The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 06, 1871, Image 2

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w. n. DUNN.
OOloe la Krox's Building, Eln Street
Ho Hnbacrlptions received for a'ahorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited from all parts
of the country. No notloe will be taken of
anonymous communication.
-Marrlagoa and Doath notices Inserted
X. O. Gh T.
R Teete every Wednesday evening, at I
iij. o'cjock.
W. R, DUNN, VT. C. T.
M. W. TATE, VT. 8.
m. hbwtow nnn, milks w. tats.
4 fc sVeet, TTOXKSTA , PA.
Isaac Ash,
Will practice In'the various Courts of
forest County. All business entrusted to
kit cars will receive prompt attention.
U ly
W. W. Mason.,
, TTORNET AT LAW. Office on Elm
I Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa.
C. W. GllflUan,
TTORNET AT LAW, Franklin, Ve
L nango Co., Pa. tf.
N. B, Smiley,
A TTORNET AT LAW, Petroleum Cen
tre, Pa, Will practice In the several
Courts of Forest County. 5-ly
Holmes House,
aTONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot
C. D. Mable, Proprietor. Good Sta
lling connected with the house. tf.
Jos. T. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
tiler.' Three doors north of Holmes
.'Hooae, Tlonosta, Fa. All work Is war
ranted, tf.
Syracuse House,
Tl MOUTH, Pa., J. A D Maqci, Promo
ters. The house has boon thoroughly
refitted end is now ia the first-class order,
pUth the fcest of accommodations. Any
nforatstion concerning Oil Territory at
this point will be cheerfully furnished.
. -iy , J.&D.MAOEE,
' Xxchange Hotel,
L'bWER TIDIOUTE, Pa,, 7'H. Rams
I vbkl A Bo!f Prop's. This bouse having
ibesn rsntod is now the most desirable stop
tying place in Tidloute. A good Billiard
era attached. ,
. national Hotel,
TRTINETON, PA. W. A. ITallenback,
':" Proprietor. This hotel ia Kaw, and is
OW open ss a first class house, situate at
ne junction of the OU Creek 4b Allegheny
. Jtlver and Philadelphia A Erio Railroads,
pposite the Depot. Parties having to lay
ver trains will find this the most oonven
ent hotel in town, with first-class aooora-
-nodstions and reasonable charges. tf.
TlfR Sons & Co.'S
NEW ENGINES. Theunderstgnedksve
for sale and will receive orders for the
i above Engine Messrs. TifftHons A Co.
i are now sending to this market their 12
llorse Power Kugine with 14-Horse Power
Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells.
Okkick at Duncan A Chalfant's, dealers
: in Well Fixtures, IIsrdware.Ac, MamHt.
1 next door to Chave House, Pleasantville,
tend at Mansion House, Titusville.
tf. K. BHKTT A SON, Agents.
Joli K. Hallock,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
Patents, No. 605 French street(oppoeite
Reed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice in
the several Btate Courts and the United
(States Courts. (Special attention given to
soliciting patents for Inventors ; Infringe
ments. re-Issue and extension of patents
earefuUy attended to. References! Hon.
James Campbell, Clarions Hon, John S.
McC'almont, Franklin; H. L. A A. B.
Richmond, Mead vUle; W. E. Lathy. Ti
neata. S 7
Dr. J. L. Acorrb,
had fifteen years' experience in a large
and successful practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Office in his Drug and
Grocery Htore, located In Tidloute, near
Tidloute House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
'Tobaooo, Cigars, Htationory, Olass, Paints,
-Oils, Cutlery, and fine Groceries, all of the
beat quality, and will be sold at reasonable
H. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug
gist from New York, has charge of the
Ntore. Ali prescriptions put up accurately.
IT, P. Morcllllott,
Attorney mt Xjaw.
f, CAtHft,
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
This Bank transacln a General Banking,
Collecting and Exchange Business.
Draft ou the I'riuuipal Cities of the
United SUtes and Europe bought and sold.
Gold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bonds
converted on the moot favorable terms.
Interest allowed on time deposit.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has
returnsd to his practice after an ab
sence of four months, spent in the Hospi
tals of New York, where lw will attend
calls in his profusion.
OUice in Eureka Drug Store, Sd door
above the bank, Tidioute, Pa. il'tf
fU) MAUE 50
Something urgently needed by everybody
Call and examine, or samples sent postage
Jittid for AO cts that retail easily for f 10. R.
Wuloott, 1H1 Cbsthrin Nq.,N. Y. 4H-4i
DEAFNKHS, Catarrh and Kurorula. A
lady who had nurtured for years from
Dcafues, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured
by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and
gratitude prompts her to send ilie receipts
true of charge tv any one similarly sftlict
. ei.. AddrvsM Mrs. M. C". De-xutl, Jersey
..City, N. J, .a It '
. 0H:O2SmOT.A.
".Let us have Faith
VOL. IV. NO. 10.
at the.Store of
D. S. KNOX, & CO.,
Elm St, UncsU Pa.
. ,
We are in daily receipt oi the argestand
which we are determined to sell regardless
of prleea.
House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural ImplomeuU,
&c, Ac,, Ae,, which we offer at greatly re
duced prioes,
:o: .
parlor surra,
ES, Ac., Ac., Ac,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
D. 8. KNOX, A CO.
SONG. The handsomest aud cheapest
work extent. It has something In It of the
best for every one, for the old, the middle-aged
and the young and must become
universally popular. Excepting the Bible
Uils will be the book most loved and the
most frequently referred to in the tamily.
Every page has passed under the critical
eye of the great poet,
Bare chance for best agents. The only
book of its kind ever sold by subscription.
Send at onoe for circulars, Ac, to
GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
S0-4t . 719 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
SEASON OF 1870-71.
Important Improvemen s.
Patent June 21st and August 23d, 1870.
The Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., hare
the pleasure of announcing important Im
provements in their Cabinet Organs, for
which Patents were granted them in June
and August last. These are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
substantial excellence of the instruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders promptly.
. The Cabinet Organs made by thia Com
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throughout America, but also in Eu
rope, that few will need assurance of their
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, in quite plain casea.but equal accord
ing to theircapacity to anything they make
for 60 each.
. The same. Double Reed, $65. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops,with
Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant case
with several of the Mason and Hamlin
Improvements, $125. The same Extra
with new Vox Humana, Automaiio fcjwell
etc, 150. Five Octaves, three sew Reeds,
seven stops with Euphoue; a splendid in
struments, $225.
A new illustrated catalogue, with full
information, and repuced prices, is now
ready, and wil be sent free, with a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to the superiority of these in
struments, to any one sending his address
Tremout Struct, Boston, os Broadway,
N. Y. Mt
Mill VH
By Rs-v. T. Dk Witt Talmaok,
The most Popular Preacher in America.
Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe
male, to sell tliis great work, is better than
Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell, liig
Protits. Koud for terms and illUHirated l'i
Imux circular, Kvunn, Stoddurt A Co. l'ub
iuci', No. 710 ttauHoni bt., Philadelphia.
that Right makes Might; and
Suian Llppe; or th Lawtnlt.
"I tell you what it is, gal," said old
Mr. Lippe to bii daughter Busan, "I'm
determined never te Leva edicated fel
ler for my f on-in-law ; that' a fixed
"Cut, father," laid Susan, "educa
tiea don't make or unmake a man any
mora than riches do. It's the soul, the
principle, that constitutes a man."
"Wery true, Susan," rejoined daddy
Lippe, "and I've found precious little
principle in college-bred fellers. I tell
yon that I've eot along veil enough,
and alius made my mark." As the
old man said this his eye roved out of
the windew over his broad and well
improved homestead with a glint of
Susan's father was no exception to
men of his class, who, when they im
bibe an idea, are pig-headed in their
adherance to it Susan understood
this trait ef her father's, and letting
the argument drop, relapsed into si
lence. While old Mr. Lippe entertained
such notions of letters, and, by the
way, was always taking pains to inform
everybody concerning them, he had
deviated somewhat with respect to his
only child, Susan, who had improved
the advantages bestowed by an excel
lent publio school, situated in Stan
hope, a small village adjoining her
father's farm. Her mind, too, being
naturally of a studious cast, she had
stored it with an unusually large
amount of information, which display
ed itself in a refined conversation and
well-bred vivacity of manners. To
these graces of the intellect was com
bined a beautiful person, and, as a
matter of consequence, her hand was
the coveted puze of more than one
young man in lie neighborhood.
To the blandfihmcnta of the sterner
sex, however Susan turned a deaf ear.
The young Stanhoppers loved her fath
er's bread acres full as well as they did
his daughter, who, with the quick in
stinct of a woman, penetrated the
shallowness of their protestations of
love, .besides, there was a young law
yer who had entered suit for her heart
and won his case, while teaching school
a short time previous to his admission
to the bar. It would have been singu
lar if the daughter of obstinate Lippe
had not been equally obistinate in the
constancy of her affection for Henry
Coverdale, her letigitious lever.
Of this attachment, however, daddy
Lippe was blissfully ignorant. He had
never seen young Coverdale, and
that young gentleman being well
aware of the antipathies of his con
templated father-in-law towards school
masters and their ilk, prudently re
frained from v visiting Susan at her
home. The accommodations of the
house of a maternal aunt of Susan's,
in Stanhope, were vouchsafed them,
her uncle, a harness-maker, rather
liking, than otherwise, their clandes
tine visits. In this way the lovers
managed to keep the fire on the altar
of their hearts fanned to a bright
flame. The impatient Coverdale de
sired to bring his suit to an issue, but
the beautiful Susan!wouldnot consent
to an elopement With the hope of
moauying her sire s views on the sub
ject of educatiea. she had introduced
the theme, with what success as is re
corded above.
Thai night, after family prayers,
quite an animated colloquy took nlace
between Susan's parents. The door of
Susan's chamber being ajar.she became
an innocent listener to the conversa
tion, which, as it concerned herself
alone,proved rather interesting. Moth
er Lippe was in Susan's secret, and fa
vored it with all her miglfc.
"Now, old man," said she, as that
functionary was covering up the fire,
the last thing before going to bed, "its
downright mean in you to oppose Su
san's ijees about learning. I'm sot not
te hev any ignorant scalawag rooting
roundj arter my darter."
"I rule this roost, responded daddy
"And I'll make the roost for you,"
reioined the dame. "Times ain'tnow
what they was when we was youngsters.
Just think of mating Susan to Mat.
Awl ; or vet to Chris. Gabby, the shoe
maker, who has about as much of an
ijee of books as a hog has of meetin."
"There's no mite of use argufy iug
about it, old woman ; I'm sot
"And so am I," replied the irate
dame; "And we'll see who'l sit to the
most purpose. If Susan can't marry
the kind of a man she wants to, she
can stay at home, and that's the end
of it."
With this clincher Mother Lippe
turned her face to the wall, and re
fused to say another word.
In the meantime, Harry Coverdale
was gradually winning his way to emi
nence. As a speaker, he stood head
aud shoulders above any of theyoung
men, his asseciates at the bar. The re
sults of his efforts also began to flew
in upon him in a golden stream. Yet,
still ho remained a bachelor, though
many wondered. Still there were no
signs of old Mr. Lippe relaxing iu the
least from his views on "education."
However things were destined to
shape themselves entirely different to
what a mere observer might reason
ably hope to expect.
in that Faith let us to the end,
This grew out of Coverdale's love
for Susan, which now assumed the cast
of impatience.
One day a young man in homespun
rnrb presented himself at the house of
Mr. Lippe, and inquired if he wanted
to hire a hand on the farm.
The old farmer eyed him for some
moments, and finding him remarkably
well favored and knit together, said :
"Where are you from Yf
"I live at Monroe, when at home,"
replied the young man.
"Raised on a farm T"
"Yes, sir."
"About how much do you want a
month T"
Whatever you think is right."
"You'll never get along in the
world, nnless you drive a better bar
gain than that," said Mr. Lippe.
"But I'll tell you what I'll do. You
shall work a month for twenty dollars,
and after that, if we suit one another,
we'll bargain for a year. .
"Agreed," said the young man, and
was forthwith installed as hired hand.
As the reader guesses, the hand was
none ether than Henry Coverdale,
who had commenced to put into opera
tion a plan to gain the old man's con
sent to his union with Susan.
Time wagged along. Old Lippe
was mightily pleased with his hired
hand, and often praised him to the
woman folk. Indeed, he looked with
a dree of complacency on his atten
tions te Buaan, which began to bo
marked, and Coverdale was on the
point of popping the question, when a
circumstance happened as follows :
The farm of Mr. Lirme was a cart
ef a tract, the title of which had
formerly been in dispute, though it was
in deed and in equity his. Just at
this time one of those land-sharks
that infest the country, raked up a
.t i t i , . . 1
wonniess ciaim, ana entered suit lor
This proceeding was so obviously
absurd and rascal I v. that Mr. LiDDe
merely laughed at it, although at the
aavice oi nis nirea nana ne appeared
at court to refute the claim, supposing,
however, that his bare word would be
all-sufficient to dispose of the scoun
drel of a land-ebark. His hired hand
also concluded to lose the day and eo
with him, m order, he said, "to see
what a judge and court were like.
Old Mrs. Lippe and Susan accom
raoied them for the purpose of mak
ing some purchases, as they could get
better bargains in the county town
than in Stanhope.
The conversation of the family had
placed Henry Coverdale in full dos-
session of the facts in the case, and he
had manifested such an interest in the
affair, and appeared to be se anxious
as to the result, that the old man was
not astonished to see him enter the bar
and take a chair by his side. He no
ticed, also, that his dame and Susan
were among the spectators in the
The case was called, and the lawyer
for the plaintiff arose and made out so
plausible a statement that it en meed
the old man dreadfully, so much that
he could scarcely contain himself until
the lawyer concluded.
The moment he sat down the old
man sprang to his feet
"See here," exclaimed he. "Here
are deeds, and every man in this court
room knows me well ' enough to know
that I never got them by rascality, or
claimed more than wasiustly mine."
"All this may be true, replied the
judge, "but the court demands legal
proof, relative to the points at issue, I
resume you have an attorney, Mr.
"Never said a word to a single one.
I never thought it worth while," said
the old man, perfectly aghast at the
turn matters were taking.
At this bttge Lippe s hired hand
rose to his feet
"May it please the court, I will un
dertake the case for Mr. Lippe," said
"A pretty cose you'll mxke of it,"
said the old man. "You can plow
corn a wonderful sight better."
"I assure Mr. Lippe that Mr.
Coverdale is perfectly competent to
the task," said the judge, who was well
acquainted with tha young lawyer, and
who, though ignorant of his present
relations, fancied he smelt a joke in
the actions of the parties.
"Mebbe your honor is riht" said
Mr. Lippe, "bnt plague take me, if
you don t find bint a likely sight bet
ter farm hand than lawyer."
A general titter ran around the bar.
The suit proceeded. The young at
torney having previously mastered the
whole ground, entered into its merits
with such force and clearness as
astonished even the court But how
shall we paint the surprise of old Mr.
Lippe! It took him by storm. At
every word of the young lawyer he
seemed to distend with astonishment,
until his amazement was something so
ridiculously appalling as to convulse
the entire audience with laughter.
Teal after peal resounded, and even
the fat sides of the iudi;e, forgetting
their gravity, seemed ready to shake
to pieces with merriment.
"Who, who, who are you ?" at last
gasped the old man.
"Kit down, Mr. Lippe," said Cover
dale. "I am atteuding to the cube."
Then, stooping, be whispered in his
dare do our duty as we understand 1L"--LINC0LN.
ear: "I am trying to earn Susan."
"She's yours," shouted the old man,
regardless of the bystanders or the
court, which having now an inkling of
the matter, gave a loose rein to their
jubilant feelings. How Susan felt,
however, can be better imagined than
described. She blushed like one of
her mother's peonies, and hastily hid
her face in her veil.
When the merriment had subsided
and old Mr. Lippe had secured his
equanimity, the happy attorney pro
ceeded, and finally made so clear a
case for bis involuntarily client, as
caused the judge to dismiss the suit
The old man left the court in triumph,
and with his hired hand, proceeded
forthwith to the clerk's office, where a
license was procured. The judge gave
the court a short recess and united the
happy pair in the bonds of matrimony.
Since that event, Mr. Lippe has
changed his views en educational mat
ters. The othr day as Judge Cover
dale was leaving home to take his seat
in Congress, he said to his grandson :
"Lippe Coverdale, get your lessons
well, and who knows out what you'll
go to Congress too.
"Who ;knowsl" exclaimed the
happy Susan.
The Lottery of Life.
The Boston correspondent of the
Chicago Journal tells this story : Five
years ago the wife of one of the most
prominent men of State street was a
poor seamstress. When she first came
te the city (from Maine) she worked
three weeks before receiving any pay,
and sleeping with one of her shopmates,
she borrowed money and bought bread,
having been refused regular board
without paying in advance. In order
to keep body and soul together, relent
less work employed her all day, and
hours at night demanded that she
should ply the needle. But the most
cynical of men approve of woman's a
good personal appearance, and this
seamstress finally managed to dress
well and pay the price of a seat in an
up-town church. Her natural beauty,
coupled with a spirit of womanly inde
pendence drew towards her friends,
and the result was that she married
one of the wealthiest gentlemen at the
South End, against the wishes of his
f riends, however, who did not like the
idea of his marrying outside of the
circle of wealth. But Cupid cuts up
come curious tricks, sometimes. The
poor seamstress ia now sitting in the
lap of affluence, and those who know
her are inclined to envy her good luck
as she comes down town in a carriage
to do her shopping. But this sudden
change in her world y condition has not
made her a bit "stuck up." bhe not
only drops a tear of sympathy over the
heart-sick condition of the struggling
shop-girl, but italicizes that sympathy
oy donations oi much cash.
A New Orleans paper tells the fol
lowing story : One of our coast plan
ters, who has a number of Chinese la
borers in his employ, seeing a diposi
tion on the part of some of the ne
groes to annoy the Orientals, and ap
prehending a resort by the latter to
the use of the sharp knives which they
alway wear, cautioned them not to
take laW into their hands, but in case
they were troubled by any negro to
bring the offender before him and he
would see that justice was done. Ac
cordingly one day the planter, while
sitting on his gallery, abserved a pro
cession of the Chinamen coming from
the quarter, bearing at their head a
package. The marched with great de
liberation and dignity up to the man
son and laid their burden on the gal
lery at the feet of planter. It proved
to be a negro, securely bound as only
Chinamen know how to tie a parcel.
The negro was scared out of his senses,
though eutirely unhurt Laying him
quietly down on the gallery, the lead
er of the Chinese, pointing to the mass,
said te the planter; "Kiggah! too
much I too much niggah 1" aud then
the whole party trotted back to their
work. It was an hour's hard work to
untie the frightened negro, who on his
release, very cheerfully acted upon the
suggestion of the planter to "make
himself scarce."
"Clara" writes from Brooklyn to
say that she has no sympathy- with
those "sham modest" girls who com
plain because young men gaze at tbem
in the street Clara says she is a pret
ty girl, and is perfectly willing that
poor young men wno admire beauty,
and cannot afford to get a specimen
for themselves should look at her
square in the face, provided they do it
iu a delicate manner. Clara adds that
she has beautiful feet and wears short
dresses, and that her object in wearing
such dresses is the same as that ot all
the other pretty footed girls in the
Hobbs, the old rascal, says an
American girl loves with her eyes, an
English girl with her arms, a French
girl with her' lips, and Italian and
Spanish with all . three. . A Boston
woman capitulates in three, months, a
New York woman in two. and a New
Orleans woman ia. oac Causes,
partly climatrio and constitutional,
and partly a few words from the old
folks in the back room.
Going Home with Sally.
The reader will laugh over this un
less human nature has greatly changed
since our boyhood :
One bright moonlight winter's night,
in the days of "long syne," when
school-houses, cheap schoolmasters and
blue beach reds were the only instru
mentalities used for teaching the
"young idea how to shoot," we chanced
to attend a "spelling school I" in a
certain rural district, the geographical
location of wr ich it is not now neces
sary to mention. Twas there, how
ever, where our eyes first fell on a
"fairy form" that immediately set our
susceptible heart in a blaze. She was
sixteen, or thereabout, with bright
eyes, red cheeks and cherry lips,
while the auburn ringlets clustered in
a wealth of profusion around her
beautiful head, and her person, to our
ravished imagination, was mere per-
tect in form and outline than the most
faultless statue ever chiseled by the
sculptor s art As we gazed, our feel
ings, which never before had aspired
girlward (we were scarcely eighteen,)
were folly aroused, and we determined
to go home with her that night or
perish in the attempt As soon, there
fore, as school was dismissed, and our
"lady love" suitably bonneted and
cloaked, we approached to offer our
services as contemplated, and we then
learned an important lessen, .viz, the
difference between resolving and do
ing. As we neared her to put our
resolution into execution, we seemed
to be strickea with a sudden blind
ness ; then red, green and yellow
lights flashed upon our vision, aud ap
peared and disappeared like watches
in a phantasmayeria. Our knees
sruete together like Bclshazzar's and
our heart thumped with apparently as
much force as if it were driving
tenpeny nans into our ribs! We, in
the meantime, having reached Sally's
side, manage to mumble over some
thing which is, perhaps, known to the
Recording Angel, but, surely, is not to
us at the same time poking out our
elbow as nearly at rig'it angles with
our body as our physical conformation
would admit
The night wind blew keenly, which
served in seme sort to revive us, and
as our senses returned, what were our
emotions on finding the cherished ob
ject of our primal love clinging to our
arm with all the tenacity a drowning
man is said to clutch a straw I Talk
of elysian, or sliding down greased
rainbows, or feedinc on German flutes.
what are sich "pheTings" in compari
son with those mighty ones that swell
ed our bosom nigh unta bursting off
our waistcoat buttons I Uur happi
ness was simply ecstatic, and every
young lady or gentleman who has
ever felt the mighty throbbings of a
newlyplbdged love will completely un
dcrstand that common word.
Well, we walked on pleasantly to
ward Sally's home, conversing very
cosily and sweetly as we passed along,
until so courageous did we become
that we actully proposed "to go - and
sit awhile," to which our dulcina very
graciously assented. Alas for us I
how soon were we to be reminded that
the "course of true love never did run
Sally had a brother of some ten
summers, who accompanied us along
the way, and who was in wonderful
high spirits at the idea of his sister's
having a beau, and he would circle
around us, every now and then gig
gling in the height of his glee, and
examining us as closaly as if bally and
ourself were the world renowned
Siamese twins, and he was taking his
first look. Bill, by-tbe-way, was a
stubbed, chuckle-headed boy, whose
habiliments would have made the for
tune of an ordinary dealer in mop
rags. 1 length we arrived at the bars,
and while wo were letting thsm down
Bill shot past us, and tore for the
house, as if pursu id by a thousand
bulls of Bashan. He flung open the
door with n bang, and shouted at the
top of his voice :
"JM other! methor! Jim Clark is
comiu' hum with fill I"
"Is he T" scream id the woman' in
"Wal, I declare !" I didn't think
the sapheod knewi nough 1"
Header, we didn t go in.
He took her fan jy when he came;
he took her hand, he took a kiss; he
took no notice of the shame that
glowed her happy cheek at this. He
took to coming r.uernoous; he took
an oath he'd ne er deceive ; he took
her father a silver poou,and after that
he took his leave.
The fears that (he heathen Chinese
would overrun the country are pre
mature. In Calif jrnia, out of a popu
lation of 5G0.22J, only 49,311 are
Chinese, while of ether foreigners
thtre are nearly 100.0U0. In San
t rancisce the Chinese number IZ.VZZ.
More men kill themselves than
women. Women prefer jumping into
the water ; men profcr to blow their
brains out A;ed men cut their
throats and aged women take to ropes.
More siegle peieons comiuit suicide
than married ; more divorord persons
than widowers. 0 fay tie statistics.
Rates of Advertising.
One Square (1 inch,) one insertion.... 91
OneHquare " one month S 00
One Square " three months... S OS
One Square " one year 10 00
Two Hqnares,one year - is o
Quarter Col. " SO e
Ilatf " " so 09
One " 100
Business Cards, not exceeding one lnafc
in length, f 10 per year.
Legal notices at established ratee.
These rates are low, and no deviation
rill be mede. or discriminstlon among
patrons. The rates offcred are sunh, s
will make it to the advantage of men doi. g
business in the limits of the circulation of
the paper to advertise liberal! v.
Stop Thief.
A laughable incident is related by
the Chicago Evening Journal in con
nection with the Baptist Convention
just held in that city. The reception
Uoinmittee had been driven to their
wit's end to devise means of lodging '
the ministers in attendance, and after
considerable tribulation found quar
ters lor them all, some htleen hundred
in number. About fifty were quarter
ed on the floor of the Chapel attached
to the University on Uottage Urove
Avenue, and succeeded in sleeping
very comfortable during five nights.
On the sixth, however, one of the
reverend gentlemen happened to wake
up at an early hour and groped about
for his clothis, but they wero gone
nothing that usually arrayed the
clerical person could be found. He
sat up in bed and scratched his head
in confusion, not fully comprehending
the situation at first. Looking
around, ho discovered that Brother
B.'s clothes were also absent, tbat
Brother T.'s big boots were not in
their usual place; and, in fact, a
thorough examination showed that not
an article of apparel belonging to the
half hundred ministers was in the
room. Thoroughly frightened, the
unfortunate Baptist yelled "Robbers t
Burglars!" at the top of his voice,
and soon his companions were made
aware of the situation. The ensuing
scene can be better imagined than de
scribed. Considerable valuable prop
erty was included with the missing
garments, such as money, watches,
railroad tickets, &c, and " the situa
tion, to the unlucky victims, was gravo
in the extreme. The unclothed fifty
rushed hither and thither in the ex
citement of the moment, vainly seek
ing something they could not find.
One could not but have pitied them,
and yet their embarrassment was ludi
creus in the extreme. They looked,
says the Journal, like a lot of ghosts
holding a grand carnival in the early
dawn. Finally the news spread, and
soon professors, students and porters
wero busy devising means for dressing
up the unfortunates, but before they
had solved the difficulty presented, a
pile of clerically cut garments was
found in an out of the way corner, a
pair of boots in another place, and the
thorough search which was then in
stituted showed that some mischievous
college boys had played a trick upon
them, and hidden their garments in
various nooks and corners about tho
building. The ministers were finally
clothed, and will not soon forget tho
scare they received.
The Lockport Union describes with
much feeling "a court scene of quiet
demeanor." It says a boy had been
arrested for the offence of picking up
some pieces of jewelry that came by
accident in his way, and when chased,
running off with them. The venera
ble Judge Marvin called tho boy to
him, and in answer to the several
questions put to the young one, ho
answered that he was eleven years old.
He trembled considerably as he ap
proached, to him, the awful presence
of the white-haired judge; but hn
found that the wonted seat of cold and
solemn judgment was a mercy seat,
and the judge's eye a father's counsel ;
and as the judge told him never mor
to keep anything he found, always to
be a good boy, and asked him if ho
would always do so, the little fellow
answered firmly, "Yes sir;" and a
the boy turned and went away from
the premises of his fatherly adviser,
we thought that to a boy of that age, '
a "Go home and be a good boy," was
infinitely safer than prison bars ; and
tbat perhaps the sound of those wordd
would not die away for many yearti,
but stay with the young prisoner and
make a man of him.
The Detroit Free. Presi savs:
"Some three months since, as a well
known undertaker was sitting in fro:;:
of his shop-door an acauaiutance-can:,-.
along, and for a joke asked the under
taker what he would charge to bury
him. The man replied that he won iil
do it very reasonably, and oonsid r
ing that it was a very dull day ar id
that he would bury in fine style ibr
thirty dollars, provided that he del
in twelve weeks. The bargain ves
concluded on the spot, a third pa: ty
being called to witness, and on Mon
day the undertaker kept his share of
the contract the man having d I
after an illness of two woeks, wl.i. '1
were his only sick days for twoivu
The Gibia They think of Hviru u
and can't help sighing. When t'.c.r
lovers forsake them they can't Ju !r
crying, iney sit at the window, u:: 1
t help spying, into private i;.i.
ters they cau t help prying. Tji c
each a beau they cau't help trvui;;
When together, their tongues csu t
help plying. At the mirror the v chi:'-.
help twisting and turning and tr
They screw up their corset, brii.b' '1
the consumption, and can't help dy
A western", editer has been s :.i
abroad by his subscribers on ac mli
of ill health. This is the first ius-s:u 0
of the kind on record. Clergymen
are sometime subject to this t '
. '