editor. TUKSDAY MOANING, MAY f. The members of the Kupublicati (Jounly Committee of Forest County, arc requested to meet at tie Court House, (at l'rolhunolnry's Office) on Tuesday eveniug, May 23d, 1871, at 7 o'cloc k I M. J. H.Aoxkw, Ch'm. S. D. Ihwin, Sec'y. We take the following from the Vc n a n go iS)cctator: Ckaniu:kky Oil Fiki.D. On tho Milton Farm Fisher Brothers have two rigs up, and Andrews and McMullen liave one rig up. Oa the liidgway A Nash tract three rigs have been erected, cue well of which is drilling. O.I the Ballict tract S. & F. Fcrtig liavo two wells ready to drill. On the Fmst & lircdin tract, Huff Farm, six rigs nre up. The development is extending across Lower Two Mile, or Van Bui i n llun, and quite a number of rigs arc in dif ferent stages of Completion. Among the operators on the oil line two miles south of the producing well on the Milton Farm, Jonathan Watson has quite a number of leases, and has al ready commenced operations ou tho Dale Farm. On the Clordon Farm, adjoining the Dale Farm, E. Prentice, of Franklin, has commenced one well. The new town is rapidly growing in population and business. Almost every branch of trade aud business in cident to the oil business is repiescnt cd there. A New Wki.l. Canning well No. 4, on tjie property formerly known as the Montgomery Oil Company's, at Knst Sandy, is reported as doing from 30 to 100 barrels daily. It was struck Mine twelve days ago and yielded at lirst about eight barrels, but, upon be ing torpedoed on Thursday of last week, it commenced producing heavi ly, and is reported at various figures all tho way from 30 to 100 barrels. It is difficult to determine what the well will do, as it is clogged with saud, but it will probably yield 50 barrels. The land interest is owned by Andrews & Sell river, who purchased it from J. M. BonhaiD, Esq., of this city, he having bought ol tho Montgomery Oil Com,' pany. Scrudgrass. The west side of the river at Scrubgrass is attracting the attention ot operators. Jonathan Watson has taken a 50 acre lease on tho Richard Kennerdell farm, aud has commenced operating. C. D. Angell, R. Cuudle and others, are putting up a rig on the D. M Qutston larm. T. Bauui and K. Cundle have also 6tarted a uew rig ou the Baum tract, II. J. Sayers, the well-known dealer in real estate, lias for the sum of tM, 000, sold part of the Crispin liirm, 5 acres of the G. A. Knight tract, aud 15 acres, of the Moorehead liirm in the East Sandy region, Cranberry township, to Vandergrift & Foreman of Oil City. The other part of the Crispin farm had been sold to F. W Andrews aud others some time ago. Fatchel Run. On Thursday last Goss Bros, and John F. Carle, of Pleasant ville, struck an 80 burrel well on tha W . T. Baum tract, ruuhel Run, The well is at present pumping 75 bar rels. The Foster farm, on the Jamestown S? I'Vtinlflin I? a i 1 1. m .1 Hfw been Ittiil out into a towou, which will be called Geneva, This property is situated on the Little Slienango, a short distance from lladley's Station. War IK SnirPESVii-LE. A fl cor respondent writing us from Shippeu ville, under date of April 27th, says: We had a big excitement in our quiet village this morning. Joseph Kiser, collector ot school tax, demand ed the amount assessed from Mrs. Knoko, which she persistently refused to pay, although able to do so. The collector then took two able bodied men and went to the barn of the re cusant taxpayer, to take a cow. Then the fun commenced. Tho doors were locked and the old lady inside prepar ed to protect her property. The othcer and his posse, after viewing the situa tion; commenced tearing off boards to get the cow out. This aroused the ire of the fcinala warrior and she com menced to attack the invaders. Clubs, stones, aud pitchforks were into requi sition, aud the battle raged fearfully tor hat an hour, wlicn the assailing party, iroiu force of numbers, succeed t'd in storming the fortress, aud driving off the cow. How hiirli is this for rihippen ville ? Clarion Democrat. The Meadvillo IlepubUcun says : The celebration ot the adoption ot thcril- t-entli Amendment, to take place m this city, May 10th, will most likely bb the largest affair of the kind ever attempted by the colored people of this section of the State. Large del rations will be in attendance from Franklin, Oil City, Titusville, Cony, Erie and Warren, Pennsylvania; Jamestown and Olcan, 2Sew York; Youngstown, Warreu and Ravenna, Ohio; and many from ull the smaller towns i u Northwestern 1 eunsyivania ArviiJnxT. Ycstertay afternoon, Mr. Joseph Stevenson, while working at tho Frazicr well on McCliutock Hill, fell a distance of about 18 fret, iullicting severe internal injuries. Ho vu cour iJerably hurt acrua the back, but no bones were broken. Dr. W. C. T K r attended to the injured inau, who i' np ittod u. doing well. Uuuseiillo W. R. DUNN . - - We clip tha following from the ltrolcum Centre Hcrord : Liict l ight, one Jack McCormick, a notorious ruiliiin ami scoundrel, who has hung around this place for several months pant with no visible means of support whatever, concluded to upset the usual order and quiet that prevails by getting drunk, iu which he succeel V, but eventually found himself in the lock-up. After getting his miser able carcass well filled with rot cut whisky, he proceeded to the mouth of Benniiigholl Run and commenced the evening's performance by breaking in the door ot JUr. Jas. Lyndon s house seizing a valuahlo dog by the In mi legs smashing it dow n on the counter breaking the poor beast's legs. When remonstrated with villian threatened to set fire and burn all the buildings down in the neighborhood. A short time afterwards this brute in human form met Rev. Father Dunn and as sailed him with the moat vile and lew. lived lauguagtt, threatening his life and intimidating him to such an ex tent that the Rev. rather was forced to rice fir fen r the villain would do him bodily harm. After committing sundry other depredations he was ar rested by oflicer Mellugh and placed in the Iock-up,eoncluduig the evening s performance by making night hideous with his drunken howling!?. This morning he was brought before Justice Reynolds, and after an exam ination was bound over in the sum of 8700 to appear at the August term of Court at Franklin, to answer a charge of malicious mischief. He failed to procure bail and wrs taken to Frank lin on the 1:20 train by office-McIItijih, where it is to b hoped the villian will "rot in tha Bastile" for the rest of his natural term of existence. Singular Case. On Monday last, Mr, C. B. Stewart, a carpenter aud joiner in the cmply of J. C. Scott of tins place, while at work suddenly lost the use of his speech. No cause ran be assigned for his misfortune. He is in good health and remains so ex cept that it is iiumposible for him to speak. The case is a singular one. The amount of building going on at the upper end of this place, iu the burnt district is surprising in the ex treme. Nearly the w hole of one side of Washington street which a few weeks since was cc vexed with blacken ed and half burned debris, is now re built w ith an excellent class of build ings occupied by nearly all branches of trade, and the occupants appear to be doing a flourishing business. Such energy iu tho face of ru.n by tho Cre fieud is commendable in the highest degree. Petroleum Centre is not dead yet. Vamosed. A case of "evapora tion," or leaving town betweeu two days, occurred night before last in this place. John L. McCltllan, who has been employed as telegraph operator iu the oliice of the Pacific & Atlantic Telegraph Co., after collecting the mouth's bills due the Company, amounting to between 6400 aud $500, left oa one of the evening trains. The young man left sundry small bills for liquor, cigais, board, &v., unpaid, be sides borrowing what money he could from dillereul individuals. Wc are not advised as to whether the Compa ny intend using endeavors to secure the arrest of McClellau or not. Fire. About twelve o'clock to-day the large engine house over the boiler in use for pumping the five wells on the upper end of the Columbia farm, caught fire and was burned down. The fire originated from an overplus of gas from one of the wells running into the I lire-box and causing an explosion. The boiler and machinery was badly in itred. The lo?s, it is estimated, will not tall short of 51,000. The Titusville Herald discourses thusly, of the failure of the passage of a bill for a new county w ith Titusville as the county seat! Our Harrisburgh correspondent yes terday informed us that the new coun ty bill was "a dead issue" for the nres cut session. This does not lessen our or expectation thut the disappointment is only temporary, and that the Leins lature will yet concede the justice of our demand that the people ot Craw ford county shall have the privilege of passing upon the merits of the question at the ballot-box. it may be longde ferred, but the time must certainly come. And what the Legislature will require is not the argument of dollars and cents.but the evidence ot necessity Probably less than a dozeu members of that body have ever visited Titus ville and the oil region, and have no adequate conception of its commercial resources and importance. Let the next Lcginluluie be be brought out hero en viaxse. Let the hospitalities be extended to them in a body. Let them have a chance at the opera and a glimpse of Church Run,' and, if need be, free tickets to "Red-Hot." Show them our palatial fctores.elegaut hotels, plethroic banks, handsome churches anu crowded school-houses, and send them home again with full bellies and grateful hearts. Just fur once.. Serious Accident. Yesterdav af ternoon, a youug man named Win. Wells, in tho employ of the Messrs. Dunlap, liier builders, while engaged in agisting to raise u heavy plank by means of the hoisting crane, was serious ly injured by the pi -ink falling ou his right leg, occasioned by the breaking of lhe hook to which it was attached. It was with tome difliculty that he wus extricated from beneath it. A mat tress was ki'idly furnished by the offi cers of the Michigan and iio was cou veyeil to his homo rn Fourth street. Dr. Stninahin was cilled and set the limb which was broken ju"t below the thi"h. .Wa h'i"ttlii-n, 6th. ' Wc take the following items Iroiu Curry Telegraph : Thusday morning fire was discover ed in a small dwelling house on Wright St., which was in few minutes entirely consumed. The alarm was first given by tho engineer on an Atlantic freight train, entering the city, shortly belore two o'clock. The whistles of the man ufactories and the bell joined iu a frightful chorus, and the city was soon thoroughly alarmed. The Fire De partment were promptly on hand, but thnir efforts were of little avail save to extinguish the fire iu the pile of dtbris, aud prevent Its communicating with adjacent property. The building was the property of James McLaugh lin, of small value, and uuoccupied. There was no insurance on it. The fire was undoubtedly the work of an mcenuiary, On Saturday a gentleman on his way to Buffalo was robbed at the de pot of $150. He was a stranger in the city, and had purchased a ticket over the Cross Cut Road, and did not discover his loss till within a few min utes of the starting time of the train. He took the loss Tory coolly and made no effort to discover the thief. Crimes nf this kind are an unusual occurreuce in this city. "A number of new dwellings are be ing erected on the easterly part of I leasant and Soiith f!ts, and old ones are being repaired in a manner to pre sent an attractive appearance. There is no town in Western Pennsylvania that can excel Corry in neat and tasty buildings. Curious Eoos. Mr. John Day, of hdlery, has brought to us a singular freak of nature. It is a hen's eg in the form of a crook-necked squash. It is about two and a half inches long, and in contents is as perfect an rgg as was ever laid ; at the same time it is an exact fuc simile nf a crook-neck. Whether the hen that laid it was frightened by having a crook-neck squash thrown at her ; or that she had been eating squash seeds, or how to ac count lor it we do not know. Kuse!l .1 Hso also hands in an egg on which is as perfect a picture ol young duck as could foe drawn, it is formed of some substance like wax, a little darker in color than the shell, stuck on tha outside of the eirg. The picture is about as big as a three cent piece. We should judge the hens here abouts are getting ambitions and try to cultivate the hue arts. We wait with some anxiety to see what will be the subject of the next lay. Perhaps it will be ( to music. Jitmettown Journal. We take the followiug items from tho Greenville Argut : On the 27 ih ult- Thomas Jones, well-knowu citiseu of this place, and chief engineer at. the railing mill ol Geo. ebterman & Co., while engatrcd in cutting a key-seat on a shaft in the mill, some twenty-fave feet lrorn the ground, accidentally lost Lis balance and fell, aud in the desceut his head struck the f rame of a lurire grindstone, cutting u Iriglitlul cash in Ins check aud chin, aud breaking his left arm near the wrist. Mr. Junes ankle was also severely sprained, as being badly bruised in a number of places ou the limbs and body. Thoueh his injuries are quite severs it is thought h will be able to resume bis business agaiu in two or three weeks. utter. lhe skin ot an otter mea suring over frv fuet in length is now on exhibition at the hardware store of Ewiiig & Sutton. The animal from winch this large skin was taken was caught in Pymatuning Swamp, above Jamestown, Pa. We hear ot three or four otters having been caught near the same place during the past winter but the otter H now a'm. st an extinct species of animal iu this county. 1 The IlUing Sun, of Em lent ou, -ut ter publishing a notice of a hone hav been stolen near there, goes on to say Thieves are dointr anile a thrivin? butiness in that Hue, but still we sup pose that it is only a small amount lor each member of the band, as we have some very good reasons for believing there is a large organization in west ern Pennsylvania, extending over eev oral counties ; also feel pretty certain that we would not have to answer al the day of Judgment for any wrong senteuee, if we were puss the opiuiou that thcie was one or more of this gang of horse-thieves and counterfeiters try ing to pass for holiest citizens of this borough, and at the houses of one or more of whom a well known counter feiter and supposed burse-thief makes regular visits. 1 his is a rough sketch of our village but we feel it to be our duty to Hate the situation just as it is, or at least as we think it is. We clip tho following items from the Meadviile Jiepublican : Mrs. O'Neil, wile of Eugene O'Ntil residing in Vallonia, was the victim of the fire on Tuesday evening. It was the same old story kindling a tire by pouring kerosene oil out of a can. 8he was very dangerously burned, and to day it is thought tho cannot survive. Another terrible warning to all who hear but do not heed. Geo. Smith was arrested iu this city yeUerday by Chief Boyd, on informa tion received from Corry thut he was wanted in that town. It appears that George had been guilty of till tapping, at the store of John Williams, Mo. I'.O First Avenue, Curry. An oflicer from Corry cunie uud touk this luck-Huiith in charge. A little child of Mr. Flannigan, on First Aveuue, was accidentlly pois oned on Thursday, by swallowing cor rosive sublimate, and died from the effects in the eveuing. Corry J'juLli- MS. M0WER & REAPER, Improved for t87t. MANUFACTURED BY AKRO, onto. This Machine hm Tinver competed at any uUonnl or HtHte Fair, or pre! trial, without having received the Hot i romi. um, and hox lieen'nwardeit trrealor mini lor of Mcdnt tlmn any other machine now before the publio, FOK SALE BY D. S KNOX, Tionesta, Fn. 6-3in. PROCLAMATION. AViikrkas. Tho Honorable. Tames Camp bell. Vrpsident Juik'e of the Court of Com mon Vitus and tJtiiirterHetwions tn mid ftr the county -of Korext, )miwuil hi pre empt for holding a Court of Common Virus unci Quarter ScmhIoiim, Ac., at Tioiiesta, for the County of tcrest, to commence on the fourth Monday of Mar next, being the J d iluv ot Mav. 1ST1. Notice i therefore given to the Coroner, Justice of the IYace ami Constable of vaid enmity, that they be then and there in their procr ktwoih at ten o'clock, A. M. of said day, w ith their rccorim, inquisition exaiiiinuiion aim other remembrances, to do llioxe thing which to their oIIIccm amiertniii to be done, and to tlnk-e who arc Imuud in recognizance to iroMvute against the imsoncrs thut are or shall be in the Jail nfl-orest (Anility, that they la) then and there torufacuteuaintf tlicni as biiall ie jiisi. tuvt'ii miner toy hand una kcul tutu nun ohv oi Apr., A. u. Ml. 10. U U'AVIS. Sh'fl. Appraisers' List. LIST OF DEALERS IX FOREST, fOU THE YEAR 1871. Tionc.ita SoroxgK. Cut. S. II. Haslet, 12 .1. .1. Visher U Procr t- Heck It I. llilbroimer A Co. II T.loyd it Lewis 14 I lav id llava 14 D. M. Kuox rf'Co. U Agnew A Nigms 14 Superior Lumlier Co. 14 Harmony Tovwtkip. J. 3. Range 14 James Neill 14 J. J. McCaalin 14 ltvan iV llro. l:t T." H aurally 14 Colloui, Sunders 0 Co. 7 C. It. Foster 14 Win. Thornton 14 Nesttcl A Veterson lit AuaUuhlutor 11 . Hickory Tbmuhip. II. A It. II. blowe 14 T. 1). Oilliiis I I T. J. Uowmau 13 Kingtcy Totcnthip. Wheeler A iHiseubury 13 John A hist rami 14 (Superior Lun:'4r Co. 13 Urtene Tvwtwhip. T. H. Cobb 13 TioHttla Tovfuhip. O. V. Alsbaeh. ' 13 Harnett Tountap. G. 3. Fraier 13 Apjeals will Ik) held In tho Treasurer's oflico in TioliCKta, Koreet County, on the fourth Monday of Mav, IH71. jix'i;jic hanLet, Mercantile Appraiser. JURUBEBA. w. I AT MIT? It Is s sore and erfi-et remedy for all dis eases of tho liver and spleen, enlar or oii strui'tion of Intent. lie, L'ntiary, Uterine, or Alslominal Organs, poverty or a want of blood, Intermittent or Itcitiitent Fevers Inflammation of the Liver, lropsy. Slug gish circulation of the blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaudice, Scr ful, Vyspepsia, Ague and Fever or their concomitants. Div. WKI.ut having become aware of the extraordinary medicinal properties of the Mouth American Vlant, called JURUBEBA, sent a special commission to that country to procure it in its native purity, and hav ing found its wondcrlul curative proper tics to evei exceed the nuticipuiiona form ed by its great reputation, has cane! tided to oiler it to the public, aud is happy to stale that he has perfected arrigeiiicnts for a regular monthly mpply of this wonder ful Vlant. Hu has spent much time ex perimenting and investigating as to the most cllicieut preparation from it, for pop ular use, and has tor some time used in his own vractico with most happy results the effectual medicine, now presented to the piibiie as Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA and he confidently reconi mends It to evcrv lainlly as a househoiihl remedy w hich should bo freely taken as a liLoi'it) I'l Rl- KR in all deraL'emciils or too a stem anil to animate and fortify all weak and Lyiu- iihutio temperaments. JOHN H. KH.li .otitt, Vlutt St., New York. Solo Agent for the United States. Vrico One liollar per bottle. Send for Circulur. 50-lt COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Why will on Cough when you can be o eas'ilv released by using Ir. Vlls C'urbolii'Tublots? They are a sure for Sore Throat, Cold, 7oa'rseness, Catarrh and all Diseases of the Lungs, Throat and lironchial Tubes. From the great number of Testimonials as to tho etlieieni-y of the Invaluable nied eino the following is selected : 47 Wuhl-un.-ich Ave., Chicago III , January 11, lw7l. "For the last ten years I have been a great sutl'erer lugii lreiiiient attai-ka of Acuto Pronchitis, and have never found unylhiiig to r licvo i.ie from these attacks until I tried Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets." Kmzauutii T. Root. CAUTIOM lie sure that vou get Wells' Carhol- lo Tablets ; don't let other (foods bo palmed elf on vou in their place. John Q. Kcdog, 81 l'lutt St., N. Y.' Sole Agent. Hold uy ii ugyistM, Vrice 1!3 cents a oox. 4'J-lt 8 O'CLOCK. ' ' SHERIFF'S SALES. VlHTl'K of aundi v writs of Fieri aeias, Venditioni Kxnntins and Allan Hert rarias Isiuod out of tho Court of Common Vleas of Forest Colin tr. ami to mo directed, there will lie exposed to sale liv public vendue or outcry nt tho Court llouso la tha Ihirough of Tioueaf a, on MONDAY, MAY 22d, 1871, at 2 o'clock, V. M., the following described real estate, to wit : H. V. McCalmont v. O. 8. Lonpr, H. Wothev and K41 Walton, fl. fa. No. ,Hti May Term is; 1. Also. H. P. McCalmont vs. I. 8. I-ong Brut II. Wathev, fl. fa. No R3 May Term, 1M71 Osliom All that certain trai t Ol land situate In tho township of Hickory, county or Forest, tiounded and described a follows: Iteginning nt a noat, thence by . u'i iih ilv VUIll 1J iftllllVS. Yiconi, Win. Hunter aud ethers north forty-live degrees east 11 ve- hnmlred and sixty perch es to a wlille oak. thence bv land lornierlv owivxl by Joseph H recti anutti foi tv-live degrees east Unce liumljeO. ouu neveuly tive perches to a pino stomp, thetico bv lamlnow-er formerly or It. Ktowe south fivrty tiro degrees- wint five hnadred and sixty pen lwa to a yellow pine, thuuee by land tiunicily owiied bv H. Stowe and others n.irth forty-tire degrees west three hundred and twenty perchea to th place of beginning, containing eleven hm.Ured aiTes more or les, and U'lng tract num bered five thonsaird two hundred and tliree (SLIKI) unimproved. Taken la exe eutinn and to be sold aa the preixtrty of II. Wat hey, tieorue Imgund KU WalUiu. at tho suit of 8. V. McCalmont. ALSO, J. E. McOntrn use W. C J.tiii-feson vn. A. A. Copeland, veu. ex. No. 8, May T. 1871. Nicholson and llla:kmon vs A. A. Cope land, al. II. la. No. -2., May T. 1H71. All defendant's right, title. Interest and rial in, of in and to a certain tract or pi ceo of land situate in Harmony township, Forest county, Vn., bounded and described as fol lows, to wit; Commencing at a white oak sapling on the Tionesta Hoad, south side, thence north three degrees east twenty perches to a post and stone Iu Held, thence south forty-seven dcgnea east sixteen perches to a jack oak sapling, thence noith three degree east one hunched and ninety six perche to a corner, thence westerly eighty-eight perches to a corner, thence south three degrees west one hundred and twenty-four perches to the said Tionesta ltoad, heneebv said Tionesta Komi twen ty-live ierches to the place of beginning, bounded on the south bv Raid road and luud of K. 1 liavis, on the east by laud of i-.. iw. iavis anu uonev tract, ou the norm bv land of oil eo on the west by land of A. Handy, containing eighty-two acres, more or let, with one frame house aud one n ame nam uicrooo creeleu, ana itnoul -o a-res improvtsl. Taken Iu execution and to be sold us the property of A. A. Cone hiiid ut the suits oi' J. K. Miliiiire, use W, i. .lamiesoti, aud Nicholson it lilackmou, Terms cash. April A), Ml. 13. L. DAVIS, Sh'ff. Applicatlonsj for Iirensic AT MA! TERM, 1871. John A. Proper, Hotel, Tionesta borough J. C. Volley, Hotel, FugundiiB City. Samuel bright, ltestaurant, lag.indus City. Nathan Klinordlingcr,Wholesale Liquors, Tionesta Isirongh. John Woodcock, Hotel, Milleraburg, Har- iiony lowiiKiiip, Tanicfllack, Hotel, Tionehta borough. Horace A. Hunee, Hotel, Trunkey ville, xiainiony ip, rf, js. aua -v , 4 St Cl k. TKI.IL. LIST, FOR FOVltTH NON DAY IN MAY. It. 11. Itolerta v Fsrrer A Trlft. Thomas Mowris vs Win. Slater rt al. .1. IK lilenti va Hickm-v Kami Oilfn. 1'nvid oill ts Jnmes ti'reen et al, admlnls- lrntora ol joeepn orern dec d. .1. (i. Dale vs Horace Wilkina, et al. Daniel Hlack vn David Itichev et al. ft. K. M. Craw ford va lsaa N. Lacy, t al .lames iiryson va v. J. vooerrs. T. S. Messiier vs Humniason Itroa. . John 1 va Matthew 11. Farria. T. N. Fuller va Bennett lobl. (Jeorge K. Thaver vs T. A. Nlan A Co. Frederick Iliihlx-II for ue vs Jamestireen et al, ailuiiniKtratorsof Joa. lireen. dee'd Alual Urake tf- II. Chlniaii vs A. J. Maxe, Oversers of the IVsir id 'Tioneata Ijorough vs ( ivcrsecrs of tho Voor of Veuuno T., ii'itnr eti, M. K. Vorter vs Caroline Porter. i-it. J. 1J. AON l-.W, Vroth'v A tiKXTS WANTKD FOR Fl FT XT' YEA AKS IN Til K M AOICCTKCLE X DYSICNOR BLITZ. Brimtiil cf fun an and humor, with Inel dciitMnud i dvcnturcM in the principal cities oi me woriu. II tiescnoes Ins tric ks and fea's a Magician and Ventriloquist, noiu only ny utiscrition. ljltieral tsrms to gfMsl Atr-iits. Addnws, Bulheld Asli- uicad, 711 Simsom St., Vhila. 5-It AGENTS WANTKD EVERYWHERE. NOW READY. Iliimau Lifo Prolongod. Or 6HXI facts for Vhisical Eqiatence. Ilv A. II. Piatt, M. V. An entirely new work oi uio uiinosc vaine is an. it is not a "Hoc tor I!sik," lta object ls?ing to promoto on me, w-iliiout tne usage of drugs or medicones. Agents will tuid it one of tha iiiostilesiruole works In the held. For ex tra terms and full particulars, address Quaaer City Pub. House, 'J17 t 210 Quince t'Ulla. - 5-lt DEAFNESS, Catarrh Hcroful a. A lady who had Ktillcreil for years from Deaf ness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and gratitude prompt's her to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly articl ed. Address Mrs. M. C. Ijqggu'tt, Jersy i ny, r.. j. . o-jt THEA-NECTAR IS A PUKE i.i4.icii: ti: k with theliroen Tea Flavor Warranted to suit all tastes. For sale every where, For sale whole oniv bv the tireat Atlantic and l'acitlo Tea Co., 8 ( hutch St. New York. V. O. Box 6o5. Scud for Thea Nectar circular. i)!l 4t Ou . uyu and lly-waya in the llidduu life AMERICAN DETECTIVES. By Olliccr Me Hatters. A narrative of 23 years experience among Han kRobbcrs, Counterfeiters, Thins, Pickpockets, Lotte ry Dealers. Coiuidenoe Men and Swindlers of all classes of society disclosing liu rk eil instances of diabolical vengence and deep laid plans of mischief and outrage, and showing the modes by which they were traced out anil scoundrels brought to Justice. A largo volume ol over 1)00 pages !i0 full )uige engravings. For circular and terms address tho pub lishers, J. 1J. liurr tfc Hyde, Hartford, Ct. Try. Republican Office T.rEEVS constantly on hand a largo as IV Kortmcnt of lilaiik Deeds, Mortgages, Kuhptenas, Warrants, Ku -anions, Ae. to pss-ld Mnwp Sir -auk. -11 has tk delicate mm retMekl'c CO r tVtfrMP. mt (easla fsrlsa Qi TyZ l ! W.ter, U Utmma. 8eM kf Imrlt' mmi Itealere la rekrUMEEIVs 1 f AGEWTS 3 WANTED