tin forest 5?cpiXUcan. W. EDITOR. Ttl :Sn Y MO F NINO, APJFtIL 25. Tho Appo-tionmcnt. An apportionment of llie State was asrroel upon and tlic liill passed on Friday of Ihs. week. Wc nre nppor fumed with Clarion county for a Rep resentative District, and with Clarion, Jefferson nud Armstrong for a St-nato-rii.I District. We are therefore no better ofT, tliat we can sec, than we were before. We need never hope for a Representative who will represent this county, politically, while we are mnnncled to Clarion, a county which always given an immense Demo cratic majority, and probably always will until a prohibitory liquor law U enforced, and missionaries sent to con vert the political heathens of that be nighted county. One thing wo have tamed : No matter how mean a Dem ocrat represents us in the Senate, W. A. Wallace ia not now in our district, nud will have to come his coffee-p.'t games on some other people. Our lit tle majority here, seems destined to be sacrificed to Democracy, as far as State Representation is concerned, but as far as our couuty offices are concerned, we think wo can hereafter keep them pure and undefiled from the taint of Dem. ocracy. When the next apportionment takes place, we hop that Forest comi ty may have justice. The Duty of School Boards. On the first ef June the present school year expires. For the informa tion of Directors, we copy tV.e follow ing extract from the school law: It thall be the duty of the board of directors to publish an annual state ment of the amount of moneys receiv ed and expended, and the amount due from collectors, and setting forth all the fianancial operations of the dis trict, by one or more publications in oiio or more newspapers of the couuty ia which they reside. If there is an amount of tax not collected, or any atn.uut due to tho district, it is to be stated as "amount of yet due," at tho foot of receipts, and so carried out; and if there is an amount of debt yet due by the district, it is to be stated as "umouut yet due for ," and so car ried out at the foot of expenditures; in order, in both cases, to balance tho account in accordance with the facts. If there was a builning tax aud a house or houses erected during the year, the amount of the building tax, aud of the portion of it expended in the year for thispurpofie.it to be stated id the same way, with the balance on hund, or the debt for this purpose, if any, under proper heads "Receipts," and "Expenditures nf Building' as in cae of case of ordinary school tax and expenditure. Lct'us Have Peace. For a week past, until yesterday, we have had among us an agent of the American Peace Society. The obiect of this society is, we believe, to do away w ith war and rumors of war, and create "peace on earth and good will to man," have all differences of opin ion between nations decided by A con federated congress of nations, or a high court, composed of eminent peace men or ail climes and toiigncs. The business of the agent is, as we under stand it, to collect from all who feel disposed to contribute, from $2 to $20 for the furtherance of peace priucip'es, anu sicli ; the donor to receive certificate of membership to the so ciety and the react Advocate. Pursu iug the calling to which he has been appointed, tho venerable agent strayed into tho place of business of one of our uost active, biggest, and fiercest U.k. ing Democrats. The peace man went un to say his piece, and state his oh joct. Ho hadn't got more than fairly into the merits of the case, w hen the Democrat arose, pale w ith passiou.and lo iking like anything rather than a peace man. "Peace !" said he, "Peace! why I have been a peace niau all my life, and during the late war in our country the indignant people set sever ill times to hang mo, because of my peaco principles! Peace! No sir, I'm for war! War to the bitter end ! War lo the knife! Get out of lliio !" and he moved toward the man of pence, who fulded his apcrs and glode. He wasn't in any hurry, but he simply went. lie didn't have any time to waste in adieus, however. On last Thursday afternoon, Thom as Haven, lad about fil'tcen years of fle residing near the A. V. II. R. De pot, was thrown from a wagon loaded with hay over un embankment, about ' ..If a mile below town, and had his mi broken above the wrist. Dr. Know If n si't the arm, aud he is uow in a fair n v of re.-ovorv. Boilor Explosion One Man Killed. About four o'clock Tuesday after noon, the boiler in use at the new dril ling well on the Collum lease. Woods farm, exploded with "terrific force, tearing the enirne house to fraement. anr instantly killing Mr. Jnhn Con sider, the cnirmcor. Ihe boiler was thrown over 350 feet by the force of the explosion, striking three times be- lore it finally landed. 1 he worts mou wcro engaged in sand-pumping at the time, and Mr. C. had been notified that, steam was running up fast in the boiler, and from the appearance of the body is supHed to have been looking into the fire box under the boiler. The body was thrown nearly seventy- hve leet, and the back of the head crushed in. which wai the cause of his death, as no other bruises or scalds were discovered on any portion of the body. An examination shows that the boiler gave way on the right hnnd side, directly over the fire box, and it went out a little to the left, of the der rick, instead of going straight, as is usually the case when the crown chert gives way. Tho boiler is known as a Washington, manufactured at New burg, N. V., and issa.d to have been unusually well made. The cause of the explosion was undoubtedly a too high pressure of steam. Well inform ed parties are of the opinion that the pressure was at least 140 pounds to the square inch, i lie usual amount car ried is 50 lbs,, and not over 80 lbs. Had not the boiler went throuirli the derrick the driller would also have, been killed, as he was standing divoet ly in a line with it. Mr. Consider has been on the Creek tor nearly six years, i,nd WH. .w.v regarded as a tho:oup;h and competent nominal!, u.iring his long residence in the oil rr.trion. hv hi ireninl an.l fi ieudly disposition, he had formed a "8-. circle ot acquaintances who will P'.ncerely mourn his death. lie was zo vears old and unmarried. 1 he remains were taken in chares by his brother and brother-in-law, and left on the morning train for I'och ranton, about six miles from Mead ville, Crawford county, Ins former resi dence where he will be buried. Pe troleum Centre Record. The following from the Cor y Re publican : Buried Alive. The sand bank, back of the Union School Building.ou Washington street, was again Tuesday morning at about 10 o'clock, the scene of an accident which resulted in bury ing a man alive. David Johnson and Harvey Cowles were at work digging and draw ing away sand.. Johnson was 'fc'ging under the projecting embank ment, and Cowles was loading the sand into a wagon, when the bank sud denly gave way aud buried Johnson completely out of sight. Cowles was far enough away to to escape without iujury. He immediately called for assistance, and commenced the work of digging out his companion. With in a few moments a number were on the spot and worked with a wife tore lease Johnson from his premature tomb. A short time sufficed to re move the sand sufficiently to get him out of his imprisonment. He was found in a standing posture, and was completely buried, there being about a foot of sand above' ihe lop of his head. When first r. 1 ased he was in sensible, but soon recovered on expo sure to the opeu air. Beyond a few bruises he was not injur cu to any extern.- ihe following complimentary no tice of the Meadville 7iVyu6icau office we clip fr un the Greuville Argus. It is a well-deserved' tribute : The Republican printing office in Mead ville is one of the best in the country. Col. Risinger has reccutly added to his machinery one of Rug bies' latest improved job presses, which is the most complete piece of printing inach'uery made. The Colonel has al so increased his variety of job types by the addition some flirty new fonts of the latest styles of laces. The book bindery of Mr. Noble has also beeu consolidated with that of the Republi can which makes it a very extensive coin-em, anil enables tho proprietors to do all kinds of book binding and blank-book work as nicely uud as cheaply as it can be done in the larger cities. The fulluwing from the Titusville Herald; A hew well on Churcli Run, near TitUBville, is attracting the attention of cperators. It is reported to be pumping 200 barrels per day. This marvelous development, in a quarter so unexpected, has had the cried to stimulate investments thereabout, and all day Monday witnessed speculative investments which a week before would have excited ridicule. While some regard it as a phenomenon, and not to be uepended on as indicative of future successful operations, many old opera tors predict that it is the discovery of an unprecedeiitly productive oil field. Mr. Orange 8. Winaus, of Dunkirk, the shameless apostate who perjured liiniM'lt' ami betrayed his party in the "Sew lork Assembly, has uceu favored by the Republicans of his county with, a package containing a Bible und a rope. The following message accom panies the package: Assembly Chamber, Albany, N.Y., Member from the '2,d JJUtriet, Chautau qua County. "O. S. WiNAXit We send you a "copy of the Bible and a strong rope. "Ask your friends (if you have any) "to assist you. Should you return to "Dunkirk, we will try aud have you "viewed from the standpoint you de "serve." "IlF.prin.TCAKH or Witeem N. Y." We clip the following from the Venango Spectator: A few dart ago Mrs. Bridcet Fre- wen, while walking on Elk street above Thirteenth, fell and received se vere injuries. The fall waa wholly caused by the bad condition of the sidewalk. Mrs. Frewen has com menced suit against the city authori ties for heavy damages. We have fro- 3uenlly spoken of the dangerous con ition of some of the sidewalks in lb city, and the consequent possibility of such accidents and suits as this of Mrs. Frewen's. It will be well for owners of property to recollect that thev, as well as the city authorities, arc liable for damages ranted by their bad walks. and that should the city be compelled in pay damages it can recover from property owners. Another 100 Barkki. Wki.l on Ciit Rcn Run. The territory at the nead oi v nurcli Kun bids fair to out rival any of -ilia largo producing sections of the region which have preceded it. Un Saturday a 20 bid. well wa'. struck on the Maguire farm, a few rods east of the Byron well. Th owners are Messrs. Roy, Crouch fe Crittenden. Y -sterduv nmrnint? auotber one hundred barrel well was struck on the northwestern portion of ihe Atlantic & ureal estem property and southeast of the Byron will. Mr. R. S. Burtis is the owner. This makes the taird well over one hundred bar rels within a few days T''.isville Herald. We learn rml we)i wa8 gtmck last night mi the Moran farm, on the south side of the river, just below this city. The vein was struck about elev en o'clock, and immediately commenc ed throwing a stream of oil the full size of the hole above the top of the derrick. The fires were put out and operations abandoned until this mom iug. One of the workmen states that the rock is the same as found on the Milton farm, and it. is found at a depth of about five hundred feet below the surface. The well is situated back on the hill, and we woul 1 not he surpris ed if it opened up a large scope !' ter ritory. Va In? JiegiKter. Barrel Factory. We learn that Mr. C. W. Hare has purchased of Isaac Uolegrove three ares ot bind, on Main street just below the P. tV. E. R. R. crossing, for the purpse of erecting on it a barrel liictory. The main build ing will he oOxbO, and two stories in height. The intention is to give em ployment to abolt thirty woakuien. A sliding will be built to the P. & E. track, and one important item of man ufacture will be red oak staves for shipment to the West Indie to he used in the hiauufacture of sugar barrels and hogsheads. m m ' i The following from the Clariou Democrat : Philip Bashline, who has been confined in the county jail, on the charge of larceny, having been sick, and wanting a little fresh air, was al lowed some out door privileges by sheriff Johnson, last week, when the old gentlemau walked off, and was found in Beaver township, the next day, where he had come for a mess of sou rk rout. Tho sheriff will not likely be quite so lenient hereafter. There is a great deal in the power of habit. The habit of chewing gum for instance grows on a persoii who in dulges in it us much as does that of drinking liquor, und thesudden break ing off of it is iiijudicioue. A young girl in a neighboring town who hail "chawed" regularly for for years swore ofr last week, and since that time has had regular jim-jnuis, and has had to be set up with every night. A young man sits up with her, how ever, and she don't mind it so much. Warren Mail. A correspondent of the Beaver Argut says: "The region round about Chew tou, Lawrence county, Pa., is be coming famous for its fecundity note the following : Wife of Andrew Co'e twins girls; wife of John Mother land twins girls ; wife of William Park twins girls. A lady of Slab- town, near New Castle, has triplets all boys and her neighbor ou the op dosite side of the street has twins, Hex not uscertuiued. ifeof Jerome Bona parte Poole gave birth to twins.girls." East Sandy Oil Field. Canning well, No. 2, on East Sandy and Pour, ing Rock Oil Company's tract, com menced pumping last Wednesday, and is yielding 25 barrels per day. Bron son well, on same tract, is ready for testing. andegritl & Foreman also a'lout ready for testing. Canning well No. 4,iji Montgomery Oil company's tract, commenced pump ing on last Friday, aud is yiilding 20 barrels per day. Venango Citizen. Tho Brookville J?fferouian con tains an accouut of the sad death of a young Ind in a planing mill in that place. A young sou of Mr. Hall, one of the proprietors of the mill, about sixteen years of age, who w as engaged ij keeping up the tire under the boil ers, become entangled in a portion of the belting and was drawn around the pullieg several times, and so severely injured that he died that evening. A liomicule occurred in North Ver raillcs towuship, near Uniontown, Fay ette county, on Saturday afternoon last. It appears tliat a quarrel occur. red between two farmers, named Cflssi day mid Hour, about ulmut a division fence, winch prcv warmer and war mer until Cassiday dealt Hoar a severe Mow with liu fist just under the right ear, killing him in.-tai.tly. The mur derer was urrestcd and is now in jail at Uniontown. Vwver Rulifil. Between forty and fifty students ars at the Carrier Seminary the present session. Tho work of completing the new building is in progress. When finished several hundred students can be accommodated. It will be one of the largest and finest school buildings in the btate. The body of young Edinger who was drowned a couple of weeks ago, at Deloe's Eddy, in the Clarion river, was found on Thursday of last week, a short distaee below'Taylor's hotel. His body was sent so his late place of rosidence in Armstrong county, The widow of Win. T. Neill. kill ed at the falling of the wire bridge at Franklin last winter, will now come in possession of 17,000, from a fourth interest, owned by her husband in the farm on which the one hundred barrel well was recently struck near Reno. Oil City Time. W. C. McCormick, the young man who had his leg amputated in conse quence of being run over by the ears nt Monreville, Ohio," on the 6th of last February, was brought to his home in this city on last Monday. lie has sintered intensely, but is now re covering very rapidly. Ou Tuesday last the body of a young man was discovered in the Allegheny river, a few rods heluw the old terry. It proves to be the body of Oforge Gates, who was drowned at i nompsoii s r.ooy, somij weeKS ago, i r i i.. I Iidtoute Journal. Yesterday afternoon, a boy named Zimmerman had both legs crushed be tween the cais or the Union and I itus ville Railroad, at the switch on Water street. This should be a warning to pa rents to prohimt their children from playing around the cars while in mo tion. I Yesterday afternoon wbile Dr. Moody was crossing Franklin street, in front of the Savings Bank, he was knocked down by a horseman who was riding a rapid gait, and turned sharp ly around the corner of Spring street. The Dr. was struck in the side and up on the knee by the animal, and though not seriously injured is likely to be con fined several days from the edicts of the accident. Announcement. Tlio ninny friend of KID BISHOP, nf uu i ity, rospecllullv announce to the lle- Eublicaii voters of Veunngo County, that is a candidate for County Treasurer, nnbieet to Republican usages. Oil City, Ml. cU 10, IS71.' 1-tf. AppIieatlouH Tor IJeciise AT MA'Y TKRM. 1871. Jol.n A. Troper, Hotel, TioneMa borough, J. C. Volley. Hotel. Kagnndiis City. Samuel W rght, Restaurant, 1'agundu City. Nat linn Klinordlinger.Whi'lesalo Liouors. Tionesla boronpli. John Wnodco k. Hotel, Millersburg, Har- iin ny towhhlnp. Daniel B ack, Hotel, TioneMa borouph. Horace A. liunce. Hotel. 1 nink vville. Hainionytp. J. li. ACN1W, Cl k. Ileyisler") Awtire. ULiiMrMnu'Kte hereby piven that deceased has tiled, in th Register' Ottlco 11 8 """i0 P01""?1 nV lr all dis inand for the County of Foio-t.at Tiottota. ease of tho liver and spleen, enlar or ol- I'a., his filial account as K.xecutor f tlie last dee C t-entod ty foreontirmatiim aud allowance on the tomtit Monday ot May next, at the Court House at Ti' tiesta, in the eouutv aforesnd. Apr. 4, 1871. J. II. AUNKW, 4-3t Recorder. Auditor's Xotiee. In the Common Piers of Forest Cf.unty. Char'rs Hays vs. The Ironsides Fetiolo nni Ct nipHi-y. And in w t -wit. Poo. 2f'th. lf-70, on mo tion ol W. K. l.Hthy, attorney for (Sheriff, W. P. MercilUntt anpolntod auditor to dis tribute tho funds arising from sale of real estatn of defendant. Extract from the Record. Ihe.i..1 J. II. AG NEW, Pro. To ah trltom it may concern : I will attend to tho duties of my appoint ment, on Saturday, May Slith, 1871, be tween 3 and tour o'clock' P. M at my of fice in Tionesia, where you may attend in person, if you see proper. W. P. MF.RCELLIOTT, 4-.1t. Auditor. TIC I A L 1.1 ST, FOH FM fcHI MOM'iT IK MAY. R. R. Roberts va Fern r A Trilt. Tie iiihs Mowiis vs m. Slater i t al. .1. D. Olenn vs Hickoiy Farm Oil Co. Dav d (;ill vs James tin en el ul, adminis trators of Jos j.h flieen !ee'd. J. G. Pafe vs Horace Wilkins. ct al. Danif-1 Rlack vs David Richey ft al. G. K. M. t rawford vs li-aac N. Lacy, et al Juntos Itryson vs W. J. hoberts. T. H. Messoer vs Huinniason Ilros. John (in 1 vs Matthew I). ) arris. T. N. Fuller vs Dennett Dohhs. (ieorge K. Thayer vs T. A. Nolan A Co. Frederick Huhls'll for u-o vs James Green et al, administrators of Jos. Green, dev'd. Abial Drake C II. I'lilmun va A. J. Maze Overseers of the Poor of Tionos'a borough vs Oversee rsof tho Poor of Venango To., Hitler Co. M. K. Porter vs Caroline Porter. 4- t. J. 11. AON KW, Proth'y. HlLLEG H EN i VA LLE Y RA OGA 0 F GREAT TIIROUflH ROUTIi The Oil Regions to Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WESTI SLEEP J SO fJAlta On all night trains. Passengers nd bae gago transferred at Oil City, Pkkk of ClIAIIOKt Trains make direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil City, and leave as follows: Day Express leave Oil City at 2"0pm a rii venal I'ltisuurgn wiKipm Night Express Leave Oil City P 20 pin Arrives at Pittsburgh tf a in Mail Train leaves Oil City 9 05 a in Art-ives at Pitllburgh 5 fiO p in Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 '-'0 a in Ai rrivesat Oil City at 2 IS p m Night Kx press Leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 pm A rrives at Oi Cit v 6 I.i a ill Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 15 a in Arrives at Oil City 7 85 p m Passenirets travelling bv this Itonto will will and testament of Jane S'aruin "! "'""V. ""v U. lateof Harmony Township. Forest : V .'.""""' ' f"'''"V!r "eniiiom reyers. oimtv, Pa.,M.idihat the same will be pre- , "'f"1""1"" ' ",?.,JV?r' '."'"IT'' In lliu llrnyiliVC,.)M4n(' tuI.IC. .... ,KIII l"l ruu IIIHI HI III I.HO U11MMI, OiCCKHtm. find better accommodations and make bel ter time than by any other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. i. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Bnpt. I f aoents WAirrm On Wars and lly-ways in the Hidden lir of AMERICAN DETECTIVES. By Olfleer Me ITattem. A narrative nf 25 years experience among Itnn kltoblterm, Counterfeiter, Thins, Pickpocket. lotte ry Denier. Confidence Men and Swindler of all clause of society dim-loHlng inrrk ed inntnnem of ilinhollcal vengence and deep laid plan of mlm-hief and outrage, and showing tho mode y which they wore traced out and scoundrel hrottuht to Justice. A Inrgo volume of over 0iM imiios 50 full page engraving. For circular anil term addre tho inl- lisher, J. B. Burr Hyde, Hartford, (Tt. 1-U COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Why will ion Cough when vou can bo o esily released by using r. Wrlli CnrbolicTnblofs? Thev are a ure for Soro Throat, Cold. 7oaraenos. Catarrh and all Disee of the Lung, Thront and lirouchinl Tube. From the great number of TeHtimonials a to tho ellieienoy of the invaluable mod cine the following I selected : 47 Khpunseu Ave., Chicago III , January 14, Ihil. "For tho last ton year I have Ihmmi a great sufferer from freqnent attack of Acute i ronrhltis, and have never found anything to relieve me from those attacks until I triod lr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets." Kmkahkth T. Root. O A TI f M "e snro that von V M U I lUll get Wells' CrUl le Tablets ; don't let other goods be palniod off on vou in their place. John Q. Kellog, 34 Piatt St., N. Y.' Solo Airent. Sold by Druggists, Price 2." cents a oox. 4V--K LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT TO COHSUWERS. BY UKTTING UP CLUBS. FB. Rend for our new Price List and a Club Form will nccompanv it, containing foil d'rci-tions making a largo saving to consumer and remunerative, club organ lzei-9 The f J rent American Tea Company, 8 1 A 33 V KS F. Y ST R KK.T, P. O. Box 5fi4:. sew voiik. 4(1 4t AOENTS WANTED FOR THE. HISTORY OF THE H WAR IN EUROPE It contains over lot) fine engravings of jin'iio r-oonos ana incidents In tlie War, ! and is the only Authentic aud Otlieial his i torv of that great contlit. ' Published n both lOnvlish and German Oh 1 1 T I f) NnfvrMr histories are being U I I UIV circulated. See that the , book you boy contains 100 fine engravings and maps. Send for circular and see our terms, and a full description of 'he work, Address, NAT'U PUBLISHING CO., fiiua, fa. 4-4t JU RUBEBA j W.1ATISTTT , " "", u.n.,, . ,,. Tumors, Jain lice, Scr fill, Dyspepsia, jvgnoaoii r ever or meir concomitants. Db. Wki.iji having become aware of tho extraordinary medicinal properties of tlie booth American Plant, called JURUBEB A. sent a special commission to that country io procure u in its native purity, and Hav ing found its wonderful curative proper ties to evet exceed the anticipations form ed by its great reputation, has concluded to offer it to tlie public, and is happy to state that ho has perfected arrigements for a reuiiiur moiuniy supply ol this wonder ful Plant. Ho low spent much time ex perimenting and investigating as to the mom omeieni preparation from it, lor pop ular use, and lias for some time used in his own vracticu with most happy results the effectual medicine now presented to the public as Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA and ho confidently recommends it to every fa uilv us a hoiisehould remndv which should bo freely token as a lii.oon Pcm- Kit in all deragemcnt of tho system and to animate and fortify all weak and Lvm- pliatio tcmporaim-not. JOHN t. KEL LOGG, Plutt St., Now York. Hole Agent for the United Mtatos. Price Ono Dollar per bottlo. ISend for Circular. 50-It A WATCH, pair of lilaokets. Quilt or Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost impossible, but such may be hari,nnd hun dreds of other useful articles, by pntroniz ingGEO. A. PLUMMKR A CO.'S "ONE DOLLAR SALE,' Their system of doing business has been examined by Wie authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from the Internal Revenue Dcpaitment, at Wellington, dated Nov, 4lli, 1.SU8, declaring their business perfect ly fair and logitimato, and entirely differ ent roin tho difl'orent gift enterprises. Of course all do not get watches, blankets, Jie., for One Dollar, but in every largeclub, one of these articles are sold tor tine lollar, Ms hii extra inducement, and some member nf the club has the chance of obtaining A now feature introduced by this ent . prising linn, is to pay their agenU in eit. cr C4sh or merchandise, and lo prepay tin express charges. No lieller opportunity can be offered to either ladies or gentlemen having leisure time, to form clubs for this firm. Head their advertisement in another col umn, und send for catalogue. FHOIOGRAITI GALLERY J Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Fa., M, CARPENTER, ... Proprietor. Picture taken in all the bjUt stvles of vjm iMKf 2 CO e ui CD I W 2-S d 5; oa s vT 3 c 3 Q Ol - fl at: rt 0 o O Q w w U c ( 3 .Q O U) 52 H 3 o Pi o s a o w a 0 n H H H a Be 0) CD 3 CO CD S S o t!o E-S o s- S2 To C - g be '3S rt w 2 g - . TIDIOTJTE3 TEA STORE! Tha plaot it buy every variety of tha VERY BEST TEAS AT TUB L 0 WES T PRICES, la at the extensive Tea Store of H. T. CnATFEY. whero von can always And a large assort ment o'l the best Teas at New York price. A larg assortment of Groceries and Provisions, unequalcd In quality and cheapness byany ,.o,ai ainra iti Wsrren eonntv. slwavs tn hand. Tho people of Korost county will. ave money by purchasing their supplies tins place. Rest brands nt FA MIL ? FLO VR, delivered at any depot on the line of the F. It. rree. Store on Main St, near the Depot. THE BOOT AND SH O STORE. IF YOU WANT a perfect fit and a booX article of Root and Shoes, of the finest workmanship, goto II. I ITIrCAXCd'H, Stl CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. NT-Sntlsf action guaranteed. 2-3S tf. ANDREWS & CO.. Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS' DRILLI NO TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IiEAt.EIlS IX HABD"WARBr Vo., cVo., Acm9 TIDIOUTE, PA., jon: AKDREW. n. rilHBB. 6-tf G. W. TIFFT SONS S CO, ENGINES, is, io, 8 iiohsi rowEn, WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND COVERNOR. :-o-: BOILERS, 21, 11, 12 and 10 II. 1 LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. 40, 2G, 23, aud IS II. P., STATIONARY TUBULAR I.BRCTT SON, IG'TS Iteom No. 2, Cbase A Stewart's Block, 30-3m TITUSVIL-E, PA,. L1YU AGENTS WANTE.D FOR WOSUSS OV SEW YORK,. OR SOCIAL LI'B IN THE GTfT C33Tr.. Wonderful developments amonfr tbs . srmtocnuy. Marri, Womca exposed, ftr., if-e,. Price ; The Ijest Book to sell published. Tlie bot terms to airont ever (men. Aitdre N. Y. Ronk Co., US Nassau St., N. . ,S8t C. ClABK, TI-JDIOTJTE, "PJL. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, An.d Dealer In WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done io a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satit faction. 0 .jy 100,000 Agents "Wanted for how mm m mjke money, l'eKlm?iv ,'rt,bo,' n the market. kieKWmi1' 1508 t-'tt dusi.ulls J B.-new "-"nufreturlim Addrl l ,m,ne- N -Pital required." Address Novb-y Co Hyut Mo $25 A Week Salary I Younar linws,,!... 'nou as loeai and travol iiKs1ie.,Ilien AdrH8s ( w,th w AKlt,a4 Park Row, N. Y. 30-it VENTURE HOTEL. WHITE 0AK tor Count;,, P.. HUMMASON, ERO'S, Propr.. "piIIS hoso is now and flttod up in first i elass stylo, and is headquarter for l persons viMUiig ihe ure.U .ul lield of Hick'. r'Yi, ,.U,1,bj.r..lH """"'"xi i"i the best o ,i,,To'fi"" J l,,r"l"'tUJrs will spare n paini to. uiako it tlie most deairablo ston. IngpUeiuUie oil reSious. 12'" iSn". F-pnWIeV; i