1 I,.,,. - r V ft- v: . '; ffilit potest grpiMinra. u ruBMsnsr i:vr.nr. tubsdat, bt W. K. DUNN," DJTloa la K.ro's nuildirg, Elrr Street. TERMS, f2.00 A. YEAH. Wo Subscriptions received for a shorter period tlimi three mouths. Correspondence solicited from nil part of tlio country. No notice will bo takou of annonymoiis communication. Marriages and Death notices Inserted gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONKSTALODGE.NO. 477, i. o. a-, t. ' Teets every Wednesday evening, at S 1 1 J. o'clock. W. II. DUNN, W. C. T. M.W. TATE, W. ti. . HI WTO 71 PRTTlll. MILKS W. T ATJL . PETTIS & TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 'Aim Strtot, TIONESTA, FA Isaac .Ash, .'A TTORNFY AT T.AW nil nu rv. i Will practice in the various Courts of -r uf liiiil.t All I. ....I . . . . . tit car CUl receive prompt attaint .n. f . 10 ly W. W. Mason, ATTORNEY AT T.AW. Ofuoo on Elm Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, I'a. C. W. Gllflllan, TTORNEY AT LAW, Kranklln, Ve i. nnngo Co., Pa, , , tf. , N. B. Smiley, ATTOHNEY T LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, fa. Will practice in tho several Courts of Purest County. . t . 33-ly Ilolmes House, HUONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. 1 C. 1. Mable, Proprietor. Oood Sta bling couneotcd with tho houso. , tf. Jos. Y. Saul, JIRACTICAMlarncss Maker and Sad dler. Throe doors north of Holmes House, Tionesta, Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. Syracuso House, a-MDIOUTK, Pa., J. A T Maikr, Vropln . tor. The house has been thoroughly refitted and is now in tho lirst-clas order, with the best of accommodations. Any nfwination concerning oil Territory at this point will be choerfullv furnished, -ly i i J. Ail). MAUICK, Exchange Hotel, IOWEIl TIDIOUTE, Pa., D. S. ItAMs J PKKI, A Son Prop's. This iiouso having bneu rerlted is now the most desirable stop- fing plaee In TUlloute. A good liilliard loo. n attached. 4 ly National Hotel, JRVINETON, PA. W. A. ITallenbaek, .Proprietor. This hotel in Kw, and is iw open as a first class house, situate at pp Junction of the Oil Creek fc Allegheny liver and Pliiladelphia A- Erie Railroads, pposite tho Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will 11 nd this the most converi ent hotel in town, w ith first-class aceom nodstlons and reasonable charges, tf. TiMt Sons & Co.'s NEW ENGINES. The uuderslgnad have for sale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Tit!t Sons A Co. are now sending to this market their 12 Horse Power Kngino with 14-Horse Power Boiler peculiarly adnpterl to deep wells. Offices at Diin.'an A Chnll'ant's, dealers In Well fixtures, Hardware, An., Main St. next door to Chase House, Pleasantville, and at Mansion House, 'i'itusviile. tf. K. DUETT A SON, Agent. Joh.n. K. Hallock, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of Patonts.No. fxl.'i French st reetlopposite Reed House) Trie, l'a. Will practice In tlwsunml Slate Courts and tho United BtsUs Courts. Special attention (riven to soliciting patents for Inventors ; infringe ments, re-issue and extension of patents carefully attended to. References: Hon. James Campbell, Clarion; Hon. John S, McCalmont, Franklin; II. L. A A. 11. Richmond, Muadvillo; V. 12. Lathy. Ti onesta. 2 7 Dr. J. I.. Acom.b, PII YSTCIAN AND SURGEON, who has had 11 ftoHii years' experience in large and successful practlic, will attend all Professional Calls. Otilce In his Drug and 5roeery Storo, located in Tidioute, near Tidioute Houso. IN IIIS STORE WILL DE FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, (ilass. Paints, il. Cutlery, anil nue Groceries, all of the lst quality, aud w ill ba sold at reasonable rates, H. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug gist from New York, has charge of the tm . All prescriptions put up accurately. W. P. Mercilliott, Attorney at Law, ' AN D KE1L ESTATE AC3KXT. TI ON EST A, PA. . r-tf JOHN . DALE, PREI'T. 'OMS A. PROPER, VICE PRIST. A. H.STEELE, CASHR, fiAVINGS DANK, Tionesta, I'ore.st Co., l'a. This Hank tmnsa;i. a General Banking, Collecting and Exchange Husinraa. l)rarts on the Principal Cities of the Vnitcd States and Europe bought and sold. (Jold and Silver Coin and Government Securities bought anil sold. 7 -at I bonds inverted on tho most favorable terms. Interest allowed on time deissiits, Mur. 4, tf. DR. J. N. Rol.ARD, of Tidioute, has rcturnsd i' his practice alter nil ab sence of lour niomlu, spent inllie llopi talsot'Ncw York, where Ko will ntti nd 4'alN in his profession. , Ollico in Euri ka Drug Store, 3d door ibove the Hank, Tidioute, Pa. 4vitf S10 MADE I-'lloM 50 (J I'S. S iinething urirently needed by eveiybudy 'all and examine, or sail. pics sent p ihtano paitl tor 00 cts that retail easilv lor it. Ir Wolcoit, 1 il Chathrui S j.N. Y. 4ii-lt DEA KNESS, Catar h ami Scrofula. A lady who had suffered for years from Iteafncs, Ca'ai'rh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple reim-dy. ller sympathy and gratitude prompts her to i-eud the receipts lr.'e of I'liar. c t v all v one similarly nlllict A.Mros Mre. Jil. C. Di gixcttj Jersey iiv, v, r. 4 ' JL' J "Lotushave Faith VOL. IV. NO. 4. GREAT EXCITFMENT ! at the'Stors of D. S. KNOX, 6c CO., Elm St., ionesta Fa. We are In dally receipt 01 the' argMtasd MOST COMPLETE stock GROCF-RIEfl and l'KOYISIO.VS, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS WAKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR TUB LLIONS! which we are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND House Furnishing Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac., which we offer at greatly re duced prices, !o: FURNITURE! FURNITURE II of all kinds, rARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNQE3, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. S. KNOX. A CO. A GENTS WANTED Eolt I II E f LI is It Alt Y OP POETRY AND so.Mjr. '1 he handsomest and cheapest ' work extent. It has so.jethincr In it of the best for every one, for the old, the mid-dle-atfod and theyounir ami must become universally popular. Excepting the Bible thiR will be the book'inost loved and the nicst frequently referrcl to in the family. Every pairo has passed under tho critical eye of the reat p'st, WJI. I'lLLKS BRYANT. Bare chance for best airents. The only liook of its kind ever sold bv subscription. Send at once for circulars, Ac, to liEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. 30-4t Tl'JSansoin St., Philadelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 18T0-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvemens. Patent June 21st and August 2.1d. 1S70. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason A Hamlin Oriran Co.. luva the pleasure of announcing; important im provements in thoir cabinet organs, for which Patents were grantod tlieni in June and Auuust last. These aro not merely meretricious attachments, butenhanco the substantial excellem-e of the instruments. They are also enabled bv increased facil ities a larO new manufactory, they hope Lerealter to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made bv this Com pany aro of such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu rope, that lew will ueeu assurance 01 thoir superiority. They now olTer Four Octave Cabinet Or gans, in n,uite plain cases.but eipial accord ing to their capacity to anything they make for "() each. The same, Doub'e Rood, M5. Five Oo tavo Double Reed Organs, Five Stops, with Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant case with several of the Mason and Hamlin improvements, ?l-;. The saniA Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., ?!ri0. Five Octaves, three sets Kee;!s, seven stops with Euphone; a splendid in struments, $H, A new illustrated catalogue with full Information, and repuced prtves, is now ready, and will be sent free, Willi a testi monial circular, presenting a great mass of evidence as to the superiority of those in Mrumcnts, to anv one sending his address to MASON A HAMd.IN OIK i AN CO., lot Treiiiont Struct, liostun, os jtti Broadway, N, Y. 80-4 1 4.00 P. M. Freight and Accommodation daily. liy lu:v. T. De Witt Talmaok, Tho most Popular Preacher in America. Agents wanted everywhere, initio or fe male, to sell this great work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Big Profits. Send lor terms and illustrated 12 page circular, Evans, St xldart A Co., Pub lishers, No. 7 W Sauscin St., Philadelphia. S8-4t 1 JLUrO.. W&ht makes Miht 5 and TIONESTA, "Archie Hutchington" on Marriages. "Laws-a-massy, oul sakest when I was young, twas different then. Why, when folks was agoing to get married, they took time, and meditated upon it, and kinder studied each other out, and reflected and considered ; and when they did get married, they was mar ried for eartain, and very much mar ried married from top to toe, and they expected to stay married; there jvarn't no talk of your dieyorces then ; they knew beforehand that they was to 'her and to hold' till grim death, and they mostly usually did. But now a young fellow sees a pretty gal, and asks her to marry him, just as he'd ask her to take a walk ; and she's all ready 'yes.Sir, and thank yer, too,' and they go and get married, with no more realizing sense of their responsi bility than Cock Robin has when he twitters and chirps to Jenny Ilobio. Well, pretty soon they go at it she finds she doc't like tobacco-smoke, and ho don't like a w..? that can t do a thing but frizzla her hair ;' and so on it goes from bad to worse, until 'as they sue for a disvorce. And they i. get it, too ! And all for whatf Why, tor uucomfortability of temper! Oh laws-a-massy, soul sakes I now did you ever? 'uncomfortability of tem per!' Ob, Lordy l" "Incompatability of temper, Mr. Hutchingion," I suggested. ' "Yes, I know it ; I said so ; uncom fortability of temper them's the words that does it. Well, is not there allers uncomfortability of temper in every family, and allers has been, and allers will be? Only in the good old times they used to screw it down aud keep it under; and so, you Bee, they managed to get along without- nono of yer dis Torces. "Don't yer suppose, Sir, that there was uncomfortability of temper enough in Noah's ark, with all them odds and ends of creation, creeters that wasn't noways agreeable to one another's feel ings all messed in together there? dogs and cats, sheep and wolves, foxes and geese, chickens and weasels (and skunks, I'll bet) and mighty small stable-room accommodations, I tell you 1 How was it 'bout uncomforta bility of temper there, do yeu- s'pose? Why, don't you see, they hed to com modate all of urn j 'jest lulT and bear away,' as the sailors say; the lion, I s'pose he roared kinder soft like, so as not to skecr the turkle-doves ; and the hyenay, she did not laugh out as loud as she wanted to, I dare say ; tha big bear, he kinder shut up growling; and the kang'roo took care not to leap on other folkses toes ; the horse was keer ful not to kick up hia heels ; aud if the dog felt as mad as lire, lie didn't bite nobody. That was the way they done it, no doubt ou't ; stands to reasou they did ; 'cause, don't you see, Sir, if they hod all on um given way to their un comfortability of temper, and each on um acted out their own on regenerate nuter, why in course they'd hev etove the bottom out of that thuuderin old tub of his in less than no time, and she a foundered, and they'd all gone to the bottom, aud there wouldn't hev been no call for any more wedding- rings, that s sartiu : ana where you j and I would be now, it's a mighty bard thing to say. "But, as I was saying they didn't; they behaved beautiful 1 I don't see how it was seeuis it couldn't hev been Noah's doings for, between you and I, I guess ha wasn't much ; an on steady, drinking man he allers was, you know; wasn't he, Sir? aud not used to navigating, by no means. But I will sny for't, he managed that cruise remarkably well, considering what his crew was half womeukind ; he sartiu ly made a savins' v'vace of it, which was a good deal, all things coueider-1 vlA 1 AUI JJGI iliuyujlte jut Miuy Behind the Veil. It is not always the practice of pretty ladies to wear a veil. Not even eouquetiy will dispense with the plea sure of showing a lovely countenance, aud the most modest aud retiring beauty likes to be admired for the reg ularity and delicacy of her features. These reflections passed rapidly through the mind of a well-kuowu magistrate riding up town recently. By his side sat a lady, who from a sin gle glimpse of he countcunnce he im agined that he knew. At last he ven tured the remark that the day was pleasant. ''Yes," murmured the female. "Why do you wear a veil?" iuquired the dispenser of justice. "Lest 1 attract attention." "It is the province of geutlemen to admire," replied the gallant uiun of law. "Not when they are married." "But I'm nut." "Indeed !" "Oh, no; I'm a bachelor." The lady quietly removed her veil, disclosing to the astonished magistrate the face of bis motlier-in-luw. He had business elsewhere suddenly. A pawnbroker in Cincinnati has been arrested and held to answer for libel, in advertising for sale certain articles left in pawn by a certain gentleman and not redeemed. SiEPUB in that Faith let us to the end, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1871. American Girls at Flirts. From the Revolution. The freedom enjoyed by our young women is a perfect marvel to foreign ers. They are entirely incapable of understanding how it accords with safety and the preservation of good morals. The flirting which is carried on between strangers in omnibuses, horse-cars and on ferry-boats, is bo open and patent they cannot help see ing it. It may be, doubtless, in many cases, innocent enough, only engaged in for a bit of fun, to while away the passing moment, but presents a series of phenomena incomprehensible to the transatlantic brain. An English lady, in this dazed and bew'ildered condition, once snid to us : "It would never do to trust English girls with the indepen dence American young women enjoy. They are made differently, and the worst possible consequences would en sue. I ton surprised that your girls can behave as I seo them without the loss of caste and character." The im plied compliment was not undeserved. American girls possess an almost in 1 congruous luixture of daring .inno cence" and the ability to protect them selves; il'ough they often - commit breaches oT propriety and good taste, they know where to u'aw the line, and cau, as a general thing, be trusted. Many of our girls hero in New York are idle and fond of excileui2t iu High health, with plenty of money to spend, and utterly free from care. The lounger up and down Fifth avenue of a sunny afternoon may meet them in shoals and squads, decked out in their finery, full of chatter and glee. There aro also specimens of the young genus homo who appear to have been born for the sole purpose of tailor's wares, and affording a feeble excuse for the display of coxcombry. These creatures, many of them, promenade the avenue at all hours in the day ; a few have achieved great ness, aud are as familiar to the dwellers of the street as Worth monument. Thev have at command all the tricks and devices by which a low grade of acquaintance can oe established with the demoiselles who flutter along the pavement. There is an acquaintance of the eyes and handkerchief. Silly, feeble-minded impertinences aro prac ticed, which, if witnessed by the pa ternal relatives of the saucy and rath er fast young Miss, who, if she does not invite, at leaBt permits them.would doubtless bo instrumental in drawing down the chastisement of a kick on the young male idiot who has been in dulging in this silly sport. This is very absurd and ridiculous boy and girl play. It belongs to the vealy pe riod. We ere not considering now a despicable class of oharks who swarm in the great cities tnd molest decorous matrons, and ere dangerous to unpro tected youiijjc girls. Ve nre dealing with the youthful improprieties which, practised openly aud without attempt at concealment, impart to our English cousins such a shiver of nerves. It is a pity to o n it, but our city girla are deplorably uncultured. The march of the world has left them one side; it has got to take them up arid break them, as it were. With the best materia!, the most promising, crude qualities, they are, as yet, incapable of framing or practicing a code of man ners which shall develop the inherent tliguitf, sweetness and urbanity of our womanhood. A New Arithmetic. Sick gent (walking into a whiskey shop) "Well, I believe I will upend my dime in crackdis this morning." Bar-keeper hands him some crack ers which he tastes. "I can not stand them : BOuie brandy for the crackers,1 give me Bar-keeper hands him some brandy. He pours it out, smells of it, shakes his head. "Don't think I can go that. Give me some whitkey for the brandy." liar-keeper bauds him some whiskey. He turns out a full glass, drinks it down aud starts out. Bar-keeper. "Hold on there I you have not paid me for that whiskey." Sick geut. "I gave the braudy for the whiskey sir." "Well, you ain't puid mo for tho brandy, sir." "I gave you the crackers for the bra n ily, sir." "Well, sir you ain't paid me for the crackers." "Well, sir you have your crackers yet." Bar keeper said no more. On one occasion, when the King was out of favor with a number of his sub jects, Bismarck ottered a beer ealoou for the purpose of quailing a mug of beer, ami while there heard a man abusing tho royal family, which so kindled his ivn. ill that he addrcuud the offender thus: "Now I'm goin,; to driuk this mug of beer, and if you don't take that Imck.Mi', when I have finished' I will break tho mug over your head." Having swolloucd the Leer and no withdrawal being made, he, fulfilling his threat, scut the empty mug spinning at the fellow's head, and then, as if nothing hud happened, ste ped up to the bar-kocper and asked what was to pay for breaking his mug. LIGAN. dare do our duty as we understand if--LINCOLN. The Jumping Frog of East Tennes see. A man nnmcd Southworth, living in lower East Tennessee, has juct ejected from his stomach a frog which had been living there for fifteen years. Mr. Southworth has had a great deal of trouble with that frog. It used to be gin te croak at the most unreasonable hours. When Southworth would go to church, for instance, the frog would remain quiet until the congregation engaged in silent prayer, and then it would set up such a terrific yowl that the sexton would rush in and collar Southworth, and drag him out to quiet down in the grave-yard. Sometimes the frog would give a nocturnal seie nade after Southworth was fast asleep in bod, and then Southworth would rise, as mad as anything, and seize the stomach pump and try to draw the frog up. Bat the subtile reptile had had that trick played on it to often during those fifteen years, and it al ways shined up the tube a piece, out of tne araugnt, and waited until South worth exhauted himself. Southworth never fooled that frog a great deal. And when frogs were iu season, South worth used to fish for this one with a fly; but it always refused to rise, and the fly buzzed around so in South worth's alimentary canal that it nearly tickled Southworth to death. So South worth had to wait until the other day, when the frog thought it would come up ivd go aud see a friend ; and when it did coiei Southworth killed it with a fork. A romantic incident, showing the power of an earnest love to overcome the moat formidable difficulties, in re ported in the Colorado papers. A Chicago youth fell iu love with a Col orado maid, whose father was so much opposed to the proceedings that he drove the young man from his house with wrath and a revolver. Upon this the earnest youth had the stem parent arrrested for threatening his life, and when the old gentleman was safely locked up by the judicious use of a ten dollar bill, he induced the same Justice of Peace who had im prisoned the father to marry him to the daughter. This done, the old man was brought up for trial w hen he con cluded to swap forgiveness with his en terprising son-in-law, who thereupon magnanimously withdrew his com plaint. A certain undergraduate at Cam brage was under an examination, aud among the questions iu one of the papers was the following : "Why will nob a pin stand on its point." The ex aminee was not very strong iu his sub jects, but ns there was nothing like put ting u good lace on the matter, he set to work to answer the question in as formal a way as possible. The inter esting result stood as follows : "1. A pin will not staud on its hem!, much less is it possible that it should staud on its point. 2. A poiut, according to Euclid, is that which has no parts aud no muuitude. A pin cannot stand on that which has no purts and no magnitude, and therefore a pin cannot stand on its poiut. 3. It will if you stick it iu." A Jjondou paper thus describes the process of roadiuakiug now generally adopted in the larger places of both England and France : "The road is first prepared by being loosened with pickaxes, then covered with ordinary granite ; above this a dressing of Baud is laid ; the whole is then watered. An immense, roller, propelled by steam, in then moved slowly over the prepared surface. It exerts a pressuie of twenty-eight tons, and the result is that, iu au unusually short time, a firm and compact Macadamized road is formed, so smooth that the lightest vehicle mav be driveu'over it without iujui-inr the springs." The German Imperial crown is a foot high, of twenty-one karat gold, and heavy set with pearls. The scep tre is ot silver gilt, aud to feet lung. The globo carried iu tho baud is of the finest gold, three and seven-eigths inches in diameter encircled by two rings, one perperifliculur aud half cov ered by jewels, and tho other horizon zoutal and entirely covered with gems. On top is a cross, which fairly blazes with previous stones. These uisiguins liuve long been kept in the Hot'bourg at Vienna, and will brought forth for Kaiser Welhelm's coronation. Mr. Greeley says the reason there is a scarcity of maple sugar this spring is, that the farmers didn't more than l.alf manure their sugar seeds a; they planted them last full. He says for every seed you plant you want a whole pile of manure, when the vines will be fairly weighed down with little scol loped cakes. Fanners never will learn anything if they keep on fooling away their time as they have the pu.it year. In Louisville, na Monday last, two men were killed by a lurge rock full ing on theiu two iueu were murdered; au editor com mi ted suicide ; a printer was found dead in his bed, aud two cusses of cow hiding by women occur red. All of w hich made up a program. mo of horrors unequalled iu ono day anywhere elee we havo yet heard of. $2 PER ANNUM. Smoke vs. Imagination. There were to be soma theatricals at Chatsworth some years ago, at which Queen Victoria was to be pres ent, and in which Mark Ijemon and others look part. A Colonel Flint was to perform the very simple part oi a duck oi tne time ot Ucorgell., lean Rgainst alnantel-piece and smoke a large pipe. At rehearsal he com menced puffing away, when Sir Joseph Paxton, the architect of the first Crys tal Palace, and the manager of the Chatsworth estates, came running te him, declaring that he muut not smoke. Ihe Queen detested tobacco, and would leave the box. .He declared that he was smoking herbs in a per fectly new pipe; but Mark Lemon, mi. LMckens, and the company, all in sisted that they smelt tobacco smoke. so he threw away his pipe and bought a new one, and also some dried thyme and rose leaves. These proved juntas oujocwonaoie, ana so the smoking on the pipe was dispensed with. The Col onel bethought et an imitation of smoke he had seen, composed of finely woven webs of ccHon supported on rings and spiral wires. On the even ing ot the lull-dress rehearsal, Mr. Paxton again came to him and insisted that he should not smoke ; and then. on nuaing out nis mistake, that he should not appear to smoke. It would be injudicious. Her Majesty would think she smelt to tobacco, and this would be as bad as if her Majesty really smelt it. He moreover asserted that the company assembled had smelt tha smoke, no matter how it was made or whence it came. An Historical Incident. The King of Denmark lias lately repaired the celebrated Round Tower of Copenhagen, and au interesting his torical souvenir is attached to this old mouument. Peter the Great visited it in the beginning of the eighteenth century. Frederick IV., King of Den mark, accompanied him at the lime. The two sovereigns ascended to the top of the tower to enjoy the magnificent view, and Peter explained his political system to Frederick. All of a sudden he said, "Would you like mo give you an idea of tiie power of my authority?" And, without awaiting tho Kiug's re ply, the founder of the Bussiau moiv archy made a Eign to a Cossack belong ing to his retinue, and, pointing to the abyss under Ins feet, simply said i. T n rft r i i i i ... tiunip. i ue .ossacK iookcu at the Czar, bowed, and, without hesitation, leaped over the edge ot the tower. "What do you think of it?" said refer, turning to tho horrified King, "Have you such subjects?" "Fortunately not," answered Fred erick. Strong-minded women to tho num ber ot thirteen were in attendance at the Crittenden Fair homicide trial in San Francisco, ono day lust week. One of them was unable to find a vacant chair, and seated hsrsolf without cere mony on the arm of one occupied by a gentleman, who preferred to remain seated himself. Gradually she wedged herself between the arm aud tho gen tleman, until he finally yielded to the pressiug iuvitation, aud got up. The fellow was bothered, it is said, btcauso he never had experience iu such cases; but how would au "experienced" indi vidual havo resisted such a "pressing" invitation ? A gay Tennessee bello had gained me in reputation oi being most em jdmlicalJy a "girl of tho period." She kept her lover in a state of despair, having refused him often. She was esteemed faithless aud frivolous; but the time oon came for ber to redeem her character. One day there was a terrible railroad accident, and the re jected lover had both legs crushed off. The apparently heartless girl devoted herself to his consolation, and married him on crutches the first day the doc tors allowed him to go out. In the Arctic rcgious,the Esquimaux and Greunlaiider live principally on the fat of Beds, bears, and whales ; by such food only are they enabled to en dure the extreme cold without seeming to sutler more than we do in our se vere winter the resident of tho trop ics lives chiefly on watery fruits and vegetable, with very littlo oily food. From this we may learn to eat more of the oleaginous elements in winter than iu summer, in order to keep up our animal heat. A gentleman named Lafever, of Kentucky, eloped with his niece, leav ing a wile and child and an ublu-bod-ied uiollicriu-law, who were depend ent upon him for support in destitute circuiiistaticcs. How can a man who bus a cheerful mother-in-law, endowed with all the accomplisliaieuts iuclud in,,' a nevcr-f.iiiiug appetite, clupo with a gill? A physician claims that ovir ten thousand women have been squeezed to death by corsets during the bust live years. Still the sumo weak folly is in dulged iu, and women are daily losing their health and eveu their lives at the mandate of fashion. A wretch bus insinuated that some of them cannot get squeezed iu auy other way, but this, of course, ia absurd. niilii.il L uJii... ' Rates of Advertising. OneSqnnre(l inch,) ono Insertion I M One Sipiaro ". ono month...... .1 t OneS'piaro " three months... 1 no One Square " ono year If) OK Two Squares, one year 15 (JO tunrtor Col. " no ( 0 Half " " 50 (ID One " " loo 00 Business Cards, not exe-coding one Inch in length, flO por year. I"gal notices at established rates. These rates are low, rend no deviation fl'ill bo mndo, or discrimination among pntrons. Tho rates offered are such, w will make it to the advantagoof men doi. f business in tiie limits of the circulation of tlie paiier to advertise liberally. Tho Ugly Couple. When Mr. Fanar was ballet-master at the Opera House in tho Haymarkct, London, Soderini went on the stage and said to him: Allow mo, dear sir, to introduce mynelf to you ; you aro the dearest friend I have upon earth ; me thank you a thousand times for tho happiness you have conferred en mo by coming among us; command me in any way, for whatever I do for you I can never sufficiently repay you. Tho ballet-mnPter, who had never seen or hoard of Soderini before, was astound ed. At last he said : "Pray, sir, to what peculiar piece of good fortune my I attribute tho compliments and profes sions with which you favor me?" "To you unparalleled ugliness, my dear sir," replied Soderini ; "for, before you arrived, I was considered the ugliest man iu Great Britain." The ballst master (strange to say, since he really was so ugly) took the joke in good part, and they became extremely inti mate ; but amiable as they were to each other, they were universally known as the ugly couple. This anecdote Soder ini related himself. In review ing tho 'history of Ithaca for the last year, the Ithaca Journal says there have been but two small failures during the past year among the business men. "Neither of them ad vertised." The first not only failed to advertise, but was otherwise lacking in judicious management, nnd suffered from speculation and unprofitable transactions in former years, and the latter from lack of business expeii ence from a too eager disposition to sell has goods at whatever price offer ed. He did not believe in tho use of printer's ink. In fact ho often boast ed to his competitors in tho same busi ness "that he did not pay any money to printers; ho could advertise his own bushier," He did "advertise" it, and at bo dear a rate that he cannot pay his indebtedness. He not only ruined himself in refusing the aidof printers in advertising his goods, but he almost ruined every other dealer in his busi ness. It is generally cheaper to ad vertise in the newspaper in tho regu lar way. A slory is told of a citizen of Dan bury, Conn., who was broken of tho wretched habit of swearing in a novel manner. lie was au inveterate cur ser nnd grumbler. At every meal he neglected a blessing, and 6wore at eve rything from the gravy to the teapot, tiia oaths discolored the napkins, sour ed tho bread and curdled the milk. His wife, a woman who evidently be lieved the hair of a dog would cure the bite, stood this uuncenly conduct "until forbearance ceased to be a vir tue." One morning ho was unusally cross and profane, aud was about to take fresh start at something else, when his wife suddenly broke out with a se ries of damns that made the old gen tleinan get up and leave his chair as though some one had introduced a pin between the canes. As Boon as sho ceased, ho breathlessly remarked, "Well, I swear, if it bus got bo you can swear, it is time I quit. And he did. Horace Mann was once seated in an omnibus with a young man who coolly took out a cigar, lit a match aud put the cigar in his mouth. Mr. Mann stopped the coach and insisted that tho young man should be ejected for dis obeying tho rules. lie was rot paci fied until the owener of tho cigar touched the iudignant reformer's hand with tho uticharred end, in proof that the cigar hud never been lighted ; aud Mr. Mann, loth to lose an opportunity to impress moral truth upon a way ward youth, turned around and lectur ed him upon tho vice of deception. The newspapers in Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Louisiana aud else where South, agree in saying that the prospects fer largo crops of fruits and cereals is first-class, aud that tho present season, if successful iu this particular, will very nearly sweep away all the general pecuniary losses by the war. "A friend of mine," said Erskine, "was suffering from a continual wake fulness, ami various methods wero tried to bring him sleep. At least his phy sician resorted to an expedient which succeeded admirably. They dressed him in a watchman's coat, put a lantern iu his hand, placed him in a sentry-box, nnd he was asleep iu ten minutes." Scene in a printing office, which ad vertised for girls to set type. Enter young woman "Do you wutit any one to print, sir 7 1 saw your advertise ment." "Can you set up well, ma'am?" Young lady blushing she hasn't hud any beau yet, but expects mat tuc could if necessary. A young lady of Easton gave a par ty, ut which lemonade was the weak ness. Sonio wicked young men put a quantit y of crton oil in the lemonade, which the guests drank. No?l allot them weut rijiht home, and tho guests aro luquiring lor the perpetrator ot tuc deed around, with shot-guns. What is the greatest want of tho ags? Want of funds. A gravo mistake accidentally bn rvini' men alive 4