4 ftlit forest gqniMifnn. W. R. DUNN EDITOR. TUESDAY MOANING, APrtL 18. There i' said to bo a good pros pect of on agreement nt Hariisburg on an Apportionment bill, which, In the coming week, will relieve tho Legisla ture from the ilcnd lock which tins for works stopped ail business. Tlirreisa manifest necessity for fairness ami lib iralitjron both sides and we should he sorry to believe that the Committee having the questiou in charge were una-bU to arrange a plan that .would be so just as to command a nmjority i iv both Houses.. The Republicans thiMild ot permit the failure to dis trict the State to rest upon them. If failuw it must be, let it not bo till they have done everything that might be expected from fair inun. ntttburgh CotwnerciaL The Cincinnati Enquirer prints a letter dated "Missouri, April 8th," re viewing the Presidential situation, from a Democratic stand point. In respect to Hendricks, his general pop ularity, unexceptionable private char acter.and respectability as a statesman, are acknowledged, but his coalition with Tammany and affiliation, with the boudhbldcrs are mentioned as ab jections urged against him, besides the fact that be does not represent the dis tinctive doctrines which the Democrat ic party must maintain in the contest of 1872. Thurman's ability as a jurist mju experience as a statesman com mend him to favor, but his presence in me peuaie ib regarded an a public no- i ctMijr, umy 10 oe dispensed with in the contingency of his transfer to the rwprcmo Ucnch of the United States, Blair, F. P., is regarded as command mg "the approval of every fearless Democrat in the countrv." Yet while many urge his nomination, others are loth to forget his erratic career anter ior and during tho war; But Me choice of the trans-Mississippi valley, says o icucr-wTiicr, is ueorgo II. l'endle ion, ot Ohio, whose friends claim for him a popular strength enjoyed bv no other statesman mthat region. "This outlook of the Democrat Presiden tial situation is based up the combtna tion of a "promiscuous company of in veiiigent gentlemen," representing the popular Democratic feeling of the Vireat West, , . . , , ; Body Fouxd sear Petroleum Centre. Tho body of a man in an advanced stage of decomposition was discovered Wednesday ncur Petroleum Centre, a few yards from tho path leading up what is known as ""Wild Cat Hollow." Several dollars in mon ey and papers found upon the body, which showed his name to be James talosky, a workman in that vicinity w ho had been miscing for several months. A coroner's jury was impan-, nelled, which had not rendered a ver dict at the timo our informant left; but from circumstances connected with the finding and position of the body it appeared that tho unfortunate had attempted to commit suicide, for his undershirt was torn in shreds to make a rope, which was around his ueck; but it would also seem that in endeav oring to climb a tree for the purpose of affixing tho opposite end of tho rope, he had fallen to the ground, breaking neck instantly, Providence thus pre venting a suicide's act. His htad wrs doubled in under his body, and the neck had toon dislocated. The re mains had probably lain where dis discovered all winter, and were only discovered by the offensive odor pro ceeding from that vicinity, and which occasioned a search as to the cause. Oue hand was missing, and although the above statement is supposed to be correct, it will doubtless never be full v explaiucd how he met his death, , anil another mystery is added to the many that have marked the past few years ia the oil region. Herald. ' We take the following items from the Venango Citizea : A well now owned by Bucbanon and others, on the Whitman farm, Canal township, nine miles from this city, on the Meadville turnpike, commenced pumping on last Thursday, and is pro duciug 10 barrels per day. The rig was pui up and drilling commenced last full. We have no particulars.' On last Saturday morning a basket containing an infant, apparently four or five weeks old, was found at the door of P. R. Gray, in First Ward. It had been placed there sometime during the night. It was evidently the hope and intention of the person leaving it to have it well cared for, us it was warm ly clothed, and extra supply of cloth ing was found iu the basket, also a nursing bottle, a bottlo of soothing syrup and a five dollar greenback, were fouud snugly tucked away by the ido of the innocent sleeper. The Over seers of the Poor assumed charge of m tmiu, nun it is Deing properly cared for. We are sorry to be called on to notice the fact of another horse being stoleu frpm this neighborhood. On last Fri day night there was a valuable horse stolen from the stable of Mr. Hugh Tombs, of Scrubgrass township, this couuty.and as far as we have ascertain ed, there is is no clue to the perpetrat ors. It must certainly bo men that have followed that profession for yeaw, or their consciences would not permit them to steal from a man that has not been uLle to work for two vcars. When such scoundrels are at large there can be no better safe-guard thrown around the horse of our vicini ty tha:i the organization of a siuitablc (fetcctive force and lusurance Co., of . Inch there was one lately organized iii fl.! J:irv. Irtiny .v'vh. 1 We clip the following from the Warren ledger: 'tiled, suddenly, In Tittslmrph, bn tlio 7th instant, KLl It DUNN, aged & year. His remains were brought to Irvine ton ; and tho funeral service lieKUin the old stone church, on ast "Sabbath afternoon, were numerously attended by relatives, fiieuds and acquaintances of the deceased. . . . - , The funeral ceremonies by Rev. W. A. Kim kin was more than usually sol emn and impressive. , , , . Alri Duim, fro in his earliest child hood, has been a resident of our Coun ty, "and his 'proverbial genial nature and largeness of heart, that never for sook him during a -chequered and eventful life, endeared him to a host of friends, who claimed him as a common heritage. Uu his monument may be inscribed, with a tnvth none will venture to gain say or deay this inscription, te which men of more exalted pretentions ran never claim, and this inheritance that can never be purchased in the hour of dissolution : "Jlera lies an honest man." ! At an election held at the office of the Tioncsta A Clarion R. R. in the Borough of Warren, on the ' 8th inst., pursuant to notice published, for the purpose of permanent organization om der charter, the following named per sons were duly elected as Directors for the ensuing year: E. T. F. Valentine, H. A. Jamieson, J. D. James, Lrastus Barnes,' Asa II Barnes, L. A. Rogers, and J. II. Wil liams. At a subsequent meeting of Direc tors the following named persons were then duly elected omcers lor the ensu ing year: . 1 " II. A. Jamieson, President; L. A. Rogers, Vice President; A. II. Barnes Treasurer; John Sill, Secretary. ' The above organization of the Com pany shows a renewed vitality in the prospects ot the road, lhey all have a persona! interest in the building of the road, and will exert all their pow ers to accomplish the result. Many of them are men of capital, all of in telligence. ''A united effort ot such a body of practical men will certainly put the Tioucsta it Clarion Road un der contract at no very distant day. ' The following items are taken from the Greenville Atgut: A little son of Hugh Gordon of Jackson township, this county had one ot ma little lingers cut oil by an ax in the hands of auother child while at p'ay- James Kane, son of William Kane, of Delaware township, this county, was killed on the 4th inst. The dad was returcing a run-away horse of Alex. Donahue which had been caught near bis fuiher's house. When fouud he was lying in the middle of the road entirely dead, with a severe fracture of the skull near one of his eyes. It is supposed that he had attempted to ride the horse and was thrown, or was kicked by it. The new rolling mill of Westerman & Co., at this place is now in opera tion, and turning out a good quality of hoop iron. We visited the mill on Monday last, and were kindly shown through it by Mr. Westerman, who gives it his personal suervisinii. The cost of tne mill is about $60,000. The company employ between fifty and sixty hands, who, taken altogelher.are a Hue looking set ot men. 1 lie com pany have laid out a forty foot street on a plot of ground adjacent to the mill upon which the are now making preparations to erect during the season, ten dwelling houses for tho use of their hands. Our limited space forbids our saying more upon this subject at pres ent. - ' ! Railkoad Organization. We ob serve O. jSoble, Esq., Chairman of the Commissioners, has notified the stock holders of the Erie and Meadville boutbern Railruad Company, that a meeting w ill bo held at the Keystone National Bank, on the 11th of April, for the purpose of electing a President and twelve Directors. We are pleas ed to notice this movement to organ ize this company, and hope that mea sures may soon be inaugurated that will secure success of this important project. .The desire of those who have control of this measure is two-fold one to reach the oil regions; the other, to reach the coal fields of Mercer and Butler counties. By constructing a road to Cambridge, fitusville can be reached either by continuing it toTry onville, and uniting with the Union fc Titttsville Road at that point or run ning up the A. & G. W. to Union, and thence to Titusville, and Oil City can be reached over the A. & G. W. via Meadville. There is now a broad gauge road running from Greenville, Mercer county, to tne coal fields five miles cast of Mercer, w hich is contem plate to extend to the coal fields of Butler county. At Greenville this road connects with the A. & G. W., and by running over the latter to Cam bridge, the contemplated road from Erie to that point would opeu a direct market to our city. Our citizens will tnereiore, see that tins project u oue which they have no little iuterest in. .ru (Jlterver. A couple of weeks ago, Will Hunter, of Monroe township a boy some 17 or 18 years of age cut ofTone of his toes with an ax and cut another toe about half off. The oue so badly cutdid not heal up properly, and was very sore, until a few days ago, when Amos Hunter, a brother, who is a scientific cabinet maker concluded to perform a sureicul operation. Takinc a churn chisel and a mallet, he cut ot' the sore one at one blow. 1 here w as some trou ble iu stopping the blood, but the operation was quite successful. We presume our friend Amos will now be entitled to tho cognomon of "duct, or " Cfariw lwvrtl. The following from the Clearfield Journal: About twenty-five dollars was ab stracted tWra"a money, drawer in llartiwicki Irwitw's Drutr Blore. on Tuesday afternoon, April.4ili, bvsome. Il.-l.'. C I .1 ' HM - . . f" iigiit-iiugi:reu unci, ine mystery is how the person managed to take the money without being discovered, the theft having been perpetrated during uusincsj iioiirs, ana eviuenuy wncu the eletk was in the store. Suspicions are entertained as -to, who took die money, and if if s'rtirned witfuA.it delyno questions wilLia. askcd but otherwise proceedings for its recovery win be instituted. About 8 o'clock on Saturday even ing, April 8th, a house near Gurwciis. ville.belonging to the estate of William Jrvin, hq.,dcc d,an occupied by Mr. A. Irvin Thompson' and family, was discovered to be en fire. The alarm was promptly given, but before asist ance reached from town the flames had progressed so far as to render resist ance ineffectual. Such household goods as were on the lower floor and in the cellar was saved ; but all effects,, such a bedsaud bedding, clothing, aud lot oi meat in tne second story were destroyed. The cause of the fire is a mystery, having orginoted in the up per story, and spread so rapidly, , that JHrs. ihompson, with dihicultv. and not without burning her arm severely. succeeded in saving her children, who were sleeping on the second floor at the time Mr. Thompsou being absent from home. The family received all possible attention from the neighbors, ana, considering all things, were for tunate in escaping as well as they did. JSo insurance on the property. Mr Thompson's loss is from $300 tn $400. lbe building was worth about $1,500. Large Well on Ciu'rch Rck. Quite an excitement was created in town on last r riday morning by a report that a flowing well had struck on well No, 2 of Thompson uumore fi to, s lease, on the Kerr farm, Church run. This well is almost three miles north of Titusville, and was only about foui feet in the sand It was not therefore expected that oil would have been struck at that depth which made the report the more sur prising: , It appears that about cicht o clck yesterday morniriir. the well commenced to spout; throwing the oil about seventy-five feet into the air in the form of spray. Work was imnie diately suspended, the tools left iu the well and the fires extinguished. The spouting only lasted for a few minutes. In about an honr it again spouted with equal lorce, and continued to do so du ring intervals of about an hour. . At four o'clock eight barrels had been collected ; one-half the oil, however, was probably lost, by being scattered over the ground, borne parties rate the well at 30, others at 50 while a few as high as 75 barrels per day. It will be tubed to-day, and pumping com raeuced as soon as the boiler eau be re moved to a safe distance. A large number of oil men visited the locality during the day, and every one seemed satisfied that the indications were good lor the territory. Herald. ' The Tidioute Journal says: The two lota lying on Main street between Messrs. Co. and Shaw, have been sold to the Methodist Society, who will soon erect threon a fine substantial edifice, their old one beiug too small to accom modate their rapidly increasing nam hers. The tvo elegant residences of Dr. Bolard and Capt. Cummiugs are having their foundations laid, and will soon assume goodly proportions. Mr. Samuel Graudin is about erecting a house iu rear of St. Paul's church, fronting on Jefferson street. Mr. Bald win is putting np a nice building next to the 1'idiouti House. Girard Block is nearly finished on the outside, and rapidly approaching completion iuside. The Post Office will be moved to. the corner store soon, and elegant quarters they have. About. the first of May the row of shanties opposite the Syra cuse House will come down.and an ele gant new brick block be begun. Mr, Neill has bought the lots east of the residence of Mr. Hugne, and will soon break ground for a fine residence. Mr, McKay has bought a lot near the Union School Huuse, aud will locate his household goods iu a commodious residence on that spot. Mr. Binney has sold his house east of Tidioute to C. C. Thompson Esq. So it gwes. Stabdino Affray. An affray that came near ending with fatal results, took place on Dock St., Suuday even ing. It appears that a young man named Geo. Boden was walking down Dock St. with a young woman named Welch, who lives in the second Mo Henry, and is employed in Huideko per Woolen Factory as an operative (by the way she is not uukown in the police court), was followed and attack ed by one Ed. Barrett, near the Dock St. brdge, and a scuttle ensued, in which Barrett was stabbed in the neck. The wound is not considered a dangerous one now, iu the opinion of Dr. Ray, who attended him; a sixteenth of au inch variation would have made it a fatal blow. Up to the -present time no arrests have been made. Although Boden apparently did this in self defence, he daes not seem disposed to give himself up. He is supposed to be secreted near the city however. Meadville He publican. Edward II. Rulloff, one of the most hardened andself-possessed criminals of . . i ii .i mouurii times, reciveu his deatn sent ence at the Court House iu Elmira on on the Ctb, in the presence of an eager multitude. While women fainted, and strong men almost held their breath, Kul oil' aloue remained self-possessed and apparently unmoved, lie will sillier the extreme penalty of the law at liiughmrjpt ii, en (he t& dn vf Mar. Oue day last week, ns Sheriff John son in the discharge of his official du ties was endeavoring to eject a. family front a house in Callcnsburg, he was assaulted by tho family with clubs, poker, bet vater and. various other appliances of ffarfafc; but after ft sang uinary struggle.the gallant shcrifT and hisxwe came ofT victorious, with noth ing, more serious than the sheriff receiving a blow on the arm from J a poker aud one of his assistants getting ablnckeye. ,We forbear giving the names oi.tnei parties iwhb iiiave, tuns made themselves notorious, as it is published that The 'whole matter " will be investigated tt our coming court, when they will donbtlem learn that it is not best to resist an officer in the discharge of his duties. Clarion Re- publican, ' ; ! Announcement. The nmnv friends of KID I1IS1IOP. of Oil City, respcotfullv announce to the 'Rp- pnDiictin voters or emmn County, tlint h is a enndidnta Air I'ountv Treasurer. subject to Republican usnges. oin nf, .uu a 1, 15,1. i-tr. Scripture and Science liavo met together uencsis ana ueoioiiy nave Kissed coo other, ' ii i ,-. SCIENCE AND THE BIBBLE. A book of thrilling Intercut and greatest Importance to every human being. Tho Pper, Palpita and Pvoplo are ail discus sing tbenlject ud book, every man, wo man ana ciniu wants iu 'i ne long tierce war ts ended, and honorable peace secured,' Science Is true, the lttble literal, dure and firm friends. Uod's work ilavs. six actual days, not long iriotls. This bonk gives the very cream f science, making It thrilling realities, beauties, wnrndora and sparkling items a hundred fold more in teresting than fiction. AtittKTS WAST- KD. Kxpirienced Agents will drop other linok and secure terrtory immediately. Auuress lor circular, y.iegier ir Mccnniy, iosouiu aixin airect, 1 nim., l a. . v-H FRUIT "' JAR MANUFACTURERS and buyers uro notitled, that a bttter and cheaper Jar than was ever known will ) supplied. The Jar excells In every quali ty and requirement, and wi 1 outsell and van undersell any a id all others. It will sell itself. Important price list for 1871, now readv and sent free. Addres ('has. O. lmlny A. Son, No. IKl Dock St., Philadel phia, Pa. , l , t-4t . -BOOK AQENTSl The most useful, ornamental, sensible and popular of subscription books, ia "Physical Training of Children,'1 just out. It baa splendid tUnl Plates, is richly bound, and every Father and Mother who sees it wants it. It has no opposition and delivers elegantly. The first agent nut cleared 821.60 in live hours. No modem book like this one. Splendid terms. Cir culars sent free. Canvassing Rooka onlv 1. .Hew Worm Put). Co., K. W . cor. 7tli and Market Sis., Philadelphia. 28-4t PJREE TO i ire will sond a handsome Pros BOOK pectus of our A tlmatrut'ed family Oibtt AGENTS ."riptur: Illustrations to any lioob agent, free of charge. Address, National Publishing Co., riuuaeipnia, ra. 8 O'CLOCK. S0-4t DEAFNKSS. Catarrh Scrofula. A lady who had suffered ftir years from Deaf ness, Catarrh and Scrofula, waa cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and gratitude prompts her to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly atlliot ed. Address Mrs. M. C. Leggett, Jersy .:ny, r. i. wi ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. H On and after Monday, Nov. 1.1, I860 trains will run on this road as follows: LEAVE ERIE SOUTHWARD. ll:Sfi A. K. ACCOMMODATION Ieaves Newcastle, at 7:05 and arrives at Pittsburgh iu:w a. in. 10:2.1 A. M,, riTTXBfltOH KX., stops at all stations, and arrives at A. O. W. R. R. Transfer at 1:W p. m., at Newiwatle at S:1S p. in., aim at rittaourgn at u:uo p. m. 6:05 A. M.. AccoMMonATios, from Jatnrs- town, arrives at A. A U. W. R. R. Transfer at 4:40 a. m., at Newcastle at 7:05 a. m., and ruisuurga at ju:w a.m. 6:00 r. M Mixed Traill leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping at all intermediate points anu arriving at iu:ja a. in. LEAVE PITTSBURGH XORTWARD 7:15 a. M., krie f.xpuksm, leaves New castle at 10:00 a. in.. A. At'. W. R. It. Trims. fer at Jl:lti a. in., and arrives at Erie at 30 p. m., making close counectiou lor is u Ha lo and N lagura f alia. 3:55 P. M. accommodation, leav J New castle at :9U p. m , A. x t. w. n. rt. Transfer at 7:66 p. m., and Jamestown at 8:30 a. in., oonnect with mixed trains that arrives iu Krie at 1:55 a. in. , , . 0:"0 v. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at tiirard at 12:30 a. ta and Erlo at 0:55 a. m. Trains nonnect at Rochester with train for Wbeelinir and all points in West Virginia. and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadel- filua, llarrisburgh, llultiinore and Wash turton via Pennsylvania Central Hailrnad. ICrie Express Korth. uonnectM at Ciirard with Cleveland and Krie trains Westward for Cleveland. Chicauo. and all points in the West; at Erie with Philadelphia A Erie jtanroim for Corry, V urrcn, irvington. Tidioute, Ac, and with Uutl'alo A Eric Railroad for Itiiilitlo, Dunkirk, Niagara fans ana rew lorn ruy. F.N. FINXEY. General Sup't ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL RCAD ! GREAT THROUGH ROUTE FROM The Oil Regions lo Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST! SLEEriXO .C-4 BS On all night trains. PassenzerB and bag gage transferred at Oil Cityv Fkeb or Ch AltOKl Trains make direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil City, and leave follows: Day Ex press leave Oil City at.... 2 30pm Arnvesui ntixnurKii wuopni Night Express l.cuveOil City 020 p m A rn ves at I'ltbiDurgl) B -St a in Mail Truin leaves Oil City 0 05am Arrives ut Pittlburgh 6 50 p Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m Arm ves at Oil City at 2 15pm Night Express leaves Pittsburgh H 40 pni Arrives at OK City 6 15am Way Passenger leaves I'itUburgh 11 15 a in Arrives at Oil City 7 35 p ia PasNengors travelling by this Route w ill lind I letter accommodation and make bet ter time thun by any oilier roud from the OU Kcgioiis to Pittsburgh. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Supt, , GENTS WAN'l'Ei 1?225 a month! ii bv the Amkiuc'n Knittinu M ai uivt (lo., B"m. Uri,, H. !iih Wn. VM f f AGEWTS WANTED a On Vt ays nod Jiy-ways In tne 41iddcu lift AMERICAN If DECtivES. By Onlcer Me Waiter. A nnrrnttvo of 25 years experience among Han k ltobbera, Counterfeiters, Thlos, Pickpocket. IxUa ry Iealcra. Confidence Men and Swindlers of all elaatum of society disclosing- inrrk-r-d Instances of dlnlmllcnl vemrenco and deep laid plans of mischief and outrage, and showing tho moilon bv which thev wcnMracod eut and seonndrels bronirlit tii ,uatlcol ' A large volume, of over MOpngus ou iuii pne engravings. forwittular aiMi ttutnis adders the 1 Ushers, J. 11. IJurr it Hyde, Hartlord, Ct. COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Why will j ou Cough when you can bo so easily reluaaed by using - ; I Ir. Writs' Carbolic Tablets? They are- a aura tbr Sore Throat, Cold( 7oarsenosa, Catarrh and all DImhsou of the lutings, Throat and Ilronchinl Tubes, From the great number of Testimonials as to the efficiency of the invaluable mad cine the following ia soleutvd , 47 Wuhpanseh Ave., Chicago III., January 14, 1HTI. "Fof Hh last ten years I hav been a great sulTorer from frequent attacks of Aeuto llronuhitia, and have novur found anything to relieve me from these attacks until I tried Lr. Wells' Carhnlln Tablets." Klisadktii T. Root. CAUTION Re sure that vow aet Wella' Carbol ic Tablets don't let other goods be palmed on" on von in their place. John Q. Kellog, S4 Piatt St.. N. Y.' Solo Ageut. Sold by IlruggisU, Trice 2o cents abox. ' 49-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. O. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., Now Vork City. REDUCTION OF PRICES , i . :toconformto a , REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. BY GETTING UP CLURS. Send for onr new Price List and Club Form will accompany it, containing full directions making a largo saving to consumer' and remunerative club orgau Ixers Th Great American ' Tea Company, 81 4 33 VESPTY STREET, ' P. O. Box 8843. WKwr tohk. 48-41 AGKNTS"W ANTED FOR-THE- HISTORY OF THE WAR IN EUROPE It contains over 100 fino engravings o Rattlo Nfnes and ineldont iu the War. and ia the only Authentic and Ollicial his torv of tltat irre&t ennflit. Published in both English and German, fl A I ITffiAflDfeTioT hlstoriea arc being circulated. See that the book you buy contains 100 flue engravings and maps, Hend for circular aud see our terms, and a full description of 'lie work. Address, NATL. PUBLISHING CO., riuia, ni, 411-41 JURUBEBA. WUATISITT It Is a sure and perfect remedy for all dis eases of the liver and spleen, enlar or ol atruction of Intestines, Urinary, litorino, or Abdominal Organs, poverty or a want of blood, Intermittent or Hcmitcnt 1'ivcrs. Intlamination of the IJver, Dropsv, Ming gish circulation of the blood, Abscesses, Tumors. Jaudice, Kcroful, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever or their concomitants. Du. WKkM having become aware of tho extraordinary medicinal properties of the South American Plant, called , JURUBEBA. sent a special commission to that country to procure it In its native purity, and hav ing found its wonderful curative proper ties to evei exceed the antioipajiona form ed by Its great reputation, has csncluded to offer it to the public, and is happy to state that he hat perfected arrlgumeuts for a regular monthly supply of tins wonder ful Plant. Ho has spout much timo ex perimenting and investigating as to the most elllciout preparation from it, for pop ular use, and has for soma time used in his own vractice with most happy results the effectual medicine now presented to the public as Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA and he confidently recommends it to every lamily us a househould remedy which should bo freely taken as a Hlood Pl'iu kr in all deraucnicnts of the avstem and to animate and fortify all weak 'and I.vm phatio temperaments. JOliN Q. KEL LOtiG, Piatt St., New York. Solo Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send lor Circular. 50-lt A WATCH, pair or Blankets, Quilt or Shaw), for Oue Dollar, appears almost impossible, but such may be had, and hun dreds of other useful articles, by patronis ing GEO. A. PLUM M Ell CO.'S "'ONE DOLLAR SALE' Their system of doing business has boon exajuined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from the Internal Revenue Depaitment, at Washington, dated Nov. 4th, 1HU8, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely differ ent rum the ditloront gift enterprises. Of course all do not got watches, blankets, Ao., for One Dollar, but In every large club, ono of these articles are sold for One lkillar, as an extra inducement, and some member of the club has the chance of obtaining t. A new feature introduced by this ent . prising tirm, is to pay their agents in eit. er cmli or merchandise, and to prepay tin express charges. No lietter oportunlty can beollered to either ladies or gentlemen having leisure tiutt , to torn) uluba for this tirm. Read their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, TioneBta, Fa,, M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor. Piriuiee takou In all the latt stvlsa ef thfsrf. SA-fcf . . ' , , ; i i ;i i " t ' " t p 11 h I t t .,1 ; i . J . . I . -i i ii. . v .:?; . a- a 5 "A o 0 Uj I CO BS O u w w "C 11 if 2 ' 5 E J3 tn 3 SI o Ul 4) u ' (S o Si T3 K H A yA 0 fi H a e aW 8' O 5 1 CO 2 3 CO CD ir. S 2 be 2 S 5 CO O H a a "3 TI3DIOXTTE. T E AS TORE r The place la buy evory variety of toe VERY BEST TEAS AT TBI L 0 WES T rmcES, la at tint extensive Tea Store of w U. T. CHATFEY,. where yoh onn always find 1nrfrf M0rt nient of tho boat Teas at New York prices. A larg assortment of Groceries and ProTklons, unoqualod In miallty and cheapness byany other store In Warren pemnt always on hand, xne peopjo oi runi "''".' " savumonevbv rurehaslng their supuiiew at this place. Best brands or F Ait I L 1 FLOUR, delivered at any depot on the llneof the; It It. free. Store on Main St. near the Depot, THE BOOT AND SH O STOBB. , IF YOU WANT a perfect lit and a A nrtlcloof lkvta and Shoes, of the finest . workmanship, goto ... - , II. I McCAXCITrl, 80 CENTRE STREET, OIL CITY, PA. jUr.SatUfaotion guaranteed. B-3.1 tf. AREWS & CO., Manufacturers of . ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOL,, AND ALL KINDS OF - "",'' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAtEltSl.t HABDWABE, Ac, Arr., Atm TIDIOUTE, PA., jotin AKimcws. 6-tf a. risnta. G. W. TIFFT SONS CO-, ENGINES, is, io, h iioiwk rowi:n. WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND COVERNOR, BOILERS, 21, I I, :i2 and IO II. P. LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. 40, 20, 33, and IS II. P., , STATIONARY TUBULAR : K. BRETT & SON. IC'TS. Room No. 2, CUxw & Stewart' Block, V 3C-3m TITUSVILLE, TA. LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR M OJIE OF SEW YORK, on social ura . IN THE GHAT CITY. Wonderful developments among tho aristocracy. Married Women exposed Ac., dc, I'rice SS.25. Tho best llisik to sell published. The best terms to agents over trlven. Adilrraa V V tin. .1. ... -- -"f l. Nassau St., N. Y. 3int K. C. UL AR K, TI3DIOUTEI, l?Ji. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, ASIA MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Repairing douo in workmanlike manuer ami warranted t.k n.;.- .uu w.,V DOUO 100,000 Agents Wanted fior HOW WOWEN CAN MIKE MONEY, and other beat books in the market. EcKinney A MarUu, 100S Chestnut Streett Philadelphia. 3g.Jt 2fIO A WE1?K paid agents, male or fe Yj-'uiaie, in a new maiiufrciurin u......eu m nonie. o capital require! Address Novelty Co., Saso, Me. 30-4 'I $25 Week MaUry!-Young men want.Hl as l.sal and travel liiiKHalosmen. A dross (with stamp) R. H. Walk kb, 34 Park Row, N. Y. .KM " VENTURE UcTt E L. atijoiN'iiici tiie ieroT, WHITE OAK', Forttt Couny, P. IIUMMASON, BRO'S, Tropr'a. rpiUS house is new and fitted up in first X class stylo, and is headquarters for all persons viHithii the great oil lieldof Hick ory. The bar is furnished w ith tho best ot lienors. The proprietors w ill spare no pains to make it tho most desirable atop pmg place io the oil regions. 12-l'r. gTBnrthe Kcnwt Republic 1 i 4-ly f' Mi'