EDITOR. IfUESDAT MORNING, MAI.21. , New Hampshire. The election in New Hampshire tins bon carried by the Democrats by a Hiuall majority. Our Democratic ex changes are airing their roosters, and fueling good generally. Following so close upon the late unpleasantness at Washington between Mr. Sumner and the United States Sentnte, the news does not create that surprise that it ctherwise would have done. We ac cept this as a punishment for a mistake made by our Senate. When this is dried up, we shall again have our usual victories and majorities. Watoh Him. An infamous scoundrel, passing un der the name of Dr. Etnmett, and pre tending to be a dentist, has been in this place for more than a week past, duping our decaying and toothless friends into the belief that he could do better and cheaper dentistry than ur home practitioners. On Monday last a highly respectable young lady of this place employed him to fill a tooth for her, and during the operation the brute kised her, and undertook indecent liberties. The father and mother of the young lady being away from home on a visit, she at once sought her father's friend and neigh bor, I. 8. Allen, Esq., who at once pro ceeded to the rooms of this lecherous devil, and administered a dose of Hee nan's medicine, that made the dentist squeal. He would have received a more severe punishment had he not promised, and fully complied, to take the first train, either East or West, leaving Warren. He is about 40 years of age, dark hair, and a cripple. He evidently pos sesses talent sufficient to talk well, and with a sweet smile, is without doubt a villain of the deepest dye, The pub lic should watch him Warren Ledger. The following we talto from the Petroleum Centre Daily Record; Operations on the R. Li Shaw farm, and adjoiniug farms, remain quite live ly. Our townsmen, Messrs. Tarbell and Hess, recently struck a ten barrel well in that vicinity. A large number of new wells are going down and uiuers in prospect. During the heavy rain stoYra, ac companied by thunder and lightning, night before last, a man named J. L. Gould, a resident of Dempseytown, uia county, wnueat worn in a derrick near Tidioute, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Mr. G. and another workman were engaged in snnd-OUmninp tha well at. tfi'a tinoiU 1 j O ' ' - M . ... U v . . v, lightning struck the derrick. His cora- pnuiuu was renaercu insensible trora ihe effects of the electricity and did oi recover his senses for some time. Aht deceased leaves a family to mourn his untimely death. One Cooner. a rcnuted" finntist preacher, upwards of sixty year of age, ims oeeu engaged lor some time past in teaching school on the Clapp farm, near McClintockville, haviug beeu engaged for that purpose by the u- i i i. """"'C owuuui cuiuiii iss toners. jve Centlv it has trnnsnired flint tha nro.1 xevereud has been guilty of immoral conduct in trie preseuce ot the ciul dren under his care, and charges of in competency, immoral conduct," &c. were ureiered against Mm. Ihe case was tried before the school board, on the Clapp farm, yesterday, and result ed in a verdict of guilty, and the aged individual will be discharged from nat position at me end of the month, mere are now 7 wells pumping on the Mckiuney Farm, at l'illiole, an o on tne worey j-ann. lbree new wells are coinc down nn th Mck'in. ney farm, aud one old well is about to De started up. ihe pumpiug well uverage irom six to ten barrels per iay eacn. un tne inner Jarra. near Adamsvillc, No. 1 is pumping 5 bar rels dailv. and No. 2. 20 hnrrela Or the Haskell & Co., lease, Roohcrfurm, jmo. l continues to yield eighty bar rels per day ; 2, same lease, is nearly ready to test and has a splendid show. It is now 800 feet deep and has be tween thirty and fortv feet of tliiul sand rock. Phillips Bros., Fisher uros., ana other parties, have several new rigs up, in addition to the wells already started by them. Good re ports are expected from the oil territo rj in that vicinity soon. In U well known that the last fires at the Corrv Kerosene Oil Work wcro attributed to an incendiary. For some time no clue to pepetrator of the deed could be found. The person who , red the works has at Int been discov ered in the person of an employee of the company. For the suke of the feel ings of his relatives, who are among the most respectable people of our city, re suppress the person's name. Suffice it to say that he is well known to the community. It is claimed by his friends that he is insane. We under- - stand he has been taken to his former residence for treatment. Fuspicions had been entertained against innocent parties, for who sake we are glml the real culprit has been detected. An in cendiary fire ia not likely to occur at at these works again. Corry Republi cs, About all the lumber has been run from this section; but they say that a good many rails havo been "stoved," and a good muny are waiting for high sir water, below here. Elk Advorfe. W. R. DUNX Shooting Affray. On Friday niuht last, between the hours of twelve and one, n row occur red in Pew's billiard saloon, Petro leum Centre, resulting in the shooting of a man named illinm Clark, of Brown farm. The row was the result of a too free use of liquors, and was occasioned by a difference of opinion that existed between Clark and James Melvin, a Centreite. Mclvin was con fident that he could "lick" Clark in two and a half minutes, whilo Clark was betting it would take three min utes. rSeveral rounds were fought, in each of which Mclvin was "worsted," when he borrowed a revolver from one of his friends, with which he deliber ately shot Clark in the breast, inflict- ng an ugly but not a serious wound. The ball entered his body about an inch below the right nipple, and near the brenst bonu. Upon shooting Chirk, Melvin immediately gave the revol ver to the friend who" had loaned it, and started off. Clark went to tho Roches ter House and informed the clerk that he had been shot, and early on Satur day morning a medical examination was made, which failed, however, to discover the location of the ball. The wound is not considered dangerous, and no fears as to the result are en tertained. ' Mclvin wns arrested about nine o'clock on Saturday morning by depu ty sberitl U. r . Lawrence, and con fined in the lock-up. He denied all knowledge of the affair, and claimed that he never carried a pistol. About noon he was taken out for the purpose of procuring something to eat. and watching his chance managed to es cape lrora the omeer, starting on a dead run up lSenmnghoff Run. Chase was made by the o filter and sev eral of the citizens, aud he was finally captured by Thomas McIIugh, who found him secreted in the house of James Linden. This time he was not allowed to es cape, and in the afternoon he was brought before Justice S. Reynolds, who held him to bail in the sum of $1, 500, in default of which ho was com mitted to jail. Courier. We clip the following from the Raftsman' I Journal; . .. ' A correspondent informs us that, on Wednesday night, March 8th, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a shooting affair came o(T at the "American House" in Curwinsville, the facts of which are substantially as follows: A young man named Jack Robison came in and demanded liquor. Mr. Brown, the bar-keeper, thinking he had sufficient already, refuted to comply with the de mand, whereupon Robison drew out a pistol, and the bar-keeper retreated. Robison then called up Mr. Reed, the proprietor, and repeated his demand for liquor. Mr. Reed refused to grant the request and thrust Robison into the street nhereupou the latter at tempted to break in the door. Mr. R. then stepped out aud caught Robison hv ilia wrist unit throw him l.-vi,-. Robison having the pUtol hi his hanati at the time. While in this position, Robison fired ; the ball entering Mr. Reed's left leg just abaue the kuee,and coming out under the knee, having passed through without beaking the bone or cutting an artery. The wound is not considered as being immediately dangerous. Robison has uot been ar rested as yet. A Giant Tree. A nine tree was felled on lands of John DuBois, Esq., in Huston township, about two miles from Pennfield, a short time since, by some men working for Mr. James Bun dy, irom which was cut seventeen logs sixteen feet in length, and containing seven thousand two hundred feet of good lumber. Talk about your giaut trees of California, but you seldom find larger pine trees in this country, than the oue above referred to. So says a correspondent. The following from the Tidioute Journal: Mr. Squires livuig in a house at Tri umph which was suppled with gas for culinary purposes from an adjacent well, rose early on Monday morning, and lighted a match, when a terrific explosion took place, the room being full of ens which had escaped during the night. The roof was blown off. and the sides caved in and immediate ly caught fire. Men rut-lied to his as sistance, and found him crawling about on his bauds and knees in the flumes. He was rescued, but teribly burned, so much so that his life is despaired of. Mr. Jaquines was also burned quite severely iu rescuing him. The build ing and couteuls were entirely con ju med. Thursday evening last was a lively one in town. Three individuals were arrested and lodged in the lock-up, One of them preferred the cold wuters of lidioute Creek to such a lodging but was taken out and safely locked up. Keep the Mouth Shut. -This is very important both for happi nesr and health. By keeping it shut more than it is, fewer disagreeable things wilt be said, which will make us less unhappy, A regards health it is also important. We should cultivate the habit of breathing through the uose more than we do. Man's nostrils were not intended tor the sole purpose ot distinguishing odors, good irom bad, but were put in hi? head to filter and purify the air he breathes before it enters his lungs aud to soften and warm it when chilled, damp, and uuhealthy from the influence of variable climute. Ho who breathes through his mouth will always find himself i.uire or less in trouble with pulmonary or bronchial difficulties, It is the most hurtful thing in the world to go from a warm room, in t winter or autumn evening, and draw the damp and chilly out-donr atmos phere directly into the lungs threw the mouth. It has, time and time again resulted in severe attacks of illuess, mid not unfrequeutly death. j Tho following from the Meadville Republican : New Hampshire has gone Democrat ic by a few hnnd. ed majority, and the newspapers of that pcrsunsiou are illus trated by the Democratic crow-bird. The cock crew when Peter denied his Lord and Master, and the voice of that fowl is only heard in Democratic news papers when treason triumph. A colored babe wns found in an at tic in Broas Row, Titusvillc, yester day. It had been deserted by its moth er, nnd was nearly frozen. The moth er was arrested and finally acknowledg ed and took charge of her child. Greknville, Pa., Mach 1G, 1871, Th grist mill of Phillip Shuster, called the Big Run mill, in the town ship of Maysville, was destroyed by fire about teu o'clock lasl night. Loss about eight thousand dollars Insured for five thousand five hundred. iftis burgh Commercial. , Shooting at McC'untock. Last night, sometime in the night, a stran ger was found prowling around the premises of a citizen of McClintock ville in a very suspicions manner and under very suspicious circumstances. The citizen watched the intruder as well as he might on so dark a night, until becoming convinced that foul play was intended, when he brought his revolver to bear upon him and let drive. The would be burglar, assassin or whatever he was or might have been beat a hasty retreat and took a posi tion on a log no great distance from the house, where the citizen found him shortly after tho shooting, dressing a wound in the calf of his leg; he, the citizen, having taken a scouting trip to learn w hat, it any, was the efloctof his shot. The wounded man in answer to an inquiry as to the object of his visit. said he was out of money and was seeking a lodging placle. Rouneville Bulletin. Description of a Quadrille It is described "thuslyr by a rountr man who tried it : "We both bowed to both of us, and then the fiddle tunked and the thing started. I grab bed tor her female hand, sho squeezed mine, slung each other then chanced' base clear across the room, jumped up aod down over so mauy times, then my dear me doz d a due and hop-scotched home agin (from a foreign shore); then we two forward, four ladies change, we X over, turned around twice, chas- sayed sideways, I backed to place she dittoed ; side couples to the left side couple turn gentleman, side couples tuni ladies, ladies turn side couple, head couples turn side couples, all handa round, back agaiu. Firet follow take, opposite gall alines htr around, take your own gal forward and back, twist boCh gals two times sling 'em to opposit fellow let him do the same as you, and back again to places; light gentleman balauce to heavy lady, heavy lady duplicate promenade, all gals to the center tellers catch hold of each' other, hands, bob up and bowu, each fellow takes his gal back' to place. Right gentleman spin right lady,- right ladv snin left centlcman. all twist each other, do it again, over, repeat keep it up; all turu to t other couple cross over back again to our seats. A Question. Which will you do, smile and make others happy, or be crabbed and maki everboby around you miserable? You can live among flowers, and stnginir birds, or in the mire surrounded by fogs and frogs. The amount of hap piness which you can produce is in calculable, if you will only shed a smiling face, a Kind heart, and plens aiit words. Ou the other hand, by sour looks, cross words, and a fretful disposition, you can make others un happy almost beyond endurance. Which will you do ? Wear a pleasaut countenance ; no joy so great as that which springs from a kiud act or a pleas ant deed ; and if you do a kind act during the day where by some fellow mortal has beeu made happy, you will feel its glorious influence at night when you rest, and throughout the 1'ay when about your duily business. Silver Spring, Florida, is a great curiosity. It bubbles up iu a basin one hundred feet deep aud about au acre in extent, and sending from it a deep stream sixty to one huntlrM font wife, and extending six or eight imlea to the U'-klawaha river, in the spring itself, fitly boats lie at anchor- quite a fleet, i he spring forms u nat ural inland port, to which three steam ers now run regular from St. John's making close connections with the line of ocean steamers at Palatka. The clearness of the water is truly wonder ful. It seems even more transparent than air ; you see the bottom of your boat, the exact form of the smallest pebble, ihu outline and color of the leaf that has sunk, and all thu prismatic colors of the rainbow are reflected. Large fish swim iu it, every scale visible, and every movement distinctly seen. It you go over the spring in a bout you will see the fissures iu the rock, from which the river pours up ward like an inverted cataract. A prominent dry-goods merchant of Dostou worked half un hour ou the following proposition, and failed to give the answer; "If fourteen men build a stone wall in nine days, how loug will it take five men to build a like wall in six ds-v?"- . rciK them look into their own hearts', and remember tho secret history of their lives, nnd see if they have not been guilty of as bad or even worso sins, than they are condemning. Tho only difl'erecne beingthnt they hnvo been for tunate enough to keep theirs concealed. "Let him that is without sin among you cast the first stone." SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTl'R of sundi tioni Kxpinns Intnio, tlonl Kxponns twiiod out of tho Court i v writs of Vpnill. of Common Plesa of Forest County, mid t mo directed, tlipre w.U bo pxwmpd to Mile by public vendue or ontorv at the Court llooso In Iho Uu.-ough of 1'lonwta on Monday, April 10th,, 1871, t 3 oclork r. M., tho following described real estate, to-wi'.i Sample Mwconrv in p;rt for use of Snin uel Hasltit MwiiUir of Samuel HomIuI de ceased, Xarah lliulct et. hI hrirnnud legal rxprfHctitaUveftfte., vs. ltwr(,f 1. Sweeney and Mary .In no l.uddinxUin, heirs and le gal roiroRoutitivo of lex. Swcenev doe., von. ex. No. 11 May Term, 1X71 Uulicy. Also Samuel llnalet executor of Snuiuel Haslet dne'd.. Surah Jlawlot, widow, and Hubert V. Haslet et. til., heirs nnd leiU raprewtitHtivca or Sh:iiuoI Miutlnt deed, vs. U. 11. Sweet! ,y et. al. heirs nnd lernl representative of Alex. Sweeney doo'd. ven. ex. No, 12 May trnt, 1M71 Ijtthy AU det'cndunU' ri(iht, titlo, interest and r:t:m of In nnd to a ci rtnin traet of land iloxta In Harnett township, Forest Coun ty, l'a., bounded and described as follows to-wit : llcKiniiini nt a white oak, nnd running th jnce north ,V degrees wost 1:15 perches to a hemlock, thence north 30 de grees ea.it H4 2-10 lurches to a lunplo, thence south ttti degrees east 32 porches to a chestnut, thence north 40 degrees east along lino of lends of Fitzgerald nnd J. C. Nolton 114 perches to a beech, thence east almig lino of lands of said J. C. Nolton heirs and James It ack 2H perch es to a post, thence north along lino of said James ltlaek's lands 138 ft lOths perches to a white onk. thonco oast nlomt lino of I iuls of J in i ica Kielitirdv lnO perches to a post, theneo south along hinds of Wm. Steele 4t 8-10 perches to a post, thence east along said Steele's lands so perches to a post, them e north alon mm-I Stcolu'n hinds KX1 perches to a post, tin iv e east 33 0-10 perches to a post, theneo snutli along lino of lauds of J. G. llraudon 17 3-lliporches toubecch thence west 113 t-10 perches to a post, theneesotithnlonglincof Joseph I toy Hold's heirs 120 5-10 pcrobos to a post, thence oust along line of said laud Ik) 3-ltl perches to a post, thence south a'ung line of laud of J. U. Itroodnn 103 perches to a post, thence north 80 decrees west 28 perchea toa Occch thence south 48 degrees west 79 perehmt to a post, thence south 37 degrees ost 28 perches to a sHt on or near tho banks of tho Clarion Hiver, thence west nlong the Clarion Hiver to a eoruor, and theneo west to tho w hite oak, tho place of beginning, containing t20 acres and allowance. Aijio In all that certain tract of hind situate in tho township and count v afore-' said, and boundud and described as fol lows, to wit: licginiiing at a white oak thenoo north lliti 7-10 perches to a post, thence east 42T4-10 porches toapnst, thenoe boo 111 21) 4-10 pcrchua to a post, theneo east 14 0-10 perohc to a post, tlieneo south 38 porches to a post, thence east 52 perches to a post, tli-iu-e south 117 lurches to a ixist, thence west V24 5-10 perches to a hemlock, thence south M3 8-10 perches to a chestnut, th- nco west 07 b-lli porches to a yellow pine thunce north 81 5-10 porches to a white oak thence went 30 perches to tho plac-o of be ginning, contain ng 57l acres and allow ance, Also In nil that ocitrt n traet of land situate in tho township aforesaid, bounded ai.d described as follows, to will .Begin ning at a w hile onk and running tlionce soutli 85 degrees past 1"3 S-10 porches to a corner in lino of the fc!8 acre tract before described, thence along the lino of said traet north W Hgrere!tST narTirf-lios toTi itinple. thence west bv land of Fitsirerald '217 perches to a hemlock, thence south to tho place of beginning. Known as tho ZK)k Lot. and continuing lot) 8-10 acres. - Also In all that certain tract of land situate in the township aforesaid and bounded and described as follows, lying south of tho Z-iok l.ot : Beginning 'at a whileoak, tliesont Invest corner of theZiKik Lot, thence south 1'- 1-19 perches to a post thmico east -!." 4-10 perches to a white oak, thence along tho line of the 02S aoie tract north S5 degrees west 1S5 perches to a hem lock, theneo north 80 degrees cast 36 2-10 perches to a corner, tliedce north 8 Vlogroos west l-3 5-10 perches to tho place of begin ning, containing 1 19 9 10 acres. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of i i. 1). aiwocney et nl, at the suit of Samuel Haslet, r- vocutor f-., and Sam ple Sweeney in pan use, fc also ; "' ' John Brandon fop use of J. J. Itev nolds, now ftir uso of V. K, Lathy and W. V. Mason, vs. K, C-Mnys, surviving ad ministrator, Ac, et id, hoira and leixal rep resentatives of Wm. Armstrong dec, d, veil, ex. No. 10 May Tr. 1K71 O. W. Lathy All defendant's right, title, interest and olaitn of in and to a certain tract of laud situato in Howe township. Forest county. I'n., known nnd warranted in the plan of said township ns wsrrnnt No, thirty-one forty-two (3142) and bounded nn the north by ihe Warren county liue, on tho east by warrant No. 4102, on tho south by warrant No. 3133 nnd on the west by Klngsley tuwiihhip iu tho said county of Forest, con taining live hundred and ninotv-six acres warranted in the name of Lcroy it Link la, n. Taken in execution and to lie sold as tho proH-rty of K U. Mays ndm'r ot al, Ac., at the suit of J. G. Brniidou for use. ALSO Christopher Flynn and James Flynn Jr. et nl, vs. Sar.th Itatlerty, widow, etal, with elsuso of sci fa to Margaret Flynn and James Klynu, adm'rs et al, ven ox. No. 8 May Tr. JK71 I athy All defendant's right, titlo. Interest and clniui of in and to a certain piece r parcel of land situate in Green township, forest county, 1 a., houn ded on the nortli by Michael liull'erty, on tho sou'h hy- John ('leary, on tho went by Christ' phef Klynn, deceased, containing 5ti acres of land morn or lusa, with about 30 seres cleuriHi and uiider tciicp, with one log house and (ma log lutrn thereon erei-teil. t uken in e.xeculu n ami to bo sold as the pinperty of Sarah Hattcrtv, w idow, ot al, at the suit of Christopher V lynn, adm'r do. ALSO ". , J. J. Fisher vs. Hnrry A. Burt, ven c No. 13 Mav K-i iu H71 Ijithy All defcu diuit'H ri.L-nt, title, interest nnd clu.m of, in and to a certain tract of hind situulciu l;ir niony township. Forest county, Pu.f Isnuided on thu north by tho couiity line and Fagttndtis, on tho eut by John IjiiiiIi, on tlie west by liimlap, and on the south by J. Fleming, cotiiuiuing 4rJ acros more of less, alu.nt 00 iu-ros of w hich are im proved, wi'h one lar-.-o frnn.e house and iiiree tenant noiiKi-s, one feuw unit, two hirgo tarns, oil derricks, engine houses Ac., thereon erected, ami an orchard there on growimr. Aijo All tl u' certain piece or parcel of tuiut Minute in insiey lownanip, r orest county, I'm., Intnl., k-d on the eat by lands ol V heeler & I iiienl)ury, on the west bv Wheeler if IHisenliurv, "on the north by hniils of Wheeler 1ius-nbury, and on the south by lands of Wheeler" Huscn bury, contsining li5ucrea more or less, I.e. ing purtM of warn tits Nob. S104 and ft n. Taken in exis-utiou and to be sold as the property of Harry A. Burt, ul tho suit of i . -i . r inner. Terms, t'a h. Shorill'a t'Uiee, Tionesta. Pa., March 14, 171 K. L. liAVJS, Sheriff, OB WORK nearly cxceuU'd at this offlci i it rvHsnusm rates. " COUGH r COUGH ! o dro'leXd bvnT ym n" ''P Ir. WrlkV CnrbollcTnblclN? They nre a suro for Sore Thrrmt, fold, 7onrsonoss .Cntarrh and all ntwrnsos of the Lungs, Throat and llrnnehinl Tubes. From Iho great number of TiwtiinoniHls as to the etneioncy of the Invalunblo mod elno tho following ia selected : 47 Wahpansvh Ave., Chicago III , ,, , January 14, 1871. "For tho last ton veara I have been a great sutloror from froqueut attacks of Aento I'ronchitis, and have never found anything to relieve mo from those attacks until I tried lr. Wells- Carbolic Tablets." t . i i I'Ji.izaukth T. Hoot. CAUTION lie suro that vou trot Wnlla' l',irlu,l. lo Tablets ; don't let other goods be palmod orl on you In thoir place. ' ' John Q. Kellog, 31 I'lntt St., N. Y.' Solo Agent. Soht by Druggists, I'riee 2.'i ocnts a box. 4!,4t KRAPY Mill AO F. NTS. Tho book that Is selling. Tho cheapest nnd best History t.l the late war, In both F.nglish and Herman, Piofusoly Illustrated, only P2.00. tine agent reports 38 orders In two days. Act nuicklv and eoln money. A. H. HubLard, Publieher, 400 Chestnut St., rhila. , 4iMt AOENTS VANTE1 Foil "WONDERS OF THE WORLD." Over one thousand illustrations. The Inrffest best selling, nnd most nttractivo subscription hook ever pnbllshei. One agent in Denver, Colorado, sold loOln four days, lino agent in Mihvaukio sold 30 copies In one-half dnv. and a largo num ler from 20 to 90 copies per dev. Send for Circulars with tenna nt once. Address, U. S. Publishing Co., 411 Itroomo St., .N. Y. 4!Mt REDUCTION OF ritlCES -TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SftVIJIG TO CONSUMERS. BY UKTTINO UP Cl.UltS. ?5uSond for our newr Price List ami a Club Form will accompnnv It, containing foil directions mnking a largo saving to consumer and rciutinorativo ulub organ isers The CJrcat American Tea Company, 81 SSVKSKY STREET, -P.O. Ilox S643. nuw youk. 411-4t AOENTS WANTKI) FOR TllE HISTORY OF THE 11 WAR IN EUROPE It contains over 100 tine engruvings of Battle Scenos and Incidents In tho War, and is the only Authentic and OIHolol his tory of tlmt great contlit. . , Published in both English and Oormnn. f?J7")Inft'r,or histories nro being l1ClYt)rooUtcd. Soe that the book you buy oontuins 100 tine engravings nnd maps, Send for circular aud soe our terms, and a full description of 'ho work. Address, NAT'I .. PUBLISHING CO.. Phila, Pa. , , 4!Mt Scripture and Science hnvo mot together Genesis and Geology have kissed cao other, . . , ... , SCIENCE AND THE BIBBLE. A book of thrilling Interest and greatest importance to evorv human being. The Papon, Pulpits ami People are all discus sing the subject nnd book, every man, wo man nnd child wnnts it. Thclong nercc war is ended, and hnnornblo peace secttrud, Science is true, the Bible literal, dure and' firm friends. God's work davs. six actual davs, not long periods. This" book gives 11' JlDI'I. TV1 "... T" thrilling" realities, beautios, womdors and sparkling gems a hundred told moro in teresting than fiction. AGENTS WANT ED. Experienced Agents will drop othor Isioks and secure territory ininiediutolv. Address for circular, Ziogier MeCurdV, 1'iSouth Sixth Btrect. Phila., Pa. 4H-t" -orenm of aoieun PITHOLE VALLEY R'Y. ON AND AFTER Saturday January 28, Trains will run as follows: TRAINS NORTH WARD. stations. No. 2. No. 4. oloopolia,. 2.S0 p m ,41 a m Bennett, - 8 0s " U..S9 " Woods 3.17 " 10.116 " Prathcrs Mill 20 " 10.18 ' IMthole City . - 3.40 10.SJ " ;,' TKAINS 'SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. ' 1 No. 1. Plthole Citv, 8.00 a m Prathcrs Mill MS " Wootis . 8.L'3 Bennett - 8.0 ' Oleopell-i g.40 " Jfo . 3.' l.oo p m 1.13 ' 1.S3. " 1.30 l.'O An i-:xtra Train loaves l ittiolo City on Saturdays at If 20 i. m. making clot-c con nection at deopolts with Trains on the Oil Croek Allegheny Rive Railway fbrCor ry and intermediate points. Return Train leaves Oleopolis at 7.20 n. nt., arrivine-nt Pitholc City at 7.R5.. . Alt oilier Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on tho Oil Crock it Allegheny ltiver Hallway. North and Sonth. ' ' Train No. 2 makes close connection at Oil Cit v with Fast Line on Allegheny Val ley Bui I way for Pittsburgh aud intermedi ate points. ... Two Lines orstnges run daily between Plthole City, Miller 1-arm and Pleasant ville, niakiugcotiuoetiou witbarrivingaud departing Trains. J. T. BLAIR, ill). BlSlitiP, Snp't , Ticket Agent, Pitholo City, Pa. READ! REAEXT The subscribers having ro-rcntod the IStYIXL: C.IIIST Would say tn their old customers, and the eommuiiltv generally, that tliey koep contluutly ou hand a large slock of FAMILY FLOUR , of all grades, Chop Feeil, Shorts, Bran, Oats and Crn. With our iueilitius for do lug businosH, wo purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in this section of the country, aud would say to the lum bermen and dealers of Forest county, that they can he SUPPLIED CIIEAFEIi and more promptly than from any other point. Iiuincdiiitd attention given to all orders from a distance, E.ONE8 & CO. A WATCH FREE for ev7ry!Hlyand t-'M per day vure. liusiues lilit and honorable. No Gill enterprise. Nohuui- bug. Addres,R. Monroe Kenedy, Pitts burgh, Pa. :-4t LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. TEA STORE! The place u buy evory varloty of tlie VERY BEST TEAS AT TUS l o west rnicEs, In at tho extensive Tea Store of 1 H4. T. CnAFFEY, where yon can always find - largssort mcnt of the best Teas at .Now ork prices. A larg Msortmoutot j , ,;i . j , Groceries nnd Provisions, . nncninlcd In nimlily and cheapness byany other store In Wnrren county, always on hand. The pooplo of Forest county will save money by purc.huslng .their supplies at this place. Best lirands of r FAMILY FL O UR, delivered at any depot on the llneof tho R. R. free. Store on Main St near the Depot. THE " BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IP YOU WANT n perfect At nnd a good article of Boots nnd Shoes, of tho finest workmanship, goto If. I.. MeCMXC'iro, SO CENTRE STREET, OIL CITV, PA. off-Satisfaction iruarnnteed. 2-M tf. ANDREWS & C 6 s, Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILLING TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF ., , CASTINGS.. . ', . . - .., . j ' i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PKALUnS l.H n a. :r, id w r e , Ac, Vr., Ac, TIDIOUTE, PA., jo it rt AnnEws. 6-tf .' ... l v ii. risiiKn. G. W. TIFFT SONS CO, ENGINES, 13, lO, 8 house rowEit, WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND COVERNOR. BOILERS, 21, 11, V aud 10 II. IN LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. 40, 2G, S3, ami 18 II. B, STATIONARY TUBULAR K. BRETT & SOS, ! ftG'TS. Room No. 2, Chase 4 Stewart's Block, ' 86-3ra TITUSA'ILLH, PA, LIVK AGENTS WANTED FOR WOMEN OF WIS W YORK. On SOCIAL LIFB IN THE GRAT CITY. v.. . ...... - "--i ll.V aristocracy. Married Women exosed, in., at:, rice tne oesi uook lo sou published. The best terms to spools ever (riven. Address, N. Y. Book Co., 145 Nassau St., N. Y. 3U-4t S. C. C Is X It K, TIIDIOTJTE, PA. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWFLRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike raautier and warranted to give cutis diction. 4jy 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY, and other heat books in tha market. Fi Kinnev A Martin, li08 Chestnut Mtreett Philadelphia.. Sli-it Q(C WEKK PalJ swnls, male or fo O'V male, in a new inanutrcturinir dusinisa at home. No capital required! Aituresa Nuvki.tv C Kuun m.. .... S2 5 A uv'k Hn "JYo , men wuntwl as locai snd travel lingsa'esnien. Adresg (with stamp) R. II A A1.KKR, 31 Park Row, N. Y. 'to -It VENT UIl E U OI'EL. ADJOIN, Na TUB DEPOT, WHITE OAK' Forett aunty, J'a. IIUMMASON, BRO'S, ProprV 'T'HIS house Is now and fitted up In first llass style, und is headoiiartci-s lor all persons visitinK the preut oil field ,f Hick ory. Ihe bar is tarnished with tho best ot liquors. 1 he proprietors will sparo uo pains to make it tho most desi.ublo stop ping place iu tlie oil rt gions. I '-iy 1R. Lawkkncks Wouav'b Fuikno runl Msesses po.nlinTtn'cnialea. Sn GLORIOUS NEWS ! ' ; . - THL PEOPIX REJOICING! "LIVE AND, LET LIVE I , . ; , . r Is the motto of ' HILBRONNEK & CO. wlio haye opened tt MAM MIO T II S T'O C K OF . DRY GOODS, MILLINARY GOODS, CLOTHING, i HATS, CATS, . . CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, NOTIONS, CUTLERY AC, in the old Court House building, sdjululuu the Holmes House, " TJOnSTEST-A., PA. where they will be hnppy; to supply tho wants of this community, with an j Entire Fresh ANworfinent of all the novelties In the v ', f -4 . . . I ' DRY GOODS LINE. which have hcoh selcctod with great care. As to prices, we challenge all competitors. It has long been the desire of the people of this community, to havo a store In their midst where can be found everything gen erally kept In a tlrst-chis store.and where It could bo purchased at living prices. To satisfy this want, we have come in your mlJ-!,tj nd bona-h nMwax ... . business and to the waut of the people, secure their pntronago. ' Our stock'of DRESS GOODS Is second to none in - Wostern Pennsylvania, and e are determined not to be under s ild. These goods embrace all the I, A TEST"" ST Y I. EN and we feol assured that the citizens of this county will not have to go to aJolnlng towns to purchase DHES3 GOODS In the future. . ... Our stock of C L O TH I)TC3- is superior, both In quality and style to any ever before offered in this section, and we trust that all will call aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We ( also, MAKE tJLOTHING TO ORDER having,,, experienced cutter, we can isfy the most fastidious j and as we have f our own manufactury in Philadelphia, we thereby have tl-.eadvantagelovor all other dealers In this section. io r CARPETS, OIL. CLQTH, &C iR endless variety, at prices to suit the tiuius. to;- Boots & Sh 0F8 of every style and quality, which we are prepared to st-H ttt New York price. Call and.ExBmine our Stock. TH Ot lv. HILHHON Vl'R to, .