The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 23, 1871, Image 1

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I f
301c In Kiox' Buildlngi Elrr Street.
TEEMS, f2.00 A YEAR.
No Subscription rof-oUod for shorter
period tlinn thrco months.
Correspondence solicited from all parts
of tlio country. No notice will be takon of
anonymous communications.
Marriages and Death notice Inserted
x. o. a-. T.
' R Ttrti every Wednesday erentngf, at 8
11 o'clock.
W. R. DUNN, W. C. T.
H. W. TATE, V. S.
Isaac Ash,
Will practice In the various Courts of
Forest County. All business entrusted to
kll rare will 'receive prompt attention.
w iy
W. W. Mason
TTORNKY AT t.AW. Omeo on Klra
L Street, above Walnut, Tlonesta, Pa.
C. W. GllflUan,
ATTORNEY AT LAlV, Franklin, Ve
nango Co., Pa. tf.
N. D. Smiley,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Cen
ire, l'a. Will practice in the several
Ouarta of 1'orest County, S6-ly
Holmes House,
r"PIONESTA, PA., opposite the Tlepot.
J. C. V. Msble, Proprietor, (iood Sta
bling connected with the bouse. tf.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad
dler. Three doors north of Holmes
House, Tlonesta, l'a. All work is war
ranted, tf.
Syracuse House,
TMXIOUTF, P., J. A 1 Maokr, Trople
X tors. The house has been thoroughly
refitted and Is now in the first-clasa order.
with .the best of accommodations. Any
nfarniminn concerning oil Territory at
Uihfcoint will be choernuiy rurnisneci.
ly J. AD. MA(iKK,
Exchange Hotel,
T OTTER TIDIOUTE. Pa.. P.'fb Rams-
XJ Msr.1. A So! Prop's. This house having
been ranted is now me mom aesiraDie stop
's in K place in Tidioute. A good Billiard
..' Kooin attached. 4-ly
, j National Hotel,
, TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenbaclt.
Proprietor. This hotel ia Kkw, and Is
ow open as a first class house, situate at
rejuncuon 01 me wn iwk . viiegneny
liverand Philadelphia & Erie Railroads,
pposlte the Depot. Parties having to lay
ver trains will una una ma mosi con von
nt hotel in town, with ttrst-class aeeom
iiodations and reasonable charges, tf.
TilTt Sons A Co.'s
fVTEW KNGINES. The nndorstgned have
J. lor sale and will receive ornera mr ine
above Kngine. Messrs. TIM Sons Co,
re now sonding to this market their 12-
Homo Power Kngine with U-Horso Power
Uoiler neculinrlv adapted to aoen wens.
Ofi'icks at Duncan A Chalfant'a, dealers
in Well Fixtures, Hardware, c, Main St.
next door to Chase House, Plcasantville,
ana at Mansion Mouse, litusvilie.
tf. K. URKTT A SON, Agonts,
Jorin, K. Hallock,
A TTORNEY AT T.AW and Solicitor of
A Palents.No. 5fla French streot(opjOBite
Heed Housel Erie, Pa. Will practice in
thesiveral Slate Courts and the United
f - fltatt-s Courts. Special attention given to
olicitir patents for Inventors ; infringe
: meats, re-issue and extension of patents
wcfully attended to. References: Hon.
James Campbell, Clarion s Hon. John H.
- Richmond, Moadville; V. E. Lathy." Ti-
, Mesta. c I
Dr. J. I- Acorrb,
had fifteen years' experience In a large
and successful practice, will attend all
Professional Calls. Otllce in his Druir and
Orocerv Store, located iu Tidioute, near
Tidioute House.
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobacco, Clears, Stationery, (jluss. Paints,
Oila, Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the
best quality", and will be sold at reasonable
II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug
gist from New York, has charge of the
store. All prescriptions put up accurately,
W. P. Mercilllott,
At torney at Law.
Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa.
Tliis Bank transaclw a General Banking,
1'olloctins and Kxchanire HuHiness.
Dratls on tho Principal Ckius of the
UniUxl States and Europe bought and sold.
Gold and Silver Coin and Government
Securities bought and sold. 7-30 Bouds
converted on the most favorable terms.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
"TR. J. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has
returnsd to his practice alter an ai
sencc of four months, spout in tho HooPi'
tals of New York, where t will attnud
culls in his prolesMon.
Olllco in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door
itbove the khuk, i miiouio, l a. I'.Ht
50 U1S
Knmothing urgently needed by everybody
Cull unci examiiiu, or sim ples sent pimiuge
p'.iul tor f.O cts that retail easily lor fin. it.
L- V-lcott, lsl C't-iullirnt Sq.. N. Y. 4ii-4t
DE F.N1'.SS, Cntar h mid Scrofuln. A
lady who hud siill'ored for yeurs from
Donfncs, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured
by a simple reini (lv. Her sympathy und
jcialitudo prompts her to send tho receipts
iivo of charge tv nnv one similarly alllitt
ed. Address Mrs. M. C. Doselti Jersey
vr, V. .1. tH-u
r OR
Let us have Faith
VOL. IV. NO. 8.
at the Store of
D. S. KNOX, & CO.,
Elm St., ionesta Pa.
We are In dally receipt 0i tie argestand
wbieh we are determined to soil regardless
of prices.
Uouse Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails,
Machine tools, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offur at greatly re
duced prices.
of all kinds,
ES, Ac, Ac., c,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
SONG. Tho handsomest and cheapest
Work extent. It has something in itof the
best for verv one, for the old, tho middle-aged
and theyouug and musi become
universally popular. Excepting the Bible
this will be the book most lov-cd mid the
incut frequently referred to In the family.
Every t igo has passed under the critical
eye of the ,nvat poet.
Bare chance for best agents. The only
tiook of its kind ever sold by subscription.
Send at nce for circulars. ., to
GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
38-4t 71'J Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
SEASON OF 1870-11.
Important Improvemen s.
Patent June Slst and August 2kl, 1870.
The Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., have
the pleasure of announcing important im
provements in their Cabinet Organs, for
which Patents were granted them in June
and August last. Tlieso are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
substantial excellence of the iustruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply all orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs ma le by this Com
pany aro of Mich universal reputation, not
only throughout America, but also in Eu
rope, that few will need uasurmiee of their
They uow offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, in quite plain cases, but equal accord
ing to their capacity to an vtliii.g tlioy make
for $."U each. ,
The same, Donb'e Reed, $5. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stops.with
Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant case
with several of the Mason ami Hamlin
improvements, $1-5. The same Extra
with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell
etc., $M. Five Octaves, three sets Keeda,
seven stops with Euphoiie ; a splendid in
struments, tUo.
A new illustrated cataloguo with full
information, ami repuccd prices, is now
rcadv, antl will be sent free. With a testi
monial circular, presenting a great mass of
evidence as to tue superiority or luose in
struments, to any one sending his address
to MASON A llAMl.IN ORGAN CO., 151
Tremont Street, Boston, os CM Broad way,
N. Y. 30-H
li y Kev. T. Dk Witt Tai.maok,
Tho most Popular Preacher iu America.
Agents wanted everywhere, mule or fe
male, to sell this great work, is better than
Murk Twain, ami no trouble to sell. Big
Profits. Send lor terms and illustrated I
page circular, Evans, Stoddurt A Co., Pub
lishers, No. 710 Sausoui 1st., Philadelphia.
that Right inakos Might ; and
Belle Alden's Traveling Bag.
A train bound for St. Louis lind just
left the depot of Belleibntine, when a
gentleman entered the smoking car
and laid his hand upon the shoulder
of his traveling companion a tall,
hand some man of thirty, who eat
musingly blowing rings ol smoke into
the air.
"Marcy," 8nid the new comer, "if
you want to see at once the sweetest
and saddest sight you ever beheld, go
into the last car hut one tho train.
There's an emigrant German woman ,
with four children, and during the af-.
The mother and the other children are
"I tan understand." interrupted tlio
smoker, "sudness of euch a scene, but
where is tho sweetness you spoke of?
"I'm coming to that. The whole
party havo been taktn in charge by a
young lady. Such a beauty 1 She dried
the mother's tears and wiped the chil
dren's noses. She's a divinity! She
only needs a few feathers on her shoulder-blade
to make a full-fledged angel
of her. If I was not a married man,
I'd never leave her till I'd made Mrs.
Angelica Townsend of her."
"That's a speech which I shall faith
fully report to Mrs. Agnes Townsend,"
said the gentleman addressed as Mar
cy, rising. "I shall go hack and feast
my eyes on this beautiful 'Sister of
Charity,' and," ho added, taking his
traveling satchel and shawl from the
rack, "as we stop at the next station,
which is due in ten minutes, I may as
well take my traps through with me,
anil join you on the platform."
Thus saying, Richard Marcy threw
his shawl over his sholder, and saun
tered leisurly through the long train
rushing blindly and and calmly to his
fate. For, as lie entered the last but
one car, he became a witness and an
actor in the scene that influenced his
whole future life.
. The poor, grief-stricken German, of
whom his companion, lit. lownsend,
had spoken, with the dead infant in
her arms, sat silently weeping over the
little dead face.
' Tho three sturdy children grouped
in childish sorrow about their little
dead brother, was indeed a touching
spectacle. But standing beside them
was the divinity of Dr. Townsend's
admiration, and she who was most cer
tainty to "share ends" with the unhap
py Richard.
She was a tall, slender girl of
eighteen, with magnificent eyes and
hair. Ass he entered the car she was
speaking, her lovely fuce flushed, and
the small rosy mouth disclosing a
beautiful set of teeth, turned Lew i tell
ingly toward thet all stranger at the
"Ladles and gentlemen," said the
sweet voice, "this poor woman, frieud-
less, speaking no English, with four
little children, was expecting tu find
work in St. Louis to support them. If
everything had gone well with her, it
would have been hard : but with her
' little dead bnhy and sorrowing heart,
( she is certainly a deserving object of
charity ; and 1 propose that such as
fuel willing will contribute their mite
toward a little purse for her immediate
wants and the burial of he. poor baby.
And," she added, with a bewitching
smile, "if any gentleman will leud me
a hat, I will go rouud and take up a
In an instant the gallant Richard
pulled his (ravelling cap from his
blonde curls aud offered it to the augcl
of mercy, t ho accepted it with a smile,
this time all his own, and commenced
gathering the reudily forthcoming dol
lars' her generous, graceful appeal
brought from tho purses of all iu the
Richard watched the slender figure
in gray gather the money, and, looking
st tlie plaid cap in white jeweled
fingers, he bethought him of his dona
tion, and stepping to the neat she had
just occupied, he laid his satchel and
shawl upon a family of iu kind, be
longing to the angel in gray, and took
from his pocket a ten dollar bill, which
he placed in the little hand that re
turned him hi cap. Further damage
the poor fellow received, when a smile
and warmly-worded thanks for his con
tributiou were dealt from the beautiful
Dick was in the midst of an elabo
rate reply, when the cars stopped. He
lingered yet anot'ier moment, seized
his satchel and shawl with his eyes on
the face of his charmer, aud then, even
as the cars were atraiu in motion, he
bethought himself of the doctor, and
hurriedly left the car and joined his
friends on the platform.
"Well," ejaculated the worthy, "I
began to believe you'd concluded to
go and bury the dead baby, and make
the protecting beauty Mrs. Angelica
Marcy. Dii't she a stunner?"
"Townsend," returned his friend,
"don't use slang in speaking of the no
ble creuture." He looked after the
train just disappearing in the distance,.
"I wish to heaven," he continued, "I d
remained aboard. How stupid I Hits
to leave it. I micht have learned her
I name ami residence. And now "
I ' Now, iu all probability," broke in
the doctor, "you II never meet her i it
this vale, of tears. But you'll know
her in heaven, if you behave yoursulf
in. that Faith let us t tho end, dare do our duty as wo understand
PA., TUESDAY, MAY i3, 1871.
well enough to get there
by her wings;
she'll have the biggest o them all see
ing they've commenced :o sprout on
Aud thus rallying hi thoroughly
captivated friend, the tw made their
way to the house of an Acquaintance,
with whom the were tol remain that
night, and go on next dw to their des
tination St. Louis. j
After the first salntattin, our hern
went of his room to relove some nf
tho evidences of his hiig ride from
New York. He had removed his coat
and vest collar; he had Splashed aud
washed, till his damp cu Is clung close
to his shapely head, when he made a
startling dijeovery.
Flusbod oi.d breathless, lie burst in
to the next room upon his friend.
"lownsend, cried he, "what upon
earth do you suppose? I've got the
wrong bag; I ve changed bnggage
with the angel of mercy. Look at the
slipper. See that thimble. Contem
plate that glove I"
"It's evident you've got the lady's
satchel. Aud what was there in
yours ?"
"Don't bring up that dreadful idea,"
said Dick. "Cigars and a lmir-htush,
a pack, of cards, pocket-flask and a
tooth-brush everything disreputable.
If I am judged by that bag, I'tri a lost
"Aud this I took for a clean shirt,"
and Dick held up a frilled and fluted
sack, such as do duty for more exten
sive nignt dresses with ladies when
traveling. "I'd like to see Angelica
when she opens my satchel."
Aud Dick fell to musing, with the
slipper perched on two fingers, and
the frilled white laces pread out tender
ly on his knees.
Iu the upper apnrtmeut of a hand
some mansion in St. Louis, on the
evening of the day our heroine first
made the readers acquaintance, beau
tiful Belle Alden, the petted and only
daughter of the house, sat contemplat
ing the various articles ber confiden
tial maid was disposing upon the ta
ble articles taken trom no less a re'
ceptacle than Dick Marcy's traveling
The cards and cigar case lay side
by side, and a highly scented party
they were.
"What's in the little silver flask,
Rosa, said the the fair mistress.
"Brandy, ma'am," replied the maid.
"He can t be very dissipated to trav
el with such a little bottle. That's in
case of sickness, I suppose," returned
"It's my belief," said Rosa, who was
a shrewd girl, "that the geutleman was
a mighty nice one. else you'd not so
readily excuse the cards and the but
"For shame, Rosa. All gentlemen
play euchre, traveling, and even cler
gyineu take a little brandy in case of
sickness, answered iielle. "Aud this
man is a gentleman, and a liberal one,
too, for he gave th i poor emigrant wo
mail ten dollars. What's that, Rosa?"
For at that moment Rosa held be
tween her fingers a letter.
Whether it was wroug to read a
stranger's letter vexed Belle for a mo
ment, as her eye glanced at the super
scriptiou and haudwri'ing.
"Why, of all things!" exclaimed
the delighted girl, seizing the letter.
"Why-, Rosa, this is Jenny Marcy'
writing, and addressed to Xtichard
Marcy her only darling brother
who was in Europe when vt two grau
tiated at Maduru Kit tor's, ia Brook
Belle r.nd rapidly till she reached
the middle of the letter, when she
burst into A ;nt rrr lauirh.
"Hear this, Uosa," she said, and she
read from the letter:
"Above all things, Dick, dear, don't
fuil while in St. Louis to see my best
1 1 lend and schoolmate, Utile Allien
! know you' will fall in love with her,
fur, besides being the best girl in the
world, she s a beauty and an heiress,
and father's choice above nil others
for his son's wife. He useJ to talk it
over nt home, un I hoped Belle wjuld
not marry before you came homo from
Kuropo. She is full as anxious to
know you, and wears your hair and
mine in a locket futher gave her lust
year. Give her lots of love, and beg
her to overlook your many tmperfec
tions for the sake of her old school fel
low. Jennv."
"Then this gentleman is, of course,
MiS3 Jeunv brother, said Kosa, aud
what will she say when she hears nf
your having met in a romantic way r
"I don't intend to tell her of it till
I go to New York this Fall," said
Belle. "IVrhups her brother will
But in this supposition Belle war
wrong. The month passed, and she
sav no moreof the golden haded inch
She carefully separated tho yellow
lock in the little kcepuke from the
dark tress of Jenny's, and put it hack
into it's place alone, whillo another
locket held a piece of Jenny's. And
somehow, Belle looked very, very often
at the wee, golden curl, mid alio never
iliil so but the rent of the handsome
head sprung up beside the locket; and
; she would sit und contemplate the pic
j tore her fancy had wrought for her.lit
' tie dreatiiing tLa interest fcbo was al
lowing to grow in her bosom for Jen
ny's brother.
In the rail, lclle nnj her father
went to New York, and the first dav
after her arrival foucd her sitting with
her old friend, who, after the evasivi
meeting, sat down to empty her soul
1 am so clad you are here this
month," Jenny said, "because I'm to
be married in October, and I have al
ways been crazy to have you for'hrides
roaid, and Dick is to be Harry's best
man." Belle blushed.
But Dick has fallen hopelessly,
madly in love." Belle turned pale.
"Yes, I was dreadfully provoke!
when he passed through &t. Louis, and
never went near vou. But be went
wild over some lady be met on that fa
tal trip.
"lie will talk to me by hours of
Angelica. And when 1 have spoken
of you he has been positively rude,
and tsked me to have done bothering
him about my freckled school friends
you kuow your picture shows freckles:
but bless me, you haven't any now.
And your picture don't look any more
like yofl than it does me, not a bit."
But tell me, asked Belle, "is your
brother engaged to this lady?"
"Engaged 1 V hy, dear heart, he
don't know her name. He just found
some of her old clothes somewhere.
He's got her old slippers under a glass
case; he's got her gloves stuffed uuder
another, he's got her nightgown done
up in lavender; lies got ber gold
thimble hung on his watch-chain ; and
I do believe lie's got a hair-brush and
aud some hair-pins next his heart ! Oh,
it's folly to interfere! He's beyond
all hope! I did think the excitement
of my wedding would wean him from
it, but not a bit of it. He looked at
niv uew things as calmlv as an oyster.
and only said it is not kind of me
to repeat it, though, broke off Jenny.
"What was it lie said? inquired
Belle, laughing now heartily, "Don't
lear tor my leelings.
"Why," lie said, "I'll stand up with
yoiir friend Belle, and see you safely
married ; and then I'm off to winter
iu Paris. I m done with love on my
ow account, it s positively awful.
And so Belle thought, as she look
ed at her on slipper and glove lying
beneath a globe on either side of the
faithful Richard s mantle. '
"Aud," said Belle "since ho desires
only to meet me on the morning of the
wedding, so it shall be. I will be in
troduced only as we are leaving the
house, and he can do as he pleases
about continuing the acquaintance af
terwards. Bello was radiant with happiness
when she returned to her father, and
delighted his fond heart by the change,
for she had been very quiet of lafe:
Jenny and Belle shopped and talked
and visited together for tho next few
days, aud when the eventful morning
arrived, and amid a bevy of beautiful
girls, Belle shone like a queen, the
bride was eclipsed, and delightfully
acknowledged it.
"Oh, Belle!" she said, "I long to
have old stoical Dick see you. Hark !
there's his step. Come into the next
room now ami be introduced. Don't
wait till the carringes come it is au
hour yet.
And Belle, with a beating heart,
swept through the door and stood even
as Dick first saw her, only in the place
of the gray traveling dress, a magnifi
cent white satin fell in rich folds
about her, .and upon her lovely white
throat lay the turquous locket that
held Dick's golden curl. Upon the
beautiful head, crowned by its chest
nut hair, a coronal of pearls added to
that grace and beauty of a:i image
that, shrined in Dick's heart, was ai
re? dy an angel.
Belle did not look up, but she felt
the presence, as Richard Marcy came
up and was iatroduced to little Jenny's
old schoolmate. Then, as he held out
his hand, she raised her eyes, and laid
her tiny hand in his, and said :
"I think we had better rectify that
mistake about the traveling bags, Mr.
Marcy !,'
"Good heavens, Jenny !" said Dick
Marcy. "Why didn't you tell me that
your friend Belle was my angel of
"Because I didu't kuow it till last
night, and then Belle made me promise
not to tell. And, besides, you didn't
want to meet the freckled school girl till
it was positively necessary," returned
Jenny inischieviously.
It would be hard to say which of the
four that made Jenny's bridal party
was the happiest that day.
Dick did not go to l'a r is that winter.
He found that St. Louis contained
more attraction than any foreign city.
But the next fall will see Dick aud
Belle on their wedding tour, and be
vows he will have the two romantic
traveling bugs brushed up for the occa
sion. Dr. Townsend, who is to be
along, says be knew the minute he saw
the girl she would one day bo Augeli
ca, as he "felt it in the air."
I A good story is told of a German
shoemaker who having mudu a pair of
boots for a gentleman of whose finan
cial integrity he hud considerable
doubt, made the following reply to him
whi u he culled for the ui'ticles: "Der
pool ih not quight doue, but dur bill
I ish made out.'
Drnnk ! Young man, did vou ever
stop to think how terrible that word
sounds? Did you ever thank what
misery and woe you brought upon
your friends when you degraded your
manhood by getting drunk? loung
man, did you ever for a moment stop
and think how you looked in the tyca
of respectable people and christians,
when drunk? Hear lam as he reels
along the street, asking God to damn
his soul. Suppose they should have
their drunken words heard aud an
swered? How ninny thousand would
daily have their souls damned? Oh!
it is a fearful thing to trample tinder
foot the high claims that Und and man
have upon you. Drunk! Haw it rings
iu the enr of a loving wife! How it
makes the heart of a fond mother
bleed! How it crushes out the hopes
of a doting father, nnd brings reproach
and shame upon loving sisters! See
htm as he leans against some friendly
house. Drunk! He stands ready to
fall "into the open jaws of hell, uneoti
ecious as lo his approaching fate! The
young wife, witlLtcarlul eyes and ach
ing heart, sits at the window to hear
her husband a footsteps, but alas! they
come not. He is drunk ! The husband
the parent, is drunk, spending his
time and money wheu he should beat
horn t-njnying the p'.asures and comforts
of the family circle. Drunk ! He is
spending the means of support for
liquor, while his family is starving for
bread, and his childien sutlenng lor
clothing. Drunk! His reputation is
going, gone! His friends, one by one,
are reluctantly leaving him to his
miserable, late. He goes down to his
giave "unhonored and unsung." No
oue cares when he dies; he is nothing
but a drunkard. Drunk I Ood have
pity on the drunkard. Drunk! young
man, think of the lite which you are
now leading, and turn from it before
you become a confirmed drunkard,
scorned nnd scoffed at by all respecta
ble people. Drunk! Drunk!!
A letter written by tho Hon. Horace
Greeley to the Iowa Press Association
has beeu variously interpreted. The
generally accepted translation runs as
follows: I
"Tribune Office, N. Y.( April 18, '71.
Dear Sirs: I have wondeied all long
whether any d n squirt had denied
the scandal about the Pres't meeting
Jane in the woods oil Saturday. 1
have hominy, carrots and R. It. ties
more than I could move with eight
steers. If eels are blighted dig them
early. Any insinuation that brick
ovens are dangerous to hams gives me
the horrors, ureclcy.
But an Iowa editor who has worked
many years as a type-setter in the New
York Tribune oflice, contends that the
proper readiug is this :
"1 have waited till longer waiting
would seem discourteous, and now de
cide that I cannot attend your Press
meeting next June, as I would gladly
do. 1 find so many cares and duties
pressing upon me, that with the weight
of years, I feel obliged to decline nearly
every invitation that takes me over a
day's journey from home, youn among
them. Horace Greeloy."
At last accounts the controversy on
the subject was very warm.
An English Court Reception.
Of late a concession on the score of
costume has been made in favor of
the gentlemen ; ihcy can go to Court
now without putting on silk stockings
ami knee-breeches, All they have to
do is to turn up the collar of their
coats and put a littlesilver braid round
it, and another bund of silver down
the seams of their best bluck trowsers,
and thou they are in full dress for
Court. But tor the ladies, full dress
still means the undress of eveuings,
and it is impossible to conceive any
thing more melancholy than tho long
string of carriages in St. James' Park,
on a drawing-room day in spring, fill
ed with half-naked women, with pallid
waxen cheeks and red noses, half
awake from last night's ball, shivering
in the bleak wind aud wailing the slow
advance of the procession, amid the
cynical scrutiny and hrtitit! jeers id'
the street luds: "Oh, my, here's a fat
'un," c'ics one ; "Lo'.Jack, ain't sho
a bag o' bones," exclaims an'otlier, us
the fine ladies are passed in review.
Courts of justice in Havana have a
low standard of decorum. In the Sit-
fireme Court at Ilavumi, two Judges
ad a squabble in the entrance hull, in
the course of which one slapped the
face of the other. With a disregard
of the requirement ef their oflice char
acteristically Spanish, these judicial
swaggerers proceeded early iu the mor
ning, to etui the dillcrence. by a duel
with swords. We have the gratifying
intelligence that neither was hurt, nnd
that they breakfasted together after
obtaining the "honorable i-atisfactioti."
It is added that other duels are ou the
Utjii. It is highly probable that such
ev juts will becomu the rage nficr re
ceiving tho indorsement of the Bench.
The Indies who will gufl for hours
upon statuary and puintin;r, whi h
represent iiature, and then lui it at the
mention of a leg, do what hi gencr.tlly
called "stvulbw a cauuS und choko :t
. g:i!,t."
Rates of Advcrtisia?.
rneSqiinr(t Inch,) one insertion... f I 'n
One Square " one in"iit h i l"
OiieMnnnro " iinrcc iuoihls... "
One Square " oin year..
Two Sqnnrr.One year....
OtinrterC"!. "
:vt co
V-0 f
Half " "
Olio " "
Business Cnrdfl, not exceeding one laoh
In length, $10 per your.
Legal notices at established raid.
These rates are low, and no dovin'.ini
vill be made, or discrimination a:n r.g
pntrnnn. Tlio rates otlcrrd r such,
will make it to the advnntngnof mu d r
business in the limits of tlio circulalk'i of
tlie imi'cr to advertise liberally.
Labor Conducive to Long Lifs.
In view of tho short daraiic:! c(
life entailed by some occupation.-, it
must be regarded as a consoling, '"-.
a sublime fact, that labor in genfral
does not tend to shorten life; but, on
the contrary, by strengthening ii,
lengthens life; while, ou the oihcr
hand, idleness and luxury aro produc
tive of the results as the most un
healthy occupations. Dr. Guy, uu
Englishman, in calculating the avor
ago duration of life of the weul'l.y
classes, arrived at tho very surpi.,i:!0'
result, with regard to adults, that tlm
higher positions in the social scale, t.'m
more unlimited their means, tho Usa
also the probability of a long life.
We have so long been accustomed
to consider the poscssion of riches as
the best guarantee for physical welfare
that many will be surprised to bear
from Guy that "tlie probability of the
duration of life lessens, with regard to
the adults in each class of the popula
tion, in the same degrees as tho b- ;.e
ficial impulse of occupation is lacking.
If a person who for a long time has
lived an active life, retires from busi
ness, it may be taken for granted, witi;
a probability to ten to otic, that he had
seized the most effective means to short
en his life." AVe mny smile at tho
soap-maker, who, after having for
mally retired from business, went, nev
ertheless, on each day of soap-boiling
in his workshop ; but it must also bo
acknowledged that his instinct did net
mislead him. Of all conditions of
life, idleness is hardest for nntuie to
combat; and this is especially true of
persons who havo accustomed their,
selves t busy life.
A California editor warned by re
cent events, turns over a new social
leaf in these words:
"All men's wives who have hither
to enjoyed the advantage of our ac
quaintance, are hereby notified th:tt
this ceases to-day never to be renewed.
Somebody porishes ingloriously every
day for being on speaking terra3 wita
married women, and we do not care
to have our turn come round. Deeply
gratified for tho past forbearance of
aggrieved husbands, we make our bow
and retire. Hereafter our nods aud
smiles will be lavished upon girls and
widows exclusively; and no otherj
need apply. Whoever shall attempt
to introduce bis own wife, or any man's
will be regarded as a conspirator
against our precious life, and subjected
to abuso iu the columns of this jour
nal." A Boston trader called at a house
in Maine some time ago to buy cheese,
but when he came to look at the lot,
he concluded not lo take it, as it w:n
so full of skippers. As he was goiig
off, the farmer said to him: "Loci;
here, how can I get my cheeso to
Boston the cheapest?" The track r,
took another look at the cheese, nii.l
seeing more and more evidence of Ho
being alive, replied : "Well, let -it be
for a day or two longer, and I guesj
you can drive it down."
Boys will bo boys, any way you can
mix'em up. At Altoona, Pennsylva
nia a youth had his pocket full of gun
powder, and as he was smoking a cigar
stump he saw his mother coming, eo
he hastily thrust the cigar into his
pocket. The old lady couldn't find ,
enough of her Johuny for the coroner
to hold an inquest over. She says she
never believed iu spirits until she saw
her boy disapperso sudden from before
her face and eyes.
A disguised bully nt New Pal tz, N.
Y., taking offense at something he had
seen in the Times, of that placo, recent
ly entered the sanctum to bounce the
editor. He made known his errand,
aggregated his forces for an attack,
moved with vehemence upon the editor
and after a short but very entertaining
skirmish, waj most effectually stood on
his littlo head, then wafted out of the
oflice in advance of a No. 8 boot pitch
ed to the key of Oh!
A young British office in Iudia, who
was shockingly mutilated and disfig
ured iu battle, after mature reflection.,
requested a comrade to writo tu Ins be
trothed in England, and releasa her
from tho bridal engagement. Her uo
bio reply was worthy of a true womau :
"Tell him if there is enough of his body
left to contain his soul, I shall hold
him to his engagement."
An ins.mco woman rushed into o
school-rom in Richmond, Ya., a few
days ngo, and told tho affrighted teach
er that she hud been sent to teach tlio
children gymnastics, and tho teacher
bein' nfiuid to object, she put tho
children through a series of tlm most
extravagant antics, afur which sho
quietly departed.
A Pcekskill man writes t'ue editor
of the local sheet that "youl pit yur
lied punched if vou print in yur paper
that my yf h:ni twins." Tlio lVel:
skid man has our sympathy. To be
mudo a plural father at ono fell swoop
is enough to give utiy man a "Lad
A gentleman in this Stale had a re
cept'ou at his linitso the other cwuin.
an I when the gtiets went awr.y, it t k
tlio host all night to w ish the uik:
puk tV' f.'r.'-.r.-