The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 18, 1871, Image 1

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W. 11. DUNN. " '
Dffloe in Kriox1 Building, Elrt Street
flSIUIS, 2.00 A YIT.A.B,
. . .
If o Subscription received fur a shorter
period tlimi three mouths
Correspondence solicited from ll parts
of the country. Mo notice will be tukuu or
annonymous communications.
Marriages and leath notice inserted
gratis. 7
x. o: a-, rr.
IV Teeta every Wednesday evening, at 8
IYA o'clock. .
W. K. DCNJT, W. C, T.
M. XT. TATE, W. S.
a. MkwroN raTTia.
jthnttrM, i . , TIONliSTA, TA.
Isaae ;Ah,5
jV.Will praotiea in the various Court of
V'orest County. All business entrusted to'
aii cure will rcwivc prompt atton lien.
JO ly ' - -
, i W.. W. Maaortt' . ,
Street, abuve Walnut, TiuiientH, l a.
' i . "i'i c W. GUflllan, i in ; -
TTOREY AT LAW, Franklin, Ta
nangQ Co., Ta. . , r . w , , tf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Petroleum Cen
tre, Ha. Will practice in the several
Courta of FsresttfoUnty.p W-lt T
1 . 1 Holmes House, ' ' '
nnONF-STA, PA., opposite the Pepot.
L C. 1. Maine, Proprietor. Good Nta
bMng conuceMd with the house, ,. tf.
Jos. Y. Saul,
PRACTICAL, Harness Mnker and Rad
Uler. Three doors north of Jloluies
House, Tionest, Pa. All work Is war
ranted, tf.
Syracuse House,
TIMOUTK.Pa.', J, A V Mofr, Vrople
tori). The ho u tie has been thoroughly
relltted and is now in the nrst-clasa order,
with the best of accommodations. Any
1 1 r urni ion ooncerniug Oil Territory at
this point will be cheerfully furnished,
-ly J. JkD. MAUF.K,
Exchange Hotel,
14 dkki. A 8nM I'rop'K. This lamse having
been re II tod is now the most desirable stop
piur place in Tidioute. A good Billiard
Koom nttuulitkU "'-v
National Hotel,
rropriotor. mis notci is xkw. anuis
.iw epen as a first olawt house, xlluuui At
no Junction of the Oil (.'reck A Allegheny
.liver and Philadelphia A Erie ltailroads,
ppoHlte the lnxt. Parties haviiiK to lay
vor trains will Mud this the niont conven
crt hotel in town, with AraUeloH. aceotti
Modstions and reasonable nharires. tf.
Nkw, and is
TifTt Sons 4 Co.'s
VT Bff KXO 1 X F.S. Tho nndors!irr.i(l have
i lor ni wili regeivo tjdera for tho
alMive Kuirlna. v Met-nr. Tim Sons A Co
are now seiidnifr to this market their 12-
Ilnrse Power Knlno with 14-Horse Power
Uoiler peculiarly aduptcd to deop wells. ,
OrFTcR! at Diiiiciin Chalfant adcalera
In Well Fixtures, Hardware, c, MamSt.
next door to Chase House, Pleasautville,
ami at Mauslon ItoiiHe, J iliiHvuie.
tf. K. BRETT A SOX, Agents.
, . i . Jolrv K. Hallock,. i: .
A TTORXEY AT LAW and Solicitor of
Patents.No. M" r rench xtriuitloppoBite
Itued llouke) Krie. I 'a. Will practice in
the several Ktnte Courts and the United
titctts Courts. Spm'iul attention tfiven to
aolicitir patents for Inventors : infrinire-
uientk, re-lsHue and extiiHion of patents
raireruiiv aitenuoii lo. itcierunceH: non,
James vanipbellt Clarion f Hon., John H,
MrCalmont. Franklin r H.- 1 A A. R.
Richmond, Mcadville; W. E. Ijitliy- Ti
oneNta. f 2 7
Dr. J. L. Acorrb,
had fifteen years' experience in a larjro
N and suwessful prai-tice, will attend all
. 'Professional Calls. Olltce in his Drut; and
Orocery Mtoro, located in T idioute, near
Tidioute House. " " "
A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors
Tobaeoo, Cluars, (stationery, (ilaxs, Paints,
, Oils, Cutlery, and tine Urot'eriea, all of the
best quality, aud wll be sold at reasonable
If. R. BURGESS, an experienced Pruij
aist from New York, has charge of the
Sur. All prescriptions put up accurately.
. P. Mercilliott,.''.
Attorney at Iw1.
i john a. oali, pacrr.
saV.inss BANK,'
" ,' r "! : .' Tiouosta, Forest Co., Pa. .
This T5ank transact General Banking,
Colloctiiij? and ExchanjrO Business.
Hratts on the. Principal Cities of the"
United StaU and Europe L'onglitand sold.
Gold and Silver Coin am.' Government
Securities boujjhW and aold. 7-ao Bonds
i-.onverUid on the most favorable terms.
ntorest allowed on time deposits.
Mar. 4, tf.
DR. J. N. BOLABD, of Tidioute, has
rcturusd to his practice after an ab
Hcnco of four months, spent in the Hospi
tals of New York, where t" will attend
calls in his profession. .
otlice in Eureka Irujr Store, 3d door
ibove the bank, Tidioute, Pa. 4titf
T rT M AbiT from )Q
S .niothinfr urgently needed by eveiybody
IhII and examine, or san.ples t.out pntuf;o
paid for nti cts that retail easily for fiO. R.
L- Woli-ott, 1H1 Chathrin S' N. Y. 4U--H
DEAFNESS, Cut:ir h and Scrofula. . A
lady who had sutl'ored for years lrom
lieafnos, Catarrli and SiTofula, was cured
liv a simple remedy. Hor sympalliy and
multitude proinplalier to send the receipts
fr'-e of charge tv any one aimilsrly alllh-t-i.
Addrosa ilra. IbL C. Dcj!Bett, Jersey
City, N.J.
" Let us have Faith,
VOL. IV. NO. 3.
at the Store of
D. S. KNOX, Sc CO.,
Elm St., ionesta Fo.
We are in daily receipt o. the argnitand
which we are determined to soli regardless
of prices.' ' -
- 1xd j;
- V
House ' J'urniishirjfj Goods, Iron, Nails,
Mach!ne"tooIs, Agricultural Implements,
Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we otfur at greatly re-
duced prices.
. . C...'
of i kinds,
ES, Ac., Ac, Ac.,
In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see,
7-tf - . I. S. KNOX, A CO.
MtXO. The handsomest dud cheapest
work extent. It has so..iothiiiK in it of the
bcsHbr every ono, for tho old, the middle-aped
and theyounif and must become
uni verHttlly pular. Kxccptinn the Bible
this will be the book most loved ami the
meat frequently referred to in tJie family.
Every ne has passed under the critical
eye of tho Tent po't,
Bare chance for best agents. The only
book of its kind ever sold by subscription.
miiw ufc inr cireu mrs, ivi., co
GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
3ti-4t 719 Sansom St., Philadelphia,
SEASON OF 1870-71.
Important Iniprovemens.
Patent June 21st and August 2-fd, 1870.
The Mason Hamlin Orfran Co., liave
the ploasure of announcing important im
provements in their Cabinet Orirana, for
which Patents were granted them in June
and Aiujuat last. These are not merely
meretricious attachments, but enhance the
substantial excellence of the instruments.
They are also enabled by increased facil
ities a large new manufactory, they hope
hereafter to supply ull orders promptly.
The Cabinet Organs made bv this Com
pany are of such universal reputation, not
only throughout America, bill also in Eu
rope, that few will need assuranee of their
They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or
gans, in quite plain cascs.but equal accord
ing to their capacity to anything they make
for too each.
Tl same, Douh e Heed, fc!5. Five Oc
tave Double Reed Organs, Five Stoe,wilh
Knee swell aud Tremulant, in vlcgantcase
with several of tho Mason and liuinliu
improvements, H'u. The same Extra
with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell
etc., f 1A0. FiveOctaves, three sets Heeds,
seven stops with Eupiione; a Kpleudid in
struments, $i'i".
A new illustrated catalogue with full
information, and rcpuced prices, is now
ready, and wil bo sunt free, a testi
monial circular, presenting agreat mass of
evidence as to tho superiority of these in
struments, to any one sending his address
Tremunt Street, Boston, oe SUd Broadway,
X. Y. StMt
4.tK) P. M. Freight and .Veeoinux id tlion
l-.Y Jttv. T'. Dk Witt Talmauk,
The inodt Popular Preacher in America.
Agents wauled everywhere, male or fe
male, to soil this great work, is better thai
Mark Twain, and no trouble Ui soil. Big
Prolits. Send for U ri"s and illustrated li
page circular, Evan Bt ddai t ,v Co., Pub
libbers, No. 740 ClU 6t., i'lnltt.lelpliia.
: a
that Risht makes Might ; and
A True Ghost Story.
! M
Half way up the mountain tide,
looking down U(Mn the valley- of the 2
CuuilcrUiid, twenty year ngo, too!
a country inn, famous lor the goodness '
of iu cheer aud tile licurtiiios of iu
host, Cleoplias CooUt by oume.
Iu tho summer of 1830, the "Moun
tain House" bo the inn Was culled
had more than iu uaiial (junta of vuit
o.h, odq of whom hud come: to die. Af
ter a lew days he kept ti is room, and'
in a few more. he breathed his last, ,
whispering liame ot loved ones lur
away.' 1 r CJTU AO
V lieu the strantrcr's trunk was open- .
ed (which was duu by the landlord in
the presence or two ot bis gtieM one
a doctor, the other a clergy man ulo
least we took him for such, on the
strength; of hie oravni and con versa-
lion,) it was lduiid tiri-oiltaln a bonsToV
crubie sum of bank notes. Of these
Mr. Coote made a complete list, noting
their numbers uud deiiomiijutioiM w al
ter, wliivh lie cart'l'ully scaled them up.
and locked them away iu a drawei in
in his own bedroom lucts to which he
likewise called the attention of the
doctor.aud'utiuUter. '!;),.; '';- '
On the evening of the funeral, the
conversation as was natural, took a
serious turn.
Front death the transition was easy
to the subject of departed spirits and,
statu.;; And here ml animated discus
sion sprang up bclweeu the clergyman
aim toe uuliui. , , j ,
"Whatever may or mayn't 1)0,", in
terpnaed our worthy host, "there's .one
thing Borne of you muy have reason to
believe iu before you leave these parts,"
..."What's that.?":, 1 venture to ask, 1
" "The Man of the Mountain,",; Mr.
Coote answered. . , '." '" ;
'And who's he?" inquired several.
"That's the . question," said Mr.
Coote,- "1 ciio only tell you what I saw
of. bin) oilier may describe him dif
I'erontly. (it was early one 'umming;
as 1 stood on a-piir-of the inoiint'm
looking down into the vallev, inut J
eaw at a distance, and giug' "straight
up at me, a frightful object in human
shape, at least forty feet high. . , - I
."Oh, llr. (Jwlvl " screamed Ac: ia ,
OlieS. . , . , , ....I
"It's every word trite, and I can
bring twenty witnesses who will tell u
similar story." '
"Vell what did yoq tlo?' some, one
inquired.;1 ; '"i j
"Ti)Ufany,scrBible mart w'tiuur,
said Mr. Coote "took to niy heel
and run away." i .. . . ; .
. it was plain our host was not joking,
iind all felt convinced that he thought
be hud seen what he said he hud, ,
That there's a dash of superstition,
even In the most skeptical, is a saying
as true as 'me. 1 Uoubt if any one
ever slept ; quite comfortably in a
chamber reyuted to be haunted, or
crossed a graveyard ulono in the dark,
witho'iil wishing himself 'safely over,
Mr, Coote'a accuunt, it was easy to see,
made a deepor impression tlmii any of
us would have cared to turn ; and there
is no reason to believe that more than
one iuiuate Mountain House went to
sleep with their heads covered, , "
' I bad laiu for some time musii;g on
Mr, Coote' curious statement, anil had
just fallen asleep, when I was aroused
by a loud shout, followed by a succes
sion of terrific screams. 8pringing from
the bed and opening the door, Iran in
the direction of the sounds, which led
me straight to Mr. and Mrs. Coote's
chamber. ' 1
Before I had ti...e to ask. what '. was '
the mutter, half the lodgers hud ap
peared on the scene, and Mr.' Coote,
lamp iu bad followed by his sp,.use
both pale aud trembling rushed into
the hall way. , "
"Ghost 1 the ghofct!" the pair ex',
claimed together.
"The ghost! what ghost?" inquired
all the spectators once. . , . ', . . , ,
"Tho dead tuau's ghoU," cried jxwir
Coote iu a voice sliakcu with terror.
"We had gone to bed . with our lump 1
burning, ui itlur and I. Mother's a
light sleeper. . The least noise awakes
her, I might have dozed through it
if she hadn't nudged me. When I
awoke she was all in a tremble and
too frightened to epeuk. 8he motion
ed towards .the bureau, where the deud
man's money wus; an J sure enough,
there he stood iu his uindiug sheet, his
face pale aud ghastly us we saw it iu
his collin. ile had ei.her tukeu the
key from my pocket, or brought anoth
er iu Lis own ; fur at once he proceed
ed to unlock the drawer and lake out
the paekuge of money, ulter tthieh be
passed out, aud mother and 1 gave the
alarm as soou as passible. . ; . t .
The lirst idea nf those self-possessed
enough to bavu any, w:is that a skilful
robbery bud been committed, and that
it might not he too late to discover the
the thief. Lights were procured and
immediate seureh began. The tim ob
ject found was the skepticul doctor,
sluudiiig in the passnge shivering and
speechless. His eyes were fixed, as if
spell bound, on the door of flip cham
ber lately occupied by the dead man.
"v hat's the mutter, doctor " J
busteued In ak.
It was md ;i!l the question had been
several limes repented ihut uu answer
was given.
in that Faith let ua to the end,
PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1871.
"Has any else seen it?" heat length
commanded strength to utter.
"Heen vhat?V ' : .
"The ghost I the ghost!" he cried
repenting the words of father ai.d
mother iote.
Being further questioned, the doctor
made a . revelation that was ''passing
strange. He hud retired to his room,
but not to bed. At the lime of the
alarm, hurrying into the pnssnge, he
met a ghastly, sheeted form, whose
progress he attempted to stay. It stop
pod.nnd slowly raised its hand towards
heaven, w hence in a solemn, unearthly
Voice, came tho words, "Touch him at
thy nml's pcriJ 1" Thq apparition thru
Vanished into the room recently "ten
anted by the deceased slrunger; and
the doctor had remained motionless
with fright; till found as alreadg men
tioned. , , ', ,"' ' , . ','.': ' ,
. The first thing was to search the
apartment in which ' the spectre had
taken refuge. The door not being
locked we hurried in; but nothing'
was discovered but the fact that ' no
one was there, and the impossibility of
any person's having left the chamber,
Eave lit the entrance which the doctor
was positive no one had done. The
only window of the apartment remain
ed fustened on the insde; and a doof
communicating with the clergy mini's
room, as that gentleman whom we had
some difficulty in waking pointed out,
was bolted ou his side. . ,
All efforts to unravel the mystery
proved abortive. Whatever spiritual
agency the affair inyolvcdtwo very
material facts were patent ; the dead
mau's monev was trotm from the draw
er, and the' key found iu the luck bad
been lakcu from Mr. Coote's n'.icket.
' Our little community began to be
demoralized. Those who didn't believe
the house was hmiutcd, thought there
were thieves iu it the upshot being a
universal packinu up preparatory to a
general stampede.
Ou the, mornidig "tljSfirii rhitcVwas
to, I very grealfy a'slonisheir th6
Company by hinting' at' he'i jprbprieiy
of a search of the, TjHggnge of, every
guest for the missing BMjiey a course
I had reason lor, us the "reader will see
presently. . ,-' .. ...--,
In my customary rumble that morn
ing I hiKniiu's two jmportant discov
eries.' f tainting on il JirojettBd Vock',
with In -"tack t(tUe" siitT. and looking
Hcn.-s a glen from which a dense fog
was rising, I snw a gigantic humaii
figure, quite as tall us ; that 'described
by. Mr. CsMite. it stootl facing, ami
8ectneu looking uitiMitly at mc. 1 was
to i much amazed at lirst to note, as I
: did a moment after, that its garb was
the exact counterpart ot my own.
ltuiriug "my ' hand to secure my hat
against a sudden puff of w ind, the tuo
'. lion was repealed by the tiguio with
grotesque exactness, as were several
other gestures I made by way of ex
peri men L- ; Il was unquestionably my
own image, reflected by the fog, anil
thrown lorward us a concave mirror.
. bo-much foi the "Man of the Mouu
tain." i
;"My next discovery bore Upon the
ghost question. Certain sou nils at the
base of the rock caused me to stoop
forward and look iu that direction. 1
saw a man In the act of f rying ' up a
stone.,, From beneath it he took a pa
per .packet, which he thrust' into his
pocket, ami thea walked liurridly
away ; but the glimpse I hail cuuglit
of Ins features tilled me with even great
er astonishment than had the Man of
the Mountain. Suffice it to say, I felt
couvineed that a search fur the missing
I money might uot prove fruitless.
.When I proposed it, many grtiin
b'eV at it as a needless annoyance.
Nevertheless none felt at liberty to ob
ject When every thing had been
overhauled. to no purpose, 1 ventured
to iucur still further displeasure bv
laying my hand ou the clergyman s
arm, aud saying :
"I uow propose a personal search,
and fo begin with this gctith tmiu I" .,,
.' "Fie! i tiir . ahame !" chorused the
ladies. ' ' .
1 "This is rcully going u little too fur,''
expostulated the doctor,
i "It is an itisult to mv cloih !" said
the luiiiistcr, Junking mure frightened
tlmn indignant, however. ' -
"Ilia cloth'.", interrupted a strui.gei
who had just arrived "that's the only
clergical thing about him. I'm dc
tective Mi'Clutcheu in .quest d' the
biggest thief in America, and there he
is!."' ' ' "T J "r - ' '
III n thrice the o(livr hud his game
in hiiud and quicker llun it takes to
till it, from ouo of the p.-vlnJo pursou t
pockets was pronnced thu pare, I 1 hud
su taken from under the stone. Mr.
Coute found il to contain thu. idcuti
cal bank-notes described in his list, ol
which he resumed charge, till they
shot. Id be reclaimed by the late owners
The guests about to leave unpacked
their trunks, and concluded to remain.
The detective und his prisoner hud ur
gent business elsew here. In answer lo
pressing solicitations, I ave detailed
account of the morning's discove ics.
Kvery thing looked plain enough now.
A tlil from his ow n bed, and a little
chalk, had transformed the mock min
ister into a very respectable ghost,
while the communicat'oui between live chambers, accounted for the mys
terious disappearance. The only duz-
dare do our duty as we understand it"--LINCOLN.
tcliug fact remaining, was the voice
that so alarmed the doctor; but that,
too, was finally cleared up. The thief
was an accomplished ventriloquist.
Murk Twain. ,
Don Piatt, who met Mark Twain at
a dinner party in Washington theolh-1
.j j... .1 ... , . I ., . ir I
er uay, inus saetcnes ine well Known
humorist: . "Ibis was my first meet
ing with Mark Twain. One would not
pick Mark nut from a crowd us a hu
morist; indeed one would not venture
to pick him out its a literary character
at all. He looks more like a member
of the Ohio. Legislature, (if you know
what that is,) than anything else. That
is, a sort of a uuui who had narrowly
escaped being made Commissioner, and
so was returned to the Legislature. He
..... ....i.. i i -.i .1. ...
is noi. ouijr careless nuout ins
clothes. 1
but he is Positively ignorant on the i
suoject, and labors under the impres
sion that the garment that hangs so
loosely upon liis shoulders is a coat.
From under' his bushy hair liis luce
peers out, presenting "a square, well
proportioned forehead,' keen gray eyes,
u hooked nose, a well developed mouth,
exhibiting a goo,i deal of decisiou,aud
a chin thut rounds out," supporting the
whole, no part of which will you
find a particle of the humor for which
lie i distinguished. His face, ou the
contrary, is a sad one, and when all
are iu roars ur mud him, he continues
iu a state , of duus.a' goleinuily., His
voice is the m-,st extraordinary voice
I ever' hvard. Ii is a cna between
Horace Greeley and Tim Liucolu. He
drawls uis words out in the most pre
posteroLs manner, giving a drollery to
what he says utterly beyond descrip
tion. Murk Twain's name is Clemens."
. . Hold Fast Below.
A party of Irishmen, once upon a
lime, coiittucte.i to cleati a very deep
Well. Having none of the usual con
veniences, employed for such purposes,
thry were at a lo: lo gel one of the
party on a little ledge neur the bottom
to assist in the: procets of getting out
the water, mud and etc. At lust Jim
my l'helaii, u , herculean fellow, pro
posed a. plan winch was considered
just the thing. ' ' "' ,
It wus this : Jimmy was lo clasp his
big fists arouud the windlass; . theii
auoihur of the party .wa to claiuuer
down and hold ou by his legs, and so
on until the lust man should be able to
leap upon the ledge. ,: ,
lieiug slightly corned with liquor,
the party prepared for the descent,
withoulr stopping- io contemplate the
difficulties involved iu llie adventure.
Willi bared breast, and sleeves tuck
ed -up, big Jimmy seized tho round
portion ot thu y iudlass, directly over
thu well and swung himselt over. An
other of the party crept down Jimmy's
body aud grasped him by tho boots.
After several more had billowed suit,
and the human chain began stretch tar
Into the well, Jimmy became alive 1 1
one great difficulty: the windlass did
uot atl'oid him a good hold, iu the first i
place, and the weight was be-jqiuing in
tolerable. " ' ' '
1 ' At lust human sinew could stand it
no longer, and Jimmy hailed the low
er link in the chain with: 1
"lie jalers l'ut, how led fast below
till I spit on my hands."
K: Suiting the action the words,1' he
loosed his hold, when of course, the
whole' party wus precipitated to the
bottom of the well. As luck would
have it there was more mini than wa
ter where the Hibernians lit, aud they
wisely considered themselves form. late
in escaping without actual loss af eith
er life tir limb.
Livingstone, the African traveler,
describes an iugetiius method by which
the Africans obtain water in the des
ert: The women tie a bunch of grass
to a reed about two fci t long, and jn
scrt it iu a hole dug its deep us thpiirtu
will reach, then ram dti n the wet sund
around it. Applying the niout'ti to the
free end of the n ed, they form a vac
hum iu the crass beneath, iu which
I the water collects, and iu a )-hort lime
rises to the inoulli. It will be preeeiv.
ed that this simple, but philo'
sop ihieul and. eU.eclU'.tl m.iihod Uiiglit
have been upplicd in muy cuses in
different Countries,' where water was
ureutly the saving of life, It
seems womb if'u I that it should have
been now first known to the world, and
that it should have been habitually
practice.! in Africa probably H.r e n-
.. .
tunes, ii seems wormy oi til ing pur-1
ticulurly noticed, that it niav no long- I
er bo neglected from ignorance. . It i
muy be highly important' to travelers I
iu our deserts itud prarles, in some I
parts of which water is known to exist
below the surface.
News (Vuin thu Njw Hampshire elec
tion indicate that there has been no
election by the eopU of a Governor, i
that the democracy have elected one j
Congressman cert u i n, ami probably j
tun, und that tlu Republicans carry'
the Olhvrs, with )i good majority ou !
joiul ballot iu the Assembly, which 1
will give a Republican Governor. I
This was the "off veur" in thut State'
aud the lethargy ususul such years was
evineeu by the liepublicttiis. 1 lie Uo-,
mocracy worked like beavers.
Gen. Washington.
As February 22, 1871 was George
Washington' 139th birthday, our
readers will be interested in the follow
ing sketch of his personal apMarance,
which we copy from a letter written in
New York 1778 and published in the
Kentish Gatette, an English paper:
.-'.. iv..l: i : .... !
"Gcu. Washington in now in the
forty-seventh year of hi age; lie is a
tall, well made man, rather large-boned,
and has a tolorable genteel address,
his features are manly and bold ; his
eyes of a bluish cast, and very lively ;
his hair a deep brown ; his fuco rather
long and ina ked with the small-pox ;
his complexion sunburnt and without
much color; and his countenance sen
sible, composed and thoughtful. There
is a remarkable air of dignity about
bim, with a striking degree of crace-
fuloen ; he hat an excellent under-
standing, without much quickness ; is
strictly just, vigilant, and generous;
an affectionate husband, a fuitbful
friend, a father to the deserving sol
dier, a gentleman in his manners, iu
temper rather reserved ; a total stran
ger to religious prejudices, which have
so ofleu excited Christians of one de
nomination to cut tho throats of those
of another ; in his morula irreproach
able; he was never known to exceed
the bounds oi' tlid most rigid temper
ance, - In a word all his friends and
acquaintances allow that no man ever
united in his own person a more per
fect alliance of the virtues of a philos
opher with the talents of a general.''
A Monkey Story.
A monkey -was permitted to run
free, aud had frequently seen the men
servants in the great country-kitchen
take down a powder-horn, that stood
on the chimnv-piece, and throw a few
grains into the fire to make the maids
scream, which they always did on such
occasions. Pug waited his opportuni
ty, when all was slill be clambered up,
got possession of the well-filled powder
horn, perched himself gingerly on one
of the horizontal wheels, placed for
the support of saucepans, right over
the warm fishes of an almost extiuct
wood lire, screwed off the top of the
horn, and reversed it over the grate
The explosion sent him half-way up
the chimney. Before he was blown up
he - was, a snug, trim, wcll-couditioiicd
monkey; he came down corbonatud.
The weight with which he pitched up
on the hot ashes in the midst ot the
general flare-up, aroused hiuitoasense
of his condition. He was missing for
uavs. Hunger at last drove him forth
and he sneaked into the house, looking
scared ami devilish; but, like some
other great personage, he never cot
over his suddeti elevation aud fall. If
ever Pug forgot himself and was
troublesome, you had oly to takedown
a powder-horn iu his presence, aud lie
was vU to his hole like a shot, scream
ing and chattering his Jaws like a pair
oi w-asiuneis. '
The family of C'uptuiu Ju&n EU'own,
the hero of Harper s J-erry, are uow
living near Pmhnerviile, Humboldt
countv, California, having moved
thither a year ago from Tehama which tiny emigrated during
the war. , Mrs. lirown is living with
her only surviving sou, Salmon, who
is a sheep farmer, her daughters Sarah
and Ellen are with her; her health is
poor, as is that of ha rah. Anne, who
was with her father at Harper's
Ferry, is married in California, and
has one ehilu a daughter. The
family have not been very prosperous
in California. Two of Captain Drown'
sons by his first inurriagu live in Ohio
with their families John and Jason ;
Owen lives nenr Petroleum Centre, in
Pcnsylviiniii.and K 'thMrs. Thomp
son,) still lives in North Elba, we be
lieve. Juncsvillg is noled for its smart boys.
The latest story is told of a youth of
six summers, who wus taken to tank by
his uuul fur some suppnsc utTeiise,
which he persistently dctiieiL ".Now,
Johnnie," ud she, "I kuow you are
nut iellini' uic tho truth; I see it iu
your eye.". Puliiug iluiyu tho lower
lid of the organ, which bud well nigh
betrayed: his veracity, Johnnie exul
tantly replied : "Voii caii't tell any
tuing about it, aunt; that eyi always
was a little streaked." :.,
Tho St. Louis patters liuvo been
V U" m, ,l"r8 ,""l-'u. l"
i 1 , wU r' "" icuu"l wy term
. 1111 ill I Til tntl ill d Wlttllill.t ' III I.u i-.r la r.
17,U 12 M) lor publishing the Mute
School Superintendent's report." In
the Slate i'l'iiies, of llie Villi, Wilcox
makes iho following terse retort ; "The
St. Louis papers, are giving tho cost at
17,012.80, while llie true figure are
17,y 12.00."
The author who is engaged in writ
ing a humorous history of the lute war
is said to have received an offer iroiu a
prouiiuent publishing bouse to write a
funny history of the sinking of the
City of iioslon, and the luilicious as
pect jf a uilro glycerine explosion.
"What have you to remark, mad-
atnc, uiH'Ui mv siugiuy.' suv1 a gen-
tlemau, to a ludv
"Nothing, sir,
in uul icuiark-
replied the lady; "it
Rates of Advertising.
One .Square (I lncli,) ono Insertion l B
One Square " one month 8 09
OneSqiinre " three months..- "0
OneHqnare " . one year ... JO 00
Two .Squares, one year 13 o9
Quarter Col. tfO o
Half " " 60 00
One " " , 100 Oft
Business Cards, not exceeding ono inch
In length, $10 per year.
Legal notices at established rates.
These rates are low, and no deviation
vill be made, or discrimination among
I strnns. The rates ottered are such, v
will make It to the advanUgoof inendoi J
business in the limits of the circulation of
toe paper to advertise liberally.
Courting in Church.
A young gentleman haprmninj to
sit at church in a pew adjoining one
in which was a young lady, for whom
ha conceived n sudden arid violont pas
sion, felt desirous of into a
courtship on tho spot, but the place
tint suiting a formal declaration, mo
exigency suggested the following plan:
lie politely handed his neighbor a Bi
ble, open, with a pin stuck in mo ioi
lowing verse: Second Epistle of St.
John, verse 7th. "And now 1 beseech
thee, lady, not as though I wrote a
new commandment unlo thee, nut mai
which we had from the beginning, that
we love one another." She returned
it with the following : Second chapter
terof Ruth verse 10,-"Then she fell ou
her face, and bowed herself to the
ground, and said unto him, why have
1 found grace in thine eyes, that thou
shouldest take knowledge of me, see
ing I am a stranger?" He returned
the book, pointing to the 12th verse of
Second John "Having many things
to write unto you, I. would, not with
paper and ink, but I trust to come un
to yon, and sj .uk face to face." From
the above interview the muiriage took
place the following week.
Milwaukee lias got a Turkish bath,
and the citizens are disguising them
selves by getting peeled. An editor
there took a bulb the other day and
went home, and his wife drove him out
doors with a club, and he had had to
go and make affidavit that he was her
husband. , Then she wouldn't believe
it until she examined his pocket-book
and found it empty, as usual, aud a
railroad pass inside.
King Amadeus of Spain, is com
mencing to "thin out" the enemies of
his government nlready. He has or
dered the Duke de Mnntpenster to pro
cecd to seclusion on tho Island of
Minbrea because he refuses to take the
oath prescribed to support the King.
We suppose of course tho Duke will
immediately organize a revolution, he
having great strength, and hnving been
a prominent candidate for the throne.
When a lady condescends to a prac
tical joke, it is generally a very neat
one. M. Boncort, the rich financier,
was very stingy to his wife in the mat-'
terof pin money. One day a lady,
closely veiled, and very anxious not to
be recognized, called upon him and
borrowed a large sum, leaving her dia
monds as a pledge. . It was Vis wife.
A deputation of the Maine Legisla
tun1, on a visit to the Insane Asylum
at Augusta, while walking through the
corridors, were greeted by one of the
lunatics, who was peering through the
gratings of a cell door, with, "Well, I
declare, if here ain't the animals from
Noah's Ark!"-
A writer in the Pall. Mall Gazette
says that the natural footl vf the Ewgr
lish is beef and brer; of the. Germans,
sausage and flutes while the AmerU
can diet is made nfsegars, pnliticsand
newspapers.. We think the Tall Mall
mail isn't far out the way:
It is a standing joke at one of tho
hotels iu Milwaukee, when strangers
lounge up to tho counter and inquire,
"Where are the amusements to-night?'
to lend them up to the largo church di
rectory which hangs by.
The Yankecisms "d onated," "col
lided, "and "burglarized, "have been;
badly u;d up by an English maga
zine wiitcr, who buries then in uiite,
pages of very uncomplimentary re
marks. An exchange says: "We are in re
ceipt of two poems, ono on the 'Throb
ing Brain,' and the oilier tin a 'Beat
ing Heart.' We will wait until we
receive ono on tho '.Stomach Ache.'aud
publish all three together."
A young man in Virginia who i
a first class equestrian, tain ne eouia
pick a cunt off the ground without dir-
mounting, and his hoiso on a run.
Ho was boruQ to his long homo at the
head of a lurge procossiuu.
A western paper, describing the.
speech a young orator, says that
ho broke the ice felicitously with 1)13
opening, and was almost immediately
drowned with applause."
"Have you Blasted Hopes?" asked
a lady of a green librarian, whose face
was much swollen by a tocthache.
"No, ma'am, " he replied, "but I have'
a blasted toulhache.
The Republicans swept almost every
thing iu New Jersey at their lato
Spriii'' elections, and are consequently
jubilaut us they may utlbrd to be.
Jones and his wife agreed grandly
on one point : she thinks more ot huu
tli tin ot buy body cue in the world.
and so does lie.
A You."g ludv iiiTerrelLiiifeinsisted
on b t a ii i i 1 1 1 lt on her dress w lieu she w as
pl olouraphed, huviug heard that tho
camera iuverltd the
The Herald fays Boston is going to
torture Miss Nilsson with a midnight
procession. Let them torch her.
The king of Sweden is. at, adept in
the use of the pocket-pistol.
Three thousand suit men are on
strike at Svrucuse.