r "" c I 4 1 ' 1- . i -V It PVBLWHED EVKRY TUBflDAT,' BY "W. R. DUNN. 3rVee La Kjoji' Building. Eln Street. TEIWS, $2.00 A 'YEAR. " Ho Subscriptions rerolvod for shorter period than throe mouth. CofTesnondonoo solicited from nil parts of tho country. No noilro will botukon of nnonymous communications. Marriages and Death notices inserted fratiB. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TION EST A LODGE, NO. 477, I. O. Q-. T. H feeta every Wednesday evening, at S LVJ. o'clock. W. R. DUNN, W. O. T. V. W. TATE, W. S. . WBWTOlf PKTTII. MILES W. TATB. PKTTIS & TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A mrtH, TIOKESTA, rA. Isaac Ash,' ATTOnWEY AT liATT, fWI City, Pa. Will practice In tire vsrlons Ooiirts of Forest County. All business entrusted to tit care will receive prompt attenti' n. . 18 ly W. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on F.lm Street, above Walnut, Tiononta, I'a. C W. Gllflllan, TTORHKY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve L nsnjro Co., Fa. tf. N. B, Smiley, ATTORNEY aT LAW, I'etrolenra Con ire, Pa. Will practice in the several ' Courts of forest County. . 8S-ly Holmes House TIOWF.STA. PA., opposite the Depot. C. P. Maine, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. . Jos: Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of llolinos House, Tionesta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. . Syracuse House, . TIDIOOTF, Pa., J. D Maofk, Propie tors. The house has been thoroughly rerYj-1 and is now la the tirst-Hass orflor, with the best of accommodations. Any Bfermation ooneerninir Oil Territory at Ibis point will be chcorfullv furnished. . -ly. t . . J. U. MAUEK, Exchange Hotel, I OTTER TIDIOUTE, Pp., D. 8. Rams "J dkk-AHon Prop's. This house having been red ted is now the mostdeslrahlestop plsf plane in Tldioute. A good Billiard Kvorn attached. 4-ly National Hotel, TRVITTETON. PA. W. A. TTallcnbReV. ".Proprietor. This hotel is Nkw, and is ow open as a first olass houss, situate at pc lunetion of the Oil Crook ii A llcirhony diver and Philadelphia A Erie Itailroails, pposite the Dopot. Parties having to lay ver trains will nnd tins the most oonven nt hotel in town, with tlrst-clasa aceonv aodstlons and reasonable charpes. tf. Tim Sons A Co.'s NKW ENGINES. The undersigned have for sale and will receive orders for the hove Engine. Movers. Tllft Hons (fc Co. are now sending to this market their 12- Ilorse Power Kngine with U-IIorse Power Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. Omen at Duncan A Chnlfant's, dealers la Well Fixtures. Hardware. iVc.. Main St, aext door to Chase House, I'loaaantville, and at Mansion House, l ltusv-illo. tf. K. lilt KIT SON, Agents. John K. Hallock, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of J-x rstents,;so. &n,r r rencn t recti opposite ite.od House) h.rio, I'a. Will practice in the several State Courts and the United Mtatcs Courts. Special attention given to solioitiri patents for Inventors infrinuo nents, re-issue and extension of patents ea-etully attended to. .teicrences: lion James Campbell, Clarion I Hon. John S -f..f !....... la1 m ii b I i ii . If r. a it Richmond, Meadville; v. E. Lathy.' Ti- uesta.. t I Dr. J. L. Acom.b,' "DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has 1 had tifteen years' experience in a lurro ajia successrul nractlco. will attend an Professional Calls. Olllce in his Drug and Grocery Store, located iu i'iuioute, near Tldioute itouHe. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND ' A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco. Cigars. Stationery. Glass. Paints, Oils, Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the best quality, and will be sold at reasonable . rates. ' II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug. 1st from New York, has charge of the Store. All prescriptions put up accurately, 4f. W, P. Mercilliott, Attorney at Law BEtL ESTATE AG EXT. TIO NEST A, PA. JOHN A. DALE, PREt'T. NN A. SHOPIH, VICl PRIST. A. H.ST t ELI, CASHS SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Bank transacu a General Banking, Collection and Kxchaugu liusiuoss. Drafts on the Principal Cities of the United States and Europe bought and sold, Gold and Silver Coin and Governnienl Securities buuuht and sold. 7-UO liouds convertd on the most favorublo terms. ntereat allowed ou time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. NOTICE. TTVR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidlouto, has J returiiHd to Ins practice alter an () sence-of four months, spent in tho lio.pi talsofNew York, whore l will uttmrd calls iu his profession. OUlue in Eureka Driif? Store, 3d door above the sanK, Tiuioute, ra. 4uu Something urpently needed by everybody Call aud examine, or samples sent postaire paid lor 60 els that retail easily fur IU. It. I.- Wolcott, 1HI Chathrm H., N. Y. 4i-4t DEAFNESS, Catarrh and Scrofula, A lady who had suilercd for yours from frames, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured b a siiuolo reined v. Her sympathy and gratitude prompts her to at -nd the receipts iree of charge Iv unv one siiiiilurly alllict r i. Address Mrs. il. C. Dviftfutt, Jersey f OREST " Lot us have Faith VOL. IV. NO. 9. GREAT EXCITFMENT ! t the Store of D. S. KNOX, Sc CO., Elm St., ionesta Pa. We are in daily receipt 01 tie argeataad MOST COMPLETE stock canocEitiES and PltOTISIOXS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR THE MILLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prioes. AND Ilouse Furnisldng Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, 4c, which we offer at greatly re duced prices. t - FURNITURE I FURNITURE I I cfaljklads, : PARLOR SUITS, ! CHAMBER SET, ' LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, BPRINO BEDS, MATR ESSES, " LOOKING GLASS ES, tc, o., c, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tt D. 8. KNOX, A CO. GENTS WANTKD FOR TUB LIBRARY OK POETRY AND SONG. Tho handsomest aiut cheapest work extent. It ha so.ethinc In it of the best for every one. for the old, the middle-aged and thoyounjr and must become universally popular. Kxceptimr the Bible this will be the book most loved and the most frecjuentiy rol'erred to in the family. Every rage has paused under the critical eye of the reat poet, WM. CI LLKN BRYANT. Bare chance for best atrouls. The only book of its kind ever sold by subscription. Send at once for circulars, Ac, to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 36-4t 7 IS) Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvemen s. Patent June 21st and August 23d, 1870. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason A Hamlin Orpsn Co., have the pleasure of announcing important im provements in their Cabinet Organs, for which Patents were (framed them in June and August last. Those are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance the substantial excellence of the iustruments. They are also enabled by increased facil ities a large new manufactory, they hope hereafter to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made by this Com pany are of such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu rope, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or gans, In quite plain eases.but efpial accord ing to theircapacity to anything iheyuiuke for tM each. The same, Doub'e Reed, ti5. Five Oc tave Double Heed Organs, Five Stops.witu Knee swell and rremulaut, in elegant ease with several of tho Mason and Hamlin improvements, li". The same Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., tir). Five Octaves, three sets Heeds, seven stops with Euphoue; a splendid in struments, aj2o. A now illustrated catalogue with full information, and repuced prices, is now ready, and will be sent free, Witti a testi monial circular, present imr a great mass of oviuouce as to me superiority ni tneso in struments, to any oiie sending his address to MASON HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Trcmout Street, tloslun, os ii'M Broadway, N. Y. 30--K by Hkv. T. Ok Witt Tai.maok, e most Popular Preacher in Ainei The most Poimlar Preacher in America. Agents v. anted everywhere, male or fe- I male, to sell this great work, is better than ! Mark Twain, aud no trouble to sell. Big .... .!... - II..... .....1 ill.tt.1,.,1 w 1 rums, nnm mi hjiuid kihi iiiim'.."- lingo circular, E mis, Sloddart A Co.,Pul i Ii.hoiH, No. 740 feauiMiiu St., Pkiladelph:x I Id- I that Right makes Might ; and TIONESTA, THE WOODHULL-CLAFLIN FAM ILY. A Curious History. The New York Timet gives the fol lowing curious history of the Wood-bull-Claflin family, concerning which there has been some scandal recently 1 "Bucktnan Clafiiu, the primogenitor, lived in a village in Central Ohio, where a portion, at least, of his talent ed offspring came into the world. He bore the reputation of a long-headed, trickey man. Unfortunately, he was blest with one eye, but could see more with that one than most men with two. When Tyler went back on the party that elected him, Clallin succeeded, by some ingenious wire-pulling, in obtain ing the office of postmaster against the wishes of a majoity of the citizens. Home doubted his integrity and receiv ed their mail matter at another office. He owned a mill on a stream that fail ed to run it a part of the year. The profits were scarcely enough to support the fast family and pay oil' old debts. One night, when Claflin was staying four miles from home, the mill unac countably burned down. There had been no fire near it for some time pre vious. Possibly it was case of sponta neous combustion. The loss to him appeared great, but appearnres are de ceptive. The mill was heavily insured. The old lady, who was the author of the recent sensation, was subject to re ligions spells. When the spirit moved her she wad in the habit of going into an upper room, opening the windows Ilk. the prophet, and praying in a very loud toue. Whether the prayers were effectual doth not yet appear. The daughters all bore peculiar names, such as Victoria Calfurny, Ten n esse Celeste, Utica Vanticia, Odessa Melvi da, Ac. Vic. and Tenn., when quite young, are reported to have seen strange beings dressed in white among the stars, which they called sister an gels. Thus their wonderful precocity was broeght into notice at a very ear ly age. " A few years later this gifted family traveled from city to city, heal ing all manner of diseases. - Tennessee Celeste, by the aid of clairvoyance, could reveal ths secrets of nature, post, present aud future, whereabouts of stolen property, tell one's fortune, and even the success of a venture or speculation. , During the practice of their profession in Pittsburgh, Pa.. they were srrested for some fraudulent transaction. After various peregrina tions, in corobinatiou with Dr. Wood- hull they opened a house in Chicago, in a prnnd and peculiar stvle. Sue- o i cess ful lowed them bey end expecta tion. Alter a time, however, they played out, and removed to the sedate city of St. Louis. Here they met Blood, and Vic. aud he alfiuitised. i Terrible Affair in Illinois. terrible homicide was committed about two and a half miles from New ton, in Jasper couuty, 111. A young man named Lafayette Shepherd, killed ' his mother aud sister in a most brutal manner. The old woman aud the girl went out to the stable iu the morning, to milk theows, when they were set upon by the son with an ax, and so horribly mangled that the mother died in a few minutes, and the girl linger ing a few hours. Shepherd immediate ly fled front the neighborhood, but was pursued and caught the same evening at Olney, where he was hiding. He is said to be insane. His brothers and sisters attempted to screen the act of the brother, aud gave a false account of the maonar in which the injuries to their mother and sistar were inflicted, and as to the whereabouts of Lafayette. The whole family were promptly ar rested and taken to Marshall, Lafay ette charged with murder, and the other members of the family as acces sories on the fact. There was a hear ing on habeas corpus, before Judge De cius, at Marshall, for the purpose of procuring the release of the brothers and sisters, but had not been determin ed, when our informant left. There is great excitement in , the neighbor boed where the act was committed, aud the whole family are threat" with "lynch law." Indiana Imprest. President Correoro of PHama, has raised a forced loan of &10.000 in a rather novel manner. A invited a uuniber of the wealibt native citi zens to a meeting ostensibly to dis cuss the best means of placing the Government iu fsiids. Once met, he piaced soldiers at the doors of the Ca bildo, with oders to allow bo one out of the building. He then iuformed the gentlemen present that circum stances over which he had no control compiled him to adopt this extreme step, and to retain them all under guard until they made up fSO.UOO. Jisgust was of course expressed at this demand, aud soma suggested a unanimous refusal to pay a cent, but by evening Correoro held promissory notes for t lie amount required, and the lenders returued to their homes. Pres ident Correoro intends with this money to purchase arms and artillery iu the Uuited Slates, and tha Governor of Panama, Seuor Losa, will leave tor New York by the Oceuu C;iiooii to buy them. EPUBLICAN. in that Faith lot us to tho end, PAM TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1871. A Bloodthirsty Woman. A woman named Agnes Norman, as bad extensive but peculiar ' experience in various parts of London, It appeared recently at a coroner's in- quest that about a year aeo the child of a lady visiting in the house where hundred thousand dollars. A small Agnes was employed was found dead Hem for the owner, but a very comfur inbed.under mysterious circumstances. : table consideration for a poor man. In her next place. Acnes one dav The horse men are in rnnturvs nf d. brought a child home insensible, say- g that it had fallen from her arass. lue infant recovered, and within three w'ks she took it out acaiu and brflught it back dead. In her third BituMiion, a Doy oi-Beven awose witu a cKoking sensation, and afterward told Us father that Agnes had placed her haid over his mouth and given j hira mosey to say nothing about it. ! at anour lieuse where she was em-! ployed, achild was found insensible in ' bed, and da recovering showed great i tenor at ui sight ot the girl. At an- umer, siw jocKea a cnua up in a ward- rone, took it out and put it to bed, where it ws feund dead shortly after- waru. Dins and domestic animals died suddenly and strangely as chil- j horse, and the latter is no longer the dren in housta whore she lived. Final-! prince of horse-flesh. The following ly she was employed by the family of particulars are taken from a Sacra a Mr. Beet wso three day afterward, j mento paper: returning with his wife from a dinner Yesterday morning, at the Park, the yarty, heard violent screams in the ! mysterious "Stanford horse" was driv nursery, and rsbed up stairs to find en around tha trick in a sulky, by one child lying on the floor and anoth-1 "Yank Smith," who has the animal in er between the Led and the wall, dead, Uharge. The first half mile was trot with two compressed marks on its lips. ted at a moderate speed, but on The verdict of the coroner's jury was j the last huir wie Smith let hira out "Death from sufTocation, accidentally i and he crossed the at i.07. Keep caused," with which, as we read in the j ing right on, at a slower trui,, Un tno London rapcrs, "the father said he was dissatisfied." The case is to be further investigated. A mania for mundcr in a recognized, though hap pily not a common form of mental dis ease. The case of a femalo nurse in one of the continental hospitals, who confessed that' she had beea in the habit of killing her patients, with no other motive than an insane eagerness to see them die, is fresh in our recol lection. We are uot prepared to say that woman more fiequently give way to such horrible impulses Than men ; but we recall at this moment several iustances giveu by the books, in each of which it was a women who felt the insane desire, and generally a child that she wanted to kill. A Catastrophe at Niagara Falls. At a quarter past four o'clock yes terday 'afternoon three well dressed young men, whose respective ages were from about twenty to tewcty-five years, E resented themselves at 'Walker's boat ouse, half a mile above the Catarct II use, at Niagara Fall, and asked Mrs. Walker, who was in attendance, te let them have a boat. She at first refused, but upon their assurance that they were only going to a small island iu the river to take a swim, and they would keep near the shore, they were allowed to depart. . The boat was a flat-bottom scow, and in it they rov ed to the Isluud. Ffom there they started straight across the river, with the evident intention of roucliiug the Canada shore, never once shewing any disposition to head np the stream. 'The current, as a matter ot course, swept them toward the rapids of the horse tall, aud soon after striking them the boat capsized, and the three men were carried over the catarct. They were uot seen after the boat capsized. The uamcs of the men are unknown. Ous of the men wore a blue suit, with a light colored soft hit ; the second had on a brown suit, with a brown cap: and the third wore an old overcoat, had a respectable but under coat. One of the party just beiore starling in the doomed boat, said to a little bov. "If . n.i mo kkkih loi) and asks if put ra o you nave ae-u auy wiug vi us, ten IiimNol" It looks very much like as if the young nen were escaping iutoCanana to evde the vigilance of-the oilicers of tne law on this side, and had neith er the time or the courage to use the ordinary means of transportation. A few days will probalily clear up the mystery. JSujfalo Courier. Let parents talk much and talk well at home. A fattier who is habitually silent in his own house may be iu many respects a wise man, but he is i .... . .11 not wise iu his silence. We sometimes see parents, who are the life of every 1 company they.are in.sileut, uuinterest - ing at home among tia-ir cniiuren. ii i -i i i i they have not mental activity anu mental stores sufhcieut for both, let them first provide for their own house hold, lrelaud exports bef and wheat, and lives on potatoes, and they fare as poorly wlio reserve their social charms tor conn anions abroad, and keen their dullness for heme cousunin- tiou. It is better to instruct childreu and make ihtui happy at home than it is to charm strangers or amuse friends. A silent house is a dull place for young people a place from w hich they will escape if they cau. They will talk or think of being "shut up ' there ; and the youth whs does not love his home is iu danger. "There are tl.reo things," said a wit, "which I have loved without under standing them paiuting, music, aud ' women," dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. A California Horse. In Pan Francisco, a horse recent! transferred fram a hnrnW. m,i ready trots a mile a mile in 2:15. This fact if it is a fact makes that particular niece of hrrne-flesh wnrth a light. But it turns out that the horre is not a thoroughbred, but a hack of doubtful lineage, which owes little to cood breedinz. It would be a sintr.i. far commentary on the training of Dioodea horses if this unknown cob, unharnessed from a butcher's cart, beats them all. What are we to do with the horse maxim "that blood will tell" after this, seeing that it signifies nothing after all 1 We believe there is a scow somewhere about the harbor of Sen Francisco that can beat the fastest yacht that ever sailed in those waters. And now we have the next wonder; Stanford's horse, whilom of butcher cart associations, can throw dust at 21 in the eves of Itnnnpr'i last nan mue was reached, tne . derful horse was ntrain urtred la his ut most speed, and made the lsst half mile in 1.07t, His tune was noted by several relinble and experienced par ties. There is no doubt about this time having been made, and it is the fastest on vscord. A well-known sporting geutleman offered a wager that he could take the horse for a week, and drive him a mile in 2.15. The horse has a somewhat romantic history, am J, like many bipeds in this coucry, his elevation from hard work andohscuri ty to fame and ease, has beer as rpfd as remarkable. No many nonths ago he did service in a butchef-csrt, and was sold for the paltry suJn of 1G0. Staudford paid $3,900 fit him, and could probably get $39,W0 for his bar gain. The pedigree of 'he horse is in dispute, but those who have the best reason to know, statf that he is a St. Clair. A Drean'ul Cheat. Some years -go a book, by writers of high reputf, was published in Lon don, entitled "Seven Tales by Seven Authors," And the leading point iu nna nf thani waa that a mercenary mother prsuaded her dying husband, who is nearly bankrupt, to make a will, whose contents are at his death duly bruited abroud, leaving each of his daughters $150,000, with the view, of course, of their attracting attention from men bent to matrimouy. A ruse something resembling this has lately been played at Nottingham, Englaud. An eccentric old gentleman, unmar ried, and reputed to be very rich, re cently made his will. lie bequeathed 10,000 to the General H'.pital, aud a like sum to the Society for the Pro- fagation of the Gospel in Foreign 'arts. To one relative he left 1,000, and legacies to the amount of 50 were numerous. The total amouut bequeathed amounted to 45,000. The expectant legatees we demonstrative in their thauks. Presents ot wine, ! game, and other good things were sent I m profusion. The old geutleman was i courted by more than one lady whose . early youth was passed. He died at i r m m the ace of eighty-four a few days since, and the friend at whose house he he breathod his last honored his re mains with an expensive funeral. This friend had also the melancholy satis faction of paying the expense., for the testator died considerably in debt. The late James T. Brady was very fond of the ready natural wit of his countrymen. One day, shaking of this to a friend, he said. "I'll just show vou a samcle. I'll speak to any of of these men at work ; and you'll see that I w ill get my answer." Stepping I up to the men who were at work on a -mi i I . I . .1. , cellar near by. he spoke t spoke to them y, good day to ! cheerfully. "Good day, good day to n' l . i i. . , you Doys. That looks like hurd work jur r you. "Faix an it is," was the answer "or we would'ut be bavin' the doiu' of it." Pleased with this, he asked the man what part of lrelaud he came from. "Oh 1" said Brady ou hearing the name, "I came from that rogieu my- name. "I came from that self." : "Yis," said tho niau, with another blow of his pick, "there was many nice neonle iu that place; but 1 uever heard that auy of 'em left it." Iu reply to a young friend leaving a town becaue some things iu it were not exactly te her taste or content, an old lady of experience said, "My dear, wliuu you have found a place where every body and every thing are always pleasant, an nothing whatever is dis agreeable, let me kuow, and I'll move there too," $2 PER ANNUM. A Marvelous Story. On the first of March last a young man named Gilbert Heck left i'lano, 111., en route for Texas, via Denver. He left a station near Denver, March 27, on horseback. He bad enly gone twenty miles w'len he was attacked and surrounded by Sioux Indians, about fifty iu number. He shot two of them before being taken. His horse was shot down and he received a bul let in his arm. The Indians then threw a lasso over his neck and start ed for their camp, leading him with the lasso. After taking his revolver, watch and $300 from him, they would fall against the lasso, jerking him down upon his face, aud otherwise cruelly treating him by striking him with their guns, etc He was also struck in the face with a tomahawk, cutting a gash three and a half inches in length. He requested the chief to put a stop to their cruelty. He re plied that he could not. "Let me loose," replied Gilbert, "and I will stop them. On the might of April 1, he was tied to a tree on which three men were Lancing. The chief slap ped him on the shoulder and said, lou will hang there to-morrow. Gilbert thought not. In the evening they built a large fire close by' him, and had a war dance. They placed two of their cumber to guard him ; but they fell asleep, when lie managed to loosen the ropes and escaped by tak ing one of their horses. As he was leaving, the dogs were aroused, and their barking awakened the Indians, who chased him into a swamp, aud ran nnst him. They discovered their mis- tair, ..,rnej ,, ,lp the cj,age unnl near,, y. hlIt he succeed ed iu crossing i .:, and gaw iiers on the opposite k He naJ, his way to a small station ot Kan sas Pacific Railroad, disposed lf his horse, and started for Piano, sboiv u arrived Weduesday, April 5. A San Domin--' S-resp.-uent while at Port an J"1"106 states a little inci dent Jiat occurred while taking a troll in the city with Messrs. Black- well, Fulton aud Hart: We bad stop ped to procure oranges, when a col ored lady by the name of Hamilton, formerly Sarah Jones, invited us to come in aud take seats. She came from the United States and had lived in Cincinnati. I asked her whom she knew in Cincinnati. She said she knew a Utile woman by tho name of Lucy Stone, who used to wear short dresses, aud pants, and was for wo man's rights. I pointed out to her ths husband of Lucy Stone, when she fix ed her quick, keen gaze upon him and said : "Do you tell me you are Lucy Stones husband? Said Black well, am proud to have that honor." She caught him in her arms, plced him in a chair, kissed hira on oue cheek, then on the other danced around him aud screamed with delight. Such an over whelming; demonstration we never saw, It really looked encouraging for the annexation of llayti A California paper tells how the jury in the case of Mrs. I' air made up iu verdict, the statement being made, it is claimed, in the words of one of the iurv: "JJurinc the progress oi me trial not one juror spoke to his fellow jurors of the case, and when we retired to make up a veruicino one anew any thing of the opinion of bis fellows. On entering the jury room the first thing doue was to cut a piece of paper into twelve pieces, and to number them from one up to twelve. These were put into a hat aud drawn, aud the slip drawn was the number of the juror. On the slips each juror wrote his fiad iug in the the case, and when his num ber was called put it into the hat. When I wrote my finding, murder in the first degree, hardly thought there would be another such finding on any of the slips, but when the slips were all deposited aud taken out and read, to my great astouishmeut it was found that each juror ou the first and only ballot, had voted just as I had, mur der iu the first degree." The Helena (Arkansas) Gazette tells a story of a young man of that city who spent a fcw.iuonths in St. Louis, last winter. It says tnat one cold day he walked iuto the Southern Hotel, and looking in vaiu for a stove, asked the clerk if there were no place to warm himself. The clerk smiled ur banely, escorted the Colonel to a reg ister, aud Uld him to Btaud on the grate and he weuld seen get warm. The Colonel was much ph ased. Ijater in the day, w hile perambulating about the city, becoming rather chilly, he es pied a coal grato in the sidewalk. Here, he thought, was auother "heater" and he would improve the opportuuity by wurmiug his feet. A few minutes later a passer-by heard him ejaculate: "These things may do very well for a hotel, but they aiu't worth a d u to warm the city." A passenuer on tho Grand Trunk Railway, who had been shamefully abused by a brakemau who demanded his ticket after actually receiving it, getting uo redress from the company upon making coin piaint ui iua uuuu e brought a suit lor damages, aud alter a fair trial, secured a virdict for live thousand dollars. Rates of Advertising. One Square (1 Ineh,) ones Insertion 11 t9 One Square " ono month S 00 One Square " threo months... 1 09 One Square " ono year 10 00 Two Sqimrci,onn year 15 OS Quarter Col. " .to M Half " " W I One " " 10U OS Ruslncss Cards, not exceeding one In oh In length, ?10 per year. Legal notices nt estahlished ratos. These rates are low, and no deviation A'ill he inndn, or discrimination among pntrons. The rntos oilerod are such, will make it to the advantage of men dot. g business in the limits of the circulation of the paier to advertise liherallv. SWINDLING A WIDOW. A charming American widow, with one child, residing in Paris, but who, during the siege deemed it prudent to leave, returned to her fine apartmeuts soon after the armistice was signed. During her journey she had, at a cer tain hotel, in company with her mother, made the acquaintance of a French gentleman, who seemed to take tho greatest interest in both mother and daughter ; and as the former, for cer tain political reasons, did not deem it prudent to enter Pans for a long sea son, she trusted the very agreeable gentleman ( wno declared himseirreaa to aid and protect the young widow) to accompany her daughter to their res idence in the city, where they resided for some few weeks. In the meanwhile the neighbors supposed they were mar ried. Adonis, owing (as he said) to the war, &c, &c, ran short of money, but ho had such pood prospects in view that the kind-hearted widow gave him nil that was necessary. He then per suaded her to accompany him to her dressmaker's, and insisted ou her or dering several dresses. The dressma ker required that, as she was not able to wait the payment of the gentleman. that madame must give the security, which madame did without the least hesitation. A day or two after the or der for the dresses, Adonis called with his mistress on the dressmaker, and represented her as his sister, and took the dresses intended for madame, and several other articles of ladies' ward robe, and left for parts unknown. lie ran in debt at ail the places where the widow was known, and she had to pay niauy ot las bills. She wrote to her mother, apprising herofher misfortune, and the mother hastened at once to her. All who knew the affair sympathized with her. She is a good, kiud lady, and her charajr is above reproach. Georgia ivnuJ mode of exDlainintr their testimony. The plaintiff iu a case in one of the courts there alteped, anienaeu, explain ed and expounded, but all to no pur pose, as the lawyer could not or weuia not unuerstana mm. , wuui, ju, he said, "to show me how tha assault was committed, bo that 1 may have a correct understanding of it." The plaintiff spiang up instantly, ani seis ing the legal gentlman by the threat with btth hands, pressed him. back across the bar, and shook him violent ly, to the amusement of all present, . -and the eutsre elightenment of the lawyer. A yonng gentleman's experience at a charity fair: Young lady Sir wouldn't you like to buy some tickets for a punch bowl? Visitor No.thank you, I never drink. Young lady (in sinuatingly) Well, wouldn't you liko to buy some cigars then? isitor (with a very grave face) No, thank you ; I never smoke. Young lady (losing patiece) Well, I'd offer you some soap if I thought you ever wash ed. Here is evidence that tho wives in 1775 were uo better than those of tho present day. It is an extract from the will of a mariner of Bristol : "My ex ecutors to pay, out of the first moneys collected, to my beloved wife, if living, one shilling, which I give as a token of my love, that she may buy hazleuuts,, as I know she is better pleased witk ,-, cracking them than she is with nteud- ; ing the holes in her Btoekings." The ether day some ladies wore out visitiug. There being a little.;tw year old present, one oi uio iamea asked him if he would not kiss her. He answered, "No I "What is the reason you will not kiss me?" "I'm too little to kiss you. papa will kiss you ; papa kisses all the big girls." A voune fellow had been married said for a twelvemonth it was all sun shine, ths next twelvemonth was all moonshine, aud the latter period ot his matrimonial career was without thine at all, except when his better half took it iuto her head to "kick up shine 1" At a California fair, reocntly, sever al bottles of strained honey were put on exhibition when a chap put a bot tle of castor oil with the rest, the epiuion of all who tiied it was that the bee that laid it was a fraud. The fallowing announcement lately ippeared iu a paper : "Edward Kdon, puiuter, is requested to communicate with his brother, when ho will hear something to his advantage his wifo is dead." A Bostoniau who did Mouut Wash ington on foot last year has informed the Tramcrijit that he got as raveuous as a raven among the raviuei, and sat down iu one of the gorgeous gorges and gorged himself. A Chicago paper thus notices one of its contemporaries, who occasional ly breaks out with boastful re fervneo to its '"enormous circulation": "Yes it has doubled its circulation. Anoth er niau takes a copy now." A neighbor fairly po?ed us the oth er niht by asking "the simple question. "When is a fish crazy ?" and assured us it was ou.lv when the n foresaid f.h was in seine." We iumudiatelv U ft. 4