The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 18, 1871, Image 3

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HurcM II. It. May.
base I'mcn Jacob Shrl vor, J. It. SI roup,
TV. W, Dimond. H. II, Haslet, J. Winans.
Juiticct of tin J'eaceW. P. Mercilllolt,
D. N. Knox.
birnfrf J. N.Toltawortlu
& hool Director J, Winans, J. A. Pole,
J. A, Proper, Jacob Khriver, D. S. Knox,
H. D. Irwin.
President Judpi Jameh CAMPnni.i,.
Awmtiatm JtulgetJ. A. PkoFKH, AK
imiw Cook.
C.ShrirV.. L. Davh, i
lH$trct Attorn)) W. W. Mxaon.
Treinrer H, Skti.KT. '
t'rothnnotary, Jtegtttent Recorder, &c,
J. B. AO new. i.
CnmisHnrr X. P. WnBKl.BR, Dhnj.
Elliott, Pbtkb Mbroilmott.
Oiunfy Mupm-intenitent 8. F. Ron II BR.
Jury Uom mirionert Jab. Gjlpilxian,
Coimf.v Wtn'eyor fl.D. Irwin.
nirowr-JdHlAH WniAHfc .
Orcunfy jKditoM-L. L. Hackictt, Em
tlol.KMAK, W, Cl.ARK.
Member o Conyrten . 19t A DittrictQ. W.
AYnfr flenate W. A. WaI.I.AOR.
J.fU il JoHIf U. IIALIm
ooixo Konnt.
Arrive Depart.
........ l.i!0 p,ui. 1.26 p.m.
...... ..8.37p. m. 0.40 p.m.
Arrive. Depart.
.'. ......10.04 a. m. 10.07. m.
8.10 p, in. 8.'J0 p. m.
x press
Lumberman are ctill watching
anouslr for a rise.
Mrs. Hulings has a nice barn near
ly finished. It adds to the looks and
value of her property.
The hills down the riven wcro on
fire on Wednesday night of last week,
end presented a brilliant spectacle.
An adjourned meeting of the
Temple of Honor will take place this
(Tuesday) evening. A full attendance
i desired. . ' .
A. II. Steele has been building
new sidewalks and bridges about his
premises, and is preparing to enlarge
. his house, " ' ," '
Ferdinand Wcnk is pursuing agri
cultural enterprises ou the German
Emiiietei.. We expect soon soon to
1 e ir "what he knows about funning."
The Northern Lights, or Aurora
B irealis, have been very brilliant dur
tug the evening of the past week, mak
ing a very good substitute lor moou
light., .
The instruments for the Forest
Brass Band have been sent for, and we
uliall soon hear more blowing than us
ual. Prof. Weber will lead the band.
Boxing has gone out, and target
practice with pistols has come in. We
are not prepared to say who is the beet
tliot in town now but we can conscien
tiously say that we aint.
Quite an amount of oud talk took
place in front of the Foet Office the
other day, by some individuals who
wanted to ftarhf. Tlier u-ns mi trlit.
f 'V "O"-' -- ----
. however, aud no arrests.
We invite attention to the card of
A. B. Hill, Blacksmith, who has locat
ed in our place, at the old Fibher shop,
where ho may be. found ready to do
all werk entrusted to him.
Our County Treasurer tried to
row a skifT across the river yesterday,
and at length accomplished the tak,
but he fell over in the skin", once at
Jeast, and got his back wet.
Rev. Millford, Presbyterian minis
ter, of Calleusburg, preached iu the
Presbyterian Church on Sunday last,
morning and evening, llo wus listen
ed to by a good audience ou both oc
casions, Two dogs one belonging to J. G.
Dale, and the other to Bumuel Haslet,
attacked a porcupine tho other duy,
.and got their mouths full. of juVfeath
era They had to be extracted, and the
Jogs didn't IiqwI, nor nothing O, no;
, . We are informed that Capt Joe.
.;' Thomas, of Philadelphia, who spent
the winter of '8-9 in Tionesta, has
'vj, -committed matrimony, having been
f married in March. He has our con
gratulations, aud so has his bride.
We'have in our possession a sub
scription paper which was circulated
for the purposo of procuring an crgnn
for the Presbyterian Church. If con
venient to those who have subscribed
-we would like to have the money this
We made a mistake recently iu
.stating the number of ties taken out
by Roberts, Hays fe Co. We stated
the at 300,000, while the
facts show but 80,000. Some of our
readers claim that we added 270,000
to the true amount. We cluint that
we added nought (0).
Knox & Co. have just received a
largo stock of the latest styles of boots
aud shoes, which they offer tor sale
cheap. Their stock embraces every
thing in the line, aud all who wish to
purchase will find vhat they want at
Knox & Co's, at prices tbey cannot
grumbio a.
Prof. A. V. Porter called upon us
yesterday, and tells us that he is to
teach a four months' term of school at
Cooksburg, this county. When he has
an exhibition we propose to go out
there and aco it.
Rev. E. D. McCreary and fumily
aro in tewn at prevent on a visit. They
stop at Dr. Winans', being related in
sonto way or other to him, we believe
Mr. McCreary leaves for his charge iu
Canficld, Ohio, this week, and his wife
and childreu may stay liera for a month
or so.
W. J. Roberts is laying a stone
wall around his lot preparatory to fill
ing and leveling it up. He informs us
that lie proposes to build a two story
frame dwelling house this season on
(he same lot, but not on the same tpot,
on which his present residence stands.
We aro glad to note such evidences of
Inprovemcnt in cur town. '. '., '. '
The case of McBride vs. Wagner,
which has been on trial in Franklin
during the past week, and which has
been exciting so much comment
throughout the oil regions, was con
cluded on Saturday last. A verdict
wfes icturncj, allowing her damages in
the sum of $3,800. Judging from the
evidence produced, she would rather
have been a Bride, without a cent, than
a McBride with $3,800.
John L. Dale, who has been here
on a visit for some time took his depar
ture for his home iu Wisconsin, Monday.
Ho has lost flesh in this country, and
we bclievo ' goes back some ' thirty
pounds lighter than when he caroe.and
he thinks ho could stand some 'more
lightening yet. Hit weight now is
about 250 lbs. in his stockings. He is
good company, and will be missed by
his acquaintances here.
Rev. 8. S. Burton and Jno. L.
Dale had a "bee" in the old Methodist
church yard, ono day last week, try
ing to remove the elders and other
bushes off some of the graves, so that
the redirection might come easier to
those lying there. They expected help,
but none came, and all the wotk that
was accomplished, was done by them.
The state of this resting place of the
dead is a crying shame against the liv
ing of our placa, and we hope soon to
have it to record, that it has been put
in a better shape.
The. brder' oC Good Templars is
steadily increasing iu the place. Initia
tions take place at nearly if not quite
all their meetings. We believe that
this institution has done more for the
morals of Tionesta than any other or
ganization in it. The Temple of Hon
or, also, although yet young, is helping
forward the good work, rapidly, and
gaining in membership and influence.
Both tli etc institutions are calculated
to make any community better, where
they may be iu existence. We hope
to see the day that no strong drinks
can be had in Tionesta,
Casper Iscrt, a resident of Dutch
Hill, wus knotted down and robbed of
$7 one nighs last week, on the back
channel road in Iioncfta. lie was
struck, or thought ho was, with a
ly," and relieved of his pocket book,
from which the money was taken, afier
which the wallet was haudud back to
him with the words, "Take it and go
to h 11 '" He took it aud went home,
where he has been laid up ever since,
from the effects of the blow which he
received. Ho thinks ho can identify
the parties, and we fervently hope he
can, when there will be some hopes of
ridding our town of some of the indi
viduals who confer no particular hon
or upon it.
We have received Harpers' Mag
azine for May. Its contcuts are :
The Westovcr Estate, J. R. Chapin,
'with, seven illustrations; Disillusion,
Elizabeth Akers Allen; The Monarch
of Mountains, 'Laymou Abbott,. w.itjj
nine illustrations; Along the Florida
Reef, (fourth paper) Dr. J. B. Holder,
with seven illustrations ; The Story of
Punch and Judy, with an Iutroductinn
by S. S. Couant, with twenty-eight il
lustrations, by; A
Song iu Gold, W. B. Newell ; Archie
Hutchington, by D. R. Custlctou ; The
American Baron, Chapters XII to
XIV, by the author of "The Dodge
Club," "The Cryptogram, etc., with
three illustrations ; The Three Ships,
Julia C. R Dorr ; Frederick the Great
(Concluded,) Life's Closing Scenes,
with five illustrations ; Annie Fumess,
by the author of "Mabel's Progress,"
"Aunt Margaret's Trouble," "Veroni
ca," etc. ; Religious Relics in London,
M. D. Conway ; Anteros, by the au
thor of "Guy Livingstoue," etc.; The
Nobler Love, Justin McCarthy ; Dead
Headed, by Miss S. C. Woulsey ; The
j Chimney-Swollow's Idyl, Mrs. R. II
, Stoddard ; Editor's Easy Chair; Ed
itor's Literary Record ; Editor's Scieii
tifio Record ; Editor's Historical Rec
ord. Editor's D awer. Terms 84 per
annum. Address Harper Bros.,Frank
lirj (Hanaro.. V Y.
I hnve good Chop for sale at 82.00
per cwt. I have also a lot of Cum and
Oats. Warehouse one door south of
W. J. Robert rrsidence.'
3 tf. 'i II. W.HOBERTS.
Home and Health. The April
number of this new Health Magazine
co.ncs to us with a great vcriety of
interesting articles. The princpal
ones are on "The Teeth Cases and
Prevention of Decay," "Health at
Home," "Bathing and Baths (Illuntra
ted)," "Rearing Babics," '-Tight Lac
ing (Illustrated)," "Bright's Disease
Untechnically . . Considered," "What
shall we de in (he Sick-room?"
etc. . There are more than forty
smaller articles, containing valuable
bints on hcalth'ahd for the home. Pub
lished at $1,60 pnr year, by W.' R.
DePuy & BitoTnER, 805 Broadway,
New 'irk.; j '
Publio Sale.
Having decided to quit tho livery
business, I will expose to public sale,
on Tuesday, May 2d, my immense
stock of Horses, Wagons, Sleds, Bug
gies, Sleighs, Harness Saddles, Bri
dles, &c, at my stables, in Tionesta
Boro. Will be sold on time with ap
proved security, or for cash, if the buy
er has more than he needs. This is a
rare chance for any one wishing to go
into the livery business, and Tionesta
a good point. . Be on hand on the 2d
of May, and secure good bargains. ...
2-4t. D. Ha'ys
To Nebraska, California, and Kan'
as, and the B. & M. R. R.
Lands. .'" '
The "Burlington Route," so called,
lies, right in the path of the Star of
Empire. It runs almost immediately
iu the center of the great westward
movement . of emigration. Crossing
Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Mis
sioari river at three points.
These three points are the gateways
into three great sections of the trans
Missouri region.
The Northern gale is" Omaha, where
the great Pacifiie road will take you
to the land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.''
Tho middle gate' is' Plaltsmouth,
which opens upon the south half of
Nebraska, south, of the Platte -river, a
region unsurpassed . on. the continent
for agriculture and grazing. Just here
are ilie B. &. M. Railroad lands, con
cerning which Geo. 6. Harris, the land
officer at jBurliugton, Iowa, can give
you all information,' and in the heart
of them is Lincoln, the State Capital
and present terminus of the road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connections with the St. Joe Road
at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe
and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly aud safely, and make all
connections. It runs the best of coach,
cs, Pullman Palace aud Pullman Din
ing cars, and should you take the
journey for the journey's sake alone,
you will be repaid ; or take it to find
a home or a farm, ana you cannot find
either better than among the B. & M.
lauds, where you can buy on tcu years'
credit, and at a low price.
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
men, Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are iu want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews' & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery aud
Saw mill castings at shor( notice 4 tf.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Timicsta
Savings Buuk. has been appointed
agent for the celebrate I "luman Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who wil
furnish them with all the information
M. P. Jeuks, Jeweller, Mcadville,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds tic, at 20 per cent
below marked prices. Several of our
citist-us have patronized him, and find
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is on the corner of Wa
ter and Chestnut SUs., in Culluiu block.
Fob Sale. The house and lands
known as the "Christie Propeny," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Pa.,
are for sale. Ternu cash or approved
security. Apply to
Jons A. Dale.
President Tionesta Savings Bank,
Tionesta, Pa.
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all thn binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
rao t s"" nfr hii rHV.
Eon Sale. One 20 Ilojse ' Pwet
Timber Engine and Boiler in good or
der. Inquire of D.S.Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, Pa.
For life-size Photographs aud Oil
Paintings, go to Wilt Brothers.
Tho largest Photographic rooms
in Western Pennsylvania, Ilanna's
Block, Franklin, Pa.
The largest stock of Picture
Frames and Mouldings in the Oil Re
gions, at Wilt Bro's. - .
Trong's Imported Chromos at
Wilt Bro's.
For Photographic views of the
Oil Regions, inquire at Wilt Bro's.
Stereoscopic views of the Union
A Pacific Railroad, and fine views of
the most gorgeous scenes in the Yose
mite Valley, California, at Wilt
Brothers, Photographers and Publish
ers of views of the Oil Region, &c,
dealers in Phutographie instruments
and materials, Ilanna's Block, Frank
lin, Pa. ;'"
,. Newspaper Laws.
We would call the special attention
of Post Masters and subscribers to the
Forest Rlithlicax to the following
synopsis of the Newspaper laws :
1. A Postmasters is required to give
notice by feMer.returning a paper does
not answer the law), when a subscri
ber does not take his paper out of the
office, and state the reason for its not
being taken. Neglecting to do to
mukes the Postmaster responsible to
the publisher for the payment.
2. Any person who takes , a paper
from the Post office, whether directed
to his name or another, or whether he
has subscribed Or not, is responsible for
the pay. .
3. If a person orders his paper' dis
continued, he must pay all arrearages,
or the publisher may continue to send
it until payment is made, and collect
4. If the subscriber orders his pa
per to be stopped at a certaiu time, and
the publisher continues to 'Send, the
subscriber is bound to pay for it if h
taket it out of the tout Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a mac
miiHt pay tor what Tie uses.
The courts have, decided that refus
ing to take newspapers and periodicals
from the poet orhce, or removing and
leaving them uncalled ' for, 5s prima
facie evidence of intentional fraud. -
Jym Advertir)int.
HAVINO LOCATED in Tionesta, la pre.
Dared to do all kimt of work in liut
line, inaiiiHiiucr which will imtinfy all who
may lavor him withlhmr custom, i'artid
ular alien lion paid to . ,
divphim a triitl. Khon on Clmrcli Kt..
near tlie Savings Hunk. 3-ly.
BY VIUTL'F ot a writ of Alia Fieri Fu
el, ito-Ufd out of the Court of Com
mon Picas ot Forewt County, and to m di
rected, there will bo exoted to aale by
public vendue or ohUi v, at the Court
Houko in the borough of'i'ioucsta, on
MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871,
at 12 o'clock, M., the follow ng descrllx-d
proiicrtv. to-wit :
. - ..:. . . 1 1 f . i
r urrur a j riiia v, i. v. fiicjmmison.
alia n. la. No. 'M, May Term Harry. All
delcnuaiit a riglit. title, Interest aim claim
of, in mid to a oertain lot of laud Hituute in
Tiouen a HoroiiKh, Korut Co., l'a , bound
ed and described a follows, to-wit : m
the went by Klin street, mid runiiiiifialonK
said street ;"4 feet, thence eusturly by line
ofJ. M. Meclilmn lot, 270 loit to a !,
thenco along atreet nn line of IShriver A
Lrftmb wititherly 42 fret to a xmt, thence
westerly aloiiir'lhie of I,. II. tiavis lot 270
feet to the place ul beginning, t'outaiiiing
ono-iourtli of an ai re, more or Iosh, with
one two-story frame house about 2-U&Meet
with an L almt IbxM lin t, aud aone-story
frame barn tliereou erected,
'taken iu execution aud to lie sold as the
projei'ty of H. C. bteiheusou, ul the suit of
1 arrar jc i ruw.
Terms cash,
K.L. DAVIS, Khoriir.
Hliorifl's Office, Tiouehlu, Fa., April 17,
171. ' -3t.
Ja. MK'AI.MONT, of Ilartstown,
Crawford county, litis on hand a limit
ed quantity of genuine Norway Out,
which he oiftrs for sale at reasonable rntcs:
One bushel ten bushels, or over, l..'sl
er bushel, bent by express, t). O. I)., to
any address. Farmer should purchase
h'miii, as tnostoTR win soon ne exnuusiea.
These nats will yield from seventy to eighty
bushels lor every bushel sown. Send iu
your orders to J. 8. McCAI.MONT,
50 . HaiUstown, Pa.
Administrator's Notico.
YVI1KHKAS, letters of administration
to tho estate of Christ '.un Kuhns, late of
Harnett Township, deceased, have been
granted to tho suljacriber. All persons in
debted to said estate will make iyinet
immediately, and those having claim
agaiuat the same will pro.sem the same, as
required by law, to the undersigned duly
authenticated, for settlement.
JOHN II. KUHNS, Adudulatrator.
Ilai uelt, Feb. '11, 1871. , itl-lt
IKIIKIIKAH, letter of administration
have been granted and issued to the sub
scrilxT, Ui the estate of John Nelll, lute ot
said County, dix-vnsed. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to uuiko
immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate will present them
to tiie undersigned dulv authenticated,
without deluy. V.f. ('. N F.I
Neillsburg, Feb. 18, 1871. -
for lirM)hack.' Cidcii'ating muchine, rap
id, luicuratn, reliable, simple, Kascly
apcratcd, cheap and beautiful.
(iiviug iiistaiituueous additions or suh
tratious, taking from the to live column
of liL'urcsal a time, currying and borrow
ing iu own tens, hundreds, ets., without
the least thought ou the part of the opera
tor. Address, Ziegler i McCurdy, Phil
adelphia, Pa. 4'-4t
1 EAI) "Convent Life Unveiled," by
V Edith O'Gorman, Escapod N un whose
disclosures are thrilling and startling.
Price $1.50. CDUuoclk-ut X'ulvlihhiiig Cm.,
M-irtford, X. 1- 4r
T6 the Nervooug
WIIOSKanlTorfntrshavo been protract
ed from hidden causes, and
cano require prompt treatment to render
existence desirable; .
If you aro suflorlnfr, or have suffered
from Involuntary discharges, wTiat effect
does It produco on your ginoral health?
Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Docs a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the heart? Docs your liver, or
urinary organs, or your k Idneys, frequent
ly (ret ont of order? Is your urine some
times thiok, ruilky o flock y, or- la it ropy
on settling? Or docs a thick sktim rise to
the top ? Or Ih a sediment at the bottom af
ter It has stood awhile? Do you have
Spell of short breathing or dispepsia? Are
your bowels constipated? Do yon have
spell of fraintlng, or rushes of blood to
the head ? Is your memory Impared ? Ia
your mind constantly dwelling on this
anbjoct? Do you feci dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lite? Do you wish
to be left alone, away from everybody ?
Dooa any little thing mske you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless?
Is . the lustre of your eye as brilliant?
Tho bloom on your check as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do
you pursue your business with the same
energy ? Do you feel as much confidence
in youself? Are your spirits dull and flag.
King, given to flta of melancholy ? If so,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but lit
tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys
pepsia or liver-complaint?
Now, reader, self-abnse, venereal dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion, when in perfect health, make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus
iness-men areahvnys those whose genera
tive organs are in perfect health? You
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed in business ; they don't be
come aad and discouraged ; they areal ways
polite and pleasant in the company of la
die, and look you and them right In the
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat moan who keep the organs Inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin their constitution, but also those
they do business w itb, or for, . .
How many men, from badly cured dis
ease, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, have brought about that state of
weakness In those organ that ha reduced
the geneal system so much as to produce
almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affection, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity Is heir to, and the real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these orgnn require the use
of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT HUCHU ia the great Diuretic,
and is a certain cure for diseases of the
Bludder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Oener
al Deblty, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing In Male or Fe
malo, from whatever cause originating,
and no matter of how long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to, Con
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our
llesh aud blood are supported from these
sourres, and the health and happiness,
asd that of Posterity, depends upon
prompt use of a rcliublo remedy.
Helmbold's Extract Riii-hu, 'established
upward of ll a'uars, prepared by II. T,
HELM HOLD, Druggist, 5UI Broadway.
New York, aud 104 S.-suth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Phick-1.2" per bottlo
or 0 bottles for il.50, delivered to any ad
dress, hold by all DrugusU everywhere,
Wrapper, fao-uniilo of my Chemical Ware
house, and signed II. T. HELM BOLD.
gQQ EnergHie Farmrr Wanted. From
(m to $100 can bo made dnrlng the Idle
winter months, Itiislne pleasant and
honorable. For further partictilarsofthis
Kprrial chance address at oneo A. II. lliilc
bard, I'hlla, Pa. Mt
TH e IlAiSiriiOiXND-
want a nnmlicr of (rood aircnts, also
good Oeneral A Kent for Western .'a, also
a pood general Acent for the Ocrmnn
counties of Pa. Address Hand In Hand
olnce, No. 1 12 Houth 4th St., Phila. 3-4t
$) to $20 per day and no risk. Do you
want a situation as salesman at or near
home, to Iirtroduepournew7strand White
Wire Clothis Linos to last forever. Ism't
miss the chance. Sample free. Address
Jhid-ion liirer Wire Wor,73 W'm St. N.
Y or l(t Dearborn St. Cliigo, III. 3!)-4w
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
L $1,000 TO $2,000
BOOK AGENTS of experience; or a
lamer commission than is otlered by
any other Publishers. Aaents are making
CM) Ui SJiO per week canvassing for our new
Illustrated books. We guarantee Agents
a salary or a large commission, with a
choice of twe new and popular book and
exclusive territory. A e oiler a rare chance
to energetic men and women to niake
monev. Secure your agency direct from
the publishers. i. E. Ill kit A CO.,. , ,
.o-4t Hartford, Corn.
Free to Book Agents.
We will send o handsome Prospectus of
our Aew J llutrat rated tnimly Jiiiile con
taining oyer 200 fine scripture lllustra
trations to any Hook Agent free of charge.
Address National Publishing Co. Phila
delphia, Pa. 41-4t
for Groenlieck's Calculating Machine, rap
id, accura'e, reliable, simple, easily ope
rated cheap and beautiful. Giving instan
taneous additions or subtractions, taking
from one to rive columns of figures at a
a time, carrying and borrowing its own
tens, hundreds, etc., without the least
thought on the part of the oieratir. Ad
41-4t Philadelphia, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED, for Abott's
WAR, In German and English, with tine
steel engravlncs, maps, etc. Agents are
getting from 25 to 50 sulmcriliers jer day.
One agent reports 16:t orders the tirst two
days. Now is the time to secure an Agen
cy' for this and other works desirable for
Agents. Address Quaker Citv publishing
House 247 aud Quince St., Philadel
phia, Pa. 41-4t
' . ASD
ITS Votaries, by 1. Jno- B. Ellis. The
most startling book of modern times. The
whole subject laid bareland Ha hideousneas
ex nosed to universal execration. Written
in the interests or Civilisation, Christiani
ty and Public Morality. Send forcireulara
and terms. L. s. ruDiismug en., sit
Broome St., N. Y. 4l-4t
Issued Jan. 1st 1871.
OO Choice selections No. 3." oon-
tainiuu the best now things for Declaimv
tion. Recitation, ote. Brilliant Oratory,
Thrilling sentiment, ana SparKllng Hu
mor. ISO Danes, naner .'MJ cts. cloth 7.') cents,
ask your iKMiKsouer rnr it, or senu price
to P. Garrott t Co. riiila, Pa,
tttU fe!
Mn Years "s? Wild Indians & PI
who form a love of wild ad veil 'u re and a
thirst for knowledge of the Indians the
Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wars, Great
Buffalo Hunts, tc., Ac, left a home of
plenty in Ohio, Joined the Indiana, adopt
ed their mode of life, married the beauti
ful Waslitella, liecause a Great Warrior,
Hunter and Chief of lno lodges, was ap
pointed Lieutenant in tho U. S. Rcpilar
Army, for meritorious service with his
braves against hostile Indians. A book of
the most thrilling Interest, a reality well
authenticated. Truthstranger than fiction
Superbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with
portrait of the author, in full frontier cos
tume. Price low. Should outsell any book
extant. Send at imm for Illustrated circu
lar, table of contents, sample pages and
terms. A. II. HL'HKARIi, Publisher, 400
Chestnut St., Pliiladelplda, Pa. 41-41.
Tt Republican Office '
PEEIS constantly on hand a large as
k. sort moot of Blank Deeds. Mortgages,
Kuhpnjnas, Warrants, Summons, JLe. to
la; sola cheap lor casu. u.
Hook Agents Make '
$.sQ to f .'OO per Month by selling
And How Tli ky H'kbb M.ik. By J. I).
MeCabe, Jr. New fresh and original. Pro
fusely illustrated and beautifully bound.
It siiows how a poor sehisd-iuaster made
$I0,0 M),U00 ; how a ssr half-blind sailor bo
came a great hanker, a butcher's appren
tice tho wealthiest man iu America, au un
known mechanic a millionaire in seven
vears, with many more such examples;
iw energy, talent, and patient Industry
: ve always mot with success w hen pro
: ;rly exerted i how money can lie made
ancstly and without sacrilit-o of priuci
i al. Send for Circular, etc., an t notice
I ty extra terms Geo. Mai leati Publisher,
71tlSausom St., Philadelphia. 3;t-4t
ATCH FREE, and t:W a day sure and
no humbug. Addjtaat l.ATTA ;t Co
tsburgh, Pa. a-4t
WANTED Agents everywhere to m
-ur new book, via: "'HISTORY OK
Italy," (illuslraUsl) by John S. C. Ablsitt.
Italy," (illustrated) by John S. C. A tils
A splendid sulijcct and populur autli
H. 11. RUSSELL.Pulilisher, ltosUm, Ma
iiuiar auinor.
Salesmen Wanted.
Rusiiicsa heuorable. No eoiniietition, lib
eral pay given, w. v. Kr.i.a.ii
S. fit .. Phils
0 it
WANTEI AOENT9 To sell our tew
Illustrated itook of Travcln
By Col. Thomas W. K50.V. A cempra
hinsiyo and valunble exposition of the
countries of Alaski; Siberia, China and
Russia as they are to-dav. Nntching our
Richardson's "Beyond iho Mississippi,"
and Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad" in
sl vle, Ac. Send for circular and see our
extra terms. Address
' 3l-4w . Hartford. Conn. "
r.c DP; HALL'S
HAS been used durinfl the last fifteen,
years by thousands of people for the
speedy euro of throat ami lung diseases.
It has' been thoroughly tested tlis volet ot
the press' and the people have rendered
their verdict by pronouncing it a SAKE,.
AL REMEDY the best Medicine known
for curing Lung Complaints. Every per
son of every age atllicttsl with either of the
following diseases, should use this pleas-,
ant remedy without delay, and their
voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth
ers in reci'inmendiiiK its ellicacy to their
atllicted ueighlKrs and friends.
tor Ute JlalCt Cough Remedy it curt
t&- Ue Har Cough Lcmtdy it cures
Croup or Kattle.
K&T Ve Hall' Cough Ieme!y it eurn
Arthma and Vhth'wie.
rt7e Ilall'i Cough Remedy for Cs
tarrh. 1& Ue HalCt Cowyy J'werfy it ttrtng
them the lung.
Ear Ihe HalV$ Cough Remedy for Bron
chitis. S&"Vee Halt Cough Remedy 'for
Hoar&ene. ' 1 - '
S&" Uee HalTt Cough Remedy it tlreng'
then the voice.
trgu Uee HaWt Cough Remedy for
It will greatly modify tho yiolenceof this
disease and shorten ita tedious course one
half from Its ordinary duration.
Beware of counterfeits and base imita
tions, call for Dr. P. Hall's Celebrated
Conch Remedy and seo'that his written
signature is upon the wrapper and direct
We the undersiened citizens of Erie Clly
and vicinity, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel
ebrated Coiiuh Remedy witti great sueeess.
in curing diseasee of tho Throat nnj Lungs
and take pleasure in recommending ita uss
to the atllicted as a speedy and oll'ectual
remedy, fully worthy of public contideuce.
James Thompson
John Melhorn Sr
John A Tracv
John W McLane
John W Hays
John R Cochran
Robern Cochraa
Daniel Bear
J Robison
W F Itindcrncoht
1" E Barton
Alanson Sherwood
W II Cooper
Joseph Deemer
Hon Grant
Lucius A Hull "
Tlios M'Kee
W M (Gallagher
Chas W Kelso
D P Ensign
D Shirk
Richard Reel
J T Case
John R Dumars
John M Warren .
John S Brown
S L Forster
J W Hull
Orvice Smith
C Dumars
HO Root, ' .
imon King, . ,
Ihmiel Minor,
CB Wright "
Matthew Hamilton
J W Ryan
J Mooney ' ' ,
J W Culver
Wm II Mar
A M Tarball ,
E A Bennett ...
Daniel Huver
C K Hi blot
M Mayor
J L Long
J Robinson M
Kilas 11 Finch
C U Howell .
J Salsburv
Manufacturer and sole proprietor, Hall's
New Building, State St. PRICE 37 CTS.
CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agents general
ly. . t 33-3iu
APPNTC wanted for Ileadley's New,
HUUll IO I'resh BOOK "Sacred Heroes
and Martvs." Written in tho Author's
liapniest style, and surpassing his former
work, which have sold by the 100.000.
With Original SteelJ Engravings from de
signs by our Artist who lias spent three
years ih Biblo 1-ands. Tho Clergy anil
iho I'ress are loud in Its praise. Agents
are making monev rapidly, K. B. Treat fc
Co., Bub's 651 B'dway, N. Y. S-4w
oi'i:nA iii.ocu,
E are now reoelvintr a largn stock of
Musical Merchandise, consisting of
Avid a full lino of
We are Agents for
Ntcluvray aV Noun,
Chlt'keriiieaV Moun,
liuab & Co.
and fill all orders of other manufacturers
it desired, at tho lowest rates. Wo hav
tlio celebrated
of Boston, tho finest hkkp ixstbi mknt
yet introduwsl, which we can sell on very
reasonable terms. A large stock of Select
Sheet Music always oil hand.
Our instruments need no notico at our
hands, as they have been before tho world
for twenty to thirty years. W r
tu km roil fivk vkakn, and will sell on
monthly payments, exchange for sccond
liaud iustruinuuta, or (ur CASH, if urged.
Wo shall bu pleased to hkow our goods
to all who may favor us w ith a call.
40 tf. fvprt Houko Khsds, Tltnule