The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 02, 1871, Image 3

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    SJu Revest gqnMkau.
nonouciH OFFICERS.
linrgess IT. IT. Ma v.
(ViimdVmr-n Jacob Nhrivor, .T. Tl. St roup,
W. W, Diniond.'N. IT, linnet, .T. Winans.
JuMicr of the, I'cacc W. 1. Mereilliott,
D. H. Knox.
Constitute 3 . N.Tcltsworlli.
Hvhcml Directors J. Winiins J. A. T)nlo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrivcr, I). H. Kuox,
ti. D. Irwin.
President Jutlre,f MFA CAMl'llRfX.
Assoeints Judges T. A. P nor Kit, As-
1HKW CooK.
tiicriff'K. Ti. Davis.
IHstriet A ttonteyXV, W. MAon.
Treasurer H. H'icti.f.Y.
Crothnnotary, Heijisterit Iir.cordn; de
li Ti. AllNKW,
Commissioners N.T. Wiikw.ku, P.KN.T.
El.l.lOTT, PFTKH'MK.lirit.MoTT.
County Superintendent H. V. Hon n:n,
Jury (V)7iiii'.iines Jam. Un.KlM.t.vX,
Ibiinry Hureeyor H.T). Ihwi.
Oonntv Audit ors h. U Hackett, F.l.I, W'M. Cl.AKK.
hlemherof Congress VMh District tS. XV.
. feporiMLn.
A'rafe .Senate XV. A. Wallace.
j4fir6y Jons U. II Al l..
Msil l.'.'O p,m.
X press O.U7p. in.
aoirta soi Tii.
Express 10.01a.m.
Mail 3.10 p, in.
TV part.
I. 2ft p. m.
0.40 p. in,
IO.Oi u. in,
II. 20 p. in,
Our Oil City correspoiijcnt favors
. us with n lively correspondence, this
week. He will fuvor us with a letter
each all probability.
A little pnrty from town had a
eocial gathering at Lacytown lust
week. Trof. Weber was along, and
furniolied ruusio for the occasion.
Geo. Hunter has n well nearly
down at the top of tho hill opposite
Vliis jilnco. He is dead euro that he
will get oil. '
S. Clark has the ftamo of a ex
tensive barn up, on his property. It
' will probably be finifhed within a
D. Hays informs us that his hot
housa plants are nearly nil contracted
for. But ho will retail to those of our
townsmen enough to get them up good
The Sheriff ogaiu lias some real
estate he is anxious to dispose of on
. tl 22d inst. The properties will
- probably go cheap, as the terms arc
.cash. '
The Erie Dispatch in its police
news, makes mention of 'Tat. Dono
hue, who for a simple, squaro drunk,
with Boisy accompaniment, was fined
H $3 and costs."
J. II. 'Wliittaker, Esq., editor of
the Venango Spectator, took to him
self a wife last week. Miss Maud Con
cer was the name of the lady. We
wish him joy in his matrimonial rela
tions. We call attention to the new ad
vertisement of 1). S. Knox. He is
nrvnnt far fn nf tVif host, mnwra anil
reapers made, and parties in need of
these machines will do well by pur
chasing of Liu.
. Mr. A. P. Whitaker, of Frank
lin, former editor of the Spectator, is a
candidate, for .Associate. Judge in Ve
nango county, subject to the decision
of the Democratic Convcatiou.
Knox & Co. have orderad a new
first-class Soda Fountain, which will be
on in a few days. The weather will,
in all probability ' soon warrant tho
. running of an institution of this kind,
and we hope to see it well patronized.
N.. L. Dorrauce, recently disabled
in the wrestling match with Major
McLaughlin, at Corinthian Hall, has
challenged the Major for another
match, "to take place in Chicago er Do
trojt, for $1,000. 'Mae. wants to wrestle
in Titusville.
An exchange says truly, "The
best and cheapest mode of advertising
in the world is that in the newspapers.
Every successful advertiser will say
, this. . Seed strewn there, if the seed in
good for anything, always brings up a
. ' crop of some value, must generally a
s hundred fold.
Clarion borough has there candi
dates for the Democratic nomination
, for President Judge of this Judical
District, viz: Wm. L. Corbett, J. B.
Knox, and James Boggs. Thero will
. probably be a lively fight over the
matter. Their primary election takes
place June 17th.
Several windows in tho office of
M. W. Tate, were breken on Friday
liight last. Mr. Tato with some clients,
were in the office until 2 o'clock, and
mischief was doue between that time
and daylight. No arrests have beeu
made, but wo believe Mr. Tato has a
pretty good idea as to who the perpe
trator of the deed. Such work is til
. ways done by cowards and sneaks, and
wo only hope that the gnilty party or
parties may bo made to feeL the full
weight of the law.
'-"-Our meat market' don't appear to
bo running ns yet. Why 'this delay
wo cannot determine. This place has
to depend on Oil City and Tidioutc
for fresh meat, and wo have no doubt
that Tionestn- will support a firstclus
establishment of this kind.
Tho new bogus fivr ccnl nickels,
of which thero aro i large number in
circulation, can bo detected by pn in
spect inn of tho motto "In God wo
Trust," which is much lugxr on tho
counterfeit than on tho gennino. Tho
yellow color of the counterfeit, caused
by tho presence of zinc, is also easily
From present indications the leaves
will all bo out withiii tho next ten
days, and then, we, of this section, flat
ter ourselves that wo have ns fine
scenery just about here, n.i is generally
gotten up. If any of our readers at
a distanoo think differently, let them
visit this section in a couplo of weeks.
Tho Forest Urns Band has its in.
struments. They arrived hero on
Thursday of last week, and since that
that time there has been a couplo of
meetings of tho player, and much
wind has been manipulated into sound
through the horns. An additional
horn, and tenor drum have been sent
for by those having the matter in
Some troublchas occurred recently
in regard to tho t-priugon the hill east
of Unco street, which supplies Mr.
Clark's residence with water, It seems
that tliRt tho pipo carrying tho water,
goes through tho property of other
prople, und that the person leasing the
spring and agreeing to furnish the wa
ter 0.1 the house, has no right ef way
through the other properties. Hence
the difficulty. Much iro has been dis.
played, and much taking done, but
no settlement has yet been arrived at.
How it will turn out we cannot say.
Tho Grove & Wolcott well is
down through tho thirl sand rock, the
whole depth of tho well being 731 feet.
Tho third sand was 16 feet through.
They will tube tho well to-day (we
writo on Monday) and commence test
ing to-morrow. Tho indications for a
good well aro favorable, and the own
are confident that they will soon have
oil in such quantities as to cause an
excitement on the Sowers Farm, This
territory has been considered as nearly
sure, and we earnestly hop that it
may provo all that is expected of it.
The following aro the names of
tho officers elected at the last regular
meeting of Tioncsta Temple of Honor.
They will bo installed n;xt Saturday
evening :
W. C. T., M. W. Tato.
W. V. T., J. Winnns.
W. It., W. W. Dh.iond.
W. A. 11., S. J. Setley.
W. F. R., Jos. Grove.
W. T., Thos. Vunfjeesen.
W. U., J. I). W. Bock.
W.D. U..J..W. St roup. .
W. G., P. M. Clark.
W. S., J. II: Fones.
This order is increasing in numbers,
and its influence id felt by the commu
nity for good.
In consequence of tho late rains
tho water in Tioncsta creek was raised
some ten inches, which encouraged the
lumbermen on the creek to try a
"pond fresh," which they did on Sat
urday with sonic little success. We
have not heard the exact amount, but
suppose nearly fifty creek pieces were
run out to the mouth of the creek. A
jam took place at tho bridge near tho
mouth, and some fifteen pieces were
displaced and fastened against the
bridge. Not luueh'lamago was done,
but considerable labor and trouble
will be required to right up the rafts.
Should we get a rise iu tho river we
will luivo one of the liveliest infling
seasons that we have hud for some
Friday n!;;ht last, while we were
resting our weary limbs and aclrng
brow upon our couch, wo heard our
name audibly pronounced, and the
voico also said, "Get up, quick, and
get your revolver, some one is trying
to break iuto the house!" wo arose,
drew cm our trows civs and proceeded to
unearth our revolver. We fouud the
pistol, but could find uo cartridges,
ami consequently were at the mercy of
the burglars as far as that weapon was
concerned. However, just as we dis
covered our defenseless condition, we
also discovered that tho object of our
military preparations, was merely one
of our tow nsmen on one of his periodi
cal drunks, on which occasions ho al
ways lur.kcs it lively fo" nearly the
whole town. He gloilo from our vision.
We proceeded to disrobe our person,
and majestically reclined our form
onco more upon our little bed, feeling
thankful, that though wo had not cov
ered ourself with glory, we hadn't any
ono's blood on our hands. The re
mainder of tho niejit was spent in
"nature's twect restorer, balmy sleep."
: We havo received a private l t.t"r
from N. P.' Wheeler, Esq. dated at
Maysvllle; Ky.i 27th,, iu' wbleli bo
says: . . . .
"Wehavclmd vcty fino weather in
this region, with the season rnoro ad
vanced than usual. But last Saturday
n.ght a biting frost did severe damage,
injuring, it is thought, in scnio locali
ties, and totally destrying in others,
tho fruit rop, particularly the smaller
varieties. This is a great loss here, as
grapo culture and tho raising of fruit
aro important branches of industry in
this section. Tobacco and corn are
also injured to some extent."
Tho Pennsylvania State Execu
tive Commit Ico of Young Mcn' Chris
tian Associations will hold Convention
at Wnrrcn, Ta., on the 8lh ami Uth of
Muy. Open Air, Promise and Praise
meetings will bo conducted, and sub
jects of interest aud great importance
to christian workers will be discussed,
such as "Personal responsibility for
tho souls of others;" "How to con
duet open air meetings;" "Who arc
called to Lay Preaching;" "Young
Men's Christian Associations and their
Rpeeial work in our midst;" "Prison
and Almshouse visitation ;" etc.
K. II. Burnell, of Chicago, who has
had large experience in conducting
services of tho kind proposed, and
John Morrow, who is actively engage J
in the work at Pittsburgh, will attend
to meetings. Ira P.. San key, of Pa.,
well.kuow as a singer and Christian
worker, will conduct the music.
All persons feeling any interest in
Christian work are cordially invited
to bo present. '
Entertainment will be provided by
the citizens of Warren.
By Oiiti:r of-Committe&
List of Juror3 for May Term.
T. D. Collins, Foreman.
Greene Township Calvin Amor. ..
Kingslcy Oliver Byerly, Ilinaldo
Toby, J. Berlin, Wesley Whitehill.
Hickory James Green, Fred. Kif
fer, H. Lcdubur.
Tioncsta P.or. S. Clark, Jairus
Hock, J. R. Stroup.
Harmony Township S. O. Carson,
Ilarlo Elliott, Win. P. Siggius, Henry
Setley, William Young.
Tioncsta Michael Fitzgeralds.
Barnett John Kuhus, G. W. I'aup,
M. blocum.
Jeuks Geo. W. Rose..
Howe Lamucl Sole.
riiTix jmcr.s.
Harmony Wm C. Anderson, S.
II. Baugher, L. W. Bromley, Isaac
Canlicld, Henry Foglc, Albert How
ell, A. A. Hopkins, Quiuton Jmnicsbn,
James McGinley, II. Shefllebaum,
Ernest Vogust, Milo Baxter, Benja
min Crawford.
Hickory Jas. Albuugh, Jos. Cole
man, Chas. R. Diecoridgc, Wm. Hud
dleson, Fred. Ledabur, John W. Mc
Donuld, Daniel Noble, Jos. Reyn
olds. Burnett Isaac Buzzard, Michael
Duncle, Robert Ileaeley, J. Irwin, J.
Morgan, W. Swail, W. Smith, Jacob
Kiugsley if. Burdiek, J. Carr, J.
Root, II. Smith.
Greene R. Cobb, Thos. Flynu, Juo.
Guyton, Phillip N. Haslet, John Wal
ters. Tioncsta A, Emert, Er., A. Emert,
jr., J. Fitzgerald, James Huddlesoii,
John Hood, John Wolf.
Jiiks Irwin Robertson,' James
Tioncsta Boro O. W. Winner.
Every Saturday, published by
James R. Osgood & Co., Boston, now
takes the first place in its cla of illus
trated serials. Tho number for Sat
urday, 2i3ih, is a splendid on !. It is
illstrated as follows: Portrait of
Peter Cooper; Marriage of the Prin
cess Loui.o ami tho Marquis of Lome,
a brilliant display of nobility and
beauty; Mary Tudor and her Lover;
Louisville Bridge; Mulo Tandems on
the Levee; A New Zealaud War Ca
nue Race ; The Oxford Crew at Home;
and eight engravings illustrating Brete
Harle's Heathen Chinee.
For. Sale. Ono 20 Horse Tower
Timber Engine and Boiler in good or
der. Inquire of D.S.Knox,
1-tf. ' Tioncsta, Pa.
Foil Sai.1. Tho houso and lands
known as tho "Christio Property," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
aro fr sale. Term.i cash or approved
security. Apply to
Junv A. Dai.b,
President Tioncsta Savings Bank,
Tioncsta, Pa.
Book Binding.
We aro agent for us good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all tlm binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssinples
can bo seen at thi-s cflice.
To N tiros'; a,' California, and Kan
sas, and the D. & M. R. R.
, - .. . . . i
Tho "Burlington Route," so called,
lies, right in the path of the Star of
Empire. It runs almost immediately
in tho center of tho great westward
movement of emigration.. .Crossing
Iljiniiis and i)WD, it.fctrlkes the Mi
siourl river at three points.
These three points aro the gateways
into three great sections of tho trans
Missouri region.
Tho Northern gate is Omaha, where
the great Pacifiic road will take you
to tho land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
Tho middle gate is Plattsninuth,
which opens upon the south half of
Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a
region unsurpassed on the continent
for agriculture and grazing. Just here
are tho B. &. M. Railroad lands, con
cerning which Goo. S. Harris, the land
officer at Burlington, Iowa, can give
you all information, and in the heart
of them is Lincoln, the State Capital
and precnt terminus of tho road.
The Southern gate lends to Kansas,
by connections with the St. Joe Road
at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe
and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and make nil
connections. It runs the best of coach,
cs, Pullman Talnce and Pullman Din
ing cars, and should you take the
journey for tho journey's sako alone,
you will be repaid ; or take it to find
a home or o furm, and you cannot find
either better than among the B. & M.
land?, where you can buy on ten years'
credit, and at a low price.
Newspaper Laws.
We would call tho special attention
of Post Masters aud subscribers to the
FonicsT Rj-.rvm.icAN to tho following
synopsis of the Newspaper laws:
1. A Postmasters is required to give
notice ly eM(T,(returning a paper does
not answer the law), when a subscri
ber does not take bis paper out of tho
office, and state the reason for its not
being taken. Neglecting to do so
makes the Postmaster responsible to
tho publisher for the payment.
2. Any person who takes a paper
from the Pott office, whether directed
to his name or another, or whether he
has subscribed or not, is responsible for
the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper dis
continued, ho must pay all arrearages,
or the publisher may continue to send
it until payment is made, and collect
4. If the subscriber orders his pa
per to be stopped at a certain time, and
the publisher continues to send, tho
subscriber is bound to pay for it if he
talc a it out of the Font Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man
must pay tor what ho uses.
Tho courts have decided that refus
ing to take newspapers and periodicals
from the post office, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, is prima
facie evidence of intentional fraud.
Piblio Sale.
Having decided to quit the livery
business, I will expose to public sale,
on Tllsday, May 2d, my immense
stock of Horses, Wagons) Sleds, Bug
gies, Sleighs, Harness, Saddles, Bri
dles, &c, at my stables, in 'lionesta
Boro. Will be sold on timo with ap
proved security, or for cash, if the buy
er has more than ho needs. ' This is a
rare chance for any one wishing to go
into the livery business, nud Tioncsta
a good point. Bo on baud on tho 2d
ofMav, and secure good bargains.
2.4 1. 1 D. Hay
C'Aiii'KXTKiw, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil nun, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in tho Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidiouto. They
havo the largest stock in this section
of the c ountry. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
A. II. Sn:i:i,i:, Cashier Tioncsta
Savings B.u.k, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " Ionian Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all the information
I have jjocd Chop for alel .00
per cwt. I l ave also a lot ol Corn and
Outs. Warehouse one door south of
W. J. Rubens' residence.
o-tf. II. W. Rgi:i:kts.
M. P. Jinks, Jeweller, Meadvil'e,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamouds Ac, at 20 per cent,
below marked prices. Several of our
citizen.- have patronized him, and find
hiiu "square." Give him a call. His
e.-tabli' liinent is on the corner of Wa
ter and Chestnut Sts., iu Cullum block.
To tho Nervcous
fllOSK PufTrrtnas lmvo twin prolrnet-
cl from IihMpii ( ihips, awl whoso
rases rerpiiro prompt treatment to render
exist enco doslraVile;
If you nro iiri'crinr, or have sulTered
from involuntary discharges, what e fleet
W's it product) on your R'nenil heal 111?
Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a little extra exertion prodinvj pal
pitation of tho lirurt ? Doc your liver, or
urinary organs, oryourkidneyn, frequent
ly get nut of order? Is your urino some
times lliick, milicy or ftoeky, or Is it ropy
on s.ettlinfrT Or does n thic k sknm rise to
the top ? Or is a sediment nt the bottom nf
trr it has stood awhile? Do you have
spoils of short brralhinjror di'pepla? Are
your bowels constipated? Do you have
spells of fraintin, or rushes of blood to
the head T Is your memory iniparod? Is
your mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping,
tired ef company, or lite? Do you wish
to bo left alone, away from everybody ?
Docs any liltlo thing tnnke you start or
jump? Is your sleep broken or rosliess?
Is tho lustre of your eye as brilliant?
Tho, bloom on your cheek as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself in society as well? Do
you pursue your business with the same
cnerjry ? Do you feel as much confidence
in youiielf ? Are your spirits dull and flag,
(rinpr, priven to fit of melancholy ? If so,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but lit
tlo appetite, and yon attributo this to dys
pepsia or liver-complaint?
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal d'.s
ca..f: badly cured, and ouxuhI excesses, aro
all capable of producing a weakness of tho
genorativo orxnns. The organs of genera
tion, when In 'perfect health, make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, encrgetie, persevorinsr, successful business-men
are always thowo whoso genera
tive organs are in perfect health? Yon
never hear mieli men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of tho heart. They aro never afraid they
cannot sueceod in business ; they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they arcalways
polite and pleasant in tho company of la
dies, andjook yon and them right in tho
face none of your downcast, looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat mean
tnoe who keep tho organs inflated by
running to excess. Thoso will not only
ruin theiAeonstitutions, but also thoso
they do business w iih or for.
How many riK'n, from badly cured dis
eases, from tho effects of Helf-ubuse and
excess, have brought about that stato of
weakness in organs that has red need
tho goneal system so much as to produco
almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suieide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity is heir to, aud tho real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctored for all but tlm light one.
Diseases of theso organs require tho uso
of a Diuretic. II EI.MlJUhD'.S FLUID
KXTU.Vl T UUC'UU is tho great Diuretic,
aud is a certain eurefor diseases of tho
Bladder, Kidneys, (travel, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Temalo Complaints, (Gener
al Debily, und all diseases of tho Urinary
Organs, w hether existing in Malo or I'o
male, from whatever rausu originating,
and no mailer of how long utanding.
If no trealnient Is submitted to, Con
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our
I'osh and blood aro bu. ported from these
gourdes, and tho health and happiness,
a-nl that of Posterity, depends upon
prompt uso of a re'. iablo remedy.
lielmbfr'd's Kxtraet Iluehu, established
upward of l'.l'eais, pn pared by JI. T.
IIKLMIiOLD, Diuguist, olli liroadwiiy.
New Yolk, an I N'l S.,uth KHh Street,
Philadelphia, l'a. 1ish-k l.-'i per bottle
or 0 bottles for ?Ji.50, delivered to any ad
dress, hold by ull DruggoslMCVury where.
i; ii in sti:i. i;iitvi;i)
Wrapper, fac smile of my Chemical Ware
house, aud signed 11. T. li U..M UOI.I1.
'--! y
u- 1 i;TiiTt . ' l f J
1 ' t ' '
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
70,- Nassau St., New York City.
HA VINO TiOCATF.D in Tionrta, Is pre
pared to do all kinds of work in his
line, inn manner which will satisfy all who
may favor him with their custom Partic
ular attention paid to
(iivchim n trial. Shop on Church St.,
near tlie.Savings Hank. :)-ly.
oenkral nrAi.nn in
dry goods; notions.
NEW YOrjC STOPvE, Centre Street,
The Oil Regions lo Pittsburgh,
On all night trains, rassenaors and bag
gage transferred at Oil City, 1kh or
Trains make direct connection with all
Roads cornering at Oil City, and leavo aa
Day Express leave Oil Cilrat 2 TO pro
Arrives at Pittsburgh ". 0 on pin
N ight Kx press heave Oil City 0 20pm
Arrives nt Pittsburgh fl i!fl a In
Mail Train leaves Oil City 0 nr a m
Arrives ut Pittlburgh " 6 00 p m
Day Express heaves Pittsburgh at 7 i;fl a ni
A rrri ves at t lil City at ,2 13 pm
Niuht Express heaves 1'itl.sburgli H 40 pm
Arrives ut Oi. City 15 1", am
Way Passenger loaves Pittsburgh it 15 a m
Arrives at Oil City 7 35 p m
rassengors travelling by this Ttouto will
find hotter accommodations and makebet
tor timo than bv any other road from the
Oil Regions to Pittsburgh.
J. J. LAW KK.VCK, Omi. Supt.
Iteglslcr IVutice.
prrshTC NOTICE is hereby given that
1 John Sigiiins, executor of Jane Sigtiiim
deceased has tiled, in the Itcnister's olVico
in ami for the County of Tiontista,
Pa., his final aeeoufit as Exeeutor f the
last will and testament of Jane, Siggins
doe'd., lateof Harmony Township, l'orcst
Lountv, l'a., mm that tliesamo will lie ore
sentoil to the Orphan's Court of said Coun
ty for confirmation and allowance on tho
fourth Monday of May next, at tho Court
House at 1 lonesta, iu tho county nmresad.
Apr. 4, J. U. AllMiW, Recorder.
Auditor Xotit't'.
In tho Common Piers of Forest County
Char1 es Hays vs. The Ironsides Petrole
um Comnanv.
And now to-wit, Dee. 20th, 1S70, on mo
tion oi v. . j-.. uiiiiy, attorney tor SSIioritl,
W. P. Mercilliott appointed auditor to dis
tribute tho funds arising from sale of real
esiaio oi ticiemiaut.
Extract from tho Record.
ska u J. li. AGN'EW, Pro.
To all v hom it may concern :
I will attend to tho duties of m v appoint
inent, ou Saturday, May 20th, 1K71, be
tween 3 and four o'eloek r. M., at my
tico in Tioncsta, where you may attend
person, u yon so proper.
W. 1'. MKKCEI.hlOTT,
4-3t. Auditor.
A Krvrapaprr of the Prevent Tlmea
Inieuded for People Now oo Earth.
Inclndinnc Firmeri. Mechanics, Merchant!, Pro.
lMloual Men, Wutfcer. TMnkeri, an i ail Vai
ner of Ilnoont Fo'ikf. and ttie Wives. Sods, an 4
daughter j of ull suoh.
Or tSnrj on Gtrnt a Carry. Let there be a
HZO Club at criry Poet Oilloe.
of tin iimo fie an 1 cncril character a
THIS WKUK.LT, bnt with a (rratir variety of
Titoi'el aaeuiu rea-hns. a. id furnlsUluir the nw
l itn nrwtrtN'ia wttti master frahneoa. UecuuM
it cuuica twice a wixk irmcaa ot once ouijr.
THE DAILY 81 N, 80 A YE4R.
A 'ireOtpinet'lv r-al .h'o tWbpaier, witn tr
HrL't'! c.rcimiim ia the worta i rte, in.V
poi-lfiit, ai(i IcHrlfi hi po'tiica. A I v. nco'i
f -i n ev.ry!n'rn. i w ccntu a o jm ; ! luatl.
60 ccht a tuuulii, or t$1 u yvr,
Fife cojnes, one yen, ac;tar;tiiy v rfnn-fl.
Pour Dtillnrw,
Tfn forMs. one tt. frn-trnteiv aMrnsed (a:.J
au exu uu to the juittr up 'X clun t
EUlu Dollitm.
Twentr cori, oo tt, anp'tratel . aiidi t-ea
(a U au uxirflpy lue 'tu-r up oi rmhi,
Filter Dollar.
F'tv rnrn n veir. toon a'lltti tnr-l Uitt
ttuU-tt otit(jf uiw t . r flier tin yt il .hi.
Tbtrty-iarco Doliura.
Fi'iv rop ri. on Tar. Vii's;if a tdrert (n-.d
lo iKUll W ckl yi -rt,t ,'ft'er Ul. O fllir ),
Ikiriy.Uva Dollar.
On tmn!rM tm c, nun vear. t- De RJ lrtwi.
l uH rU laly lor one yw Mif Her u- ut
cum. Kill y Dollar.
One hiri'lrrrt on v-ar. aiarati ly ad-trc-.-t-l
in! tuui UUy iurm v tr iu i iu- ir
uyoiiiuuj. hlxty Dollar.
Five'imiatdv nd itpci.
Eitckt Ddllnr.
Tcqem lr, ore Tfc'f rinarafalv t-irr.r) (rj l
au vtlmovj) tufciu-r u( f - it.),
flxlcL-u Dollar.
o orIM. nka, or rtmrr nn t
ork. whfi ever c uveiiiiia n ,ltr. lum rvjiiur
tue i Lir ooulaluiuic UiO'uy. AUUrtwt
hiiu I'fttfM V w Vi rl; ritv.
s. a JONES
- Fropi'ietor.
Salesmen Wanted.
llusiiiess heiioruble. No eompelition, lib.
oisl pay gi Ten. H. KKXNKHV,
3'1- U" S H. llh St., Vhi'.A.
Tutcd oi
TweIts Years
;g Wild Mm& Plains,
A In ox of thrilling Interest, stlrrin? rec
tills tVftrti net mil lile iinioiur tlmt tioinV'r
ful peopla Npiriti'il ilesrriptinns rf lleir
Htmniso Miporstitions. S rts. hru ls, 'I pa
ilitions, llontniir. Eilitii;; Sr-iilpinir. Ic
torin?, Worsiiijunir, el.-., prol'iisrlv i 1 1 1 1 -trulni.
It is Hfllini; l'.v tliout nmls with
irrenf. rtips.l'.lv Al'o. jnl out ninl re:iW
l.r (l. liv. iy lil'.;('Ki:i I".-i History of the
lale iiioiiK'iitoiiA
from otlii 'ml fouren, i'Mp;ot( nml jelia
li'.e ; Vivil (leseriptioiis of tlios. (trout I till
ties; hives of the lemlers. l ineiy illi
tr.e ted.. Enli -h nml lieriimii. Only SL'.
me liiiin soM ")" in two days ; 178 in eij-l.t
ivs. (ino in thirtv dins. 11 eoos 1ik-
wildfire, Striko (piiekly nml coin money
llewnro of inferior works hv unknown
authors. Mere picture hooks, lie sure ot
n reliiihln nuthor. A. II. llubburd. I'ul.
Cheslnut St., l'liiln. 5-it
HASlicen used clurinS tlio last fiftern
venrs hv thoiis.iiHls of ppoolo for th
speeily euro of throst nuil luni discuses
It lias neen tiiorouiuy le.-ieu uiovcihtui
tho press nml the people luive renlTe1
their verdict hv pronoiineinu it a HAKK,
Ah KI-.M I'.D Y the nest .iieiliemo KnoTn
lor ciirinir hnnar Complnints. Every )pr-
son of rverv ni;o ntllii'teu with cither ot tru
tollowiuit (lisoasett, should uso this pleas
nut remedy without dehiy, nml ther
voiees will "soon minule with hosts of oth
ers in reec nimendinn its cllieaey to thc.i
nlllieted neiulihors and friends.
iif- Lc Iiall's Cough Hancdy it eurj
VST I '"c IbdCs Cough Hemtdy it curt
Crotii) or JutUle.
ear Ue Hall's Covgh Remedy it cur.-
Asthma ami rhthmc.
sir Uf-e Hull's Cough Remedy for Ca
S3rUe Hairs Cougii lemcdy ittiren;:-
thens the. tuna.
J Use 1 all's Cough Remedy for Brer-
Use HalFt Cough Remedy fr
SrUse Hall's Cuvgh Remedy ii tlrtnj-
thens the voice.
!T$Ue Hall's Cough IRemedy fur
It will (ii eittlv modify the violence of tb'..
ilisenso and shorten its tedious ooiirsB Oii
lull f from its oriliimrv duration.
liewnre of eounterfeits and hnse imi..
lions, eall for lr. 1'. Hull's Colobrateu
Couith Kemeily and srelthat his written
siKiinture is upon the wrapper ud Uir -tious.
smoxa rKvr.vo.vr.
V.'e the undersigned citizens of Kris City
nml vieinitv, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel
ebrated Cough Keinedy with groat sueccis,
in curing diseasee of tlio Throat and hungs
nnd tako pleasure in reeomiuending its u: 9
to tho nlllietea as a speedy and ofl'eeiiu.l
remedy, fully worthy of public vonfldeue.
James Thompson Ilohern Cochran
John Molhoru Wr Daniel Bear
John A Traey J Hohison
John W -Mehuno W K HindernogliV
John W J lavs 1 II liurton
John It Coe.Wun Alansoii herwooJ
John il Duniars W H Cooper
John M Warren Joseph Deoiu.?
John S hrowu l'.on.j tirant
S h Forster hueius A Hull -
JWIIull ThosMKee
Orvien Smith XV M inllagh.r
C Dumars elms W Kelso
IlOKoot, I) P Kt.sign
U'ilson King, 1 Shirk
Daniel Minor, Kiehnrd Kom
till Wright J T Case
Matthew Hamilton Daniel lluver
J W Kvnn C K Hihlet
J Mooiiey M Mayor
J W Culver J h honn
Win II Mav J llobinsun 2d
A M Tarlm'll Silas 11 I'ineu m
K A llennett C ti Howell
J Salshurv
Matml'aeturer und solo propiii-ior. Hall
New Ihiildiug, Stalest. PKICKU7i Cl .
I'UK llU l l hi:. SohlhyD. S. KNOX A
CO., Tionusta, Pa., mid by agents penorj'.
ly, ' iW-!)m
y p. w
oii:it.i. iioiki: isi,ocs&,
TV. are now roeeiving a largo stork of
Musical Merchandise, consisting o!
And a full linn of
S M A h h 1 N ST1 1 V M V. N TS,
SHKiri'MCSh', nnd
STOOhS, SPllli: ADA, B' :
We aro Agents for
SIciiMvay V Sont,
!ii!i'rlnKV Son,
and till all orders of oilier niaiiufaelur!
41 disiiiHl, at I lit, louunl rules. We I10 1
tlio eeleliruled
ofl'.oslon, the I'me-t 111:1:11 ins 1 ni'M r . 1
vet iiilroduei .1, which we can e.l imi v' r
reasonable Icrms. A hove stuck of Self.
Sin-el M te-le it! a's 011 baud.
Our inst i'iiiiii'ii:s need 110 ur.tice s! o :.
him. Is, us tin y have been before the or. 1
tor tuciitv to ihirlv venrs. Wkw.ihiiv:.
Till M Poll UVK I AIts, mid ill sell .Ml
ui' iithly paxmeiils, exi-hanue tor sccon t
baud insti iiiueiUs, or for CAsI'f if urged.
W it shall Impleaded to sbiw our yoo. .
to all who mav mvor us w ith a call.
.1. I'.. Iioo T 1 1.
It. II. SAli'iK.NT.
4ti ti". Opera House Titosvii