following
statement to tho court of that county,
wnicn is in session id uwb "io
born children only two as yet "
r ei7igo wizen.
. (mprod fop (S7f. . :
Thin Machine 1ms never compotod at
any National orKtate Fair, or great trial,
without having roerivtxl tho First l'luini.
nm, ami hat lii on nwardud a prcator num
ber of Medals than uny other machine now
before the public.
5-3iq. Tlonesta, Va.
t tke delicate ud refrv
Cologne W ater,
fj Lodr i
. Kola or Urm
lera la PEhViXBRV
DEAFNKSS, Catarrh Scrofula. A lady
who had tsuflered for yearn from Dcaf
nciw. Catarrh mid (Scrofula, wan cured by
u Hiiuplo remedy, tier sympathy and
(natitiule prompts her to send the ruceipU
tree of chmno to any one Mmilurly alllict
eil. Address Mrs. M. C. Iirc'tt, Jerwy
City, N. J. 5-jt
Tho Library of Poetry and Sog,
P.cing Choice SclccMons from the Best
1'oeU, KiikMhIi, IScotch, Irish und Ameri
can. With an Introduction by
Vnder'whoNO critical supervision tho
volume was compiled.
Tlic liaiiilMiiiicsi und cheapest subscrip
tion book extant. Over euo jia.eH, hoauii
fully prinU-d, choice I v illustrated, hand,
miniely bound. A Library of over 6X
volumes in one book, w hoso contents, of
no ephemeral nature or interest, will never
(row old rr male. It can be, and will In
read and re-read with pleasure by old and
vouhh, us toil; as its leaves hold" together.
Z1"A pel feet biirpriso. Seureelv unvthinij;
ull nil a favorite, or ut all worthy of place
here, is neglected. It is a book lor every
household." A'. 1". Mail.
"veknow of no similar collection in
the Knifllsh laiigiiuLto which, in copious
nosKHuil felicity of selection und itrrunge-nii-ut,
can ut all compare wiih it." A'. V.
Terms liboral. Selling very rupidly.
Send fur Circular and Terms to
J. H. 1 tJKl) A CO.,
i i'm k I'luce, Y,
Juno 6, 1S71.
BKADY Full AUK NTS Tho book
tbul is M'lliutr. Tho cheapest und best
History of the late war, in both Kmrlish
and liernian, Profusely Illustrated, only
lino aent reports oiders in two
das, Act ipiickl V and coin moncv. A.
II. Hublrard, Publisher, 1IJ Ciirsmut St.,
l'hila. I'-ii
mtv mid UMrnavf;n muwivo
billing nil Modern IiiiivefnrntJ
thro..!, on nil Traiiii K'tweeu Buffi. In
N hurra . 11-, NNwnsK,ft ilrhlge (Tovo
Innd, Cincinnati mid Now York
Now York L've
Jersey City '
No. 1.
0 A. M.
0 15 "
No. 8.
11 00 A. M.
11 15 "
11 05 "
12 (K) m.
1 35 tin,
11 40 A, M.
3 ,W
fl 17 "
11 30 "
12 28 A. M.
rvewnrK "
'ntterson '
Port Jervin
10 13
I, :
11 M "
- 8 M
5 44 " .
fl U4
10 27 "
10 W "
11 5fl "
12 01) M.
1 A. M.
n on r. m.
H 01 A. M.
1 2S "
!t 50
12 30 p. M.
a 45 " ,
No. 7.
5 30 P. c.
6 4 "i "
40 '
0 25 "
7 45 Sup.
P 30 P. M.
B 20 " '
a 21 a. v.
4 40
ft 20 "
9 ftS A. M.
11 2D
1 i J 5 p. M.
VI S5 "
Vi fi3 "
11 8'l A. M.
12 f0 r. M.
1 15
2 20 Din.
7 20 p. m.
O i n. in.
0 30 "
Biuulmtuton -"
r.linirn , "
Coruln " 1
Kochester "
Hutlalo '
NlRimrnPnllN "
Susp. llridK" "
iHinkirk "
Jaiuestowu Ivo
Corry "
I'n Ion
Meudvillo "
CleTolnnd "
lavton '
Cincinnati "
NewYoik L've
Jersey City '
Newark "
Pnterson "
0 20 . "
7 10 ,' "
7 15 ' "
7 20 "
8 10 "
7 35 " .
8 04 "
0 20
3 30 "
7 2.! "
10 15
No. 8.
7 00 p. m.
7 20 "
Turners "
B 10 Sap.
10 30 p. m.
3 IS A. M.
6 15 "
6 65 "
9 65
11 20 "
12 15 "
12 25 '
12 63 "
1 1 Hrt A. M.
12 fs p. M.
1 15 "
2 20 Pin.
7 20 p. M.
4 05 a. m.
0 30 "
Nowhurch "
Port .lor vis Arr
Hinphainton "
1.1 mini "
Rochester H
Hutlalo 11
NiaifarnFulla" ,
Sus. Hridgo "
IHinKirk "
Jamestown I.'ye
Corry "
i num "
Moadvillo " '
t'levelnnd "
Dayton "
Ciiicinniiti "
Additional Local Trains Westward.
6:30 A. except Sundava from Sala-niatu-a,
SioppiiiR nt ltof , House 7:15.
Steiimblirir 7:50. Hiiniloinl, .-, -.r.:
!;35, Jamestown 11:00. Aloiville n.aS
Pniiama 12:23 p. m., Urant 12:40, Frochlild
1:0S, Columbus 1:42, Corry .17, tUmeord
2.4.1. lTnlrin a 1') Mill v,n'.,... j o x.;ii
-- - ...... .
4.&,i, (..ninhridfreA.24, YpnaiiKO.",40. Hneirer-
4...Mn 1! Ill 1 i..t ...
uu urriviu ut iuenuvuio at
0. 0 p. 111.
l r ,i..:i.. r. ' e.i..'
: -, iimii .amiunuca.
Stoppinirnt Red flmiso 1.07, Menniburs
i.iimiiui ivenueuv -.-ik, James
town 3.8t, AshvilJo 4.1.-I. 'Panama 4.35,
(irnnt 4..piil l',i,l nri r-,i.,...i.., r.
-. , - .......... u...., K "lllllllllll U,1U,
Corry fl.05. Concord fl.S2, Pnion 7.15. and
uii i , iiik i mean vine at lu.iai p. in.
4.0U P. M.( daily, ftxini .Snlnmnnea.
8toppinK nt Red Hoiiso4:23, IStcamliurg
. . 4HiiHiiri,u n-..n , ivrnnniv James.
town teM, Aahville 8: IS, Panama 6::tO
i.iiu.uii.,, rrwraim tiaai, coiunilius 7:10,
Corry 7:22, I'liion 8:(H), and arriving ut
STATIONS.' .' No.. 12 . No! 4.
Cincinnati L've' 0 45 n. in.
1 lav ton
12 03 a. m.
7 26 "
11 32 Din.
13 27 p. ni.
Cleveland "
Meadville . "
Corry ' "
jAmestiiwri i ' l
1J wi
1 40
1 'Ai
1 40
1 4S
2 40
i 00
Uuukirk '' '
Susp. liridjro "
6 S5 p. nt
-iinfrnra raits "
Bntlalo . . "
RiH'hester '
Hornellsvilla "
" 8 28 "
8 40
10 20 '
11 48 '
12 20 a. nv
2 28 "
,7 05 "
II 40 a. m.
0 0- lift.
10 15 a. m
,. 6 03 Sup,
Corning '
7 S3 p. ni.
8 10 "
W 08 .
2 63 a. in.
Hinghamton "
PortJervls Arr
Newburirh "
Pnteraon . "
ft 60 "
, 7 0(1 "
(1 S3 "
7 00 a. ni.
No. 8.'
6 45 a. m.'
3 So p. in.
8 10 Sup.
0 88 p. m.
10 30 "
10 00 "
2 05 p. m.
10 53 a. m.
.Trtraa.. tlr II
New York ' "
11 10 a. in.
No. 2,
Cinelnnatl L've
1 15 p. m.
'!eveland "
10 IK)
Mi-advlllo "
I'nlon "
2 35 a. ui
i 4 05
6 02 "
40 "
- 6 no . -
7 00 , ".
C 61 ".
9 43 " ,
10 55
11 30 "
1 22
5 2"i '
8 3(1 "
8 43 Sup.
7 38 p. ni,
Corry . "
Janiestown "
Imnkirk "
Susp. Bridire " '
Niagara Fulls "
liullalo "
Rochester "
irornellsvlllo '
II 20 " .
2 5S a. m.
4 25 "
6 04 "
7 00 '
11 40 "
Corning "
l: in ru .
Port Jervts
, 1 18 Din.
2 20 p. m.
6 15 "
2 63 "
8 10 p. m.
N ewnrk
Jersey City
Now York
8 12 ; "
8 30 p. in.
ville. Stopping nt I'uion 2:33, Corry 3:40,
Columbus 4:13, Freehold 5:05, Grant 5:33,
Panama 5:05, Ashvillc 8:38, JsmeHtown
7:115, Kennedy 7:47, Randolph 6i25. Steam
lmrit 8:55, Redhouso 9:20, und arriving ut
SalamiiniT at 0:55 a. in.
6:2o A. M.i exceot Sundavs. from Afenrl.
Ville. MtoDDillur at Stiieirortnu'ii A.-jt
Vonaiifto 0:1.), Ciunbiiil);eH:12, Millers 7!o2!
Mill Villasre 7:25, I'nlon K;()4, Concord 8:45,
Corry V:30, Columbus P:5(), Freeliold 10.X0,
(triliit l(l!.ri7 liiiianin 'ttli . ... Aul...tllA
' . ..... ,.. nnuvinu
12:2i . Jamestown 2:05, Kennedy 8:00, Ran
dolph 3;50, Htpamburg 4:40, Red IIouso
6:20, and arriving at Salamanca at 6:55
p. in.
1:10 P. M., exeojit Sundavs, from Mead
ville. Stopping at SncV'ertown l::t3,
Yenanaro 2:10, Cam bridte 2:20, Miller2:S(l,
Mill Village 2:50, L'nion 8:12, tloneord 3:32,
Corrv .'!:.'.". I'olninoiis 4 ir l.Va..i,i,i a. in
ruiit 4:50, Panama 5:12, Ashville 5:27!
.Tnmiiutnu it H-lu n.u i i i 1.
7:17, S oaiuhurjc 7:41), Keil House b:tX, aud
"iii(j oi i.ttutiiitcu c;,mj 4.-, it
uenihup t. Uen 1 Puss r Ag't.
"fTrni HE A-N ECT A R
; ' -T;v"il is a pp r k
firaav: HIJACK TKl
w ith the Ureeu Tea Plavor
WarrauUd to suit all
tastes. ' For salo every-wliei-e.
For sale wholo
oniv bv the Urniit Atliniiiii
Riul l'ucillo Tea Co., 8 Chutch St. Now
Yoi'K. 1'. O, Box 05o5. Send for Theu
Nectar circular. 0 4t
ICO Acre Farms Free ! !
The Northwestern Colonization of Free
Ilomstead Company, (ClmrUired by the
siliito of Minnesota,) furnishes Cheap Rates
of Faro, and Locate Free llomestcails.
Nciid for Free Pamphlets, jjlviiipr History
of Minnesota, its Resources, Progress,
Fertility and Advantage,. Address 1).
Pui-'e Duvis, Comiiilssioner of Iinini ,'nttion
for the Stalo of Minnesota, ami (ieuenil
Atent for the N. W. Col. Co., No 153 Broad
way, N. Y. (Active and reliable Ascitis
Wanted in every locality.) n-4t
flMllS IS NO HUMLL'til t7n
i. By Ncuding OcJCKNTS
with ne, hitflit, color of eyes and liair,
you ill receive, by return inail, a correct
picture of your hiture husbauil or wife,
w ith naiiiu und datuof marriage. Address
W. P. U. I'iner No. 31, Fulton-
Tllle, N.Y, flt
i ! '
. J . ; ' .
" ? f : a "i '. ;
a SR-
C iff
rs,. fi
4) E
- P- rt
o p p
. c o
9 m
ed w '
- "S S S
11 tH
o I
2 2 To
d !;
'43 C u
'3 "'
if 3 J
Tho plaeo to buy every variety f tho
AT Till
Is at tho extensive Tea Store sf
where you can always find a larjre tssort
metit of the best Teas at Now York prloes
A lttrg assortment of
firoccrlos and Provisions,
nnefpialed in riiialirvamfrlirapnesNhvanr
other HUro in Warren eounty, nlwava m
hand. I'ho pooplo of Forest .county wlK,
sare money by purchiudrijf thoir supplies
ut this place. ' r .
Bust brand's of
dolivorej at any depot on the Una of Ik B.
it. free.
Shiroon Main fit. near the Popot.
TF YOU VA NT a perfect nt and gnod
article ol Boots and dimes, of tbs flusa
workmanship, go to
if. i.. sirCAa'cire,
ffactlniijruurnnleod. . 2-33 tf.
AN D RE W S & C o7,
Marufacturors of
, Af. At., At.,
timout, pa.,
Joiik AKniir.ffg,
i2, io, 8 noiti: poivnn,
21, 11, 13 aud IO II. p.
40, 20, 22, and IS II. I,
Room No. 2, Chass t Stewarfs'Blook,.
H. C. JI. Alt It,
Ard Dealer in
RepairitiL' dono in a worliinniillL.
manner unA ivinrint...! .,;.
t 1 1 V 0blS.
faction. 4jj
WniTE OAK',' Forest County, JV;
i a.
'TMIIS house is new and lltted im in first
,,llWH "t.vlo, ond is hoail(puirtrs for all
persons vlsiti,,., the reatoil Hold of Hick,
ory. Jho bar is furnished with the host
ot lepiors. lhe,ropiictors will spare no
pains to innko it the most desirable stop.
pniK plai-o In th oil regions. ."y.
Water Street,
Tionosta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor.
a :)t
Vioturnti i- ..ii it. i , . .
U.eartT " " l" "" I ? J of
. n N her'as letter., testuinontaiy
f-V to ii10 cs uto of II. f. A. !itiKle, 1 no
of k i.Ksley Township, dee'd, huve been
S"MtU ' '? sul'M'r''. "U'persons i " '
debted to said eslalo are requested to nu.ko
imnudiato payment, and' those h" W,,2
..idViL.1''! ,1V"",ly,1" UL':'in cst:a of
wid decedent, make known and pre-
ta,a,cdtr'10 Wi"'0Ut du'a-V' llu'y ttl'lh''
t'HKD't'K. l.KDAHOL'H, Kxecutor.
" KmiM-v T.,wnsliip.
i i