The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 02, 1871, Image 2

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The following wns tinndol in last
woi'k for publication but was, in our
liurry, overlooked.'
Tlio members of the liupublienn
County Committee of Forest County,
are. requested to meet at the Court
House, (at rrothunotnry's Oflice) on
Tuesday evening, May 23d, 1871, nt 7
o'clock P. M. J. B.AoxEW.CIi'ni.
8. 1). Irwin, 8cc'y.
Oil City Correspondence.
Oil Citt, April 80,1871.
DkarIvepi bi.ioan : For the delec
tation of such of your readers who
care for new s from this hub of the oil
regions, I write this epistle:
The most important matlers now oc
cupying the attention of the honest cit
zents of this now city, are the numer
ordinances almost daily promulgated
ly our worthy mayor and council, who
are getting up a series of regulations
for our government, which, if they are
enforced, will make Oil Cjty. the most
exemplary city iu this world Of iu.; It
takes pretty diligent study to keep
"read up" on nil their promulgations,
hut a fast reader can do it,by constant
application. They have already is
sued ordinances frowniug upon houses
of ill fame, dog and cock fights and
irregularities of that sort, and now I
hear they have one in pickle, iu rcla
taion to tho running of trains within
the city limits, which is calculated to
make the railroad companies toe the
mark in regaid to the safety our lives
and property, or else bo heavy con
tributors to our city treasury. Our
personal sympathies in all theso mat
ters are with the mayor and council,
and they shall have our countenance
and support.
By tho way, cither Providence or
some incendiary expressed disappro
bation of houses of ill-fame by burning
up an old brewery in . the lowor part
vf town which was being fitted up ex
pressly for use in that line of trade ;
it occurred on Wednesday night.
An effort is being made to establish
a "collegiate intitule" iu this place
with good prospects of bucccss. Several
persons have for some time been on
the point of giving from five to ten
acres of land upon which to erect suit
able "buildings, but fur some reason
still hesitate, probably for fear the
property won't be accepted. Iam in
formed by those who know, that their
fears are goundless.
When those nice showers were fall
ing about the middle of the week, it
led mo to hope that the lumbermen of
Forest county would be be able to get
over their "dams" and bring out some
of that exteusive lot of lumber that
has been so long waiting for a rise, bnt
an old lumberman told me yesterday
that ray hopes were vain, therefore I
suppose that we'll have to do as they
do out west in such cases, i. e. Yait for
more rain.
A very lively skirmish occurred this
morning between two young men of
the city, which resulted iu one being
knocked through a store window and
both being picked up "by the police to
answer for a breach of the public peace,
Probably the cost of a new window aud
the fine an indignant justice w ill im
jioec, will have the dil-et of cooling
their fiery tempers.
I notice that the dealers in bnby
carriages about here have laid in a
very large stock this spring, which
will probably give you an idea of how
the population lias increused.
More when the fit takes me.
To slisw the uncertainty of oil
territory or which way "oil bells" run,
we learn from good authority that a
well known operator in tins neighbor
hood, at the time of the breaking out
of the recent oil excitement ou Church
Bun, near Titusville, commenced
drilling a well in close proximity to
the Cuily well, yielding 100 -barrel
per day. While the well wns join;'
down the aforesaid operator busied
himself in buying up land iu the
vicinity of his well, securing upwards
of seven hundred acres. The well was
finished a day or two since and proved
to be a "dry hole," not even pumping
dust, and resulting in tho unpleasant
discovery, to him ut least, that the en
tire seven hundred acres lie to one
sid3 of the belt aud iu all probability
is ulso dry territory. Vet. Ctn. lies.
A dispatch to the Pittsburgh Coin
meaciul from Parker's Landing, says:
About six o'clock Sunday evening,
Willy Sowash, aged six, sou id Mr. D.
Bowab, living in Lawreneeburg, dur
ing the absence of his parents, at tempt
ed to kindle a fire with crude oil. The
Ham communicated to the can, cans-
vr. R. ui;nn
incj au explosion, setting lire to the tliey should keep straighten the sm
houso and horribly bumiii!; voun eidiul track, vet this obseivation isthe
Fowisb, from tho t-U'ects of which he
died this morning.
Who's next ?
Soldiers and ho Republican Parly.
Wo have never been tho advocates
of elHss-monopolesof uy kind, whet h
er it is business or , politics, ns the"
tend to tyrannies and confusion, mid
therefore we nevcf were of the opinion
that because a limn is a soldier he is
superior to n civilian in devolien to tho
Government or in merits to wear its
honors. Nevertheless, the Bepuhlican
party owes n debt of gratitudo to the
soldiers, which it. cannot repudiate
without forfeiting the confidence of all
civilians. Our victories nt the ballot
box, from 18t3 to the present, have
been won mainly by the zeal of those
who took up arias to deltnd tho life
and hoitor of the nation. Had the
soldiers in tho field deserted U9j An
drew ('!. Cur tin would not havo been
elected Governor the second time.
Had the vetciaus who re established
the authority of the National Govern
ment, and who had returned to resume
their peaceful avocations, not clung to
the Republican cause, John W. Geary
would not have been elected Governor
tho first or second time. We would
not so long have retained our suprema
cy in the Legislature, and regained
our ascendency 'on the Supreme bench.
The Union soldier not only preserved
tho life of the government of the
Union, but he perpetuated for the
time being t!io l uttir of the UnLu
party. Uur political leaders must
not iorgct thesB facts. If they ignore
the' soldier, if, so saon . afun1 his ' hard
foOght ' battles,- with his wounds un
healed, the Union su'dier is to be re
fused retention in.ofiiees within, the
control of the Republican pnrtv; to
make room for incllicient demagogue
politicians take our word for it, the
soldier will turn his back on tho Be
puhlican organization. Our fealty to
the soldier involves as much of honor
as our truth and devotion to our prin?
ciples. It awakens a feeling of dis
pleasure in many true Bepuhlican
hearts whenever the appointing po'ver
of the Government ignores u soldier,
deliberately sets him aside, depose
him w ithout cause, and snubs him to
make room for and recognition of a
civilian, bis tinequul iu all qualities
requisite for the position to be filled.
e hear and see this spirit of discon
tent ail around us. The masses of the
Republican partv are neither insensi-
to insults of this kind, nor incapable
ot resenting them. Hence, we bog ol ,
those in authority to beware how they
trille with popular regard for the sol
dier. A word to the wise is sufficient.
State Journal.
-We take the following items from
the Venango Spectator: . i
Mr. David Marshall, of Pittsburgh.
was robbed at the Oil City depot on
Tuesday afternoon last by a pickpock
et. Ou Sunday hist A. 31. Borland hired
three men to row him across the river
at Parker's Landii:'.;. They rowed
him to a boat sianditg about midway
in ' the river, compelled him to step
aboard of it, robbed him of 70 and
then pulled nway, leaving Mr. Bor
land a'onc on the boat. He was tak
en off' by tho ferryman shortly after
ward, two of the thieves have been
The Neeley and Munsinirer- farms,
two miles from this city, and opposite
two Julc liiin, are being laid out as a
town under tho name of "Prentice."
The lots and lenses w ill be sold nt pub
lic sale, due notice of which will up
per in the newspapers, and oil men can
have au opportunity of buying a build
ing lot on the river front and an oil
lease on tho hill. ' The third sand is
kuown to underlie this tract, and au
oil belt, parallel to the Ililands, runs
through this property.- All trains on
the Allegheny Valley Railroad stop
here, the nearest station of Driftwood,
Hull' City, and other mushroom towns
in the interior of Cranberry. A ferry
runs to connect with trains on the
Jamestown and Franklin Railroad.
A young man calling himself Prof.
J. U. Griffith arrived iu the third ward
lust ve..k and hung out his shingle as
a medical man, heavy ou catarrh and
chronic diseases in general. But Prof.
uriititii has come to gnet. lia was
arrested ou Monday afternoon for
practising medicine without license,
aud, in default of two hundred dollars
bail, wus sent to jtul by Justico Lytle
Samuel Bauson was also brojrht bo
lore jui-tice invito cargeu with circu
lating obscene pamphlets through the
city. Jnucluun ot hve hundred dol
lurs bail he was committed for trial
This is the first arrest for that detesta
ble oll'eiise made in this city and we
trust t le case of Bauson will for
warning to the tcnuticirels in his lino
of business.
I ho IJemoeratio rotate Ion veution
has been c-alleu to inert iu llarrieburg
May '24 one week after the Republi
can Convention. Tho "tall" intimates
tliut among other filings it will be the
duty ' the Convention to frame a
platform for the pary. That will be
useless labor. The party already has a
platform the ono it made for itself
while r.-sisiing the rebellion, and on
which it still stands disputing the ver
dict of the war. Some there may bo
who would ho glad to get off, but ' the
crack of the Southern whip frighli-na
them buck again. The only honest
course 'or the Democracy when they
meet in HurrUburg (a bad place, they
say, for honest men.) will bo to repu
diate the bonds which bind them lake
a "new departure" in earnest, in op
position to inlhunees and purposes
which sj long as they prevail can en
tail nothing but defeat. Though it is
for our interest as Republicans that
one w hich the facts will admit, a great
many s nsible democrats niustbecou
vinci d. I'iHilionjh Cvuuncrciir.
Cm-iu it Kin. The excitement on
Church Run continues unabated, and
operators from every section of the
region keep pourir g in. Tho oil i.4
also of a superior quality, lieing linav
ier, and bringing prices ir dents in ad
vance of regular gravity oil. It is
ustwl nearly altogether by tho Titus
ville refiners, giving them another ad
vantage over refiners in moro remote
localities. We can now afford to turn
out rcfinod oil nt n profit, should every
other refinery in the country stand
still for want of a margin. This must
of necessity draw an immense capital
here to engage in this branch of man
ufacture, and it will have n prr-nror
tendency to rapidly build up Titusville
to a higher standard of centralization
ami commercial importance than ever
The Burtis, Boyer & Freeman well,
struck last Sunday, and which.wo yes
terday reported as producing at "the
rate of 100 bbls. has within the past
twenty-four hours been steadily in
creasing. She is now rated at "fully
lot) barrels. This well; is now ' the
largest on the run, and is situate on
the northwest corner ol the Atlantic
& Great Western Company's . tract,
and a few, rods southeast 'of the big
Thompson well, on the Maguire farm.
In a direct line between these tto
wells, on the latter farm, is another,
the property of Emory Bros, it Co.,
which w ill bo down tcday. There are
also several well in contiguous locali
ties which will bo down iu a few days.
lhmld. . ... . .
Tho .Meadvillo llcpuiUean says:
The Louisville Courier-Journal is one
of those square matter-of-fact newspa
pers which believe in makiug the best
of what cannot be helped. It throws
away much good advice. The follow
ing it n specimen : -
'No Democrat is a.-ked to accept
Negro Suffrage or abate his aversion
the Fifteenth Amendment. We have
already made our protest nj;ainst the
one and the other. Each is, until it
be set aside, a fixed fact. The record
of the past is made up. Tho question
presented to us now is this: Shall we
make tlio repeal of the Fifteenth
'Amendment and the abolition of Nc
gre Suffrage an issue in the Presiden
tial election? One thing, in our opin
ion, is ctrtaiu. We should take a de
cided stand. . Y should avoid an at
titudo of equivocation by which wc
shall lose all the advantage of war on
Aegro Suffrage, if there is any advan
tage in that, and gain nil the discredit
of a secret revolutiouarv purpose
which we dare not avow. The Re
publicans have made a point upon us
squarely, mid we . cannot escape or
evade it. But, whatover wc do, let us
dig no pitfalls to entrap our own un
wary footsteps.
Seniors Accident. On Friday
last, a boiler maker whose name wo
did learn, from Titusville, was eent-ta
lepair one of Cnpt. Wolf's larye boil
ers-on the Clark , farm. .He got into
the boilers with a derrick lamp; uu
fortnuately the boiler was full of gas,
ft hich had got in at the "man hole.
and coming in contact with the lamp,
produced a louu explosion, iho force
of the explosion Untuned the lamp,
the derrick root was blown oil. and
the man badly burned. Ead .Brady
The Ku-klux law is a terrible f-
fiiclion to the Democracy, just as cap
ital punishment is a hardship to a
murderer. If a man docs not want to
ba hanged, he must not imbue his
hands in the blood "f his neighbor. If
the people of the South d j not want
to be brought within the riger of the
Ku-klux luw, all they have to do is to
behave themselves in an orderly aud
n loyal manner. Honest iinl peace
able people, law-abiding citizens, arc
never disturbed by the rigors of a law
against miliars, assassins and ruffians.
The law is only a terror to evil doers
State Journal.
What is our town coming to, that
our ladies cannot walk the streets
evenings wishout being insulted ? Can
not thu Town Council appoint a Police,
to keep order in our steets at night--
yes day as well ns night? This town
ba been run long enough by a set of
drunken rowdies, who eonio here for
no other pr.rpo.--e than to "run Ship
pen." Other towns not as large as
Emporium have a police police forcq.
Why cannot we? Cameron I'-rem.
"Irene Worrell" of tho Worrell
Sisters, says the Tunn Tribune, "weighs
about ono hundred and sixty-five
pounds, and is four feet hi'.rh her
breadth can be imagined. Sbfc (Iie.-fd
in tights hadn't anything to speak
of on but tightK--and made rather a
dumpy, doughty figure, and lucked
playing qualities sufficient to make
amends lor her appearance, t-l.o is
the fattest persou we ever ft w in tights,
aud w ith all respect to persons of great
avoirdupois wo don't Jiko her appear
ance." . i
The Ptatc Journal says that it is
believed that the session of the Letris-
biture will be prolonged for thirty days.
The private calendars are stocked w ith
busiuos, while several public bills of
great importance will elicit long dis
cussions before they nre disposed of.
Tlio appropriation bill in tho Senate,
v. ill require at least ten days to get
through with it. Hence thirty days
will be n short time, in which to get
through with nil tho business before
the LcgUlature.
Charles Augustus, who visited his
Dulccuna on Sunday evening, and
found tho parlor stove moved out,
gives it as his opinion that there is
such a thing as cleaning house too cur
ly in the spring. As the youth lias
been taking cough medicine steadily
ever since, aiid ''his tr'uT" is kept in
the housi) bv a severe cold, we're in
dined to think tho oviiniutl itu't hi
lrom correct.
Sa Francisco, April 20.
The jury in tho case of Laura D.
Fair, murderer of A. P. Crittenden,
out forty iniftutci,. wheu a vortlict of
murder n tlio tint degree was Render
ed. The prisoner appeared somewhat
paler than usual When taken from the
court room,' otherwise sho was un
moved. Itinay not bo improper to say
now of this verdict that until within
last week no one generally believed it
possible, as nearly everybody was ex
pecting tho trial to prove a perfect
farce, ending iu the acquittal of the
prisoncr.or a disagreement of the jury.
Ninetrnths of the community regard
tho Verdict ns a just and proper vindi
cation of tlio law, and a rebuke of the
doctrines put forth in the defense.
Xvw Adecrtittementa.
The many friend or KID ItlSIIOP, of
Oil City, respectfully announce to the Ko
pulilicun voter of Vcnmiiro County, t It nt
lie is a i-midnlato for, County Trpiisurar,
Rlll'ject to Kcpillil jcllll na:rcs.
on v-iiy, iTKiren IP, mil. 1-u. ;
: ! 1 ( ' . ! "- -.
,' Improved foiM87f.
.- .
tS--'-'VTf'ff i
Tilis Machine has never competed nt
any National or Suite l ;dr, or treat trial,
without having reeived tlio l ust Trend,
uiu, and lias been awarded n jriviitcr iium
Ut of Medal than uny other inaeli.ue now
bcl'oio Uiu public.
Tionestn, l"a.
Wiikhkax, ThcHoiioi-alde.fanie.sCaiup-bell.
President Judve of the Court ofConi-
mou Pleas ami ijuarteriSiesMioiis in and for
tho county ol I-orest, has issued his pre
eept for holding a Cortrt of Comnion Pleas
and tjuarter Si ssic.ns, Ac., at Tionestn, for
the County of Forest, twimmnnin on the
fourth Mondii .' of Mav next, feiji tli
Z d day ol May, 1S71. Notice is therefore
uiven to tl'e Coroner, JusjtieeM of the Peace
and Constables of saideonnty, that they be
tllen an'l there in their proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M. of sajd day, w ith their
record's liw)ulitiiwis( examinations and
ether l-eineiubiuuces, to do those thine
which to their otiicos appertain to be done,
ami to those wiionre nouiei iu i-eoos;niiiicM j
lo prosecine aniiisi uie prisonera inui are
or tiliall lie iu lue Jail of Forest (Amnty, that
they be then and thuro to prosecute against
tliein us shall lie just. Given under un
hand unci seal this J'lth day of Apr.. A. D.
1H7 1. K. I DAVIS, sirif.
. Appraisers' List.
KAR 1871.
Tioiuwtu Hvron;ih.
s. ir. Uiw'Mt. u
J. .1. Fisher . FS
Proper C Heck 11
I. llilbionnor t Co. ' 11
Floyd it Lewis . . yy
David Havs , 1 1
D. S. Knox if-Co. Ft
Acnew A Siu'ius .. j.i
siuperior I. umber Co. I I
Harmony 2'uirnhp.
J..T. T.anso 1
James Iseill 11
J.J. McCaslin U
Ityan d' JSro. ' . l.t
T. Huurutty U
Colloin, Sando) 3 it Co. 7
C. 15. Foster 14
Wiu. Thornton 11
Nessel tV Peterson . Ft
Austin MaU-r ' 11
Jficlcury Tou'iinhi p.
H. AU. II. Stowo 14
T. D. Collins 13
T. J. ISowiiian 13
Kiuuxhy Township.
Wheeler & Dut-enbury i:i
John Ahlstrand 14
Superior Lumber Co. ' '13
Vrrene Township.
T. II. Cobb ' n
TioxrxUt Township. t
O. P. Al -biu-li. '13
Harnett Township.
G. J. Fnoiiei- ' 13
Appeals will be held in the Treasurer'8
otiieo in fionc'h'a, Fort-st County, ou tho
fourth Munda . of Mav, H71.
' CiFli'KCl'. UAST.KT,
Mereanlilo Appraiser.
BY VIUTL'i: ofa writ of Alias Fieri Fn
e;i'st is.-ue-i out of the Court of Com
mon Plcis ot Forest County. and to me di
reeted, there. M'Ul bo exposed lo i-ulo bv
indilie. veiidiui or outcry, at tho Court
Jtuu.-e in t!ic liorouh ol Tionesta, ou
.MO.NPAY, MAY lo, ls71,
at 1J u'elouK, M., tho follow lltf deseribod
pK.pei-ls-, to- wil : ,
Fiirnu A' Ti'i'ts ys. C. Stephenson,
alias ii. la. No. ; 0, May Term llarrv. All
di Icndai.l's rittiil, title, inli ireat nwi claim
of, in und to u erliiin lot of land situato in
TioiK.'sia lloroii'.'-h, J-'oiv-st Co,, il4l., bound
ed anil desei'ibi'd us foiluws. to-uit: Cm
the w e&l by i lia Ktreot, und ruuuiiiaiUoiir
said st reel ."4 f' -L theiu-e eie.lei'lv liy lino
of J. Jt. Mis-hbni; lot, l!7il feet to a post
thenci! u.oiiir h.reet on lino of Khriver it
Lamb southerly 42 tiict to u po--t, thence
westerly ulon line of L. II. l'uvis lot Li7U
feet to the placo of lieinnin. Containing
one-loui'Ui of an acre, more or less, with
one t o-story Ii ame bouse aliout 24voO U-et
wilh au L ubimt liix'iu ieet, and aoiio-slory
frame burn thereon erected.
'lakeu in execution and to bo sold as tlio
properly of K. C. btepluiison, ut tho suit of
l'ariiir iv Triluj.
'IVrius c;th.
I". Ij. DAVIS, SheriiV.
Sboriil's OlUco, Tionesta, Pa., April 17,
lh71. 3-:it.
HV VI HTTP, ormndry writ. of Tlrrl
l'aeiax, Venditioni Kicnomis and Allan
Fieri ITrt 'inI ftSin-d out oflhe Court" of
CnmniMi l'len.i)of . l-'onxk County, mid to
tup direeted, there will he exjjosofl to k.H
hv public ftuduo'W ontery lit tlio tVjart
House in the liorOuu-h of tSonesia, on '
MtVXtt.VV, MA Y 42,V, 1S71, "
nt 2 o'clock, 1', M., the following described
real otate, to w it :
8. I. McCalniont vn. ti. fi. T,onp, If.
Wathov and I'll Walton. 11. fa, Nrn. .'Ill ilv
Term 1S71. Aim, p. V. MeCnlinont vx. (1.
S. l,ontfnud II. Wnthrv, 11. fa. No 3a Mav
Term, 1S7I Osborn. All that certain tract
Ol land MilMHt" in tliatowiiMliin of lliekorv.
County of c'M tst, bounded and described
as loiiow: Jleniiiiiinii at a nest, thenco In
lands formerly owned by Juiiioh Alooni,
Win. Hunter ami others north forty-live
dcTOcN east live htindrod and sixty perch
es to n white oak, tlieneo by land formerly
owned by Joseph (iieen sonlh forty-iivo
dektroc east ibree hundred anil seventy
fivo perdu- to a pine stump, tlieneo bv
land now ir formerly of 11, Ntmve mnitU
forty-iivo debtees w est tlvo hundred und
sixtv pel-Clio to H yellow pine, thenee In
land lorineily owned hv II. Stowo mid
others n li-lh forty-five decrees west three
hundred and twenty perehen to tho place
of be.iynuint;, oontaiiiiiiii eleven luii.di-l
H'-re more or less, and boiiitf tract uum
luiied livfl lsand two hundred und
three (.tJIKI) unimproved. .Taken In exe
cution and to bo sold us the property of II.
Wat hey, UonrL-e Long an-.l lili Walton, at
the suit orH. V. McCiiluumt.
!' ALSO, -' "
J. R. Metlulro iiwW. V. .Tninieon va. A.
A, Copelnud, yvn.exjNo. S, May T. 1S7I.
N icholxon and Itlaekmon vs A. A. Copy
hold, al. II. fa. -No. '2', Mav T. lsTl. All
defendant's- rhtht, title, interest and claim,
of in and to n i-ortiiin tract, or piee of laud
situato in llarinoiiy tow nship, Forest
county, I'll., bounded mid descrilwdiM fol
lows, towit: Coinmeneinir at n W hite oak
saptinnoa th Tioncsta Itiiart, ioiith side,
Uiciicn noilli three dcirrven eiist twonty
porches to a post and stone iu field, theneg
south forty-weren detrrecs east slxtec-ii
poi-eliTO to iijiM-k oul Kaplim;, Ihr-nee noith
Ihreedesrcos vuKtoue liundrtMl and ninety.
siiK pfi-elies to a eorner, tlieneo wentorlv
eiahly-eliiht pen-hes to a corner, thence
south three decrees west one hundred and
twenty-four porches to thu nid Tionesta
Koad, thence by said Tionesta Uond twenty-live
perchis to Hie place of beginning,
bounded on the south bv said road nud
land ol K.' Ii, linvis, on tlio east bv land of
K. ii. Davia and Honey tract, on iho. north
b vhiinl of oil iH'., on tiio w r-et by laud of A.
Handy, eonlaininij; ei-jhty-two acres, moro
or loss, with one fiaino house und one
fr.ime barn thereon erected, and about 1
Heron improved. Taken in execution and
to be sold us tlio property of A. A. Copo
land at the suits oi".l. K.'Metiiiire, uso W.
C .laiuiovoii, and Nicholson A lihickmoii.
Tenns easli.
April 3, 1S71. '. L. DAVIS, Sh'ff. :
Ali!io;itions Tor I,ioriiMe '
AT MAt TERM, 1871.
John A. l'ropor, Hotel, Tionesta borough,
.1. C. Policy, lintel, l-'iijriimluH fit v.
Samuel rijtht, KcHtaiirant, I ni,-iindns
t ity. -i '
Nat him Klinordliner.Whi'lesulo Liiiuors,
Tionesta hornutrh.
John Woodcock, Hotel, Millersburp, Har-
"Oaniel'r.laek, Hotel. Tionesta bnrouuh:
Horace A..l!unce, Hotel, Ti-iinkeyville,
iiiuiiiony iji, j, x't. ACil'.W,
4-3t t'I'k
Tltl.tL. LIST,
11. Tt. ltoiierts va Fairer Jt: Trill.
Thomas Mowrls vs Win. Sinter ct hi.
.1. J). (ilenn Yit Hickory Form Oil Co.
David fiill a .lames (.Jreeii ct al, aiiniinis-
iiaioi-s oi .losejui ?,rei,n oee i.
J. ii. Dale vs lloni'v Wilkins, et ol.
Daniel lUaek vs Iiuvid Hiehey et al.
f. K. M. I raw-lord vs Isuue N. Ijicv, et al
.Tallies Itrysoit vs W. J. ltoberts.
V. K Miwsnur vs Ilumninson Itros. '
,i,hn ;o'l vs Matthew IS. Farris.
-p, j.-uler VS I'.ennett Dobhs.
I'oriro K. 'f haver vs T. A. Nolan A Co.
Freiierick Hubbtill for nso vs J.-iuios tSroen
ot nt, adniinistrators of Jos. ircen, dee'd
Abial Drake t- II. Fhlnirn vs A. J. Maze.
Overseers id'lfce Poor of Tionesta boroivjh
vs ( ivei's ei-s ol the I oor of Vuuanuro Tp
M. K. I'orter ts Caroline Porter.
4-it. ; J. II. AtJNKW, Proth'y.
IlriniHil of fun an and humor, with inci
dents and I'dventurcs in the prineipalcitios
of tho world. It describes his tricks and
feats ns a Mtitrieinn und Veiitriio(iiist.
Sold only by subscription, e Liberal tsrms
to pod A (fonts. Address liulhcld Ash
mead, 711 Sansom St., I'hil.i. 0-lt
. NOWltlCADY. , . ;
Hum in Ltfo Prolonged.
Of 5'ieo facts for Plilsieul Kqintenco. Itv
A. II. Phut, M. D. A:cntiroly new work
of tho ct most value t-s all. It Is not a "Doe-
tor Hook, its object beinsr to promote,
Ion life, without tho usuife of dritt;s or
inedicones. Ayrents will lind it ono of tlia
mostdesiiMble works in the field. For ex
tra terms ami full particulars, address
tjuaacr City Pub. House, 'J17 il! cjuinco
St., Philu. C-4t
DF.AFNI'SS, Catarrh Scrofula. A lady
who had Milfercd for years from Deaf
ness, Catarrh and Koro fills, was cured ,by
a Kiuiplo remedy. Her sympathy and
Ltratitude prompt's her to seiid tlio re-ipis
freo of cliarite to any one t-imilai ly utllict
nd. . Address Mrs. M. C. Lccrgett, Jersy
City, N. J. , 6-Jt -
lt kia tbe4vltnte and retVcoblNg i
7wtJoUne Water, 4 Im
ver Lmdr or . "-Oj1 UHF -'l
tlt-wull. Sold by lrurirllM . J
IS A Pl'KH i
with the (Irecii Tea Flavor
U'ariantid to suit nil
tastes. For salo ovory
wherc. For sale whole
only bvthedreat Atlantic
and Faeitlii Tea Co., 8 Chinch St. NeT
Yoi k. 1'. O. ltox uioi. Send for Thc-.v
Nectar circular. 31)41
(in ays und Ky-ways l:i the Hiddou lil'o
Ry Ollicer Me ICiitters. A narrative of
years ex perieni-e anionir Han k Kobbers,
Counliirli ilers, Tides, PickjMHtkeU, Lotte
ry Dealers. Confidence Men and Swindlers
of nil classes of society disclosing jnrrk
ed instances of diabolical vciikciico un 1
deep laid plans of mischief und outrage,
und showing tho niodei by hicii they
were traceil out and scoundrels brought to
justice. A volmuu ol over UjUpnos
SO lull pare eiiraviii)js.
For en ciilar and terms address tlio pub-li.-hers,
J. 1$. iiuiril- Hvde, llaitt'ord, 't.
TIn.-3 Republican Offica
rrFF.PS constantly on hand a laruo as
IV ,ortniont ot lilank Deeds, Mortaircs,
Huhpo'iius, Wanaiils, Suiniuons, Jte. to
be uld cheap f ir ruh. tf.
1, -i 'I ' : '
;':ju -f
g tp
si C
r iH C
st- .3
' t O
" O M
Ou1 :
o yd
a ts"3
r- O 3
CZ 'J.
rt ,
s-' b' E
v y,
s a
u 3
cj u
o j O
53 to
t3 is '-w
hi ."'
Tho placo to buy vtry vurluty of Poj
AT Till
is nt tho oxlciisivo Tea Stort f
where yrm ennnhvnys find n larn mmoit
inent of the best Teas at Now York prki-s.
A larg assortment of
Groceries anil Provisions,
t,.iA..,inl,ii1 It, n toil it - nnil c1innoiio tipir. v
other store in Warren county, always on
liiuul. Tho pooplo of Forest county will
avemonovbv inirehasiim their iuVnlci
kt this plneo.
Post brands or
rtolivtiPfVl at any dipoton Urn linof tht n.
It. true. m
Store on Main St. neaf ILo Depot.
F YOU WANT wfoetnt und jro.l
nrtielo of Hoots und Shoes, of the li'ifr.t
workniuuship, goto ,
-.SiitUfiW'tion miamnteed, 2-it3 tf.
Manufacturers of
. OF -
Ar.) At., ttc,
Jottlt ANDREWS. . X. mill.
12, io, s housi; POWER,
21, 11, 112 ami IO 11. I
40, 2C, 22, sad 18 51. P.,
Room No. 2, disss it Stewart's IV.ock,
H. V. VI, A II K,
Arid Dealer in
Repairing douo in a workmanlik
nmnner and warranted to trive mil
fuction. 4-1?
WHITE OAK, Forest County, TV
rpiIIS house is new and fitted up In flrt
j- emss si.vio, una is ueaacpiaruirs tor a l
persons yisitinj; tlio (freatoil hold of Hick
ory. The bar is liirniKlinil with ilm l,. t
of liquors. The proprietors will spars no
pains to make it the most desirable stor
ping place iu tin oil regions. J2-ly
Water Street,
Tionesta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor.
rieturus tkoa in tilths latest styl cf
M' " ' Sb-tf
Free to Book A ge n t a . '
Wo will Bcmt o handsome 1'roK. pclus o1
our AYie 1 Uustrtttmtrii ramil;, h,l,lr, eon-'
tmiiinu over '200 lino s.ri4uro Ulnstra
trations to any Hook Ar. iU free of ciai-c
Address National 1'uhUshiiig Co. l'hila
dt iphm, Va. .u..u