The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 11, 1871, Image 3

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    8&e orwt gfpuWlcan.
Jiir"--IT. If. May.
, ( nneilmen Jacob Shrlvor, J. H. Stroup,
W. W, Dlmond. H..1I, Haslet, J. Winans.
Justices utht J'caee W. 1". Mercilllott,
D. H. Knox.
(nUtlilr3. N.Tcltsworth.
M A oo Directors J. Winans, J. A. Palo,
J. A. Proper, Jacob Shrlver, 1). 8. Knox,
. D. Irwin.
Frexittrnt Jiid tye J A M m Camphklu
Associate. Jiulgrsi. A. l'liol'HIt, A
fcnr.w Cook.
.VAen'f' E. I PAVI.
JHitrict Attorney V. W. Mason.
Treasurer H. SKTt.KT.
J'rothnnntarg, JtcgisterJt fie corjer, f-e.
J. 11. Auxr.w.
Cbmmiinaer N. P. Wnrr.i.Ea, IIej.
County Superintendent H. F. RonnEn.
,urt (VmmiMioner Jan. Oilkii.Han,
Timfy .Viiwyor fi.D. Ibwi!.
f teronrr Jomah Wimans.
County Auditors I.. L. UACKKTT, Eli
IIoi.kma, Wm. Clamc.
Member of Congress 11MA District O. W.
Stuff Senate W. A. Wallac.
4M'6fy Joim U. II ALU
tX C A
l.'JO p,m.
fl.37p. m.
Mina south.
10.04 a. m.
8.16 p, in.
1.2 p. in.
0.40 p. m,
10.1)7 n. m,
p. m,
x press.
P. D. Thomas cut two of the fingers
of bin right hand very badly in a cut
ting box Inst week.
The roads now are in excellent
condition about here and probably
will be until the next rain.
-Mrs. J. V. Stroup, whom we
chronicled aa being quite ill, two weeks
ago in now getting along finely.
Mary Jane Cliartus poisoned her
elf with morphiuo on Thursday eveu
ing last, causo jealousy. She was a
prostitute, and aged 24 years.
Mits Sue Mny, the Misses I Iu liter,
and Bennie May started back to the
Beaver Seminary yesterday. Miss Clara
Hunter graduates this terra.
A fev timber rafts passed out of
the. creek last. week, but the river is too
low for a good run down, at present.
Lumbermen are praying for a rise.
Some of our youngsters evidently
ruistoek yesterday .for the 4th of July,
m they were firing pistols for quite a
time without any visible irritation.
J. R. Stroup has been triming the
Apple trees of some of our people this
week and part of last. He seems to
tundetstaud his business in that dircc
Butler has ot length got his new
.nicnt market almost completed, and we
expect sometime to have meat in such
.quanties that we will have to cat about
four times a day.
W. W. Diraond gave us a rocking
chair lust Sunday. We commenced
to rock, and the chair "gin eout." It
was a stout lookipg chair, and we don't
believe it has had fair play.
Thus far we have had the quietest
. spring and the most orderly rafting sea
-non that we remember of. We heard
of very little drunkeuness, and no
.fights. It must be that the Millenium
is approaching.'
Teaming business is so good now
-as to make it quite difficult to obtain
, team, except you speuk for it a day
or two beforehand. Plowing, hauling
goods and lnmber, Ac, has not been as
goncral for some tiuio.
Snakes have been killed this
spriiig, and we suppose the rattles o
the. nnisnnoua ones will soon be liroili'li
; ill. Tlicso rattles will be fashionable
lor eardrops in this section during the
- , D
coming summer.
-juruemug jb ui lea just ut piescuw
Everyone having a piece of grouud
r 1-. t. i :.. .
,the size of two graves or larger, is till
" ing it preparatory to planting. At
present writing the weather looks very
favorable for good crops.
A committae has been appointed
by the M. E. Church to raise money
.for missionary purposes. If our citi
tens have not all been called upon be
fore this time they will probably be
interviewed during this week.
The Grove k Wolcott well on th
Sowers Farm, was down 600 feet on
Saturday ereuing last, and was still
goiug down rapidly. We will soon
know whether this territory is to bo a
success, as fur as one well can test it.
Several of our exchanges having
been blowing about some large hens
eggs that they have been lookiug at
this spring. We were shown an egg by
J. Wenk, which was 71 inches in cir
enraference one way, and 9 inches the
other. It was a goose egg.
J. G. Dale, S. J. Wolcott, Dr,
Hunter aud others of our citizens are
preparing to give their residences
fresh coat of paiut during this week
The example will probably be followed
by several more of our property own
The school exhibition, held at
Forest Hall on Friday evening of last
week is said to have been a perfect suc
cess. We were unable to be present our
self, but had our reporter there, and of
course are prepared to tell all about
There was not a failure in the
wholo exhibition, and to go through
the the whole programme would occu
py too much of our space, and proba
bly exhauHt all our adjectives. The
performances that were best appreciat
ed were, the Charade, "Champagne,"
The School, Prof. Weber's son?,"Jhon
Schmidt," J. P. Siggins Dong, "Dear
est rony," The paper by Prof. A. C.
Pertcr, entitled "Tho Morning Star"
and the instrumental music. All the
performances were good and well re
ceived, but tho ones spoken of above,
we hear talked of the most, and there
fore conclude they were the best. "The
Morning Star," contained several good
hints at the young folks of our town,
and we suppose we may congratulate
ouraolf that it is not to be issued regu
larly, or it might interfere somewhat
our circulation. The receipts almost
paid the expenses attendant upon the
performance, but as the admission fee
was very small, that is saying a good
deal for the size of the audience. We
hope to see similar exhibitions hereaf
On Thursdny evening of last week,
our town was thrown into a state of
violent excitement by a report that a
man called "Whiskey," living on
Judge Proper's farm, on Dutch Hill,
one mile from U wn, had killed his ba
by, and severely stabbed his wife. As
ho had been ia tho luibit of beating
lis wife when he was under the influ
ence of liquor, and was under said in
fluence whenever ho could raise the
liquor, the story was generally credit
ed. We saw the woman and child the
same evening ; the child was unhurt,
aud the women was scratched about
the neck aud hands and had evidently
been pretty severely choked. So the
murder and stabbing busiuess faded
from our view.and left us to think what
a pity it was that the origin atof of
the report, was not known to some of
our sensational dailies. Certainly his
talents are not properly appreciated
about here.
On Friday evening last our Coro
ner wns called out in a hurry by the re
port that a drowned man was lying at,
or near the head of Dustin's Island,
in the river. The Dr. loaded himself
in a skiff and proceeded to the island,
when instead of a drowned man, the
object that caused the excitement was
found to be a cow's paunch. The Dr.
returned to town, a sadder and, on ac
count of his discovery, a wiser man.
He says he has seen men who sported
a good deal of paunch, but he never
saw one, drowned or otherwise that
was all paunch.
II. L. Hogan, is to leave our
county and settle in Titusvillo, where
he will open u livery stable for the ac
commodation of the public. We fuel
like recommending him to Titusville
people, and will warrant them that
they will find him nil right. Mr. Ho
gan will have a vendue of all his per
sonal property on Thursday of this
week, at his residence on Allcnder
Hun, Harmony Township. This will
be a good opportunity for some ot our
farmers to "stock up."
We sco croquet is being patron
ized some in this section. The juve
nile play it principally, as yet. It will
soon be timo for the older ones to take
a hand. And this reminds us, that
no efforts have been made this year to
get up a Base Ball Club. Now as an
organization of this kind is supposed
to be necessary to the peace and good
will toward men, ef a village, we
hope soon to see a move in this direc
tion. A paper can be seen and signed
by ablcbodied men, at Capt Knox's
Store, for the purposo of organizing a
Militia Company under the State laws.
We notice quite a number of volun
teers ou the list, and suppose the com
pany is a sure thing. The pay by the
State is $12 per year, and the Soldiers
pay no Militia tax. Those who wish
to join had better do it soon, as the
compauy will soon be full.
We hear of parties meandering
along our streams, but have but one
ocular demonstratiou of their success
The weather is very favorable for fish'
ers, and if the fish don't bite it is their
own fault. Our has caught the
biggest string we have heard of this
year, consisting of sixty pretty fair.
sized trout. If any one catches a big
string let us hear of it.
llilbrouner & Co., have got on
their tailor from Philadelphia, and
their tailoring business is very brisk,
aud will piobably keep the man very
busy during the season. He is said to
be one of the best cutters in the State.
We advise all our readers who are iu
need of aoy thing in tho clothing line
to try Hilbrouners. They will fit you
or dio iu tho attempt.
Anybody wanting a fine Chromoi
equal to an Oil pointing, can have one
by getting 16 subsribcrs for the illus
trated newspaper called tho "People's
Weekly." The subscription price is 50
cents a year. Samples of the paper
and tho Premium Chrcmo can be seen
at our office.
R. C. Stephenson and the Flem
ing Boys, are putting up a rig on Jam
ison Hill, and calculate to be ready to
commence work about Thursday of
this week. This territory is supposed
to contain oil in large quantities and
only needs (?evelopment.
Judge Coon favored us with a call
Thursday last, and as is generally the
case when he calls, left some niwney
with us. Our creditors needu't congrat
ulate themselves on this event, how
ever, as wo have got rid of the curren
cy long ago. "
Ed, Forest Repum-ican : Our
friends met on Tuesday evening 4th
inst., at the Good Templar's Hall, in
this place, and after spending the time
nery pleasantly, and enjoying a very
excellent supper of their own provid
ing, departed, leaving us the richer by
185. Thcro has been some talk about
the Stewards charging the same on my
salary, but let me here remark that Do
Steward has ever suggested the like to
me. The suggestion was my own, and
I submit to tho wish of my friends in
this matter.
All donators have our warmest
thauks. S. S. Burton.
Ptblio Sale.
Having decided to quit the livery
business, I will expose to public sale,
on 1 t'ESDAY, Nay Zu, my immense
stock of Horses, Wagons, Sleds, Bug'
gics, Sleighs, Harness, Saddles, Bri
dies, Ac, at my stables, in lionesta
Boro. Will be sold on time with ap
proved security, or for cash, if the buy
er has more than he needs. This is a
rare chance for any one wishing to go
into the livery busiuess, and Tioncsta
a good point. Be on baud on the 2d
of May, and secure good bargains.
2-4t. D. Hays.
To Nebraska, California, and Kan
sas, and the B. & M. R. R.
The "Burlington Route," so called,
lies, right in the path of the Star of
Empire. It runs almost immediately
in the center of the great westward
movement of emigration. Crossing
Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Mis
souri river at three points.
These three poiuts are the gateways
into three great sections of the t runs
Missouri region.
The Northern gate is Omaha, where
the great Pacifiic road will take you
to the land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
Tho middle gate is PltitUmouth,
which opens upon the south half of
Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a
region unsurpassed on the continent
for agriculture and grazing. Just here
are ilie B. &. M. Railroad lauds, con
cerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land
officer at Burlington, Iowa, can give
you all information, and in the heart
of them is Lincoln, the State Capital
and present termiuus of the road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connections with 'the St. Joe Road
at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe
and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and make all
connections. It runs tho best of coach,
es, Pullman Palace and Pullman Din
ing cars, aud should you take the
jouruey for the journey's sake alone,
you will be repaid ; or take it to find
a home or a farm, and you cannot find
either better than among the B. it M.
lands, where you cau buy on teu years'
credit, and at a low price.
Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill
meu, Oil men, and other citizens ot
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing in the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this scctiou
of the country. . They are making and
repairing all kinds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4 tf.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tioncsta
Savings Bunk, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " Inman Line
Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, will
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furuish them with all the iuformation
M. P. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pa., ia selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds &c, at '20 per cent,
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens have putronized him, and find
him "square." Give him a call. His
establishment is ou tho corner of Wa
ter slid C'Lctniit HK, in Culluni block.
For Sale. One 20 Horse Powir
Thabcr Engino and Boiler in good ol
der. Inquire of D. 8. Kxox,
1-tf. , Tioncsta, Pa.
For life-size Photographs and Oil
Paintings, go to Wilt Brothers.
The largest Photographic rooms
in Western Pennsylvania, Hanna's
Block, Franklin, Pa.
The largest stock of Picture
Frames and Mouldings in the Oil Re
gions, at Wilt Bro's.
Prang's imported Chromos at
Wilt Bro's.
For Photographic views of the
Oil Regions, inquire at Wilt Bro's.
Stereoscopic views of tho Union
Si Pacific Railroad, and finn views of
the most gorgeous scenes in the i ose
mite Valley, California, nt Wilt
Brothers, Photographers and Publish
ers of views of the Oil ' Region, fcc,
dealers in Photographic instruments
and materials, Hanna's Block, Frank
lin, Pa. ' '
Fon Sale. The house and lands
known as the "Christie Properly," lo
cated at Irvinton, Warren County Ta.,
are for sale.' Tcrnu cash or approved
security. Apply to
. Jonx A. Dale.
President Tionesta Savings Bauk,
Tioncsta, Pa.
Book Binding.
We are agent for as good a book
bindery as there is anywhere. We are
prepared to do all tbe binding which
may be brought to us, at low rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples
can be seen at this office.
Newspaper Laws.
We would call the special attention
of Post Masters and subscribers to the
Forest RtrtBLiCAN to the following
synopsis of the Newspaper laws:
1. A Postmasters is required to give
notice by ett?r,(returning a paper does
not answer the law), when a subscri
ber does not take his paper out of the
office, and state the reason for its not
being taken. Neglecting to do so
makes the Postmaster responsible to
tho publisher for the payment.
I, Any person who takes a paper
from tho Post office, whether directed
to his name or another, or whether he
has subscribed or not, is responsible for
the pay.
3. If a person orders his paper dis
continued, he must pay all arrearages,
or the publisher may continue to send
it until payment is made, and collect
4. If the subscriber orders his pa
per to Ie stopped at a certain time,and
the publisher continues to send, the
subscriber is bound to pay for it if he
takes tt out of the Jvst tjmce. I he law
proceeds upon the ground that 'a man
must pay tor what he uses.
The courts have decided that refus
ing to take newspapers and periodicals
from the post office, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, Is prima
fatte evidence ot intentional Iraud.
Scripture and Science have met together
UencHiH and Ucology havo kissed cuo
A book or thrillinir intercut Hint irrcatcst
importance to every human liein. The
1'aporH, I'ulpita and 1'eople are all uihciih.
Hiiiu the sullied aud book, every num. to
man and child wants it. The long tierce
war is ended, and hononilile caceHccur"d,
Science is true, the Ilible literal, dure ami
linn friends, (iod'8 work davM. six actual
days, not long periods. This book jrivos
tho very cream of m-lpnce, making its
turiimiK realities, beauties, wormier aud
Hiarkllntr items a hundred told more in
terest in l' than fiction. AtjKNTH WANT-
Kl). ICxp triencud Afients will drop other
books aud secure turr'tory immediately.
Address tor circular, .ienierd- Mct'urdy,
lustium ixiii street, l'lina., 1'a. 4"-4t
uixk xoinvAY oats
Y R. MoCAI.MONT, of llartntown,
u l rawlord county, lias on hand a limit'
ed quantity of genuine Norway Oats,
w hich he oilers for sale at reasonable rates:
Olio bushel (!; ten bushels, or over, 1.."0
per bushel. Sent hv express, O. P., to
any address. Farmers should purchase
soon, as the stock will soon bo exhaustHi.
Those oats will yield from seventy to eighty
bushels for every bushel sown. Send in
your orders to J. s, itil ALMUM ,
50 Jlarlstown, ls,
Administrator's Notice.
W1IKKKAS, letters of administration
to tho estsio of Christian Kulins, late of
Harnett Township, docuasud, have leen
irrauted to the subserilKr. All persons in
dented to said esUtte will make paymeul
immediately, ami inose Having claim
amiinst the si. mo will present the same, as
required by law, to tho undersigned duly
auilic"ticaicii, lor settlement.
JoHN II. KI IINS, Administrator,
llurnott, i'Vb. 24, 1871. 4tl-4t
WHKUKAS, letters of administration
have I ecu urantod aud issued to tho sub'
scrilsM', to th'J estate of John Neil!, late ol
said County, deceased. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate will present them
to the iimlcraiuncd tlulv authenticated,
...i.l . let r v..'. t
waiiuui ui-i, ti iti, . .r.ii.ij,
Neillaburjj, Feb. IS, 1M71. 4U-4t
C2KVI AUKXr.S waxti-:
for tjrocsliacii's Calculating machine, rap
id, a.M-uratc, reliable, simple, Kaseiy
ajM'raicu, ctieap auu uoauiuui.
Civlnu instantaneous additions or sub
trations, tukniK Iroui the to live columns
ot lufiiros nt n tiuio, carry mtr and borrow
ing its own tens, hundreds, els., without
the least thonht on the part of the opera
tor. Address, Zicglcr McCuidv, Phil
adelphia, Pa. 4U-41
RRE2 TO luindsomu Pros-
. jHHlus of u ii r
TJOflTv A'rw Jttuntrateit
J-WXk hnmilu libit
containing over
lioo line Scripture
Illustrations t any Hoob ap-nt, free of
churKC Ad.liess, National Publishing Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
To the Nerveoua
irosTCdnfTcrlntfH have tieon protract
ed from hidden i-ruscm, ami whoso
raxes require prompt treatment to render
oxixtenc denirnblc ;
If you are suffcrins;, or have suffered
from involuntary discharge, what effect
does it produce on your gniioral health T
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a little extra exertion produce pal
pitation of the heart T Docs your liver, or
urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent
ly get out of order? Is your urine some
times thick, milky or floeky, or Is it ropy
on settling? Or docs a thick skum rise to
the top ? Or is a sediment at tho ljottom af
ter it has stood awhile? Do you have
spells of short brcathingor dispepsia? Are
your lxiwels constipated?' Do you have
spells of fraintiiif, or rushes of blood to
the head ? Is your memory linpared ? Is
your mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Doyoufecl dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lite? Do you wish
to bo left alone, away from everybody ?
Docs any little thing make you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless?
Is tho lustre of your eye as brilliant?
Tho bloom on your check as bright? Do
you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do
you pursue your businoss with tho same
energy ? Do you feci as much confidence
in y ousel f? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so,
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your knees weak, and have but lit
tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dys
pepsia or liver-complaint ?
Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. The organs of genera
tion.whcn in perfect health, make tho man
Did you ever think that thoso Isild, dolls,
ant. energetic, persevering, successful business-men
are always thoso whoso genera
tive organs are in perfect health? You
never hoar such" men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They arc never afraid they
cannot succeed in business ; they don't be
come sad and discouraged ; they arealways
Hilite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, and.look yon and them right in the
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nat mean
thoso who keep the organs inflated by
running to exoesa. Those will not only
ruin their constitutions, but also these
they do business with or for,
How many men, from badly rurcd dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, have brought about that state of
weakness in thoso organs that has reduced
the gencal system so mnch as to produco
almost every other diseaso idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al
most every other form of disease which
humanity Is heir to, and tho real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspoctod and
have doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these organs requiro the uso
of a Diuretic. IIKLMHOI.D'H FLUID
EXTRACT BCCIIU is the great Diurotie,
and is a certain euro for diseases of tho
lllndder, Kidneys, fJravcl, Dropsy, Organ
ic Weakness, Female. Complaints, Gener
al Deblty, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing iu Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause originating,
aud no matter of how long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to, Con
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our
flesh and blood are supiorled from those
sources, and the health and happiness,
astl that of Postority, dceiuU- apou
prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Helinbold's Extract Uuchu, established
upw ard of 1'J .ears, prepared by II. T.
HELM HOLD, Druggist, 5i4 liroadway.
Now York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pu. Pkick ?1.2 i per Imttlo
or G bottles for fl.50, delivered to uny ad
dress, bold by all Druggcsts everyw here.
Wrappor, fuo-sinilo of my Chemical Ware
house, and signed 11. T. HEI.MUOI.D.
IK 1 r
gQQ Knergrtie Farmers Want fit. From
t-H to $100 enn bo made dnrlnir thn Idle
winter months. Itunlnoss pleasant and
honorable. For further particularsof this
Sireuil chance address at once A. II. Hub
bard, l'hila, Pa. S!Mt
wants a numls-r of good ajtents, also a
good Oeneral Airent for Western i'b, also
a tfood jrencrnl Airent for the Oerinan
counties of Ts. Address Hand in Hand
oltice, No. V2 South 4th St., l'hila. ! 4t
$5 to $20 per day and no risk. l)o you
want a situation as salesman nt or near
home, to Introduce our now 7 strand White
Wire Clothis Lines to last forever, lsm't
miss the chanoo. Sample free. Address
Hmtmn Hivtr Wire Wnrks, 75 Win St. N.
Y or 111 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 3!i-4w
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
$1,000 TO $2,000
BfKIK AGENTS or experience; or a
lamer commission than ia oflcrrd bv
any other Publishers. AJtents are making
tnio to S'-'OO per week canvassing for our new
Illustrated books. We guarantee Agents
a salary or a largo commission, with a
choice of twi new and popular books and
exclusive territory. Vt e offer a rare chance
to energetic men and women to make
money. Secure your ngenev diroct from
the publishers. J. f IU it u tY Hi.,
.0-4t Hartford, Corn
Free to Book Agents.
We will send o handsome Prospectus of
our 2cw J tluxtnttrated family Jlinie con
tainina over 200 lino scripturo lllustra
tratiousto any llook Agent free of charge.
Address National t'uotisning t.o. lima
dolphin, Pa. 4l-4t
for Groesbeck's Calculating Machine, rap
Id, accurae, reliable, simple, easily ope
rated cltcnn and beautiful. Givintr install
tnneous additions or subtractions, biking
from one to live columns of figures at a
a time, csirrving and borrowing its own
tens, hundreds, etc., without the least
thought on the part of the operator. Ad
dress ZEIG LER Met 'U K 1)Y,
41-4t Philadelphia, Pa.
WAR, in German and English, with line
steel engravings, maps, etc. Agents are
getting from 'J5 to 60 sulwcribcrs per day,
One ngent reports 16:1 orders tho hrst two
(lavs. Now is the time to secure an Alien
cy for this and oilier works desirable for
Agents. Address Quaker City publishing
House I auu zv quince ot., I'nnadei
plila. Pa. 41-4t
ITS Votaries, by Dr. J no- H. Ellis. The
most Htartling hook of imMlorn times. Tho
wholo subject laid lmrend its hideoiisncss
exposed to universal execration. v ritien
in the interests of Civilisation, Christiani
ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars
and terms. U. S. Publishing Co., 41
Iirooine St., N. Y. 41-4t
IssuedJan. 1st 1871.
"lOO Choice selections No. 3." con
tiiiniiiu tho best new things for Declama'
tlon. Recitation, etc. llrilliant Oratory,
Thrilling sentiment, and Sparkling Hu
mor. ISO paces. paiMT :io cts. cloth 7ft cents,
Ask your bouksullcr for it, or scud prico
to P. Garrett rf- Co, rnua, ra. a-J-ii
Vntti for
TwcItb Tears Tg WM Inflians & Plains.
who lorui a love of wild adveu'ure and a
thirst for knowledge of tho Indians tho
Miiulaiiiu h!,w..-!u 'I V,.. 1 i t ii iu Wiira t.rnnl
Jiullulo i I nuts, etc., Ac, left a home of
plenty ill Ohio, Joined the Indians, adopt
ed their mode of life, married the beauti
ful Washtella, hocause a Great Warrior,
Hunter and Chief of lot) lodges, was ap
pointed Lieutenant iu tho U. S. Regular
Army, for meritorious servico with his
braves against hostiln Indians. A book of
the most thrilling interest, a reality well
authenticated. Truthstranger than fiction
SuHrbiy illustrated. 70 engravings, with
portrait of tho author, in full frontier cos
tume. Prico low. Should outsell any book
extant. Send at oneo for illustrated circu
lar, table of contents, sample pages and
terms. A. II. HL'HRAKli, Publisher, 400
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 41-4t.
ThJ Republican Office
KEEPS- constantly on hand a large as
sortutoiit of ILIaiik Deeds, Mortgages,
SiihpceniiN, Warrants, Summons, ito. to
tie sold cheap for cash. tf.
took Agents Slake
fso to $200 per Month by selling
AndHow Tiikt HKnK Mahk. By J. D.
Met 'alio, Jr. New fresh and original. Pro
fusely illustrated and beautifully hound.
It shows liowa poor M-lnsd-mastcr made
IU,(SiO,0O0; how a poor half-blind sailor be
came a great banker, a butcher's appren
tice tho wealthiest man in America, an un
known mechanic a millionaire iu seven
years, with many more such examples;
iw energy, talent, and patient industry
ve always met with succosa when pro
3rly exurtod j how money can be made
ancstly and without sacrifice of princi
. al. Send for Circular, etc., an I notice
i -y extra terms Geo. Maelcuii Publics,
"lySaiisolii St., I'hiladclhiu. S-4t
ATCH FREE, and t-'Sti a day sure and
no huiiiliiig. Address LA IIAiiiu
tsburgh, 1'a. S'J-4t
WANTED Agents everywhere to sell
Y ur new book, vis: "HISTORY OF
Italy," (illustrated) by Johu S. Abbott.
A splendid suls-t and popular author.
H. 11. KUSSElX.Publisher, Ronton, Mass.
Salesmen Wanted.
Rusiness hcnorublc. No competition, Ub
oral pay mveii. S. v . K i.. . i.l' l ,
so it
S H. 4th St., I hi
ANtnTAOENTS-To ssliXnr n
Illustrated rfwk of Travele
Rv Col. Thomah VT. Knox. A eoropre
liinsive and valuable exposition of tho.
countries of Alaski; Siberla,,'Chlna and
Russia na thev are to-dav. Natching our
Richardson's' "ISeyond the Mississippi."
and Murk Twain's "Innocents Abroad" In
slylo, Ac Sond for circuiar and. o our
extra terms. Address
10-4 w Hartford, Conn.
1d:R,. IP. HALL'S
HAS Wen used durinS tho last Bfteeti
vcars bv thousands of people for ths
speedy curw of throat and lung dlseuw.
it has lieen thoroughly tosteti ins voice ot
the press and the people hvc rendere l
their verdict bv pronouncing it a "SAFK,
L REMEDY the best Medicine kiiuwt
for curing Lung Complaints. Every per
son of every age afflicted with either of the
following diseases, should use this pleas
ant remedy without delay, and thsir
voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth
ers in recrmmending its eflicacy te -their
alllicted netghlsirs and menus. ..t
faT Use Halt $ Cough Kenedy t currs
(.Vrfs. .
t&"Ue Hair Cough liemttfy M euro
Croup or names.
BSTTw IMC Cough Remedy .it eurst
A nth ma and I hthtsie.
SF- Use Hair Cough Remedy fur CV-
K-Use Hair Cougu nemedyitttrtng-
then the lunqs.
t&rUse Hair Cough Remedy for Brc-
8-lTe HaWt Cough Remedy fcr
8QT Use HalT Cough Remedy it ttreng-
then the voice. . .
HfSUse HaW Cough f Remedy Jtr
It will irreatl v modify the violence of this
disease and sherten its tedious courso on
half from its ordinary duration. ' ,
lleware of counterfeits and base imita
tions, call for Dr. P. Hall s Celebrated
Cough Remedy and seoTlhat his written
signature is upon tho wrapper, and direc
We the undersigned eitiiensof ErieCity
and vicinity, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel
ebrated Cough Remedy with great succtss,
in earing discasee of the Throat and Lungs
and take pleasure in recommending its usu
to the afflicted as a speedy and effvetmu
remedy, fully worthy of public conndenoj
James Thompson
John Melhorn Sr
Itobern Cochraa
Daniel Hear
J Robison
John A Tracy
John W McLane
John W Hays
John R Cochran
John R Dumara
John M Warren
John S Rrown
S L Forster
J W Hull
Orvlce Smith
C Dumara
II O Root,
Wilson King,
Dsniel Minor,
C R Wriirht
Vf F Rindcrneeht
P E Rurton
Alanson Sherwood
W H CoojMir
Joseph Deem;
DenJ Grant
Lucius A Hull
Tho M'Kee
W M Gallagher
Chas W Kelso
D P Ensign
D Shirk
Richard Reea
J T Case
Matthew Hamilton
J W Ryan
J Mooney
J W Culver
Wm II May
A M Tar halt
E A Rennet!
Daniel lluver
V K Kiblet
M Mavor
J L 1,6ms .'
J Robinson Sd
HilssH Finch- '
C G Howell
J Salsbury
Manufacturer and sole proprietor,-Hail's
New Ruilding, Stalest. PRICE 7J C IS.
PER ROTTLE. Sold by D. S. KNOX &
CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agent general
ly, u-aui
APCNTC wanted for Headlev's New, I O Frosh ROOK "Sacred Her. vs
and Mart.vs." Written in the Author's
happiest style, and surpassing his former
work, which have sold by tho 100,000.
Willi Original StcelJ Engravings from de
signs by our Artist who has spent three
years iii Jtililo Ijinds. The Clergy, and
the Press are loud in Its praise. AgtnU
are making money rapidly, E. It. Treat tr
Co., Rub's U54 B'tlway, N. Y. 5-4w
WE are now receiving a large stoek. or
Musical Merchandise, consisting ot
And a full liue of r
We are Agents for
Mciiiuuj' A ftoiiM,
C'IilrkerliiKfc Nodk,
Knabe A O.
and fill all orders of othor inannfneturb: a
if desired, nt the lowcs rates. u hiVj
the celebrated
of Roston, tho finest hkkd isstbi-mknt
yet introduced, w hich wo can sell ou very
reasonable terms. A large stock uf He! yet
Sheet Music always on hand.
Our instruments need no notice at our
hands, as llicv have Ikicii before tho world
for twenty to' thirty years. Wbwahh.vs?
Til KM KoH K1VK VKAlis, and will sell .!:
monthly payments, exchange for soeoii.l
hand instruments, or for CASH if urged.
Wo shall lie pleased to show our j .d,8
te all who may favor us with a call.
J. 11. ROOTH,
4 f. Orre Hn Hlek. Tlms-Jl