HULL'S MUSIC STORE. X (Successor to HULL A WHITNEY,) 2Co, 1C7 lVnlor Sroo, M E A DVILLE, PA. I.' th plaoa to buy all of the First Class PIANO FORTES, IT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALSO Organs & Melodeons ! TTaTing the exclusive Agency for Craw forp, Venango nnd Mercer Counties for the following celebrated makes of PIANO FORTES: Wm. Bradbury, Stcinwav A Rons, Chlckering A Sons, C. Kurt.niRn's W. P. Emerson, GroveUeen, Fuller Co AND Whitney and Slayton's United State. ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! Aad having conslnntly in my ('ore from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. Parties wishing to purchase, will find it greatly to their interest to purchase direct from ine kihI get a guarantee with each in strument lor tire years. These Organs and felodeonsre consid ered by gnodjudics to lie the best R-ed Instrument mnd. Should other inHkes be prefered. I will furnish them as low as can be bought from any one. STOOLS AM M'KILiliS AND ALL KINDS OF Singing and Intruction Books. UITARS, BANJOS, VI0T.1N8, FLt'TB, FIFES AND rilVMM. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. FURNISHED TO BANDS VERY LOW. ' A good stork of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished at New York prices. jperAH orders or com munications promptly attended to. 4 it J. C. HULL. teclaMc Sicilian Hair Renew 71 as nlood ih ft tent, of seven ycart before Hie public; mid no prr par tition far th n li'iir linn yet been tiis rttvcreil tliat. will produce the Maine beneficial result. J tin an entirely new scientific di scorer if combiii ia many tf the most powerful mid festora'ire itnriits in- the VuCiiT ABLli KifCDUM. It restores CHEY Hta TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL CCLOii. It makes the sculp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, and ii'.llinsf out of tins hair; and tvill make. It ijroiv vpon b'lld haul, except in very f.v,rci persons, as it furnishes the nutriiire principle bif which the tra'r Is nourished and HUfHrtcl. 11 make t'te hair tuoist, Hoj't, and ploy, and is n uu riaxsed as a if .1 . i u ij .s s I x a. it the clioti'icijt fre filtration erer offered to the, )iti!jiir, t;n one bottle uitl ac rim;;'iv.' tn are find lust tonaer f.n three bottles of any other pre para I ion: It is recommended and used by t;ie I'ir-t Medical Authority. 27e Wonder ui results firudncerX by our Sicilian Hair llcneive.rhave induced many to manufacture preparations for the Hair, under in nous names; and, in order to i.tdnee the trade and the public, to VHrclnia their compound, they nave mortfd to falsehood, by cltlin'ny tli'-y were former part ners, or It 'rd so:ne connection ivith our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion nuts M:iuil'ir to ours, ito not Intylei-ci red by fitein. I'urchase the oritf'nal ': it bus never yet. been c-fiti; Vet. Our Treatise on the ilalr, with eerllicules, sent free ; innil. Ace Hint each bottle has oar pyfiHfte Here line stamp over itie tip of the bollix. All otitcit ire initiations. R. P. Hall !i Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. F.Jtl L ull Prntj'ii'tt and Dtultn in Mtdlciim. J. c. Lone, Wholesale and Retail dealer in HARDWARE, A NO OIL WELL FIXTURES. OK ALL KIN I iS, TIDIOUTE 3? .A.. First Door above Exehane Hutel. 1-ly AT ALLLIS' I I M M ? r K o v E D o v 3 L M IMPROVED MAGIC BALM! II. rEHKINS & CO., Golo rropri ofrrv, Franklin, I'u. 44 A CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Ilr. WAIKEH'S OiUFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS u Ilnndreds of Thorsandi Dew trtlmnTiT to tbrfr oaOer- VS. and UrtMao l.ino" doctorMl, rloed ftiidjwt uxd to p:eacc tii tkai tallwl M lon:ca,M Appctla. trc Kcpion r, ac. that )cd tlt tippler on to druiikcrr'a jd r in. bot re troo Ifrdictne, mtAm t-om t: e N t o It'oU aad Lttrlitof Cstlarula, frm frfi:n rll Alhiili hitmtiliiiiTa, Uor m Ui U'ir.AT UtAOU PVItU IF.; an A LIFE (iU'IM; rmCirLF.ftp.rct Kesorator and ltivlf r;uur uf f'tata, cryirj Oit all potwtnou RiaHr rcu :J'ii 1 14 LI'ioU to a ht.ilthy ooujitloo. )op.Do:i tu;e tSvse liitltra aocorUlr.g to dlroo tlon ai.d mii vn iCng voirell, tlVO willl'w siivcDforan tncambU aaao, provided! U: bouca ara i.wt deilroyod bj miaeral pobioa or otlior iDuasb, a;U lha YitU orgaua wasted feijocd tha point oi tc! air, lenr lnliamiuuinrr u4 Cliroala KbtiBa tliro d 1-ontt Drapcnala r IndlceMlovt lit I Van t, IHf.riiitrut kb4 Intortaliient Favors lavn(-0l tk iltuod. JL-lTcr Kidney nd liladdrr. ttm.o ltittfr bava cn moat lucocna (uu fucH DiaennvB aro cauacd by VUlotrd Flood, which li ;vr.rAlly produeod by dcrancemeat IYS'fcl'SHA OR IMlIGKSTiaN, Bead acUetT'olntntliafliOGltlera, CQtti!t,Tl))tDeaaof tbe Ciiet, Dticfs, Hour Kmrttlioiia of tba Btomach, Had tv In Uio ilnath, Bilioua .U?rt, rlp;ttlon of Uio Uc r t, I'jI&n-rjiitlon of the Laiigi, Pmin In U.e rcffUinn of Uie Ktenoy-a, eird a hnadrad otb?r painml fmjtomitaro ttn odtrnrlngaof Ppptla- TUvy Jurlpora'a tlio Stomach and ctlmntatn th tot pldliTcrand bowt wbih rendertbetnofcn4ialUd Slcacr In clwslng the blood of all impurities ud Imparting new tffe x.A viyr to tlie whls tyotem. I OR MvIN 1HeCAK3. Err.ptlonf, Tetter, C rjituui, Hotchoe, Spots, riu:plc. rmstale, Holli, Cai boncka, iUtig-r ortct, Bcata-llead, Sere Kyae, Kryslp alaa. ltcli, bcurft, I'tocolorationa of tbe Ekln, Humoii and Iuaaea of tbe bkln, of wbatOTer name or nature aro literally dug up and carried out of tbe tyatctn In a ebon t;me by tbe nae of tfeeae Blttvra. One bottle la uch cat4 will convince tbe mott Incredulous of their cum; ira effect. Chimu tbe Vitiated Blood wbeneror yon find Ita 1.: p xriiiftfc bursting tLrcnt;h ibe tkln tnrimp)c, Prnn liiui or i-uitM t cleauc it bcn yoo find it obtruc;cd and iltiiub In tbe veins elcanaa It when It la foci, aad your feeling wlU t you wUn. Keer the bloc, pnte and tbe beailh of (be ry nom will follow. TIN', TAi'Alai.doUMr HOKMH, lurUnglntba tryvtcm of to vjsiiy tbovtanfla, are ctnally deetroy e-i auJ roiuoTed. Par fall direct4or, rd car r fully Lie circular arcond aaun liotrv, prtiiud Tu lanx Un y lajc .(lwb.Ooriaaa, FrvnaJa ax -J bpyaiab. TT iLCfl, I'roprtetor. B. H. LIU)OKAU CO $?,i2M acd Gen. Agr.U, Pn Ttsrr.-.iioo, Calw an J It and t Coinuie.e Street, Kew York. : D ET ALL nnUGGISTS AND DEALEES. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prftes eashed nnd Information furniNhed by OEOKtiE UPHAM, Froridence, R. I. 30 4t WANTFP Agents To sell tho Octn p;on SewinK Jlaeliino. It in I.ieensed, makes the "Elastio l.oek Stitoli" and is warrnutud for S roars. Trifo f 15. All other machines with an under-feed sold for $15 or less are infnntfcmonts. Address Octti'-'on Sewimr Msehino Co., St. Ionis, Mo., iiiego, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Bos ton, Mass. 13 Uni Q1 f A Pay Ilusiness entirely new and 0)1 v honorable. Liberal Inducements descriptive rironlnrs free Address J C Rank & Co., ilidduibrd. Me lit am I FORTUNES oflVired to live men. Rare Clianeo. Kend Stamp. Limoiid K. Co., AVasliinpton, Del. 23-itm. THE highest Cash Price paid for the old State Rank C u rrencr : Rank of Craw ford County, Venango Hank, il Citv Hunk Petroleum Bank, oriiny of thn old Wtate Hnnk issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of vll bwues. A. II. STICK LK, Ctt-shier. 4S 2 Tionesta Savings Hank. ' I WAS CURED OF DEAFXESS AND CATARRH by a simple remedy and will send the receipt free. Mrs. J. C. LEUGETT, Jersey City, N.J. 3'i-4w THE JIAGIC C03IJ5. Will ehanire ny colored hair or beatd to a pci inuiif at black ir brown. It con tains no poison. Any one can use it. One hent by mail for $1. Dealers supplied nt reduced rates. Address Wm. I'attou, Treus. SprinirticUl, Mass, 3tMt AOENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Wm. SEWARD'S GRAND TO R of Afcxico. Adenture and Sight-seeing in "Our Sister Repi.blio." Is a work of rare merit' profusely illustra ted. Mend lor circulars to Columbian Hook Company, Hurtford, Ct. i8-ilt FARMER'S HELPER. Shows how to double the profits of the farm and how i'ariners and their sons can ecuh make IOO Vtr Month. . In winter. 100,000 copies will be mnilcd f'reo to tanners. Send name sod address tnZIEULEKfc MuCUDUY, Philadelphia, Pa. ad-lw WANTED Agents for the hiutory of COD'SCHURCH Hy Prof. Enoch Pond, D. 1). From Aduin to' tho pi (-sent day. Linlit businesH for men and la Ins everywhere, iiood pay, send for circular. iili 4t ZEUiLlCK ct McCUREY, Phia. Pa. rpUlSISNOIU'MUUt-l Or 1 liy bciidiiiK 0JCENTS with aire, biht, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a" correct picture of your iuture husband or wile, with name and duteof marriage. Address W. I OX, P. O. Drawer No. SI, Fultou rille N. V. 3tMt J. W. HOW LAND, AI.KI. MCDOW KL J. W. ROWLAND & CO., FlfRCHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS IN eu(s Fiiriiishiug Good.. And Agents for the Colebratod Grover A linker Sewing Machino. LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOE FRANKLIN, PEKN'A. I 28 If. !tr t S fill Lurll tltwH. K WHAT ARE THEY? g Hi fvK III I 4 hi li t .- yA " - i !l m--- fit C! Nu US CP TLTT AKK KOT A XTLTt $ I taIa FANCY DRINK.I.'; READ! READ T The subscribers having re-rented the IltVIXK UR1ST Would say to their old enstomers, and mw miiiiiiiiiiiv ciitiraiiv, iiihl nicy jkuep constantly on baud a large stock of ' FA MILT FLOUR Of Rll (Trades, Chop Feed, Rhorts, Bran, Oats and (Aim. With our facilities for do inir business, we purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of the country, and would say tothe lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that they can be BUPTLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Inimcilml.) attention giveii to ail ordors from a distance, K. JONES CO. A WATCH FREE for everybody and 'to perdhy sure. Husines' liirlit and honorable. No (lift enterprise. Nohuin bug. Addross.R. Monroe Kenedv, Pitts burgh, Pa. ";til-4t READY FOR At J EM'S. The book that is selling. Tho cheapest and best History of the late war, In boh English and Hcrinnn. Profusely Illustrated, only t'J.OO. One aucnt reports it8 orders in two days. Act quickly and coin monev. A, 11. Hubbard, Publicher, 400 Chestnut St,, Phila. 40-4t PITH OLE VALLEY R'Y. ON AND AFTER Saturday January 2.S, Trains will run as follows: TRAINS NORTHWARD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. Ol oopo i i s, 2. no p m 9. 4 1 a m Hennett, 3.0s ' i).5t) " Woods 3.17 ' lii.ort " Prathers Mill 3 " 10.18 " Pitliole City 3.40 "4 10.3'J " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. stations. No. I. No. S. PitholeCitv, 8.0(am 1.00 pm Prathers Mill 8.1.1 " 1.13 ' Woods 8.23 " 1.23 " Bennett 8.itt " 1.30 " lleopclis S.40 " 1.40 " Vn Extra Train leaves Pitboln fitv on Saturdays nt G.SJp. m. making close inn nection at ileopolis with Trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Railway forCor ry aad intermediate points. Return Train leave Oleopolis at 7.20 p. m.. arrivinaat Pitholfl Citv at 7.fw.. All oilier Trains make eiese connections rt oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek it Allegheny Htver Hallway, North and South. Train No. 2 makes close connection at Oil Citv with Fast Line on Alleuhenv Val ley Railway for Pittsburgh and intermedi- aie Hums. Two Lines of Statres run dnilv between PitholeCitv, Miller Farm and Pleasant villo, lnaknigoonnectlon witharrivingaud ocjiaitinir rinins. J, T. BLAIR, FID. BISHOP, sup't. Tickot Agent, Pithole City, Pa. GROVER & BAKER'S SEWI3VO MACHINES. Tie following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the Grover fe Baker Machines over all others. "Hike the Orover A Raker Ma chine, in the first place, because if I l ad any other, I should still want a Grover A Baker; and having a Orover it Baker it answers the purpose of all the rest. It does a greaier variety of work and iseasier to learn than any otlier," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny Jiinej "I have had several vears' expo riencowith a Grover A Baker Machine, which has given mo great satisfaction. I think the Grover A Baker Machine isinore easily managed, nnd lo'slinble to get out of onlor. I ureter the (.rover Halter il- cidedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one in my family for some two years; ar.d ff.un w;hat I know of its workings, nnd from the t,timony of ninuy of my friends v ho usa tlfe smiiic, I can hardly see how anything could be more eomploto or give hotter satisfaction." Mrs. Gen. Grant. "I believe it to be the best, all things considered.of any that I have known It is very simple and easily learned; tho sewing from the ordinary spools is a trreat advantage; the stitch is entirely reliable; il does ornamental wor'.: beauii fully ; it is not liable to trot out of order. Mrs. A.M. Slooner, S6 Bond JJt. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of tho principal machines, and I prefer the Grover. Baker to them all, because I con sider the stitch l.iore elastic. I have work in tho house which was none nine years ago which is still good." Mrs, Dr.' Mc Cready, No. 43 East street, N. Y. "More than two-third of all tho sewingdonn in my family Cr the last two years has been done by (irover A Baker's Machine, and I never 'had a warnieut rip or need mending, except those rents which lrolicKome bovs will make in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by fur the mo. t valu ablcof any I hove tried." Mis. Hanry Ward Jtcei'liOM'. "Tho Orover it Raker Sewing Ma ehino has tendered in every respect, the moNt perfect satisfaction. It combines bo many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in pi icothi't it is a ne eesity in every housohold." Mra. Gover nor Geary, llarrisbury;, Pa. "I have had the Grover A Baknr Ma chine for ieu or twelve years in constant use in my houso. 1 have seen and know n every kind of Family son imr, both per sonal and household, accomplished up the Grover Baker Machine, to the cnti satisfaction ofull concerned, Rev. .Stephen 11. Tyng. "I tind tho Grover A Baker Stitch will wearnslongas tho garments do outwear the garment in fact. Tho stitch, will not break on bias seams, when stretched, as others do ; and neither doe.i it draw the work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting ,4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. The Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company iiiniiui'c.ituie both the Elastio and Lock Stitch Machines, and offer the public a choice of t'.ie best machines of both kinds, at their establishments in till tho large cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sew ing in both stitches furnished on application to Grover A Baker S. M, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. EVANS' GIFT BOOK INTERPRlSE We continue to send a valuable gift with every book boughtof us. Thousands ill testify to our promptness and laiiness. Give us a trial. Write lor a catalogue. Sent froo. Address, 1). M. Kvuns A, Co., 71 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4ti4t AGENTS Wantkd 225 per month bv the American Knitting Machine Co' Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 2U-8in AGENTS ") 100 a week (HI per f cent and S2."i,ii(K in cash Ml'HIUHUp.,!,! Mil , a - , f prizes. Jnlbrma Male Female. ) ,.,., Addi-e,s An, urination rau Book Co., Ii2 Willuun St., If. Y, 4ti-4t AGENTS WANTE) f?225 a month! by the AMtutu'M Kntitinu Macuinb Co., Boston, Mass., or Ht, Louis, Mo. 4rt-4 ERIE RAILWAY I 1,400 Miles under ono management. 800 Miles without chango of Coaches, HIE BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. BETWEEN TDK ATLANTIC CITIES WST AND -SO UTHWEST ! Till BAII.WAT KXTRNPS FROM Cincinnati to New York.... ....WW Miles Cleveland to New York 02.5 Miles Dunkirk t New York 4H0 Miles ili'tlalo to New York 423 Miles Rochester f New York mi Miles JUT- And Is Irom to 27 miles the short est route. New and Improved conches are; run from Cincinnati. Dnytou, Urlmna, Jtarian, Gsliou, Alivnslield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Meadville.Dnnkirk, Buffalo and Rochester to New York, without change, only ono chango to Bos ton. On 1 after Mnndnv, Dee, nth, 1S70, Trail 1 leave CORHY at the following hoyrt- . ; GOING WEST 1.32 A.M. Day Express, daily, Mondays excepted, for Cloveland Cinciniiati.and the west and south ; connects at Mendville for Franklin and Oil City: nt Clarksvitle for Sharon, New Castle and Pittsburg: at Lov ittsburg, Sundays excepted, for' Votings town; Cleveland with Ijke Shore R.R. for west and northwest; at RaveiiawithCleve land it Pittsburgh for Allinnce nnd Pitts burgh; at Akron for Orrville nnd Millers burg; at Urbann with Pittsburgh, Cincin nati and Sc. Ixiuis Railway for Indianapo lis, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio Mis sissippi Railway for tho south and south west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at llomellsviUe, running through to vivvi'iniiu. 12.35 p. m. Night. Express, daily for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the -west and southwest ; ronnectsnt Meadville,Siindavs excepted, for Franklin and (Ml City; 'at Ixsvitiburg,Sunilay executed for Youngs town ; at Cleveland with iJikeSboro Rail way tor the west and northwest, and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio A Mississippi Bail way for the south nnd south west. A sleep ing car is al Inched to tiiis train at N. York running thnugli to Cmciiiiiatti. 'r 7.25 A.M. Express Mail. Mondays excent ed, for Cleveland nnd the West: connects at Mendville, lor Franklin nnd Oil Oily; m ini iisviiie wnn r.rioft itistmririi Kail re.ul, tor Sharon, New Castle and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland with Lake Shore Kailrond for the West, and north-west. A sleeping ear is ettiu-hed to this train at New 1 ork running through to Meailvillo. 9.05 P. M. Kreight and Accoiumadition daily numhivs excepted. fl.55 P. M. Freight and Accommodation, nonusys xeepiou. 2.35 P. M. Way Freight.Sunday. .xeept- ed GOING EAST : 3.40 A. M. New York Day Exnress. dal ly Sundays execjited; connects at Great jienii with Delaware, 1 jickawaiina.V Wes tern Railway, tor Scraiuon, and at N. York with midnight express train of New Jer sey Hailrond tor Philadelphia. A sleeping car it attached to this train at Cleveland running through to Horuells Ville connecting with train having new and Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to Mew Y'ork. 1.00 P. M. Lightning Express, connect ing daily at Eimira with Northern Central Railway, for Williamsport, Harrisburg, Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, and at Sew York for Boston and New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toN. York. M P. W., Cincinnati, Express daily, Sundavsexceptcd, ooiiHoetiugat Hingham ton for Albany ami the celebrated sum mer resort .Sharon Springs, and at New York fi r Bonum nnd h!1 New England cit ies. A sleeping car isaluiched to this train nt Me-idville running through to New York. 4.00 a. m. Stock freight and Accommo dation Sundays excepted. 4.15 p. m. Fright and Accommodation, Sundays excepted. 9.45 a. m, Way Freight, Sundays ex cepted. Boston and JVew England poe-'engcrs, with their BiiL"iii!;e sre transferred free of charge in A'ew York, The best ventilated nnd most luxurious Sleeping conches j'fin the World-v ac company Mil night trains on this railway. 'SEtf.Thf Erie Railway Cbmpany has 0 peuo.l a new Forry from their Jersuy City Depot to the foot of 23d Street, thus ena bling Passengers lo reach the upper portion to fJiecity wiiliouttheexnenseand annov- ance of a street car or omnibus transfer. Tho scenery along the entire route of the Erie Railway is of tho most pictur tie and beaut 'f'j'l character. Admirers of nature s beauties, Ina da. Htrht jouinev over this Line, will li n.l in its ever chang ing landscapes subjects of continual ad miration anil interest. ii.iua.itiK cjxcA'jcD rimovair, and Faious Low aa by unv other route. ASiUOMTICXETSVlk EF;!E R'Y. Wliii h can be obtained at all the princi pal Ticket Ollices in tho West or South west. WM. B. HAHII, 1. D. RtTCKKR, Gou'l Pass'r Ag't. Gon'l Supt. OtlTO IJ K1C , 1800. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-COBD IS NOW THIS o isr l sr Thread put up for the American marker SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, Urom No. 8 to No. 100 iiieliu.ive. I'or Hand and Jlacliliif. THEA-NECTAR IS A PURE ItTi.tlI TBI with the Green Tea Flavor Warranted to suit all 'astes. Fur sale every where, Ft r sale whol'o oniy by thetireat Atlantic and Pacillc YurK. P. O. I'ea Co., 8 Chutch NU New Box 6joo. bond for Thea- Nectar circular. au 4t AGENTS WANTED FOR ""WONDERS OF THE WORLD," Over one thousand illustrations. The largest best selling, and most attractive subscription book ever published. One agent ill Denver, Colorado, sold PR) in four days. Ono agent in Miiwaukio sold 30 copies in one-half day. und a largo num ber lioin 20 to :m copies per day. Send for Circulars, with terms at onc i. "Address, II. S. Publishing Co., 411 Browno St., N. Y. 49-4t WATCH FREE, and ?3) a day sure, no humbug. Address will Bltt'mo, l.utta & Oo., Piltbbnrith, Pa. '1-4 C. S. 1RAGO IXtUIAIH A IlllKUJ, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WnOLKSAI.B AND KTAIt. DIALrtlS IN 11 kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical AND IMUJSIO BOOKS. Depository of tho Bible Society, Sunday School, and all Roligloua Publishing So cieties, NO. 52 CHICSTNrT ST., MF.ADVII.I.E, PA., no. 101 suricnioR st., clkvki.and, o. J 15 JACOIS NIIItlVi:il. Having fitted up a ilrst class PLANINC SVIILL, Are prepared in furnish to order all kinds ol niauuuicturod lumber such as FLOOMXa, SIDTXG, SVJ1FACE- i) i. unit eii, sa sir, lOOH$, BL1XDU, AXD EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TLA IX AS D FA S- c r mo ul Disns. Dealers will And it to their advantage to CONSULT OUR FRICES, Beforo purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion in tho heart ot the lumber region irives us siierior advantage In the purchase ol luuioer nisi win ename us to undersoil those loss favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Pa. Recommended and Endorsed by over Seven Hundred Doctors. DR. LAWRENCE'S COMPOrND FI.VID EXTRACT or KOSKOOI THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER ! Not m Secret Quack Medicine For mula Around the Bottle. rRIPARF.D SOLELY T Dr" J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist. KOSKOO STRIKES A T THE ROOT of DISEASE purifying'the blood, JtKsroUING THE I.IVF.H AND KIDNEY. TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND lNVKtOKA TINU THE NERVOUS SYS TEM. " This is tho Secret of its Wonderful Success in Curing Consumption in it early glagen, Si-rofu-la, Syphilis, Dyspepsia. Liver Lumpfaint, Chrome Jlheumatim, Neuralgia, Xervout Affection, Eruptions of of the Skin, Humors, Lous of Vigor, Diseases of the Ki nileys and Bladilcr, and all J)ineanes caused by a Lad Slate of the Blood. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humnrnnd Bad Mint, and restores the en tiro system to a healthy condition. It Is bevond question tho Finest Tonic in in u Woki.1i. Thousands have been changed by tho use of this medicine from weak, sickly, siui'or ing creatures, to strong.liealtiiy, and hap py men and women. Invalids cannot hesitate to give It a trial No medicine has obtained such a great reputation as thij Justly eclubrutod com pound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Edi tors, Drugirists, Merchants, Ac, sea A' 0W A'OO ALMASAV for this ycur. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER EOTTLE. FOR BALK 11Y The Irincijal Druggists of the United States and JifiiUh America. 84-ly. INSURANCE CO. OF WORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1704. Charter Perpetual MARIS E, ISLAM & FIRE IfiSURAKCE Assets Jan; 1, 1809, $2,3 18,323 .19 20,000,000 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM. BUHLER, Central Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta, Forest County, Ta. uuin Agents Wanted for the Land of SACRED MYSTERY". By Rev. W, AGE. The grandest and most popular new book out. Hundreds oi superb illustrations, steel, etc. No other book like it none sollimr half so last. Airenls soil liO to liOof it und Prof. Stowo's Self-Interpreting Bi ble. Extra largo inducements ollured. send for crculars to Woi'thingtud, Dustin A Co., Hartf.'id, Conn. 4S-H loli V'iRl nentl v executed at thisofiios ' st reasonable raios Dr. Lawrence's Woman's Friend Aares all Diseases ptytiJitir tFoMslss. tku W. A. INGHAM. PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. V, Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrive nt nnd len'vo the Union Depot, corner of Wasblnton snd Liberty street, as follows ARRIVE. Mnll Train, 1.30 a m Fnst Line, 12.13 A in ; Well's accommodation No. 1, (1.20 a in; Brinton ncconiinodntion No 1, 7.50 a in; Wall's nccomtuodation No 2, 8.5."ia in (Cin cinnati express 9,20 a m i Johnstown ac commodation lo.fiO a m Brnddoek's ac commodation No 1. 7.00 pm; I'ittfburgh express i.iiO p In; l'licilie express 1.50 p in ; Wull'n accommodation No 3, 2,:Wi p in; lloinewood accommodation No 1,9.55 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p m ; Brinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p in; Way Passenger 10.20 p m. DEPART. Southern express 5.20 "n m : Pacific rx- rress 14.40 a m ; Wall's accommodation No , ti.oOa in : Mail Train 8.10 n m ; Hrlnton's acconimoilatloii 1 i.lo a in; Hruddock s ac commodation No 1, 5.10 p m ; Cincinnati express 12.35 p m ; Wall's accommoilntlon N 2, 11.51 am i Johnstown aeeomirodatloil 4.05 pm: Honiewood nccom modal ion No I. 8.50 p m ; Phllndelphia express 8.50 p m; Wnll nooonmiodii'ioii No3,:i.05p in; W all's accommodation No 4, 0.05 p in ; Fast Line 7.10 p m ; W all s isort, ii.oo p in. The Church Trains leave Wall's StriMoU every Sunday nt 9.05 a. m., rencbing Pilts bniLrli nt 10.05 a. in. Returning leave 1'itts- burgh nt 12.50 p. in., nnd arrive at Wall's Sta. '"" nl !' ui. Clnciiin.',,l express leaves dully. South ern express dii.'l.v except Moiolny. All oili er Trains tinny, ex: cjn f-miuiiv. For fui'llier inl'ormadon nply lo W. IL BIX'KWi'l'H, Agent. The PeiniKvlvanl.i Rallrond Company will notnssitiiie anv Risk lor ltggag ex cept ior Wearing Apimrel, arul limit their rsponsi unity to line 1 lununvi no. mi ne. All biignge exceeding that a oti?'t in value will be al the risk of the Mior, unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoons Pa. BOOKS, STATIONERY, W-AXlTI, AJP iPEB. DAVIS & :eciiols, (Near the Co ,4 House,) FRANKLIN, PEN N ' A . Have a general assortment of School Hooks, Law Books, Histories, Bibles ond Testaments, Hymn Books, Music Books, Blank Hooks, Envelopes, Note, Letter and cap writing pollers, Pens, Ink, Suites nnd everything in the HOOK ifr STATIONERY firSIXESS. Allof which they oiler to sell WHLE SALE OR BETA IL, nt lowest cash prices. DAVIS ECHOLS, Franklin, Ta. PATEFJTS. Inventors who wish to take out letters Patent are advised to ttoiniKol with Munn and Comjutny, editors of the Scientific American, who hnvo prosecuted claims betiire the Patent Otiico for over Twenty Yonr Their American and European Patent usreuey is tho most extensive in the world Charges less than any other relia ble agency A pamphlet containing lull instructions to inventors is sent gratis MI NN A CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. EVEBHABT IS Prepared to deliver the best qrality o Ouil ut the old Evorhart Bank, two miles from Newman villo for 7 cents per or at Tionesta umr vicinity for 23 CENTS PER BUSHEL, ilo ulways has a large supply on hand, Now is the time to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 2 9 Moiioiigahvlu Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK rOLlCILS, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASSCOMPANI F.S. LOSSES PUOMl'TLT ADJUSTED AXD I 'AIM. A. C. SAMPSON, Gtn. Astcnt. J. D. HENRY", t;i City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. H. Steele, at Tionesta Savings Bunk. apltf. Tl Did UTEE M PORI U M M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS Motions, liuoj Mjot's, HATS &c C?f3, &c, &c, Ac, CORXEIt MA IX Jt DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has tho Largest and most Complete Stock now on bund, x( uny ttore in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchu.-ed my stock sine the great decline in Gold, I C;.n sell poods cheaper than any Dry n u House in the Oil Pers!! purchasing goods of mo w s,lV0 o5 Fidioute, April 11, LS70. 4.Gm AVTANTIOD AG i'v7iZT, T" V sen ,i dob,,,.;,, ,u K i l? SEWING M AC I IX I" 1 1 , , feed, makes ,,V 1' t , l; '"or both Kidos) 1111,1 is fi,llv la!,,ku " and cheapest fan, ly H e vln T?: T1'0 tho market. Addrjss j lilV I"1" Co.. Boston, Mass., Pitisburgl 'S' '"' (k, L' oago, III., or HU Irsti., Mo, h 1 Oil CrccK & Allegheny River Ry WARREN FRANKLIN, FARMERS A OIL CREEIC RAILROADS CONSOL 1 DATED New and Most Direct rvoula to tlyi OH Regions. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On nnd After MONDAY MAY 30TH70 trains w ill run as follows i ' i,p vf conn ! fl.OO A. M. EXPRKSS-Spnrlnnsbutg 0.2'-; Trvonvillo ll vdelown 7.11; Ti Insvilie' nrrivn 7.20, depart 7.27; Miller V arm 7,50: Pioneer 8.07 : Petroleum (Vn trenrr. 8.15, Ivs. 8.17, Columbia, 'I'irr Farm 8.2-", Rvnd Farm , RotiscvilJu 8,38; OH :ily'8.5f lvs 9.00. Rock wood Wnlnnt benil Oleopolis 9.20, enuiieet lng w ith train for I'ithole ;) Henry's l!e:id . Eaglo Hoi k, 'i'ionesla 10.01. Hick ory White Oaks 10.31, ai r. Tidit-Ut.S arrives 10 54, I v. Hi.uil, '1 liompson's J arriving nt Irvlmrlon al 11.35a. mi 11.20 A. M. MAIL-Spnrtnsburg 11. 4C, Cenlreville, 12.7 p. in. Trvonvillo ll vdelown 12.:i0, arrives at Titiisvill 12.t0', lvs. 12.45, Miller Farm l.o-l, Pioneer 1.17, arr. Pet. Centio 1.25, Ivs 1.27, ColuuibU 1.33, Tarr Farm 1.3o, Rvnd Farm Roiisevlllel.47, air. Oil city 2.05, lvs. 2.1 1. -llockwood , W alniil Bend Ohmpn lis 2.4ii(couneet with train for Pithole) llenrv's Bend , Eagle Bock , 'i'ion esla 3.10, Hickory , While Oaks 3,4'!, arr. Ti.liotilc 4.o2, lvs. 4.07, Thompson's' arrives at Irvineton 4.50 p. in. 0.115 PM ACCOMMiDA'N.Sp,iMtmsLtiri4" ('(..'i'l, CViilriville 7,'W, Trvonvillo llvdelown 7.25, nrr "'itusvTlle 7.35 Irs 7.45,' M iller Farm 8.05, Pioneer 8.2i, arr at Pet. Centre 8.28, Ivs 8.35, Columbia 8.41, Tarr Farm 8.44, Rvnd Farm ,llous.villctl,iS arrives at Oil City 9.10 p. m, LEAVES lltVI.NETOM. 11.45 A. M. M Al L 'riiompson's nrr Tidiotilo 12.30 Ivs 12.38, W hlto Oaks 12.53 Hickory, , Tionesta 1.20, Englo RiK-k , Henry's Bend Oleopolis 2.05 (con neeis with train for Pithole) Wnliiul liend , Ibs'kwood , nrr Oil Citv 2.3U lvs 2.42, Rou.'vil!o2.u8, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 3.10 arr nt Pet. Cent rs 3.20 lvs. 3.2:1, Pioneer 3.30, Miller Farm 3.45, hit. Titusvillo 4 04, lvs 4 14 llvdelown 4.24 p. in.. Trvonvillo Ce'ntiHVillti 4.50, Spui tansb'urg O.I I, arr at Corry .45 p. 111. 5.(H) 1'. M. KXPRKSS Thompson', nt arr at'l'idioule 6.50,levs fi.52,Whltr onks 0.07. Hickory , Tionesta 0.37, I jnale Ris k , Henry's Bend Ole opolis 7.13, Walnut Bend Hockwood nrr Oil City 7.40 he 7.47. Roiisevllia 8.03, Rvnd Farm Tarr Farm 8,15, CoU unibiii, nrr Pet. Centre 8.2 1 I v 8.2.4, Pi oncer 8.3.1, M iller Farm 8. 5. hit. Titusvllle f 9.10. lvs '.1.15. II vdetow n 9.2:1, Ti vonvill Spartansburg, 10.7, nrrut Corrv 10.35 p. m. I.EWE OH. riTY. 7.00 A.M. ACCOMMODATION Konsn ville 7.15, Kyud Farm , Tarr Farm 7.2i Coliimia 7.20, nrr Pet. Centre 7. "A Ive 7.30, Pioneer 7.45, Miller Farm 8.00, sir. Tilus villeH.18, lvs. 8.23, llvdelow n 8.31, Trvon villo Ceiilevvilib 8.50, HpartniiNburg 9.10, nrr, Corry lu'm 111, All trains connect at Corry with trolnlv. on Phila. A Erio Railroad an'd A. A G. W. East and West for New York, Pliiindel phin, Harrisburg, Erie A Cleveland, nnd with Builalo, Corry A Pittsburgh Railway for Btiliiilound nil polntson thoN, Y. Cen tral Hailw.iy. At OilCity with trains on Allegheny nllcy Railroad, nnd Frankliu Branch A. A G. W. At Irvineton with trains 011 Phila. A E. Railroad east and west. C. J. HEPBURN JNO. PITCAIRN, Superintendent. Gen'l Manager. EKIE & I ITT&EUKGII It. R J On and nflcr Monday Noy. 15, 1SC9 trains will run on tins road as follows: LEA VE E KIE SOUTH WARD. ll:."5 A. M. accommodation Leaves Newcastle at 7:05 and arrives ul Pittsburgh 19:00 n, m. " 10:25 a. nr., rirrsBrnriH ex., stops nt nil stations, mul arrives at A. A G. W. R. R. Transfer ol 1;M! p. m., at Newcastle at 3:16 p. 111., and at Pittsburgh at 0:00 p. m. 5:05 A. M., accommodation, from James, low n, arrives at A. A i. W. It. R. Transfc r at 5: in 11. in., ut Newcastle at 7:05 a. m.. and Pittsburgh ut l(i:(io n. 111. 5:00 r. M.. Mixed Train Imvwirs. c,- Sharon, stopping nt all intvrineiliato iioiuts and arriving nt 10:15 a. m. LF.AVE PITTSBURGH NORTWARD. 7:15 A. M., FlIIB l-XI-llESS. Ipav y,.w. castle at Kl;0il 11. 111., A. A ( I. W. R. R.Tr.ins-i ferat 11:20 n. m., nnd arrives nt Kriest2;:wi 111., iiiaKingeiosH counoctjoii fur Buila o and Niagara Fill la. 3:35 p. m. accommodation. lenvT V. castle nt 0:.".(i p. m . A. A G. W. H. It. transfer nt7:55 n. 111.. ami .l.-uucsmu n .1 8:30 a. in., (sinnects with mived in,;,-. n,at . arrives in Erie nl 1:55 a. in. r:"0 r. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for I.I'IC. Hllll 1111 ivilli-lit lii),ir,l nl l-i. in n ... and i:rio lit 0; " a. in. ' " Trains connect nt ltoclisti.v iit, i r- i WheeHn-.' and all siuts in W est Virginia, and at Pitlshurt-h conneciions Tor I'lol.i.lni. phia, HarrisbiiiLh, RulLimore nnd Wash. ingtoti via I'cniisvivaiiia (Vmral l.'.oi.-r, . 1 Erie Exmcss North. eoiin....u. t with Cleveland ond Erie truins Wcstwaril tor t 'levelniiil, Cliicago, and nil points in the W est ; nt Erie with Philadelphia ,v Erie Railroad r Cony. Warren j'ii ioutc, Ac, and with Hnllhh. .t'f.i,'. Ha, road for Botlalo, Dunkirk, Nlagu,-!. l'alls and Now Yors City. . h F. N. FINNE"1' . Gcnerp i' ... j imp t THE t'KI.KBHATKD VARREfi RAF nc With its Special Attaclnv WARMING CL0SW pSSk . Is celebrated for iu 1 ,. ; Ti,l7T7 T. ity, Economy a-, j t. 'eliabibty, Siinplic 230 Wat,rSt., New York. Ann ANTED. REyRQLDS.BROADHEAWCO t e-itro St., oppoKilo Pst o",ce viu CITY, PENN'A. DEALElw in rESA3LD DOMESTIC .TIOjvS, ETC., ETC. tse.riitur m,i u..i... lien In,-.. ...... vieiicsia other, SCIENCE AflD THE E'Pir ""' " 1. i "! ; .s";;14- -n "'". - wnr is ended , I, "',,""' icreo IJ'riJlMii ,( .Vi'i',' , s''',:,u'' . making its Mi-ivl-l "'!,t11'''. 1'iailtlcs, W oil;, 1,.,-s ,111,1 ?l'aik"ng tenia a. aiindred ('.,11 t'Jl-eM 111 ll,-,.. 11 ' 1 'old 10010 in- V-'l. v, ; n T'l'- A,iJ:N" s WANT-