The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 04, 1871, Image 4

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furorm It. II. Mat.
biici'mn Jacob Shrlvcr, J. II. Stroll p,
"W. W, Dimond. H. II, Haslet, .1. W limns.
Juttiee of the Jtact W. 1. Morcilllott,
I. M. Knox.
fntnbtc ,1. N.Teitsworth.
5-oo Director J.Winans, J. A. Dale,
3, A. Proper, Jacob Hhrlvor, D. 8. Knox,
H. li. Irwin.
president Judae Jamkh Campbrm,.
Aiuoeinte Judge J. A. .Pkopkr, An
Bw Cook.
Nherif K. I. Davis.
JaXrwe 4Momry W. W. M.uon,
Treiuurer H. Skti.icY.
JVotAosornry, JltgMer dt Recorder, it.
J, B. Annnw,
CommMJti'onrr N. P. Whkki.eb, Besj.
fbn( Suverintrndent H. F.'Ronnisn.
Jury OommUitioners J AS. GlI.KU.LI.VM,
County .Surveyor S.D. Irwiw.
. i . . w.u . u-
County Auditor L. i Uackett, Eu
Uolbvan. Wm. Clark.
Member of Cbngrtt HWA DintrictQ. W.
Stat .Senate W. A. Wai.LACK.
a iuiaUjMoKK U. Hall.
O. C A
1.20 p,m.
6.37 p. in.
10.04 a. m.
8.18 p, in
X press.
J-? J
0.40 p. m.
E press.
10.07 a. m.
3.20 p. m,
-Don't go back on your newspaper,
A subscriber to an Iowa paper recent
'ly stopped it, and the next week he
was nearly kicked, to death by a horse. I
Irof. Weber kindly favored us
with his company and some first class
music on the violin the ether dny. The
Prof, is chuck full of melody and he
is not at all stingy of it.
. A social muWinir . had at the
r'esiJknce of U. II. May, Esq., on
Thursday evenine last, where all en-
joyed themselves to the full extent of
their capacity. I
-Capl Knox has bought the Rath-
hun Huso, and has torn it down and
moved the lumber to the lot adjoining
Win. Dimond's house, where he will
ut up a building for rent.
A ,i.; f, K. nf P.r
u u n. .... :n i. i.i a : .u- n a
t l. -. it. it it i -
AGUiiiim Aiuu vu who i lucauBi i cir i
ing. The committee don t wish to,
light any one, and therefore everybody
is invited to attend.
-S. D. Irwin and wife are fixing up
h "Brown House" preparatory to
housekeeping and P. O. Conver pro-
iposes to move his office up stairs and
occupy the lower part of his building
as a dwelling.
A good Templars' Convention is
to be held in Meadville on the 12th
J a ! 11 . I
ou iota oi Apru. on delegate were
eiectea irom iionesta ljooge, viz : Airs,
J. O. Dale, Mrs. J. B. Agnew, Messrs.
A. II. Steele, Dr. Viuans, Rev. Bur-
too and J. P. Siggius.
Roberts, Hays & Co. have been
getting out ties, up the creek, about
Old town during the past winter, and
we are informed that they have now,
ready for market 300,000 of them.
This will no doubt prove a profitable
winter s work tot the firm.
, Receiving amounts due on sub
neripdoa is always iu order at this of-
. t4t, eptcmlj bow, that we are just
tartiagin a new voluiuo. If any
of our tubscribera are troubled with
'-loss aTaLeep or appetite indigestion or
hutt Mok, iet them see that their news
paper couut is squared, and if they
ion't et better iimnedrately, why they
ciced some medicine.
i The well of Grove & Wolcott, on
the Sowers Farm is down about 440
feet and progressing finely, with indl
aiions of bucccss. Some difficulty
'has been experienced in keeping the
water out of tho well, but this will
soon cease w irouure mem. mere u
no doubt that there is oil iu payin
-quantities on this farm; and we would
as soon see Grove & Wolcott jet it as
.any one ulse.
A Clerical gentieraaa iu this vi
cinity, recieved, last winter, anony
irnously, a loaf of very poor bread,
Not being able to eat it himself, he fed
It to his cow, and had to sit up nights
with her for some time after. We sup
jKe the person w ho contributed the
hrnU wan doiug it in accordance with
the scripture text
Cast thy bread up-
on the waters," do., but we have no
faith that the bread contributed came
up to the standard of the bread refer
red to in the text.
It will he ccu from a notice pub-
lihed iu another column, that our old
friend, Fid Bishop, of Oil City, is a
candidate loruounty treasurer of Ye-
nango Couuty. Fid. has been sue of
the most zealous workers iu the party
for raauy years, and is a worthy and
competent person for the position to
which he aspires, aud we think the
party will honor iUelf by honoring
-"March went out after tro' most
lamb like pattern, and April crime in
accompanied with oow, rain, fec.
The Tlonesta Temple of Honor
has rented tho Good Templars' Hall
to hold their meetings in. The regu
lar meetings are on Saturday evening
of each week.
-Several persons wf re "fooled" on
the first of April in our borough, but
all was conducted in such a manner
as to leave no bitterness in the hearts
of those who had been the victims.
Trout -fishing is now in order, and
we expect to Bonn see strings oi me
speckled luxury dished up about here.
We may always be found in our office,
over Knox's Store. Don t bring them
all ou the came day.
Alex. Dale performed a surgical
operation on his foot with an ax. He
was laid up a day or two, but we no-
lice nun on ine Streets again
lu the
words of ihe old lady, we would re
mark, "Always cut from you'se f and
yeu never cut you'so'f."
Tidioute is having a course of lec
tures by "homo talent." Maj. Mc-
Llintock, of the Journal delivered me
eighth lecture of the course, having
for his subject, "Sundries." When
Tidioute gets short of talent and wants
some that is first class, let them apply
to Tionesta.
W. W. Muson got to feeling so
hilarious over the New Hampshire
elctions that he couldu't rest until he
got at and sprained our aukle. We hope
he feels better now, but we can assure
our readers that we don't. Mr. Mason
is now prepared to receive any kind of
news with perfect coolness. e how
ever, being coufincd to the house by
reason of our misfortune, do not expect
t hear much news of any kind, and
ur subscribers must not grumble if
we do not keep them as well posted as
w0 do wbuu we c"jy our usual health.
Our boro' schools closed on Fri
day last, until further notice. An ex
hibition of the talent of the school, w ith
a little outside assistance, will take
place at Forest Hall, on next Friday
evening admission 10 cts. After this
event Prof. Porter "folds his tent like
the Arab, and" dipceth out, where
about he has not lust vetdecided. II
- -
lofty form and heart-rending smile will
be missed from among us, and, as the
Professor is a bachelor, we don't know
but some of our young ladies are sor
rowing silently because he goeth. He
is going to get all his job work done
at tiiis office, he says, since we printed
that magnificent programme for him
but wo arc afraid he is preparing a job
that would more properly como within
the range of a minister or a squire
w j, beHeve lhnt ti,e professor
wou;j ,uake HD excellcnt family man
I.nformat.ox Wanted. John P.
Nolan, aged twenty-two and a printer
by profession, having been absent from
his home in Bellefontc, Pa., near two
years, and nothing having been heard
of him by his mother during that time,
has caused her great uneasiness. Last
heard from him he was in Corry, Pa.
A,ny information concerning hiia, ad
dressed to T. B. Nolan, Adjutaut Gen
eral's office, Washington, D. C. will be
thankfully received. Exchanges please
Tue Beaver Seminary. This
most excellent school so favorably
known now for several years to some
of the leading families of our cointy,
closed its winter term last week. Miss
Susie May and Miunie Hunter, of our
village had part in the musical portion
of the exercises. The Spring Session
opens April 4th. Send for catalogue
to Rev. R. T. Taylor, Beaver, Fa.
For Sale. One 20 Horse Power
Timber Engine aud Boiler in good or
der. Inquire of D. S. Knox,
1-tf. Tionesta, Pa.
For life-size Photographs and Oil
Paintings, go to Wilt Brothers.
The largest Photographic rooms
... V 4
m Western i'enusyivauia, liannas
Block, Franklin, Pa
The largest stock of Picture
Frames aud Mouldings in the Oil Re
gions, at Wilt Bro's.
Pranir's imported Chromos at
Wilt Bro's.
For Photographic views of the
Oil Regions, inquire at Wilt Bro's
Stereoscopic views of the Uuion
& Pacific Railroad, and fine views of
the most gorgeous scenes in the Yose.
mite Valley. Calitoruia, at will
Brothers. Photocrra pliers und Publish
ersof views of the Oil Region, &c,
dealers in Photographic instruments
and materials, Hauna's Block, i rank
Hn, Pa.
s,.ti, i,iin and lands
ku0wll M ti, .'Christie Propeny," lo-
ratei ftt irvintoii. Warren Couuty Pa.,
ure for Sttle Xcrnu cash or approved
Bewlritv. Apply to
Jons A. Dale.
President Tionesta Savinjji Bauk,
Tlonta, pa.
Newspaper Laws.
We would call the special attention
of Tost Masters and subscribers to the
Forest RtruBLicAN to the following
synopsis of the Newspaper laws :
1. A Postmasters is required to give
notice by ccr,(returning a paper does
not answer the law), when a subscri
ber does not take his paper out nf the
office, ami state the reason for its not
heme taken. Neglecting to do so
akes the I'oRtmnfter reeponsiuic 10
the publisher for the payment.
'I. Any person who takes a paper
from tho Tost office, whether directed
to his name or another, or whether he
has subscribed or not, is responsible for
the pay.
3. It a person orders ins paper dis
continued, he must pay all arrearages,
or the publisher may continue to send
t until payment is made, and collect
4. If the subscriber orders his pa
per to be stopped at a certain time.and
the publisher continues to send, the
subscriber is hound to pay for it if he
takes it out of the l)t Office. The law
proceeds upon the ground that a man
must nay lor what he uses.
The courts nave ueeiaeu vnai reius
ne to take newspapers and periodicals
from the post office, or removing and
leaving them uncalled for, is prima
facie evidence of intentional fraud.
To Nebraska, California, and Kan
sas, and the B. & M. R. R.
The "Burlington Route," so called,
lies, right in the path of the Star of
Empire. It runs almost immediately
in the center of the great westward
movement of emigration. Crossing
Illinois and Iowa, it strikes tho Mis-
siouri river at three points.
These three points are the gateways
into three great sections of the trans
Missouri region.
The Northern gate is Omaha, where
the great Pacifiic road will take you
to tho land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
The middle gate is PlatUinouth,
which opens upon the south half of
Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a
region unsurpassed on the continent
for agriculture and grazing. Just here
are the B. &. M. Railroad lands, con
cerniug which Geo. S. Harris, the land
officer at JJurlmgton, Iowa, can give
you all information, and in tho heart
of them is Lincoln, the State Capital
and present terminus of the road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connections with the St. Joe Road
at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe
and Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and make all
connections. It runs the best of conch,
cs, Pullman Palace and Pullman Din
ing cars, and should you take the
journey for the jouruey's sake alone,
you will be repaid ; or take it to find
a home or a farm, and you cannot find
either better than among the B. & M.
lands, where you can buy on teu years
credit, and at a low price.
Carpenteks, Blacksmiths, Saw mil
men, Uil men, and other citizens oi
Forest county, who are in want of any
thing iu the Hardware line, should go
to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They
have the largest stock in this section
of the country. They are making aud
repairing all kiuds of Machinery and
Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf.
A. II. Steele, Cashier Tionesta
Savings Bank, has been appointed
agent for the celebrated " Iuiuan Line
Ocean Steamers," at tlii place. Any
person desirous of going to Europe or
bringing friends to this country, w ill
do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will
furnish them with all tho information
M. r. Jenks, Jeweller, Meadville,
Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry,
Chains, Diamonds &c., at 20 per cent.
below marked prices. Several of our
citizens have patronized him, and find
him "(smiare." Give him a call. His
entabliajioicnt is on. the corner of Wa
ter and Chestnut Sts., in Cullum block
yew Advertisements.
The many friends of FID BISHOP, of
Oil Citv, resMJctlullv announce to the He-
Kublii un voters of Venango County, that
e is a candidate for County Treasurer,
uhect to ltepublican usages.
Oil City, Ma; ch 10, 1871. 1-tf.
On vt uys uud Uy-ways in the Hidden life
Ily Otticer Mc H'attcrs. A narrative of
25 years experience among Ban k Robbers,
Counterfeiters, Thies, PickockeU, lotte
ry Dealers. Confidence Melt and Swindlers
of all classes of society disclosing mrrk
ed instances of diabolical vengonco and
deep laid plans of mischief and outrage,
uud showing the modes by which they
were traced out and scoundrels brought to
justice. A largo volume ol over UM pages
'31 full page engravings.
t or circular und terms address tho pub
lishers, J. 11. Burr it Hyde, Hartford, Ct.
WANTICD Agents everywhere to sell
cur new lsok, viz: HIS'l'OHV Ol'
Italy," (illustrated) by John S. C. AbUiiL
A splendid Hiilijcct and popular author.
H. li. ltlSK.l.l.,PnblirhT,lfcislon, Mas.
T ATCH FHF.K, and 30 a flay aUre, no
it lumilniK. Andrcna will Rtiiinp,
I alia
A Co., l'itUburnli, 1'a.
Convent l.ifo Unvoilod." liy
llth O'fiorinnn, Kxrnpeil Nun whoso
iliHi'loNiiroH arc thrilling and Marti inn.
I'ric-p (i,5o. Connecticut l'uhliHhiiin Co.,
Hartford, Ct. l-4t
DRAFNKSS, Catarrh SiTofula. A lady
who had Kuffered for y coin from Tcal
IH)B, Ciitiirrh and Ncrofnlu, was cured hy
a aimplu ronnxly. nor ayniniiiny anu
(rratitudp prompts her U send the wnlpta
fro of charuB to anv one mmiliirly Blllict
cd. Address Mrs. M. C. l.em tt, Jersy
City. N. J. 1-Jt
with the tireen Tea Flnvor
Warranted to auit all
taMU-s. For anle every
where. For sale wholo
oniv lv theGreiit Atlantic
and l'wiflo Tea Co., 8 Chutch St. New
York. 1". ). Hox 6jo". Send for Thoa
Neotar ein ulnr. 8U 4t
Over one thousand Illustrations. The
lurKent IhuI selling, and most attractive
subscription lxok ever published. One
aent in Denver, Colorado, sold 100 In four
davs. One ajtent In Milwaukio sold 30
copies In one-half day. and a lorjre num
ber lrom l to 311 copies per uay. nenu lor
Circulars, with trins at once. Address, U.
8. Publishing Co., 411 llroomo rit., N. Y.
Why will ou Cough when you can be
so easily released by usinic
Ir. Wells' Carbolic Tnblc?
Thov arc a sure for Sore Throat, Cold,
ioarscneas. Catarrh and all Diseases ol
the Lungs, Throat and llronchial Tubes.
From the great number of Testimonials
us to the efllciencv of the invaluable mod-
cine the following is selected :
47 Wuhpaiiscu Ave., Chicago 111 ,
January 14, 1H71.
"For the last ten years I have been a
great Burt'orer from frequent attacks of
Acute 1'ronchitis, and have never found
anything to relieve mo from these attacks
until 1 tried Dr. wens' carnoiic -j amcm."
ICi.izabkth T. Koot.
le Tablets ; don't let other i;oods be palmed
olfon vou in their nhec.
John Q. Kclloj-, 84 Piatt St., N. Y.' Sole
Agent. Sold by Druirgists, Price 25 cents
a box. 4'J-4t
Scripture and Science have met together
Genesis und Geology lmvo kissed euo
A book of thrilling Interest and greatest
importance to every human being. Tho
Papers, Pulpits and People are all discus
sing the subject and book, every man. wo
man and child wauta It. Tho long tierce
war is omleu, anrl Honorable peace secured
Science is true, the Bible literal, dure am:
firm friends, liod's work davs, six actual
days, not long periods. This book gives
the very cream of science, making Its
thrilling realities, lasauties, wonders ami
sparkling gems a hundred told more In
tcrcsting than fiction. AWF.NTS WANT
ED. Kxpjrieneed Agents will drop other
1 looks and aec lire territory immediately.
Address for circular, .iegiort McCurdy,
10 South Sixth street, i'lula., l'a. 4"-4t
T 8. MoCAl-MONT, of Hartstown,
o Crawtord county, has on hand a limit
ed quantity of genuine Norway Oats,
which he oilers for sale at reasonable rates:
One bushel ten bushels, or over, $l..r0
per bushel. - Kent by express, C. O. I)., to
any address. Furincrs should purchase
soon, as the stock will soon lie exhausted.
These oats will yield from seventy to eighty
bushels for every bushel sown. Send iu
your orders to J. S, McCALMONT,
60 Hartstown, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
WIIRHKA3, letters of administration
to the estate of Christian Kuhns, late nf
Harne.t Township, deceased, have been
irrsnted to suuscriher. All persons in
debtcd to said csilo will make puymeut
immediately, and tiukjo having claim
against the same will preseni ihe same, as
l l... 1 . 1 1 i .... ,),,.,
autheticatcl, tor settlement.
JOHN II. KUHNS. Administrator.
Harnett, Feb. 24, 1871. 40-4t
W1IKREAS, letters of administration
have been granted and issued to the sub
scriber, to tho estate of John Noill, late ol
said Coimtv, deceased. All persons In
debted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims against sum estate will present then
to the undersigned duly authenticated
without delay. WM. C. kilj,
Xeillsburfc, Feb. 18, 1871. 4u-4t
WANTKD AUKNTS, () per dav) to
sell the celebrated HUM H SHUTTI.K
SKWINti MACHINE. Has the umhj
feed, makes tho 'dock stitch" (allko on
both sides) and is fully licensed. Tiie
and cheapest family Sewing Machine iu
the market. Address Johnson, ( lark
Co.. Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chi
cai;o, 111., or St. lAiuis, Mo. 4U-4t
for Groosbuc k's Calculating machiiio, rap,
id, aocurate, reliable, simple, Lusol)
upcratcd, cheap ami beautiful.
(Jiving instuntnnooiis additions or sub,
tratious, tuking from the to live columns
of tigures at a tiuie, carrying und borrow
ing its own tens, hundreds, cts., without
the least thought on the part of the opera
tor. Address, Ziegler Sl McCurdy, Phil
adelphia, Pa. 4H-4t
nenr? rnfVVe wil1 8,,a
X .1 1 ' handsome Pros
pectus of o u
TtflflTC AVio Illustrated
T 1 t'amilu Bib I
AiPRTrnC! containing over
XXVTJuJM JL routine Scripture
Illustrations to any lioob agent, free o
charge. Address, isauoimi I'ububhaig Co.
Philadelphia, t'u.
and buyers are notiticd, that a better and
elieajter Jar than was ever known w ill lie
supplied, i no Jar exceus in every quali
ty and requirement, aud wi 1 outsell and
can undersell any a d all others. It will
sell itself. Important price list for 1871
now reaiiv and sent tree. Addres Chan.
Iinlay di Sou, No. 2J1 Dock St., Philadel
phia, Pa. '8-4t
The most useful, ornamental, scusibl
and noiiular of sulis-ripli(iii books.
"1'hvsii ul Training of Children,'' just oil
It lias splendid Stuci Plates, is richly
iHiund, and every rather and Mother h
sees it wunls it. li lias no opposition an
delivers elegantly. The lust ugeut out
cleared in live hours. So modi
Issik like tills one. Splendid terms. C
.iihii-u Mint li-tsi. CallVHssllllf ItiKiks Olll
81. New World Pub. Co., S. W. cor. 7ll
and Market Sts., Philadelphia. -JS-4t
lull U OHK neatly executcJ at thisollioo
at rfns'mahle nris.
To the Nerveous
WIIOSF. sufferings have been protract
ed from hidden auses, and whoso
cases require prompt treatment to render
oxistence desirable ;
If you are suffering, or have suffered
from Involuntary discharges, what effect
does it produco on your goneral health f
Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Does a little extra exertion produco pal
pitation of the heart t Docs your liver, or
urinary organs, or yourkldneys, frequent
ly get out of order? Is your urine some
times ihick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy
on settling? Or does a thick skum rise to
tho top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom af
ter It lias stood awhilo ? Do you have
pells of short breathlngor dispepsia? Are
our bowels constipated? Do you have
spells of fralntlng, or rushes of blood to
the head ? Is your memory Impared ? Is
otir mind constantly dwelling on this
subject? Doyoufccl dull, listless, moping,
tired of company, or lile? Do you wish
to be left alone, away from everybody ?
Does any little thing mka you start or
Jump? Is your sleep broken or rcatless?
the lustre of your eye aa brilliant ?
The bloom on your check as bright? Do
ou enjoy yourself In society as well ? Do
you pursue your business wltli the same
energy ? Do you feel as much confidence
in youself ? Are your spirits dull and flag,
ging, given to fits of melancholy? If bo,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia.
Have you restless nights? Your back
weak, your kneos weak, and have but lit
tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys
pepsia or liver-complaint ?
Now, reader, aelf-abuae, venereal dis
eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are
all capable of producing a weakness of the
generative organs. Tho organs of genera.
tion.whon in perfect health, make the man
Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus
iness-men are always those whose genera
tive organs are in perfect health? You
never hear such men complain of being
melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation
of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed in business ; they don't be.
come sad and discouraged ; they arealwaya
polite and pleasant in the company of la
dies, and look you and them right in the
face none of your downcast looks or any
meanness about them. I do nut mean
those who keep tho organs inflated by
running to excess. Those will not only
ruin their constitutions, but also those
they do business with or for.
How many men, from badly cured dis
eases, from the effects of self-abuse and
excess, have brought about that state of
weukness in those organs that has reduced
the geneal system so mnch as to produce
almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinalffections, suicide, and al
most every othor form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and the real cause of
tho trouble scarcely ever suspected and
have doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these organs require the uso
of a Diuretic. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID
EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diurotie
and is a certain cure for diseases of tho
Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ,
ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener
al Debity, and all diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether existing in Male or Fe
male, from whatever cause originating,
and no matter of how long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to, Con
sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our
flesh and blood are supported from these
sources, and the health ana happiness,
asd that of Posterity, dopeuds upon
prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Ilelmbold's Extract Buchu, established
upward of 19cara, prepured by II.
II ELM BOLD, Druggist, 0U4 Broadway,
New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. PwcR $1.25 per bottl
or 0 bottles for tyi.SO, delivered to any ad
dress, bold by all Druggosta everywhere,
WrupjK'r, fac-siiiile of my Clienilcul Ware
house, and signed U. T. HKLMUOLD.
Kfirt Energetic Farmer Wanted. From
SWWto $100 can be made (hiring the Ml"
wintcT months. Hnsinoss pleasant and
bfrtrorable. For further particulars of this
fljireiut chattre address at once A. II. Hub
bard, l'hllrt, ra.
wants a numbor of good aifcnts, also a
(food (lencral Ai;et firr WasUsrn 'a, also
a eooil general Ai?ent for the Ocrninn
counties of l'a. Address Hand in Hand
oilier, No 112 South 4th St., I'hila. SH 4t
$5 to 820 per day and no risk. Do you
want a situation as salesman at or near
home, to introduce our new 7 strand White
Wire Clothis Lines to last forever. Don't
miss tho chance. Sample free. Address
Jfuiinon Hirer H'ire Wm kx. To W'm St. N.
Y or 10 learlHirn St. Chicago, 111. o!-4w
oKNEitAt. nEAi.nn ix
NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street,
$1,000 TO S2.00Q
TIOOK AGENTS of exieriencei or
13 larirer eonimission than is ottered by
any other Publishers. Aflcnta are making
to SlHIO per week canvassing for our new
Illustrated books, we guarantee Agents
i sslsrv or a larsre commission, with
choice of twi new am! popular bcsiks and
xcl usi ve terriUrv. A e otlor a rare chance
to energetic men ana women 10 msae
money, secure your agency nireci iroiu
the publishers. J. E. BURR A CO.,
u.4t iinriiorii, t.oirn
Free to Book Agents.
We will send o handsome Prospectus of
our jveu' Illustrntrnted Family Uthle coiv
taininir over 20O lino scripture Illustra
trations to any Book Agent free of charge.
Address National Publishing Co. Phila
delphia, Pa. 4i-4t
for Groesbeck's Calculating Machine, rap-
Id, accura'e, reliable, simple, easily ope
ratotl chcan and beautiful. Giving install
taneous additions or subtractions, tuking
from one to live columns of hgures at
a time, carrying and borrowing its own
tens, hundreds, etc., without tho least
thought ou the part of the operator. Ad
dress L.r.11 .v .mccu hut,
41-4t Philadelphia, l'a.
AGENTS WANTED, tor A bolt's
WAR. in German and English, with line
steel engravings, maps, etc. Agents arc
getting from '5 to so suimcriners ier uuy,
One agent reports 103 orders the first two
flitvs. Now is the time to secure an Agen
ey' for this and other works desirable for
Agents. Address 14 miner i uy pumisning
House 247 aud v quince ot., Pliilatlei
phia, Pa. 4i-4i
ITS Votaries, hv 1 tar. J mv B. .EUMt. Thi
most startling book of modern times. The
whole subject laid bareand its hidcousness
exposou to universal execruuoii. numi
in the interests of Civilization. Christiani
ty and Public Morality. Send for circulars
aud terms. U. S. Publishing 10., 111
llroomo St.. N. Y. l-4l
IssuedJan. 1st 1871.
Choice selections No. 8." con.
taining the best new things for Doclama-
lion. neciiaunn, eic. jirunsui, wiwrv(
Thrillinur sentiment, and Sparkling II u
mor. 1M0 naires. patM?r 80 cts. eloth 75 cents,
Ask your Istoksoller for it, or send prico
to P. Garrett it Co. Phila, l'a. 3W-4t
Wntil br I
tnwio liuo u n uu tuiuauu
tht nana
who form a love of wild adven'ure and a
thirst for knowledge of the Indians the
Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wars, Great
Buffalo Hunts, ttc, ., left a home of
plenty ill Ohio, Joined the Indians, adopt
ed their mode of lil'o, married the beauti
ful Washlolla, because a Great Warrior,
Hunter and Chief of 100 Lodges, was ap
pointed Lieutenant in tho U. S. Regular
Army, for meritorious servico with his
braves against hostile Indians. A book of
Ihe most thrilling interest, a reality woll
authenticated. Truthstrunger than fiction
Superbly illustratod. 70 engravings, witli
portrait of the author, in full frontier cos
tume. Price low. Should outsell any book
extant. Send at onco for illustrated circu
lar, tuble of contents, sainplo pages and
terms. A. II. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 41-4t.
Gcuts Furnishing CaOOtls,
And Agents for tho Celebrated Grover A
Buker Sewing Machine
2 28tf.
S. & JONES - - - Proprietor.
Tt9 Republican Offics
KEEPS eonstuntly on hand a large as
sortment of Blank Deeds, Mortgages,
Subptenas, Warrants, Summons, fcc. to
lie sold cheap for cash. tf.
We continue to send a valuable gift with
every book boughlof us. Thousands will
testify to our promptness and luiruess.
Give us a trial. Write for acatulogne. Sent
free. Address, D. M. Evans at Co., 721
Market street. Philadelphia, l'a. 4t4t
AGENTS Vantki $-2S per mouth by
the A merit-ail Kuitling Machine Co.,
Boston, Muss., or St. IamiU, Mo, 2(1. 3iu
i. by the Amkkic'n Km i iinu M acuisb
Co., Boston, Mass., or St. inuiu, Mo. 4il-4
Prurr $1U0 a week tWI per
Audi 10 I cent and fA'i.iKKi iu cash
( prizes. Information
Male J female. ) Inc. Address
rn IWk tn V William N. Y. 4M W
WAVTK.I-AOENTS To soil our ivw
il.'Ntrltrd Cook of Travcle
liv Col. TtloM 4 K.Kox. A compre-
hinsivo and valilaMe exposition of the)
countries of Alaski; Sibrrin. China and
llussia as thev are to-day. atclnng our
Hichnrdson's "llovond tho Mississippi,
and Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad' in
slyle, Ac. Send for circular und sue our
extra terms. Address
33-4w Hartford, Conn.
AS been used duriirf the last Hfteen
XI year bT thousands of people for tho
pcedy cUro nf throat and lung diseases,
t has berrn thorothrlily tested tho Voice ot
the press anl the people have rendered
heir verdict hv promnincmx it a n.irr,,
SPEEDY, TliOKOfGH and EFr r,C it
AL REMEDY the best Medicine knowi.
for euring Lung Complaints. Every twr-
son of every age atlllcted with cither of the
following diseases, should use this pleas
ant remedy without delay, and their
voices will soon mingle with hosts of oth
ers in recemmending its cflieacy to their
nftlicted neighbors and friends.
SsT Le Ilairt Lough Jicmcdy it cwiYi
terUse UulT$ Cough Bemtdif it cunt
Croup or liattlet.
!& Vie HaWa Cough Remedy it cure
Asthma and 1 htiuic.
Ue HalVi Cough Remedy for Ot-
t& Ve IlalC Cougy Remedy it $treng
then the lunq.i.
$&" Use IlalVt Cough Remedy for Bron
t&rUte Halt Cough Remedy for
IQr Ue HaWt Cough Remedy it ttreng-
then the voice.
0u Ute Hall's Cough Remedy for
n hooptng-eough.
It will greatly modify the violence of this
disease and shorten its tedious courso one
half from its ordinary duration.
Beware of counterfeits and base imita
tions, call for Dr. P. Hall's Celebrated
Couirh Remedy and see that his written
signature is upon the wrapper and direc
Wm tl.A im,lnnjlnn,l pittzpnH nf lris f 'ItT
and vicinity, liavo used Dr. P. Hall's Cel
ebrated Coimh Remedy with great success,
in curing diseasee of tho Throat and Lungs
and take pleasure in recommending its use
to the alllicted as a speedy and effectual
remedy, fully wortliy ot puuuc commence.
James Thompson
John Melhorn Sr
Kobern Cochran
Daniel Bear
John A Trai-y
John W Mel.ane
John W Hays
John It Cochran
J Rnbison
W V Rindernccht
P K Durum
Alanson Sherwood
W H Cooper
Joseph Deenvi '
Benj, Grant
Lucius A Hull
Thos M'Koe
W M Gallagher
Chas W Kelso
1) P Ensign
D Shirk
Richard Itees
J T Case
Daniel Huver
C K Uiblet
M Mayor
J L Ixng '
J Robinson 2d
Silas H Finch
C G Howell .
John R Kumars
John M Warren
John S Brown
S L Forster
J W Hull
Orvice Smith
C Dumara
HO Root,
Wilson King,
Daniel Minor,
C B Wriglit
Matthew Hamilton
J W Ryan
J Mooney
J W Culver
Win H Mar
A M Tarba'll
E A Bennett
J Sulsbury
Manufacturer and sole proprietor, Hall's
New Building, State St. PRICE 37J CTS.
CO., Tionesta, Pa., and by agents general
ly. 33-3in
APFNTC wanted for Headlcy'a Ner:,
HULIl I O Freslv BOOK "Sairred Heroes
and Martys." Written in the Author's
happiest style, and surpassing his former
work, which have sold hy the 100.000.
With Original Steel; Engravings from de
signs by our Artist who has spent three
years in Bible I-ands. The Clergy and
tho Press are loud in its praise. Agents
are making monev rapldlv.E. B. Treat ct
Co., Bub s 05i B'dwav, '. Y. Sl-4w
iP0 .
opera Ill.Ot li,
WE are now receivings large stork of
Musical Merchandise, consisting of
And a full line of
Ws sre Agents for
Stelnway A Horn.
C'klrkerlngtl Hohh,
lnabe V Co.
and (111 all orders of other manufacturers
if desired, at the low est rates. We lutvo
the celebrated
K.TIIT1I rtltl.OH OHM,
or Boston, the finest bkkd isstiu-mknt
yet inlroluccd, which we can sell on very
reasonable terms. A laigu st.s;k of Select
Sheet Music always ou hand.
Our instruments need no notice at our
hands, as ihev have been before the world
lor twenty to thirty years. We wauh.vnt
thkm roil FivS vkaks, and will sell on
monthly payments, exchange for second
hand instruments, or tor CASH if urged.
We shall be pleased to show our goods
to all who inav luvor us with aciill.
.1. It. BOOTH,
4H-tf. Ojs'ra House KlMCk. l'iiu:.vuU