The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 04, 1871, Image 3

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    lxt Rarest gtjroWfmt.
ggyy . .
This number begins the fourth
volume of this paper. We liave no
supurfluous Ink to waste on compli
menting ourselves or our readers on the
vent, but lire content to leave the
judgement of whether the Republican
has been a success or not, with our,
subscribers. If a welcome visitor it
will probably be welcomed for years
to come; if not, it will contiiiun to
bore the people of Forest county, at
least as long as wo shall continue to
have an existence, which we hope will
be for some years to come. We feel
encouraged to proceed, and shall do
so, hoping that it wilt be read with as
much interest as our labor on it de
serves. Wishing our readers a pros
perous year, as we expect to have, we
go to press.
The Crawford County system of
making nominations lias been adopt
ed by the Republican Executive Cora
Kiittee of Pittsburgh, and candidates
lor city officeas will be chosen under
the system.
Somo of the old editors of the
country, regular old fogies, who are
near sighted, are trying to make the
ladies believe that wearing low-necked
dresses produces sore throat. It's all
humbug, gotten up by those old fo
gies who can't see. Ex.
We are not near sighted, nor yet so
old that we can't see, but we can see
enough of a lady if she wears dresses
that come clear up and fasten close
around the throat. If the ladies can
brave the biting frosts and cutting
winds of winter, with the neck and
shoulders entirely bare, why, they're
tough, that's all we have to say.
We take the following from the
Ruing Sun, published at Emlenton :
On Saturday night last the Drug
store ot J. urosser. also used as an
Express Office, was entered by burg
lars who succeeded in extracting 825
from an express package. The build
ing was entered Irom the lrontdoor by
means of a false skeleton key. No ar
rests have been made but we think
that it would be a great deal more sate
for one or two individuals not to be
e lught in the vicinity when anything
of the kind happens after this, if they
should be lucky enough to miss an ar
rest this time.
Rev. Virtue has so far recovered as
to be able to be about, but we have
sot yet seen him on the street.
There are now in course of erection
In this borough several dwelling houses
and stores. There is room for improve
ment. .
The following from the Warren
. Henry D. Grunder, one of the early
German settlers in this county, died at
the residence of his son, John Grunder,
i i Pleasant township, on the 20th of
March, aged 75 years. Ho was a na
t've of Bavaria. In 1817 he come to
t .is country landing at Philadelphia.
In. 1832 he removed to this place,
where he was well known and highly
respected for his earnestness, honesty
And sincere piety. A good man has
gone to his reward.
We hear that the First National
Bank of Warren proposes to erect a
new Bank building the coming season
in connection with the new brick build
ing to be built by Mr. Burgess, direct
ly opposite our office. .Then plan is
to make it a fine structure, with a se
cure vault, fine finish, and all the mod
ern improvements and safeguards for
that kind of business. This institu
tion needs such a building arid we hope
the plan may be fully carried out.
The Charity Concert last Wednes.
idar evening was a gratifying success.
A large audience assembled and seem
ed .pleased with the playing and fring
ing under the direction of Held. The
flinging by tin Sttngcibund, Misses
Stella Mann and Anna Mcuke, was
loundly encored and especially com
plimented. We clip the following from the
Titusville Herald:
Pitiiole jd Vicinity. Pithole
bwt promises t be the grand centre of
attraction lor oil operators the coming
summer, ana wnatwitn the completion
of the many wells now coin? down in
that vicinity, and the exteusiou of the
i'itbole Vallev lailroad' to Shamburcr,
rieasanivuic, enterprise and Titus
ville, we may expect the old "oil dora
do" to blossom like a monthly rose, if
not so finely p relumed.
The Hooker farm, lying to the
southeast of the former site of Prather
City, was sold a few days siuee fbr
1105,000 to Messrs. Phillips Bros., and
die bluffs are fairly bristling with der
ricks already up or being constructed.
The saud rock in this locality is fully
as thick as that of the "Hats" which
were so productive a few years since.
This farm contains 90 acres.
The Haskell well No. 1 is doing
About 80 Larrcls .daily yet, while Has
kell No. 2, struck a few days and
pumping at the rate of about 150 bar
HcU daily, started up jesterciay and is
liow doiug 100 iiairtU daily.
There are now t.'iice of" the nicest
producing weils in the region in the
vicinity of Pithok ad Htote coining.
About four o'e'rt t yesterday after-
tioon, n youth of fourteen years named
John Myers, entered Mr. C. W. Mead's
jewelry store, 31 Spring street, for the
purpose of obtaining a watch worth
about $8, which ho had left there fbr
repairs. He refused to pay for repair
the watch and it was consequently re
turned to the case. Myers hung about
the store, and managed while no one
was looking to take a gold watch val
ued at $65 from the counter and put
it in his boot. Mr. Mead missed the
watch almo-t immediately, and upon
searching the youth the watch was
found on his person. He was taken
before Justice Clark and committed.
That bright star to be seen in the
west every clear evening shortly after
sunset is Jupiter. It rises about, three
points abaft the tall barn on Kerr's
hill, and set two degrees north of the
hen roost attached to tho same." Ve
nus is slashing around somewhere in
tho ccrluean with "Orion the Gold
Benter," (by Svlvanus Cobb), and
Mars is making the "Great Bear" dust
around the North pole. Prof. Ilen
drtckson of Dunbar College, has re
cently discovered that the inner ring
of Saturn has disappeared, and the
bottom of the Dipper has also drop
ped out.
The report that Chief of Police
Rouse makes each prisoner take a sol
cm n oath not to break out oT the city
lock-up, when he locks him in, is false.
There is also no truth in the assertion
that they take the boots off from the
law breakers, so that they cannot kick
the walls out of tho cells.
There was an "affair of honor" at
McClintockville the other day. The
seconds were on tho ground, but the
principals failed to come to time, and
the duel fell through.
lwenty-tnree new wens are going
down on tho McGuire farm, Church
Run. Some of them will be ready for
testing in a few days. The indications
are good.
We take the following from the
Greenville -.-iritis:
A man by the name of David Bates,
living on Curtis Hill, in Sharon, was
seen drop on the pavement in front of
Dr. Barber's office about twelve o'clock
on the 24th ult. He was immediately
carried into the office, -but was dead
before anything could be done for him.
He ' is supposed to have died from
heart disease.
William Jackson, of Worth-tp., this
county, has a cat, which a few day ago
attacked and actually killed two sheep
bolonging. to William Smith, and
wounded a third. This is the first
time we ever heard of a domesticated
cat killing sheep.
About two o'clock Saturday after
noon a young man named Oliver Mc
Counel fell from a coal trian running
from the Bethel Coal Banks to Middle
sex, and was fatally injured. Several
loaded cars passed over him cutting
both his legs entirely off, one above
and the other below the kuee. His
head and other portions of his body
were badly mangled. He died at four
On Monday of last week, a little
boy named David Horton, aged ten
years, a grandson of Mr. Levi Slater,
formerly of Albion, Eiie Co., while
with Mr. Slater in Briggs & Lane's
car factory, at Irwinsburgh, Warren
county, bucked up against a circular
saw, cutting him almost in two, and
causing instant death.
We clip the foliowiug from
Petroleum Centre Record:
A despatch received Tuesday morn
ing from Pithole says the Haskell &
Rhodes well No. 2, Rooxer farm, has
increased its production to 1G0 barrels
daily. It had been doing between fif
ty and sixty barrels.
On complaint of- a woman that he
had insulted her, Mr. J. B. Fetterer,
of Rouseville, was ejected from the
3:39 train going north, at this place,
yesterday afternoon, by the conductor
and brakenian, and handled, in a rath
er rough manner, his coat being torn
completely off his back. While we are
not prepared to Break of the truth of
the case, so fur asthe alleged insult is
concerned, from a long acquaintance
with Mr. Fetterer, we do not believe
hitu capable of descending so low as
to ofr an insult to any one, much less
a lady. Tho alltiir will prubably end
in a law suit.
From Mr. Owen GalTiiey, we learn
that his liquorstore, Washington street,
was brokeu into about half-past 11
o'clock last night. The thieves enter
ed the building by b. caking in the
back door. On getting in they broke the
lock of the desk containing the money
drawer, but failed to secure the antici
pated pile of greenbacks, as Mr. Gaff
ney had removed his money the night
before. The rascals then left, taking
with ill em four boxes of valuable cigars.
This morning the cigurs were found in
the possession J. R. Taylor and "Slip"
Lewis, hailing from Buffalo, N. Y.,
and restored to the owner. The two
men immediately left for parts un
known. Such are tho facts of the rob
bery as we learn them from Mr. G a li
ner. Mr. Wm. unfortunate man
who was taught 11. the sand rope coil,
while at work on the Columbia farm,
on Friday last, is slowly recovering.
His leg was broken in three places,
once at the aukle, and twice a short
distune above that. Had he been
caught in the cable he would have
been instantly killed. Venango Citi
zen. It is reported that the Harpers have
sull'ered to the extent of $40,000 for
Nast's caricatures ot the jutpe all
school books tlit-v publish having Iteeu
takcu off the Jiet used iu the New
York public tchools.
Wo take the following from the
Corry Republican :
James M. Bunn, Esq., spejial D. G.
W. T., Thursday instituted a Temple
of Honor in this City. Tne organiza
tion is called Corry Temple No. 35.
The time of meeting has been fixed on
Tuesuay evenings, and the place Good
Templars Hall lor tho present. Tho
present officers are, E. O. Manlv, W.
O. T., I. B. Potter, P. W. C. T , R. L.
Lunt, W. V. T., Rev. J. Leslie, W.
Chaplain., N. P. Kilbum, W. R., A.
M. Marti.i, W. F. 11., M. Cameron, W.
T., J. T. Aiighcnbaugh, W. U.
The Temple starts out under good
auspices and the indications are that it
will wield a power for tho temperance
The alarm of fire was given atnhout
9 o'clock on Saturday night. The
cause was the burning of a frame barn
on Centre street, near Hare Creek.
The baru was the property of W. B.
Lowe, of Wattsburg, and was entirely
consumed. Loss, about three huudrcd
dollars no insurance. Some seventy
five dollars worth of door and blinds,
stowed in the loft, were also burned.
The fire companies were promptly on
haud with their apparatus, but the
flames enveloped the entire building al
most instantly, and had its own ' way.
The fire was unquestionably tho work
of an incendiary, and the cause that
prompted the tiring of the building
doubtless pure enssedncss. There is a
clue to the perpetrator that may lead
to his detection, and in caso he is dis
covered we trust the full penalty of
the law will be ractod out to him.
A little after twolvo Tuesday night,
the alarm of fire wos given. A dwell
ing hoiioe, on the south side of Smith
street, owned by Philip Mcgber, was
discovered to bo on fire. The building
was a two story one with a wing and
was entirely consumed. The house
had been vacant for about ten days,
and the fire, from all appearances, was
the work of an incendiary. The value
of the building was about $800 in
sured with Holiister Davis, & Co., in
the Jtna for $500. The Hook and
Ladder apparatus and one of the Hose
Carts reached the fire, but as there was
no opportunity for saving anything,
the engine was not brought to the
Oil News.
Intense excitement is raging concer
ning oil lands in Cranberry township,
nearly opposite Reno. Three wells
are about completed in that vicinity,
and the prospect that they will prove
large producing wells is very flatter
ing. One ofthese well.on the John Milton
farm, owned by McDonald, Hcfl'er
nian Findley and Simon, of Oil City,
is now being tested. This well, known
as the "Mollie well," was drilled by
Peter Nolan, an experienced operator,
and is 907 feet deep, with Jhirty: feet
of wild equal in quaility to any found
iu the oil region. The company owning
the well havo a leaso of thirty acros.all
of which they propose developing at
This well is southeast from Reno,
near the Uredin and Milton wells, and
has a heavier sand rock and on the
belief that the territory still further
east would prove more productive,
some parties, on Tuesday, leased
twenty acres adjoining the leases on
which the well is located, paying there
for one half the oil and 620 bonus per
A large amount of land has been
purchased and leased in this vicinity,
and Messrs. McMulleu, Patterson
and Dickey, of Petroleum Centre, and
Messrs. Irwin & Bauni, of Frank
lin, are the largest holders.
The prospects are very flattering
that this territory will prove produc
tive. A well owned by West, Forley and
others, located on the Baum tract,
Patchell Run, commenced pumping
last Friday, and is yielding 20 barrels
per day, heavy oil.
The Rocker farm, lying to the south
east of the former site of Prather City,
near Pithole, was sold a few days since
for $105,000, to the Philips Bros.,
and the bluffs are fairly bristling with
derricks already up or being construct
ed, ine sand rocK tn tins locality is
fully as thick as that of the flats which
were so productive a few years since.
This farm contains ninety acres.
James well, No. 2,oneofthe leargest
flowing wells on Armstrong Run took
fire on Saturday morning and burned
till ten o'clock. Thefne extended to
Mildren Reserve well, consuming
eleven tanks, of 6,000 barrels capacity.
Mildren well was flowing 200 barrels,
the loss of oil cannot be estimated at
Well No. 2, Philips Bros. Lease,
Rooker farm, Pithole. emmenced to
pump oil at midnight Saturday start
ing off at the rate of fifteen barrels
per day, with prospects of increasing.
Entire depth of well 890 feet; fourth
sand about sixteen feet deeper, and
of excellent quality ; the well has a
large supply of gas. No.l.same lease,
holds ou at about eighty barrels per
A well on the McMulleu farm,
Scrubgrass, owned by Buchanan &
Young, commenced pumping on Satur
day last, and is pronounced a jsixty
barrel well Venango Citizen.
In Towanda, in this Slate, one
Ward invited his friend Shadtr to
dine with him, and then did gently
chide him with a revolver, lie is not
expected to find his reward in lleaveu.
A gentlemanly and urbane citizen
of Cedar ltapids, while chastising his
wife with an ax, was tbol by a heigh-
Vinr ntli-nrtfid lti-lintfr!Q itfimi,.lli.
Some folks arc 'nlw.r i titer. crinr, "
We clip tho following items from
tho Tidiouto Journal :
On Wednesday afternoon last a
lively rw occurred on Depot street,
resulting iii bloody noses and sore
heads. The pratieipants in the scrim
mage were promptly arrested by
Officer Webb, and take'u bcl'oro Justice
Morrison, who dealt with them ac
cording to the statute in such cases
made and provided. A woman was
the main causes of the "unpleasant
ness," and whisky was tho moving
On Monday last, in the bar-room
of the Empire House, a man, wh.le
playing with a cidoiitully stab
bed himself in the leg, inflicting quite
a serious injuiy. Dr. - Bolard was
promptly in attendance.
What a Traveler Thinks of the Eric
To the Dlitor of the Sun :
Sib: The simple justice which ever
characterizes your straightforward pa
per is not more apparent in anything
than in its references to matter's con
cerning the Frio Road. Having pass
ed over a portion of its length recently,
I took particular .:are to notice the
manner in which officials and employ
ees discharged their duty, tho condi
tion oftrack and rolling stock, system
of night singula, running regulations,
ivc.onit t can only say, Hiatal! that hu
man care and foresight can accomplish
to attain absolute safety, is done.
I had no predilectons for the road
or a.iy of its officers; but I must sav
I was charmed, and cannot now wonder
that, with iti broad gauge, quick time,
smooth track, and elegant coaches, it is
rapidly becoming the favorite line, as
the increased facilities required for
for passenger traffic plainly show. It
is time that fnlschood and misrepres
entation should be rebuked, and the
truth known. Let the people know
where their wishes are consulted, and
they will not be long in showing their
appreciation of it. Lkver.
BY VIRTUE or sundry writs of Vendi
tioni Kxponas issued out of tho Court
of Common i'leas of Forest County, and
to 1110 directed, there will bo exposed to
snlo by public vendue or outcry at tho
Court House in tho llorougu of Tionosta
on .
Monday, April lOtq, 1871,
at 2 oclock P. M., tho following described
real estate, to-wit:
Sample Sweeney In part for use of Sam
uol Haslet executor of Samuel Haslet de
ceased, Sarah Haslet ct. ul., heirs and legal
representatives .le., vs. George U. Swconev
ami Mary Jano Luddington, heirs and le
gal representatives of Alex. Sweeney dee.
ven. ex. No. 1 1 May Term, I71 ljifhev.
Also Samuel Huslet executor of Samuel
Haslet dee'd., Sarnh Huslet, widow, and
Robert W. Haslet et. al., heirs nnd legal
representative of Samuel Haslet dee'd,
vs. . 11. Sweeney et. ul. heirs nnd legal
representatives of Alex. Sweeney dee'd.
ten. ex. No. 12 May term, 1S71 Ijithy
All defendants' right, titlo, interest and
claim of in and to a certain tract of laud
situate Ju Jlurn'Sfl "township, Forest Coun
ty, Va., bounded and described as follows
to-wit : Ileginning at a wliito oak, anil
running tluiico north 55 degree west 135
perches to a hemlock, thenco north 30 de
grees east 111 I 2-10 perches to a lnnplo,
tlienc-o south lid degrees east 3'2 perches to
a chestnut, thence north 40 degrees east
along line of lands of Fitzgerald 11 ml J. C.
Nolton 114 perches to a beech, thence oust
along lino of lauds of said J. V. Nolton's
heirs and -James U uck 214 perch
es to a post, thence north along lino of said
.lames Black's lands 13S S loths perches to
a white oak. thence east along line of lauds
of James Richards luO perches to a post,
thenco south along lands of Wm. Steele
4M H-10 perches to a post, thenco east along
said Steele's lands SO perelim to a post,
thenco north along wiid Steele's lands 100
perches to a post, thenco east 33 !Mo perches
10 u post, thence south along lino of lands
of J. i. Brandon 1x7 3-10pcrches toaloech
thenco west 113 0-10 porches to a post,
thence south nlonglineof Joseph Itevnold's
heirs 12(1 5-10 perches to a post, thence east
along lino of said land Ikt 3-lu perches to a
post, thence south a'ong line of laud of J.
U. liruiidim 103 porches to a post, thonce
north N) de frees west 2S ierches to a beech
thence south 4S degreos west 7!) porches to
u post, thenco south 37 decrees east 2.S
perches to a post on or near the banks of
tno Clarion Mivcr, thenco west along tho
Clarion lti vor to n corner, and thence wont
to tiio white oak, the place of beginning,
containing 920 a-i s and allowance.
Also In ail that certain tract of land
situate in the township and enmity nfore
said, und bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit : llcgiiining nt a white oak
thenco north lisi 7-10 perches to a post,
thenco east 4254-10 perchew to a post, thence
south 20 4-10 porelios to n st. -tlK-nce oast
14 0-10 perches to a ost, thence tsoutli 3S
perches to a post, thence eat 52 perches to
a post, th-uce south 117 porches, to a post,
thence west 124 ft-10 perches to a hemlock,
thence south "13 8-10 perches to a chestnut,
thence west Ii7 b-lo perches to a vellow pine
thenco north SI 5-10 perches to a white oak
thenco west 3D perches to the place of bo
ginning, contain n-j 57'J acres nnd ullow
a:ice. Also In all that eeitmn tract of land
situate iu the township aforesaid, bounded
ai.d described as follows, to wit! Hegin
ningut a white oak and runuing thenco
south US degrees east 1"3 5-10 porches to a
corner in line of the i28 uero tract before
described, tlieueo along the line of said
tract north 30 degrees cast 12S pert-hog to a
maple, thence west by land of Fitzgerald
217 perches to a hemlock, thence south to
the place of beginning. Known as tho
Zook Lot, nnd containing ley 8-10 acres.
Also In nil that certain tract of land
situate in tho township aforesaid and
bounded und described us follows, lying
south of tho Zook l.ot: Beginning 'at a
whiteoak, the southwest . corner of the Zook
Mi, thence south 122 1-10 porches to aMist
thenco east 245 4-10 perches to a white oak,
thence along the line of tho !r2.s uero tract
north .r5 degrees went 135 pen-lies to a hem
lock, thence north 3d degrees east 30 2-10
perches to a confer, thence ilortliH.Mlcgrees
west 153 5-10 porelios to the place of begin
ning, containing 110 t) 10 acres.
Taken in execution and to lie sold as the
properly of ti. II. Sweeney et the suit
ol Samuel Ha.-let, executor dv., und Sam
ple Mweeuey in part use, if f.
John (J. Rial. don for use of ,1. J. Rey
nolds, now fin- use of W. E. Lnthv and W.
W. Mason, vs. 10. C. Mavs, surviving ad
ministrator, Ac, et a), heirs and legal rep
resentatives of Win. Armstrong dee'd, ven.
ex. No. 10 May Tr. Wl 1. W. Lathy
All defendant's riirht, title, interest and
claim of in und to a certain tract of land
situate iu Howe township, Forest county,
l'a., known and warranted in tho ilan 'of
said township us warrant No. thirty-one
forty-two (3142) and bounded on tho north
, by tho Warren county line, on tho east by
warrant No. 41:'2, on tho south by warrant
No. acta and on the west bv Kingsley
township in the said county of Fore.-t, cc-ii-Uining
live huudrcd and ninety-six acres
warranted iu tho name ol Lerov iV Link
hiin. Taken in execution and 'to be sold
XVhc1.! VlS1;."''
Christopher Klynn and .Tames Klvnn .Tr.
rt ill, vs. Snr.tli lUillcrt y, widow, ot id, with
clause of wl fa to Maiyuret l-'lynn and
James Klynn. adiu'rs et al, veil ex, No. H
May Tr. 1X71 l.nthy All defendant's
right, title, interest ami claim of In and to
n certain piece or parcel of land situate in
Ureen township, l-'orost count v. I'a., boun
ded on the north liy Miclmel Kull'ortv, 011
tho noil th ly John Cleary, oil tho west ly
Christopher l-'lynn, deceased, containing
511 acres or land more or less, with nlmut 30
acres cleared and under fence, with one log
house and 0110 log imrn thereon orectcil.
Taken in execution and to ho sold as tho
property of! Sarah ltallortv. widow, ot nt,
ul tho suit of Christopher Klynn, adin'r .Co.
J. J. fisher vs. Itnrry A. Hurt, ven ex
No. 1:1 Mav term 171 Lathy All defen
dant's right, title, Interest and claim of. in
and to a certain tract of land situate in Har
mony township, Forest county, l'a.,
bounded on tho north by tho count v lino
ami l-'agundus, on tho cast try John I .a tub,
on the west by liunlap, and on tho south
by J. Klcming, cnutuiiiiinr 402 acres more
or less, about (to acres of which nro im
proved, with ono largo frame house and
three tenant honses, ono naw mill, two
large barns, oil derricks, engine bouses
ve., thereon erected, and an orchurd there
on growing. .
Also All that eortnln pieco or parcel of
land situate In Kingslcy township, Forest
county, l'a., hounded on the oast by lands
of Wheeler A Dusenbury, on tho west by
Wheeler C Dusonbtirv, "on tho north In
lands of Wheeler it Vnsonbury, nod oil
tho south by lauds of Wheeler C Dusen
bury, containing ion acres more or
ini parts of warrants Son. Mill and 6lti7.
Taken in execution and to lie sold as the
projHrty of Hurry A. Burt, at the suit of
J. .1. risiier.
Terms, Cash.
Shoritt 'h Otllec, Tlonesta, Va., March 14,
171. - li. L.DAVI8, Hhuriir.
Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES,
7!, Nassau St., New York City.
Vft. Solid for our new Price List and a
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It contains over 100 tino engravings of
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P A 1 1 T 7 f) Inferior histories are being
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It is s sure nnd perfect remedy for all dis
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struction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine,
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inniimmimou 01 tnu Liver, Dropsy, Slug
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A 1 t- .!...: : . . . '
Akiiiv nun ruiiT tr iiimr cuiiiToiiillHllls.
Du. Wkixb haviuu become aware of tho
extraordinary medicinal properties of the
isoutn American j'lant, called
sent a special commission to that country
to procure it in its nutive purity, and hav
ing found its wonderful 'curative proper
ties to evei exceed the anticipations form
ed by its great reputation, lias caneluded
to offer it to tho public, and is happy to
state that ho has perfected arrigenieuts for
a regular monthly supply or this wonder
ful Plant. He has spout much timo ex-
pcriiiicntin4 and investigating as to the
most etlleicitt preparation from it, for pop
ular use, and lias for some timo used 111
his own vructieo with most happy results
the ett'ectuul medicine now presented to
the puiiite as
Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA
and he confidently recommends it to every
uiiy as a nouseiiotiid remedy wliicl:
should bo freely taken as a IIlood Pl-ri-
ko in all doragemeuts of the svstem und
to animate and fortify all weak and Lym-
pliatie temperaments. JOHN (). K1CI
LOOO, Piatt St., New York. Solo Agent
lor the L lilted States. Price Ono Dollar
per bottle. Send for Circular. 50-4t
A WATCH, pair of lilu.ikets, Quilt or
a, nnawi, lor ouo ioiiar, appears utmost
impossible, but such may bo hue1, und hun
dreds of other useful urtu-les, by putrouiz
ingOEO. A. PLUMMEItit C'O.'S -'ONE
Their system of doing business lins becu
examined by the authorities, and a Decis
ion rendered from the Internal Revenue
Depaitiiient, ut Washington, dated Nov,
4th, 1HGS, declaring their business perfect
ly fuir and legitimate, and entirely differ
ent mm the different gift enterprises. Of
courso all donot get watches, blankets, Ac.,
for One Dollar, but in evorv large club, one
of theso articles arc sold lor Ono Dollar, as
an extra inducement, and some member
of the club has the chance of obtaining
A now teat ure introduced by this eut
prising tirin, is to I my their audits in oit
er or merchandise, und to prepay tin
express charges. No better opportunity
can boollered to either ladies or geiitleiueu
having leisure time, to form clubs for this
Head their advertisement in another col
umn, und send lor catalogue.
Water Street,
Tionesta, Pa.,
M. CARPENTER, . . . Proprietor,
I'ictuics takcu lu all tho latot styles of
the ait. tf
The place to buy evory vurlety of the
Is at the cxtenslvo Tea Store of
where yon can always find a largo assort
montol the best Teas at New York prices.
a larg assortment 01
Groceries and Provisions,
nneonaled In nualitvnnd cheapness bvanv
other store In Warren county, al.wnys on
linnil. 1 lie poopto or l- orest county win
save money by purchasing their supplies
at this place.
Best brands of
illvered at any demit on tho lino of tho It.
. free.
Store on Main St, nenr the Depot.
IF Ymf WANT a perfect tit nnd a good
article of Hoots and Shoes, of the finest
workmanship, go to
II. Ii. McC'AXCirs,
r-a-Satisfactlon guaranteed. 2-IV3 tf.
Manufacturers of
cVo.( frc, Vo.,
It. FISH En.
21, 11, ,12 nml IO II. I
40, 2G, 22, nml 18 II. I.,
Room No. 2, Chase A Stewart's lilock,
Wonderful developments amoiifr the
aristocracy. Married Women exnosed
Ac. rf-c. 1' rice S.'1.2.i. The best Hook to sell
published. The best terms to agents ever
ulven. Address, rs . . Jlook ( o.. I I
Nassau Nt., N. Y. 31-41
Arid Dealer in
Repairing done in a workmanlike
manner and warrauted to give satis
taction. 4-ly
100,000 Agents Wanted for
and other best books in tho market.
EcK inner A Martin, 1508 Chestnut Streott
Philadelphia. HU-lt
?nn A WKKK luiJ aents, male or fo
0"'v7uiule, in a how luaiiufrcturiiig
dusiness at home. No capital required.
Address NorfcLi v Co., Saso, Me. StMw
G?-4 n. TTXYeeh. "Naliuyi-Yong
men wanted as local and trarel
ling salesmen. Ad i-uss (with stump) It. II.
Walk Kit, 84 I'ark How, N. Y. !Kl-4t
Tent un e hotel.-
WHITE OAK, Forest County, Va.
IIUMMASON, BRO'8, Propr'a.
THIS house h new and fitted up In first
class style, and is headquarters for all
persons visiting the (rreal oil held of Hick
ory. Tho bar is furnished witli tho best
of liquors. The proprietors will spare no
pains to make it the most desirable stop
ping place iu the oil regions. 1-lv.
J)R. La wiiknck'm Woman's 1'hiknd
Oirswall iMsfsiws pnl:iirUKntnslw. H
l tho motto of
wLo har opened a
111Y UOODM, .
- -
in tho old Court House building, adjoiulug
the Holmes House, .. ., .
where they will be happy toj aupply the
wants of this community, with u"'
Entire Fresh Awiorluient
of U fhe.noTtltiei In the
which have been selected with great cart.
As to prices, we challenge all competitors.
It has long been the desire of the poople
of this community, to have a store in thilr
midst where can bo found everTthtug gen
erally kept in a first -elnssstorCjaud whirt
It could be purchased at living prices." ' To
satisfy this want, wo have come' in your
midst, and hope by proper attention 'to
business and to the wants of tho popl, t
seeure thoir patronage.
Ourstoekjof : f '
is second to none in '"
Western Pennsylvaniai
andoaro determined not to be under
sold. These goods embraeo all the -
- .
and we feel assured that the citizens of (his
county will not havo to go to adjoining
towus to purchase DKESS U0ODS ,.lju. Um
future. - . ! i
Our stock of
is superior, both In quality aud'tj l9?"to
any ever before ofi'erd in this section, and'.
we trust thnt all will call aud oxatuiiio ur.'
stock before purchasing eUowhcrt, UW
also, . "
having an experienced cutter, we can u
isfy the most fastidious j and as we havo .
our own manufaetury in Philadelphia, w
thereby have the advautagovor all other
deulers in this section
in endless variety, at price to suit th,
lot -
Boots & Sho
of every stylo and imality, which we ar.
prepared to sell at New York prices.
Call andExamine our Stock: